Class Guides

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Dawn Warrior Guide

Feb 2, 2018

Everything you need to know to get yourself accustomed to your brand new Dawn Warrior.

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Hero Reference

Nov 23, 2017

An in-depth guide for heroes written by a level 250 hero. Featuring: node setup, legion setup, tips on skill usage, optimal IA, bossing videos, training videos, and an answer to the age-old "1-hand or 2-hand?" question. (updated 11/2017)

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Ellucidate's Guide to Demon Slayer

Oct 21, 2023

This guide will not particularly focus on the early levels of game play, but catered towards those that are more interested, and planning on establishing their DS as their main. I will be looking over various character set-ups as well as some game play mechanics.

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Pirates' Dice Skill Effects

Sep 30, 2018

This guide contains information about the dice RNG buffs that the pirate branch has access to.

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The Master Thief Phantom Guide

Feb 9, 2018

Welcome to MapleStory's Master Thief Phantom Guide! Learn how to become the Master Thief Phantom by choosing the correct Skills to Steal, optimizing your V Matrix, obtaining the necessary important stats and correctly managing your attacks and 5th Job Skills during battle! You will also learn some Tips and Tricks, the skill build you should go for, how to efficiently farm and train, learn about Phantom's skills and gameplay, and more!

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An (Excessively) In-Depth Guide to Everything Paladin

Mar 22, 2018

What you should expect to get from this guide: A general class description + pros/cons; how to build your Paladin; how to play your Paladin; in-depth skill trivia; and a FAQ at the end.

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Evan The Dragon Boi

Nov 10, 2017

A guide to the Evan, the Dragon Master, Second of His Name, Leader of the Heroes, and Protector of Maple World.

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Wind Archers — [Witty Subtitle Here]

Oct 29, 2017

It appears you’ve clearly made some poor life decisions if you’ve happened upon this. If you’re here on purpose, welcome, I guess. If someone else referred you to this guide, slap them in the face and find a new friend. But if you really intend on sticking around, here’s a guide written by somebody who has no clue how to play a proper class in Maplestory and somehow got thrown into some class that just sits there and lags because of all the damage lines, Wind Bre— I mean Archer.

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Blaster Guide

Oct 23, 2023

A guide to Blaster combos, how to do them, and common mistakes that should be avoided when learning the class. Also includes a FAQ and Skill Build section.

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A Guide to Marksman or How To Shoot Slowly and Accurately

Jun 25, 2018

It's a guide on how to play Marksman from someone who's been playing Marksman for a good 7+ years and just 250'd on it. Take a look, it's not in a book, some font may be rainbow.

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Ark Guide

Jan 28, 2022

The guide will explain the mechanics of the class and guide players that are new to the Ark class.

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Kaiser Essence

Mar 1, 2018

All things important about Kaiser. None of the useless stuff, only what you need to know.

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Pre Destiny Update Buccaneer Overview

Jun 18, 2022

A very modest mobbing and bossing class. It requires micromanagement to keep consistent damage output.

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Dans guide to be the ultimate monkey handler

Nov 3, 2017

So you wanted to be a great explorer? You wanted to travel to maple island to train yourself to become a wize arch mage or a sturdy warrior? Well, sucks to be you because a big bad balrog just showed up and slapped your ass into the ocean.

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Dark Knight of Darkness of Darkness of Darkness

Feb 8, 2018

This guide will show you the ways to improve your Dark Knight experience. This guide contains information about: Inner Ability, Evil Eye, Bossing, Skills, Attack Speed, Hyper Stats, Legion, Nodes. Note that some parts may be more relevant to Reboot players.

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Cerno's Guide to Everything Dark Knight

Nov 5, 2017

Hello, I'm Cerno, a lvl 240 Dark Knight in the Reboot server, and this is my guide for everything you need to know about Dark Knights!

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Wild Hunter: Jaguar Caretaker

Feb 16, 2018

The basics of playing Wild Hunter. Mainly aimed towards those who want to main the class and plan on taking it into 5th job and beyond.

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Bowmaster In-Depth Job Guide

Jul 18, 2024

This is an in-depth guide about MapleStory's Bowmaster job branch. Includes pros/cons, Culvert strategy, 1st through 6th job skill builds, in-depth skill explanations, Link Skills, Legion, preferred Inner Abilities, Hyper Stats, and more.

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