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Dark Knight of Darkness of Darkness of Darkness

Feb 8, 2018

This guide will show you the ways to improve your Dark Knight experience. This guide contains information about: Inner Ability, Evil Eye, Bossing, Skills, Attack Speed, Hyper Stats, Legion, Nodes. Note that some parts may be more relevant to Reboot players.

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Daily Bosses for RP

Nov 4, 2017
Bossing Guides

My own way of doing bosses daily for RP. Uses Maple Guide for moving around (So no queuing or HTR required) but you will need to have collected the relevant stamps.

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Cerno's Guide to Everything Dark Knight

Nov 5, 2017

Hello, I'm Cerno, a lvl 240 Dark Knight in the Reboot server, and this is my guide for everything you need to know about Dark Knights!

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Will for dummies

Apr 29, 2020
Bossing Guides

how to not be THAT guy in your party who burdens and wastes 20 minutes of everyone else's time by failing every test

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Easy Gear without spending a dime

Dec 19, 2019
General Guides

Need to save mesos but want to gear a new character? I've got you covered until Level 150.

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Black Mage Boss Guide (and Genesis Weapons)

Jan 2, 2023
Bossing Guides

A guide on how to not lose all your lives without actually dying (as well as liberating the Genesis Weapon).

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Wild Hunter: Jaguar Caretaker

Feb 16, 2018

The basics of playing Wild Hunter. Mainly aimed towards those who want to main the class and plan on taking it into 5th job and beyond.

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Reboot Gear Progression for Newbies

Oct 30, 2020
General Guides

A guide aimed at new and returning players who play on the Reboot server. Teaching them how to acquire, enhance, and proceed through the equipment flow.

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Gollux Guide (Updated)

Jul 13, 2020
Bossing Guides

Although Gollux was revamped not too long ago, his mechanics are still mostly the same. This guide covers everything you need to know for Hellux or Hardlux runs.

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Bowmaster In-Depth Job Guide

Jul 18, 2024

This is an in-depth guide about MapleStory's Bowmaster job branch. Includes pros/cons, Culvert strategy, 1st through 6th job skill builds, in-depth skill explanations, Link Skills, Legion, preferred Inner Abilities, Hyper Stats, and more.

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Tower of Oz Comprehensive Guide

Dec 4, 2023
General Guides

This is a comprehensive, in-depth guide about the Tower of Oz (aka the SEED in other regions). This guide walks you through the story of Oz, the rewards, the skill rings, and the critical pieces of information that will help you get through to Floor 50!

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Chaos Root Abyss for Dummies - Crimson Queen

Feb 3, 2018
Bossing Guides

Chaos Root Abyss gives the most important end game gears: Royal hat, Eagle eye top, Trixter bottom and Fafnir weapons. It's also one of the most challenging bosses to break from the low funding range and clearing the bosses means you've hit the benchmarks from low funded character to a mid-high funded one. This guide will tackle in depth the first step of your journey as the carry rather than the carried.

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Gloom Boss Guide (Revamped)

Oct 12, 2023
Bossing Guides

Tentacles, shapeshifting seahorses of darkness, and waving hands, oh my! A guide on how to defeat the revamped Gloom (both Normal and Chaos).

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Darknell Boss Guide (Revamped)

Oct 12, 2023
Bossing Guides

The Elitest of all Elites, a guide on how to defeat the revamped Darknell (both Normal and Hard). Also known as Dunkel in KMS and Djunkel (DJ Unkel) in MSEA.

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Important Quests and Events for New Players

Nov 30, 2023
General Guides

If you're new to the game, these are the most important quests and prequests you'll need later on in the game, so make sure to do these!

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(OUTDATED) Kritias - everything you need to know about it.

Dec 10, 2020
General Guides

This guide will explain everything important to know about Kritias. Obviously, the guide's main focus will be the obtaining methods of anti-magic, anti-magic stones and the Kritias coins.

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Entertaining Suicidal Thoughts - A Guide to Kritias Invasions

Mar 14, 2018
General Guides

How Kritias maps and Invasions work. Does not include prequests or dailies guide. Focused on obtaining Tyrant Gloves.

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Flames for Dummies

Apr 16, 2018
General Guides

Flames information for when it gets released in gms besides where to get it or what each flame does.

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