Scheduled Game Update– June 20, 2018

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    We will be performing a scheduled game update on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 at 5:00 AM PDT (8:00 AM EDT / 2:00 PM CEST / 10:00 PM AEST June 21). We anticipate the maintenance to last approximately 8 hours, concluding around 1:00 PM PDT (4:00 PM EDT / 10:00 PM CEST / 6:00 AM AEST June 21).

    Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.

    Thanks for your patience!


    Wednesday, June 20, 2018
    PDT (UTC -7): 5:00 AM – 1:00 PM

    EDT (UTC -4): 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
    CEST (UTC +2): 2:00 PM – 10:00 PM
    AEST (UTC +10): 10:00 PM – 6:00 AM (June 21)

    What will be unavailable:

    • All MapleStory game servers.

    Changes and Updates:

    • MapleStory will be updated to v.196. Check out the patch notes coming soon!
    • An update will be applied to the Gachapon and Andersen's Box reward lists.
    • An issue where while climbing with the Blademaster Hair on male characters would cause a graphical issue will be fixed.
    • An issue where Cadena would get the incorrect Black set weapon in the Frozen Weapon Box will be fixed.
    • An issue where the jumping effects for Rabbit Soap Shooter were not visible on Luminous will be fixed.
    • An issue where you couldn't apply White Eye Color to Cadena's default face will be fixed.
    • An issue where you couldn't apply White Eye Color to the Crescent Eye Face will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Mist Eruption Boost skill in the Nodecrafting and Tri-nodes was using an incorrect icon will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Crescent Eye Face was missing the Red and Hazel colors in its name will be fixed.
    • An issue where sitting on the Animal Crystal Ball Chair would mute the map music will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Road of Regrets 5 mini-map was misaligned will be fixed.
    • An issue where the text for the Condensed Supernova Dust was incorrect will be fixed.
    • An issue where the text of An Old Letter was referencing incorrect person will be fixed.
    • An issue where there was a grammar error in the Magician's Story will be fixed.
    • An issue where the achievement '[Damien] No Deaths' was referencing an incorrect name in the description will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Enchanting Aria Chair was missing tooltip information will be fixed.
    • An issue where Fritto would refer to the Egg Hunt incorrectly will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Super Megaphone and Messenger items had untranslated text for channel 2 will be fixed.
    • An issue where Illium was missing their Maple Black Set Secondary Weapon will be fixed.
    • An issue where using the last Philosopher's Book in the stack would mention a Philosoquill Pen will be fixed.
    • An issue where the book on Herbal Medicine had a spelling error will be fixed.
    • An issue where the World Map could not be opened while in Twisted Aqua Road will be fixed.
    • An issue where Gold Richie in Lith Harbor had untranslated text will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Diary of the Goddess had a formatting issue will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Buccaneer's skill 'Lord of the Deep' would not recast automatically will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Take Me Too! weapon cover was not visible when sitting on a chair will be fixed.
    • An issue where Jett's 'Backup Beatdown' skill had a text issue in the description will be fixed.
    • An issue where in Alishan during Shao's boss fight the summoned Tree Fairy mobs were invisible will be fixed.
    • An issue where Shade's 'Spirit Frenzy' was missing information will be fixed.
    • An issue where forfeiting the medal quests for Easy Rider, Ride Collector, and Tiny Legs could block progression will be fixed.
    • An issue where male Xenon characters used the incorrect voice line during the skill 'Diagonal Chase' will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Dimensional Glove UI would not go semi-transparent during combat will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Super Megaphone and Messengers would display an incorrect channel will be fixed.
    • An issue where the audio for Shao's summon attack would be stuck in a loop will be fixed.
    • An issue where monsters in Vanishing Journey would have a popping sound will be fixed.
    • An issue where running the game in 800x600 would cause interaction issues in certain locations of the screen will be fixed.
    • An issue where the hitbox for Jett's 'Backup Beatdown' skill didn't match the effect/animation will be fixed.
    • An issue where requests from Shadowdealers could not be carried out by Cadena will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Legion UI does not close when entering Cash Shop will be fixed.
    • An issue where Henesys background music would play in the SnowFro's Lair will be fixed.
    • An issue where the damage increases when using Shadow Walker and not the Final Damage will be fixed.
    • An issue where attacking Bahamut with 'Teleport Mastery' would cause the boss to not attack will be fixed.
    • An issue where you could use 'Shadow Veil' without a weapon equipped will be fixed.
    • An issue where Face Accessories would not display after using Meltdown on a Buccaneer will be fixed.
    • An issue where when a Cannoneer uses 'Monkey Militia' with hyper passive, dies but uses a Buff Freezer, which would only protect some buffs, will be fixed.
    • An issue where Luminous's 'Ray of Redemption' healing effect would not apply in Ursus will be fixed.
    • An issue where entering Auction House would not show your recently completed transaction history will be fixed.
    • An issue where after disassembling a Node, some Nodes would not display on the V Matrix will be fixed.
    • An issue where Bow Master's 'Inhuman Speed' skill was not inflicting damage will be fixed.
    • An issue where levels didn't adjust properly for monsters that appear in Scrapyard will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Vanishing Erda hit box was not accurate for the versions that appear in Morass daily quests will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Three-Tailed Foxtail wasn't dropping for Samiho in Korean Folk Town will be fixed.
    • An issue where you were unable to search for some jobs' secondary weapons in the detailed search of the Auction House will be fixed.
    • An issue where skill levels were showing up on the tooltip for skills that cannot be achieved among the 5th Job skills will be fixed.
    • An issue where Mercedes could use 'Updraft' while having used the Rune of Might will be fixed.
    • An issue where Kaiser's 'Cursebite' was increasing the status and elemental resistance by double the amount will be fixed.
    • An issue where on the Explorer Beginner the name wasn't showing in the skill window will be fixed.
    • An issue where you couldn't proceed in Separate Ways 2 and Heliseum related quests will be fixed.
    • An issue where while in a Surprise Mission, turning off the quest notification and changing the resolution would close client, will be fixed.
    • An issue where the tooltip and image was different for the Trash Can in Monster Life will be fixed.
    • An issue where the quest items did not disappear from the ground when you obtain the quest item and fulfill the quest condition will be fixed.
    • An issue where you could complete the quest 'Violetta's Knight' by talking to Mushking will be fixed.
    • An issue where Pollo and Fritto did not give EXP in some fields will be fixed.
    • An issue where you could sit on a chair inside Mu Lung Dojo will be fixed.
    • An issue where in the Fuzzy Forest some ladders were disconnected will be fixed.
    • An issue where moving channels would remove guild requests will be fixed.
    • An issue where some hairs applied the Mix Dye incorrectly will be fixed.
    • An issue where some attacks didn't activate when you hung onto a rope at the same time as using a Rune of Destruction will be fixed.
    • An issue where some attacks still pushed the player even while using 'Impenetrable Skin' will be fixed.
    • An issue where the buff from 'Hammers of the Righteous' disappeared even if the Elemental Charge is remaining after the Paladin died and used the Buff Freezer afterwards will be fixed.
    • An issue where 'Terms and Conditions' could not be used by Mercedes while using 'Sylvidia's Flight' will be fixed.
    • An issue where 'Blade Burst' couldn't be used by Kaiser via commands while jumping will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Alchemy level instead of highest profession level was being used as criteria when extracting equipment will be fixed.
    • An issue where Kaiser and Angelic Buster couldn't progress through story quests because of not being able to enter hidden maps will be fixed.
    • An issue where Shadow Style wasn't showing up to other players after moving maps will be fixed.
    • An issue where the character's hair would stick out of the nest while sitting on Hanging Nest Chair will be fixed.
    • An issue where the character would not enter combat state even when 'Blazing Extinction' would hit an enemy will be fixed.
    • An issue where Aran's 'Swing Studies' afterimage would be affected by attack reflection will be fixed.
    • An issue where Evan's 'Dragon Master' would not apply skill transparency in Ursus will be fixed.
    • An issue where Angelic Buster's 'Superstar Spotlight' was affected by the skill transparency in Ursus will be fixed.
    • An issue where using Angelic Buster's 'Superstar Spotlight' and moving maps would close the client will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Assist would not activate if Zero tags while cooldown reduction is applied will be fixed.
    • An issue where Illium's 'Aegis of Light' was applying attacks in proportion to Max HP will be fixed.

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