KMS KMS ver. 1.2.307 – Halloween x Haste!

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Oct 17, 2018.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    A quiet little patch for this month I would say, just another Haste event with some Halloween flair and an afk event, as well as a bunch of bug fixes!

    Here’s the Maple Update Info Centre video for this patch.

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    The two world select screens.

    Improvements and Bug Fixes

    Maps & Monsters

    To increase hunting efficiency in Lacheln, certain maps’ terrain and monster spawn rate have been improved. Kobe made a video showing off some of the changes in KMST, and I think there were a couple more additional ones added in this patch.

    Fixed an error where Zero could queue for Papulatus using Boss Matching without completing the required story quests. (this was fixed on the 9/6 update but not included in the patch notes)

    Fixed an error where Combo Kill Orbs’ experience was too low for level 262 players.

    Fixed an error where Urus would not end if every character died.

    You can no longer use Return to Nearest Town Scrolls inside the Labyrinth of Suffering until you complete the quests. Fixed an error where you would be taken to Spinel’s Forest if you died.

    Fixed an error where certain maps in Limen’s The End of the World area did not trigger Sudden Missions to activate.

    Fixed an error where defeating an Elite Monster in certain maps would have some of the notification text not appear.

    Fixed an error where when fighting Hilla, you would have the effects of the the cage even when you should not have been affected by it.

    True Hilla’s Altar has been changed to be interactable using the NPC Chat key.

    Fixed an error where you could not restore MP in Mu Lung Dojo.

    Fixed an error where in the Road of Vanishing, when going through the Lake of Oblivion, you would sometimes not be taken to the next area.


    Fixed an error where during the Luminous tutorial, using Blink would cause the last of the 5 Seal Stones to not work.

    Fixed an error where certain Zero quests’ experience reward did not match the written amount in the quest information.

    Fixed an error where during the Labyrinth of Suffering story quests, Shadowers could not see the Voice of Doubt.

    Fixed an error where the Esfera quest “Light Greeting” could not be forfeited.

    The Morass area’s quest “A Boy and a Girl”‘s beginning requirements have been refined.

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    In the Genesis weapon questline, new scenes have been added to the “Sword of Destruction, Damien’s Trace” quest. In the “Remaining Question, New Beginning” quest, certain text has been fixed.


    Fixed an error when Ark stacked Charge Spell Amplification with Gust Buff, party members’ avoid rate would not be increased.

    Fixed an error where Flame Wizard’s 3rd job skill Liberated Magic’s final damage boost was different than its amount shown in the description.

    Fixed an error where Evan’s Dragon Fury’s skill effect did not match the MP rate.

    Fixed an error where Cannon Shooter’s ICBM would occasionally cause the client to exit.

    Fixed an error where Archmage (F/P)’s Fervent Drain skill did not activate on flying monsters.

    Fixed an error where Wild Hunter’s Assistant Hunting Unit’s sound would continue to play after the skill ended.

    Fixed an error where Eunwol’s Spirit Concentration would activate the 5th job skill True Spirit Claw.

    Fixed an error where after using Eunwol’s Summon Spirit Tent, you could not use Spirit Incarnation.

    Fixed an error where Cadena’s Summon Striking Brick would occasionally cause the client to exit.

    Fixed an error where Wild Hunter’s Call of the Hunter’s summoned monsters would receive the effects of other characters’ debuffs and Rune of Destruction.

    Fixed an error where Wild Hunter’s Call of the Hunter’s summoned monsters could attack the NPC Pollo.

    Fixed an error where Zero’s Shadow Flash would show that you did not have enough MP when you did not have enough Time Force to use it.

    Fixed an error where Mechanic’s Metal Armor Full Burst would give you invincibility until you used it again if you changed maps while using it.

    Fixed an error where Ark’s Unstoppable Impulse/Instinct would occasionally broke through walls in Dream Breaker and caused the game to exit.

    Fixed an error where using Venom Burst while in the air would cause the additional attack’s damage to miss.

    Fixed an error where Aran entering Urus after using Fenrir Crash would cause the skill to activate unusually.

    Fixed an error where on certain maps, if the following skills were used, there were no messages even though they were blocked on those maps.

    • Striker: Ascension
    • Dual Blade: Blade Ascension
    • Xenon: Diagonal Chase
    • Wild Hunter: White Heat Rush
    • Mercedes: upwards rush while riding Sylphidia

    Fixed an error where Unstable Arcane Symbols with a Seal Lock on them would have the Arcane Symbol icon and the lock icon overlap awkwardly.

    Fixed an error where dragging and dropping an item that becomes untradeable when equipped onto an equipment slot with an item already there would not give you a confirmation message.

    Fixed an error where the Auction House’s Wishlist page showed page numbers weirdly when there were no items registered.

    Fixed an error where you could not see a pet’s rank in the Auction House sales tab.

    Fixed an error where Kaiser could not open the inventory/stat/equipment/other UI windows while using the basic attack.

    Fixed an error where using an SP Reset Scroll on a Zero would cause the UI buttons to become inactive.


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    In Monster Collection, Esfera and Tenebris monsters have been added.

    Fixed an error where videos did not play correctly in-game.

    Fixed an error where if you failed at trading items for the Noble Ifia’s Ring, your given materials would disappear.

    Fixed an error where Mercedes using the Afterimage effect would not have the effect on certain actions.

    While the Violetta with Makeup game is active, you can no longer enter Pollo & Fritto or Flame Wolf portals.

    Fixed an error where occasionally, whispers were not sent correctly.

    Fixed an error where the Block pets used round characters.

    Fixed an error where pet equipment which had a Pet Equipment Stat Transfer Scroll used on it with remaining slots could not be scrolled.

    Fixed an error where you could not use the Silver Karma Scissors on items other than equipment which stated the Scissors could be used on them.

    Fixed an error where Dark Soul’s Jewelery pet equipment would not disappear if destroyed when being scrolled.

    Fixed an error where the game would occasionally freeze if you pressed the Collect All button in the Auction House after selling many items.

    Fixed an error where the Android Beauty Manager Sunny did not display the message that you need to remove the lock on your Android before you can change its cosmetics.

    Cash Shop

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    The November Royal Hair Coupon and Trendy Royal Face Coupon have a new set of possible hairs/faces.

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    The Gold Apple has been updated with new rewards:

    • Chaos Pink Bean Mark
    • Dominator Pendant
    • 10 Core Gemstones Voucher
    • Wildflower Festival Chair
    • Dollhouse Chair
    • Eclipse Bird Riding
    • Cake Car Riding
    • Magnificent Souls

    Halloween x Haste


    The Hunting Acceleration! Halloween x Haste event will run from October 18 to October 31.


    During this event, there will be a few extra benefits to encourage hunting.

    • Elite Monsters’ appearance rate will be increased
    • Runes will spawn more frequently and their cooldowns will be decreased from 15 minutes to 10 minutes
    • Runes’ experience buff effect will be increased from 100% to 200%
    • Sudden Missions will appear more frequently
    • Sudden Missions’ daily limit will be increased from 3 to 6
    • Polo & Fritto’s appearance rate will be increased
    • Flame Wolf’s experience reward will be increased from 100% to 150%
    • Boss Party UI’s buff effect will be increased from 10% damage to 30% damage
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    Every day, you’ll have a total of 9 missions that you can complete. When you complete each one, you’ll get experience based on your level and a Haste Box (based on the number of missions you’ve done).

    • Hunt 999 monsters around your level
    • Hunt 20 Elite Monsters
    • Hunt 1 Elite Boss
    • Clear Polo & Fritto 3 times
    • Clear Flame Wolf 1 time
    • Activate 5 Runes
    • Clear 3 Sudden Missions
    • Achieve 500 Combo Kills
    • Achieve 100 Multi Kills
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    The Basic Haste Box will be given for your 1st/2nd/3rd missions. It can be opened to get some experience and a random item.

    • 100 Scroll Traces
    • Strange Cube
    • 10 Power Elixirs
    • Basic Hunter’s Medal of Honor
    • Silver Potential Stamp
    • 100% Chaos Scroll
    • 5% Clean Slate Scroll

    The Medium Haste Box will be given for your 4th/5th/6th missions. It can be opened to get some experience and a random item.

    • 200 Scroll Traces
    • 5 Strange Cubes
    • 10 Power Elixirs
    • Intermediate Hunter’s Medal of Honor
    • Gold Potential Stamp
    • 100% Chaos Scroll
    • 50% Golden Hammer
    • 10% Clean Slate Scroll

    The Advanced Haste Box will be given for your 7th/8th missions. It can be opened to get some experience and a random item.

    • 500 Scroll Traces
    • 10 Strange Cubes
    • Advanced Hunter’s Medal of Honor
    • 50% Golden Hammer
    • 50% Epic Potential Scroll
    • 10% Clean Slate Scroll
    • 50% Innocent Scroll
    • Strong Rebirth Flame

    The Ultimate Haste Box will be given for your 9th mission. It can opened to get some experience, 2 15 minute 2x Experience Coupons, and a random item.

    • 800 Scroll Traces
    • 20 Strange Cubes
    • Advanced Hunter’s Medal of Honor
    • 10% Clean Slate Scroll
    • Strong Rebirth Flame
    • Eternal Rebirth Flame
    • Craftsman’s Cube
    • Meister’s Cube


    Each week of the event, if you can complete all 9 daily missions in a single day, you’ll unlock the weekly hidden mission. By completing these hidden missions, you can receive extra prizes!

    • 1st week (October 18 ~ October 24): kill 44,444 monsters
      • Halloween Snowball Chair
      • Powerful Rebirth Flame
    • 2nd week (October 25 ~ October 31): kill 88,888 monsters (55,555 if you completed the first week)
      • Hallowcat Damage Skin (Ver. 2)
      • Eternal Rebirth Flame


    If you complete both weeks’ hidden missions, you’ll be given the I’m Really Hasted title which gives 50 all stats, 20 attack/magic attack, 30% boss damage, 30% defense ignore, and 2500 HP/MP. However, the stats will expire on November 28.

    You will also get the Hallowcat’s Hat Voucher which allows you to choose between last year’s Hallowcat’s Witch Hat or the new Hallowcat’s Neon Hat from this year!

    Open! Club Halloween


    The Club Halloween event will run from October 18 to October 31. In Henesys, Leafre, and Nameless Town, you can find a portal that takes you to Club Halloween!

    It’s even got a spooky, dubstep remix of the login theme!


    To enter, you must have purchased a Club Halloween Chair. You can buy them from the Store Stand beside the portal for mesos. (Note: you must be level 105 or higher to buy a chair)

    When you enter the club, you can sit in your Club Halloween Chair to dance and gain experience every 10 seconds. Each chair has a different dancing effect and gives a different amount of experience.

    • Club Halloween Chair: Ghost: 1,500 mesos, gain experience every 10 seconds
    • Club Halloween Chair: Mummy: 15m mesos, gain 150% experience every 10 seconds (compared to the ghost chair)
    • Club Halloween Chair: Franken: 15m mesos, gain 150% experience every 10 seconds (compared to the ghost chair)
    • Club Halloween Chair: Dracula: 150m mesos, gain 200% experience every 10 seconds (compared to the ghost chair)
    • Club Halloween Chair: Skeleton: 150m mesos, gain 200% experience every 10 seconds (compared to the ghost chair)
    • Club Halloween Chair: Master: method to obtain noted below, gain 300% experience every 10 seconds (compared to the ghost chair)
    Halloween Greetings


    The Halloween Greetings event will run from October 18 to October 31. While inside Club Halloween, you can right click on other characters to give your greetings!

    If the other character accepts, you will receive a random Halloween Drink, which gives personality trait experience.


    Based on the total number of times you have greeted others, you’ll also receive additional prizes. You can greet others 5 times per day and receive greetings 5 times per day.

    However, you can only receive 5 Halloween Drinks per day and only 5 of each these interactions will fulfill the mission per day.

    • Total greetings of 10 or more: Selective Halloween Mask Voucher (can be received 5 times per character)
    • Total greetings of 50 or more: Club Halloween Effect Voucher (can be received 1 time per world)
    Meso Shower Skull Riding


    The Meso Shower Skull Riding event will run from October 18 to October 31. In Henesys, Leafre, and Nameless Town, the Meso Shower Skull Riding will appear.

    You can pay 300m mesos to ride in the Skull for a short period of time. 100m mesos is the fee while the other 200m mesos will be distributed to other characters while you’re riding on it.

    For 30 seconds, mesos will automatically be dropped from your riding, and you can use the Spacebar to drop a large amount of meso bags at once.


    If you ride the skull 5 times during the event, you’ll receive the Club Halloween Chair: Master.

    I Didn’t Do Anything

    The I Didn’t Do Anything event will run from November 1 to November 14.

    Cassandra would like you to test her Experience Pocket! The Experience Pocket will save experience based on your level for every 10 seconds you do not do anything. The pocket will even save experience while you’re offline, at a halved rate.

    The Experience Pocket is shared by all characters in your account and the saved experience can be claimed on any character. However, the amount of experience claimed will be based on the claiming character’s level, not the level of the character that you saved the experience on.

    The Experience Pocket has different levels. To level it up, you can talk to Cassandra once per day to give your test results and receive the next level of Pocket.

    Each level will have a maximum storage time and the higher the level, the higher the storage time.

    • Level 1: Up to 6 hours
    • Level 2: Up to 8 hours
    • Level 3: Up to 10 hours
    • Level 4: Up to 12 hours
    • Level 5: Up to 14 hours
    • Level 6: Up to 16 hours
    • Level 7: Up to 18 hours
    • Level 8: Up to 20 hours
    • Level 9: Up to 22 hours
    • Level 10: Up to 24 hours

    In addition, when you reach certain levels, you’ll get special prizes from Cassandra.

    • Level 2: 2 2x Experience Coupons (15 Minutes)
    • Level 3: 2 Monster Park Entry Tickets
    • Level 4: 2 Special Medals of Honor
    • Level 5: 2 3x Experience Coupons (15 Minutes)
    • Level 6: 2 Miracle Circulators
    • Level 7: Prepared Spirit Pendant (2 Weeks)
    • Level 8: 20 Selective Arcane Symbol Vouchers
    • Level 9: Personality Trait Growth Potion
    • Level 10: I Didn’t Do Anything Chair
    Sunday Maple


    The Sunday Maple event will take place on October 21, October 28, November 4, and November 11.


    On October 21, the following benefits will take place:

    • Receive 20 Selective Arcane Symbol Vouchers
    • 2x chance to register new monsters in Monster Collection
    • Receive 3 Mysterious Monster Eggs (1 time per Maple ID)


    On October 28, the following benefits will take place:

    • 2x meso rewards from Urus
    • 2x daily entry limit for Urus (3 -> 6)
    • Receive 2 Union Preset Coupons (30 Days)


    On November 4, the following benefits will take place:

    • 50% discount on potential revealing and resetting costs
    • 50% discount on Scroll Trace enhancement costs
    • Reboot/Reboot 2: 2x drop rate


    On November 11, the following benefits will take place:

    • 5x chance to get a Magnificent Soul when trading in Soul Fragments
    • 5x honor from Medals of Honor dropped by monsters

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog