August 2022 Community Contests and Events

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Aug 12, 2022.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    The MapleStory Community Team runs a number of contests and events throughout the year, challenging the in-game skill and real-world creativity of Maplers all around the world! Take a look at the ongoing and upcoming Community Contests and Events below, and be prepared to test your skills!


    Contest Duration:

    • PDT (UTC -7): Wednesday, July 27, 2022 - Monday, August 15, 2022 11:00 AM
    • CEST (UTC +2): Wednesday, July 27, 2022 - Monday, August 15, 2022 8:00 PM
    • AEST (UTC +10): Wednesday, July 27, 2022 - Tuesday, August 16, 2022 4:00 AM

    Have you been shopping and decorating your Home? We know Home just opened but we'd love to see the progress you've made so far with the furnishings you've obtained. It's time to test your limits and be creative with what you have. Show off your Home for a chance to win prizes! Maybe we'll have another one of these contests in the future to compare how much you've advanced in your HomeStory~

    How to Enter:

    • Discord
      • Enter in the #home-contest channel on the Official MapleStory Discord
      • Include the following with your entry:
        • In-game Character Name
        • World Name
        • A brief description of your Home theme
        • A screenshot of your Home
    • Forums
      • Enter in the contest thread on the Official MapleStory Forums
      • Include the following with your entry:
        • In-game Character Name
        • World Name
        • A brief description of your Home theme
        • A screenshot of your Home
    • Twitter
      • Post on Twitter with the #MapleStoryHome hashtag
      • Include the following with your entry:
        • In-game Character Name
        • World Name
        • A brief description of your Home theme
        • A screenshot of your Home

    Requirements & Rules:

    • Only one submission is accepted per account.
    • Screenshot must be of player's own Home.
    • Editing/Photoshop is not allowed.
    • You can take a screenshot with other Maplers but only the Home owner will be entered in the contest.

    Event Prizes:

    • Winning Entries:
      • Discord Role
      • Fairytale Castle Chair
      • Onyx Apple x10 Coupon
    • Honorary Mention Entries:
      • Discord Role
      • Cool Cat Chair
      • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) x5 Coupon



    Contest Duration:

    • PDT (UTC -7): Friday, August 12, 2022 - Friday, September 9, 2022 11:00 AM
    • CEST (UTC +2): Friday, August 12, 2022 - Friday, September 9, 2022 8:00 PM
    • AEST (UTC +10): Friday, August 12, 2022 - Saturday, September 10, 2022 4:00 AM

    Use your alchemy knowledge to create real-life potions! For the duration of this contest, you'll have all the time you need to plan out a recipe for a potion that resembles a consumable item from MapleStory and make it in real life! The grand prize winners will have their drinks recreated on a livestream by CM Ezrabell! Taste is important but it isn't everything. You'll want to make sure you stylize your potion in a vial or appropriate container. Best of luck Maplers, may the best alchemist win!

    How to Enter:

    • Discord
      • Enter via the Google Form found in the #potion-contest channel on the Official MapleStory Discord
      • Submit the following with your Google Form entry:
        • Discord Handle
        • In-game Character Name
        • World Name
        • Potion/Drink Recipe
        • A photo of your potion/drink created
    • Forums
      • Enter via the Google Form found in the contest thread on the Official MapleStory Forums
      • Submit the following with your Google Form entry:
        • Forums Username
        • In-game Character Name
        • World Name
        • Potion/Drink Recipe
        • A photo of your potion/drink created

    Requirements & Rules:

    • The submitted photo must be your own.
    • Create the best tasting and visually appealing potion you can!
    • The potion must be themed from a potion or consumable item in MapleStory or in some way represents the game.
    • The recipe must be edible/safe for human consumption and may not contain alcohol.
    • Get creative with the container you use for your potion! You might just find a potion vial laying around somewhere...

    Event Prizes:

    • Winning Entries:
      • (Select one) Pink Bean or Yeti Tote Bag
      • Toasted Taiyaki Mount
      • 10,000 Maple Points
    • Honorable Mentions:
      • Secret Damage Skin
      • Hyper Teleport Rock
      • 2x Drop Coupon (x5)



    We have exciting contests planned in the near future~ Keep an eye on Discord or the Contests and Events Sub-Forum, or watch this space for the September 2022 Community Contests and Events post for more details!

    View on the Official Site