Check Out the January 2024 Art Corner

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jan 12, 2024.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Welcome to the MapleStory Art Corner! To celebrate the wonderful community that's helped to make Maple World such a vibrant, colorful place to be, we've decided to take this space to display some of our favorite fan art that we've gathered from you, our players! If you'd like to submit your own art, you can do so via this handy form (please be sure to include your artist name in the filename).

    Here are our favorite submissions this month ~ Please remember that the links to websites operated by third parties are not under the control, or endorsed by, Nexon and Nexon is not responsible for the contents of any linked website.


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    Artist: Megiibun
    Character: Megiibun of Reboot Kronos
    X: @megiibun
    Instagram: @megiibun

    "Decided to mix my 2 favorite things together - MapleStory and bubble tea!! I have so many favorite Maple characters/bosses so it was hard to choose who to draw. I settled on PB because he's still my #1 favorite to this day (I will whale for all PB items) - and Slime for both the nostalgia and HOPIUM that I can one day solo Guardian Angel Slime :D"


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    Artist: DoodlingAccount
    Character: OldKatana of Reboot Hyperion
    Instagram: @doodlingaccount

    "Arkarium: Face me if you are ready to throw your life away!"


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    Artist: ceruieon
    Character: CeruIeon of Scania
    Instagram: @ceruieon

    "This is an Eastern/Oriental take on the Onyx Dragon, Mir."


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    Artist: Rozen Germain
    Character: Threedimen of Aurora
    Instagram: @rozengermain

    "Commemorating my getting 6th job a few days ago by drawing my cute Lumi! I love this boy so much!"


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    Artist: SilverRavenn
    Character: SilverRavenn of Reboot Kronos
    Instagram: @silverravenn.png

    "Illustration of Cadena destroying some mushrooms :D"


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    Artist: DutchAnimeCovers
    Character: ShiroDice of Luna
    Instagram: @leodonne_dac

    "I wish everyone a happy, healthy, magical, sparkling and colorful 2024!
    In the year 2023 I shared some magical moments with the people I met through MapleStory.
    Thank you everyone. I hope next year will be full of making amazing & lovely ‘Memories’ again! ;)"

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