[complete] Unscheduled Maintenance – March 29, 2018

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Mar 30, 2018.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    MapleStory is down for maintenance until further notice.


    [Complete] The maintenance has been completed as of 2:57 AM PDT (5:57 AM EDT /11:57 AM CEST / 8:57 PM AEDT). Cash items in your inventory have been extended to cover the amount of time the game was unavailable.

    Update 1:29 AM PDT - We are in the process of going through our regular server checks and will open as soon as we complete our testing.

    Update 12:29 AM PDT - We are in the process of testing the fix for the items mentioned below.

    We will be performing an unscheduled maintenance on Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 10:10 PM PDT (1:10 AM EDT / 7:10 AM CEST / 4:10 PM AEDT).

    We do not yet have an estimate of how long the maintenance will last.

    Thanks for your patience!


    Thursday, March 29, 2018
    PDT: 10:10 PM - TBD

    EDT: 1:10 AM (March 30) - TBD
    CEST: 7:10 AM (March 30) - TBD
    AEDT: 4:10 PM (March 30) - TBD

    What will be unavailable:

    • All MapleStory game servers.

    Changes and updates:

    • Potion Pot, Pot Embiggener, and Rust Remover items will be temporarily removed from the Cash Shop.
    • Pot Embiggener, and Rust Remover items will be temporarily disabled.

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