Journey Toward the Sixth Star - Ch. III and Ch. IV

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Aug 30, 2023.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Chapter Mission Mission Requirement Rewards
    Chapter III Defeat a Boss and Obtain a Boss Accessory Set Equipment Obtain 5 equipment that are a part of a boss accessory set.
    • Nodestone (x20): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter III Seal a Holy Gate in the Guardian Angel Slime fight Seal the Holy Gate 10 times.
    • EXP Coupon (1 Hour) (x2): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter III Undo Brand in Damien Undo Damien's brand 20 times.
    • Damage Skin Slot Expansion Coupon: Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter III Defeat Lotus Without Any Deaths Defeat Lotus without using a Death count.
    • Karma Solid Cube (x5): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter III Clear 1000 floors in the Mu Lung Dojo (Master) Clear a cumulative 1,000 floors in Mu Lung Dojo (Master).
    • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame (x5): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter III Defeat Lucid with Hyper Burning Character Defeat Easy Lucid with Hyper Burning Character
    • Extreme Growth Potion (x10): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter III Defeat all 6 of the Black Mage's Elite Guard Defeat each type of elite boss.
    • Rarer Treasure Chest (x5): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter III Deal Critical Damage to Inferno Wolf Inflict 1 fatal wounds on Inferno Wolf.
    • Mega Character Burninator: Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter III Defeat Ursus with Rank A or Higher Defeat Ursus with Rank A or higher 10 times.
    • Ursus Loot Box: Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter III Defeat Chaos Vellum, within 180 seconds, with a Hyper Burning Character Defeat Chaos Vellum Within 180 sec with Hyper Burning Character.
    • 1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon: Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter IV Reach Monster Collection Cumulative Exploration Time Reach a cumulative 600 hours in Monster Collection exploration.
    (Counts when the exploration completion is during the chapter period.)
    • Mysterious Monsterbloom (x5): Untradeable, 14-day duration.
    Chapter IV Harvest/Mine Harvest/Mine 100 times.
    • Profession Coupon (x10): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter IV Personally Craft a Transformation Potion with Alchemy Craft 20 Transformation Potions.
    • Infinite Revitalizer (x5): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter IV Get Completion Stamps for All Maple Guide Content From Lv. 30 - 249 Get all Maple Guide content completion stamps.
    (Counts even when completed before the chapter period.)
    • Budding Sprout: Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter IV Eliminate Field Boss Defeat 30 Field Bosses.
    • Karma Hard Cube (x15): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter IV Clear All FriendStory Chapters Clear FriendStory
    • Arcane Symbol Selection Coupon (x50): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter IV Obtain mob loot while exploring Eos Tower Enter all 34 maps in Eos Tower
    and obtain 15 types of loot.
    • Damage Skin Selection Box: Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter IV Complete the El Nath Quests and Obtain the <Snowfield Explorer> Medal Obtain Snowfield Explorer Medal
    • Event Ring Exclusive Solid Cube (x10): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter IV Select One of the Epics and Clear All Acts All Clear 1 Epic
    (Black Heaven or Heroes of Maple)
    • Black Circulator (x5): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Chapter IV Pass Tower of Oz Cumulative Floors Clear a cumulative 300 floors in Tower of Oz.
    • Oz Point Pouch (x20): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.

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