KMS KMST ver. 1.2.133 – Maple Guide Update & New Boss Difficulties

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Dec 23, 2021.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    The test world was opened about an hour after the MapleStory Destiny showcase yesterday. As mentioned before, this one does not contain the Adventurer remaster, that will be released in the test server on January 6. Instead, this one has the new Maple Guide update, new boss difficulties, and a new boss accessory set.

    For information on what other things we’ll be getting this winter, check out my previous post, where I summarized the entire showcase!


    • Spring! Spring! Project
    • New Boss Difficulty Additions
    • Boss Accessory Additions and Improvements
    • Improvements
      • Monsters
      • Quests
      • Items
      • Reboot
      • Achievements
      • UI
      • Etc.
    • Error Fixes
      • Skills
      • Monsters
      • Quests
      • Items
      • UI
      • Maps
      • Achievements
      • Game Performance
    • Cash Shop
    • Starlight Symphony
      • Stella’s Starlight Chariot
      • Shining Shooting Star
      • Star Bridge
      • Concert of Stars
      • Melody Coin Shop
      • Harmony Coin Shop
      • Meso Shop
    • Tera Burning Plus
    • Burning World
    Spring! Spring Project


    The Maple Guide has been improved.

    • The recommended quests/hunting grounds for each level provided by the Guide have been changed to be more appropriate.
    • Certain recommended quests’ experience rewards have been increased, and the number of monsters or items required has been decreased so quests will now take less time to complete.
    • The number of areas that can be moved to using Quick Move have been greatly increased. You can unlock the ability to move to specific towns and monster maps by completing the quest lines or defeating a certain number of monsters.
    • The Quick Move Favourites feature has been added to make it easier to teleport to frequently used areas. You can select 10 areas which will always be displayed on the main page at the bottom.
    • When you reach certain conditions, you will now be given the following rewards, once per world.


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    The Growing Sprout title gives 10 all stats, 500 HP/MP, 5 attack/magic attack, 10% additional experience, and 30 Star Force, and the stats expire in 90 days. The Growing Sprout Weapon gives 3 attack/magic attack, the stats expire in 1 week. The Dream Tree medal gives 4 all stats, 200 HP/MP, and 2 attack/magic attack.

    Developer Notes:

    In the Maple Guide improvements, the recommendations and quest efficiency have been improved so that character growth can be achieved easily just by completing the quests until level 200. In addition, to further enhance the ‘Quick Move’ which was a main feature of the Maple Guide, the number of areas you can teleport to have been increased from 43 towns and 21 maps to 66 towns and 107 maps. Finally, we would like to help players who are exploring Maple World for the first time by providing rewards when they reach certain levels/job advancements to make it easier for them to adapt.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Arcane River area story quests’ clear records will now be shared between characters in the same world, and a Story Skip feature has been added.

    • If there is at least one character in the same world that has completed all of the story quests, other characters can skip the story of those quests.
    • If you skip the quests, you will receive a summary of that area’s story.
    • If you skip the quests, all related quests will be completed and you will receive all item rewards. However, you will not receive the experience rewards.


    If there is at least one character in the same world that has completed all of the pre-quests for Caoong, Papulatus, Von Leon, Arkarium, Pink Bean, Cygnus, Magnus, or Guardian Angel Slime, it has been improved so that other characters can automatically enter those bosses.


    Black Mage’s Practice Mode has been added.

    • It can be used up to 20 times per day, regardless of the type of boss monster.
    • You cannot acquire experience or rewards.


    When entering Jin Hilla, you will now enter immediately without having to complete the Labyrinth of Suffering dungeon.

    In Jin Hilla, the number of NPC Chat/Harvest key inputs required to recover los souls from the Soul Altar has been changed to be based on the number of party members.

    • 1 party member: 10 inputs
    • 2 party members: 15 inputs
    • 3 party members: 20 inputs
    • 4 party members: 25 inputs
    • 5 party members: 30 inputs

    ※ The number of party members is calculated based on the number of people in the map when the Altar is created.


    In Chosen Seren phase 2’s Mitra’s Power pattern, the height of the safe spots has been adjusted so that characters will not get hit even if they are not crouching.


    The 5th job advancement quests have been improved.

    • You can now complete the 5th job advancement without the ‘Preparing for a New Power’ quest that required 100 Star Force.
    • The conditions for completing the ‘Masteria’s Arcane Stone’ quest have been changed. Instead of finding the Horizon portal, you must now kill all the monsters to pass the Goddess’ test.
    • The ‘Another Power, Arcane Force’ quest’s completion requirements have been changed from defeating 10 Happy Erdas to 1 Happy Erda.
    • The ‘Another Power, Arcane Force’ quest’s Arcane Symbol has been changed to increase Arcane Force by 40 when equipped.
    • When you complete the ‘[Road of Vanishing] Arcane Symbol: Road of Vanishing’ quest, the Arcane Symbol: Road of Vanishing you are given has been changed to be level 2.


    The Link Skill preset feature has been added.

    • 3 presets are provided, and you can change each preset to have your desired Link Skills.
    • You can select the desired preset and click the Apply button to use it. The total transfer cost will be determined based on the number of remaining transfers for each Link Skill in the preset, and any Link Skills with 0 remaining transfers cannot be transferred.

    ※ When a preset is applied, any Link Skills that are currently applied but are not in the new preset will be removed.


    The Keyboard Shortcuts preset feature has been added.

    • 3 presets are provided, and you can change each preset to have your desired shortcuts.
    • 3 new preset hotkeys have been added which you can use to change your keyboard shortcut presets.
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    The Skill Alarm feature for when a skill’s cooldown ends has been added, and the quickslots’ displayed cooldowns have been improved.

    • When a skill with a cooldown is registered in the Skill Alarm window, a notification effect will be activated when the skill’s cooldown ends.
    • You can register up to 6 skills in the Skill Alarm.
    • When a skill’s cooldown is less than 60 seconds, the remaining cooldown displayed in the quickslot has been improved to be more visible.

    When an Elite Boss is defeated, the Bonus Stage has been removed and experience orbs will be dropped as rewards.


    When you have a facial expression item and enter keywords related to each item in the chat window, it has been improved so that the expression is applied automatically.


    The experience rewards from Fritto’s Bounty Hunting have been increased.


    Monster Park’s Sunday Growth Boxes and Saturday Festival Boxes have been changed to give 2x Experience Coupon (15 Minutes) instead of 1.5x Experience Coupons (30 Minutes).


    The item acquired pop-up that was displayed when acquiring equipment with potential has been improved so that it is also displayed for items of a certain value or higher and more relatively difficult to acquire.


    In Dusk (Normal/Chaos), the images of the 3 kinds of Void Fragments that appear have been improved to be more easily distinguishable.


    The character creation screen has been improved so that if you move the selection cursor to the left on the first character, you can choose the last character. Similarly, moving the selection cursor to the right on the last character will choose the first character.


    For Union attack power, the increase based on the character level has been improved so that it is increased for every 10 levels from level 250 and higher.

    For Union attack power, the increase based on Star Force has been improved so that it is increased when Star Force is 380 or higher and 400 or higher.

    When you login to the game, if you are wearing a pendant in an expired pendant slot, it has been improved so that a notification message is displayed in the chat window.


    Maple World general stores have been improved to include arrows, Subi throwing stars, bullets, Return to Nearest Town Scrolls, Lie Detectors, Appearance Return Vouchers, Silver Karma Scissors, Pet Food, Mastery Book 20, and Mastery Book 30.

    A new recovery potion item, the Sprout Potion, has been added which heals 5000 HP and MP. The Sprout Potion can be purchased from all general stores in Maple World for 1000 mesos each.


    The Cash Shop font has been changed to improve readability.

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    In the Cash Shop preview, white and black backgrounds have been added.

    In the Cash Shop, the Hair Coupons which were possible rewards from Masterpiece items have been improved so that they can be double clicked to preview the hair on your character.


    Hair Room and Face Room’s base slots have been increased from 9 to 12. The maximum number of slots has been increased from 15 to 18.

    Cash decoration items and other Cash items (excluding pets) that were restricted from being moved to the Cash Shop’s wardrobe can now be moved there.


    In Monster Life, a Monster Release Lock feature has been added. You can use this feature to prevent the accidental release of monsters.


    The buddy login notification has been improved. When an account buddy logs in, the character name and the buddy memo’s nickname will be displayed together to make it easier to identify who they are.


    When trading, it has been improved so that when you enter mesos, they will be displayed with 억/만 units.


    When enhancing V Cores, it has been improved so that you can Select All enhancement material cores at once.

    A notification message has been added for when you cannot swap equipment due to lack of inventory slots.

    The quest window’s navigation feature has been improved so that it can be used even when the world map window is open.


    Pet buff skills will now remain in the equipment window in a deactivated status even when you unequip your pets.


    Chat shortcuts have been added. You can register frequently used messages as shortcut keys or commands and use them as needed.

    In the Auction House, when selling items, you can now use the Tab key to move through the price and quantity input windows and use the Enter key to register the items for sale.

    Chew Chew Island and Lacheln area’s beginning quests have been improved. New quests that automatically start have been added to make it easier to start these areas’ quests. If you have already completed Chew Chew Island or Lacheln quests, you will not be able to complete these quests.


    The descriptions of certain items like main crafting materials or items used to trade in for coins have been changed. Things like the items’ uses and the locations of the NPCs where you can exchange them have been added.

    New Boss Difficulty Additions


    Will (Easy Mode) has been added. It requires 560 Arcane Force (as opposed to 760 Arcane Force for Normal/Hard Mode). In terms of difficulty, it is between Easy Lucid and Normal Lucid.


    Jin Hilla (Normal Mode) has been added. It requires 900 Arcane Force (the same as Hard Jin Hilla). In terms of difficulty, it is between Hard Will and Chaos Guardian Angel Slime.


    Chosen Seren (Normal Mode) has been added. It requires 150 Authentic Force for phase 1 and 200 Authentic Force for phase 2 (the same as Hard Chosen Seren). In terms of difficulty, it is between Hard Dunkel and Black Mage.

    Mileage quests related to the new boss difficulties have been added. Achievements related to the new boss difficulties have been added.

    Developer Notes:

    For certain boss sections, there was a problem where the difficulty to reach the next level of bosses was too high, reducing the desire to challenge them. To make it easier to move from boss to boss, we wanted to present new challenge goals by adding Easy Will, Normal Jin Hilla, and Normal Chosen Seren, where characters can naturally challenge the next difficulty boss as they grow.
    Boss Accessory Set Additions and Reorganization

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    The Dawn’s Boss Set has been added.

    • The Guardian Angel Ring has been changed to be included in the Dawn’s Boss Set.
    • The Dawn’s Boss Set consists of the following 4 items:
      • Twilight Mark [Level 140 Face Accessory] (can be acquired from Normal/Hard Lucid and Normal/Hard Will, tradeable until equipped)
      • Estella Earrings [Level 160 Earrings] (can be acquired from Normal/Chaos Dusk and Normal/Hard Dunkel, tradeable until equipped)
      • Guardian Angel Ring [Level 160 Ring] (can be acquired from Normal/Chaos Guardian Angel Slime, tradeable until equipped)
      • Daybreak Pendant [Level 140 Pendant] (can be acquired from Normal/Hard Jin Hilla and Normal/Hard Seren, tradeable until equipped)
    • The Dawn’s Boss Set‘s set effects are as follows.


    Achievements related to the new accessories have been added.

    Developer Notes:

    The Pitched Boss Set is difficult to acquire and the burden of enhancing them is very high, so many players used regular boss accessories with relatively lower enhancement limits or accessories with no set effects. The newly added Dawn’s Boss Accessory set is designed to fill the gap between existing accessories and the Pitched Boss accessories. We would like to provide a new option for combinations and growth for accessory parts that haven’t been changed for a long time.

    In addition, we expect that by providing these equipment as new rewards from higher tier bosses, it will make challenging bosses more enjoyable.


    The Pitched Boss Set’s set effects have been reorganized.


    Developer Notes:

    Even though all the Pitched Boss set items have very high acquisition difficulties, the 8th and 9th items equipped did not receive set effects so there was a problem where the items’ effectiveness was low. By adding new set effects this time, we want to improve their effectiveness and under the same standards of enhancements, prevent the loss of stats when changing equipment from the Dawn’s Boss set to the Pitched Boss set.


    Will (Story Mode)’s level has been decreased to level 235.


    The [Medal – Variety Hair Changer Challenge] quest information has been improved.


    The Pet Giant skill item description has been improved to be more detailed.

    The item descriptions of Return to Nearest Town Scrolls, Lie Detectors, Appearance Return Vouchers, Silver Karma Scissors, Pet Food, Mastery Book 20, and Mastery Book 30 have been improved so that you can see who sells them.


    In Reboot World, when you create a party, a notification message about acquiring mesos has been added.

    In Reboot World, when you acquire mesos and there are no party members in the same map, a notification message about the reduced mesos has been added.


    The following Hungry Muto achievements have been improved so that they can be achieved without having to receive the rewards.

    • [Hungry Muto] Apprentice Cook in Another World
    • [Hungry Muto] Cook in Another World
    • [Hungry Muto] Actually I was Hungry Too
    • [Hungry Muto] Chef in Another World
    • [Hungry Muto] Head Chef in Another World
    • [Hungry Muto] Muto’s Full-Time Cook

    In the detailed stats UI’s applied values, it has been improved so that defense ignore values acquired from buff skills will be displayed separately instead of being added up.

    In set item tooltips, if all stats and max HP/MP exist together, they will now be displayed on the same line.


    When a video is played in-game, the background music and sound effects will no longer be played.

    The Premium PC Room Login Rewards window’s [Receive] and [Complete] buttons have been improved to be clearly distinguished based on their status.

    You can now enter the PrintScreen key to take screenshots while the game is running.

    The automatic screenshot feature for when you first clear bosses below Hard Lucid difficulty and Ursus on a character has been removed.

    Error Fixes


    Fixed an issue where if Guided Arrow disappeared, the Guided Arrow of other archer jobs in the same map would also disappear.

    Marksman’s Crossbow Mastery’s skill description has been changed to be more accurate.

    [​IMG] Pathfinder’s Cardinal Transition has been changed so that if there is not enough room to move Cardinal Transition’s full distance, you will now move as much as possible in that direction.

    Fixed an issue where Battlemage’s Death did not appear normally after entering certain maps.

    Fixed an issue where Blaster’s Explosion Move and Release Pile Bunker’s weapon images did not match certain cast actions.

    Fixed Mikhail’s Advanced Sword Mastery’s skill description.

    Fixed an issue where Mikhail could use Light of Courage even while hanging on a rope.

    Fixed an issue where if Kaiser used Dragon Blaze while facing right, the effect would be displayed awkwardly.

    Illium’s Endless Research’s skill description has been changed to be more accurate.

    When Lara has the Reverse Keys status, Upper Jump’s command will now also be reversed.


    Fixed an issue in Pink Bean (Chaos) where after the second resurrection, its Pink Genesis’s effect and attack range were different.


    Guardian Angel Slime (Normal/Chaos) has been changed so that it is considered a clear when the last phase’s monster is defeated instead of when the Slime’s Treasure Box is defeated.


    Black Mage (Hard) has been changed so that it is considered a clear when the last phase’s monster is defeated instead of when the Genesis Egg is defeated.

    Fixed an issue in Chosen Seren where if you were dead when it changed phases, Buff Freezers would not protect your buffs.

    Fixed an issue in certain boss monsters where after you died and revived, the character death sound effect would play again.

    In the Seed 40F, you will now be instantly revived in the same place. Fixed an issue where the Scarecrow’s teleport would be cancelled if you resurrected while it was using it.


    Fixed an issue with the ‘Velvity’s Unknown Whereabouts’ quest where if a Wild Hunter was riding their jaguar while doing it, the cutscene would be awkward.

    Fixed an issue where the ‘Gift for Sigmund’ quest could not be completed.

    Fixed an error with certain Resistance only quests where the notifications and information did not match.

    Fixed an issue where the ‘[Root Abyss Daily] Quest’ were not displayed in the Available Quests tab.

    Fixed an issue with the ‘Tangyoon’s Cooking Class’ quest where the information and the start dialogue had incorrect entry levels.

    Fixed an issue with the ‘The Girl Who Saw the Crystal Gate’ quest where the quest information about the related NPCs was incorrect.

    Fixed an issue with the ‘Tonero’s Request’ quest where the completion information displayed a meso reward that wasn’t actually given.

    Fixed an error where you could start the ‘[Reverse City] Flowing Along the River’ quest without completing all of the Road of Vanishing area quests.


    Fixed an issue where you could sit in multi-person chairs while using the Giant Elixir or Advanced Giant Elixir.

    Fixed an issue where if Captains used Core Gemstones and acquired a Backstep Shot core, there was an awkward blank message.

    Fixed an issue where the Alien Gray Transformation, Gaga Transformation Potion, and Pig Transformation items had strange icons when dragging them.

    Fixed an issue where you could exceed the drop rate limit of 100% from consumable items when using certain drop rate increasing items and buffs. In addition, the following item descriptions have been changed to be more clear.

    • Forsythia Flower Language
    • Shamrock Flower Language
    • 2x Drop Rate Coupon
    • Luck Discovery (Drop Rate)

    Certain equipment and beauty images have been changed.

    The Strawberry Choco Bunny pet package’s Strawberry and Nilla pet name tags have been changed to be displayed in the same location as the Choco pet.

    Fixed an error in the Cash Shop where the Drumming Bunny Set (M)’s set list displayed a shadow on the Loafer Shoes icon.

    Fixed an issue where the character’s nickname looked awkward when entering chat after equipping the Heroes Black Mage Chat Bubble Ring.

    Fixed an issue where sometimes after failing to buy a Pendant Slot Expansion or Character Slot Expansion, certain actions like buying items would not work.

    Fixed an issue where if Hoyoung sat in Papulatus’ Clock Chair, the chair image would not be visible on other characters’ screens.

    Fixed an error in Reboot World where the Edelstein General Store did not sell 20 Slot Soul Bags, 20 Slot Recipe Bags, 20 Slot Chair Bags, 20 SLot Title Wallets, 20 Slot Mining Bags, 20 Slot Herbalism Bags, or 20 Slot Crafting Material Bags.


    Fixed an error in regular worlds where if you entered the Cash Shop while the Storage UI was open, the storage expansion notification messoage would appear.

    Fixed an error in Reboot World where if you clicked the Add Slots button while the Storage UI was open, you would move to the Cash Shop.

    Fixed an issue in the Achievements UI where sorting by ‘Date’ did not work properly.

    Fixed an issue in the Maple Auction where Blades would be included in the search results for one-handed weapons.

    Fixed an issue where the Apply UI Transparency While in Combat setting did not apply to Evan’s skill window.

    Fixed an issue where messages sent to offline buddies through the buddy UI were not displayed in the Sent Messages box.

    Fixed an error where if your character’s job was a Zero, the Guardian Angel Slime’s entry button in the boss UI would be activated if you were level 210 or higher, even if you did not complete all of the pre-quests.


    Fixed an issue in the Seed 43F’s 3rd area where if you died, sometimes you would have Reverse Keys in the Seed lobby.

    Fixed an issue in Ghost Park where you could not use the Rune of Regeneration more than 2 times.

    Fixed an issue in boss maps where if you died while an Android shop was open and closed the Android shop before reviving, you would not be able to use the boss portal or the Android shop.

    Fixed an issue in the Seed 39F where the Croco monster was listed as Crock.

    Fixed an issue in the ‘Temple of Time/Rift of Time’ map where it looked awkward based on the resolution.

    Fixed an issue in the ‘Slumbering Dragon Island/Quiet Cave’ map where you could pass through the ice wall using Teleport skills.

    Fixed an issue in the ‘Ristonia/Castle Walls of Tragedy 3’ where if you used a specific ladder, you could leave the map.

    Fixed an issue in Stormwing where if you used a weather effect item, the Stormwing defeated message would not appear.

    Fixed an issue in the following maps where you could jump down on the lowest tiles.

    • Eos Tower 2~6F
    • Eos Tower 33~34F
    • Eos Tower 94~100F

    Fixed an issue in the ‘Limen/Tears of the World 2’ map where if you entered the Cash Shop or changed channels, you would return to ‘Limen/Tears of the World’.

    Fixed an issue in the ‘Hidden Street/Lake of Oblivion’ map where you would not be moved to the next map even when the character arrived at the end of the map.

    Fixed an issue in the ‘Hidden Street/Prison’ map where the map mark was not displayed.

    Fixed an issue in the ‘Hidden Street/Tangyoon’s Boiler’ map where the map mark displayed Temple of Time.

    Fixed an issue where certain areas’ map marks were displayed awkwardly.

    • Reverse City
    • Ristonia
    • Yum Yum Island
    • Sellas
    • Cernium
    • Toolen City
    • Hotel Arcs
    • Ramuramu Valley

    Fixed an issue in the ‘Pastures/Pig Pastures’ map where the connected map name displayed on the sign was incorrect.


    Fixed an issue where profession related achievements did not increase their counts when crafting certain recipes.

    Game Performance

    Fixed an issue where if you switched screens by running the Windows Task Manager while using full-screen, you could not return to the game screen.

    Cash Shop

    The Basic Hair Coupon and Basic Face Coupon have been updated with new choices. You can check the list of obtainable hairs/faces by double-clicking the items in the Cash Shop or your inventory.

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog