KMST KMST ver. 1.2.147 – Dimensional Library: Maple Chronicles

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Oct 20, 2022.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    A new test server patch was released, with an update to the Dimensional Library that lets you replay past story quests, as well as some improvements and a variety of events.


    Dimensional Library: Maple Chronicles

    The Other Side of the Dimension

    The Dimensional Library, where all of Maple World’s knowledge and records come alive, has been expanded with a new look! It will now have not only the ‘Stories of Forgotten History’ that no one remembered, but also the ‘Stories of Adventures’ that players have walked through. A variety of stories await you. Check them out yourself in the various books prepared in the Dimensional Library!

    Entry Conditions:

    • Characters level 100 or higher that have completed the ‘[Dimensional Library] Enter the Dimensional Library’. (Zero characters must complete chapter 2)
    • You can go to the Dimensional Library through the Maple Guide or the Dimensional Mirror.

    Maple Behind:

    • You can now play the existing Dimensional Library’s Episode 1~6 stories through the ‘Book of Forgotten History‘.
    • You can talk to the NPC ‘Skylark Rita’ to learn about Maple Behind and enter the Forest Beyond the Bookshelves.

    Maple Chronicles:

    • The ‘Book of Arcane River’ and ‘Book of Grandis’ have been added, where you can replay the stories of Arcane River and Grandis continent’s stories that you have completed so far.
    • The ‘Book of Arcane River’ can be viewed after acquiring the ‘From the Future Me to the Present Me’ achievement.
    • The ‘Book of Grandis’ can be viewed after acquiring the (new) ‘End and Beginning’ achievement.
    • The Book of Arcane River and Book of Grandis will unlock chapters based on your achievements acquired by completing story quests. Some chapters may require 2 or more achievements to be unlocked.
    • If you choose the View Summary option, you will view a summary of the story.
    • When replaying each chapter, the upper UI will be displayed.
      • You can click the AUTO button to automatically proceed through dialogue.
      • You can click the Exit button to return to the Dimensional Library map.
    • A new type of dialogue window image will be applied when you replay each chapter.
      • You can proceed through the dialogue by pressing the Harvest key or the arrow at the bottom of the screen.
      • For continuous dialogue, you can press the arrow to go back and check previous lines.
    • You can talk to the NPC ‘Skylark Romi’ to learn about Maple Chronicles.

    New NPCs have been added.

    • Book of Forgotten History
    • Book of Arcane River
    • Book of Grandis
    • Skylark Romi
    • Dimensional Music Box

    New achievements have been added.

    • Surviving in an Upside Down City
    • Familiar and Unfamiliar
    • Lucid Dream
    • Star Swallowing Whale
    • From the Present Me to the Past Me
    • End and Beginning
    • Protector of the City of Gods
    • Salvation is in Your Hands
    • A Fortress with a Heart
    • Climber of the Falling Tower
    • Above the Continent, Below the Planets
    Convenience Improvements


    When characters reach level 50, the ‘Opening Your Eyes to Abilities’ quest will now be completed automatically and all of your Ability lines will be unlocked. All existing characters level 50 or higher which have not unlocked all of some of their Ability lines will have them automatically unlocked after logging in.


    In the Maple Auction’s detailed search filters’ drop-down box, the ‘Not Selected’ option will now be fixed and displayed the top of the drop-down.

    In the Maple Auction, when you have a single item to sell, the number of items being sold will now be automatically entered as 1.

    In the Maple Auction, when selling bundles of Cash items, the Currently Registered Lowest Price has been changed to be displayed as the Lowest Bundle Price.


    The ‘disable Pet Auto Buff in towns’ feature has been added. You can turn this feature on/off by clicking the checkbox in the Pet Equipment window. If it is enabled, pets will not use Auto Buff skills when the character is in a town.


    When using the Maple Guide, you can no longer use the Maple Guide’s other functions while the Movement Confirmation Window is open to prevent accidental movements to other places.

    When there is a new guild join request, it will now display a notification in the Guild Members tab. This will appear only to guild members who have the permission to accept requests, and will not be displayed when a join request is processed.

    Macro Detection System


    A new macro detection system, <Find the Right Sentence!> has been added.

    • <Find the Right Sentence!> is a lie detector system that activates automatically on characters suspected of using macros.
    • You must choose the correct sentence from the 5 given sentences.
    • You are given a total of 4 sets of sentences, and you must choose the correct sentence at least 3 times to pass.
    • If you fail to choose the correct the sentence 3 times within the given sets, or if you don’t choose any answer within the time limit, you will be detected and moved to the Room of Truth.
    • If you are detected repeatedly, your game usage may be restricted due to abnormal record detection based on our operation policy.


    Fixed an issue where Esfera quest cutscenes appeared awkwardly.

    • [Esfera] Spider Hunting 3
    • [Esfera] The Time to Choose
    • [Esfera] Qualifications of Power

    Fixed an issue with the ‘Rescue Signal’ quest where the submarines appeared to overlap.

    Fixed an issue where Yum Yum Island quest cutscenes appeared awkwardly.

    • [Yum Yum] Finding Caster

    In the ‘Tenebris’ area quest cutscenes, the NPC Oz’s appearance has been changed.

    Fixed an issue with the ‘[Moonbridge] Defeat the Core’ quest cutscene where the NPC Icarut’s nametag appeared awkwardly.


    The Halloween Teddy weapon has been improved so that it can be worn over all weapons.

    Fixed an issue where there was a delay when using Pet Food.


    The ‘Another Door’ map’s entry level guide tooltip has been removed.

    When using the new portals in ‘Odium: City of Researchers’, it has been improved so that characters look more natural.


    In the Boss Automatic Matching UI, it has been improved so that the boss difficulty label is distinguished by colour.

    The Link Management window has been improved so that it can be closed using the shortcut key.

    Error Fixes


    Fixed an issue where if you died and then used up all of the delayed revival time, sometimes Spirit of Freedom would not be applied.

    Fixed an issue where if you right-clicked the following buff skills to cancel then, the number of stored Blessings would be reset.

    • Maple World Goddess’ Blessing
    • Empress Cygnus’ Blessing
    • Transcendent Cygnus’ Blessing
    • Grandis Goddess’ Blessing
    • Transcendent Rhinne’s Blessing
    • Another World’s Goddess’ Blessing

    Fixed an issue where if you had Decent Wind Booster registered on your Pet Auto Buff, it would be used faster than other skills.

    Fixed an issue where Guided Arrow sometimes moved abnormally.


    • Fixed an issue with Paladin’s Holy Unity where the time before you could re-bind the first time was 3 seconds instead of 1.5 seconds.

    Adventurer Magicians

    • Fixed an issue where if you rode an air current in Chew Chew Island while descending with Mana Wave, you would continue to move upwards even after the air current ended.
    • Fixed an issue where if you entered the water in Torrential Zone while descending with Mana Awave, you would continuously rise.

    Archmage (F/P)

    • Fixed an issue where if you died after using Poison Chain, sometimes it would look like Poison Chain continued to attack.


    • Vengeance of Angel’s skill description has been changed to be more accurate.


    • If you use True Sniping while in Capture Mode, Capture Mode will now be cancelled.

    Cygnus Knights

    • Fixed an issue where Cygnus Phalanx’s effect appeared awkwardly when used.

    Wind Breaker

    • Fixed an issue where Trifling Whim I did not receive the effects of the enhancement core.

    Night Walker

    • Fixed an issue where skill effect transparency was implemented awkwardly for Shadow Servant’s skill effect.
    • Shadow Servant’s skill effect will no longer be visible if you are transformed by a quest or monster’s attack.


    • Fixed an issue where you could not use Shining Cross registered on a skill macro while Sword of Soul Light was applied.


    • Fixed an issue where certain skills did not apply skill effect transparency.


    • Fixed an issue where the Larkness gauge UI did not display the Balanced state if you reached it while in Equilibrium.
    • Fixed an issue where you could not use Gate of Truth if you reached the Balanced state while in Equilibrium.

    Demon Avenger

    • Fixed an issue where if Final Attack activated, sometimes the monsters would appear to not die for other characters.

    Wild Hunter

    • Fixed an issue in Lucid (Easy/Normal/Hard) where Summon Jaguar and Jaguars summoned by Jaguar Storm would move awkwardly during the Fantasy Barrage pattern.


    • Fixed an issue where if you tried to use Metal Armor and a mount at the same time, sometimes the mount icon would be displayed awkwardly.
    • Fixed an issue where you could not use Homing Missile while swimming.
    • Fixed an issue where Homing Missile would be activated using a hotkey even if you changed the hotkey.


    • Alleviated an issue where if Will of Swords was not activated but the previously summoned swords were still visible, Will of Swords: Charge and Will of Swords: Strike could not be used.


    • Fixed an issue where if you were hit by Caoong’s shrink ray while using Levitation, sometimes the floating would not end.


    • Fixed an issue where if you used Unstoppable Instinct after using Instinct Leap, the skill effect would not appear to other characters.


    • Fixed an issue where Winding Ridges’ summoned mountain spirits would not attack while floating on Wind Swing.


    • Fixed an issue where it looked awkward to other characters when using Sage Teachings: Dreams of Shangri-la.

    Fixed an error in the ‘[Odium] Heartwarming Power Room’ quest cutscene where the user’s character appeared awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue where defeating Chaos Pierre would display the ‘[Mileage] Defeat Chaos Bloody Queen’ completion notification.

    Fixed an error in the ‘[Papulatus] Mischievious Papulatus’ quest where if you tried to enter Papulatus without having a Crack of Dimension, you would not receive one.

    Fixed an error with the ‘[Morass] To the Lab’ quest where the completion text was awkward.

    Fixed a problem with the Morass daily quests where the Closed Area entrance quest was not activated.

    Fixed an issue in the ‘[Dimensional Library] Bard of the Snowy Field’ cutscenes where Ryude’s image appeared to overlap.


    Fixed an issue where the Manjiroid could not be traded even if you used Platinum Karma Scissors on it.

    Fixed an issue where certain medals with time-limited stats’ base stats would disappear if you reconnected repeatedly.

    Fixed an issue where using certain chairs in Esfera Base Camp and Kerning Tower Practice Room would display awkward images in the reflections.

    Fixed an issue where equipping only the Black Heart without an Android would still apply the item’s boss damage and defense ignore stats.

    Fixed an issue where if an Android was too far from the character and there was no platform for it to teleport to, it would move awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue where the Downtown Black Market Shadow Merchant Mayal’s shop did not sell Appearance Revert Tickets.

    Fixed an issue where if you used the Gaga Transformation Potion after equipping an effect item, certain actions would display the effect awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue where sometimes scrolls could not be used on Zero’s wepaon.

    Fixed an error where the Ragged set effect would not appear if you had the Mix Bald Spot hair.


    Fixed an issue in Hilla (Normal/Hard) where using skills that pushed or pulled enemies would sometimes make Hilla disappear.

    Fixed an issue Pierre (Normal/Chaos) where if it was fought in a party of 2 or more, it would sometimes disappear after teleporting or suddenly use a different pattern.

    Alleviated an issue in Suu (Normal/Hard) where if it was bound at the same time as using the Energy Orb pattern, sometimes the screen would stay darkened.

    Fixed an issue in Demian (Normal/Hard) where sometimes it would not use patterns.

    Fixed an issue in Demian (Normal/Hard) where sometimes the health displayed would change when entering phase 2.

    Fixed an issue in Lucid (Easy/Hard) where sometimes the remaining daily entry limit would be reset abnormally.

    Fixed an issue in Dunkel (Normal/Hard) where if it was fought in a party of 2 or more, it would sometimes disappear after teleporting or suddenly use a different pattern.

    Fixed an issue in Black Mage (Extreme) where the Knight of Creation Aion and Knight of Destruction Yaldabaoth’s teleport pattern would only be displayed to one character.

    Fixed an issue in Kalos (Chaos) where if it was fought in a party of 2 or more, sometimes you would not take damage even if you were hit by the Subspace Infiltration attack.

    Fixed an issue in Kalos (Chaos) where DoT debuffs remained even after it used Watcher Berserk Entry.

    Fixed an issue in Kalos (Chaos) where the Watcher Berserk Entry starting point was not accurate.

    Fixed an issue in Mu Lung Dojo 60F where it did not deal reflected damage when attacked during Damage Reflect.

    The Brown Basic Boots and Blue Ninja Sandals will no longer drop from Tiguru in Tiguru’s Forest.

    Bloctopus monsters will no longer drop ‘Bloctopus’ Blueprints’.

    Fixed an issue where if a monster was killed by the Rune of Transition, sometimes the monster would appear to flicker.

    Fixed an issue where if you cleared Ursus in a very fast time, you would receive an E rank.


    Fixed an issue where the area mark was incorrect on certain maps.

    • Intruder Search Field 2
    • The Path Down to the Underground
    • Canyon of Mystic Herbs

    Fixed an issue where certain parts of the ‘Temple of Frozen Time’ map were awkward.

    Fixed an issue where it was impossible to move to the ‘Fairy’s Fountain’ map.

    Fixed an error in the ‘Shinsoo International School: Classroom’ where the remaining time changed.

    Fixed an issue in ‘Edelstein’ where certain terrain cut off effects.

    Fixed an issue in ‘Veritas’ where you could not move to ‘Odium’.

    You can no longer use Androids in cross world party quests.

    Fixed an issue in ‘Flag Race: Waiting Room’ where lie detectors worked.

    Fixed an issue in ‘Unknown Area’ where the altar in the center sometimes flickered.

    Fixd an issue in the cross world party quest ‘Moon Bunny’s Rice Cake’ where if you collected all of the ricecakes, it would not be cleared.

    Fixed an issue in ‘Cave Lower Path’ where the background appeared to be cut off at the top.

    Fixed an issue in Monster Park Morass ‘Stage 6: That Day in Trueffet’ where the Thralled Guard Captain monster’s location was not displayed on the minimap.

    Fixed an issue in ‘Cernium East Walls 1’ where certain platforms appeared to be cut off.

    Fixed an error in directino mode where specific skill effects were displayed.

    Fixed an error in ‘Odium: City of Researchers’ where you could not use the new portals in rare cases.

    Fixed an error in ‘Odium: City of Researchers’ where if you used the new portals while on a mount, the character’s appearance was awkward.


    Fixed an issue in the world map where searching for certain NPCs would display other NPCs’ images.

    Fixed an issue in the Authentic Symbol UI where the space at the bottom could not be clicked properly.

    Fixed an issue in the key settings UI where saving consumable items would have thicker shadows.

    Fixed an issue in the Monster Collection UI where the sub-region guide pop-up did not appear properly.

    The Toad’s Hammer icon has been changed so that it only flashes when you acquire an item that can be transferred to or from.

    In the Maple Auction, when searching for items, if there are more items than the amount that can fit in the list, a guide message will now be displayed.

    Fixed an issue in the Maple Auction where the detailed search’s fifth filter was not saved.

    Fixed an issue in the Maple Auction where regular pets’ current lowest prices and 7 day average prices were not displayed.

    Fixed an issue in the chatting window where if there was a line break. the unit separator for numbers was applied incorrectly.

    Fixed an issue in the Maple Auction where the sort button image was awkward when sorting in ascending order.

    Fixed an issue where certain rings that could not be equipped at the same time were omitted from the list of rings that could not be equipped together.

    Fixed an issue where the screenshot shortcut key did not work while entering text.

    Fixed an issue where if a monster healed, the damage skin would not be displayed.

    Fixed an issue where if you were chatting in Buddy/Party/Guild/Alliance chat, characters in the same channel that were moving maps would not receive messages that included item links.


    A new achievement has been added.

    • [Area Exploration] Cheung-woon Exploration

    Fixed an issue where exiting Monster Life would reset your profession fatigue.

    Fixed an error in the Cash Shop where trying to save outfits would fail in certain situations.

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog