Maple Memo: v204 Status Update – May 31

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, May 31, 2019.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Hi All,

    There are two important topics I’d like to discuss today, so I’ll jump right into it.

    Fury Totem

    In my memo in April, I mentioned that we will be introducing a new item that will grant players the ability to activate the same effects of Kanna’s newly revamped Kishin skill. As mentioned, this item will last for a limited duration and will be available in limited quantities in the Maple Reward Point shop, as well as through various other in-game avenues such as event rewards.

    I’d like to share with you all our current plans and specifications for this new item.

    We have decided to name this item Fury Totem and once equipped, this totem will allow the player to use the Fury Totem skill. The Fury Totem skill will place an effect on the map that will provide the same effects as the newly revamped Kishin skill. Both the Fury Totem and the newly revamped Kishin skill will be released with the v205 June update.

    To obtain the Fury Totem players can obtain a Fury Totem Coupon from a variety of sources. This coupon will grant the player a Fury Totem with a 2-hour duration. Once the player obtains the totem, the player can use the Fury Totem skill multiple times for the entire duration of the item.

    In the Maple Reward Point shop, we plan to offer the Fury Totem Coupon for 2,000 Maple Reward Points with a limited quantity purchase amount of 15 times a month. In addition, we plan to introduce this item to various event rewards in the future. For this summer, we plan to allow players to earn 2 additional Fury Totem Coupons in the upcoming Step Up event, as well as 1 additional Fury Totem Coupon in our upcoming summer coin shop.

    Lastly, we also plan to add this Fury Totem Coupon to the Fairy Bros Daily Gifts reward. We are still discussing the details of this addition to the Fairy Bros calendar, so it may not be implemented in our v205 June update yet. However we will provide updates to our plans as we have them.

    Today, our Community Manager Ghiblee will be hosting a livestream at 2:00 PM PDT that previews some of the upcoming content as well as this new Fury Totem, and I’d like to take this opportunity to join her and answer any additional questions you may have regarding it.

    Marvel Machine Awarding Incorrect Items

    This past week there was an incident with our Marvel Machine coupon system in which several codes that were awarded to players were issuing incorrect items. We identified the issue on Sunday, May 26 and investigated over several days to identify the cause of the error, determine the impact of the issue and develop a plan to resolve the issues as well as mitigate the potential impact this error caused to players and to the overall game. Our teams were able to determine that this issue only affected a small portion of the codes that were issued to players during this Marvel Machine event. We resolved the core issue by invalidating those affected codes, and made steps to ensure that new codes generated moving forward would not encounter this error.

    On Tuesday, May 28 we identified all players who received items that did not match the redeemed coupon and decided to issue a trade block on certain players while we investigated those players and their items further. We understand these players may have been frustrated due to these actions, so we worked as quickly as we could to gather more information and data regarding the specific items these players received. We examined several options for how to mitigate the potential impact this incident caused to the game while we looked at ways to possibly remove those items.

    After considering how each of those options would impact those players that were trade blocked, we decided that the best course of action would be to remove the trade block from those players and compensate these players for their time lost. We are still discussing this compensation and more details will be shared next week when the compensation is issued. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this caused our players and have made to plans to mitigate the possibility of it occurring again in the future.


    Dennis “SavageAce” Bernardo
    Producer – MapleStory

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