More Discovery Events! | MapleStory

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jul 26, 2018.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    PDT (UTC -7): Wednesday, July 25 (after maintenance) - 4:59 PM Tuesday, August 7
    EDT (UTC -4): Wednesday, July 25 (after maintenance) - 7:59 PM Tuesday, August 7
    CEST (UTC +2): Thursday, July 26 (after maintenance) - 1:59 AM Wednesday, August 8
    AEST (UTC +10): Thursday, July 26 (after maintenance) - 9:59 AM Wednesday, August 8

    The time has come to show off your battle skills in our special Discovery Arena event! Characters Lv. 33 and up will be qualified to participate in a special 5v5, PvE arena match, so get in there and start earning Arena Points!


    You can register for a battle by going to the Discovery Arena. To get there, complete the "[Discovery] Discovery Arena" quest from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen, then open the Discovery UI and move to the Discovery Arena map. Once in the waiting area, speak with the NPC Cynapse. From there, you can participate in battles, register your combat power with your current power, learn about the battle details, and view the rankings.

    Once you select "Matching," you'll be matched up with 4 other characters from your account based on your battle rank (you can register characters while participating in the battle). You can view limited information about your teammates' stats, and decide whether to battle or request a rematch. Winning will earn you Arena Points, which will increase your overall battle rank (battle ranks reset every week).

    Once the battle starts, your team will be placed in a stronghold with walls and turrets to help you during the fight. Walls have high HP and will block your opponents path, while turrets will attack your opponent and alert you to their position. There are two types of turrets:

    • Bombarding Turrets: Detects players' positions and launches vertical attacks that can reach anywhere on the map
    • Laser Turrets: Placed in a fixed location and launches horizontal attacks at specific areas to the left and right of the turret.

    If you can defeat all the enemies on the other team, you win the match! You'll receive Ark Points as well as Arena Points as a reward, and your battle rank will go up. If your character is killed, you leave the match, or the client is closed, then you lose the match. Your battle rank will go down, but stronghold enhancements will remain the same.

    After the event ends, the rankings will be finalized and you’ll receive the following rewards based on your final ranking:


    • Top 1%
      • Invincible Katara Voucher (can be used to obtain an Invincible Katara)
      • Red Circuit Damage Skin
      • Discovery Arena Red Title
      • Arena Boundary Stone Chair
    • Top 2%-10%
      • Red Circuit Damage Skin
      • Discovery Arena Red Title
      • Arena Boundary Stone Chair
    • Top 11%~20%
      • Red Circuit Damage Skin
      • Discovery Arena Blue Title
    • Top 21%~30%
      • Red Circuit Damage Skin
      • Discovery Arena Yellow Title


    Daily Reward:

    If you participate in Discovery Arena battles for 15+ minutes each day, you'll obtain Arena Points based on how you ranked during your matches! Arena Points can be exchanged for 1 Ark Point Each, and each character can exchange up to 10,000 Arena Points per day.


    PDT (UTC -7): Wednesday, July 25 (after maintenance) - 4:59 PM Tuesday, August 7
    EDT (UTC -4): Wednesday, July 25 (after maintenance) - 7:59 PM Tuesday, August 7
    CEST (UTC +2): Thursday, July 26 (after maintenance) - 1:59 AM Wednesday, August 8
    AEST (UTC +10): Thursday, July 26 (after maintenance) - 9:59 AM Wednesday, August 8

    Once this event starts, your character will be given the Summon Parrot skill! You can then summon a parrot that you can feed with Colorful Fruit that drops when you hunt monsters within your level range (20 levels below and 20 levels above). In exchange for picking up the Colorful Fruit, it will give you Discovery Points, which can be exchanged for Ark Coins! (Each color of fruit gives the same amount of Discovery Points).


    The parrot will grow from stage 1 to 10 as you fight monsters and feed it fruit, and its skills will increase with each stage. Once it hits stage 10, its body color will change depending on which color fruit you've been feeding it! You can use the parrot for an additional two weeks after the event is over.

    Here's how the parrot's stats grow with each stage:

    • Level 1: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +2, Damage Against Normal Monsters +2%, Monster DEF Ignored 2%, Boss Damage +2%, Critical Rate +2%
    • Level 2: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +4, Damage Against Normal Monsters +4%, Monster DEF Ignored 4%, Boss Damage +4%, Critical Rate +4%
    • Level 3: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +6, Damage Against Normal Monsters +6%, Monster DEF Ignored 6%, Boss Damage +6%, Critical Rate +6%
    • Level 4: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +8, Damage Against Normal Monsters +8%, Monster DEF Ignored 8%, Boss Damage +8%, Critical Rate +8%
    • Level 5: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10, Damage Against Normal Monsters +10%, Monster DEF Ignored 10%, Boss Damage +10%, Critical Rate +10%
    • Level 6: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +12, Damage Against Normal Monsters +12%, Monster DEF Ignored 12%, Boss Damage +12%, Critical Rate +12%
    • Level 7: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +14, Damage Against Normal Monsters +14%, Monster DEF Ignored 14%, Boss Damage +14%, Critical Rate +14%
    • Level 8: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +16, Damage Against Normal Monsters +16%, Monster DEF Ignored 16%, Boss Damage +16%, Critical Rate +16%
    • Level 9: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +18, Damage Against Normal Monsters +18%, Monster DEF Ignored 18%, Boss Damage +18%, Critical Rate +18%
    • Level 10: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +20, Damage Against Normal Monsters +20%, Monster DEF Ignored 20%, Boss Damage +20%, Critical Rate +20%


    PDT (UTC -7): Wednesday, July 25 (after maintenance) - 4:59 PM Tuesday, July 31
    EDT (UTC -4): Wednesday, July 25 (after maintenance) - 7:59 PM Tuesday, July 31
    CEST (UTC +2): Thursday, July 26 (after maintenance) - 1:59 AM Wednesday, August 1
    AEST (UTC +10): Thursday, July 26 (after maintenance) - 9:59 AM Wednesday, August 1

    Players with characters Lv. 33 and above can partake in a quiz for Ark Points! The more questions you answer correctly, the more Ark Points you'll win!

    During the event, a "Discovery Glacier" invitation will appear above your head at the 15th and 45th of minute of every hour. Accept this invitation to enter a game of OX quiz. Statements will appear at the top of the screen, and if you think the statement is true, move into the O zone. If you think the statement is false, move into the X zone. Make sure you move into one zone or the other because sitting in the middle will always get you a wrong answer. There are a total of 20 questions, but you only get to proceed to the next question by getting each one correct. The more answers you get correct, the more Ark Points you will get. If you miss a question early, you are free to leave, but if you stay until everybody is done, you will receive a bonus of 500 Ark Points. You will not be sent an invite if you have already hit your 20,000 Ark Point limit for the day.

    Here are the rewards for answering each question right:

    • 0 Correct Answers: 0 Ark Points
    • 1 Correct Answer: 100 Ark Points
    • 2 Correct Answers: 200 Ark Points
    • 3 Correct Answers:300 Ark Points
    • 4 Correct Answers: 400 Ark Points
    • 5 Correct Answers: 500 Ark Points
    • 6 Correct Answers: 600 Ark Points
    • 7 Correct Answers: 700 Ark Points
    • 8 Correct Answers: 800 Ark Points
    • 9 Correct Answers: 900 Ark Points
    • 10 Correct Answers: 1,000 Ark Points
    • 11 Correct Answers: 1,200 Ark Points
    • 12 Correct Answers: 1,400 Ark Points
    • 13 Correct Answers: 1,600 Ark Points
    • 14 Correct Answers: 1,800 Ark Points
    • 15 Correct Answers: 2,000 Ark Points
    • 16 Correct Answers: 2,200 Ark Points


    PDT (UTC -7): 5:00 PM Tuesday, July 31 - 4:59 PM Tuesday, August 7
    EDT (UTC -4): 8:00 PM Tuesday, July 31 - 7:59 PM Tuesday, August 7
    CEST (UTC +2): 2:00 AM Wednesday, August 1 - 1:59 AM Wednesday, August 8
    AEST (UTC +10): 10:00 AM Wednesday, August 1 - 9:59 AM Wednesday, August 8

    For a limited time, players with characters Lv. 33 and up can participate in a special game of 70-player Bingo! Invitations for the game will be sent out every 30 minutes at the 15-min and 45-min marks of each hour. Each game must have a minimum of 10 players, and has a maximum of 70 people. Complete the game by clicking the numbers on your bingo board when Kemdi calls it out. The round ends when 30 players have completed bingo, and each game lasts for three rounds. Each player who participates in the game will be rewarded with Ark Points! (There is a daily limit of winning 20,000 Ark Points; after that, you will not receive any more invitations).

    Here are the prizes for playing:

    • 1st Place: 3,000 Ark Points
    • 2nd-5th Place: 2,000 Ark Points
    • 6th-10th Place: 1,000 Ark Points
    • 11th-20th Place: 800 Ark Points
    • 21st-30th Place: 600 Ark Points
    • Below 30th Place: 300 Ark Points


    PDT (UTC -7): Wednesday, July 25 (after maintenance) - 4:59 PM Tuesday, August 7
    EDT (UTC -4): Wednesday, July 25 (after maintenance) - 7:59 PM Tuesday, August 7
    CEST (UTC +2): Thursday, July 26 (after maintenance) - 1:59 AM Wednesday, August 8
    AEST (UTC +10): Thursday, July 26 (after maintenance) - 9:59 AM Wednesday, August 8

    Players with characters Lv. 100 and up can take part in a special monster hunt! To participate, go to the Discovery Dome waiting map and enter the battleground map. There, you can use Ark Coins to summon monsters and hunt them! Summoned monsters will be bound to each character, and can't be hunted by any other player. Destroying summoned monsters will grant you +120% EXP compared to normal monsters!

    For 10 Ark Coins, you can summon 500 monsters. Here are the daily limits for summoning monsters based on your level (there cannot be more than 2,500 summoned monsters at one time):

    Note that if you don't have permission to enter the respective regions of Vanishing Journey, Chu Chu Island, Lachelein, Arcana, or Morass, you cannot summon monsters from that region.

    Level Daily Limit
    100-119 500
    120-139 1,000
    140-159 1,500
    160-179 2,000
    180-199 2,500
    200+ 3,000

    Here are the monsters you can summon at each level:


    Level Monster Type
    100 Blood Harp
    105 Dual Birk
    110 Black Kentaurus
    115 Soul Teddy
    120 Gigantic Spirit Viking
    125 Thanatos
    130 Frozen Rose
    135 Bain
    140 Dark Wyvern
    145 Skelegon
    150 Skelosaurus
    155 Enraged Espresso Machine
    160 Oblivion Monk Trainee
    165 Chief Oblivion Guardian
    170 Official Knight B
    175 Official Knight E
    180 Gray Luxury Saucer
    185 Swollen Stump
    190 Pillaging Fire Boars
    195 Ancient Dark Golem
    200 Happy Erda
    205 Blazing Erda
    210 Pinedeer
    215 Rhyturtle
    220 Paper Bag Alley Citizen
    225 Red Dancing Shoes
    230 Water Spirit
    235 Toxic Spirit
    240 Red Shadow
    245 Thralled Archer

    View on the Official Site