Nexon America COVID-19 Update | MapleStory

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    A message from Nexon America General Manager, Kenny Chang.

    I know these are extraordinary times, and our hearts go out to everyone who has been affected by this unprecedented event. We appreciate the healthcare workers, local communities, and governments around the world who are on the front lines working to contain the coronavirus (COVID-19).

    On behalf of everyone at Nexon America, I want to thank our community of players. We are privileged to serve you and truly hope to offer a meaningful contribution to those currently seeking enjoyable ways of spending time within the confinement of their homes.

    It is essential that we take special care of ourselves and our loved ones. We ask for everyone to take preventive measures and stay home if you are sick or feel unwell. If you are gaming, be sure to wash your hands before and after gaming sessions. In addition, please practice social distancing and follow all the guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other public health officials on safety measures to help prevent the spread of the virus. Links provided below.

    During this time, our games remain available thanks to our Nexon employees, who have gone to great lengths to provide seamless solutions so that we can continue operations as we work from home. I will continue to provide you with regular updates as we move forward. In the meantime, please take care of yourself.

    Warmest Regards,
    Kenny Chang

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