[Updated February 18] Familiar Revamp Notice

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Feb 18, 2020.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    [Updated February 18] Fredrick Store Banker has been added to the list for those who have Familiar Cards stored in it.

    Greetings Maplers,

    We would like to notify you that a Familiar Revamp is coming this April. When the Familiar system gets revamped, the skills for any unused Familiar Cards will be reset during the patch update. However, the registered Familiar Cards' skill value will be maintained even after the revamp. In order to ensure players retain the current Familiar skill values, we would like to highly encourage everyone to use any Familiar Cards you have prior to the April update. Familiar Cards in your inventory, Cash Shop inventory, storage, Auction House, and Fredrick Store Banker will all be affected if they are not registered prior to the revamp. We'll also temporarily remove Starter Pack, Booster Pack, and Legendary Booster Pack from the Cash Shop starting February 20 (after maintenance). More details about the Familiar Revamp will soon be shared through a future Maple Memo.

    Thank you.

    -The MapleStory Team

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