[Updated June 15] v.233 - Destiny: Remastered Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jun 15, 2022.

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    Embrace MapleStory's Destiny: Remastered update with a revamp to all of our Explorer Jobs, Starlight Symphony Events, Better Maple improvements, and more!

    v.233 - Destiny: Remastered is live on June 15!

    • Explorer Redux
    • New Updates
    • Destiny Burning Events
    • Starlight Symphony Events
    • Other Events
    All Warriors

    Common 1st Job Skills

    • Slash Blast: Consumes MP to attack nearby enemies all at once.
    • War Leap: Use while in the middle of a jump to jump even farther. The higher the skill, the farther the jump.
    • Upward Charge: Charge through the air to attack the enemy.
    • Leap Attack: Ambush the enemy by rapidly dropping to ground from mid-air.
    • Iron Body: Boosts DEF and Max HP by a set percentage, and decreases damage taken when hit by enemies.
    • Warrior Mastery: Trains up your warrior basics to increase Movement Speed, Jump, Max HP, and Max Movement Speed. Also grants a chance to resist knockback.

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    2nd Job Skills

    • Brandish: [Swordsmanship] Perform a double attack on enemies in front of you.
    • (New!) Flash Blade: Zip forward in a flash, cutting enemies in your path.
    • Combo Attack: When activated, grants a chance to add each attack to the Combo Orb, up to 5. (Right-click to toggle the Combo Orb Effect on/off)
    • Spirit Blade: The sword and the spirit are united to improve the Attack Power of party members including yourself for a short time, and reflect a multiple of the damage that you receive. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Weapon Mastery: Increase Sword and Axe Mastery and Attack Speed.
    • Agile Arms: Increases Attack Speed and Strength.
    • Final Attack: Chance to deliver an additional hit after a direct attack skill.
    • Physical Training: Permanently increases STR and DEX through sheer physical training.

    3rd Job Skills

    • Intrepid Slash: [Swordsmanship] Deal 3 consecutive attacks on multiple enemies in front of you.
    • (New!) Beam Blade: Launches out blades that tear your enemies apart.
    • Rush: Dashes forward and pushes back multiple monsters.
    • (New!) Scarring Sword: Infuses the sword with spirit, which leaves an indelible scar on the enemy. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Combo Synergy: Increases Final Damage for each combo orb and increases the chance to gain combo orbs.
    • Self Recovery: Regularly recovers some HP and MP, even in combat.
    • Chance Attack: Deals greater damage when attacking weakened enemies. Also, permanently increases Critical Rate.
    • Endure: Enhances your Abnormal Status Resistance and Elemental Resistance.

    4th Job Skills

    • Raging Blow: [Swordsmanship] Instantly slash several times to multiple enemies in front of you.
    • Puncture: [Swordsmanship] Pour your swordsman's spirit into a forward-downward strike.
    • Magic Crash: Chance to remove certain buffs from affected enemies and prevent them regaining those buffs.
    • Enrage: Focus on an enemy, using a combo orb, to deal increased damage. (Use skill key to toggle this skill on/off)
    • Maple Warrior: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members.
    • Hero's Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects.
    • Advanced Combo Attack: Increases the final damage dealt per combo orb and enables you to gain more orbs. Also grants a chance to gain orbs twice as quickly.
    • Combat Mastery: Ignores a portion of a monster’s defense while attacking.
    • Power Stance: Concentrates to hold your ground when struck, resisting knock-back effects permanently.
    • Advanced Final Attack: Permanently increases Attack Power. Greatly increases the damage and activation rate of your Final Attack.

    Hyper Skills

    • Rising Rage: Manifest the rage of the ancients to wipe out the enemy in front of you.
    • Epic Adventure: Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output.
    • Cry Valhalla: Call upon the power of the ancients to defend you.
    • Advanced Combo Attack - Reinforce: Final Damage increased for each additional combo orb.
    • Advanced Combo Attack - Opportunity: Increases the chance to charge 2 combo orbs at once.
    • Advanced Combo Attack - Boss Rush: Damage increases when attacking Boss Monster for each combo.
    • Advanced Final Attack - Reinforce: Increases the damage of Advanced Final Attack.
    • Advanced Final Attack - Ferocity: Increases Advanced Final Attack's Attack Power boost.
    • Advanced Final Attack - Opportunity: Increases the activation chance of Advanced Final Attack.
    • Raging Blow - Reinforce: Increases Raging Blow's damage.
    • Raging Blow - Spread: Increases the max number of monsters hit by Raging Blow.
    • Raging Blow - Extra Strike: Increases Raging Blow's attack count.

    Updated 5th Job Skill

    • Burning Soul Blade: Conjures a burning soul blade to fight at your side.

    The following skills will be removed:

    • Combo Fury
    • Shout
    • Panic

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    2nd Job Skills

    • (New!) Divine Swing: [Holy Power] Swing a large hammer conjured from light, damaging and stunning nearby enemies.
    • (New!) Vessel of Light: Amass the power of light within yourself through the use of Holy Power skills.
    • Close Combat: Pulls in enemies to either side of you, while dealing damage and slowing them down.
    • Agile Arms: Increases Attack Speed and Strength.
    • Knockback Resistance: Concentrates to hold your ground when struck, resisting knock-back effects permanently.
    • Weapon Mastery: Increase Sword Mastery, Blunt Weapon Mastery, and Attack Speed.
    • Final Attack: Chance to activate an additional hit after a direct attack skill.
    • Physical Training: Permanently increases STR and DEX through sheer physical training.

    3rd Job Skills

    • Divine Charge: [Holy Power] Instantly conjures a holy hammer that slams your enemies, silencing them and inflicting damage.
    • HP Recovery: Instantly recovers your HP.
    • Rush: Dashes forward and pushes back multiple monsters.
    • Noble Demand: Releases the pride of the Holy Knight, granting a chance to temporarily decrease the Attack Power, Defense, and Accuracy of multiple enemies nearby.
    • Parashock Guard: Reduces the damage that nearby party members receive when they are hit. Grants your party members a chance to guard themselves. Increases your Attack Power. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • Combat Orders: Temporarily grants bonus skill levels to the skills of all party members, including yourself. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Shield Mastery: Increases Elemental Resistance, Abnormal Status Resistance, Defense, and Attack Power when a shield or rosary is equipped. Gives your shield a chance to block and stun enemies.
    • Achilles: Permanently increases your defensive abilities so you take less damage from enemies.
    • Divine Shield: When struck, generate a shield with a chance to block up to 10 blows. The shield also increases Attack Power.

    4th Job Skills

    • (New!) Divine Mark: [Holy Power] Allows you to summon a more powerful divine hammer.
    • Blast: [Holy Power] Call upon the full divine might of the Paladin to deal a powerful blow to your enemies.
    • (New!) Divine Judgment: Marks enemies struck by your Blast skill with a Divine Brand.
    • Magic Crash: Chance to remove certain buffs from affected enemies and prevent them regaining those buffs.
    • Heaven's Hammer: Slam a large hammer into the ground, dealing damage to multiple enemies.
    • Divine Blessing: Receive a holy blessing and temporarily increase Final Damage.
    • Maple Warrior: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members.
    • Hero's Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects.
    • Guardian: Revive one party member, closest to you, and make both the revived party member and yourself invulnerable for short time.
    • High Paladin: Your extensive experience as a Paladin grants you an increase to Weapon Mastery, Defense, Critical Rate, Critical Damage, Ignore DEF, and Final Damage. Critical Damage, Ignore DEF, or Mastery will also be enhanced depending on your equipped weapon's type.
    • (New!) Greater Vessel of Light: Empowers Vessel of Light by increasing the bonus granted by Light Charges. Increases Divine Charge's max number of targets and the attack count of both Divine Charge and Blast. Overrides the effect of Vessel of Light.

    Hyper Skills

    • Smite Shield: Summons a hammer imbued with immortal strength to strike down nearby enemies.
    • Epic Adventure: Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output.
    • Sacrosanctity: Call upon the heavens to protect you from all attacks for a short time.
    • Divine Charge - Reinforce: Increases the damage of Divine Charge.
    • Divine Charge - Critical Chance: Increases the Critical Rate of Divine Charge.
    • Divine Charge - Extra Strike: Increases the attack count of Divine Charge.
    • Blast - Reinforce: Increases the damage of Blast.
    • Blast - Critical Chance: Increases Critical Rate of Blast.
    • Blast - Extra Strike: Increases Blast's number of attacks.
    • Heaven's Hammer - Reinforce: Increases damage of Heaven's Hammer.
    • Heaven's Hammer - Cooldown Cutter: Reduces the cooldown of Heaven's Hammer.
    • Heaven's Hammer - Extra Strike: Increases Heaven's Hammer number of attacks.

    Updated 5th Job Skills

    • Divine Echo: Grant an echo of your battle prowess to a nearby party member, such that they will mirror some of your attack skills and buff skills.
    • Hammers of the Righteous: Summons a whirling bulwark of righteous hammers to strike down nearby enemies. Unaffected by attack reflection.
    • Grand Guardian: A glorious cross-section of light blazes, symbolizing noble sacrifice.

    The following skills will be removed:

    • Flame Charge
    • Blizzard Charge
    • Elemental Charge
    • Lightning Charge
    • Advanced Charge

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    Dark Knight

    2nd Job Skills

    • Spear Sweep: Swings your spear to pull in enemies and stun them.
    • Evil Eye: Summons an Evil Eye, which heals you regularly when it is near. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • (New!) Evil Eye Shock: The Evil Eye releases a terrifying scream that deals damage to nearby enemies.
    • Hyper Body: Increases Max HP and Max MP for a short time. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Iron Wall: Steel your resolve to bolster your defenses.
    • Weapon Mastery: Increases Spear and Polearm Mastery.
    • Agile Arms: Increases Attack Speed and Strength.
    • Final Attack: Chance to deliver an additional hit after a direct attack skill.
    • Physical Training: Increases STR and DEX through sheer physical training.

    3rd Job Skills

    • La Mancha Spear: Spin your spear to attack enemies in front of you.
    • Rush: Dashes forward and pushes back multiple monsters.
    • Cross Surge: Increases final damage proportional to current HP for a short time. Also reduces damage taken proportional to reduced HP.
    • Evil Eye of Domination: Summons an Evil Eye to freely attack nearby enemies.
    • (New!) Evil Eye Shock II: Empowers Evil Eye Shock, increasing its damage.
    • Hex of the Evil Eye: Your Evil Eye periodically buffs you and your party members.
    • Lord of Darkness: Increases Critical Rate and Critical Damage, and grants a chance to recover HP during the attack.
    • Endure: Enhances your Abnormal Status Resistance and Elemental Resistance.

    4th Job Skills

    • Gungnir's Descent: Throws a mythical spear to deal fatal damage.
    • Dark Impale: Launch rapid spear thrusts on multiple enemies.
    • Accept Final Pact: Accept the contract with darkness. If HP becomes 0 while a selected pact is in effect, Final Pact will be activated. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • Final Pact: When your HP reaches 0, your dark contract keeps you alive, granting invincibility based on the type selected in Accept Final Pact.
    • Dark Resonance: Resonates with your Evil Eye to unlock the power of pure darkness.
    • Magic Crash: Chance to remove certain buffs from affected enemies and prevent them regaining those buffs.
    • Maple Warrior: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members.
    • Hero's Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects.
    • Revenge of the Evil Eye: Evil Eye counterattacks the enemy. The Evil Eye periodically marks enemies struck by the Dark Knight with a vengeful brand which deals damage.
    • Barricade Mastery: Improves Spear and Polearm proficiencies to their human limits. Increases Critical Damage and Attack Power.
    • Power Stance: Concentrates to hold your ground when struck, resisting knock-back effects.

    Hyper Skills

    • Nightshade Explosion: Releases your inner power to lay waste to nearby enemies.
    • Epic Adventure: Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output.
    • Dark Thirst: Channels your inner vampire to increase Attack Power and sap life from enemies for a short time.
    • Evil Eye - Reinforce: Increases damage for Evil Eye Domination, Evil Eye Shock, Revenge of the Eye, and Radiant Evil.
    • Evil Eye - Hex Reinforce: Increases Hex of the Evil Eye's Attack Power and Magic ATT boost.
    • Evil Eye - Aura Reinforce: Increases the amount healed by Aura of the Evil Eye.
    • Final Pact - Damage: Increases passive final damage of Final Pact. Stacks with existing final damage bonuses.
    • Final Pact - Reduce Target: Reduces the number of enemies that must be defeated to reduce the cooldown for reusing all versions of Final Pact.
    • Final Pact - Critical Chance: Increases Critical Rate bonus from Final Pact's passive effect.
    • Gungnir Descent - Reinforce: Increases Gungnir's Descent's damage.
    • Gungnir Descent - Guardbreak: Increases Ignore DEF for Gungnir's Descent.
    • Gungnir Descent - Boss Rush: Damage increases when attacking Boss with Gungnir's Descent.

    Updated 5th Job Skills

    • Darkness Aura: By the power of the enhanced contract with darkness, unleash a dark aura to both siphon enemies’ life force and add a special ability.
    • Calamitous Cyclone: Swings a spear so fast it creates a dark storm and devastates the area in front of you. The final attack is unaffected by attack ignore and attack reflection.

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    All Magicians

    Common 1st Job Skills

    • Energy Bolt: Fires a condensed energy bolt that explodes on contact with an enemy.
    • Magic Guard: A portion of the damage dealt to you affects your MP instead of your HP. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • Teleport: Allows you to teleport to other locations on the same map using the arrow keys.
    • (New!) Mana Wave: Expel a blast of mana that propels you upwards.
    • Magic Armor: Uses magic to increase DEF.
    • MP Boost: Increase Max MP and Attack Speed. Also increases MP proportional to your level.

    Common 5th Job Skills

    • Unreliable Memory: Call upon magic memorized with Mind Delve. Results may vary.
    • Mind Delve: Search your memories for a spell to cast.

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    Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)

    2nd Job Skills

    • Flame Orb: Creates and throws a burning orb at multiple enemies.
    • Elemental Drain: Increases damage based on the number of nearby enemies affected by your damage-over-time effects.
    • Poison Breath: Conjures a poisonous cloud, inflicting fatal damage to enemies.
    • Meditation: Temporarily enhance the Magic Attack of all party members nearby through meditation.
    • Agile Magic: Increases Attack Speed and Intelligence.
    • Ignite: Grants Fire magic a chance to create a wall of fire at the target location. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • Spell Mastery: Increases Magic Mastery and Magic ATT.
    • High Wisdom: Permanently increase INT through mental discipline.
    • MP Eater: Absorb the enemy's MP when attacking with Magic skills.

    3rd Job Skills

    • Explosion: Creates a fire explosion near you that hits nearby enemies.
    • Poison Mist: Temporarily creates a poisonous fog around you, dealing poison damage to all enemies nearby.
    • (New!) Creeping Toxin: Conjures a poison totem that creates a toxic pool which continually spreads across the map horizontally.
    • Elemental Adaptation (Fire, Poison): Cover yourself with a veil of fire and poison to defend against debilitating status conditions.
    • Teleport Mastery: When activated, instead of consuming extra MP, enemies at the teleport location will take damage and become Stunned. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • (New!) Teleport Boost: Increases your maneuverability by enhancing the range of Teleport. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • Elemental Decrease: Decreases the Elemental Resistance to all of your attacks.
    • Element Amplification: Increases the MP cost and the Damage of your magic skills except for Inferno Aura.
    • Arcane Overdrive: Permanently increases Critical Rate and Critical Damage.
    • Burning Magic: Increases all of your damage over time durations and final damage when you attack enemies under damage over time, stun, freeze, darkness, or paralysis effects.

    4th Job Skills

    • Flame Sweep: Sweeps the area in front of you with a powerful flame.
    • Mist Eruption: Permanently increases Poison Mist's continuous damage. Upon using the skill, nearby Poison Mists explode, dealing fatal damage to enemies.
    • Fervent Drain: Increases the effect of Elemental Drain.
    • Meteor Shower: Summons meteorites from the sky to inflict intense fire damage against multiple enemies.
    • Flame Haze: Surrounds enemies with burning poisonous mist to make them untouchable while slowing them down with continuous damage.
    • Infinity: Lets you use skills without spending MP by concentrating and drawing out unlimited mana.
    • Ifrit: Summons a fire ifrit that attacks multiple enemies for a short time.
    • Maple Warrior: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members.
    • Hero's Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects.
    • Arcane Aim: Ignores a portion of enemy Defense when attacking. Damage dealt increases with consecutive attacks.
    • Buff Mastery: Permanently increases Magic Attack and increases the duration of all buffs on you.

    Hyper Skills

    • Megiddo Flame: Fires a blue flame that burns the enemy to the very soul.
    • Epic Adventure: Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Inferno Aura: Channel fire chakras to burst into flame, damaging nearby enemies. (Can be toggled on/off)
    • Poison Mist - Reinforce: Buffs Poison Mist damage.
    • Poison Mist - Aftermath: Increases duration of Poison Mist's damage over time.
    • Poison Mist - Cripple: Increases Poison Mist's damage over time damage.
    • Flame Sweep - Reinforce: Increases the damage of Flame Sweep.
    • Flame Sweep - Cripple: Increases damage over time for Flame Sweep.
    • Flame Sweep - Extra Strike: Increases the number of attacks for Flame Sweep.
    • Mist Eruption - Reinforce: Increases the damage for Mist Eruption.
    • Mist Eruption - Guardbreak: Boosts the DEF ignored by Mist Eruption.
    • Mist Eruption - Cooldown Cutter: Reduces Mist Eruption cooldown.

    Updated 5th Job Skill

    • Poison Chain: Unleash a fatal poison on a chain of enemies. Poisoned enemies periodically release clouds of additional poison, damaging both themselves and other nearby enemies.

    The following skills will be removed:

    • Viral Slime
    • Mana Burn
    • Paralyze

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    Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)

    2nd Job Skills

    • Cold Beam: Grows sharp ice crystals in front.
    • Freezing Crush: Grants Critical Damage Bonus when attacking Frozen enemies. Bonus increases per stack of skill.
    • Thunder Bolt: Creates a powerful magnetic field, which hurls down lightning bolts on up to 6 enemies.
    • Chilling Step: When you use the Teleport skill, your path will freeze immediately and deal damage to enemies that pass over it, freezing them as well. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • Meditation: Temporarily enhance the Magic Attack of all party members nearby through meditation.
    • Agile Magic: Increases Attack Speed and Intelligence.
    • Spell Mastery: Increases Magic Mastery and Magic ATT.
    • High Wisdom: Permanently increase INT through mental discipline.
    • MP Eater: Absorb the enemy's MP when attacking with Magic skills.

    3rd Job Skills

    • Ice Strike: Creates an Ice explosion near you that attacks nearby enemies.
    • Elemental Adaptation (Ice, Lightning): Forms a barrier of ice and lightning.
    • (New!) Frost Ward: Creates a bulwark of jagged ice that pushes enemies backward, damaging them.
    • (New!) Thunder Sphere: Summon an orb of condensed lightning.
    • Teleport Mastery: When activated, instead of consuming extra MP, enemies at the teleport destination will take damage and become Stunned. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • (New!) Teleport Boost: Enhances maneuverability by boosting the range of Teleport. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • Shatter: When attacking frozen enemies, you have a chance to ignore a portion of their defenses.
    • Elemental Decrease: Decreases the Elemental Resistance to all of your attacks.
    • Arcane Overdrive: Permanently increases Critical Rate and Critical Damage.
    • Storm Magic: Increases final damage when you attack enemies under damage over time, stun, freeze, or darkness effects.
    • Element Amplification: Increases the MP cost and the Damage of your magic skills.

    4th Job Skills

    • Chain Lightning: Attack the target with a high-voltage lightning attack, stunning the enemy.
    • Freezing Breath: Freeze yourself and enemies with powerful, cold air to stun them and continually reduce their Defense.
    • Blizzard: Summons spears of ice from the sky, showering multiple enemies with a nasty blizzard to freeze them.
    • Frozen Orb: Create and throw a Frozen Orb that fires ice shards everywhere to deal ice damage.
    • Infinity: Lets you use skills without spending MP by concentrating and drawing out unlimited mana.
    • Elquines: Summons Elquines for a short time.
    • Maple Warrior: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members.
    • Hero's Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects.
    • Arcane Aim: Ignores a portion of enemy Defense when attacking. Damage dealt increases with consecutive attacks.
    • Buff Mastery: Permanently increases Magic Attack and increases the duration of all buffs on you.
    • Frost Clutch: Increases the effect of Freezing Crush.

    Hyper Skills

    • Lightning Orb: Creates a large, unstable sphere of electricity to continuously zap enemies.
    • Epic Adventure: Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Absolute Zero Aura: Envelops party members in a shield of cold.
    • Teleport Mastery - Reinforce: Increases the damage of Teleport Mastery.
    • Teleport Mastery - Spread: Increases the max number of monsters hit by Teleport Mastery.
    • Teleport Mastery - Range: Dramatically increases the teleport movement distance.
    • Chain Lightning - Reinforce: Increases the damage of Chain Lightning.
    • Chain Lightning - Spread: Increases the max number of monsters hit by Chain Lightning.
    • Chain Lightning - Extra Strike: Increases the number of Chain Lightning's attack.
    • Frozen Orb - Reinforce: Increases the damage of Frozen Orb.
    • Frozen Orb - Spread: Increases the max number of monsters hit by Frozen Orb.
    • Frozen Orb - Critical Chance: Increases the Critical Rate of Frozen Orb.

    The following skills will be removed:

    • Glacial Chain
    • Thunderstorm

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    2nd Job Skills

    • Holy Arrow: Attacks multiple monsters with Holy Arrows.
    • Blessed Ensemble: Increases your damage in proportion to the number of nearby party members you have buffed.
    • Heal: [Benevolence] Restores the HP of all surrounding party members including yourself, and reduces Heal's cooldown by the number of people in your party.
    • (New!) Angelic Wrath: [Vengeance] Calls down an avenging angel to strike the enemy. Enemies struck will be weakened, and their Defense will be reduced for a short time.
    • Bless: Increases Attack Power, Magic ATT, and DEF for you and all nearby party members for a short time.
    • Invincible: Decreases all damage taken.
    • Agile Magic: Increases Attack Speed and Intelligence.
    • Spell Mastery: Increases Magic Mastery and Magic ATT.
    • High Wisdom: Permanently increase INT through mental discipline.
    • MP Eater: Absorb the enemy's MP when attacking with Magic skills.

    3rd Job Skills

    • Shining Ray: Attack multiple enemies at once with a ray of holy light.
    • Holy Fountain: [Benevolence] Summon a Holy Fountain that restores party members' HP.
    • (New!) Fountain of Vengeance: [Vengeance] Summon a divine talisman of vengeance that punishes nearby enemies. The talisman erupts with light at regular intervals, damaging the enemy.
    • Divine Protection: Permanently increases Abnormal Status and Elemental Resistances.
    • Mystic Door: Creates a portal that leads to the nearest town.
    • Dispel: [Benevolence] Nullifies all enemy magic effects within the targeted area while removing some abnormal conditions suffered by nearby allies.
    • (New!) Triumph Feather: [Vengeance] Harness the power of the Angel of Victory. While active, when your skills strike an enemy, angel feathers appear and seek out and attack nearby enemies. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Holy Symbol: Temporarily allows all nearby party members to gain additional EXP while hunting.
    • Teleport Mastery: When activated, instead of consuming extra MP, enemies at the teleport location will take damage and become Stunned. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • (New!) Teleport Boost: Increases your maneuverability by enhancing the range of Teleport. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • Holy Magic Shell: Fully restore HP for you and all party members, while also creating a holy shield that defends against all damage for a short time.
    • Arcane Overdrive: Permanently increases Critical Rate and Critical Damage.
    • Holy Focus: Permanently increases all magic attacks, Heal magic Critical Rates, and Magic Mastery.

    4th Job Skills

    • Angel Ray: Attacks with a holy sword, dealing tremendous holy damage.
    • Genesis: A holy ray of light shines down from the sky, burning up to 15 monsters at one time.
    • Big Bang: Holy power spreads out, culminating in a holy explosion.
    • Blessed Harmony: Increases the effect of Blessed Ensemble.
    • (New!) Holy Water: [Benevolence] Striking enemies with Angel Ray grants you holy water made from their purified blood. On use, summons a chalice of holy water nearby. Party members can press the Up Arrow key while standing on top of the grail to absorb its power and recover HP.
    • (New!) Blood of the Divine: [Vengeance] Enhance your power by conjuring a spell with your own hallowed blood. Increases your damage, at the cost of increasing your Damage Taken and reducing your HP recovery, for a set period of time.
    • Resurrection: Use a ray of holy light to resurrect a party member.
    • Infinity: Lets you use skills without spending MP by concentrating and drawing out unlimited mana.
    • Bahamut: Temporarily summons Bahamut to deal Holy damage.
    • Advanced Blessing: Greatly increases nearby party member Attack Power, Magic ATT, DEF, Max HP, and Max MP. Reduces MP consumption upon using the skill.
    • Maple Warrior: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members.
    • Hero's Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects.
    • Arcane Aim: Ignores a portion of enemy Defense when attacking. Damage dealt increases with consecutive attacks.
    • Buff Mastery: Permanently increases Magic Attack and increases the duration of all buffs on you.

    Hyper Skills

    • Heaven's Door: Knocks on the door to the heavens to punish enemies and bless your party members at the same time.
    • Epic Adventure: Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Righteously Indignant: Fuel your body with the fury of an avenging angel. Converts the Benevolence skill to Vengeance skill.
    • Holy Magic Shell - Extra Guard: Increases Holy Magic Shell's guard count.
    • Holy Magic Shell - Persist: Increases the duration of Holy Magic Shell.
    • Holy Magic Shell - Enhance: Increases Holy Magic Shell's damage reduction rate by a ratio of your Max HP.
    • Holy Symbol - Experience: Increases your EXP earned when using Holy Symbol.
    • Holy Symbol - Preparation: Increases resistance to status ailments and all elements from using Holy Symbol. However, if you go outside of the vicinity of the character that cast Holy Symbol, the efficiency will be reduced by half.
    • Holy Symbol - Item Drop: Increases the drop rate when using Holy Symbol. However, if you go outside of the vicinity of the character that cast Holy Symbol, the efficiency will be reduced by half.
    • Advanced Blessing - Ferocity: Increases the effectiveness of Advanced Blessing’s Attack Power and Magic ATT boost.
    • Advanced Blessing - Boss Rush: Damage increases when attacking Boss Monsters upon use of Advanced Blessing.
    • Advanced Blessing - Extra Point: Increases the effectiveness of Advanced Blessing’s Max HP and the Max MP boost.

    Updated 5th Job Skill

    • Angel of Balance: Summons an angel of compassion and vengeance.

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    All Bowmen

    Common 1st Job Skills

    • Arrow Blow: Shoot consecutive arrows at multiple enemies.
    • Double Jump: Allows you to double jump to move very quickly.
    • Critical Shot: Increases Critical Rate.
    • Archery Mastery: Gain proficiency in the fundamentals of Archery. Increases Range, Movement Speed, Attack Speed and Max Movement Speed.

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    Bow Master

    2nd Job Skills

    • (New!) Wind Arrow: Fire multiple arrows that fly like the wind.
    • Covering Fire: Fire arrows while leaping backwards.
    • Quiver Cartridge: Use a special arrowhead. Learning Enchanted Quiver adds arrowheads you can use.
    • Agile Bows: Increase Attack Speed and Dexterity.
    • Bow Mastery: Increases Bow Mastery.
    • Final Attack: Bow: Chance to deliver an additional hit after a direct attack.
    • Physical Training: Permanently increases STR and DEX through sheer physical training.
    • Soul Arrow: Bow: Allows you to use your bow without consuming arrows and increases Attack Power. The Arrows in your inventory with the highest Attack Power will be used to calculate damage.

    3rd Job Skills

    • Arrow Blaster: Shoots an arrow at a high angle. (Right-click to toggle Action Customization on/off)
    • (New!) Speed Mirage: Fire arrows fast enough to leave afterimages. (Skill can be togged on/off)
    • Phoenix: Temporarily summon a Phoenix to deal Fire damage to up to 4 enemies.
    • (New!) Blink Shot: Mark the spot where you are currently standing. Use the skill again to ride a magic arrow back to that spot immediately.
    • Reckless Hunt: Bow: Reduces Defense and increases Attack Power and Final Damage. (Skill can be togged on/off)
    • Mortal Blow: If the attack hits a certain number of times, the damage increases and allows you to deal a more powerful attack.
    • Focused Fury: Constant attacks focus your concentration, increasing your Abnormal Status Resistance.
    • Evasion Boost: Grants a chance to dodge enemy attacks.
    • Marksmanship: When attacking, ignores a portion of enemy Defense. Permanently increases your Attack Power.

    4th Job Skills

    • Hurricane: Launches a tremendous volley of arrows, like a catastrophic rainstorm.
    • Arrow Stream: Shoots a wild flurry of arrows straight ahead.
    • (New!) Speed Mirage II: Your continued archery training has empowered your Speed Mirage.
    • Enchanted Quiver: Equips specialized arrowheads. You can switch between arrowheads by using the skill again.
    • Sharp Eyes: Temporarily grants party members the ability to locate an enemy's weak spot to deal fatal damage to that enemy.
    • Maple Warrior: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members. (Can add to Auto Buff skill)
    • Hero's Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects.
    • Bow Expert: Increases Bow Mastery, Attack Power, and Critical Damage.
    • Illusion Step: Greatly increases your DEX and Avoidability, and reduces damage taken.
    • Advanced Final Attack: Permanently increases Attack Power. Greatly increases the damage and activation rate of your Final Attack.
    • Armor Break: You successful attacks pierces the enemy's defenses and gain Final Damage in proportion to the enemy’s Defense.

    Hyper Skills

    • Gritty Gust: Tear nearby enemies apart with a gust of wind.
    • Epic Adventure: Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Concentration: Steel yourself for battle to increase damage.
    • Sharp Eyes - Persist: Increases Sharp Eyes's duration.
    • Sharp Eyes - Guardbreak: Grants Sharp Eyes a bonus to Enemy DEF Ignored.
    • Sharp Eyes - Critical Chance: Increases the Critical Rate of Sharp Eyes.
    • Arrow Stream - Reinforce: Increases Arrow Stream's damage.
    • Arrow Stream - Spread: Increases the max number of monsters hit by Arrow Stream.
    • Arrow Stream - Extra Strike: Increases Arrow Stream's number of attacks.
    • Hurricane - Reinforce: Increases damage for Hurricane, Arrow Blaster, and installed Arrow Blaster.
    • Hurricane - Boss Rush: Increases damage when attacking Boss Monsters with Hurricane.
    • Hurricane - Split Attack: Increases the number of attacks. Reduces the damage of Hurricane.

    Updated 5th Job Skills

    • Inhuman Speed: Causes you to attack so quickly you produce afterimages. Unaffected by attack reflection.
    • Quiver Barrage: Fire every type of arrowhead at once, including a special flaming arrowhead that explodes when it hits an enemy.
    • Silhouette Mirage: Evade enemy attacks by moving fast enough to create illusory doubles of yourself. (Skill can be togged on/off)

    The following skills will be removed:

    • Arrow Bomb
    • Flame Surge
    • Hookshot
    • Binding Shot

    Back to Top


    2nd Job Skills

    • (New!) Piercing Arrow: Fire a piercing arrow. Its effect increases with each enemy it hits.
    • (New!) Covering Fire: Fire arrows while leaping backwards.
    • Agile Crossbows: Increases Attack Speed and Dexterity.
    • Soul Arrow: Crossbow: Allows you to fire your crossbow without consuming arrows and increases Attack Power. The Crossbow Arrows in your inventory with the highest Attack Power will be used to calculate damage.
    • Crossbow Mastery: Increases Crossbow Mastery and Final Damage.
    • Final Attack: Crossbow: Chance to deal additional hit after a direct attack.
    • Physical Training: Permanently increases STR and DEX through sheer physical training.

    3rd Job Skills

    • (New!) Empowered Arrows: Empowers certain attack skills as you use them.
    • Frostprey: Temporarily summons a Frostprey.
    • (New!) Bolt Burst: Fires arrows in all direction, striking multiple enemies nearby.
    • (New!) Blink Bolt: Mark the spot where you are currently standing. Use the skill again to ride a magic arrow back to that spot immediately.
    • Pain Killer: Consumes a prepared Herb to remove Abnormal Status immediately.
    • Reckless Hunt: Crossbow: Reduces Avoidability and increases Critical Damage. (Skill can be togged on/off)
    • Mortal Blow: Chance to deal additional damage to an enemy and recover HP and MP.
    • Aggressive Resistance: When attacking, create a barrier for a short time that reduces a percentage of incoming damage.
    • Evasion Boost: Grants a chance to dodge enemy attacks.
    • Marksmanship: When attacking, ignores a portion of enemy Defense. Permanently increases your Attack Power.

    4th Job Skills

    • (New!) Piercing Arrow ll: Enhance Piercing Arrow.
    • Snipe: Fire a carefully-aimed shot to deal severe damage.
    • (New!) Greater Empowered Arrows: Further enhance the strength of your Empowered Arrows.
    • Arrow Illusion: Summons an arrow illusion for a short time to draw enemies in and damage them.
    • Sharp Eyes: Temporarily grants party members the ability to locate an enemy's weak spot to deal fatal damage to that enemy.
    • Maple Warrior: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members. (Can add to Auto Buff skill)
    • Hero's Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects.
    • Crossbow Expert: Increases Crossbow Mastery, Attack Power, and Critical Damage.
    • Illusion Step: Greatly increases your DEX and Avoidability, and reduces damage taken.
    • Crossbow Expert: Increases Crossbow Mastery, Attack Power, and Critical Damage.
    • Bolt Surplus: Increases the number of attacks for all multi-hit skills and final damage.
    • Last Man Standing: Increase the attack's power by training your strong, indomitable mind.

    Hyper Skills

    • High Speed Shot: Fires off a focused shot that pierces all enemies within range.
    • Epic Adventure: Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Bullseye Shot: Hone in on the enemy's weak spot for a devastating shot.
    • Sharp Eyes - Persist: Increases Sharp Eyes's duration.
    • Sharp Eyes - Guardbreak: Grants Sharp Eyes a bonus to Enemy DEF Ignored.
    • Sharp Eyes - Critical Chance: Increases the Critical Rate of Sharp Eyes.
    • Piercing Arrow - Reinforce: Increases the damage of Piercing Arrow-type skills.
    • Piercing Arrow - Spread: Increases the max number of monsters hit by Piercing Arrow-type skills. Not applied to Arrow Fragment.
    • Piercing Arrow - Extra Strike: Increase the number of attacks for Piercing Arrow-type skills.
    • Snipe - Extra Strike: Increase the number of attacks for Snipe-type skills.
    • Snipe - Reinforce: Increases the damage of Snipe-type skills.
    • Snipe - Boss Rush: Increases Boss Damage of Snipe-type skills.

    Updated 5th Job Skills

    • Surge Bolt: Concentrate and deploy a powerful spirit arrow.
    • Perfect Shot: Catch your enemies square in your sights. Use the left mouse button to attack, or the right mouse button to cancel the skill.
    • Repeating Crossbow Cartridge: Use a special cartridge that allows you to fire multiple arrows at once. Use the skill again to activate a Full Burst Shot with the same cartridge.
    • Split Shot: Magically enchants your arrows to explode as they approach the enemy, releasing countless more arrows.

    The following skills will be removed:

    • Iron Arrow
    • Net Toss
    • Rangefinder
    • Judge Distance
    • Explosive Bolt
    • Hookshot
    • Dragon Breath
    • (Old) Piercing Arrow
    • Vital Hunter

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    All Thieves

    Common 1st Job Skills

    • Double Stab: Quickly stab a nearby enemy twice.
    • Lucky Seven: Throw 7 lucky throwing stars to attack enemies in front.
    • Flash Jump: Use in mid-jump to jump even further.
    • Haste: Permanently increases Speed, Jump, and Max Speed.
    • Dark Sight: Allows you to hide in the shadows for a short time to avoid the enemy's attack.
    • Nimble Body: Permanently increases Luck.

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    Night Lord

    2nd Job Skills

    • Shuriken Burst: Throw three exploding shurikens that ricochet to nearby enemies on hit.
    • Gust Charm: Throws a talisman containing fierce shadow power to damage and knock back enemies.
    • Assassin's Mark: While attacking with this skill, you have a chance to leave an assassin's mark on the enemy. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • (New!) Shadow Surge: Meld into shadow and surge quickly forward.
    • (New!) Shadow Leap: Harness the power of shadow to leap into the air.
    • Claw Mastery: Increases Claw Mastery and the max number of charges of your Throwing Stars.
    • Agile Claws: Increases Claw Attack Speed and Luck.
    • Critical Throw: Enhances Critical Rate and Critical Damage.
    • Physical Training: Permanently increases Luck and Dexterity through physical training.

    3rd Job Skills

    • Triple Throw: Throw 3 throwing stars simultaneously.
    • (New!) Shuriken Challenge: Summon a large shadow-powered shuriken to annihilate enemies.
    • Dark Flare: Release dark energy, for a certain period of time, to summon a large shuriken that attacks enemies nearby.
    • Shadow Partner: Summon a shadow partner that mimics the summoner. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Spirit of the Star: Allows you to attack without consuming Throwing Stars, and increases Attack Power.
    • Enveloping Darkness: Cloaks yourself in darkness, increasing Max HP, Abnormal Status Resistance and Elemental Resistance permanently.
    • Venom: Permanently adds poison to your Claw, giving all your attacks the chance to Poison enemies.
    • Expert Throwing Star Handling: The Thief's secret technique increases Final Damage and Critical Rate.
    • Alchemic Adrenaline: Increases the effect of recovery items like potions.

    4th Job Skills

    • Quad Star: Masterfully unleash four throwing stars.
    • Showdown: Attacks up to 6 enemies and provokes them, making them untouchable.
    • Night Lord's Mark: Further enhances the assassin's mark, increasing the probability of leaving a mark, the damage, and the number of throwing stars.
    • Sudden Raid: Call in a horde of friends to attack enemies.
    • Frailty Curse: Summons a barrier around you.
    • Maple Warrior: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members.
    • Hero's Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects.
    • Dark Harmony: Become one with the darkness to deal more damage.
    • Shadow Shifter: Grants a chance to summon a wooden doll to take damage in your place.
    • Toxic Venom: Increases Venom's poison chance and permanently increases poison damage.
    • Claw Expert: Increases Claw Mastery, Attack Power, and Critical Damage.

    Hyper Skills

    • Death Star: Summons 4 shurikens that combine into one giant shuriken.
    • Epic Adventure: Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Bleed Dart: Coats your stars with a deadly poison that causes bleeding, increasing Attack Power and inflicting continuous damage on enemies.
    • Showdown - Reinforce: Increases the damage of Showdown.
    • Showdown - Spread: Increases the max number of enemies hit by Showdown.
    • Showdown - Enhance: Increases EXP and items from enemies provoked by Showdown.
    • Frailty Curse - Enhance: Increases the Attack Power and Defense penalty from Frailty Curse.
    • Frailty Curse - Slow: Increases the Speed penalty from Frailty Curse.
    • Frailty Curse - Boss Rush: Bosses are affected by Frailty Curse.
    • Quad Star - Reinforce: Increases Quad Star damage.
    • Quad Star - Boss Rush: Damage increases when attacking Boss Monsters with Quad Star.
    • Quad Star - Extra Strike: Increases Number of Attacks for Quad Star.

    Updated 5th Job Skill

    • Throwing Star Barrage: Temporarily grants your throwing skills extra spread.

    The following skills will be removed:

    • Shade Splitter
    • Shadow Web

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    2nd Job Skills

    • Savage Blow: Deals very quick consecutive attacks to the enemy in front.
    • Critical Edge: Permanently increases Critical Rate and Critical Damage.
    • Steal: Grants your attack skills a chance to steal a potion that immediately recovers either HP or MP upon striking an enemy. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • Agile Daggers: Increases Attack Speed and Luck.
    • Channel Karma: Increase your Attack Power and your ability to resist knockback effects when struck.
    • Dagger Mastery: Increases Dagger Mastery.
    • Physical Training: Permanently increases Luck and Dexterity through physical training.
    • (New!) Shield Mastery: Increases DEF, Avoidability, and Attack Power when a shield or dagger scabbard is equipped, and reduces damage taken.
    • (New!) Bandit's Agility: Harness the agility of an assassin to gain the ability to Flash Jump upwards.

    3rd Job Skills

    • Midnight Carnival: Overwhelm enemies with supersonic slashes.
    • Phase Dash: Dashes at the enemy with blinding speed, damaging and knocking them back.
    • Meso Explosion: Fling Mesos, dropped by Pick Pocket, to damage enemies.
    • Dark Flare: Release dark energy for a certain period of time to summon a large dagger, which attacks enemies nearby.
    • Pick Pocket: Cause 1 Meso to drop every time you attack with your skills (besides Meso Explosion, 1st Job Skills, 5th Job Common Skills, and Summoner attacks). (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • Shadow Partner: Summon a shadow partner that mimics the summoner. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Advanced Dark Sight: Hones your stealth technique, giving you a chance of not breaking Dark Sight when you attack or use skills in Dark Sight.
    • Into Darkness: Melt into the darkness and teleport behind the furthest enemy in range.
    • Venom: Permanently coats your dagger with venom, giving all your attacks the chance to Poison enemies.
    • Meso Mastery: Increase Attack Power, amount of Mesos that drop, and Meso Explosion's damage.
    • Enveloping Darkness: Cloaks yourself in darkness, increasing Max HP, Abnormal Status Resistance and Elemental Resistance permanently.

    4th Job Skills

    • Assassinate: Attack an enemy's vital points over and over to deal tremendous damage.
    • Cruel Stab: Drive a dagger deep into an enemy ahead of you.
    • (New!) Blood Money: Drops coins branded with an Assassin’s Mark. Enhances Meso Explosion. Using Meso Explosion while this skill is active grants the Murderous Intent buff which enhances your next Assassinate’s final blow. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • Sudden Raid: Call in a horde of friends to attack enemies.
    • Maple Warrior: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members.
    • Hero's Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects.
    • Smokescreen: Drop a Smokescreen near you.
    • Shadower Instinct: Awakens your merciless Shadower's instincts, increasing your Attack, Final Damage, and Ignore DEF.
    • Shadow Shifter: Grants a chance to summon a wooden doll to take damage in your place.
    • Toxic Venom: Increases Venom's poison chance and permanently increases poison damage.
    • Dagger Expert: Increases Dagger Mastery, Attack Power, and Critical Damage.

    Hyper Skills

    • Shadow Veil: Summons a dark ally to deal damage over time.
    • Epic Adventure: Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Flip of the Coin: Flip a lucky coin to conjure up a blessing of awesomeness. (Skill can be toggle on/off)
    • Meso Explosion - Reinforce: Increases Meso Explosion's damage.
    • Meso Explosion - Guardbreak: Increases Enemy DEF Ignored for Meso Explosion.
    • Meso Explosion - Enhance: Increases max number of Mesos that can be used by Meso Explosion. Increases drop rate and max number of Mesos dropped from Pick Pocket and Blood Money.
    • Cruel Stab - Reinforce: Increases Cruel Stab damage.
    • Cruel Stab - Spread: Increases the max number of enemies hit by Cruel Stab.
    • Cruel Stab - Extra Strike: Increases the number of attacks for Cruel Stab.
    • Assassinate - Reinforce: Increases Assassinate damage.
    • Assassinate - Boss Rush: Increases damage when attacking Boss Monsters with Assassinate.
    • Assassinate - Guardbreak: Increases Enemy DEF Ignored amount for Assassinate.

    Updated 5th Job Skills

    • Shadow Assault: Instantly move to slash enemies.
    • Trickblade: Move behind the enemy damaged by Assassinate and Sonic Blow to deal a fatal attack.
    • Sonic Blow: Move faster than the speed of sound, dealing consecutive attacks along the way.
    • Slash Shadow Formation: Team up with dark allies in a special formation to perform a joint attack. Use the skill again during activation to immediately call the leader.

    The following skills will be removed:

    • Mesoguard
    • Prime Critical

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    Dual Blade

    1st Job Skills

    • Dark Sight: Allows you to hide in the shadows for a short time to avoid the enemy's attack.
    • Flash Jump: Use in mid-jump to jump even further.
    • Side Step: Permanently increases Avoidability.
    • Bandit Slash: Lash out at a group of enemies with crossing blades.

    1.5th Job Skills

    • (New!) Bandit Slash Boost: Enhances Bandit Slash.
    • Tornado Spin: Quickly dashes forward to spin attack multiple enemies in your way.
    • Katara Mastery: Increases Dagger and Katara Mastery.
    • Self Haste: Permanently increases Speed, Jump, and Max Speed.

    2nd Job Skills

    • Fatal Blow: Deals very quick consecutive attacks to a monster.
    • Slash Storm: Attack multiple enemies in front.
    • Channel Karma: Increase your Attack Power and your ability to resist knockback effects when struck.
    • Physical Training: Permanently increases Luck and Dexterity through physical training.
    • Agile Dual Wielding: Increases Attack Speed and Luck.

    2.5th Job Skills

    • (New!) Slash Storm Boost: Enhances Slash Storm.
    • Flying Assaulter: Fly down from the sky to slash nearby enemies, with a chance to stun.
    • Flashbang: Throw a flash dagger to temporarily blind multiple monsters.
    • Venom: Permanently coats your dagger with venom, giving all your attacks the chance to Poison enemies.

    3rd Job Skills

    • Bloody Storm: Attack enemies on both sides with swift, elaborate movements.
    • Blade Ascension: The Secret Garden Ascension's secret technique. Rise up into the sky and slash enemies ahead of you.
    • Chains of Hell: Chains of Hell pull an enemy close and deal consecutive Critical strikes with a chance to stun.
    • Mirror Image: Summon a doppelganger of yourself for a short time.
    • Advanced Dark Sight: Hones your stealth technique, giving you a chance of not breaking Dark Sight when you attack or use skills in Dark Sight.
    • Life Drain: Grants a chance to recover HP when attacking.
    • Enveloping Darkness: Cloaks yourself in darkness, increasing Max HP, Abnormal Status Resistance and Elemental Resistance permanently.
    • Shadow Meld: Increases your chance to dodge incoming attacks.

    4th Job Skills

    • Blade Fury: The secret technique of Secret Garden's tornado.
    • Phantom Blow: The secret technique of raging Secret Garden.
    • Final Cut: Sacrifices a significant amount of HP to deal heavy damage to multiple enemies.
    • Sudden Raid: Call in a horde of friends to attack enemies.
    • Maple Warrior: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members.
    • Hero's Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects.
    • Mirrored Target: Turns your Mirror Image into a dummy.
    • Thorns: Increases your Attack Power and your ability to resist knockback effects when struck.
    • Sharpness: Increases Critical Rate and Critical Damage.
    • Toxic Venom: Increases Venom's poison chance and permanently increases poison damage.
    • Katara Expert: Increases Weapon Mastery, Attack Power, and Final Damage of daggers and kataras.

    Hyper Skills

    • Asura's Anger: Create a vortex of wind blades, damaging nearby enemies.
    • Epic Adventure: Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Blade Clone: Summons a dagger from the Secret Garden to deal powerful bonus damage with all your attacks.
    • Blade Fury - Reinforce: Increases Blade Fury's damage.
    • Blade Fury - Guardbreak: Increases Blade Fury's DEF ignore amount.
    • Blade Fury - Spread: Increases the max number of monsters hit by Blade Fury.
    • Phantom Blow - Reinforce: Increases Phantom Blow damage.
    • Phantom Blow - Guardbreak: Increases Phantom Blow's Monster DEF debuff.
    • Phantom Blow - Extra Strike: Increases Phantom Blow's attack count.
    • (New!) Blade Ascension - Guardbreak: Increases Ignore DEF for Blade Ascension.
    • (New!) Blade Ascension - Reinforce: Increases Blade Ascension damage.
    • (New!) Blade Ascension - Extra Strike: Increases the number of attacks for Blade Ascension.

    Updated 5th Job Skills

    • Blade Tempest: Storms forward, slashing enemies with techniques honed at the Secret Garden.
    • Haunted Edge: The malevolent spirit imbued in the blade attacks the enemy on its own.

    The following skills will be removed:

    • Upper Stab

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    All Pirates

    Common 1st Job Skills

    • Somersault Kick: A devastating kick that accompanies a backward somersault.
    • Double Shot: Fire consecutive shots that split on impact and explode on nearby enemies.
    • Pirate Leap: Use while in the middle of a jump to jump even farther.
    • Dash: Use by double-tapping, and then holding, Left or Right. Increases Speed, Jump, and Knockback Resistance for the dash's duration.
    • Shadow Heart: Increases Critical Rate and Critical Damage.
    • Bullet Time: Permanently increases Max Movement Speed and Jump.

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    2nd Job Skills

    • (New!) Static Thumper: [Fighting Skill] Attack multiple enemies with a shockwave when landing from a jump.
    • (New!) Vortex Jump: Allows you to double jump in mid-air.
    • (New!) Sea Serpent: Call upon the power of the Sea Serpent that lies sleeping below the waves. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • (New!) Sea Serpent Burst: [Sea Serpent Skill] Attack the enemies in front with the Sea Serpent's shockwave.
    • Advanced Dash: Move rapidly by double-tapping, and then holding, Left or Right.
    • Agile Knuckles: Increases Attack Speed and Strength.
    • Knuckle Mastery: Increases Knuckle Mastery.
    • Dark Clarity: Calms your heart to provide an increase to Attack Power.
    • HP Boost: Improves your physique to permanently increase Max HP and resist knockback.
    • Perseverance: Recovers HP and MP over time.
    • Physical Training: Permanently increases STR and DEX through sheer physical training.

    3rd Job Skills

    • Corkscrew Blow: Charge enemies and knock them back with an energized fist.
    • (New!) Turning Kick: [Fighting Skill] Spin after jumping to kick multiple enemies in front.
    • (New!) Greater Sea Serpent I: Enhance the power of the Sea Serpent to create a more powerful shockwave.
    • Roll of the Dice: Roll the dice to test your luck.
    • (New!) Serpent Scale: Obtain clues about the Sea Serpent's power by using it and consume them to use the Sea Serpent's power. (Right-click to toggle on/off)
    • (New!) Serpent Assault: [Assault Skill] Attack in a wide area with twin serpent shockwaves.
    • Admiral's Wings: Focus on defensive maneuvers for a boost to defense.
    • Precision Strikes: Increases Critical Rate and critical damage. Additional Critical Rate against bosses. Permanently increases Attack Power.
    • Groggy Mastery: Can recover quickly from being stunned.

    4th Job Skills

    • Octopunch: [Fighting Skill] Pummel enemies in front.
    • (New!) Hook Bomber: [Fighting Skill] Throws a punch that attacks the enemy in front with a powerful explosive energy.
    • (New!) Greater Sea Serpent II: A deeper connection to the Sea Serpent's power enhances the Sea Serpent's shockwave and unlocks new Sea Serpent skills.
    • (New!) Sea Serpent Burst II: [Sea Serpent Skill] Enhances your connection with the Sea Serpent's power, allowing you to strike enemies with an even more powerful shockwave.
    • (New!) Sea Serpent's Rage: [Sea Serpent Skill] The Sea Serpent appears in response to the fighter's energy and starts biting enemies.
    • (New!) Raging Serpent Assault: [Assault Skill] Call forth an enraged Sea Serpent by using Octopunch while in assault mode.
    • Nautilus Strike: Order the Nautilus to attack multiple enemies at once.
    • Crossbones: Summons the soul of a proud sea serpent to temporarily increase Attack Power. Also increases Status Resistance, Elemental Resistance, and Knuckle Mastery as passive effects. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Time Leap: Resets the cooldown of all the skills being used by all party members, including yourself.
    • Speed Infusion: Uses HP and MP to temporarily increase the attack speed of a weapon. And everyone in the team will have their attack speed doubled.
    • Maple Warrior: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members.
    • Hero's Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects.
    • Double Down: Roll two dice at a chance to test your luck.
    • (New!) Defensive Stance: Be on the defensive and have a chance to reduce damage taken.
    • (New!) Aggressive Stance: Take the offensive to obtain a damage increase buff when some of your attack skills hit.
    • Typhoon Crush: Ignores some enemy’s defense and increases Final Damage and Attack Power.

    Hyper Skills

    • (New!) Serpent Spirit: The Sea Serpent's soul descends and responds to scars left by its fangs.
    • Epic Adventure: Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Stimulating Conversation: Release inner power to increase damage and use the Sea Serpent's power more often for a short time.
    • Double Down - Saving Grace: Grants a chance to ignore the cooldown when Double Down does not activate. The next time, you will activate a Double Down with 4 or above.
    • Double Down - Addition: Adds the lucky number 7 to Double Down.
    • Double Down - Enhance: Increases the chances of rolling a 4, 5, or 6 in Roll of the Dice.
    • Octopunch - Reinforce: Increases Octopunch damage.
    • Octopunch - Boss Rush: Increases damage when attacking Boss Monsters with Octopunch.
    • Octopunch - Extra Strike: Increases Octopunch's attack count.
    • (New!) Hook Bomber - Reinforce: Increases damage of Hook Bomber.
    • (New!) Hook Bomber - Spread: Increases the max number of enemies hit by Hook Bomber.
    • (New!) Hook Bomber - Extra Strike: Increases the number of attacks for Hook Bomber.

    Updated 5th Job Skills

    • Lightning Form: Transform by receiving the power of the seas, and soar to new heights of power.
    • Lord of the Deep: Call upon the spirit of the dreaded sea serpent that slumbers beneath the savage tides to wrap yourself in a deadly barrier that maims all foes who venture near. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • Serpent Vortex: The power of a massive sea serpent charges forward to attack your enemies.
    • Howling Fist: Strike with all the force of a raging leviathan. Invincible while striking after collecting force. Can strike immediately by using the skill again while collecting force.

    The following skills will be removed:

    • Tornado Uppercut
    • Energy Charge
    • Corkscrew Blow
    • Energy Burst
    • Supercharge
    • Static Thumper
    • Pirate’s Revenge
    • Dragon Strike
    • Buccaneer Blast
    • Ultra Charge
    • Power Utility

    Back to Top


    2nd Job Skills

    • Rapid Blast: Blast enemies with super speed.
    • Swift Fire: Fire three consecutive shots at the enemy.
    • Scurvy Summons: Summon a brave crewman from the Nautilus.
    • Recoil Shot: Uses the recoil of the gun to retreat after firing.
    • Wings: Fire downward, using the recoil to blast off from the ground.
    • Gun Mastery: Increases Gun Mastery, Critical Rate, and number of bullets.
    • Physical Training: Permanently increases STR and DEX through sheer physical training.
    • Agile Guns: Permanently increases Gun Attack Speed and Dexterity.
    • Infinity Blast: Allows you to attack without consuming Bullets and increases Attack Power.

    3rd Job Skills

    • Blunderbuster: Fires a powerful gun that damages multiple enemies.
    • Blackboot Bill: Summons the mighty Blackboot Bill to blast through enemies and knock them back.
    • Siege Bomber: Set up a stationary cannon to temporarily bombard nearby enemies.
    • Roll of the Dice: Roll the dice to test your luck.
    • Cross Cut Blast: Marks your Ammo, making them more powerful.
    • Outlaw's Code: Strict adherence to the Outlaw's Code provides a permanent increase to Status Resistance, Elemental Resistance, Defense, Knockback Resistance, and Max HP/MP.
    • Fullmetal Jacket: Coat your bullets with iron, granting increased Final Damage, Critical Rate, and Ignore DEF.
    • All Aboard: Summon two crew members to assist you in battle.

    4th Job Skills

    • Rapid Fire: Fire a hail of energy bolts.
    • Brain Scrambler: Shoots the target in its squishy bits to deal heavy damage to it.
    • Eight-Legs Easton: Fire a hefty barrage of bullets.
    • Quickdraw: Your attacks have a chance to greatly increase the damage of your next Brain Scrambler, Ugly Bomb, Nautilus Strike, or Target Lock.
    • Broadside: Summon the Nautilus battleship.
    • (New!) Firing Orders: Project the captain's spirit, marking the location for a broadside bombardment. (Right-click to toggle on/off)
    • (New!) Parrotargetting: Hit the enemy with a special shot that leaves a mark for targeting. From then on, all attacks will be focused on that enemy.
    • Nautilus Strike: Order the Nautilus to attack multiple enemies at once.
    • Maple Warrior: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members.
    • Hero's Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects.
    • Double Down: Roll two dice at a chance to test your luck.
    • Jolly Roger: Your pirate pride kicks in, boosting Attack Power, Status Resistance, Elemental Resistance, and Knockback Resistance. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • (New!) Aggressive Stance: Take the offensive to obtain a damage increase buff when some of your attack skills hit.
    • Ahoy Mateys: Pump up the crewmen from your All Aboard skill with your amazing leadership, making them more powerful.
    • Majestic Presence: Uses the Corsair's majestic demeanor to increase Gun Mastery, Attack Power, and Final Damage, and use explosive bullets to deal additional damage.

    Hyper Skills

    • Ugly Bomb: Fires a really weird-looking bomb that you... where did you buy this thing?
    • Epic Adventure: Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Whaler's Potion: Enhance the Corsair's mighty body with the captain's spirit, temporarily enhance your summons, and increase Attack Speed. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Double Down - Saving Grace: Grants a chance to ignore the cooldown when Double Down does not activate. The next time, you will activate a Double Down with 4 or above.
    • Double Down - Addition: Adds the lucky number 7 to Double Down.
    • Double Down - Enhance: Increases the chances of rolling a 4, 5, or 6 in Roll of the Dice.
    • Rapid Fire - Reinforce: Increases Rapid Fire damage.
    • Rapid Fire - Range: Increases Rapid Fire range.
    • Rapid Fire - Boss Rush: Increases damage when attacking Boss Monsters with Rapid Fire.
    • Brain Scrambler - Reinforce: Increases Brain Scrambler's damage.
    • Brain Scrambler - Extra Strike: Increases the number of attacks for Brain Scrambler.
    • Brain Scrambler - Boss Rush: Increases damage when attacking Boss Monsters with Brain Scrambler.

    Updated 5th Job Skills

    • Bullet Barrage: Wildly fire your gun in all directions.
    • Target Lock: Lock onto your targets, then draw your gun and fire upon them in rapid succession.
    • Death Trigger: Fire a volley of penetrating, pinpoint-accurate shots.

    The following skills will be removed:

    • Pirate’s Revenge

    Back to Top


    1st Job Skills

    • Cannon Blaster: Shoots a flame bomb that attacks multiple enemies.
    • Cannon Strike: Fires Cannon Strike at a nearby enemy.
    • Blast Back: Fires the cannon while quickly moving backwards. Can decrease the speed of target for a fixed period of time.
    • Cannon Boost: Improves the cannon to permanently increase ATT and DEF.
    • Cannon Leap: Use while in the middle of a jump to jump even farther.
    • (New!) Call Monkey: Summon the Cannoneer's faithful partner, Monkey. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • Cannon Jump: Fire the cannon at the ground, then use the recoil to jump high into the air.

    2nd Job Skills

    • Scatter Shot: Attack multiple enemies at once by firing a multitude of small bombs.
    • Barrel Bomb: Roll out an Oak Barrel full of bombs. The Oak Barrel will travel a short distance, knocking back enemies in its path, before exploding.
    • Monkey Magic: Uses the magic of your monkey buddy to increase the HP, MP, all stats, Speed, and Jump of all nearby party members for a short time.
    • Critical Fire: Permanently increases Critical Rate and Critical Damage.
    • Cannon Mastery: Increases Cannon Mastery.
    • Pirate Training: Increases STR and DEX through secret Pirate training.
    • Agile Cannons: Increases Attack Speed and Strength.

    3rd Job Skills

    • Cannon Spike: Summons a cannon that shoots a large number of shells at multiple enemies.
    • (New!) Monkey Mortar: Fires Monkey into the air on a mortar shell which then detonates. (Right-click to toggle on/off)
    • Monkey Fury: Fires a special elastic cannonball that coats all enemies ahead of you with gunpowder to deal damage over time. Greatly enhances Cannoneer's attack effects.
    • Barrel Roulette: Explodes an Oak Barrel to increase Critical Damage and receive a random buff. Getting a buff other than Ice reduces cooldown by half.
    • Roll of the Dice: Roll the dice to test your luck.
    • Reinforced Cannon: Permanently increases Attack Power and Attack Speed by strengthening the cannon.
    • Pirate Rush: Permanently increases HP, Defense, Status Resistance, and Knockback Resistance.
    • Counter Crush: Chance to counter any hit taken by swinging the cannon. Increases Final Damage permanently.

    4th Job Skills

    • Cannon Bazooka: Fires a powerful cannon full of compressed gunpowder to burn enemies ahead of you to the ground.
    • Cannon Barrage: Fire multiple cannonballs at once, focusing on one enemy ahead of you.
    • Anchors Aweigh: Places an anchor that creates a strong magnetic field.
    • Monkey Militia: Summons the Artillery Monkey Twins to aid you in battle. This skill is unaffected by enemy attack reflection skills.
    • Nautilus Strike: Order the Nautilus to attack multiple enemies at once.
    • Maple Warrior: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members.
    • Hero's Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects.
    • Double Down: Roll two dice at a chance to test your luck.
    • Cannon Overload: Pushes your cannon to the limit.
    • Mega Monkey Magic: Upgrade your monkey's magic to temporarily increase the HP, MP, all stats, Speed, and Jump of all nearby party members.
    • Pirate's Spirit: Permanently increase the chance of a successful counterattack and allows you resist being knocked back.

    Hyper Skills

    • Rolling Rainbow: Orders the Cannoneer's reliable assistants to summon three cannons and mercilessly roast enemies ahead of you.
    • Epic Adventure: Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output. (Can add Auto Buff skill)
    • Buckshot: Applies a special buckshot to the Cannoneer's ammunition. Does not apply to summoning skills, 5th Job Common Skills, or certain other skills. (Skill can be toggled on/off)
    • Monkey Militia - Splitter: Lowers Monkey Militia Damage, but increases its Number of Attacks.
    • Monkey Militia - Persist: Increases Monkey Militia duration.
    • Monkey Militia - Enhance: Allows you to enlist additional Monkey Militia.
    • Cannon Bazooka - Reinforce: Increases Cannon Bazooka damage.
    • Cannon Bazooka - Spread: Increases the max number of monsters hit by Cannon Bazooka.
    • Cannon Bazooka - Extra Strike: Increases Cannon Bazooka's attack count.
    • Cannon Barrage - Reinforce: Increases Cannon Barrage damage.
    • Cannon Barrage - Critical Chance: Increases Cannon Barrage critical chance bonus.
    • Cannon Bazooka - Extra Strike: Increases Cannon Bazooka's attack count.

    Updated 5th Job Skill

    • Cannon of Mass Destruction: Fire a gigantic rocket from your cannon. (Right-click to toggle speed reduction mode on/off)

    The following skills will be removed:

    • Monkey Wave

    Back to Top

    V Matrix


    • Combo Fury Boost Node will be changed to Flash Blade Boost Node.
    • Shout Boost Node will be changed to Beam Blade Boost Node.
    • Panic Boost Node will be changed to Cry Valhalla Boost Node.
    • The prefix of Puncture Boost Node will be changed.
    • The prefix of Rising Rage Boost Node will be changed.


    • Flame Charge Boost Node will be changed to Divine Swing Boost Node and the prefix will be changed.
    • Lightning Charge Boost Node will be changed to Divine Judgment/Divine Mark Boost Node and the prefix will be changed.
    • Blizzard Charge Boost Node will be removed.
    • Boost Node with existing Blizzard Charge skill will be replaced with the skill below, and Node with skill to be replaced will be replaced with
    • skill of differential ranking.
      • 1st: Divine Judgment/Divine Mark
      • 2nd: Smite Shield
      • 3rd: Heaven's Hammer

    Dark Knight

    • Piercing Drive Boost Node will be removed.
    • Boost Node with existing Piercing Drive skill will be replaced with the skill below, and Node with skill to be replaced will be replaced with skill
    • of differential ranking.
      • 1st: Evil Eye Boost
      • 2nd: Dark Impale
      • 3rd: Gungnir's Descent

    Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)

    • Teleport Mastery Boost Node will be changed to Teleport Mastery/Creeping Toxin Boost Node.

    Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)

    • Glacier Chain Boost Node will be changed to Frost Ward Boost Node.
    • Thunderstorm Boost Node will be changed to Thunder Sphere Boost Node and the prefix will be changed.


    • Heal Boost Node will be changed to Heal/Angelic Wrath Boost Node.
    • Genesis Boost Node will be changed to Genesis/Triumph Feather Boost Node.
    • Heaven's Door Boost Node will be changed to Heaven's Door/Fountain of Vengeance Boost Node.

    Bow Master

    • Arrow Bomb Boost Node will be changed to Wind Arrow Boost Node.
    • Flame Surge Boost Node will be changed to Arrow Blow Boost Node.
    • Hookshot Boost Node will be changed to Covering Fire Boost Node.
    • Arrow Blaster Boost Node will be changed to Arrow Blaster/Speed Mirage Boost Node.
    • Binding Shot Boost Node will be removed.
    • Boost Node with existing Binding Shot skill will be replaced with the skill below, and Node with skill to be replaced will be replaced with skill of differential ranking.
      • 1st: Arrow Blaster/Speed Mirage
      • 2nd: Hurricane
      • 3rd: Arrow Stream


    • Frostprey Boost Node will be changed to Bolt Swift/Frostprey Boost Node.
    • Dragon's Breath Boost Node will be changed to Arrow Blow Boost Node.
    • Hookshot Boost Node will be changed to Covering Fire Boost Node.
    • Piercing Arrow Boost Node will be changed to Piercing Arrow/Empowered Piercing Arrow Boost Node.
    • Snipe Boost Node will be changed to Snipe/Empowered Snipe Boost Node.
    • Iron Arrow Boost Node will be removed.
    • Boost Node with existing Iron Arrow skill will be replaced with the skill below, and Node with skill to be replaced will be replaced with skill of differential ranking.
      • 1st: Piercing Arrow/Empowered Piercing Arrow
      • 2nd: Snipe/Empowered Snipe
      • 3rd: High Speed Shot/Arrow Illusion
    • Net Toss Boost Node will be removed.
    • Boost Node with existing Net Toss skill will be replaced with the skill below, and Node with skill to be replaced will be replaced with skill of differential ranking.
      • 1st: Covering Fire
      • 2nd: High Speed Shot/Arrow Illusion
      • 3rd: Bolt Burst/Frostprey
    • Explosive Bolt Boost Node will be removed.
    • Boost Node with existing Explosive Bolt skill will be replaced with the skill below, and Node with skill to be replaced will be replaced with skill of differential ranking.
      • 1st: Snipe/Empowered Snipe
      • 2nd: Piercing Arrow/Empowered Piercing Arrow
      • 3rd: High Speed Shot/Arrow Illusion

    Night Lord

    • Shade Splitter Boost Node will be changed to Shuriken Challenge Boost Node.
    • Shadow Web Boost Node will be removed.
    • Boost Node with existing Shadow Web skill will be replaced with the skill below, and Node with skill to be replaced will be replaced with skill of differential ranking.
      • 1st: Death Star
      • 2nd: Sudden Raid
      • 3rd: Dark Flare


    • Boomerang Stab Boost Node will be changed to Cruel Stab Boost Node and the prefix will be changed.
    • Steal Boost Node will be removed.
    • Boost Node with existing Steal skill will be replaced with the skill below, and Node with skill to be replaced will be replaced with skill of differential ranking.
      • 1st: Shadow Veil
      • 2nd: Sudden Raid
      • 3rd: Dark Flare

    Dual Blade

    • Upper Stab Boost Node will be removed.
    • Boost Node with existing Upper Stab skill will be replaced with the skill below, and Node with skill to be replaced will be replaced with skill of differential ranking.
      • 1st: Asura's Anger
      • 2nd: Blade Clone
      • 3rd: Final Cut


    • Corkscrew Blow Boost Node will be changed to Sea Serpent Burst/Serpent Assault Boost Node.
    • Tornado Uppercut/Energy Vortex Boost Node will be changed to Static Thumper Boost Node and the prefix will be changed.
    • Energy Burst/Hedgehog Buster Boost Node will be changed to Turning Kick Boost Node.
    • Spiral Assault Boost Node will be changed to Corkscrew Blow Boost Node.
    • Dragon Strike Boost Node will be changed to Sea Serpent's Rage/Raging Serpent Assault Boost Node and the prefix will be changed.
    • Buccaneer Blast/Double Blast Boost Node will be changed to Hook Bomber Boost Node.
    • Static Thumper Boost Node will be removed.
    • Boost Node with existing Static Thumper skill will be replaced with the skill below, and Node with skill to be replaced will be replaced with skill of differential ranking.
      • 1st: Sea Serpent Burst/Serpent Assault
      • 2nd: Sea Serpent's Rage/Raging Serpent Assault
      • 3rd: Corkscrew Blow
    • Power Unity Boost Node will be removed.
    • Boost Node with existing Power Unity skill will be replaced with the skill below, and Node with skill to be replaced will be replaced with skill of differential ranking.
      • 1st: Sea Serpent's Rage/Raging Serpent Assault
      • 2nd: Sea Serpent Burst/Serpent Assault
      • 3rd: Corkscrew Blow


    • Octo-Cannon Boost Node will be changed to Siege Bomber Boost Node and the prefix will be changed.


    • Monkey Fury Boost Node will be changed to Monkey Fury/Monkey Mortar Boost Node.
    • Monkey Wave Boost Node will be removed.
    • Boost Node with existing Monkey Wave skill will be replaced with the skill below, and Node with skill to be replaced will be replaced with skill of differential ranking.
      • 1st: Monkey Fury/Monkey Mortar
      • 2nd: Nautilus Strike
      • 3rd: Rolling Rainbow

    Note: Boost Node (that will be changed) that is equipped will be unequipped.

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    All Explorers

    • The following quests will be added:
      • The Girl With the Maple Leaf
      • Sugar the Mighty
      • Sugar's Request
      • Victoria or Bust
      • The Adventure Begins
      • Tess's Help
      • Stolen Treasure
      • Olive, Arrested?
      • About the Master of Disguise
      • Seal Stone of Victoria Island
      • Suspicious Black Wings
      • Infiltrate
      • Retrieving the Seal Stone
      • Olive's Special Training
      • Checking on the Temple of Time
      • Back to the Gate of the Present
      • Disaster on Maple Island
      • Sugar in Danger
      • Another Maple Leaf
      • Mysterious Voice
      • Battle Against the Black Shadow
      • The Miracle of the Maple Leaf
      • Finding A New Task
      • Rondo's Hat
      • The Truth Beneath the Hat
      • The Fox-Eared People
      • The Mysterious Voice Returns
      • Signs of Resurrection
      • Suspicious Adventurer
      • Tess's Past
      • Resonance of the Mysterious Voice
      • Echoes of the Mysterious Voice
    • The contents of the following quests will be changed:
      • Mysterious Discovery
      • Investigating the Discovery
      • The Black Mage's Commander 1
      • The Black Mage's Commander 2
      • A Dangerous Warning
      • Athena Pierce's Decision
      • [Temple of Time] Seeking Lost Memories
      • 5th Job: Blessings of the Goddess
      • Arcane Stone of Maple World
    • The following quests will no longer be available:
      • Explorer Book related quest
      • Helping the Town quest - Henesys
      • Helping the Town quest - Ellinia
      • Helping the Town quest - Perion
    • Explorer Book can no longer be viewed.
    • The following NPCs’ appearance will be updated:
      • Sugar
      • Tess
      • Olive
      • Rondo
      • Goddess of Maple World
      • Kirston
    • The following NPCs will be added:
      • Destonen
      • Baby Kyrin
    • Illustrations per Explorer Job will be added.
    • Illustrations of the following NPCs will be added:
      • Sugar
      • Tess
      • Olive
      • Rondo
      • Goddess of Maple World
      • Cartalion
    • Illustrations of the following NPCs will be updated:
      • Athena Pierce
      • Neinheart
    • The following monsters will be added:
      • Olive
      • Blue Mushmom
      • Black Snail
      • Black Shadow
      • Faded Specter Battle Hound
      • Faded Specter Tamer
      • Faded Specter Shieldbearer
      • Sentrobo
    • The following items will be added:
      • Sugar's Hairpin
      • Seal Stone of Victoria Island
      • Old Wisconsin
    • The following Maple Island maps will be removed:
      • Inside the Small Forest
      • Inside the Dangerous Forest

    Open Job Advancement UI Improvements

    • The Open Job Advancement UI will be improved based on the Explorer Redux.
    • Job illustrations will be added to the Open Job Advancement UI.
    • The job explanation text of Open Job Advancement UI will be changed.
    • A function that allows players to preview the skills of the relevant Job during Open Job Advancement will be added.

    Dual Blade

    • The following quests will no longer be available:
      • Embarking on the Dual Blade Path
      • Basic Training 1
      • Basic Training 2
      • Basic Training 3
      • The Ruse
      • The Dark Lord's Training
      • Becoming a Blade Acolyte 1
      • Investigating the Package
      • Stealing the Goods
      • The Hut in the Swamp
      • The Kerning City Book Store Owner 1
      • The Kerning City Book Store Owner 2
    • The contents of the following quests will be changed:
      • Into the Darkness
      • Spy Training 1
      • Investigating the Dark Lord
      • Helping Don Giovanni with His Problem
      • Becoming a Great Dual Blade
      • Becoming a Blade Recruit
      • Becoming a Blade Acolyte 2
      • Yun's Worry
      • Investigating the Jazz Bar
      • The Dark Lord's Diary
      • A Difficult Decision


    • The following quests will no longer be available:
      • Rest and Recover
      • Stranded 1
      • Stranded 2
    • The contents of the following quests will be changed:
      • Henesys, Here I Come!

    Ellinel Fairy Academy Theme Dungeon

    • The Explorer exclusive lines will be added to the following quests:
      • [Theme Dungeon] Ellinel Fairy Academy
      • [Ellinel Fairy Academy] Clue Number Two
      • [Ellinel Fairy Academy] Security Guard

    Mount Distribution Quest

    • The dialogue in the following quests will be changed:
      • Buccaneer’s ‘Topgallant Buccaneer’ quest
      • Corsair’s ‘Topgallant Corsair’ quest

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    Mastery Book System Removal

    • All 4th Job skills can now reach max level without the use of Mastery Book items.
    • Mastery Book items will be removed from each town’s General Store, Iliad, content shops, event coin shops, etc.
    • If players have unused Mastery Books in their inventory, they can proceed with the following based on the respective item:
      • Dual Blade Training Book (Permanent, Tradeable): Sell the item to the shop to receive 50,000 mesos.
      • Mystery Mastery Book (Permanent, Tradeable): Sell the item to the shop to receive 500,000 mesos.
        • Note: Mastery Book item obtained from using the Mystery Master Book will not be refunded.
      • Mastery Book 20 (Permanent, Tradeable): Sell the item to the shop to receive 1.5 million mesos.
      • Mastery Book 30 (Permanent, Tradeable): Sell the item to the shop to receive 2.5 million mesos.
      • Mystery Special Mastery Book (Permanent, Untradeable): Sell the item to the shop to receive 2.5 million mesos.
      • Andy's Mastery Book (Permanent, Untradeable): Sell the item to the shop to receive 2.5 million mesos.
      • Silent Crusade Mastery Book (Permanent, Untradeable): Sell the item to the shop to receive 2.5 million mesos.
      • Mastery Book 20 (Permanent, Untradeable): Use the item to obtain Spell Trace (x200).
      • Mastery Book 30 (Permanent, Untradeable): Use the item to obtain Spell Trace (x400).
      • Mastery Box (Permanent, Untradeable): Use the item to obtain Spell Trace (x500).
      • Luden's Mastery Book (Permanent, Untradeable): Use the item to obtain Spell Trace (x600).
      • Mastery Book 20 (Durational, Untradeable): Use the item to obtain Spell Trace (x200).
      • Mastery Book 30 (Durational, Untradeable): Use the item to obtain Spell Trace (x400).
      • Mastery Book 20 (25%) (Permanent, Untradeable): Use the item to obtain Spell Trace (x50).
      • Mastery Book 30 (25%) (Permanent, Untradeable): Use the item to obtain Spell Trace (x100).
      • Mastery Box (Durational, Tradeable within account): Use the item to obtain Spell Trace (x500).
    • The Mastery Book rewards in the existing content or event will be updated to the following:
      • Fairy Bros’ Daily Gift Day 8 Reward: Spell Trace (x1,000)
      • Maple Guide [4th Job Advancement] Mission Reward: Spell Trace (x3,000)
      • Silent Crusade Chapter 3 Reward: Spell Trace (x300)
      • Burning World Step Up Reward: Spell Trace (x1,500)
      • Grand Athenaeum, Lion King's Castle, Fantasy Theme World, Korean Folk Town, Root Abyss, Golden Temple, Crimsonheart Castle, and Partem Ruins Content Rewards: Removed.
      • Burning World and Tera Burning Plus events’ Legendary Cryptic Chest and Level-Up Support Box Rewards: Removed.
      • [Commerci Republic] Final Report quest: Removed.

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    Boss Reward Revamp

    • The following rewards will be added to the bosses listed:
      • Lotus (Normal), Damien (Normal), Mitsuhide
        • Powerful Rebirth Flame: 7-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • 50% Bonus EXP Coupon Voucher: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the voucher to receive 50% Bonus EXP Coupon: 7-day duration.
        • Sparkling Blue Star Potion
        • Sparkling Red Star Potion
        • Small EXP Accumulation Potion
        • Large Boss Medal of Honor: 30-day duration.
      • Lucid (Easy, Normal), Will (Normal)
        • Powerful Rebirth Flame: 7-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • 50% Bonus EXP Coupon Voucher: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the voucher to receive 50% Bonus EXP Coupon: 7-day duration.
        • Sparkling Blue Star Potion
        • Sparkling Red Star Potion
        • Small EXP Accumulation Potion
        • Large Boss Medal of Honor: 30-day duration.
        • Eternal Rebirth Flame: 7-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
      • Gloom (Normal), Darknell (Normal)
        • Powerful Rebirth Flame: 7-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • 50% Bonus EXP Coupon Voucher: 7-day duration, untradeable. Use the voucher to receive 50% Bonus EXP Coupon: 7-day duration.
        • Sparkling Blue Star Potion
        • Sparkling Red Star Potion
        • Small EXP Accumulation Potion
        • Large Boss Medal of Honor: 30-day duration.
        • Eternal Rebirth Flame: 7-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • Black Rebirth Flame: 7-day duration.
      • Lotus (Hard), Damien (Hard), Lucid (Hard), Will (Hard)
        • Powerful Rebirth Flame: 7-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • 50% Bonus EXP Coupon Voucher: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the voucher to receive 50% Bonus EXP Coupon: 7-day duration.
        • Sparkling Blue Star Potion
        • Sparkling Red Star Potion
        • Small EXP Accumulation Potion
        • Large Boss Medal of Honor: 30-day duration.
        • Eternal Rebirth Flame: 7-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • Black Rebirth Flame: 7-day duration.
        • Unrelenting Flame: (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • Forever Unrelenting Flame: (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • Forever Unrelenting Black Flame: (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%: 30-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • Scroll - Accessory Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Scroll - Accessory: 30-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
      • Gloom (Chaos), Darknell (Hard), Verus Hilla, Black Mage, Chosen Seren
        • Powerful Rebirth Flame: 7-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • 50% Bonus EXP Coupon Voucher: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the voucher to receive 50% Bonus EXP Coupon: 7-day duration.
        • Sparkling Blue Star Potion
        • Sparkling Red Star Potion
        • Small EXP Accumulation Potion
        • Large Boss Medal of Honor: 30-day duration.
        • Eternal Rebirth Flame: 7-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • Black Rebirth Flame: 7-day duration.
        • Unrelenting Flame: (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • Forever Unrelenting Flame: (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • Forever Unrelenting Black Flame: (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%: 30-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • Premium Scroll - Accessory Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Premium Scroll - Accessory: 30-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • Premium Scroll - Pet Equipment Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Premium Scroll - Pet Equipment: 30-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • Magical Scroll - Weapon Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Magical Scroll - Weapon: 30-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only)
        • Primal Essence
      • Based on the boss, the item drop rate and max number will be different.
      • Item drop rate increase effect does not apply to the items listed above.
      • The drop rate of the items listed above may change after a certain amount of time during a patch update.
      • After the Boss Reward Revamp, more Powerful Rebirth Flame and Eternal Rebirth Flame items can be obtained as players defeat higher difficulty bosses in Reboot world.
    • In Reboot world, the price of Intense Power Crystals will be increased to be 5 times that of Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds.
    • The weekly quantity of Intense Power Crystals that can be sold to the Collector will be changed from 60 per character to 180 per world.
    • We are reviewing if the Intense Power Crystal pricing needs adjustments and will provide an update if any decisions are made.
    • The following bosses will no longer drop Occult Cube and Boss Medals of Honor items since they drop Bonus Occult Cube and Large Boss Medals of Honor items:
      • Mitsuhide
      • Lotus (Normal, Hard)
      • Damien (Normal, Hard)
      • Lucid (Easy, Normal, Hard)
      • Will (Normal, Hard)
      • Gloom (Normal, Chaos)
      • Darknell (Normal, Hard)
      • Verus Hilla (Hard)
      • Black Mage (Hard)
      • Chosen Seren (Hard)
    • AbsoLab and Arcane Umbra equipment items will now be dropped as a box.
      • The following items will be dropped:
        • AbsoLab Armor Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • AbsoLab Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Arcane Umbra Armor Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Arcane Umbra Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • In Reboot world, players can only select between weapons that their character can equip.
      • Item drop rate increase effect does not apply to the items listed above.
      • In Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds, the armor box drop rate will be increased to be higher than the existing rate while the weapon box drop rate will be decreased to be lower than the existing rate.
      • In Reboot world, the armor box drop rate will be increased to be higher than the existing rate.
      • The boxes can be obtained at a higher drop rate as players defeat higher difficulty bosses.
    • Cursed Spellbook and Mitra’s Rage items will now be dropped as a box.
      • The following items will be dropped:
        • Will's Cursed Spellbook Selection Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Mitra's Rage Selection Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • In Reboot world, players can only select Mitra’s Rage that matches the character’s job.
      • Reboot world’s boss equipment drop rate increase effect will apply to the items.
      • Item drop rate increase effect does apply to the items listed above.
    • The following items will be removed from the boss reward pool:
      • Chaos Scroll 60%
      • Prototype Soul Enchanter
      • Regular weapons and armor
      • Pet Equipment Movement Speed Scroll
      • Pet Equipment Jump Scroll
      • Resistance Potion
      • Cleansing Potion
      • Invincibility Potion
      • EXP Accumulation Potion
      • Wealth Acquisition Potion
      • Silver Potential Stamp (Reboot world only)
    • The following boss rewards will be changed from individual rewards to shared rewards:
      • Occult Cube
      • Rebirth Flame Lv. 110
      • Rebirth Flame Lv. 120
      • Rebirth Flame Lv. 130
      • Rebirth Flame Lv. 140
      • Rebirth Flame Lv. 150
      • Production Soul Enchanter
    • The following boss rewards will be changed from shared rewards to individual rewards:
      • Medal of Honor
      • Boss Medal of Honor
      • Zakum's Soul Shard
      • Hilla's Soul Shard
      • Papulatus Soul Shard

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    Better Maple

    • The required EXP to level up in the Lv. 250-259 range will be reduced by about 16%.
    • Star Force Enhancement cost in some enhancement sections will be reduced.
      • Star Force Enhancement cost will be reduced by 20% in cumulative enforcement cost based on 24-Star enhancement.
    • The completion record for the story quest after Arcane River will be shared within the world. Added a story skip function for story quests after Arcane River.
      • If there is even one character within the world that completed all the story quests, other characters that reach those story quests afterward have the option to skip the story.
      • Upon skipping the quest, players can still watch a summarized story of the relevant area for context.
      • Skipping the story quest will complete all of the relevant quests and the item rewards will be provided as well. However, the EXP rewards will not be provided.
      • The choice to skip the quest can be made in the first prerequisite quest of each area. However, the character that completed the first prerequisite quest and started the story quest will not have the option to skip. Note the list below to identify the first quest of the area on which players must make the decision.
        • Vanishing Journey: [Vanishing Journey] Amnesiac Temple Keeper Kao
        • Reverse: [Reverse City] What Washed Up
        • City Chu Chu Island: [Chu Chu] Below the Falls
        • Yum Yum Island: [Yum Yum] A Message From Chu Chu Village
        • Lachelein: [Lachelein] Full Muto
        • Arcana: [Arcana] Farewell, City of Nightmares
        • Morass: [Morass] The Flow
        • Esfera: [Esfera] The Strangers
        • Sellas: [Sellas] How to Fix a Radio
        • Moonbridge: [Moonbridge] Destiny Awaits
        • Labyrinth of Suffering: [Labyrinth of Suffering] On the Offensive
        • Limina: [Limina] Toward the Black Mage
        • Cernium (Before): [Convergence] Under Ereve
        • Cernium (After): [Cernium (After)] Burning Sky
        • Hotel Arcus: [Hotel Arcus] In the Middle of the Desert
    • If a character that cleared the area story quest performs a World Leap, including Burning World Leap, the character will need to visit one of the following maps in order for other characters in the same world where this character transferred to skip the story.
      • Vanishing Journey: [Lake of Oblivion] Nameless Town
      • Reverse: [Reverse City] Subway Tunnel Refuge
      • City Chu Chu Island: [Chu Chu Island] Chu Chu Village
      • Yum Yum Island: [Yum Yum Island] Yum Yum Village
      • Lachelein: [Lachelein] Lachelein Main Street
      • Arcana: [Arcana] Grove of the Spirit Tree
      • Morass: [Morass] Trueffet Square
      • Esfera: [Esfera] Base Camp
      • Sellas: [Sellas] The Jellyfish
      • Moonbridge: [Moonbridge] White Spear Deck 3
      • Labyrinth of Suffering: [Labyrinth of Suffering] Labyrinth of Suffering Deep Core Base
      • Limina: [Limina] End of the World 1-1
      • Cernium (Before): [Cernium] Cernium Square
      • Cernium (After): [Burning Cernium] Destroyed Cernium Square
      • Hotel Arcus: [Hotel Arcus] Ramshackle Desert Town
    • Black Mage Practice Mode will be added.
      • Black Mage Practice Mode can be used up to 20 times a day regardless of the boss type.
      • EXP and rewards can't be obtained after a clear.
      • Fragment of Destiny won't be consumed.
    • It will be updated so that players can enter Verus Hilla boss battle directly without proceeding through the Labyrinth of Suffering.
    • The Interact/Harvest input count required to retrieve the stolen souls from Verus Hilla’s souls altar will be changed to the following based on the party member count.
      • The party member count will be calculated based on the number of members within the Altar of Despair when the altar has been spawned.
    Party Member Count Interact/Harvest Input Count
    1 10
    2 15
    3 20
    4 25
    5 or more 30​
    • The height of the safety zone during Mitra's Authority pattern in Chosen Seren Phase 2 of Chosen Seren will be adjusted so that players will not be hit even if they don't lie down.
    • The following improvements will be made to the 5th Job Advancement quest:
      • Players can now job advance without completing the ‘5th Job: Preparing for Power’ quest.
      • The completion condition for the Arcane Stone of Tynerum quest will be updated so that players just need to defeat all enemies and pass the goddess’s test instead of searching for the Horizon Portal.
      • The completion condition for the ‘A Greater Power’ quest will be updated so that it will now be completed by defeating just one Happy Erda.
      • The stats of the Arcane Symbol that is given upon completing the ‘A Greater Power’ quest will be increased to Arcane Power +40 upon equipping the item.
      • The Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey Lv. 2 item will be given upon completing the ‘[Vanishing Journey] Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey’ quest.
    • Link Skill preset function will be added.
      • A total of 3 presets are provided and players can set each preset with any Link Skill that they own.
      • Players can easily apply by selecting the preset of their choice and clicking the Apply button. The total transfer cost will be decided based on the remaining transfer count of each link skill being transferred. Link skills with no remaining transfer count cannot be transferred.
      • Note: Applying the preset will cancel any active link skills that are not included in the newly applied preset.
    • Key Bindings preset function will be added.
      • A total of 3 presets are provided and the Key Bindings of players’ choice can be applied to each preset.
      • Added 3 hotkeys to change the Key Bindings preset.
      • Since Beast Tamer characters could previously set up various types of presets using the mode change, a separate preset will not be provided.
    • A function notifying that the cooldown has ended will be added and the remaining cooldown duration will be displayed in quickslots.
    • Registering a skill that has a cooldown in the skill window's notifier will display a notification effect that the skill can be used when the cooldown ends.
    • Players can register up to 6 skills in the notifier.
    • The remaining time will be displayed a bit clearly when the cooldown of the skill registered in the quickslot is less than 60 seconds.
    • Removed the bonus stage that appears upon defeating Elite Boss and an EXP Orb will now drop as a reward instead.
    • The Expression will now be applied automatically if players have the Expression item and entered the keyword related to it. See the list below for the specific keyword for the respective Expression.
      • Queasy: "blehh", "agh", "yuck"
      • Panicky: “lame”, “omg”
      • Sweetness: “yay”, “rawr”, “excited”
      • Smoochies: “smooch”, “peck”, “kiss”
      • Wink: “wink”, “seduce”
      • Ouch: “tears”, “hurt”
      • Sparkling Eyes: “sparkle”, “wow”, “whoa”, “amazing”
      • Flaming: “burning”, “anger”, “explode”, “growling”
      • Sparkling: “sparkle”, “oho”
      • Goo Goo: “pop”, “heart” “love”
      • Whoa Whoa: “hooha”, “terror”, “tremble”
      • Constant Sigh:“hmm”, “hm”
      • Drool: “doze”, “sleepy”, “sleep”, “zzz”
      • Dragon Breath: “hot”, “fire”, “ow”, “spicy”
      • Bleh: “meh”
    • The EXP reward obtained from Fritto Bounty Hunt will be increased.
    • The Sunday's Growth Box and Saturday's Festive Box obtained from Monster Park will now give 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) items instead of the 1.5x EXP Coupon (30 min) items.
    • It will be improved to display the item pop-up for items over a certain worth and items that are comparatively hard to get when getting an item that has Potential.
    • It will be improved so that players can easily differentiate the image of the 3 Void Fragments that appear in Gloom (Normal, Chaos).
    • It will be improved so that players can select the last character when moving the selection cursor on the very first character in the character selection screen to the left and select the first character when moving the selection cursor on the last character to the right.
    • The Legion Raid Power will now increase every 10 levels starting from Lv. 250 or above.
    • It will be improved to increase the Legion Raid Power from Star Force 380 or above and Star Force 400 or above.
    • It will be improved to have a message display in the chat window upon logging in to the game when a pendant is equipped in an expired pendant slot.
    • It will be improved to include Arrows, Subi Throwing-Stars, Bullets, Return Scroll - Nearest Town, Appearance Reset Coupon, Silver Scissors of Karma, and Pet Food in Maple World General Stores.
    • Sprout Potion, a new recovery potion item, will be added. Sprout Potion can be purchased from all General Stores in Maple World.
    • White and black backgrounds will be added to the Cash Shop preview.
    • Cash decoration items and cash items (pet excluded) that couldn't be moved to the Cash Inventory can now be moved.
    • The Release Monster lock function will be added to Monster Life. Players can use the release lock function to prevent accidentally releasing the monsters.
    • It will be improved so that when Account Buddy logs in, both the character name and the buddy memo nickname are displayed for more information.
    • It will be improved to select all enhancement materials at once when enhancing nodes.
    • A message will be added for when the equipment players have on cannot be switched due to their inventory being full.
    • It will be improved to be able to use the navigation function of the quest window while the World Map is open.
    • The Auto Buff set in the Equipment window will now be disabled when the pet is unequipped.
    • Chat hotkey will be added. Frequently used messages can be used by registering with a hotkey or command.
    • It will be improved so that players can use the Tab key when selling items in the Auction House to move the unit price and quantity input window, and use the Enter key to list the sale.
    • It will be improved so that the first quests for Chu Chu Island and Lachelein areas will start automatically for convenience and easy accessibility. If players already started the Chu Chu Island and Lachelein quests, they are unable to do these new quests.
    • Some items, such as major crafting materials or coin exchange materials, descriptions will now include places where the item can be used and the location of the NPC to do the exchange.
    • It will be improved so that players can use the Legion raid placement function in Sharenian Culvert/Sharenian Culvert Entrance and Path to the Altar.

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    Job Balances

    All Jobs

    • All characters will receive 100% Knockback Resistance through each individual’s skill.
    • Mihile’s Knight Watch link skill will be changed to increase Status Resistance.
    • The Knockback Resistance stat from the Legion Grid Bonus will be changed to Damage Against Normal Enemies Increase stat.
    • Knockback Resistance stat will be removed from Hyper Stats. Points that were invested in Knockback Resistance will be returned.
    • All Jobs can now use an upward movement skill.

    All Magicians

    • All Magicians’ teleport can now be used while jumping.


    • The following skills’ effect and sound effect will be updated:
      • Maple Warrior
      • Hero’s Will
      • Sharp Eyes
      • Speed Infusion
      • Decent Mystic Door
      • Decent Sharp Eyes
      • Decent Hyper Body
      • Decent Combat Orders
      • Decent Advanced Blessing
      • Decent Speed Infusion
      • Decent Holy Symbol
      • Magic Crash
      • Roll of the Dice
    • Sharp Eyes skill will be improved so that if player and the party member both applied the skill, the one with higher value will be applied.
    • Magic Crash skill will be improved so that it removes buffs even when used after the enemy casted the buff.
    • Roll of the Dice skill’s 3 dots effect will be changed to Attack Power increase.
    • Guided Arrow
      • Skill will be changed to an on/off skill.
      • Attack count restriction will be removed while the skill is active.
      • It will be changed to return to the character after a certain number of attacks if the character performs no action.
      • Its skill description will be updated to be more accurate.
    • Erda Nova
      • It will now be a skill that stuns several enemies nearby upon use.
      • Its cooldown, based on Lv. 25, will be decreased to 120 seconds.
    • True Arachnid Reflection
      • It will now allow spider in the mirror to attack during Dark Sight.
    • Solar Crest
      • It will now allow flame emblem to attack during Dark Sight
    • Lotus Flower
      • The range of the lotus flower effect will be expanded
    • Freud’s Wisdom
      • The Stack 2 effect will be changed from Knockback Resistance to Status Resistance increase.
    • Grandis Goddess’s Blessing
      • Knockback Resistance increase effect will be removed when used by Nova and Anima characters.


    • Guidance of the Ancients
      • Final Damage that increases every time Relic Gauge fills up by 1,000 will be reduced from 15% to 5%.
      • Buff duration will be increased from 24 to 40 seconds.
      • Buff will no longer be removed with a mouse click.
      • Permanent Final Damage increase effect of 20% at master level will be added to passive effect.
    • Evasion Boost
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 40% at master level will be added.
    • Illusion Step
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 60% at master level will be added.
    • Ancient Astra
      • Its cooldown will be reduced from 80 to 60 seconds.
      • Normal state damage will be reduced from 400% to 320%.
      • Deluge state damage will be reduced from 500% to 400% and magic arrow damage will be reduced from 300% to 240%.
      • Burst state damage will be reduced from 1,800% to 1,440%.
      • Damage taken amount during Burst state will be increased from 40% to 60%.
      • Torrent state damage will be reduced from 450% to 360%.
    • Obsidian Barrier
      • Its cooldown will be reduced from 200 to 120 seconds.
      • Duration at Lv. 25 will be reduced from 16 to 11 seconds.
      • Relic Gauge amount required skill use will be reduced from 500 to 300.
    • Ancient Bow Booster will be renamed to Agile Ancient Bows.


    • Knight’s Watch
      • Abnormal Status Resistance will be increased by 100:
        • Lv. 1: 10 seconds
        • Lv. 2: 15 seconds
        • Lv. 3: 20 seconds
    • Royal Guard
      • It will now trigger skill when blocking enemy attacks even when invincible.
      • The max duration of Attack Power increase buff will be increased from 12 to 20 seconds.
      • Skill’s effect will be visible when invincible.
      • Royal Guard skill cannot be used during the Royal Guard skill action even though the cooldown reset.
      • Fixed the issue where several buff icons overlapped every time the Royal Guard skill stack refreshed.
    • Four-Point Assault
      • Its damage at master level will be increased from 210% to 285%.
    • Charging Light
      • Its action delay will be reduced by 23% from that of before.
      • Its damage at master level will be increased from 600% to 660%.
    • Radiant Soul
      • Radian Soul Slash damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 800% to 880%.
      • Light Force Rei damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 1,700% to 1,870%.
    • Shield of Light
      • It will now allow the use of movement skills while using the Shield of Light skill.

    Dawn Warrior

    • Soul Forge
      • Final Damage 10% increase effect will be added.
    • Styx Crossing
      • Character will become invincible while charging.
      • Its cooldown will be increased from 20 to 35 seconds and it will now apply cooldown upon starting the charge.
    • Rift of Damnation
      • Fixed the issue where only 10% damage was applied upon exploding after the rift duration ended.
      • Styx Crossing skill’s action delay when it’s used during Rift of Damnation will be reduced by about 15%.
      • A feature that increases Styx Crossing skill’s damage used when used during Rift of Damnation based on the level of Rift of Damnation skill will be added.
      • Styx Crossing skill cannot be used for 1 second after it ends.

    Blaze Wizard

    • Brilliant Enlightenment
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 40% at master level will be added.
    • Final Orbital Flame
      • Damage at max level will be increased from 305% to 330%.
    • Burning Conduit
      • It will now allow players to receive the buff effect even when outside the pentacle.
      • A feature that reduces cooldown every second up to 15 seconds for each remaining cooldown second when pentacle disappears before the duration ends will be added.
    • Wild Blaze
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 60% at master level will be added.
    • Inferno Sphere
      • The max number of Phoenix Feathers players can have will be decreased from 15 to 10.
      • Damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 1000% to 1100%.
      • Attack interval will be reduced.
      • Attack count will be increased from 7 to 8 times.
      • It will now consume 75 MP per second.
    • Blazing Extinction
      • Attack count will be increased from 3 to 4 times.
    • Orbital Inferno
      • Damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 655% to 850%.
    • Savage Flame
      • Duration of Flame Fox's foxfire targeting the enemy will be increased from 2 to 5 seconds.
      • Flame Fox's foxfire will now target boss with highest HP first.
      • It will be improved to address the issue where sometimes Flame Fox's foxfire would disappear.

    Wind Archer

    • Sylvan Aid
      • It will be changed to passive skill.
    • Featherweight
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 40% at master level will be added.
    • Touch of the Wind
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 60% at master level will be added.
    • Bow Expert
      • Final Damage increase amount at master level will be increased from 25% to 35%.
    • Merciless Winds
      • A feature that targets boss with highest HP first will be added.
      • Final Damage will be reduced from 25% to 15% when several Spirit Arrows attack a single enemy.
      • Enemy search range when using skill for the first time will be increased by 260% in front, 225% above, and 140% below.
      • Spirit Arrows damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 1,000% to 1,100%.
    • Howling Gale
      • A feature that targets boss with highest HP first will be added.
      • Rather than attacking just the first targeted enemy until it is defeated, it will now constantly search for enemies with the highest HP within attack range. If there is an enemy that meets the condition, it will then target that enemy.
      • A feature that increases speed decrease amount when attacking enemy, and a feature that decreases speed upon attacking can be locked by right-clicking will be added.
      • Damage of gust that occurs when consuming 1 wind energy at Lv. 25 will be increased from 500% to 650%.
      • Damage of gust that occurs when consuming 2 wind energy at Lv. 25 will be increased from 1,200% to 1,560%.
    • Bow Mastery
      • An effect that increases Final Damage will be added. Final Damage at master level will be increased by 10%.

    Night Walker

    • Dark Elemental
      • Final Damage increase amount at master level will be increased from 15% to 20%.
    • Dark Sight
      • It will now cancel upon using an attack skill.
    • Shadow Dodge
      • Cooldown will be removed.
    • Dark Servant
      • It can now be registered in Auto Buff skill.
    • Spirit Projection
      • It will be changed to passive skill.
      • An effect that increases Attack Power based on level will be added.
    • Shadow Stitch
      • Its cooldown will be reduced from 210 to 180 seconds.
      • Speed of growing shadow and shadow's top range will be increased.
    • Enveloping Darkness
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 40% at master level will be added.
    • Dark Blessing
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 60% at master level will be added.
    • Dominion
      • It will now be protected when using the Buff Freezer item.
      • Knockback Resistance increase effect will be removed.
    • Shadow Spear
      • Its cooldown at Lv. 25 will be increased from 168 to 180 seconds.
      • Duration at Lv. 25 will be increased from 75 to 82 seconds.

    Thunder Breaker

    • The logic of the following skills that linked when the key was released will now be changed to be linked when the key is pressed down:
      • Lightning Punch
      • Flash
      • Shark Sweep
      • Tidal Crash
      • Ascension
      • Thunder
      • Gale
      • Annihilate
      • Thunderbolt
      • Typhoon
      • Deep Rising
      • Shark Torpedo
      • Lightning Spear Multistrike Linked Attack
    • Shark Sweep
      • Its action delay will be reduced by approximately 7% from that of before.
    • Tidal Crash
      • A feature to cancel current skill and use immediately even though there was a skill that was entered first will be added.
      • Its action delay will be reduced by approximately 41% from that of before.
    • Ascension
      • Its action delay will be reduced by approximately 7% from that of before.
      • It will now link to the next skill more quickly.
      • It will now link to all skills except Tidal Crash and the character itself.
    • Thunder
      • Its action delay will be reduced by approximately 11% from that of before.
      • It will now link to the next skill more quickly.
    • Gale
      • Its action delay will be reduced by approximately 23% from that of before.
      • It will now link to the next skill more quickly.
    • Annihilate
      • Its action delay will be reduced by approximately 33% from that of before.
    • Thunderbolt
      • Its action delay will be reduced by approximately 26% from that of before.
      • It will now link more quickly than before.
    • Typhoon
      • Its action delay will be reduced by 30% from that of before.
    • Lightning Cascade
      • Final Damage that increases upon use at Lv. 25 will be increased from 9% to 24%.


    • Combo that was already accumulated will no longer decrease even if the attacks do not continue.
    • Swing Studies I
      • The duration of Final Damage increase effect for attack skills other than swing after Smash Swing will be increased from 3 to 12 seconds.
    • Swing Studies II
      • The duration of Final Damage increase effect for attack skills other than swing after Smash Swing will be increased from 5 to 20 seconds.
    • Adrenaline Rush Activate
      • Its duration will be increased from 20 to 300 seconds.
    • Finisher - Hunter’s Prey
      • A feature will be added to change direction.
      • It will now move in the selected direction if there is no target to move to when the direction is changed.
      • It will now rush at the enemy that was first targeted when changing direction while charging if there is no enemy with HP higher than the previous targeted enemy or there isn’t an enemy to target in the changed direction.
    • High Mastery
      • Final Damage 8% increase effect at master level will be added.
    • Maha’s Domain
      • Character will be invincible for 2 seconds after use.
      • Its cooldown will be reduced from 150 to 90 seconds.
      • Its duration will be reduced from 10 to 8 seconds.
    • Maha’s Fury
      • Its cooldown at Lv. 25 will be reduced from 150 to 90 seconds.
      • Its duration at Lv. 25 will be reduced from 55 to 37 seconds.
      • Its combo amount that increased upon use will be reduced to 80.
    • Polearm Booster will be changed to Agile Polearms.
    • Snow Charge skill will now be an on/off skill.


    • Teleport
      • It can now be used when jumping and hanging on rope and ladder.
      • Distance moved up and down will now be the same. Distance in up direction will slightly be increased and down direction will slightly be decreased.
      • Players can now move even if the distance they are moving is shorter than the Teleport distance.
    • Return!
      • Its cooldown will be removed.
    • Agile Magic
      • Magic Booster will be changed to passive skill and the name will be changed to Agile Magic.
      • An INT increase effect based on level will be added.
    • Earth Dive
      • It will now allow Decent Combat Orders to be applied.
    • Onyx Will
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 70% at master level will be added.
    • Spiral of Mana
      • Its effect will now appear behind Evan and Mir.
    • Elemental Radiance
      • Damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 800% to 980%.
    • Wyrmking's Breath
      • Damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 1000% to 1050%.


    • Spirit Jump
      • A feature to move upward by pressing the up arrow key with jump will be added.
      • Upward jump will not be reset by Rolling Moonsault.
    • Agile Bowguns
      • Dual Bowguns Boost will be changed to passive skill and will be renamed to Agile Bowguns.
      • DEX increase effect based on level will be added.
    • Gust Dive
      • Its action delay will be reduced by approximately 28% from before when used as single.
      • Its action delay will be reduced by approximately 11% from before when used as a link.
    • Water Shield
      • Character will now be invincible for 2 seconds after use.
      • Its cooldown will be set to 70 seconds.
      • Its damage taken reduction, Status Resistance increase, and Elemental Resistance increase features will be changed to passive features.
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 40% at master level will be added.
    • Ignis Roar
      • Duration of Final Damage increase effect will be increased from 15 to 30 seconds.
      • Final Damage increase amount of passive effect at master level will be increased from 15 to 25%.
    • Ishtar's Ring
      • Damage at master level will be increased to 245%.
    • Ancient Warding
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 60% at master level will be added.
    • Elvish Blessing
      • Duration will be increased from 60 to 120 seconds.
      • Its cooldown will be increased from 90 to 180 seconds.
      • A feature that increases Final Damage will be added as a passive effect. Final Damage at master level will be increased by 5%.
      • Knockback Resistance increase effect will be removed.
    • Spirit of Elluel
      • Duration at Lv. 25 will be increased from 65 to 85 seconds.
      • Its cooldown will be increased from 150 to 180 seconds.
    • Sylvidia's Flight
      • Duration at Lv. 25 will be reduced from 42 to 23 seconds.
      • Its cooldown will be reduced from 150 to 90 seconds.
      • Knockback Resistance increase effect when mounted will be removed.
    • Irkalla's Wrath
      • Max key held down duration will be reduced from 8.5 to 6 seconds.
      • Attack count will be increased from 8 to 12 times.
      • Its attack interval will be reduced
      • Its cooldown will be increased from 150 to 180 seconds.
      • A feature that increases duration of Ignis Roar by 0.3 second when it hits will be added.
    • Royal Knights
      • Knight damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 650% to 725%.
      • Its cooldown will be increased from 150 to 180 seconds.


    • Judgment Draw
      • Casting the skill will no longer cancel Dark Sight. Both Auto/Manual will not be canceled.
    • Phantom Swiftness
      • A feature to move upward by pressing the up arrow key with jump will be added.
    • Bad Luck Ward
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 40% at master level will be added.
    • Aria Amour
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 60% at master level will be added.
    • Cane Expert
      • Final Damage increased by Cane Expert at master level will be increased from 25% to 32%.
    • Luck of the Draw
      • Its cooldown will be increased from 150 to 180 seconds.
      • Damage of card at Lv. 25 will be increased from 460% to 700%.


    • Vulpes Leap
      • A feature to move upward by pressing the up arrow key with jump will be added.
    • Knuckle Mastery
      • Final Damage 5% increase effect at master level will be added.
    • Spirit Frenzy
      • Max duration will be reduced from 10 to 5 seconds.
      • Damage at master level will be increased from 45% to 90%.
      • Players can now be able to move during use.
      • It will now apply the Final Damage increase effect even when Shade uses Spirit Frenzy first before the spirit summoned with Spirit Bond Max uses Spirit Frenzy.
    • Final Damage increased by Advanced Knuckle Mastery will be increased from 10% to 16%.
    • Fox Spirits will now target boss with highest HP first.


    • Light Speed
      • Its horizontal range will be increased.
      • A Light Leap that allows players to jump high into the air will be added.
        • Even if players don't land on a platform after Light Leap, they can use it by linking to Light Speed once. Players can also use it one more time when Equilibrium is active.
      • It can now be used when jumping.
      • Players can move even if the distance they are moving is shorter than the Light Speed distance.
    • Agile Magic
      • Magic Booster will be changed to passive skill and the name will be changed to Agile Magic.
      • INT increase effect based on level will be added.
    • Shadow Shell
      • It will now block even Miss and Seal.
      • Its cooldown will be reduced from 300 to 240 seconds.
      • Abnormal Status ignore count will be increased from 3 to 7 times.
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance will be increased by 40% at master level.
    • Light Speed Boost
      • A new on/off skill that increases Light Speed distance will be added.
    • Reflection
      • Damage at master level will be increased from 400% to 440%.
    • Apocalypse
      • Damage at master level will be increased from 340% to 375%.
    • Ender
      • Damage at master level will be increased from 385% to 425%.
    • Arcane Pitch
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 60% at master level will be added.
    • Darkness Mastery
      • Light Speed used during Equilibrium can now be used consecutively in the same direction.
    • Gate of Light
      • Damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 500% to 600%.
      • Damage when attacking one enemy at Lv. 25 will be increased from 750% to 900%.
    • Aether Conduit
      • Damage while Sunfire is active at Lv. 25 will be increased from 700% to 840%.
      • Damage while Eclipse is active at Lv. 25 will be increased from 500% to 600%.
      • Damage while Equilibrium is active at Lv. 25 will be increased from 665% to 800%.
    • Baptism of Light and Darkness
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes the attack would not go through completely on enemies that move frequently.
      • Damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 750% to 900%.
    • Liberation Orb
      • Light zone and magic bullet will now trigger at the same time when Sunfire, Eclipse, or Equilibrium skills land while Equilibrium is active, and for magic power of both attributes to accumulate in the orb.
      • Damage of active effect at master level for Imbalance will be increased from 975% to 1000% and for Balance will be increased from 1000% to 1100%.
      • Damage of magic orb that increases per magic power that exceeds will be increased from 50% points to 90% points.
      • Magic orb regeneration cooldown will be reduced from 1 to 0.9 second.
      • Damage increased for each unit of the active magic orb's magic power that exceeded at Lv. 25 will be increased from 95% to 115%.
    • Morning Star
      • An effect that increases Boss Damage will be added.
      • Boss Damage at master level will be increased by 15%.
    • Magic Mastery
      • Critical Damage increased by it at master level will be increased from 15% to 18%.

    All Demons

    • Dark Winds
      • It will be improved so that it can be used smoothly either when using a skill after use or when using Dark Winds skill after using some other skills.

    Demon Slayer

    • Focused Fury
      • Final Damage that increases at master level will be increased by 30%.
    • Dark Metamorphosis
      • It can now be registered in Pet Auto Buff skill.
    • Blue Blood
      • It will now be an on/off skill
    • Spirit of Rage
      • Fixed the issue where only 10% additional attack damage was applied when disappearing after the duration ended.
    • Demon Bane
      • Its damage of attack that activates when key is released at Lv. 25 will be increased from 1,300% to 1,560%.
      • A feature that makes the character invincible for 1.5 seconds when holding the key down ends will be removed.
      • A feature that makes the character invincible for 8 seconds after use will be added.
    • Chaos Lock
      • It can now be used by pressing two arrow keys together. Using two arrow keys will search for targets to move to in the common area.

    Demon Avenger

    • Exceed
      • Final stage Exceed mode duration of Exceed: Lunar Slash and Exceed: Execution will be increased from 10 to 20 seconds.
    • Nether Shield
      • A feature that targets enemies with highest HP first will be added.
      • Its action delay will be reduced by 33% from that of before.
    • Overwhelming Power
      • Final Damage 15% increase effect at master level will be added
    • Demonic Frenzy
      • Its cooldown at master level will be reduced from 125 to 1 second.
      • It will now attack automatically in a certain area around the character. At Lv. 25, the skill periodically attacks up to 10 enemies dealing 765% damage 3 times.
    • Demonic Blast
      • It will now activate immediately upon use.
      • At Lv. 25, the skill will consume 3% of Max HP and attack up to 8 enemies dealing 1,450% damage 12 times. Skill restores 25% of Max HP, 100% Bonus Critical Rate, 100% Ignore DEF, and 12 seconds of cooldown.
    • Revenant
      • Skill will now block event Miss and Seal.
      • Its hot box will disappear after the skill ends.


    • Shield Training II
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 60% at master level will be added.
    • Shotgun Punch
      • Damage increase amount of Double Blast at master level will be increased from 140% points to 180% points.
    • Muzzle Flash
      • Damage increase amount of Magnum Punch at master level will be increased from 160% points to 205% points.
    • Revolving Blast
      • Its cooldown will be reduced from 150 to 120 seconds.
      • It will now keep enemy’s stun state and allow character to move when entering the skill once more after grabbing the enemy.
    • Revolving Cannon Plus III
      • Damage increase amount of Bunker Buster Explosion at master level will be increased from 120% points to 160% points.
      • Damage increase amount of Bunker Buster Explosion used when Dynamo Gauge is 6 slots or higher at master level will be increased from 150% points to 200% points.
      • Damage increase amount of Shock Wave 1 at master level will be increased from 170% points to 225% points.
      • Damage increase amount of Shock Wave 2 at master level will be increased from 130% points to 185% points.
      • Damage increase amount of Shock Wave 3 at master level will be increased from 90% points to 155% points.
      • Damage of Shock Wave 4 at master level will be increased from 320% to 400%.
    • Rocket Punch
      • Special ammo damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 355% to 400%.

    Battle Mage

    • Combat Teleport
      • Players can now move up as Blink Jump activates when using the skill with the up arrow key in the air.
      • Players can now link Blink Jump with Teleport once in the air after use.
    • All Aura skills
      • They will now be protected when using the Buff Freezer item.
    • Dark Shock
      • Dark Brand left on enemy will now be consumed when attack lands 15 times.
    • Teleport Boost
      • A new on/off skill that increases Combat Teleport distance will be added.
    • Battle Mastery
      • Final Damage increase amount at master level will be increased from 15% to 25%.
    • Finishing Blow
      • Front attack range will be increased by about 20% from that of before.
    • Abyssal Lightning
      • Dark Brand during Abyssal Lightning will now be consumed when attack lands 30 times.
      • It will be improved so that the effect will no longer be visible during the story cutscene.

    Wild Hunter

    • Double Jump
      • A feature that allows players to move up when jumping with the up arrow key while not mounted on Jaguar will be added.
    • Summon Jaguar
      • Jaguar can now be fixed in place when the up arrow key is used with the skill.
      • Jaguar that is fixed in place will targets enemy with the highest HP within range first. Jaguar that is fixed in place will not move immediately to where the character is when the character and platform change. It will only move when it's a certain distance away from the character.
    • Jaguar Skill
      • It will be changed from attacking in the direction the character is facing to targeting enemy with the highest HP within attack range first.
    • Soul Arrow
      • It will be changed to passive skill.
    • White Heat Rush
      • A feature to move down diagonally will be added.
      • Its action delay will be reduced by approximately 10%.
    • Feline Berserk
      • Final Damage 10% increase effect at master level will be added.
    • Backstep
      • It will be changed to move back when jumping backwards even while Backstep is active.
    • Wild Arrow Blast
      • It can now change to Wild Arrow Blast Type-P by right-clicking.
      • Wild Arrow Blast Type-P at master level attacks up to 8 enemies in front dealing 300% damage 4 times and increases Damage Against Normal Enemies by 120% points.
      • Wild Arrow Blast Type-P can only be used while mounted on Jaguar.
      • Wild Arrow Blast Type P can be boosted with the Wild Arrow Blast Boost Node.
      • Wild Arrow Blast Type-P is not affected by the attack speed increase effect.
    • Drill Salvo
      • Drill Salvo will increase Damage Against Normal Enemies for Wild Arrow Blast Type-P by 40%.
    • Natural Force
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 50% at master level will be added.
    • Wild Arrow Blast - Reinforce
      • Effect will also apply to Wild Arrow Blast Type-P.
    • Wild Arrow Blast - Guardbreak
      • Effect will also apply to Wild Arrow Blast Type-P.
    • Wild Arrow Blast - Boss Rush
      • Effect will also apply to Wild Arrow Blast Type-P.
    • Jaguar Storm
      • It will be changed to summon Jaguar around enemy with highest HP.
    • Wild Arrow Blast Type X
      • Max duration of key pressed at Lv. 25 will be reduced from 7.2 to 5 seconds.
      • Damage and attack count at Lv. 25 will be increased from 1,050% 5 times to 1,105% 7 times.


    • Star Force Conversion
      • A skill to increase stats based on Star Force value will be added.
      • Each 10 Stars of the equipped equipment's Star Force Enhancement will increase STR, DEX, and LUK by 7 each. Max Star Force applied to Star Force Conversion is limited to 100 Stars.
    • Quicksilver: Takeoff
      • It can now be used once after using Propulsion Burst.
    • Instant Shock
      • Fixed the issue where avoidability chance was applied based on the incorrect level.
    • Multilateral VI
      • Knockback Resistance chance will be increased from 5% to 15%.
      • A Final Damage 15% increase effect will be added.
    • Omega Blaster
      • It will now allow the use of buff skill that increases some stats while firing the laser.
    • Hypogram Field: Fusion
      • Its cooldown will be reduced from 100 to 90 seconds.
    • Photon Ray
      • Its cooldown will be reduced from 35 to 30 seconds.


    • Jet Booster
      • A feature that allows players to move up by pressing the up arrow key with jump after jumping will be added.
      • It can now be linked to Booster Deployment after jumping upward.
      • Character can move upward even when using the skill key.
    • Rocket Booster
      • Its command will be changed to up arrow key + attack key.
    • Homing Beacon
      • A feature that targets boss with highest HP first in Tank Mode will be added.
    • Open Portal: GX-9
      • It can now lock feature party members can use by right-clicking.
    • Robo Launcher RM7
      • It will now attack enemy even in the opposite direction the character is facing.
      • Fixed the issue where only 10% damage was applied upon exploding after duration ended.
    • Support Unit: H-EX
      • Fixed the issue where only 10% damage was applied upon exploding after duration ended.
    • Overclock
      • Final Damage increase amount at master level will be increased from 20% to 25%.
    • Rock 'n Shock
      • Fixed the issue where only 10% damage was applied upon exploding after duration ended.
    • Bots 'n Tots
      • Fixed the issue where only 10% damage was applied upon exploding after duration ended.
    • Mobile Missile Battery
      • The duration for searching enemy will be increased.
      • A logic to search target to attack for a short period when there is no enemy to attack upon firing mobile missile will be added.


    • Air Lift
      • A feature to move upward by pressing the up arrow key with jump will be added.
      • Players can now move upward even in Final Form state.
    • Tempest Blades
      • A feature that targets boss with highest HP first will be added.
    • Advanced Tempest Blades
      • Damage at master level will be increased from 400% to 450%.
    • Final Form
      • Players can now move even if the distance they are moving is shorter than the Teleport distance.
    • Catalyze
      • Final Damage increase amount at master level will be increased from 20% to 32%.
    • Grand Armor
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 60% at master level will be added.
    • Bladefall
      • A feature that targets boss with highest HP first will be added.
      • Morph Gauge can now be filled when attacking enemies with the sword and flame.
      • The sword will now embed in the air if there is no platform for the sword to get embedded.
      • Fixed the issue where attack is performed in an unnatural position in some bosses when the enemy cannot be found.
    • Gigas Wave
      • Damage at master level will increase from 330% to 360%.
    • Draco Surge
      • It was improved to address the issue where Dragon Warrant couldn't attack enemy when close to the enemy.
      • Damage of Draco Surge and Dragon Warrant at Lv. 25 will increase from 625% to 700%.
    • Dragonflare
      • Damage of Fire Energy and surroundings near Kaiser at Lv. 25 will be increased from 750% to 900% and attack count will be increased from 5 to 6 times.
      • Flame damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 500% to 750%.


    • Shadowstep
      • A feature to move upward by pressing the up arrow key with jump will be added.
    • Fixed the issue where the slow effect of the following skills was stacked and applied:
      • Chain Arts: Thrash 1st Hit, 2nd Hit
      • Chain Arts: Pursuit
      • Chain Arts: Maelstrom
    • Muscle Memory
      • Buff duration will be increased from 20 to 30 seconds.
    • Determination
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 40% at master level will be added.
    • Summon Brick
      • Damage at master level will be increased from 485% to 535%.
    • Summon Spiked Bat
      • Damage of 1st hit at master level will be increased from 450% to 490%.
      • Damage of 2nd hit at master level will be increased from 555% to 610%.
      • Damage of 3rd hit at master level will be increased from 715% to 790%.
    • Chain Arts: Beatdown
      • Its cooldown will be reduced from 150 to 120 seconds.
    • Chain Arts: Reign of Chains
      • A feature that fixes Muscle Memory stack at max when attack lands will be added.
    • Wisdom of Shadows II
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 60% at master level will be added.
    • Muscle Memory II
      • Damage increase amount of Summon Scimitar, Claw, Shuriken, Shotgun, Daggers, and Decoy Bomb at master level will be increased from 120% points to 170% points.
    • Critical Damage increase amount increased by Wisdom of Shadows II at master level will be increased from 5% to 10%.
    • Critical Damage increase amount increased by Weapons Expert at master level will be increased from 15% to 18%.

    Angelic Buster

    • Final Contract
      • Knockback Resistance increase effect that was obtained upon use will be removed.
    • Feather Hop
      • A feature to move upward by pressing the up arrow key with jump will be added.
    • Soul Seeker, Soul Seeker Expert
      • It will now target the boss with highest HP first.
    • Love Me Heart
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 60% at master level will be added.
    • Trinity
      • Its 2-hit and 3-hit will activate in order without interruption even if the character doesn't attack for a certain time.
      • Final Damage increase amount of passive effect at master level will be increased from 10 to 25%.
      • Its action delay will be reduced by approximately 23% from before if 1-hit is used as single.
      • Its action delay will be reduced by approximately 33% from before if 2-hit is used as single.
      • Its action delay of 3-hit will be reduced by approximately 6% from before.
    • Soul Resonance
      • Character will now be invincible for 2 seconds after use. However, the invincibility feature will disappear as well when Soul Resonance is stopped.
      • Its action delay will be reduced by 55% from before when it ends.
    • Superstar Spotlight
      • Knockback Resistance increase effect that could be obtained inside the Superstar Spotlight area will be removed.
    • Melody Cross will be changed to passive skill.
    • Iron Blossom
      • It will be changed to passive skill.
      • It will now display fixed effect regardless of Power Transfer.
      • A feature that increases DEX will be added.
    • The action delay of Trinity 1-hit will be changed to be the same when it is and is not linked.


    • Dual Combat
      • A feature that allows players to lock the state of moving forward when tagging will be added.
    • Burst Step
      • Using the skill to move left and right will no longer put the character in Combat position.
    • Divine Force
      • Its skill description will be updated to be more accurate.
    • Critical Bind
      • It will now apply by adding Critical Bind's stun effect to the previous stun effect if Critical Bind is used on an enemy that already has a stun effect.
      • It will no longer apply Critical Bind resistance duration if only the debuff is applied and not the stun effect.
    • Long Sword Mastery
      • Final Damage increase amount at master level will be increased from 5% to 16%.
      • Its skill description will be updated to be more accurate.
    • Reinforce Body
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 100% at master level will be added.
      • Critical Rate increase amount at master level will be reduced from 40% to 30%.
      • Its skill description will be updated to be more accurate.
    • Heavy Sword Mastery
      • Critical Rate increase amount at master level will be increased from 15% to 30%.
      • Final Damage increase amount at master level will be increased from 5% to 16%.
      • Its skill description will be updated to be more accurate.
    • Shadow Rain
      • It will now receive Heavy Sword Mastery skill’s damage increase effect.
    • Chrono Break
      • It will now keep the buff effect even though the last attack activated when using the skill again.
      • Fixed the issue where the slow effect wasn't applied after it ended by using the skill again.
      • Fixed the issue where the damage of the attack that ended by using the skill again was applied higher than mentioned on the skill description.
      • It will now be preserved when using the Buff Freezer item.
    • Shadow Flash
      • Bottom attack range will be increased by approximately 330%.
      • Attack range of attack that activates by using the skill again will be increased.


    • Psychic Force, Psychic Blast, Psychic Assault
      • A feature that amplifies final damage on Kinesis's attack during damage over time will be removed.
    • Ultimate - Metal Press
      • A feature that reduces defense of enemy that got hit by 15% for 30 seconds will be added.
      • Defense reduction effect will not stack with Psychic Clutch and Ultimate - Psychic Shot.
    • Psychic Drain
      • Its cooldown will be reduced from 5 to 3 seconds.
      • Duration will be increased from 15 to 30 seconds.
    • Ultimate - Deep Impact
      • Its action delay will be reduced by 50% from that of before.
    • Psychic Clutch
      • A feature that reduces defense of enemy that got hit by 15% for 30 seconds will be added.
      • Defense reduction effect will not stack with Ultimate - Metal Press and Ultimate - Psychic Shot.
    • Ultimate - Psychic Shot
      • Defense reduction effect duration will be increased from 10 to 30 seconds.
      • Defense reduction effect will not stack with Ultimate - Metal Press and Psychic Clutch.
    • Ultimate - B.P.M.
      • It will now consume PP only when it hits enemy.
    • Psychic Charger
      • It will now fill up half of the max PP.
    • Mind Break
      • Final Damage increase duration will be increased from 30 to 45 seconds.
    • Telepath Tactics
      • Final Damage 20% increase effect at master level will be added.
    • Awakening
      • Final Damage increase amount at master level will be adjusted from 30% to 40%.
    • Mental Shock
      • Its cooldown will be reduced from 210 to 180 seconds.
      • Damage will be reduced from 2100% to 1800%.
    • Mental Overdrive
      • Its cooldown will be reduced from 210 to 180 seconds.
      • Its duration will be reduced from 30 to 26 seconds.
    • Psychic Tornado
      • Its cooldown will be increased from 120 to 180 seconds.
      • Damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 1000% to 1500%, damage of thrown object will be increased from 275% to 413%, and explosion damage will be increased from 600% to 900%.


    • Crystalline Wings
      • It can now be used even when hanging on rope and ladder.
      • Its movement range will be increased.
      • Players can now move even if the distance they are moving is shorter than the Crystalline Wings distance.
    • Crystal Skill - Wings of Glory
      • Tower of Oz ring skills and Ethereal Form can now be used in the air while Wings of Glory is active.
      • Duration to activate Wings of Glory after mytocrystal is filled with magic will be increased from 20 to 300 seconds.
    • Crystalline Wings Boost
      • A new on/off skill that increases Crystalline Wings distance will be added.
    • Might of the Flora
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 40% at master level will be added.
    • Quick Charging
      • It will now fully charge the mytocrystal immediately upon use.
      • Its cooldown will be adjusted to 180 seconds.
    • Wisdom of the Crystal
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 60% at master level will be added.
      • Final Damage increase amount at master level will be increased from 35% to 40%.
    • Crystal Skill: Wings of Glory
      • Its skill description will be updated to be more accurate.
      • It will now cancel Wings of Glory when the skill key is input again. Wings of Glory won't be canceled even if the skill key is pressed again 1 second after casting Wings of Glory.


    • Complete Fusion
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 50% at master level will be added.


    • Dragon's Eye
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 60% at master level will be added.
    • Sage: Dream of Shangri-La
      • Its cooldown that decreases for each second of remaining key-down time when skill ends will be reduced from 9.7 to 9.3 seconds.
    • Hoyoung's skills that don't attack (excluding common skills) will no longer cancel Out of Sight.


    • Essence Sprinkle
      • Damage of Essence Sprinkled enhanced with Best Friend at master level will be increased from 255% to 306%. Its skill description will also be improved for easier understand.
    • Manifestation: Wind Swing
      • Duration at master level will be increased from 20 to 30 seconds.
      • Area that players can move will be increased by around 15% to the top.
      • Floating speed will be increased by 39%.
    • Immaculate Thought
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 40% at master level will be added.
    • Dragon Vein Absorption
      • It will now receive buff duration increase effect.
      • Duration at master level will be increased from 60 to 90 seconds.
      • Damage of Absorption: River Puddle Douse at master level will be increased from 500% to 590%.
      • Damage of Absorption: Fierce Wind at master level will be increased from 215% to 255%.
      • Damage of Absorption: Sunlit Grain at master level will be increased from 200% to 230%.
    • Nature Master
      • Damage increase amount of Heaving River at master level will be increased from 128% points to 325% points.
      • Strong river damage of Heaving River at master level will be increased from 580% to 680%.
      • Damage increase amount of Whirlwind at master level will be increased from 157% points to 232% points.
      • Giant damage increase amount of Sunrise Well at master level will be increased from 247% points to 365% points.
      • Lava area damage increase amount of Sunrise Well at master level will be increased from 117% points to 205% points.
      • Volcanic bomb damage increase amount of Sunrise Well at master level will be increased from 157% points to 250% points.
    • In-depth Geomancy
      • Damage increase amount of Mountain Kid at master level will be increased to 208% points.
      • Boss Damage increase amount of Mountain Kid at master level will be increased to 260% points.
      • Damage increase amount of Mountain Seed at master level will be increased to 265% points.
    • Relaxation
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 60% at master level will be added.
    • Winding Mountain Ridge
      • Top attack range will be increased by approximately 64%.
      • Damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 500% to 600%.
    • Best Friend
      • Damage of Essence Sprinkle at master level will be increased from 306% to 340%.
    • Big Stretch
      • Intangible force damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 1,000% to 1,200%.
    • Surging Essence
      • Damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 850% to 1,020%.
    • Land's Connection
      • Damage where the land spirits appear in order and attack at Lv. 25 will be increased from 1,400% to 1,680%.
      • Damage of explosion attack at Lv. 25 will be increased from 1,700% to 2,040%.


    • Shadow Swiftness
      • A feature to move upward by pressing the up arrow key with jump will be added.
    • Strike Arrow 1, 2, 3
      • Attack target will be increased from 4 to 6.
    • Shaft Break
      • Arrow damage at master level will be increased from 180% to 184%.
    • [Possess] Shaft Break
      • Arrow damage at master level will be increased from 180% to 184%.
      • Explosion damage at master level will be increased from 220% to 224%.
    • Advanced Death's Blessing
      • Damage increase amount of Death's Blessing at master level will be increased from 135% points to 163% points.
    • Falling Dust
      • Damage at master level will be increased from 410% to 451%.
    • [Possess] Falling Dust
      • Damage at master level will be increased from 420% to 462%.
      • Damage of erupted Malice at master level will be increased from 240% to 264%.
    • [Execute] Chain Sickle
      • Damage at master level will be increased from 200% to 220%.
      • Damage of final blow at master level will be increased from 220% to 242%.
    • [Execute] Poison Needle
      • Damage at master level will be increased from 250% to 275%.
      • Damage of consecutive attack at master level will be increased from 190% to 209%.
    • Grinding II
      • Damage increase amount of Strike Arrow, Strike Arrow II, Strike Arrow III, and Arrow Fragment at master level will be increased from 100% points to 134% points.
      • Damage increase amount of [Possess] Strike Arrow at master level will be increased from 85% points to 122% points.
      • Damage increase amount of Scattering Shot at master level will be increased from 75% points to 102% points.
      • Damage increase amount of [Possess] Scattering Shot at master level will be increased from 80% points to 110% points.
      • Damage increase amount of Dragon Fang at master level will be increased from 70% points to 93% points.
      • Damage increase amount of Shaft Break arrow and explosion attack at master level will be increased from 60% points to 80% points.
      • Damage increase amount of [Possess] Shaft Break arrow and explosion attack at master level will be increased from 90% points to 117% points, and whirlwind attack will be increased from 15% points to 21% points.
      • Damage increase amount of [Execute] Phantom Blade at master level will be increased from 115% points to 142% points.
      • Damage increase amount of [Execute] Tearing Knife at master level will be increased from 115% points to 148% points.
      • Damage increase amount of Lasting Grudge at master level will be increased from 60% points to 75% points.
    • Adapt to Death
      • A feature that increases Knockback Resistance by 50% at master level will be added.
    • Chasing Shot
      • Damage at master level will be increased from 320% to 352%.
    • Unseen Sniper
      • Damage at master level will be increased from 150% to 193%.
    • [Possess/Execute] Unseen Sniper
      • Damage at master level will be increased from 200% to 220%.
      • Knockback Resistance increase effect will be removed.
    • Thanatos Descent
      • Knockback Resistance increase effect will be removed.


    • Kishin Shoukan
      • It will no longer increase the monster respawn speed and the max number of monsters in the map.
      • It will now provide 10% additional EXP permanently.
      • The damage multiplier of Kishin Shoukan Node Boost will increase from 2% to 3%
      • Developer Comments: Since Kanna's Kishin Shoukan skill had excessively high performance compared to that of other skills, the skill’s ability to increase monster respawn speed and max number of monsters in the map will be changed to a different ability. The developer team will continue to increase the performance of Kanna's other skills and make convenience improvements. In addition, a revamp is planned to distribute the performance concentrated on a single skill and enhance the characteristic of Kanna. We will continue to monitor actual gameplay data to pinpoint the difficulties and to review the farming efficiency improvement, and look for a way players can enjoy playing the game further.
    • The damage application method of Ghost Yaksha and Kishin Shoukan skills will be updated.
      • Skills will now follow the character damage formula instead of the summoned damage formula.
      • Skills will now be affected by character's Critical Rate, Critical Damage, Ignore DEF, Normal/Boss monster additional damage stats.
      • Developer Comments: The damage formula will be improved so that Ghost Yaksha and Kishin Shoukan skills can also be utilized in boss battle and high level fields.
    • The boost node damage multiplier coefficient of some 4th Job skills will be adjusted to be the same as that of other 4th Job skills.
      • Developer Comments: In order to align the character operation method like that of other classes, Kanna's main skill was changed from Vanquisher's Charm to Shikigami Haunting and the Mana-using concept was kept by revamping the Shikigami Doppelganger to require Mana during its revamp in 2019. In return, a high boost coefficient was set in some 4th Job skills as we believed that players will have to prepare new Boost Nodes. The developer team has been considering on when to make the adjustment as Kanna’s overall combat ability is high compared to that of other classes. We believe this skill balancing will increase the combat ability further with improvements to the damage formula for Ghost Yaksha and Kishin Shoukan skills. Thus, we unified Kanna’s Boost Node coefficient with that of other classes to narrow the gap between them. After this coefficient adjustment, we plan to monitor actual gameplay data to see if Kanna has any lacking combat ability compared to other classes, and continuously make improvements within the range where it doesn’t hurt the skill balance between classes.
    Skill Before After
    Shikigami Haunting 5% 2%
    Falling Sakura 5% 2%
    Shikigami Doppelganger 5% 2%​
    • Nightghost Guide
      • It can now be activated even when in the air.
        • Developer Comments: As a battle secondary skill, the Nightghost Guide skill’s activation condition will be improved so that it can also be useful in actual battle.
      • It will now provide 25% of Knockback Resistance at Lv. 1 as a passive effect. Afterward, it will increase by 5% per skill level, up to 70% max.
    • Nine-Tailed Fury
      • Its cooldown will be increased from 45 to 180 seconds.
      • Its buff duration will be increased from 35 to 150 seconds based on the master level.
      • Developer Comments: Nine-Tailed Fury is a skill that is frequently used for its damage increase buff and additional hit during cooldown. Thus, the skill was used often, consuming a lot of Mana. This will be changed to improve such issues.
    • Foxfire
      • It will now display a stack on the buff icon.
    • Haku the Familiar
      • Fixed so that it doesn’t inaccurately appear as if all skill level +1 effect was applied.
    • Geomancy
      • It will now provide 30% of Knockback Resistance as a passive effect.
    • Geomancy and Warding Barrier
      • Fixed the issue where the number of active Mana Veins and barriers in the map was not indicated on the buff window.
      • Fixed the issue where the buff appeared active when Kanna character was not receiving the Mana Vein and barrier effects.
    • Blossom Barrier
      • Knockback Resistance effect will be removed.
    • Haku's Gift
      • Fixed the issue where its passive effect was not applied properly.


    • Battoujutsu
      • The Knockback Resistance of the sword gauge stage 1 charge effect will be increased to 100%.
    • Hitokiri Strike and Hitokiri Strike - Angle
      • The expression 'instant kill', which may not be accurate to the actual skill specifications, will be removed. In addition, the activation condition and control method of Hitokiri Strike - Angle skill will be added.

    Beast Tamer

    • Skill Point distribution will now continue up to level 250.
      • This change will be applied to existing Beast Tamer characters that already reached Lv. 200 and above prior to the v.233 update.
      • Developer Comments: It will be improved so that it will be easier to utilize Beast Tamer characters’ abilities.
    • Bear Reborn
      • Fixed the issue where the Bear Reborn skill did not have a cooldown buff display that is visible to the player.
    • Paw Swipe
      • The character will now be able to move/jump while casting this skill.
    • Furious Strikes
      • An explanation that holding the key down is possible will be added to the skill description.
      • The character will now be able to move/jump while casting this skill.
    • All Together! Gather Up Friends!
      • It will now be preserved when players use the Buff Freezer item.
    • Growth Spurt
      • It will now provide 100% Knockback Resistance as a passive effect.

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    Skill Improvements

    • Fixed the issue where, when the Guided Arrow disappears, the other Bowman's Guided Arrow on the map also disappeared.
    • Fixed the issue where Crossbow Mastery of Marksman skill descriptions were not accurate.
    • Pathfinder character can now move as much as it can if the distance is not enough when using the Cardinal Torrent skill.
    • Fixed the issue where Condemnation would not appear properly after Battle Mage entered some maps.
    • Fixed the issue where some casting motions did not match the weapon images of Blaster's Detonate and Bunker Buster Explosion skills.
    • Mihile’s Expert Sword Mastery skill description will be adjusted.
    • Mihile’s Light of Courage skill can now be used even while the character is hanging on a rope.
    • Fixed the issue where the effect seemed unnatural when Kaiser character used the Dragonflare skill while facing the right side.
    • Illium's Endless Research skill description will be adjusted to be more accurate.
    • When Lara character is in confusion, the below jump command will now also be affected.
    • Some skills that aren't affected by active attack speed increase skill but are affected by passive skill and ability modification will be changed so that their attack speed will no longer change.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Resistance Infantry appeared behind the background.
    • Night Lord's Showdown and Demon Slayer's Demon Cry debuff effect will no longer cancel each other, and the higher effect will be applied if the effects overlap.
    • Fixed the issue where the effect of Blaze Wizard’s Ignition - Max Ignition skill wasn't applied.
    • Fixed the issue where Blaze Wizard’s Inferno Sphere skill couldn't be used if they have slow abnormal status.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes combo changed to 490 right after Aran’s Adrenaline Rush skill ended.
    • Fixed the issue where the effect of Aran’s Advanced Combo Ability skill wasn't applied upon dying while having reached 1,000 combos.
    • Fixed the issue where the location of the effect was different based on the direction the Aran character was facing when the energy wave was fired by Final Blow skill while Smash Wave and Adrenaline Rush skills were active.
    • The hit effect will no longer appear on enemies that cannot be pulled by Aran’s Finisher - Storm of Fear skill.
    • Evan's Magic Debris skill will now be able to form in the Mu Lung Dojo / Fog Forest Training Grounds maps.
    • Fixed the issue where if Shade character does not meet the condition to use certain skills, a skill could not be used upon using an inactive skill after Blade Imp - Forward Slash, Downward Slash, and Spin Slash skills
    • Fixed the issue where Battle Mage's Dark Genesis Final Attack skill didn't activate when jumping.
    • Fixed the issue where Kaiser’s Dragon Link guide UI was kept open even after closing it.
    • Fixed the issue where Kaiser’s Nova Guardians skill couldn't find target to attack in some boss battles.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Kain character would move in the opposite direction when using Shadow Swiftness skill after using Shadow Step skill.
    • Fixed the issue where cooldown was applied to Noblesse Guild skill when Zero character tags another Zero character.
    • Fixed the issue where the effect appeared unnatural when Kinesis character used some skills.
    • Fixed the issue where Adele’s Aether Forge placed in Legion Raid wasn't affected by the skill effect transparency.
    • Fixed the issue where a skill could be activated without a delay when used together with Adele’s Feather Float skill while under the slow abnormal status.
    • Fixed the issue where Ark’s Spectra was abnormally consumed during Boundless Horror and Endless Agony.
    • Fixed the issue where Tide of Battle was applied while the character is dead.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes transferring a stackable link skill would fail due to an error or the skill information won't be displayed.
    • Fixed the issue where the HP would abnormally change when the Decent skill equipped with the node is activated while on a mount.
    • Fixed the issue where the buff icon would continue to flash when some buff skills are used again right before the duration ends.
    • Fixed the issue where there was spelling errors in the following skill descriptions:
      • Hero's Puncture skill
      • Marksman's Repeating Crossbow Cartridge skill
      • Blaster's Revolving Cannon Plus II and Revolving Cannon Plus III skills
    • Fixed the issue where the skill description of Corsair’s Pirate Blessing skill and Buccaneer’s Pirate Blessing skill was unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where the actual attack power of the throwing stars or bullet was inaccurately displayed in the character stats UI.
    • Fixed the issue where Guided Arrow continued to appear to other characters when the character is incapacitated while Guided Arrow is active.
    • Fixed the issue where Guided Arrow didn't appear to the character that entered a map where another character was using the Guided Arrow skill.
    • Fixed the issue where arrows were consumed with the Rune of Might's attack for some Bowman Jobs, despite learning the Soul Arrow skill.
    • Fixed the issue where Wind Archer’s arrow effect wouldn't be seen during basic attack.
    • Special node will no longer activate on Wind Archer’s Wind Walk skill.
    • Fixed the issue where Wind Archer’s Merciless Winds skill would first target the enemy farthest from the use location rather than the closest.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the whirlwind of Wind Archer’s Gale Barrier skill would not fire.
    • Fixed the issue where Mihile's Royal Guard buff wouldn't reset upon entering Ursus boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the default icon was changed for some of Aran’s skill icons when the mouse was placed on it.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill description of Aran’s Final Toss was unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where Luminous’ Light Speed linked after Light Leap skill while in Equilibrium state didn't receive the distance increase effect of Light Speed Boost skill.
    • Fixed the issue where Luminous’ Light Speed couldn't be linked after Light Leap skill while in Equilibrium state if Darkness Mastery skill wasn't learned.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Luminous’ Aether Conduit would not change based on light/dark state.
    • Fixed the issue where Luminous’ orb effect appeared unnatural upon changing the light/dark state while Liberation Orb skill was active.
    • Fixed the issue where the default icon was changed for some of Evan's skill icons when the mouse was placed on it.
    • Fixed the issue where Sylvidia's Flight was canceled while Mercedes was using Irkalla's Wrath skill.
    • Fixed the issue where Dark Sight wasn't canceled upon using Phantom’s Arrow Blaster skill while the Dark Sight was in use.
    • Fixed the issue where Dark Sight was canceled by the follow-up attack of Phantom’s Rift Break skill that attacks in place.
    • It will be updated so that Shade's Spirit Bond 4 skill description will be more accurate.
    • Changed so that Demon Avenger’s Demonic Frenzy skill will now be canceled when it rides a mount while Demonic Frenzy skill was activated.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Demon Avenger’s Demonic Blast skill was activated continuously.
    • Fixed the issue where Demon Avenger’s Demonic Blast Node description was inaccurate.
    • Fixed the issue where Wild Hunter’s Graviboots skill could be used even when it is not riding on Jaguar.
    • Fixed the issue where Wild Hunter's Jaguar placed in Legion-assigned member was different from the Jaguar that's actually being used.
    • The special node will no longer activate during Mechanic’s Mechanic Dash skill.
    • Fixed the issue where Mechanic’s Mechanic Dash skill could not be used after using Double Acceleration skill in the upward direction in Tank Mech mode.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Mechanic’s Homing Beacon skill used in Tank Mech mode did not attack boss monsters with highest HP.
    • Fixed the issue where the Mechanic’s Homing Beacon skill used in Tank Mech mode did not attack boss monsters with highest HP while using the Full Metal Barrage skill.
    • Fixed the issue where Mechanic’s Homing Beacon skill used in Humanoid Mech mode attacked the boss monster with the highest HP first when re-searching the target.
    • Fixed the issue where when Xenon used Rune of Might while Manifest Projector was applied, the face of illusion was not visible.
    • Fixed the issue where Dark Sight was canceled when canceling Cadena’s Chain Arts: Pursuit skill.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Shadowstep skill could not be used immediately after moving by re-using Cadena’s Chain Arts: Pursuit skill.
    • Fixed the issue where Dark Sight was canceled when upward Shadowstep skill was used while Dark Sight was applied by using Cadena’s Chain Arts: Pursuit skill.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Angelic Buster's Soul Seeker skill would not attack the boss monster with highest HP.
    • Fixed the issue where the duration of Zero's Critical Bind skill's stun effect was not applied correctly in certain situations. In addition, the skill description will be updated to be more accurate.
    • Fixed the issue where when Hoyoung character uses Sage: Dream of Shangri-La skill, the equipped cash item and hair color appeared unnaturally in some motions or did not change to black and white color.
    • Fixed the issue where Blaze Wizard's Burning Conduit skill was displayed twice. The second Burning Conduit skill will be removed, and the Skill Points used for the relevant skill will be restored.
    • The cooldown of Alicia's Roar?! skill that can be used in the [Tower of Oz] Undersea 40F will be decreased and the distance enemies are pushed back will be increased.
    • Added on the Rolling Moonsault’s skill description that the use of Spirit Jump skill will not reset when Mercedes character performs Spirit Jump upward and uses Rolling Moonsault skill afterward.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill voice was played when using the skill Phantom character stole.
    • Fixed the issue where the enhancement effect was canceled if the Spirit Guardian’s Spirit Flow attack was activated when Shade’s Spirit Frenzy was enhanced with Spirit Guardian’s Spirit Frenzy.
    • Fixed the issue where some effects of Illium’s Resonance skill were continuously displayed when using the Wings of Glory skill while Resonance is ongoing.
    • Fixed the issue where Hoyoung character’s hidden state was canceled instead of being newly applied when activating the Out of Sight skill again while in a hidden state.

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    Boss and Monster Improvements

    • Will (Easy), Verus Hilla (Normal), and Chosen Seren (Normal) difficulty modes will be added.
      • New Reward Point quests will be added for the new boss difficulties.
      • New Achievements will be added for the new boss difficulties.
      • Developer Comments: There was an issue where players’ desire to challenge certain bosses decreased due to the gap between boss difficulties to easily move on to the next boss. Therefore, in order to complete bosses in stages, we are adding Will (Easy), Verus Hilla (Normal), and Chosen Seren (Normal) to the relevant section so that it will suggest new challenge goals and motivate players to naturally challenge themselves to the next difficulty level as their character grows.
    • The boss battle content will automatically be available to other characters in the same world if there is a character that completed the prerequisite quest for OMNI-CLN, Papulatus, Von Leon, Arkarium, Pink Bean, Cygnus, Magnus, and Guardian Angel Slime.
      • If there is a character in the same world that completed the prerequisite quest for the bosses listed above, other characters in the same world can use the Boss UI and enter the boss battle lobby without having to complete the prerequisite quests.
      • If a character that completed the boss prerequisite quest performs a World Leap, including Burning World Leap, this character has to enter the lobby of each boss content once in order for other characters in the world to skip the prerequisite quests and have access to the boss battle.
        • These are the following maps the character has to enter:
          • OMNI-CLN: [Inside the Mothership] Pilothouse
          • Papulatus: [Clocktower Bottom Floor] Deep Inside the Clocktower
          • Von Leon: [Lion King's Castle] Audience Room Corridor
          • Arkarium: [Temple of Time] Crack in Time
          • Pink Bean: [Deep Place of Temple] Broken Corridor
          • Cygnus: [Knight Stronghold] Cygnus Garden
          • Easy Magnus: [Heliseum] Commander Barracks
          • Magnus (Normal, Hard): [Tyrant's Castle] Heliseum Heights Entry
          • Guardian Angel Slime: [Ramuramu Valley] Guardian Angel Slime Altar
    • The daily challenge count restricted to 1 time will be removed and 30-minute cooldown will be applied when entering again for the following bosses:
      • Zakum (Easy, Normal)
      • Papulatus (Easy, Normal)
      • Hilla (Normal)
      • Horntail (Easy, Normal, Chaos)
      • Von Leon (Easy, Normal, Hard)
      • Arkarium (Easy, Normal)
      • OMNI-CLN (Normal)
      • Pink Bean (Normal, Chaos)
      • Ranmaru (Normal, Hard)
    • The daily challenge count will increase from 1 to 3 times for the following bosses. The existing entry cooldown of 30 minutes will be kept.
      • Mitsuhide (Normal)
      • Lotus (Hard)
      • Damien (Hard)
      • Guardian Angel Slime (Normal, Chaos)
      • Lucid (Easy, Normal, Hard)
      • Will (Easy, Normal, Hard)
      • Gloom (Normal, Chaos)
      • Darknell (Normal, Hard)
      • Verus Hilla (Normal, Hard)
      • Chosen Seren (Normal, Hard)
    • The daily challenge count will increase from 1 to 3 times and 60-minute cooldown will be applied when entering again for the following boss:
      • Black Mage
    • Fixed the issue where the effect and attack range of Pink Pulverizer skill Pink Bean used after the second resurrection in Pink Bean (Chaos) boss battle were different.
    • When the last phase for Guardian Angel Slime (Normal, Chaos) is completed, it will be considered a clear rather than when the Slime Treasure Chest is opened.
    • When the last phase for Black Mage (Hard) is completed, it will be considered a clear rather than when the Genesis Crux is opened.
    • Fixed the issue where buffs weren’t protected by the Buff Freezer item when the phase changes while the player is dead in Chosen Seren boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the character death sound effect was played again when the character revived during some boss battles.
    • Players will now revive immediately in place when they revive in Tower of Oz 40th floor.
    • Fixed the issue where if Scarecrow from Tower of Oz 40th floor was revived while using teleport, the teleportation would be canceled.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Authority of Creation would occur twice in Black Mage Phase 3 boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the Elite Champion and Elite Boss orb EXP was applied less in Reboot world.
    • Fixed the issue where low HP and EXP were applied when Elite Champion or Elite Boss appeared in a normal map with no required power type (Star Force, Arcane Power, or Sacred Power) in Reboot world.
    • Fixed the issue where some enemies in the Sanctuary area didn't drop items in level range.
    • Fixed the issue where even if players used a skill that had an invincible effect where Damien Sword of Destruction was located, the damage of Sword of Destruction was applied again after the skill ended.
    • Fixed the issue where the sound effect would continuously play if players die while Archetypal Slime's Aid is activated in Guardian Angel Slime boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the animation appeared unnatural in high resolution when entering Lucid boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the damage of the previously used attack was applied even when Chosen Seren was performing Mitra's Authority.
    • Fixed the issue where damage over time did not decrease the actual boss monster's HP for the following bosses:
      • Black Mage Phase 1 and 4
      • Chosen Seren Phase 2
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the threat ranking UI was displayed unnaturally in boss battles.
    • Added a chat message guide when the stun effect is ignored If players used a skill that has the stun effect on a monster that stun effect cannot be applied.
    • Will (Story)'s level will be lowered to Lv. 235.
    • Players will now be invincible for 2 seconds upon reviving when battling the following bosses in [Tower of Oz] Undersea 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, and 50th floors.
      • Undersea 10F: Giant Spider
      • Undersea 20F: Tin Woodsman
      • Undersea 30F: Cowardly Lion
      • Undersea 40F: Scarecrow
      • Undersea 50F: Dorothy

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    Quest Improvements

    • Added additional information on the [Medal - Dynamic Hair] guide for clarification.
    • Fixed the issue where the cutscene was unnatural when Wild Hunter is mounted on Jaguar while proceeding with the 'Vita's Disappearance' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the 'A Gift Most Important' quest could not be completed.
    • Fixed the issue where the information and the guide of certain Resistance exclusive quests did not match.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘[Root Abyss Daily] Quest’ did not appear on the quest start tab.
    • Fixed the issue where an incorrect entry level was indicated in the opening dialogue and quest information for ‘Cooking with Tangyoon'.
    • Fixed the issue where incorrect information about the relevant NPC was provided for the 'The Girl Who Saw the Crystal Gate' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the 'Tonero's Request' quest completion information states a meso reward that was not distributed.
    • Fixed the issue where players could start the '[Reverse City] What Washed Up' quest even if they have not completed all the Vanishing Journey region quests.
    • Fixed the issue where players were incorrectly guided that they will be automatically moved to the quest map when accepting the 'Relic's Guidance - Perion' and 'Relic's Guidance - Aquarium' quests even if they chose to decline.
    • Fixed the issue where the next quest starting level was incorrectly stated when completing the '[Root Abyss] Defeat the Third Seal Guardian' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the specific dialogue of Mercenary (F) wasn't displayed in the [Grand Athenaeum] Episode I: The White Mage.
    • Fixed the issue where the level restriction of the Rose Garden quest appeared to be Lv. 110.
    • Fixed the issue where the Gangster appeared in Trueffet Square after skipping all Morass area prerequisite quests.
    • Fixed the issue where the "You've already completed this quest." message appeared when proceeding with the ‘Seeking Lost Memories’ quest with a Pathfinder character.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘Breaking the Force Field’ quest appeared in the Complete tab of the ‘[Pink Bean] Road to Oblivion’ quest.
    • It will be changed so that the quest location information will be more accurate when proceeding with the ‘Colossal Clean Up 4’ quest.
    • It will be changed so that if players die while the 'Sugar in Danger' quest was in progress, they can try again through the portal on the left.
    • It will be changed so that if players die while the 'Battle Against the Black Shadow' quest was in progress, they can try again by talking to Black Shadow.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the next quest could not be proceeded normally after completing the 'Back to the Gate of the Present' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where if players proceed with the Illium quest 'The Sanctuary of the Ancient God is at... Ariant?', the relevant quest was not completed and 'The Sanctuary of the Ancient God is at... Lion King's Castle?' quest was completed instead.
    • Fixed the issue where part of the conversation overlapped with Cartalion's image in the 'One Look Back' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the 'Kia's request' quest was displayed as the 'Kizan's request' quest when completing the 'Clutching Pearls 2' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where an incorrect monster was asked to be defeated for the 'Gaining Ephenia's Trust 1' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where boss matchmaking list is mentioned in Porter's lines during the 'Cleaning Robot OMNI-CLN!' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where even after completing the 'Acquire the Blueprints' quest, it guides players with the <If you get stuck, forfeit the quest and re-accept it.> message.
    • Fixed the issue where the silhouette was unnatural when attacking Abyssal Self in the ‘Who's the True Victor?’ quest while the Display Silhouettes When Hitting Enemies option is enabled.
    • Fixed the issue where progress information is displayed as "empty" when accepting ‘The One Who's Touched the Sky Medal’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where during Black Heaven ‘Orchid's Mindscape 3’, if players go to the second mission area on the right side of the map without completing the first mission and complete the first mission afterward, the second mission could not be proceeded.
    • Fixed the issue where there was no information about the quest area in the ‘Sealing the Fiends: Ariant’ quest progress information.
    • Fixed the issue where the quest completion condition indicated in the ‘[Ellin Forest] Lohd? Dark Lord?’ quest description was different from the actual quest completion condition.
    • Fixed the issue where the quantity of Scattered Notes items collected in the previous quest was displayed differently from the actual quantity collected in the dialogue to accept the ‘[Kerning Tower] Peri Dotts, the Runaway Train’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the last participation date was displayed incorrectly when players selected "I'd like to receive the reward for Ghost Park Ranked Mode menu" option from Spiegelmann's dialogue in Ghost Park.
    • Fixed the issue where players could move to Bowman Instructional School by accepting the ‘[Alliance] Athena Pierce's Calling’ quest from an area where the use of Hyper Teleport Rock is restricted.
    • Fixed the issue where, in the Heroes of Maple Act 2, two text fields appeared for the player to enter the correct answer to the quiz during the conversation with Kapus.
    • Fixed the issue where the job illustration was incorrectly displayed when playing ‘The Day After’ quest with a Pathfinder character.
    • Fixed the issue where the NPC name in some lines from the 'Disaster on Maple Island' quest was incorrectly displayed.

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    Item Improvements

    • Added details to the Fatten Up skill item description.
    • It will be updated so that the shops for Return Scroll - Nearest Town, Appearance Reset Coupon, Silver Scissors of Karma, and Pet Snack can be checked through the item description.
    • Fixed the issue where players were able to sit on the Group Chair while using Giant Potion and Advanced Giant Potion.
    • Fixed the issue where there was an unnatural blank space in the message when Corsair used Nodestone to acquire the Recoil Shot Core.
    • Fixed the issue where the icon appeared in an unnatural manner when Alien Gray Transformation, Gaga Transformation Potion, and Pig Transformation items are dragged.
    • Fixed the issue where, when certain drop rate increasing item or buff is used or acquired, the drop rate of obtaining a consumable item reward exceeded the limit of 100%. In addition, the description of the following items will be corrected for clarification:
      • Meaning of Forsythia
      • Meaning of Clover
      • 2x Drop Coupon
      • Luck Finder
    • Fixed the issue where, when a female character with Fuzzy Fried Hair wore a hooded hat, her hair would stick out a lot in an unnatural manner.
    • Fixed the issue where the back appearance appeared unnatural when equipping Reaper's Cape with certain hats.
    • Fixed the issue where the some shoes were not visible when equipped with Toy Time and Toy Memory outfits.
    • Fixed the issue where the character’s nickname appeared unnatural when entering chat with the Heroes Black Mage Chat Ring equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where some actions, such as purchasing an item, didn't work after players failed to purchase the Pendant Slot Expansion and Expand Character Slot items.
    • Fixed the issue where the chair image was not visible on other characters' screens when Hoyoung character was sitting on the Papulatus Clock Chair.
    • Fixed the issue where some movements of Alliance Commander Cape seemed unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where 20-Slot Soul Bag, 20-Slot Recipe Bag, 20-Slot Chair Bag, 20-Title Holder, 20-Slot Mineral Bag, 20-Slot Herb Bag, and 20 Slot Production Bag were not sold at Edelstein General Store in Reboot world.
    • The Arcane Symbol enhancement cost will be decreased to the following:
    Level Vanishing
    Journey Chu Chu
    Island Lachelein Arcana
    1 7,070,000 10,840,000 14,610,000 17,136,000
    2 11,030,000 15,460,000 19,890,000 23,076,000
    3 14,990,000 20,080,000 25,170,000 29,016,000
    4 18,950,000 24,700,000 30,450,000 34,956,000
    5 22,910,000 29,320,000 35,730,000 40,896,000
    6 26,870,000 33,940,000 41,010,000 46,836,000
    7 30,830,000 38,560,000 46,290,000 52,776,000
    8 34,790,000 43,180,000 51,570,000 58,716,000
    9 38,750,000 47,800,000 56,850,000 64,656,000
    10 42,710,000 52,420,000 62,130,000 70,596,000
    11 46,670,000 57,040,000 67,410,000 76,536,000
    12 50,630,000 61,660,000 72,690,000 82,476,000
    13 54,590,000 66,280,000 77,970,000 88,416,000
    14 58,550,000 70,900,000 83,250,000 94,356,000
    15 62,510,000 75,520,000 88,530,000 100,296,000
    16 66,470,000 80,140,000 93,810,000 106,236,000
    17 70,430,000 84,760,000 99,090,000 112,176,000
    18 74,390,000 89,380,000 104,370,000 118,116,000
    19 78,350,000 94,000,000 109,650,000 124,056,000​
    • The stats obtained by the Demon Avenger and Xenon characters when equipping Arcane Symbol and Sacred Symbol will be increased to the following:
    Class Symbol Type Basic Stats Additional Stats
    When Enhanced
    Demon Avenger
    Arcane Symbol HP +6,300 HP +2,100
    Sacred Symbol HP +10,500 HP +4,200
    Xenon Arcane Symbol STR +144
    DEX +144
    LUK +144 STR +48
    DEX +48
    LUK +48
    Sacred Symbol STR +240
    DEX +240
    LUK +240 STR +96
    DEX +96
    LUK +96​
    • Added MaxHP/MaxMP stats to the following cash equipment set effect with durational stats:
      • Chu Chu Island Set
        • Additional Set Effect Stat
          • 3-set: MaxHP/MaxMP +250
          • 5-set: MaxHP/MaxMP +500
      • Added durational stat to hat/cape (gloves) parts (when obtained from set coupon after the v.233 update)
        • Hat: MaxHP/MaxMP +1,500
        • Cape (Gloves): MaxHP/MaxMP +1,500
    • It will be changed so that players can purchase the Mechanic equipment (Mechanic Engine, Mechanic Arm, Mechanic Frame, and Mechanic Transistor) and Dragon equipment (Dragon Hat, Dragon Pendant, Dragon Wing Accessory, and Dragon Tail Accessory) from Neville since they will not drop from defeating monsters.
    • The value of the stat variation will now be displayed for scrolls that apply the changed value when the scroll succeeds.
    • Fixed the issue where the Pendant of the Spirit equip time may be displayed in an unnatural manner.
    • Fixed the issue where the item quality of Demon Avenger’s Arcane Symbol was indicated as below special class.
    • Fixed the issue where the character’s after image was unnatural when the Shadow Style effect is enabled (toggled ON) while equipped with certain capes.
    • Fixed the issue where the effect appeared unnatural in certain situations even though the Shadow Style effect was enabled (toggled ON).
    • Fixed the issue where the Chu Chu Baby pets’ icon when they turned back to dolls and icon when they are alive were switched.
    • Fixed the issue where some skill use images appeared unnatural when a gun wielding character equipped the Fish on a Stick cash weapon.
    • Fixed the issue where some skill use images appeared unnatural when a gun wielding character equips the Jiggly Slime cash weapon.
    • Fixed the issue where the position of the bed in the Ten Week Stay Chair appeared unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Skill Point wasn't returned when Dual Blade character used the Special SP Reset Scroll.
    • Fixed the issue where some of the mix dye colors weren't applied when the character with the Shaggy Bobbed Hair lies down.
    • It will be updated so that players can throw away the Explorer Book.
    • Added a text clarifying that only the exclusive scroll can be used on the Tenebris Expedition Ring and Awake Ring.
    • It will be updated so that double-clicking consumable items in the bag will move them to the inventory in order to prevent using the items by mistake.
    • It will be updated so that players are restricted from item crafting, fusing, and disassembling when they are restricted from trading.
    • Fixed the issue where the Royal Warrior Helm appeared unnatural when seen from the character's back.
    • Players can now select one-handed weapon motion for the equipped cash weapon's motion after equipping two-handed weapon and other weapons. The selected option can be viewed in Equipment Inventory -> Cash tab on the bottom left when the relevant game weapon is equipped. Players can also preview the cash weapon's one-handed weapon motion in the Cash Shop's preview window.
      • The following weapons will have the one-handed weapon motion option available:
        • Two-handed sword, two-handed axe, two-handed blunt weapon, spear, polearm, crossbow, and gun
        • Cash weapon that can be equipped over all weapons
        • Cash weapon where one-handed sword can also equip
      • One-handed weapon motion will be applied to the following actions: standing still, walking, jumping, and catching breath.
      • Developer Comments: Since cash weapons can already be equipped over various game weapons, we were able to provide an option to view the one-handed weapon motion when cash weapon is equipped. Cash weapons include not only those given through events like Wonky's Glow-in-the-Dark Leaf, but also all those that are sold in the Cash Shop. The display with one-handed weapon motion option can be selected if the cash weapon can either be equipped over all weapons or equipped over a certain weapons (two-handed sword, two-handed axe, two-handed blunt weapon, spear, polearm, or crossbow, and one-handed sword). This was in our efforts to apply feedback from Maplers who didn’t want the weapon to hide the character as much as possible, however, the game weapons are implemented to only perform set motions. We hope you understand the difficulties in converting to the one-handed weapon motion.
    • Fixed the issue where the Hamster Seed pet equipment did not appear in some motions.
    • Fixed the issue where some motion images of MagiCookie, Gingerbread Man, and Ice Knight pets were missing.
    • Fixed the issue where some weapon motion images were missing for Gunny Lucky Clover Weapon.
    • Fixed the issue where some motion images were missing for Blue Crystal's Beacon.
    • Fixed the issue where some motion images were missing for Undersea Exploration Kitty Hat's glitter.
    • Fixed the issue where the soul stats were not applied when a soul was equipped on an item which Potential has yet to be appraised.
    • Fixed the issue where the number of Master Exorcist Chair was not properly recorded.
    • Fixed the issue where the item effect was applied longer than the informed time when using the Vita's medicine item.
    • Fixed the issue where cubes were used for unselected equipment when used in a specific way.
    • Fixed the issue where the name of the Broken Security Chip, a completion condition item for Black Heaven Act 5’s ‘Collect 10 Security Chips’ quest, was not displayed.
    • Fixed the issue where the names of the following crafting recipe items were different from the names of the item created in result of using the recipe:
      • Health Boost Potion Recipe
      • Mana Boost Potion Recipe
      • Strength Boost Potion Recipe
      • Dexterity Boost Potion Recipe
      • Intelligence Boost Potion Recipe
      • Luck Boost Potion Recipe
    • Fixed the issue where some effect cash items were overlapped or on/off toggle was not applied.
    • Fixed the issue where Manon and Griffey dropped items that were from deleted quests.
    • Fixed the issue where the Lv. 30 White Tiger pet couldn't perform chat and talk commands.
    • Fixed the issue where the duration of the item increased if players use the Floaty Balloon Mount 2-hour Coupon when they acquired the Floaty Balloon Mount.
    • Fixed the issue where part of the weapon image was cut off when players jumped after equipping the Alliance Commander Wing Sword item as gun weapon.

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    Maple Guide Improvements

    • The recommended quests and hunting zones per level in Maple Guide will be updated to be more accurate.
    • The EXP given from some of the recommended quests will be increased.
    • The number of enemies to defeat and items to gather for some of the recommended quests will be decreased.
    • Areas players can move to will be significantly expanded. The Fast Travel Favorites function will be added to make it easier to move to frequently visited areas.
      • There will be 10-second cooldown upon using Maple Guide’s Fast Travel to move to another location.
    • The Afterlands and The Asura Crisis contents will be moved from Level Content to Special Content’s Story category.
    • Commerci, Shanghai, Hieizan, Shaolin Temple, Showa Town, Crimsonheart Castle, Ninja Castle, New Leaf City, Masteria, and Phantom Forest will be removed from the Level Content section.
    • Players can find the Mushroom Shrine, Momijigaoka, Showa Town, Ninja Castle, Commerci, Shanghai, New Leaf City, and Shaolin Temple in Maple Guide’s Fast Travel function along with many other locations.
    • The following rewards will be given once per world when the character meets the respective requirements:
      • Characters that have already met the requirements prior to the v. 233 update will have the option to claim the reward once per world.
    Requirement Reward
    Complete 2nd Job Advancement
    • Sprout Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open the box to receive the following:
      • Power Elixir x100 Coupon (x3): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Red Snail Pet Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Red Snail: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration. Pet cannot be revived using the Water of Life item. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Hyper Teleport Rock (14 Day): Untradeable, 14-day duration. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Budding Sprout: Title. Tradeable within account, 90-day duration. Grants durational stats for 90-days. Grants STR/DEX/LUK/INT +10, MaxHP/MaxMP +500, Attack Power/Magic ATT +5, Additional EXP +10%, Star Force +30.
      • Budding Pot Chat Ring: Untradeable, 30-day duration. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Budding Pot Label Ring: Untradeable, 30-day duration. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
    Complete 3rd Job Advancement
    • Budding Sprout Hat: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
    Reach Lv. 80
    • Selective 8 Slot Coupon (x2): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. (Excludes Storage.)
    Complete 4th Job Advancement
    • Spell Trace (x3,000)
    Reach Lv. 120
    • Selective 8 Slot Coupon (x2): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. (Excludes Storage.)
    Reach Lv. 140
    • Budding Sprout Damage Skin: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. The damage skin is permanent when used and tradeable when extracted.
    • Extreme Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use on a character between Lv. 141 and Lv. 199 to gain up to 10 levels max. The higher your character level, the lower the likelihood of getting more levels. Receive a considerable amount of EXP when used at Lv. 200 or above. The potion cannot be used on Burning characters.
    Reach Lv. 160
    • Trait Boost Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Extreme Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use on a character between Lv. 141 and Lv. 199 to gain up to 10 levels max. The higher your character level, the lower the likelihood of getting more levels. Receive a considerable amount of EXP when used at Lv. 200 or above. The potion cannot be used on Burning characters.
    Reach Lv. 180
    • Extreme Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use on a character between Lv. 141 and Lv. 199 to gain up to 10 levels max. The higher your character level, the lower the likelihood of getting more levels. Receive a considerable amount of EXP when used at Lv. 200 or above. The potion cannot be used on Burning characters.
    • Budding Sprout Weapon: Untradeable. Grants durational stats for 30-days. Receive Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +3. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
    Complete 5th Job Advancement
    • Promising Kid Medal: Untradeable. Grants Grants STR/DEX/LUK/INT +4, MaxHP/MaxMP +200, Attack Power/Magic ATT +2. The medal will register in your Medal Collection.


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    Map Improvements

    • Fixed the issue where sometimes players can get confused in Tower of Oz lobby if they die during section 3 of Tower of Oz 43rd floor.
    • Fixed the issue where Rune of Recovery could not be used more than once in Ghost Park.
    • Fixed the issue where on the boss battle map, if players died while the Android Shop is open and they close the Android Shop before resurrecting, they weren't able to use the boss portal and Android Shop.
    • Fixed the issue where Croco was guided as Croko on the Tower of Oz 39th floor.
    • Fixed the issue where the Temple of Time/Crack in Time map looked unnaturally based on the resolution.
    • Fixed the issue where players were able to pass through Icy Walls using teleport skills on the Slumbering Dragon Island/Cave of Silence map.
    • Fixed the issue where players would leave the map if they use certain ladder on the Ristonia/Tragic Rampart 3 map.
    • Fixed the issue where the message that Stormwing has been defeated did not appear when a player defeated Stormwing while using the Atmospheric Effect item in the Stormwing Base.
    • Fixed the issue where players could hop down from the lowest tile on the following maps:
      • Eos Tower 2nd - 6th floor
      • Eos Tower 33rd - 34th floor
      • Eos Tower 94th - 100th floor
    • Fixed the issue where players would return to the Limina/World's Sorrow map when they move to Cash Shop or change channels on the Limina/World's Sorrow 2 map.
    • Fixed the issue where even though the character arrived at the end of the lake on Hidden Street/Lake of Oblivion map, the character would not be moved to the next map.
    • Fixed the issue where the map mark of Hidden Street/The Cell of General Holding map was not displayed.
    • Fixed the issue where the map mark of Hidden Street/Tangyoon's Cauldron map was displayed as To the Temple of Time.
    • Fixed the issue where map marks in the following areas were displayed unnaturally:
      • Reverse City
      • Ristonia
      • Yum Yum Island
      • Sellas
      • Cernium
      • Toolen City
      • Hotel Arcus
      • Ramuramu Valley
    • Fixed the issue where the incorrect linked map name was displayed on the sign on the Pasture/Pig Pasture map.
    • Fixed the issue where Alicia's dialogue was unnatural when hunting monsters on the other side to get the balance on Tower of Oz 4th floor.
    • Fixed the issue where the rope image in the middle top of Tower of Oz 19 floor appeared to be cut off.
    • Fixed the issue where it was determined that the character moved to a platform that they didn’t move to on Tower of Oz 27th floor. To address this issue, the range that determines the platform the character moved to will be adjusted.
    • The Victoria Island world map hanging on the wall of Utah's House / Small Attic will be updated to the current world map.
    • Fixed the issue where using the Return Scroll - Nearest Town item in Yum Yum Island: Mushbud Forest 1-3 map did not take players to Yum Yum Island: Yum Yum Village map.
    • Fixed the issue where jumping above the right wing of the Goddess Statue in the Orbis Tower / Entrance to Orbis Tower map had the character fixed in the air and cannot move.
    • Fixed the issue where some of the ropes in the Dead Mine / Sharp Cliff 4 maps are cut so the character is unable to proceed.
    • Fixed the issue where the rope placed to the left in the Monster Park Chu Chu Island / Level 6: Colossal Tail map was displayed behind the platform.
    • Fixed the issue where the cannon image in the background of the Cernium / Cernium Western City Ramparts 2 map appeared in an unnatural manner.
    • Fixed the issue where the wall background image to the left in the Sky Forest Training Center / Stage 1: Sky Forest Training Center 1 map appeared broken.
    • It will be updated so that the map background quality of "Limina / Giant's Heart" will be clearer.
    • Fixed the issue where the time taken to move to Ereve was short in Grand Athenaeum Episode II: Empress In Training.
    • The click range of Squire Pancho Sanza placed in major towns will be updated to match the NPC image.
    • Fixed the issue where the following map names wouldn't display when players approach a sign that exists in the map:
      • Korean Folk Town
      • Tiger Forest I
      • Tiger Forest II
      • Fox Ridge Flash
      • Close to the Sky
    • Fixed the issue where the front/back placement order of the card images in the following maps backgrounds in Ludibrium Castle was switched:
      • Ludibrium Castle / Terrace Hall
      • Ludibrium Castle / Cloud Terrace <2>
      • Ludibrium Castle / Sky Terrace <2>
      • Ludibrium Castle / Sky Terrace <4>
    • Fixed the issue where the mini-map in the following maps was cut off:
      • Ruined City / Stage 1: Ruined City 1
      • Ruined City / Stage 2: Ruined City 2
      • Ruined City / Stage 3: Air Battleship Bow 3
      • Ruined City / Stage 4: Air Battleship Area A
      • Ruined City / Stage 5: Air Battleship Area B
      • Ruined City / Stage 6: Air Battleship Area C
    • It will be improved so that players can click the Maple Gate and Friend Gate in the Hideout / HQ and East Forest / Magician Association maps to move.
    • Fixed the issue where when a character is hanging onto a rope in the Esfera / Mirror-touched Sea map, the location is reflected differently.
    • Fixed the issue where players were able to walk under the bridges of Dark Ereve / Crossroads of Ereve and Ereve / Evening Conference Pavilion maps.
    • Fixed the issue where the bottom of the Reverse City / Subway Tunnel map appeared unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where the Auction House could be used in the Moonbridge / Facing the Eye of the Void and Limina / Final Horizon Fore maps.
    • Removed the part that mentions Mastery Book when attempting to do Open Job Advancement via Job Instructor in the Hidden Street / Forest of the Priest map.
    • Fixed the issue where the item was not visible when it was dropped on Kinesis exclusive map, the Main Street / City Center.
    • Fixed the issue where '₩n' was included in the guide message of the item drop rate buff that can be obtained while progressing through the Mirror World dungeon.
    • The specification will be changed so that Zero characters that have not cleared until Story Quest Act 2 are unable to enter Monster Park.
    • Fixed the issue where the Android's location appeared unnatural when players are on some platforms.
    • Fixed the issue where the motion of Sealed Black Mage in the Hidden Street / Black Mage's Temple map was displayed inappropriately for the situation.
    • Fixed the issue where a character equipped a weapon that does not fit the job while previewing the job skills. The character will now equip the weapon that matches the job.
    • Fixed the issue where the character moved out of the screen when using the Blink skill in the Maple Alliance / Outpost map.
    • Fixed the issue where the character's appearance was not reflected on the floor in Esfera quest cutscene.
    • Fixed the issue where in the following NPC escort contents, if the character moved far away from the NPC after clearing it, it was considered a failure:
      • Undersea Tower of Oz Undersea 19th floor
      • Undersea Tower of Oz Undersea 48th floor
      • Party Quest Resurrection of the Hoblin King
      • Grand Athenaeum Episode I: Escort Hatsar's Servant
    • Fixed the issue where there was no map icon on the following Mirror World Ariant / Pyramid maps and parts of the mini-maps were cut off:
      • Ariant / Pyramid <2>
      • Ariant / Pyramid <3>
      • Ariant / Pyramid <4>
      • Ariant / Pyramid <5>
      • Ariant / Pyramid <6>
      • Ariant / Pyramid <7>
    • Fixed the issue where the following Mirror World Mu Lung / Master Training Center map backgrounds were cut off:
      • Mu Lung/Master Training Center <1>
      • Mu Lung/Master Training Center <2>
      • Mu Lung/Master Training Center <4>
    • Fixed the issue where the backgrounds of the following maps were cut off in 1920 x 1200 and 1920 x 1080 resolution:
      • Fairy Forest / Elluel
      • Ramuramu Valley / Guardian Angel Slime Altar
    • Fixed the issue where players could move to Root Abyss / Colossal Root map by using Hyper Teleport Rock.
    • Fixed the issue where some of the platforms in the Morass / Restored Area 1 map were cut off.
    • Fixed the issue where a black dot was displayed on the upper left of the Interdimensional Portal in the Port Road / Six Path Crossway map.
    • Fixed the issue where a character could move out of the screen in the Mirror World Ludibrium / Clocktower Interior <2> map.
    • Fixed the issue where the backgrounds of the following regions of Cernium and Burning Cernium were cut off:
      • Cernium/Cernium Western City Ramparts 2
      • Cernium/Cernium Western City Ramparts 3
      • Cernium/Cernium Eastern City Ramparts 1
      • Cernium/Cernium Eastern City Ramparts 2
      • Cernium/Cernium Eastern City Ramparts 3
      • Burning Cernium / Western City Ramparts in Battle 1
      • Burning Cernium / Western City Ramparts in Battle 2
      • Burning Cernium / Western City Ramparts in Battle 3
      • Burning Cernium / Western City Ramparts in Battle 4
      • Burning Cernium / Eastern City Ramparts in Battle 1
      • Burning Cernium / Eastern City Ramparts in Battle 2
      • Burning Cernium / Eastern City Ramparts in Battle 3
      • Burning Cernium / Eastern City Ramparts in Battle 4
      • Burning Cernium / Eastern City Ramparts in Battle 5
      • Burning Cernium / Eastern City Ramparts in Battle 6
    • Fixed the issue where the map mark was displayed as Perion in the Hidden Street / Thief Hideout map.
    • Fixed the issue where the portals of the Cernium / Cernium Square maps were displayed in the air above the platform.
    • Fixed the issue where character intermittently falls under the very bottom platform in Catch the Prankster Stormwing.
    • Fixed the issue where players could not enter the Origin of Clocktower map while the ‘[Papulatus] Troublemaker Papulatus’ quest was in progress.
    • Fixed the issue where the objects located in the center of the Altaire Camp / Camp Conference Room map background were displayed in front of the character.
    • Fixed the issue where Paladin's skill-related question’s answer sheet appeared unnaturally on the 39th floor of the Tower of Oz.
    • The Horntail (Easy, Normal, Chaos) boss battle map’s time limit will now be fixed to 30 minutes.
    • Fixed the issue where the re-entry cooldown applied when entering Arkarium (Easy, Normal) boss battle was not applied to some party members.

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    UI and Other Improvements

    • It will be improved so that if there are two or more values for Ignore DEF stat acquired by the buff skill in the applied numerical item of the Detailed Stats UI, they are displayed separately rather than summed up.
    • For set item tooltip, if All Stats and Max HP/MP stat exist together, they will now be displayed on the same line.
    • It will be changed so that when a video is played in-game, the game background music and sound effect won't be heard.
    • It will be changed to allow screenshots to function with PrintScreen key input while the game is launching.
    • Removed the function to take a screenshot when players defeat Lucid (Hard), lower difficulty boss, or Ursus for the first time for each character.
    • Fixed the issue where the Storage Room expansion guide message appeared when players move to the Cash Shop while the Storage Room UI was open in Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds.
    • Fixed the issue where players were moved to the Cash Shop when the Add Slot button was pressed while the Storage Room UI was open in Reboot world.
    • Fixed the issue where sorting by 'date' did not properly work in the Achievement UI.
    • Fixed the issue where Katara can be searched when players search for all one-handed weapon in the Auction House.
    • Fixed the issue where the option to apply UI transparency during battle did not apply to Evan characters' skill window.
    • Fixed the issue where the Guardian Angel Slime boss battle entry button in the boss UI was activated for Lv. 210 and above Zero characters even though the character has yet to complete all of the prerequisite quests.
    • Added a message about obtaining meso when creating a party in the Reboot world.
    • Added a message about the reduced meso when players obtain meso while there are no party members on the same map in Reboot world.
    • It will be improved so that the following achievement conditions can be satisfied even if the Hungry Muto reward has not been claimed:
      • [Hungry Muto] Scholar of Food
      • [Hungry Muto] Say Cheese!
      • [Hungry Muto] I'm Famished!
      • [Hungry Muto] Don't Waste Food!
      • [Hungry Muto] A True Gourmand
      • [Hungry Muto] Muto Personal Chef
    • Fixed the issue where relevant Achievement count didn't increase when crafting the following Profession Recipes:
      • Timeless Moonlight
      • Magna Ancient Bow
      • Tanis Ancient Bow
      • Philos Ancient Bow
      • Ephesus Ancient Bow
      • Dragon Ancient Bow
      • Meister Ancient Bow
      • Zhu-Ge-Liang Wand
      • Thunder Ritual Fan
      • Tai Chi Ritual Fan
      • Peaceful Ritual Fan
      • Dragon Wing Ritual Fan
      • Meister Masterpiece Ritual Fan
      • Duty
      • Resolve
      • Ambition
      • Pride
      • Dragon Regard
      • Meister Mercy
      • Little Hoodlum
      • Bloodlines
      • Crimson Maut
      • Ravenous Ray
      • Dragon Kellan
      • Meister Morse
      • Black Rebirth Flame
      • Pink 20-Slot Coin Purse
    • Fixed the issue where the registered default hotkey was not displayed again at the bottom of the Key Bindings UI when the Return to Original Setting button was used after registering the default hotkey in the Key Bindings UI.
    • Fixed the issue where if players change channel, enter Auction House, or enter Cash Shop after changing the Pet Auto-Potion settings, the setting returned back to that before the change.
    • It will be updated so that items in the inventory can be moved or dropped while crafting Profession. However, it will be restricted so that the items cannot be moved or dropped when crafting is complete.
    • It will be updated so that items in the bag cannot be moved or dropped while crafting Profession.
    • Added 30% All Stats Scroll to scrolls that can be used with Spell Trace in the Item Enhancement UI. 30% All Stats Scroll can only be used on Armor and Accessory.
    • The max Damage Skin storage slots will be increased from 48 to 60.
    • The Concentrated Experience will no longer be included when players select all node materials while enhancing nodes.
    • The Auto Buff skill registered in the Equipment UI will now be maintained even when the pet is moved via the Cash Inventory. If players equip a new pet with Auto Buff skill afterward, the previously registered Auto Buff skills will remain registered in the Equipment UI.
    • In cases when connecting to the web browser while playing the game, it will now open with the default browser instead of Internet Explorer. However, some connections may still open using Internet Explorer like before. If the player’s default browser isn't Chrome, Edge, or Firefox, it will open with Internet Explorer and not with the default browser.
    • Fixed the issue where the Strike Arrow skill that was registered to the quickslot blinked excessively.
    • Fixed the issue where the icon registered to the quickslot blinked when Phantom character used Arrow Blaster skill.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘Find a Burning Field!’ Surprise Mission quest appeared on a character below Lv. 100.
    • Fixed the issue where the MVP Royal Damage Skin wasn't applied again when players returned from the cross world channel.
    • Fixed the issue where maps that cannot be searched appeared in the NPC location information of the World Map UI.
    • Fixed the issue where the text players were typing may be deleted when using the mouse wheel while typing a post in the Guild Bulletin Board.
    • Fixed the issue where the NPC image covered the text of the quest details in the Quest UI while proceeding with ‘The Remnants of Horntail…’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the position of Eckhart in the Quest UI was unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where changing the group of normal friends in the Friend UI didn't apply the group info to the friend list immediately.
    • Fixed the issue where the message that the player can claim the Legion Coins appeared even though it has yet to reach max capacity.
    • Fixed the issue where the remaining time increased when monster lifespan was extended in Monster Life.
    • Fixed the issue where the system message displayed that players can enter Flag Race even though it's not the actual time to enter if they changed the PC time to the Flag Race entry time.
    • Fixed the issue where the system incorrectly informed that no change had occurred when the Pure Clean Slate Scroll succeeded.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes there was a delay when reading the dialogue window and using the Cube.
    • Fixed the issue where the character banned from using chat was able to post comments on Monster Life farm.
    • Fixed the issue where the menu was positioned in an unnatural location when right-clicking on the monster list on other player’s Monster Life farm.
    • The Monster Life farm names that were in the form of 'FarmName+(number)' will be changed to 'Farm+(number)'. In addition, players with the relevant farm name will be instructed to change their nickname when logging in to the Monster Life.
    • Fixed the issue where after completing the Lion King's Castle quest, the sort order of the quest names was unnatural when checking the list of completed quests.
    • Fixed the issue where the page without a character was skipped when clicking the left arrow if there was a page without any characters among the character selection pages.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes a description of another skill was displayed on the skill information registered in the Auto Buff skill.
    • Fixed the issue where if players equip a pet after un-equipping another pet with registered Auto Buff skill, the skill that was already registered in the Auto Buff skill slot could be registered again.
    • Fixed the issue where the pet's Auto Buff skill could not be registered.
    • Fixed the issue where the potion item registered in the Pet Auto-Potion use option was changed.
    • Fixed the issue where the character's hair disappeared when previewing some chair items in the Cash Shop.
    • Fixed the issue where the Seal Door image appeared unnaturally outside the dialogue window when using the Root Abyss boss entry portal.
    • Fixed the issue where players could not send a reply message when they press ESC button or the game ended while the Receive Cash Shop Item Gift pop-up was open. Added a Cancel button that does not send a reply message to the pop-up window to avoid such situation. If either Send Message or Cancel hasn’t been selected, the Receive Gift pop-up will appear once players enter the Cash Shop.
    • Fixed the issue where Genesis weapon’s skill tooltip was not visible in the Zero character exclusive weapon enhancement UI.
    • Among the Maple Achievements, 'Henesys's Messenger' and 'Beloved Friend of the Fairies' achievements will be moved to the Memories section.
    • Fixed the issue where 'Perion's Messenger' achievement could not be achieved. It can now be achieved by updating your achievements while in town.
    • Fixed the issue where 'Pathfinder's Journal' achievement could not be achieved. It can now be achieved by updating your achievements while in town.
    • Fixed the issue where all 'Pathfinder's Journal' achievement-related missions appeared as completed when they have yet to be completed.
    • Fixed the issue where the deleted achievement points were included in the Monster Life achievement ranking score.
    • Fixed the issue where extending the life of another player's Monster Life farm monster was not properly applied.
    • Fixed the issue where move to boss, Legion UI, and teleport-related function could not be used in the Colossal Root map.

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    Content Changes

    • Dawn Boss Set will be added.
      • Dawn Boss Set consists of the following items:
        • Twilight Mark: Item can be obtained from defeating Normal/Hard Lucid (Normal, Hard) and Will (Normal, Hard).
        • Estella Earrings: Item can be obtained from defeating Gloom(Normal, Chaos) and Darknell (Normal, Hard).
        • Dawn Guardian Angel Ring: Item can be obtained by using the Guardian Angel Ring Set Conversion Scroll for the Guardian Angel Ring obtained from defeating Guardian Angel Slime (Normal, Chaos).
        • Daybreak Pendant: Item can be obtained from defeating Verus Hilla (Normal, Hard) and Seren (Normal, Hard).
      • Dawn Boss Set effect will be the following:
        • 2 Set: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +10, MaxHP +250, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10, Boss Damage +10%.
        • 3 Set: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +10, MaxHP +250, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10.
        • 4 Set: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +10, MaxHP +250, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10, Ignore Enemy DEF +10%, Defense +100.
      • New Dawn Set-related Achievements will be added.
    • Guardian Angel Ring Set Conversion Scroll, which allows players to remove the Guardian Angel Ring from the Boss Accessory Set and include it in the Dawn Boss Set, will be added.
      • Guardian Angel Ring Set Conversion Scroll can only be used on Guardian Angel Ring.
      • Once used, the Guardian Angel Ring will permanently be excluded from the Boss Accessory Set.
      • Players can purchase the Guardian Angel Ring Set Conversion Scroll by talking to Chief Slime in Ramuramu and proceeding with the ‘[Ramuramu] Dawn Guardian Angel Ring’ quest.
        • Guardian Angel Ring Set Conversion Scroll: 10 million mesos. Untradeable, 14-day duration.
        • The ‘[Ramuramu] Dawn Guardian Angel Ring’ quest can be repeated.
    • The Pitched Boss Set effect will be updated.
      • 6 Set effect will be updated while 8 and 9 Set effects will be added.
      • Developer Comments: Although all Pitched Boss Set items have a very high acquisition difficulty, the item worn in the 8th and 9th slot did not receive the set effect, which made them less useful. This time, a new set effect will be added to increase the usefulness of the Pitched Boss Set item and to avoid losing stats when changing equipment from the Dawn Boss Set to the Pitched Boss Set in the same enhancement standard.
    Before After
    6 Set
    MaxHP +375
    Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15 STR/DEX/INT/LUK +15
    MaxHP +375
    Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15
    Ignore Enemy DEF +10%
    8 Set N/A STR/DEX/INT/LUK +15
    MaxHP +375
    Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15
    Boss Damage +10%
    9 Set N/A STR/DEX/INT/LUK +15
    MaxHP +375
    Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15
    Critical Damage +5%​
    • Ursus Golden Time will be adjusted to the following hours in celebration of our Destiny update:
      • UTC: 1:00 AM - 5:00 AM
      • UTC: 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
    • The following items’ graphics will be adjusted:
      • Pink Nurse Hat
      • White Nurse Hat
      • Pink Angel Wing Cap
      • Pink Angel Package
      • Ribbon Angel Cap
      • Ribbon Angel Uniform
      • Ribbon Angel Syringe
      • Glimmering PixSnail
      • Cross Sleeveless
      • Red Emblem Rings
      • Red Emblem Shield
      • Muspell Magician Suit
      • Ribbon Angel Shoes
      • Black Shadow Argyle Knit (M)
      • Red Shadow Argyle Knit (F)
      • Shadow Bunny Headband
      • Shadow Bear Headband
      • Dark Musician Headphones
    • Some parts of Kerning City map will be adjusted.
    • The list of weapons certain Cash weapon covers can be equipped over will be adjusted.

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    System Changes

    • A new 64-Bit tab will be added to the Options UI.
      • The following options will be available in the 64-Bit tab:
        • Memory Map Input/Output (Default: Off): When enabled, this will allocate additional memory to MapleStory in order to improve data access speeds, improving overall performance.
        • Max Memory Usage Limit (Default: 50% of system RAM): Restricts how much memory that MapleStory can use. A higher cap will improve performance and loading times. When the cap is reached, the system will attempt to release unused memory, which may cause performance issues.
      • After making any adjustments, players must restart the game client for the changes to be properly applied.
      • For more information on MapleStory on 64-bit client, check out our webpost here!

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    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the linebreak issues when accepting the ‘An Engineer's Dream’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where Ericcsons's Reward acceptance dialogue was incomplete.
    • Fixed the issue where there was a typo in the ‘Call of Princess Sakuno’ quest log from the “In-Progress” section.
    • Fixed the issue where many face styles had their color listed twice in their name.
    • Fixed the issue where there was inconsistent naming between White Hare and Brown Hare and Desert Rabbit items.
    • Fixed the issue where Final Pact skill description had an extra letter.
    • Fixed the issue where there was a typo during cutscene in the Communing with Erda map.
    • Fixed the issue where the Chef Outfit item displayed incorrect graphics in the Cash Shop Preview.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when proceeding through Xenon's ‘[SKILL] The Supply System’ quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the ‘Claudine's Friend’ quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when turning in the 'Memory Loss' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting and declining the 'Into the World' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the "A Missing Friend’ quest log from the "Available" and "In-Progress" sections.
    • Fixed the issue where players were able to cast Kanna’s Haku Reborn skill at an abnormal speed to quickly proc the Shikigami Doppelganger skill multiple times.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue after accepting the 'Philius's Request' and 'Astilda's Request' quests during Mercedes Tutorial.
    • Fixed the issue where there was a typo in the ‘Astilda's Request' quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the issue where Masking Tape Label Ring's text was not centered.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the ‘Lunchtime 1’ quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the issue where there were inaccurate text highlights in the 'Compensation Required 1’ quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the ‘An Outside Perspective 2’ quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Odd Biology' quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting 'The Land of Grandis' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when turning in the '[Job Advancement] Veritas's Finest' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting 'A Working Device’ quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'A Gift Most Important' quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'A Rough Welcoming' quest log from the "Available" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'Returning to the Beginning' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'A Scholar's Pride' quest log from the "Available" & "In-Progress" sections.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'The Broken Promise' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Pulse Disruptor 5 - Edelstein' quest log from the "Completed" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue after accepting the '[Job Advancement] Getting Caught?!' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'A Gift Most Manly 2' quest log from the "Completed" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'A Gift Most Relaxing 1' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'A Gift Most Feminine' quest log from the "Completed" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'Orbiology 3' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'Lunchtime 1' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where Dragon Disc cover for Throwing Stars extended visually beyond range of skills.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when completing the 'An Outside Perspective 1' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the ‘Invasion’ quest log from the "Completed" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting 'An Alchemist's Desire 2' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Pulse Disruptor 3 - Pantheon' quest log from the "Available" section and when accepting the quest.
    • Fixed the issue where there were a few text problems when viewing the 'A Working Device' quest log from the "Completed" section.
    • Fixed the issue where a hidden portal couldn't be used in the Steep Hill map.
    • Fixed the issue where Planetarium for Two Promise Ring's description did not mention the gender restriction.
    • Fixed the issue where there was a typo when using the Extreme Growth Potion.
    • Fixed the issue where there was an extra symbol in the 'A Frightening Rumor 1' quest log.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Betray and You'll Pay' quest log from the "Completed" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'The Land of Grandis’ quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'A Refreshing Beverage' quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'Compensation Required 1' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'Get a Job!' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'Odd Biology' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'Born to Hate' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where there were two typos in the 'Clash of the Xenoroids' quest’s completion text.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'A Short Goodbye'' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'Call of the Kaiser'' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when the 'Check Yourself 2' quest was Completed prior to putting stat points into INT.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when completing the 'Petitioning 2' quest
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'New Alliance' quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the issue where the Ring Activation skill could be used to activate other rings even if the player no longer had the skill.
    • Fixed the issue where there was untranslated text on the buff given when Iron Flower Gun - Mysterious Burst skill is used.
    • Fixed the issue where Custom Kitty Damage Skin could not be used.
    • Fixed the issue where White Night Cape clipped through long hair styles.
    • Fixed the issue where Highlighter Damage Skin Coupon description overlapped with the item image.
    • Fixed the issue where Lara Face did not have a white color.
    • Fixed the issue where there was untranslated text for Garbage Pile monsters that appear after accepting the 'An Alchemist's Desire 1' quest and being teleported to the Veritas map.
    • Fixed the issue where Bladed Falcon's Katana was not visible in Dawn Warrior's Stance idle pose.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Rustling up Russellon' quest’s completion dialogue.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Troubling Reports' quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'Nathania's Secrets' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when completing the 'Encounter' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Human Enough' quest log from the "Available" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Kaiser's Strength' quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the ‘Failed Transformation' quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the ‘Bedin's Visitor' quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the issue where space was missing in the 'The Broker Knows' quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the issue where there was a typo in the 'The Heart of an Alcadno' quest log from the "Completed" section.
    • Fixed the issue where there were two typos when accepting the 'Skipping Town' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where space was missing in the '[Job Advancement] Veritas's Finest' quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the issue where there were multiple text problems when accepting the 'Orbiology 2' quest from Promathus.
    • Fixed the issue where there were a few text problems when turning in the 'The Mind of a Zenumist' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where there were a few text problems when viewing the 'Black Wings on the Move' quest log from the "Completed" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'A Gift Most Feminine' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'A Gift Most Mechanical 1' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Rustling Up Russellon's' quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Troubling Reports' quest log from the "Completed" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when completing the 'Kaiser Awakening' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Guardian's Return' quest log from the "Completed" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Where's Tear?' quest log from the "Available" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'Assisting Cartalion 2' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where Psyche Special Friendship Ring’s graphic appeared behind characters.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'Mocking of Velderoth' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'Where's Tear' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Mocking of Velderoth' quest log in the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'What About the West Sanctum?' quest log from the "Available" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'South Sanctum Duty' quest log from the "Completed" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'North Sanctum Patrol' quest log from the "Available" and "In-Progress" sections.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the 'Christina's Request' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Anor's Request' quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Christina's Request' quest log from the "Completed" section.
    • Fixed the issue where when accepting the 'Reclaiming the Relic' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Protective Shield Patrol' quest log from the "Available" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Reclaiming the Relic' quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Stop the Summoning Ritual' quest log from the "Available" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Specter Invasion' quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting 'The Importance of Laughing' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where there was a typo in the 'The Council's Decision' quest log from the "Available" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Drake Attack 1’ quest log from the "Available" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when accepting the '[Nova][Laboratory] Origin of the Species' quest.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Approach of the Alliance' quest log from the "Available" section.
    • Fixed the issue where 'Call of Princess Sakuno: Stop Mori Ranmaru!' quest log had debug text.
    • Fixed the issue where 'Call of Princess Sakuno' quest log from the “Available” section had debug text.
    • Fixed the issue where Neville displays twice in the Showa Town NPC list.
    • Fixed the issue where New School Hoodie's sleeves disappeared while sitting.
    • Fixed the issue where double-clicking Gigatoad Soul Shard immediately consumed one of the items.
    • Fixed the issue where multiple faces were named the "Sky Face".
    • Fixed the issue where Butterfly Ribbon was not visible when equipped with Starry Summer Night Weapon.
    • Fixed the issue where the top of the Rollerskating Chair: Novice item overlapped with the character's neck and face.
    • Fixed the issue where multiple items were named the "Rock Spirit Damage Skin".
    • Fixed the issue where Absolute Taste Chair was missing the HP and MP restore amounts.
    • Fixed the issue where Succubus Dress did not cover certain areas during attack animations.
    • Fixed the issue where the character animation was not in sync with the Absolute Taste Chair animation.
    • Fixed the issue where Lauren vanished from the Android Management UI when confirming to change an android’s name.
    • Fixed the graphical issue when jumping with the 14th Street Tour Bus mount.
    • Fixed the issue where Divine Crow Weapon appeared in front of the character's hand.
    • Fixed the issue where the Courage Test Chair was behind the backside of the character's hair.
    • Fixed the issue where Succubus Gloves graphic disappeared briefly during combat animations.
    • Fixed the issue where when a Demon Avenger begins the Chu Chu Island questline, the first cutscene displays the incorrect wings on the character.
    • Fixed the issue where the Wind Spirit popup for Guardian Angel Slime read "Normal King Slime" and "Chaos King Slime".
    • Fixed the issue where faces displayed through the Sobbing Face Accessory.
    • Fixed the issue where Halloween Mask graphic was misaligned with the character’s face.
    • Fixed the issue where Masked Gentleman's Tuxedo was missing sleeves in animation frames.
    • Fixed the issue where Altered Fate removed active Beast Tamer Stance.
    • Fixed the issue where the quest information was empty when hovering over Akechi Mitsuhide on the Boss UI.
    • Fixed the issue where Amaterasu's Gloves and Susano-o's Gloves had incorrect graphics when using a 2-handed weapon.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Exposed's' quest log from the "In-Progress" and "Completed" sections.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'An Engineer's Dream' quest log from the "In-Progress" section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Danika's Request' quest log from the “In-Progress' section.
    • Fixed the linebreak issue when viewing the 'Skipping Town' quest log from the "Available" and "In-Progress" sections.

    Back to Top

    Known Issues

    • [Updated June 15] The Expression commands (Ex: o Sparkling: “sparkle”, “oho”) do not work at this time.
    • [Updated June 15] Hieizan Temple Move button in the Special Content Story section of the Maple Guide sends player to the wrong location.
    • [Updated June 15] Certain settings in the Option UI's 64-bit tab may not be accessible.

    Back to Top

    Tera Burning Plus

    UTC: June 15 (after maintenance) - August 30 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: This event can only be started by characters created during the event period. (Zero characters cannot participate in this event.)

    • Reach level 200 fast on your new characters with the Tera Burning Plus event!
    • After creating a new character, you will be given an option to give it a ‘Burning’ effect.
    • You cannot go back to give it a ‘Burning’ effect after refusing to do so during character creation.
    • You can only Tera Burn 1 character per account during the event.
    • After your ‘Burning’ character reaches Lv. 10, they will start to earn two additional levels each time your character gains a level up to Lv. 200.
    • Once you reach Lv. 200 with your Tera Burning character, you will receive Tera Character Burninator item to raise another existing character to Lv. 200!
      • In this section, characters with Tera Burning effect from the event will be indicated as “Tera Burning character” and characters with Tera Burning effect from using the Tera Character Burninator item will be indicated as “Tera Burninator character”.
    • You will receive special Tera Burning Rewards when your ‘Burning’ character meets the listed level milestones.
      • If you’ve obtained the Tera Burning Rewards and deleted the character, a newly created ‘Burning’ character will be able to receive the rewards again.
      • Your Tera Burninator character can receive these rewards for meeting the level milestones as well.
    • There’s more rewards waiting for you past Lv. 200! Once your ‘Burning’ character reaches Lv. 200, you can obtain Bonus Rewards up until Lv. 220.
      • Lv. 200 - 210 Bonus Rewards can be obtained once each with the Tera Burning character and the Tera Burninator character. If you’ve obtained the Bonus Rewards and deleted the character, a newly created ‘Burning’ character cannot receive the rewards again.
        • Tera Burning character must claim the Lv. 200 to Lv. 210 Bonus Rewards by August 30 at 11:59 PM UTC.
        • Tera Burninator character can claim the Lv. 200 to Lv. 210 Bonus Rewards within the 6 weeks after using the Tera Character Burninator item.
        • If you have more than one Tera Burninator character during the event duration (Tera Burning Plus and New Journey event), only one of them can receive the Lv. 200 - 210 Bonus Rewards when reaching the respective level milestones.
      • Lv. 215 - 220 Bonus Reward can be claimed only once per account during the Tera Burning Plus event duration, regardless of Tera Burning/Burninator status.
        • Lv. 215 - 220 Bonus Reward must be claimed by August 30 at 11:59 PM UTC.

    Tera Burning Rewards:

    • Mysterious Cryptic Chest: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
      • Snail Pet: 30-day duration. Pet has expanded auto move skill and cannot be revived using Water of Life. Cash item cannot be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Lv. 30: Reach Lv. 30 on your Tera Burning and Tera Burninator characters to open the following:
      • Lv. 30 Equipment Box: Untradeable. Item will expire on August 30 at 11:59 PM UTC for Tera Burning characters and October 25 at 11:59 PM UTC for Tera Burninator characters. Open to receive a weapon and armor set suitable for your class.
    • Lv. 100: Reach Lv. 100 on your Tera Burning and Tera Burninator characters to open the following:
      • Legendary Cryptic Chest: Untradeable. Item will expire on August 30 at 11:59 PM UTC for Tera Burning characters and October 25 at 11:59 PM UTC for Tera Burninator characters. Can be opened at Lv. 100. Open to receive:
        • Frozen Hat: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +23, MaxHP/MaxMP +270, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +293. Upgrades available: 10.
        • Frozen Cape: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +7, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +7, Defense +180, Speed +9, Jump +5. Upgrades available: 7.
        • Frozen Suit: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +27, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +315. Upgrades available: 10.
        • Frozen Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
          • Frozen Weapon: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job.
        • Frozen Secondary Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
          • Frozen Secondary Weapon: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job.
    • Lv. 150: Reach Lv. 150 on your Tera Burning and Tera Burninator characters to open the following:
      • Root Abyss Set Box: Untradeable. Item will expire on August 30 at 11:59 PM UTC for Tera Burning characters and October 25 at 11:59 PM UTC for Tera Burninator characters. Can be opened at Lv.150. Open to receive:
        • Root Abyss Hat: Untradeable, 90-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
        • Root Abyss Top: Untradeable, 90-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
        • Root Abyss Bottom: Untradeable, 90-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
        • Fafnir Weapon Box (Time-Restricted): Untradeable. Box will expire on August 30 at 11:59 PM UTC for Tera Burning characters and October 25 at 11:59 PM UTC for Tera Burninator characters. Weapon has 90-day duration.
    • Lv. 200: Reach Lv. 200 on your Tera Burning and Tera Burninator characters and complete 5th Job Advancement and the 'A Greater Power, Arcane Power' quest to use the following:
      • Eternal Flame Title Coupon: Untradeable. Coupon will expire on August 30 at 11:59 PM UTC for Tera Burning characters and October 25 at 11:59 PM UTC for Tera Burninator characters. Use the coupon to receive Eternal Flame: Title. Untradeable. Stat duration lasts for 30 days. Grants durational stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +15, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15, Boss Damage +10%, Ignore DEF +10%, Max HP/MP +750, 10% Bonus EXP, Arcane Power +50.

    Bonus Rewards:

    • Lv. 200: Reach Lv. 200 on your Tera Burning and Tera Burninator characters to receive the following reward once per world for each part of the event:
      • Nodestone (x30): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Lv. 205: Reach Lv. 205 on your Tera Burning and Tera Burninator characters to receive the following rewards once per world for each part of the event:
      • Nodestone (x60): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Lv. 210: Reach Lv. 210 on your Tera Burning and Tera Burninator characters to receive the following rewards once per world for each part of the event:
      • Experience Nodestone (x5): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Eternal Flame Ring Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to obtain Eternal Flame Ring: Unique Equipped Ring. Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +40, MaxHP/MaxMP +4,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +25.
    • Lv. 215: Reach Lv. 215 on your Tera Burning or Tera Burninator character to receive the following rewards once per account by August 30 at 11:59 PM UTC:
      • Growth Potion Selector Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
        • Growth Potion (200 - 209) (x8): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the potion. Grants a level when used between Lv. 200 and Lv. 209, or a large amount of EXP when used at Lv. 210 or above.
        • Growth Potion (200 - 219) (x4): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the potion. Grants a level when used between Lv. 200 and Lv. 219, or a large amount of EXP when used at Lv. 220 or above.
        • Growth Potion (200 - 229) (x2): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the potion. Grants a level when used between Lv. 200 and Lv. 229, or a large amount of EXP when used at Lv. 230 or above.
        • Typhoon Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the potion. Grants a level when used between Lv. 200 and Lv. 239, or a large amount of EXP when used at Lv. 240 or above.
    • Lv. 220: Reach Lv. 220 on your Tera Burning or Tera Burninator character to select one of the following rewards once per account by August 30 at 11:59 PM UTC:
      • Select one of the following:
        • AbsoLab Weapon Box: Tradeable within account, item expires September 6 at 11:59 PM UTC. Open to obtain a 17-Star Unique AbsoLab weapon. (Zero characters cannot use the AbsoLab Weapon Box.)
        • Dominator Pendant Box: Tradeable within account, item expires September 6 at 11:59 PM UTC. Open to obtain a 15-Star Unique Dominator Pendant.

    Back to Top

    Burning World

    UTC: June 15 (after maintenance) – August 31 (before maintenance)

    • It’s time to power through the early levels in Burning World!
    • Burning World is a world with special rules that will exist only for the event duration, filled with boosts to make it easier to level up fast.
    • Burning World is available for both NA and EU regions.
    • All characters created in Burning World will receive a ‘Burning’ skill.
      • Burning: EXP +1.5x, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +50, Damage against normal monsters +30%, Boss Damage +30%, Critical Rate +30%, Critical Damage +30%, Knockback Resistance +100%.
    • There are additional Burning World Character Lv. 130 Rewards that can be claimed up to 2 times per world by any character, regardless of it being a ‘Burning’ character or not, in Burning World once they reach Lv. 130.
      • Burning World Character Lv. 130 Rewards cannot be claimed again even if you delete the character that already claimed them. If the character did not claim the rewards prior to the deletion, the rewards can be claimed with a new character that meets the requirement.
    • After the Burning World event duration ends, up to 6 characters that are at least Lv. 150 will get to participate in the Burning World Leap.
      • The characters that meet the requirement can ONLY be transferred to Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds. You can only transfer within your region.

    Mega Burning Project

    • You can create up to 2 Mega Burning characters in Burning World. Additional characters can still be created to benefit from the ‘Burning’ skill but they cannot be given the ‘Burning’ effect.
      • You can also participate in the Tera Burning Plus event in Burning World. If you choose to do so, you are unable to Tera Burn a character in other worlds in that account.
      • Zero characters cannot be selected as a ‘Burning’ character.
      • Please note that only up to 6 characters can participate in the World Leap after the Burning World event duration ends.
      • You may use Character Slot Coupons obtained from Fairy Bros, Daily Gift, and event shops. However, the expanded slots will not be transferred when your characters World Leap.
    • After creating a new character, you will be given an option to give it a ‘Burning’ effect.
      • You cannot go back to give it a ‘Burning’ effect after refusing to do so during character creation.
    • After your character reaches Lv. 10, they will begin to earn two additional levels every time your character levels up, all the way to Lv. 150.
    • Accept the ‘Claim your gift during the Mega Burning Project!’ and the ‘[Burning World] New Character Celebration!’ quests from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen to receive the Mega Burning rewards listed below.
      • You can still receive the Mega Burning rewards and the Burning World Mega Burning rewards if you delete the existing ‘Burning’ character and create a new ‘Burning’ character.
    • Illium characters need to complete their Illium questline first before teleporting out of the area. Otherwise, they won’t be able to properly advance to 2nd Job.

    Burning World Restrictions

    • Since Burning World is a temporary world that will be removed at the end of the World Leap stage, some MapleStory features will be unavailable there:
      • Cash Shop can be used, however, the following items cannot be purchased:
        • Character Slot Coupon
        • Add 4 Slots (Storage)
        • Add 8 Slots (Storage)
        • House Wedding Ticket
        • Commitment of Love Ticket
        • Custom Title Package
        • Promise Ring
        • Cupid Ring
        • Cloud Promise Ring
        • Venus Fireworks
        • Crossed Hearts
        • Illumination Couples Ring
        • Friendship Ring: Clover
        • Friendship Ring: Flower Petal
        • Friendship Ring: Star
        • Snow Dome Friendship Ring
      • Meso Market cannot be used.
      • Link Skills cannot be transferred between characters.
      • Maple Legion cannot be used.
      • Monster Collection cannot be used.
      • Maple Tour will not be available.
      • The following quests cannot be done:
        • Teaching Link Skill
        • Teaching Zero's Link Skill
        • [Legion] Whip the Whelps
        • [Legion] Defeat the Golden Wyvern
        • [Legion] We Are Legion
        • Talk to Dame Appropriation
        • [Legion] Legion Introduction
        • [Monster Collection] Monster Collector

    Burning World Mega Burning Rewards:

    • Flameborn: Medal. Untradeable. Grants stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +5, MaxHP/MaxMP +250, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1.
    • Pearl Maple Armor Set Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following items:
      • Pearl Maple Hat: Tradeable once within account. Req. Lv: 30. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +6, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +100.
      • Pearl Maple Suit: Tradeable once within account. Req. Lv: 30. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +7, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +155.
      • Pearl Maple Cape: Tradeable once within account. Req. Lv: 30. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +2, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +40, MaxHP/MaxMP +50.
      • Pearl Maple Gum: Tradeable once within account. Req. Lv: 30. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +5, Defense +10.
      • Pearl Maple Pendant: Tradeable once within account. Req. Lv: 30. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +8, Defense +100.
      • Pearl Maple Buckle: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 30. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +3, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +20.
    • Hyper Teleport Rock (30 Day): Untradeable, 30-day duration. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Inventory slots can be expanded to 56 slots through Burning character reward quest.
    • Lv. 10: Reach Lv. 10 on your Mega Burning character to open the following:
      • Mysterious Cryptic Chest: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
        • Snail Pet: Untradeable, 30-day duration. Pet has expanded auto move skill and cannot be revived using Water of Life. Cash item cannot be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Lv. 30: Reach Lv. 30 on your Mega Burning character to open the following:
      • Lv. 30 Equipment Box: Untradeable. Item will expire August 31 (before maintenance). Open to receive a weapon and armor set suitable for your class.
    • Lv. 100: Reach Lv. 100 on your Mega Burning character to open the following:
      • Legendary Cryptic Chest: Untradeable. Item will expire August 31 (before maintenance). Open to receive:
        • Frozen Hat: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +23, MaxHP/MaxMP +270, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +293. Upgrades available: 10.
        • Frozen Cape: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +7, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +7, Defense +180, Speed +9, Jump +5. Upgrades available: 7.
        • Frozen Suit: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +27, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +315. Upgrades available: 10.
        • Frozen Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
          • Frozen Weapon: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job.
        • Frozen Secondary Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
          • Frozen Secondary Weapon: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job.
    • Lv. 130: Reach Lv. 130 on your Mega Burning character to open the following:
      • Keep on Burning: Title. Untradeable. Coupon will expire August 31 (before maintenance). Grants the following 14-day durational stats: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +10, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10, MaxHP/MaxMP +400, Ignore DEF +10%, Boss Damage +10%.

    Burning World Character Lv. 130 Rewards: Receive the following rewards up to 2 times max per world on any character that reaches Lv. 130 on Burning World:

    • First Burning World Lv. 130 Character: Your first Burning World character that reaches Lv. 130 will receive the following rewards:
      • Level-Up Support Box: Tradeable within account, expires August 31 (before maintenance). Open to receive the following rewards:
        • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) Box: Untradeable, 30-day duration. Use to receive 2x EXP Coupons daily for a total of 15 times. Open to obtain 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x2): Untradeable, 1-day duration.
        • Storm Growth Potion (x3): Untradeable, 30-day duration. Grants a level when used between Lv. 1 and Lv. 199. Character above Lv. 200 cannot use the potion.
        • Power Elixir (x100): Untradeable.
        • Selective 8 Slot Coupon (x4): Untradeable, 30-day duration. (Excludes Storage.)
    • Second Burning World Lv. 130 Character: Your second Burning World character that reaches Lv. 130 will receive the following rewards:
      • Level-Up Support Box: Tradeable within account, expires August 31 (before maintenance). Open to receive the following rewards:
        • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) Box: Untradeable, 30-day duration. Use to receive 2x EXP Coupons daily for a total of 15 times. Open to obtain 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x2): Untradeable, 1-day duration.
        • Storm Growth Potion (x3): Untradeable, 30-day duration.
        • Power Elixir (x100): Untradeable.
        • Selective 8 Slot Coupon (x4): Untradeable, 30-day duration. (Excludes Storage.)
        • Mega Character Burninator Coupon: Tradeable within account, expires September 29 at 11:59 PM UTC. Item can be used after the character proceeds with Burning World Leap. Use the coupon to receive the following:
          • Mega Character Burninator: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration. Use to receive a Mega Burning effect on an existing character between Lv. 10 and 149 for 30 days. This item cannot be used on Zero characters.

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    Burning World Step Up

    UTC: June 15 (after maintenance) – August 31 (before maintenance)

    Requirement: Lv. 33 and above characters created in Burning World. (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Burning World Step Up event returns to enhance your leveling experience in Burning World even further!
    • Complete missions available to your Burning World character’s level and step-up while receiving special rewards!
    • Accept the ‘Participate in the Burning World Step Up Event!’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Once you click the Burning World Step Up icon within the star event on the left side of your screen, you will have access to the Step Up UI.
    • When you reach the specified level milestone, remember to click ‘Mission Start!’ button to start the mission.
    • When you complete the mission, click ‘Mission Complete!’ button to receive the reward and move on to the next mission.
    • Burning World Step Up event can be completed by any characters in Burning World, regardless of having the ‘Burning’ effect or not.
    • Burning World Step Up event progress is shared with all your characters in Burning World.
      • There are certain missions that Zero characters cannot complete. However, you are able to complete the mission on a different character and claim the reward on the Zero character.
    • Burning World Step Up event rewards can be obtained once per world.

    Missions and Rewards:

    Level Mission Mission Requirement Rewards
    33 Step up by hunting Monsters Near Your Level! Hunt 300 monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x2): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    35 Step up with the Maple Guide Mission! Complete Maple Guide mission 1 time Hyper Teleport Rock (7 Day) Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Hyper Teleport Rock: Untradeable. Cash item cannot be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
    40 Step up with Special Theme Dungeons! Clear one of the following Theme Dungeons:
    - Ellinel Fairy Academy
    - Gold Beach
    - Riena Strait
    - Secret Forest of Elodin Power Elixir x100 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Power Elixir (x100): Untradeable.
    45 Step up with Runes! Activate 2 Runes 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x4): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    50 Step up with the Maple Guide! Move maps using Maple Guide 1 time Safety Charm x5 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Safety Charm (x5): Untradeable. 30-day duration. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
    55 Step up with a 3rd Job Advancement! Complete 3rd Job Advancement
    (Mission cannot be completed by Zero and Beast Tamer) Spell Trace (x1,500)
    60 Step up with an upgrade enhancement! Use Spell Trace Occult Cube (x10): Tradeable within account.
    65 Step up by defeating an Easy Boss! Defeat Zakum (Easy) 1 time Special Medal of Honor: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    70 Step up with a Star Force enhancement! Equip Weapon with 5 or more Star Force Spell Trace (x500)
    75 Step up by hunting an Elite Monster or Elite Champion! Defeat 1 Elite Monster/Champion Epic Potential Scroll 100%: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    80 Step up with a random Portal! Clear Pollo and Fritto Bounty Hunting or Interno Wolf 1 time Pollo and Fritto Entry Ticket x2 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Pollo and Fritto Entry Ticket (x2): Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    90 Step up with Silent Crusade! Compete Silent Crusade First Mission 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x4): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    100 Step up with a 4th Job Advancement! Complete 4th Job Advancement (Mission cannot be completed by Zero) Trait Boost Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    101 Step up with an Event! Complete Starlight Symphony event’s ‘[Starlight Symphony] Musical Stars’ quest Karma Star Force 12-Star Enhancement: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    105 Step up with Star Force Hunting Zones! Hunt 300 Star Force monsters near your level 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x4): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    107 Step up with Grand Athenaeum! Clear 1 Grand Athenaeum chapter Miracle Circulator x3 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Miracle Circulator (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    110 Step up with Monster Park! Clear Monster Park 2 times Monster Park REBORN Coupon x2 Voucher: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Monster Park REBORN Coupon (x2): Tradeable within account, 1-day duration.
    119 Step up by reaching Lv. 120! Reach Lv. 120 Power Elixir x1,000 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Power Elixir (x1,000): Untradeable.
    130 Step up with Star Force level 45! Reach 45 Star Force 2x EXP Coupon (30 min) (x4): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    140 Step up by defeating a Normal Boss! Defeat Horntail (Normal) 1 time Boss Accessory Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following:
    - Aquatic Letter Eye Accessory: Untradeable after equipping.
    - Condensed Power Crystal: Untradeable after equipping.
    - Silver Blossom Ring: Untradeable after equipping.
    - Dea Sidus Earring: Untradeable after equipping.
    - Golden Clover Belt: Untradeable after equipping.
    150 Step up with Star Force level 80! Reach 80 Star Force Pendant Slot Coupon (15 Day): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    160 Step up with Bonus Stats! Reset Item’s Bonus Stats Pendant of the Spirit (14 Day): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Pendant of the Spirit: Untradeable, 14-day duration. Unique equipped item. Item’s duration cannot be extended.
    170 Step up your Abilities! Reach Unique Rank on Ability Karma Meister's Cube (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    175 Step up at Mu Lung Dojo! Clear Mu Lung Dojo 10th Floor Black Cube x10 Package: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Black Cube Coupon (x10): Untradeable, 30-day duration.
    179 Step up by reaching Lv. 180! Reach Lv. 180 2x EXP Coupon (60 min) (x4): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    190 Step up your Pocket equipment! Equip Pocket Item Karma Powerful Rebirth Flame (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    200 Step up with Vanishing Journey! Clear Vanishing Journey questline Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x30): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    210 Step up with Star Force level 120! Reach 120 Star Force Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    220 Step up with Arcane Power! Reach 160 Arcane Power
    (Arcane Power on Title stats count) Unique Emblem Box: Tradeable within account, expires September 2 at 12:00 AM UTC. Open to receive an Emblem with Unique Potential.​

    Back to Top

    Burning World EXP Event

    UTC: August 24 - August 31 during the times listed below.

    Requirement: Available for all levels in Burning World only.

    • We are bringing a 1.5x EXP event in the last week of Burning World to give a helping hand to those that must rush to reach Lv. 150 prior to the Burning World Leap!
    • The 1.5x EXP Event will be active during the following hours each day during the event duration:
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM, and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Keep an eye on the top of your screen for the scrolling 1.5x EXP announcement to know when the event is active!


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    Burning World Big Spender Event

    UTC: June 15 (after maintenance) – August 31 (before maintenance)

    Requirement: Only for characters in Burning World.

    • We are giving back 10% of your NX spending in Burning World with Reward Points!
    • If you spend NX Prepaid and/or NX Credit in the Burning World Cash Shop, you will receive 10% of your spending back in Reward Points.
      • Your Maple Point spending will not count towards the event.
      • Only the purchases from the Burning World Cash Shop will count towards the event.
      • The purchase of the following items will not be applicable for the event:
        • 10,000-Maple-Point Coupon
        • 30,000-Maple-Point Coupon
        • 50,000-Maple-Point Coupon
    • The amount of Reward Points you can receive from this event is minimum 10 Reward Points and maximum 100,000 Reward Points.
      • The Reward Points from the Burning World Refund Event will not count towards the monthly Reward Point capacity.
    • Once Burning World ends, we plan to distribute the Reward Points in the v.235 update! More details, along with the exact distribution date, will be provided at a later time.


    • Reward Points

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    Burning World Leap

    UTC: August 31 (after maintenance) – September 15 (before maintenance)

    Requirement: Lv. 150 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Only for characters in Burning World.

    • Your Burning World journey ends here and it’s time to find yourself a new home!
    • Your characters will be moved to the Burning Leap Zone map after the maintenance where you can proceed with World Leap by talking to NPC Mover.
    • Your characters, regardless of whether they are a ‘Burning’ character or not, must be Lv. 150 and above to World Leap. Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2.
    • You can move up to six characters that meet the requirements.
    • Characters can ONLY be transferred to Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds. You can only transfer within your region.
    • You may send your Burning World characters all to the same world, or to different worlds.
    • You can move the character even if you don’t have an empty character slot in the world you chose.
      • If you have reached the max character limit in the world you chose, you will have to delete a character first and create an empty slot before moving your Burning World characters to that world.
      • If the world you chose has empty character slots, one of the open character slots will be used.
    • Your character must leave or disband their Guild before proceeding with World Leap.
      • When you talk to Mover, you will be given an option to Disband the Guild or the Alliance. You can also use the Guild UI to leave the Guild.
    • Your character's equipped items, inventory, and mesos will be transferred with your character.
    • Items in your Cash Shop Inventory, Storage, Auction House, and mail will not be moved. Please remember to move these items to your inventory before World Leap.
    • Game information, such as rankings and special medals (Donation King, etc.), will not be moved.
    • Expanded character slots in Burning World will not be transferred.

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    Starlight Symphony

    UTC: June 15 (after maintenance) – August 30 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • A shiny chariot pushes through the darkness and crosses Maple World!
    • Come meet Stella and her band that gather tones of the stars and compose them into symphonies!
    • Accept the ‘[Starlight Symphony] Musical Stars’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen. Upon accepting the quest, you will automatically be moved to the Starlight Landing map.
    • You can earn up to 300 Melody Coins daily per character.
    • You can earn up to 400 Harmony Coins weekly per world.

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    Starlight Chariot

    UTC: June 15 (after maintenance) – August 30 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Starlight Symphony] Musical Stars’ quest.

    • Starlight Chariot is filled with many wonders! Help Stella gather the tones of Maple World and she’ll give you the special gifts!
    • Accept the ‘[Starlight Symphony] Starlight Chariot’ quest within the star event notifier or talk to Stella located on the Starlight Landing map.
    • You can access the Starlight Chariot UI by clicking on the Starlight Chariot icon within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • You have to complete various Daily Missions to receive Melody Coins in return.
      • Daily Mission progress and completion are recorded per character.
      • You can earn up to max 300 Melody Coins daily per character.
      • Daily Missions will reset every day at 12:00 AM UTC.
    • Once you reached the Melody Coin capacity for the day, you can click the button on the Starlight Chariot UI to receive a Starlight Stamp daily per account.
      • You will receive 1 Starlight Stamp on weekdays and 2 Starlight Stamps on weekends.
      • Starlight Stamp progress will be shared within the account.
    • If you have missed getting a stamp, you have the option to use the Starlight Pass.
      • Starlight Pass can provide a stamp for the price of 3,000 Maple Points.
      • One Starlight Pass usage will provide 1 stamp, regardless of when you use it, and it can only be used up to the number of missed days.
      • Available usage count for Starlight Passes will be indicated on the Starlight Chariot UI.
    • You will receive gifts based on the number of Starlight Stamps you’ve obtained.
      • Rewards can be claimed once per account.
      • If players claim Starlight Chariot rewards from Burning World, they will not be able to claim the same rewards in other worlds.
    • Stella Pass
      • Stella Pass can provide double the Starlight Chariot rewards for the price of 20,000 Maple Points.
      • You can only purchase it once and the purchase record will be shared within your account.
      • Once purchased, you can receive one additional reward when you claim the Starlight Chariot reward.
        • (Ex: When claiming 18 Stamp Symbol Selector Coupon reward, players with Stella Pass will receive an additional Symbol Selector Coupon reward.)
      • You can only receive double Starlight Chariot rewards for the gifts you’ve unlocked by collecting the Starlight Stamps.
      • You can still receive the additional rewards for the Starlight Chariot rewards that you’ve already claimed prior to purchasing the Stella Pass.


    • Melody Coins
    • Starlight Stamps

    Starlight Chariot Rewards:

    • 9 Stamps
      • Extreme Growth Potion x10 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Extreme Growth Potion (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use on a character between Lv. 141 and Lv. 199 to gain up to 10 levels max. The higher your character level, the lower the likelihood of getting more levels. Receive a considerable amount of EXP when used at Lv. 200 or above. The potion cannot be used on Burning characters.
    • 18 Stamps
      • Symbol Selector Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
        • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x100): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon (x25): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • 27 Stamps
      • Experience Nodestone x3 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Experience Nodestone (x3): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration
    • 36 Stamps
      • 1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
        • Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds:
          • Tenebris Expedition Ring: Unique Equipped Ring. Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/LUK/INT +10, MaxHP/MaxMP +1,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10. Upgrades available: 3.
            • Tenebris Enhancement Scroll (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
          • Glory Guard Ring: Justicar: Unique Equipped Ring. Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/LUK/INT +40, MaxHP/MaxMP +4,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +25.
          • Awake Ring: Unique Equipped Ring. Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/LUK/INT +10, MaxHP/MaxMP +1,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10. Upgrades available: 3.
            • Awake Ring Exclusive Enhancement Scroll (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Reboot world:
          • Reboot Tenebris Expedition Ring: Unique Equipped Ring. Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/LUK/INT +40, MaxHP/MaxMP +4,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +25.
          • Glory Guard Ring: Justicar: Unique Equipped Ring. Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/LUK/INT +40, MaxHP/MaxMP +4,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +25.
          • Reboot Awake Ring (Lv. 4): Unique Equipped Ring. Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/LUK/INT +40, MaxHP/MaxMP +4,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +25.
    • 45 Stamps
      • Growth Potion Selector Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
        • Growth Potion (200 - 209) (x8): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the potion. Grants a level when used between Lv. 200 and Lv. 209, or a large amount of EXP when used at Lv. 210 or above.
        • Growth Potion (200 - 219) (x4): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the potion. Grants a level when used between Lv. 200 and Lv. 219, or a large amount of EXP when used at Lv. 220 or above.
        • Growth Potion (200 - 229) (x2): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the potion. Grants a level when used between Lv. 200 and Lv. 229, or a large amount of EXP when used at Lv. 230 or above.
        • Typhoon Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the potion. Grants a level when used between Lv. 200 and Lv. 239, or a large amount of EXP when used at Lv. 240 or above.
    • 54 Stamps
      • Karma Unique Potential Scroll 100%: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • 63 Stamps
      • Rosy or Flushed Skin Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
        • Rosy Skin Coupon: Untradeable.
        • Flushed Skin Coupon: Untradeable.


    • 72 Stamps
      • Symbol Selector Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
        • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x100): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon (x25): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • 81 Stamps
      • Magnificent Growth Potion x1 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Magnificent Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.

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    Stellar Ensemble

    UTC: June 15 (after maintenance) – August 30 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Starlight Symphony] Musical Stars’ quest.

    • You are invited to Stellar Ensemble! Come listen to the beautiful tones while earning mystical blessings while you’re at it~
    • Enter Starlight Landing map every 30-minute mark of each hour to receive either Blue Star Band or Wishing Star Band buff.
    • When the buff is active, all characters in the Starlight Landing map will receive the buff effect. The buff will be provided on the map for about 10 minutes.
    • Wishing Star Band will be active every odd-number hours while Blue Star Band will be active every even-number hours.
      • Different songs will play when the buffs are provided on the map. Hope you enjoy Stellar Ensemble’s tones!
    • Blue Star Band and Wishing Star Band buffs will stack with other similar buff effects.
    • Blue Star Band buff will be kept if you log out, unlike the Wishing Star Band buff which will be lost.
    • Blue Star Band and Wishing Star Band give different buff effects so keep that in mind!


    • Blue Star Band: Grants EXP +15% for 30 minutes.
    • Wishing Star Band: Grants STR/DEX/INT/LUK +15, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15, Enemy DEF Ignored +15%, Boss Damage/Ignore DEF +15%, MaxHP/MaxMP +1,500 for 30 minutes.

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    Shining Shooting Stars

    UTC: June 15 (after maintenance) – July 19 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Starlight Symphony] Musical Stars’ quest.

    • Pop the colorful stars and earn EXP!
    • Accept the ‘[Starlight Symphony] Shining Shooting Stars’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen. Upon accepting the quest, you will receive the ‘Shining Shooting Star’ skill.
    • The Shining Shooting Star skill will automatically activate when you enter a map with monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above).
    • Every time you defeat 500 monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) while the Shining Shooting Star skill is active, the Shining Shooting Star effect will be activated and attack surrounding monsters.
    • Afterward, it will summon 10 stars on the map for about 60 seconds. You will receive additional EXP when you defeat the summoned stars.
      • Stars will be visible only to the player and they may be summoned on top of each other on some maps.
      • EXP received from defeating the Stars will be affected by EXP increase effect and death penalty EXP reduction effect.
      • Shining Shooting Star effect will end regardless of the remaining time if all summoned stars have been defeated.
    • The monsters defeated during the Shining Shooting Star effect will not count towards the 500 monsters requirement to activate the next Shining Shooting Star.
    • The Shining Shooting Star effect will end if you exit the map while the effect is active.
    • The Shining Shooting Star effect will not activate in the following situations:
      • Map without monsters near your level.
      • Map with Elite Boss summoned.
      • Map with another player’s Shining Shooting Star effect active.
      • Special maps such as Mirror World, Story Mode, etc.
    • You can activate Shining Shooting Star effect 10 times daily per character.
    • The daily Shining Shooting Star effect count will reset every day at 12:00 AM UTC.


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    Star Bridge

    UTC: June 15 (after maintenance) – July 19 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 200 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Starlight Symphony] Musical Stars’ and ‘[Starlight Symphony] Starlight Chariot’ quests.

    • Are you interested in constellations? You’ve come to the right place!
    • Talk to Beta Bootis located on the Starlight Landing map to enter Star Bridge.
    • You can select between Quick Start or Party Play.
      • Quick Start: You will queue up with random players.
      • Party Play: You can enter with a party of 1 to 3 players.
    • Your goal is to complete 3 constellations within 30 minutes.
    • When the game starts, you can see what the completed constellation should look like on the right side of the screen.
    • You have to connect the shiny stars one by one to complete the constellation shown on the right. Approach the star and press the Interact/Harvest key to start connecting the stars. The state where you can connect stars will last for about 20 seconds. It will be canceled when you run out of time.
    • The constellation will only connect when it coincides exactly as the constellation shown on the right.
    • Once you complete a constellation, you will move on to the next.
    • Star Bridge will end if time runs out or if you’ve completed all 3 constellations.
    • When you exit, you will receive EXP based on your character’s level.
      • If you are above Lv. 260, you will receive the amount of EXP as Lv. 260.
      • EXP can be earned 2 times daily per world.
      • If you’ve received EXP twice for the day, you can still participate in the game but no longer receive additional EXP.
    • If you end the game or leave the party before completing all 3 constellations, you will not receive the rewards.
    • If you leave in the middle of a game, all your characters in the same world cannot enter Star Bridge via Quick Start for 5 minutes.
    • You will be forced to leave if you don’t perform any actions for about 30 seconds during the game. In addition, all your characters in the same world cannot enter Star Bridge via Quick Start for 30 minutes.


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    Melody Coin Shop

    UTC: June 15 (after maintenance) – September 4 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Starlight Symphony] Musical Stars’ quest.

    • Spend your Melody Coins to purchase various items at the Melody Coin Shop!
    • Talk to Rigel on the Starlight Landing map to access the Melody Coin Shop.
      • You can use Melody Coins to purchase items from the Melody Coin Shop! Earn Melody Coins by participating in the Starlight Symphony events.
      • Unless stated otherwise, the quantity limit for Melody Coin Shop items is per character.
    • Talk to Aldebaran on the Starlight Landing map to access the Starlight Meso Shop.
      • The quantity limit for Starlight Meso Shop items is per world.
    • The weekly items will reset every Wednesday 12:00 AM UTC.

    Melody Coin Shop

    • Event Ring Exclusive Meister's Cube: 100 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 50 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Reboot Meso Pouch x10: 100 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Epic Potential Scroll 100%: 300 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Special Bonus Potential Scroll: 300 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Golden Hammer 100%: 60 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 20 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Innocence Scroll 60%: 50 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 20 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Gold Potential Stamp: 20 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 20 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Special Potential Stamp: 30 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 20 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Bonus Occult Cube: 100 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 30 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Scroll for Pet Equip. for ATT 100%: 700 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Scroll for Pet Equip. for M. ATT 100%: 700 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Karma Powerful Rebirth Flame: 50 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 30 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame: 150 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 30 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Karma Black Rebirth Flame: 250 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 20 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Karma Master Craftsman's Cube: 100 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 15 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Karma Meister's Cube: 150 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 20 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Arcane River Droplet Stone: 150 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 20 per world. Tradeable within account. (Reboot world only.)
    • Stone Origin Droplet: 150 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 20 per world. Tradeable within account. (Reboot world only.)
    • Karma Star Force 17-Star Enhancement: 7,000 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Event Ring Legendary Potential Scroll 100%: 5,000 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Tenebris Expedition Ring Enhancement Scroll: 500 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Awake Ring Exclusive Enhancement Scroll: 500 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min): 30 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 2 daily. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Mysterious Monsterbloom: 200 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 3 per world. Untradeable. (Not sold in Burning World.)
    • Monster Life Gem x7: 20 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 10 weekly. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Power Elixir x100 Coupon: 5 Melody Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Hyper Teleport Rock (1 Day) Coupon: 15 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Pendant Slot Coupon (7 Day): 60 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1 weekly. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Trait Boost Potion: 300 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 2. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Selective 8-Slot Coupon: 100 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 4. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • AP Reset Scroll: 50 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • SP Reset Scroll: 50 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Job Advancement Coin: 500 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Infinite Revitalizer: 10 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Character Slot: 200 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Not sold in Burning World.)
    • 8 Slot Recipe Bag: 80 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • 8 Slot Production Bag: 80 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • 20-Slot Scroll Bag: 200 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • 40 Slot Soul Bag: 500 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • Nodestone: 70 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 50 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Experience Nodestone: 1,000 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Special Medal of Honor: 100 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 15. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Chaos Circulator: 800 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Black Circulator: 1,500 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Legendary Circulator: 4,000 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey: 20 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 100. Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Chu Chu Island: 20 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 100. Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Lachelein: 40 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 100. Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Arcana: 40 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 100. Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Morass: 60 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 100. Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Esfera: 60 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 100. Untradeable.
    • Sacred Symbol Selector x1 Coupon: 200 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 100. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Cygnus Garden Chair: 2,000 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.


    • Aquarium Town Chair: 2,000 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.


    • Ludibrium Chair: 2,000 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.


    • Stellaroid Coupon: 1,500 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Use the coupon to receive the following:
      • Stellaroid: Untradeable. Android has a Shop function.
      • Lidium Heart: Permanent. Untradeable.


    • Starlight Damage Skin (Unit): 1,000 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. The damage skin is permanent when used and tradeable when extracted.


    • Starlight Outfit Set: 1,500 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
      • Starglimmer Tiara: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Starglimmer Outfit: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Starglimmer Shoes: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Starglimmer Cape: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Permanent Starlight Carriage Mount Coupon: 700 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.


    • Permanent Shooting Star Mount Coupon: 700 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.


    • Damage Skin Box: 200 Melody Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Damage Skin obtained from the box will be tradeable within account, 7-day duration. The damage skin is permanent when used.
    • Damage Skin Extraction Coupon: 1,500 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable.
    • 40 Slot Chair Bag: 500 Melody Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.

    Starlight Meso Shop

    • Karma Powerful Rebirth Flame: 15,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 30 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame: 45,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 30 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame: 250,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 30 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Karma Black Rebirth Flame: 75,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 50 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Karma Black Rebirth Flame: 375,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 50 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Marble Skin Coupon Selector Coupon: 500,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
      • Jade Marble Skin Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Gold Marble Skin Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Silver Marble Skin Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Bronze Marble Skin Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Spinel Skin Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Amethyst Skin Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.


    • Occult Cube: 500,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 100 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Karma Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%: 35,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 50 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Karma Premium Scroll for Accessories' Weapon ATT 100%: 1,000,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Karma Premium Scroll for Accessories' Magic ATT 100%: 800,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Fairy Heart: 2,000,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable.
    • Karma Premium Scroll for Pet Equipment's Weapon ATT 100%: 1,000,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Karma Premium Scroll for Pet Equipment's Magic ATT 100%: 800,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, Burning worlds only.)
    • Flushed Skin Android Coupon: 800,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Rosy Skin Android Coupon: 800,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Android Ear Sensor Clip: 600,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Event Android Selector Coupon: 300,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
      • Pixel Lucidroid: Untradeable. Android has a Shop function.
      • Neinheartroid: Untradeable.
      • Cygnusroid: Untradeable.
      • Sugaroid: Untradeable. Android has a Shop function.


    Back to Top

    Harmony Coin Shop

    UTC: June 15 (after maintenance) – September 4 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Starlight Symphony] Musical Stars’ quest.

    • Defeat weekly bosses and receive Harmony Coins that you can use to purchase various items!
    • Harmony Coins can be obtained by defeating weekly bosses. (Daily and monthly bosses do not count.)
      • The weekly boss clear record will first reset on June 23 at 12:00 AM UTC.
    • Upon defeating a weekly boss, you will earn Harmony Coins immediately. You can talk to Castor on Starlight Landing map to check your boss clears and earnings.
      • Harmony Coin can be obtained when defeating the boss in a party with other players.
    • The amount of Harmony Coin rewards differ based on the boss. See the table below for more information.
    • Harmony Coins for clearing each boss can be obtained once a week per world.
      • (Ex: Clearing Hilla (Hard) on character A and character B in the same world during the same week will only give 5 Harmony Coins.)
    • Harmony Coins cannot be obtained during the following circumstances:
      • You are dead when the boss is defeated. (However, the Harmony Coin will still be obtained if you were dead if you’ve inflicted the most damage in defeating the boss.)
      • You exit the map before the boss has been defeated.
    • You can earn up to 400 Harmony Coins weekly per world.
    • Weekly boss clear records will reset every Thursday at 12:00 AM UTC.
    • Harmony Coins can be obtained until August 30 at 11:59 PM UTC.
    • Wish Coin Shop will be available until September 4 at 11:59 PM UTC.
    • The amount of Harmony Coins is shared between your characters in the same world.
    • Talk to Castor on the Starlight Landing map to access the Harmony Coin Shop.
      • Unless stated otherwise, the quantity limit for Melody Coin Shop items is per world.


    • Bonus Potential Cube x1 Coupon: 40 Harmony Coins. Limited quantity: 15. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, and Burning worlds only.)
    • Karma Powerful Rebirth Flame: 5 Harmony Coins. Limited quantity: 30. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame: 15 Harmony Coins. Limited quantity: 30. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Karma Black Rebirth Flame: 25 Harmony Coins. Limited quantity: 50. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Arcane River Droplet Stone: 15 Harmony Coins. Limited quantity: 50. Tradeable within account. (Reboot world only.)
    • Stone Origin Droplet: 15 Harmony Coins. Limited quantity: 50. Tradeable within account. (Reboot world only.)
    • Karma Premium Scroll for Pet Equipment's Weapon ATT: 500 Harmony Coins. Limited quantity: 8. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, and Burning worlds only.)
    • Karma Premium Scroll for Pet Equipment's Magic ATT: 500 Harmony Coins. Limited quantity: 8. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, and Burning worlds only.)
    • Karma Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%: 10 Harmony Coins. Limited quantity: 50. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, and Burning worlds only.)
    • Karma Premium Scroll for Accessories' Weapon ATT: 500 Harmony Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, and Burning worlds only.)
    • Karma Premium Scroll for Accessories' Magic ATT: 500 Harmony Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, Scania, and Burning worlds only.)
    • Black Circulator: 150 Harmony Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    Weekly Boss Harmony Coin Rewards Weekly Boss Harmony Coin Rewards

    Hilla (Hard)


    Damien (Normal) 30

    Pink Bean (Chaos)

    Lucid (Easy)

    Cygnus (Easy, Normal)

    Will (Easy)
    Lucid (Normal) 40

    Princess No


    Will (Normal)

    Zakum (Chaos)

    Gloom (Normal)

    Pierre (Chaos)

    Darknell (Normal)

    Von Bon (Chaos)

    Damien (Hard) 60

    Crimson Queen (Chaos)

    Lotus (Hard)

    Magnus (Hard)


    Lucid (Hard)

    Vellum (Chaos)

    Will (Hard)
    Verus Hilla (Normal)
    Guardian Angel Slime (Chaos) 65



    Gloom (Chaos) 70

    Guardian Angel Slime (Normal)

    Darknell (Hard)

    Papulatus (Chaos)

    Verus Hilla

    Lotus (Normal)

    Seren (Normal)
    Seren (Hard) 80​

    Back to Top

    New Journey

    UTC: June 15 (after maintenance) – August 30 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Please see the requirement for the respective rewards below:

    1. All Player Rewards: Lv. 100 and above characters that completed the ‘[Explorer Redux] A New Journey’ quest.
    2. All Explorer Rewards: Lv. 100 and above existing and new Explorer characters that completed the ‘[Explorer Redux] A New Journey’ quest.
    3. New Explorer Rewards: New Explorer characters created after June 15 (after maintenance)
    • Cassandra is here to give out special gifts to our fellow Explorers!
    • Accept the ‘[Explorer Redux] A New Journey’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Afterward, accept the ‘[Explorer Redux] Get Your Gifts!’ quest to receive the All Player rewards.
      • All Player Rewards: All players, regardless of the class, can receive the All Player rewards once per account.
    • Once the Tera Character Burninator item from All Player Rewards is used, the character will count as an additional Tera Burninator character and be eligible to receive the Tera Burning Rewards and the Bonus Rewards from the Tera Burning Plus event. Please see the Tera Burning Plus section for more information.
      • Tera Character Burninator item will not be provided again if the player deletes the character that the item was used on.
    • You can open the Explorer Redux New Journey event UI by clicking on the maple leaf icon within the star event notifer on the left side of the screen.
    • There are 2 types of rewards you can obtain via the New Journey event UI, the All Explorer rewards and New Explorer rewards.
      • All Explorer Rewards: Both the existing Explorer characters and newly created Explorer characters Lv. 100 and above are qualified to receive the All Explorer rewards. All Explorer rewards can be claimed once per account.
        • Player must have reached the Melody Coin capacity for the day to claim the rewards.
        • Rewards can be claimed once a day.
      • New Explorer Rewards: Only the Explorer characters that are created after June 15 (after maintenance) and have reached the respective level milestones are qualified to receive the New Explorer rewards. New Explorer rewards can be claimed once per account.
      • Note: Please be aware that the "Explorer characters" include the 14 classes that are part of the Explorer Redux and Pathfinder.
    • Please note that the Character Slot Expansion Coupon cannot be used in the Burning World.
    • All New Journey event rewards can be obtained once per account.

    All Player Rewards: All players, regardless of the class, can receive the following rewards once per account:

    • Tera Character Burninator: Tradeable within account, item expires September 13 at 11:59 PM UTC. Use to receive a Tera Burning effect on an existing character between Lv. 10 and 199 for 6 weeks. This item cannot be used on Zero characters and characters with an active ‘Burning’ effect.
    • 1-of-3 Event Ring Selector Coupon: Tradeable within account, 15-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
      • Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds:
        • Tenebris Expedition Ring: Unique Equipped Ring. Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/LUK/INT +10, MaxHP/MaxMP +1,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10. Upgrades available: 3.
        • Tenebris Enhancement Scroll (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Guard Ring: Justicar: Unique Equipped Ring. Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/LUK/INT +40, MaxHP/MaxMP +4,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +25.
        • Awake Ring: Unique Equipped Ring. Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/LUK/INT +10, MaxHP/MaxMP +1,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10. Upgrades available: 3.
        • Awake Ring Exclusive Enhancement Scroll (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Reboot world:
        • Reboot Tenebris Expedition Ring: Unique Equipped Ring. Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/LUK/INT +40, MaxHP/MaxMP +4,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +25.
        • Reboot Awake Ring (Lv. 4): Unique Equipped Ring. Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/LUK/INT +40, MaxHP/MaxMP +4,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +25.
      • Note: If the character already owns an event ring, the same event ring cannot be selected.
    • Pendant Slot Coupon (15 Day) (x2): Tradeable within account, 15-day duration.
    • Selective 8-Slot Coupon (x8): Tradeable within account, 15-day duration. (Excludes Storage.)
    • Character Slot Expansion Coupon: Untradeable, 15-day duration. Item cannot be used in Burning World.

    All Explorer Rewards: Either an existing Explorer character or newly created Explorer character Lv. 100 and above can receive the following rewards once per account:

    • Day 1: Mini Sugar Package: Tradeable within account, 15-day duration. Open the package to receive the following:
      • Mini Sugar: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration. Pet can be revived using the Water of Life item. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Maple Leaf Pin: Pet equipment. Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Day 2: Dreaming of Adventure Label/Chat Ring Box: Tradeable within account, 15-day duration. Open the box to receive the following:
      • Dreaming of Adventure Label Ring: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Dreaming of Adventure Chat Ring: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Day 3: Dreaming of Adventure Damage Skin: Tradeable within account, 15-day duration. The damage skin is permanent when used and tradeable when extracted.


    • Day 4: Maple Leaf's Blessing Coupon: Tradeable within account, 15-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Maple Leaf’s Blessing: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Day 5: Adventurer's Friend Face/Hair Coupon Box: Tradeable within account, 15-day duration. Open the box to receiving the following:
      • Adventurer's Friend Face Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive New Rondo Face (male) or New Olive Face (female) based on your character’s gender.
      • Adventurer's Friend Hair Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive New Rondo Hair (male) or New Olive Hair (female) based on your character’s gender.


    • Day 6: Goddess's Grace Outfit Set Coupon: Tradeable within account, 15-day duration. Use the coupon to receive the following:
      • Goddess's Grace Outfit: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Goddess's Grace Hat: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Goddess's Grace Weapon: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Hidden Quest: Permanent New Journey Mount Coupon: Tradeable within account, 15-day duration.


    New Explorer Rewards: Explorer characters that are created after June 15 (after maintenance) can receive the following rewards once per account:

    • Lv. 100: Dreaming of Adventure Title Coupon: Untradeable, 15-day duration. Use the coupon to receive the Dreaming of Adventure: Title. Untradeable. Grants the following 30-day durational stats: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +10, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10, MaxHP/MaxMP +500, Star Force +30, EXP +10%.


    • Lv. 150: Trait Boost Potion: Untradeable, 15-day duration.
    • Lv. 180: Mitra's 2x EXP Coupon Box: Untradeable, 28-day duration. Box recharges every Monday 10:00 AM UTC, and can be used a total of 4 times. Can be used once a week to receive 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x10): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Lv. 200: Adventurer Support Box: Untradeable, 15-day duration. Open the box to receive the following:
      • Nodestone (x20): Untradeable, 15-day duration.
      • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x50): Untradeable, 15-day duration.
    • Lv. 205: Experience Nodestone (x3): Untradeable, 15-day duration.
    • Lv. 210: Adventurer Support Box: Untradeable, 15-day duration. Open the box to receive the following:
      • Nodestone (x30): Untradeable, 15-day duration.
      • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x100): Untradeable, 15-day duration.
    • Lv. 215: Experience Nodestone (x3): Untradeable, 15-day duration.
    • Lv. 220: Adventurer's Hope Box: Untradeable, 15-day duration. Open the box to receive the following:
      • Unique Emblem Box: Untradeable, 15-day duration. Open the box to receive an Emblem with Unique Potential.
      • Select one of the following:
        • 17-Star Unique AbsoLab Weapon Box: Tradeable within account, 15-day duration. Open the box to receive a 17-Star Unique AbsoLab weapon. Soul can be equipped. Bonus Stats can be reset. Potentials cannot be reset and item cannot be enhanced. (Zero characters cannot use the AbsoLab Weapon Box.)
        • 15-Star Unique Dominator Pendant Box: Tradeable within account, 15-day duration. Open the box to receive a 15-Star Unique Dominator Pendant. Bonus Stats can be reset. Potentials cannot be reset and item cannot be enhanced.
      • 20,000 Maple Point Gift Certificate: Untradeable, 15-day duration.
      • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x200): Untradeable, 15-day duration.

    Back to Top

    Destiny Pre-Registration Package

    UTC: June 15 (after maintenance) – June 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Players that pre-registered during the pre-registration period. Lv. 61 and above characters.

    • If you’ve pre-registered for Destiny on our Destiny: Remastered site between June 1 and June 13, it’s time to claim your rewards!
    • On your Lv. 61 and above character, claim the reward via the Gift Drop on the left side of the screen.
    • You will receive the following boxes that contain a guaranteed reward and possibly more for some of our lucky Maplers!
      • Destiny Pre-Registration Pet Box
      • Destiny Pre-Registration Beauty Box
      • Destiny Pre-Registration Rare Item Box
      • Destiny Pre-Registration Money Box
      • You can see the reward details on our webpost here.
    • You must claim the reward prior to June 28 at 11:59 PM UTC.
    • Destiny Pre-Registration Package can be obtained once per account.

    Back to Top

    Sunny Sunday

    UTC: June 19 at 12:00 AM – June 19 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: June 26 at 12:00 AM – June 26 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: July 3 at 12:00 AM – July 3 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: July 10 at 12:00 AM – July 10 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: July 17 at 12:00 AM – July 17 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    Log in each Sunday during the event period to enjoy various perks.

    • Week 1 - June 19, 2022
      • Receive 2x EXP from Pollo and Fritto Bounty Hunting.
      • Receive 2x EXP from participating in the Inferno Wolf hunt.
      • Receive 2x Melody Coins from completing Starlight Chariot daily missions.
      • The limit of Melody Coins you can obtain from completing Starlight Chariot daily missions is doubled.
    • Week 2 - June 26, 2022
      • Receive 30% off when you do Star Force enhancements. (Superior equipment excluded.)
      • Receive 2x Melody Coins from completing Starlight Chariot daily missions.
      • The limit of Melody Coins you can obtain from completing Starlight Chariot daily missions is doubled.
    • Week 3 - July 3, 2022
      • Receive 50% off Spell Trace enhancements. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only.)
      • Receive 50% off Ability resets.
      • Receive 2x Melody Coins from completing Starlight Chariot daily missions.
      • The limit of Melody Coins you can obtain from completing Starlight Chariot daily missions is doubled.
    • Week 4 - July 10, 2022
      • Special Sunny Sunday
        • Every hour you’ve stayed logged in, you will receive Special Sunny Sunday <Pet Box>, up to 5 maximum.
        • Receive Special Sunny Sunday <Pet Box>: Tradeable within account, expires July 11 at 1:00 AM UTC. Open to receive the following:
          • Sherbet (30 Day) Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Sherbet: Pet. Untradeable, 30-day duration. Pet cannot be revived.
          • Melody Coin x1 Coupon (x200): Tradeable within account, 1-day duration.
          • You may receive one of the following coupon:
            • Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds
              • Oberon Pet Coupon
              • Titania Pet Coupon
              • Petite Pico Pet Coupon
              • Victory Pet Coupon
              • Glory Pet Coupon
              • Lil Pony Pet Coupon
              • Dusk Pet Coupon
              • Dawn Pet Coupon
              • Lil Glowy Pet Coupon
            • Reboot world
              • Dusk Pet Coupon
              • Dawn Pet Coupon
              • Lil Glowy Pet Coupon
          • Coupons are tradeable within account. Pets are untradeable, 90-day duration. Pets can be revived using Water of Life items.
      • Receive 2x Melody Coins from completing Starlight Chariot daily missions.
      • The limit of Melody Coins you can obtain from completing Starlight Chariot daily missions is doubled.
    • Week 5 - July 17, 2022
      • Receive 100% extra EXP from Runes.
      • Receive 300% extra EXP from Combo Kill Orbs.
      • Receive 50% extra EXP from Monster Park clears.
      • Receive 2x Melody Coins from completing Starlight Chariot daily missions.
      • The limit of Melody Coins you can obtain from completing Starlight Chariot daily missions is doubled.

    Back to Top

    Spell Trace Fever Event

    Part 1: UTC: June 24 – June 26 during the times listed below.
    Part 2: UTC: July 22 – July 24 during the times listed below.

    Requirement: Available for all levels in Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only.

    Your equipment upgrade success rate will be increased during the listed event times.

    Part 1

    • June 24, 2022
      • UTC: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • June 25, 2022
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM and 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • June 26, 2022
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM

    Part 2

    • July 22, 2022
      • UTC: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • July 23, 2022
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM and 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • July 24, 2022
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM

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    View on the Official Site