[Updated November 19] v.218 - Awake: Ascend to Mastery Patch Notes

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    Awake: Ascend to Mastery update includes new 5th Job Skills, Tera Burning Plus and Burning World, Better Maple Improvements, a new Grand Athenaeum episode, and more!

    v.218 - Awake: Ascend to Mastery is live on November 18!

    • New Updates
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    New 5th Job Skills


    • Sword Illusion: Slice forward faster than the eye can see. Sword Illusion is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 700, Damage: 250%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 4, Chase Cut Activation Count: 12. Afterwards, it activates 5 explosions which attack 5 times for 500% damage. Cooldown: 30 seconds.


    • Mighty Mjolnir: Summon the hammer of an ancient god, then hurl it straight toward your enemies. Using the directional keys, you can throw up to 4 copies of the hammer at once. Hammer tracks down the enemy with the highest HP. All hammers’ attacks are unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 500, sets 1 enemy as the target and deals 450% damage for 6 times. Additional Critical Rate: 50%. Tracks down a total of 4 enemies as targets, including the first attack. A shockwave occurs after attacking the tracked target, dealing additional attacks to 6 enemies with 500% damage for 9 times. 1 Hammer will be prepared every 15 seconds and you can hold up to 2 hammers. Cooldown: 2.5 seconds.

    Dark Knight

    • Darkness Aura: Unleash an aura of darkness that boosts your combat instincts and steals the life force from nearby enemies, then detonates that stolen life force. The aura of darkness reacts with already-present skill effects. Darkness Aura is unaffected by attack reflection. During the final attack of Nightshade Explosion and Calamitous Cyclone, it is possible to cancel the final detonation. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,000. Periodically attack up to 6 enemies with 800% damage for 40 seconds, then recover 6% of max HP and obtain 1 Life Force. If HP recovery exceeds max HP, creates a shield that amounts to 75% of the recovery amount. Max Life Force: 15, Max Shield: 27% of max HP. Reusing this skill during its effect will deactivate that effect, but will cause a Life Force Explosion that attacks 8 enemies with 1,275% damage for 13 times, as well as 1 more Life Force Explosion every 3 seconds. Cooldown: 180 seconds.
        • Hyper Body Applied: Periodically creates maximum strength shield.
        • Iron Will Applied: Damage: -9% (only for attacks that inflict damage at a certain ratio of your max HP while attacking).


    • Light of Courage: Inspire your allies and scorch your enemies with the light of unfailing courage. When the sword of light hits enemies, it inflicts the Light of Courage debuff upon them. Additional hits occur when attacking with Mihile's direct attack skills.If you re-use this skill to immediately end it, a final light shines on any enemies with the Light of Courage debuff, dealing additional damage. Using this skill in conjunction with Four-Point Assault, Charging Light, Sword of Light, and Radiant Soul Slash will cause it to fade away without the final light effect. All attacks activated with Light of Courage are unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,000, Duration: 25 seconds, Damage: +22%. Ignites a light that periodically attacks up to 4 surrounding enemies, for 650% damage, 5 times. Leaves the Light of Courage debuff on enemies successfully hit, and can be stacked up to 6 times. Debuff can only exist on up to 15 enemies at a time. Cooldown: 90 seconds.
        • Light of Courage: Activates additional hits that deal 350% damage 2 times. Upon ending the skill, a Column of Light appears, attacking 10 times for 1,750% damage (the number goes up proportionately to the number of Light of Courage stacks).
        • Party Effect: Forms a protective shield that corresponds to 260% of your and each of the party members' max HP. Protective Shield Duration: 10 seconds, 7% of maximum reduced every second.

    Dawn Warrior

    • Flare Slash: Unleash an explosive eruption of forged Spiritual Resin. Activates when your attack skill hits while in Falling Moon or Rising Sun stances. Flare Slash is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 80, Max Enemies Hit: 10 , Damage: 1,100%, Number of Attacks: 7. Cooldown: 12 seconds, reduced by 0.3 second when changing stance with Equinox Cycle, reduced by 3x when attacking with the Celestial Dance afterimage, and reduced by 4x when Styx Crossing hits.


    • Blizzard Tempest: Create a blizzard that stuns enemies and calls down the Dire Wolf's Curse. Enemies hit by the blizzard will resist stuns for 90 seconds and won't be stunned by other skills, such as Blizzard Tempest, either. If Aran's direct attack skills, aside from Finisher - Storm of Fear, successfully hit enemies who are under the Dire Wolf's Curse, the curse grows stronger, whereupon falling ice chunks -- which ignore attack reflection -- will deal additional damage to enemies under the curse near that enemy and Aran. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,200, Damage: 1,600%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 8, Stun Duration: 10 seconds. Stun Duration can increase up to 100% depending on the damage dealt to the enemy with Blizzard Tempest. For 20 seconds after the attack, activates an aura that periodically casts the Dire Wolf's curse on up to 10 enemies. Using the skill again, while its effect is active, will cancel that effect. Cooldown: 180 seconds.
        • Dire Wolf's Curse: Duration: 10 seconds, Upon a successful hit, attacks up to 15 enemies under the curse with ice chunks, dealing 950% damage 4 times. The curse can stack up to 6 times, and ice chunks increase by 1 in proportion to the accumulated curse.

    Demon Slayer

    • Demon Bane: Erupt with overwhelming destructive force. If you continue to hold the skill key for the maximum time, the force will surround you, allowing you to deal a more powerful attack in an invincible state. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: Fury Cost: 60, HP Cost: 2,000. Attacks up to 5 enemies with 650% damage 6 times during key-down. Max Key-Down Time: 3.6 seconds. If continuing to key-down until the maximum key-down time, becomes invincible for 3 seconds to consecutively attack 12 enemies with 1,300% damage 7 times. Additional Critical Rate: +50%, Additional Monster DEF Ignored: +30% for all attacks. Cooldown: 240 seconds.

    Demon Avenger

    • Revenant: Your unceasing rage warps you into a specter, wavering between life and death. While active, HP cannot drop below 1 due to damage taken, and that damage is saved as fury. Your fury then attacks the surrounding in the form of thorns, though it will also keep you in pain, even after the skill ends. Using the skill again, while its effect is active, will cancel that effect. The thorns of fury deal damage to enemies with attack ignore and attack reflection. While Revenant is active, receiving continuous damage due to the fury effect will maintain your combat state. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: HP Cost: 50% of Max HP, Duration: 35 seconds. When using the Exceed skill, activates Thorn of Fury, which damages 5 enemies with 600% damage 9 times. Additional Monster DEF Ignored: +30%, Cooldown: 4 seconds. Saves Damage Taken, up to 200% of Max HP, as Fury, and reduces cooldown in proportion to the amount saved. Your current Fury amount decreases by 7% periodically. After the skill ends, any saved Fury, plus 5% of max HP will come back to you as damage 25 times. This damage cannot kill you by itself. Cooldown: 300 seconds.


    • Afterimage Shock: A powerful attack creates afterimage-like shockwaves, which sweep through enemies. The afterimages' attacks are unaffected by attack reflection. Using the skill again, while its effect is active, will cancel that effect. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: Cooldown: 240 seconds.
        • Active Effect: MP Cost: 1,000. Upon successful hits with Arm Cannon's direct attacks, this skill creates afterimages that deal 5 additional attacks with 900% damage for 180 seconds. Afterimages can be created up to 99 times. Reoccurrence Cooldown: 0.2 second
        • Passive Effect: During Afterimage Shock's cooldown, upon successful hits with the Arm Cannon, this skill creates afterimages, which attack up to 7 enemies that have not been hit with 1,000% damage up to 3 times. Active and Passive Effects cannot trigger simultaneously. Reoccurrence Cooldown: 6 seconds.


    • Dragon Blaze: Call forth an ancient dragon god, and with it flame incarnate. Surround yourself with flames to attack nearby enemies, and leave Fire Energy in your wake. If your attack skill successfully hits, the Fire Energy you leave behind will explode to deal AoE damage. Using the skill again, while its effect is active, will cancel that effect. If your attack skill successfully hits during cooldown, during which Dragon Blaze isn't active, a flame orb will form to deal additional attacks. All Dragon Blaze attacks are unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,000, Deals automatic attacks to up to 8 surrounding enemies for 500% damage 6 times periodically for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
        • Fire Energy: Maintained for 5 seconds. Upon detonation, the Fire Energy and surroundings near Kaiser will attack up to 10 enemies for 750% damage 5 times. Explosion Cooldown: 3.6 seconds.
        • Fire Orb: 6 Forms Fire Orbs that attack for 700% damage 3 times. Re-creation Cooldown: 10 seconds.


    • Ego Weapon: Send your weapon to attack enemies with a will of its own. Activated upon successful hits of the Zero character's direct attack skills. A separate cooldown is applied between Alpha and Beta. Targets and attacks the enemy with the highest max HP. Ego Weapon is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: Cooldown: 15 seconds
        • Alpha: Lazuli forms 9 blades, attacking 6 times for 350% damage.
        • Beta: Lapis forms 3 Heavy Swords, unleashing 2 shocks for 350% damage to 4 enemies.


    • Storm: All Aether Swords commanded by Hunting Decree sweep around you in a wild current. With the Hunting Decree, make the Aether Swords that are tracking down the enemy disappear, and move the number of Aether Swords proportionate to that around your body. Storm is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 500, Duration: 14 seconds. Automatically attacks up to 7 nearby enemies periodically, for 500% damage, 2 times. The skill’s attack count is increased by 2 for every 2 Aether Swords recalled beyond the first pair. Cooldown: 90 seconds.

    Arch Mage (Fire/Poison)

    • Poison Chain: Unleash a fatal poison on a chain of enemies. Poisoned enemies periodically release clouds of additional poison, damaging both themselves and other nearby enemies. Even if they survive the initial explosion, the poison effect stacks, raising the power of further explosions. If an enemy dies or disappears before an explosion, the poison spreads to nearby enemies immediately. Once a certain number of explosions has occurred, the poison will wear off from every enemy simultaneously. Doesn't activate Elemental Drain, and is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,000, Damage: 600%, Max Enemies Hit: 1, Number of Attacks: 4, Poison Duration: 20 seconds. Explosion from poisoned enemy attacks 6 times with 300% damage periodically, and spreads to 2 enemies nearby that aren't poisoned. Poison accumulates up to 5 times. Explosion damage increases 55% each in proportion to the accumulated poison. Explosion can occur up to 9 times on 1 enemy and up to 22 times on all enemies in total. If it ended because the available explosions were used up, every poison is removed and there is an additional explosion. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

    Arch Mage (Ice/Lightning)

    • Jupiter Thunder: Launch orbs full of the thunder god's power directly at your enemies. The orb goes inside the enemy it touched to deal continuous shock damage. An electric current flows periodically around that enemy to attack others. If the enemy touched by the orb dies or disappears, another one appears in the location of the enemy and moves. The orb disappears if it consumes all of the max number of shocks or moves beyond a certain distance. Skill is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,000. Enemy touched by orb is stunned 5 times with 600% damage at fixed intervals. Max Number of Shocks: 30, reduces Freeze stacks for every 5 stuns. Electric current flows around the shocked enemy, attacking 2 enemies 4 times with 400% damage periodically. Cooldown: 75 seconds, cooldown reduced by 2.2 seconds for every number of shocks that didn't activate.


    • Divine Punishment: Punish the wicked in the name of Heaven. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost per Attack: 40, Consumes 1 holy light per second. Attacks up to 6 enemies to the front, for 300% damage, 5 times. While Righteously Indignant is active, increases the number of attacks by 5. 1 holy light is prepared every 8.5 seconds, and you can hold up to 8 at a time. Cooldown: 1.5 seconds.

    Blaze Wizard

    • Salamander Mischief: Summon the fire of a playful salamander spirit. Salamander tracks a nearby enemy to attack when a direct skill attack by Blaze Wizard hits. In a single action, it either consumes all of the number of attacks or returns to the summoner's location when it strays too far. Obtain Ember every time Salamander's attack hits, and Salamander's attack becomes stronger in proportion. You can get a Magic ATT increase buff in return for the Ember when Salamander disappears. This buff is not affected by Buff Freezer effects. Skill is unaffected by attack reflection, and prioritizes bosses with highest Max HP but Ignition effect cannot be applied. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 250, Salamander Summon Duration: 60 seconds, Damage: 300%, Max Enemies Hit: 1, Number of Attacks: 7. In a single action, consumes 100 MP and attacks by bouncing up to 12 times. Obtain Ember every time Salamander's attack hits. Final Damage of Salamander's attack increases by 1% for every Ember. Up to 40 Ember can be obtained. When Salamander disappears, Magic ATT increases by 15 for 30 seconds, and Magic ATT additionally increases by 2 for every Ember. Cooldown: 90 seconds.


    • Spiral of Mana: Utilize the Mana Burst's pentacle to allow clusters of mana to swirl with the speed of a tornado on their own. Can be activated by pressing the down key and using Mana Burst again after 1 hit while Mana Burst IV is in use. There can be only 1 Spiral of Mana. When active, using Mana Burst IV temporarily reduces the number of attacks of Spiral of Mana. Skill is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 360, Duration: 7 seconds, Damage: 260%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 6. Upon using Mana Burst IV, reduces Spiral of Mana number of attacks by 3 for 1 second. Cooldown: 3.75 seconds.
        • Passive Effect: Magic ATT: +30


    • Liberation Orb: Manifest orbs of both light and darkness. If a skill corresponding to light or darkness hits, an attack corresponding to that attribute will activate from the orb and magic power of the relevant attribute accumulates in the orb. If at least 1 magic power accumulates, the orb can be freed to attack. Prioritizes in attacking the enemy with the highest Max HP. When the magic power of light and darkness is the same to create a balance or the more magic power that is accumulated, the damage increases. Magic power cannot accumulate while Equilibrium is active. All attacks from the orb are not affected by the effects of Sunfire, Eclipse, or Equilibrium. Skill is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25:
        • [Passive Effect]: Damage: 750%, Number of Attacks: 4, Cooldown: 6 seconds, obtain up to 4 magic powers per attribute.
          • Light: Creates up to 1 light zone that attacks up to 3 enemies.
          • Darkness: Fires magic bullets that move back and forth across up to 7 enemies.
        • [Active Effect]: MP Cost: 1,200. Cooldown: 180 seconds. Duration: 20 seconds, direct skill attacks that create 10 magic orbs, each of which attack 1 enemy. Additional Critical Rate: 100%. Damage increases by 50% for each unit of accumulated magic power beyond the first. Cooldown: 1 second.
          • Imbalance: Creates a magic orb that deals 1,025% damage.
          • Balance: Creates a magic orb that deals 1,050% damage.

    Battle Mage

    • Abyssal Lightning: Immerse your surroundings in dark magic to gather up black lightning. When Dark Shock is active, using Teleport will activate Abyssal Lightning instead. Creates a netherworld passage around the Battle Mage periodically. Pressing a directional button will teleport you to the nearest passage in that direction, then close that passage. During your teleportation, black lightning will flash in your wake, damaging any enemies in reach and afflicting them with Dark Brand. Skill is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 500, invincible during casting and disarmament. Duration: 35 seconds, periodically creates 2 netherworld passages, the passages remain for 15 seconds, and up to 4 can exist in the map.
        • Black Lightning: MP Cost: 75, Lightning Created: 3 times, Damage: 1,000%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 5, Critical Rate: 100%, Enemy DEF Ignored: 20%, Final Damage: 70% only when activating instead of Dark Shock. Cooldown: 200 seconds.


    • Law of Gravity: Bring down enemies with immense gravitational forces. Attacks an enemy with the highest Max HP and grants a debuff. The debuffed enemy attacks by pulling in surrounding enemies or objects. The more enemies or objects are pulled in, the distance is reduced and the power is increased. If the debuffed enemy disappears or it's a flying enemy, a gravity orb appears to carry out the rule. All attacks except for the first attack of Law of Gravity are unaffected by attack reflection, and using the skill again can immediately end the debuff or gravity orb. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: Psychic Point Cost: 5, Damage: 400%, Max Enemies Hit: 1, Number of Attacks: 6, Debuff Duration: 22 seconds. Periodically attacks up to 6 enemies with 1,000% damage 8 times and pulls them in. Reduces the activation interval up to 3 times in proportion to the number of enemies pulled in so far, and Final Damage of the attack increases by 40%. If there is no enemy to pull in, objects will get pulled in instead. It will be regarded as pulling in the same number of enemies as the max number of enemies that can be attacked. Upon ending, it explodes to attack up to 10 enemies with 1,200% damage 15 times. Cooldown: 60 seconds.


    • Crystal Gate: Using advanced crystal technology, create passages you can move through freely. When you press the up key from the Crystal Gate that you activated, you can move to the next Crystal Gate that is set up from this Crystal Gate. If you use the last Crystal Gate that is set up, you will move back to the first Crystal Gate. The gates must be recharged after each use, and the gates that you actually used will take longer to recharge. You can receive enhancement and attack support buffs around the Crystal Gate, and it can also be set up in the air. Not affected by Buff Freezer effects, and moving through the passage is included as a necessary distance to activate the flow of combat. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 500, Duration: 155 seconds, Max Crystal Gates: 3, activates after setting up at least 2. The setup time and the Crystal Gate duration are the same. After using it once, all Crystal Gates cannot be used for 2 seconds and Crystal Gates you actually used cannot be used for 5 seconds. Periodically obtain Magic ATT +55 buff for 25 seconds around the Crystal Gate. Direct skill attacks that hit during the buff will bombard 5 times through the Crystal Gate up to 3 enemies with 900% damage. Cooldown: 1.5 seconds. Cooldown: 180 seconds.

    Bow Master

    • Silhouette Mirage: Evade enemy attacks by moving fast enough to create illusory doubles of yourself. Illusory doubles disperse the enemy's attention to either reduce damage taken by Bow Master or inflict damage on the enemy. Not affected by Buff Freezer effects. Illusory doubles are unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: Creates up to 2 illusory doubles every 45 seconds. When you either receive damage that is at least 50% of your Max HP or you receive damage that leads to death, 1 illusory double disappears and that damage reduces by 80%. If you have even 1 illusory double, direct skill attacks that hit will shoot 5 illusory bullets dealing 800% damage 3 times, MP Cost: 80, Cooldown: 7.5 seconds. Cooldown: 1.5 seconds.


    • Repeating Crossbow Cartridge: Use a special cartridge that allows you to fire multiple arrows at once. Use the skill again to activate a Full Burst Shot with the same cartridge. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 750, Duration: 60 seconds, Usable Cartridges: 7.
        • Full Burst Shot: MP Cost: 150, Cartridge Used: 1, Damage: 600%, Number of Arrow Attacks: 9, Arrows Fired: 4, DEF Ignored: 25%, Critical Rate: 100%. Cooldown: 120 seconds


    • Relic Unbound: [Enchant Force] Sets up an attacking Relic by completely liberating the power of Relic. When Pathfinder's attack hits, Relic that was set up resonantes and attacks according to the emblem. Cannot be used if there is no Relic emblem. Deluge Enhancement Sets up Relic that rapidly shoots arrows at the enemy in front. Burst Enhancement Sets up Relic that projects arrows that explode when hit. Torrent Enhancement Sets up several Relics that simultaneously attack the enemy in a certain range. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: Relic Gauge Cost: 350. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
        • Deluge Enhancement: Rapidly shoot arrows that periodically deal 1,000% damage for 22 seconds.
        • Burst Enhancement: Shoot arrows that explode 4 times periodically dealing 1,250% damage up to 10 enemies 8 times for 10 sec, can shoot up to 4 arrows.
        • Torrent Enhancement: Sets up to 3 Relics that periodically attack up to 6 enemies with 1,400% damage 5 times for 40 seconds.

    Wind Archer

    • Vortex Sphere: Condense powerful winds into a sphere, then launch it in a slow, straight line. A gust occurs periodically with the Vortex Sphere at the center, pulling in surrounding enemies. Skill is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 750. Creates a Vortex Sphere, which moves on a collision course with the enemy. The sphere periodically attacks up to 10 enemies, for 800% damage, 6 times. Collision occurs up to 20 times for each enemy. Cooldown: 35 seconds.


    • Royal Knights: Summon the honorable Royal Knights, who protect the Ruler of the Elves. Skill is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,200, invincible during casting and disarmament. Duration: 30 seconds, up to 4 knights appear when the attack by Mercedes hits, each dealing 650% damage 4 times. Cooldown: 1.4 seconds. Cooldown: 150 seconds.

    Wild Hunter

    • Wild Arrow Blast Type X: Use a prototype crossbow, which uses Resistance technology to maximize its firepower. Can be used while in motion. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,000, Max Key Down Duration: 8.5 seconds, Frontal Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 950%, Number of Consecutive Attacks: 4, Enemy DEF Ignored: 20%. Cooldown: 120 seconds.

    Night Lord

    • Throw Blasting: Throw shurikens with explosive charms attached. The charm explodes after the shurikens hit, dealing additional attacks to nearby enemies. Explosion is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25:
        • Explosive Charm: Explosion occurs around an enemy hit by skill that throws shurikens up to 6 enemies with 950% damage 5 times.
        • Passive Effect: 1 explosive charm is prepared every 10 seconds and activates. Active and Passive Effects cannot trigger simultaneously.
        • Active Effect: MP Cost: 1,000, Duration: 60 seconds, Usable Explosive Charms: 47, uses min 2 and max 4 charms per attack skill. Cooldown: 120 seconds.


    • Slash Shadow Formation: Team up with dark allies in a special formation to perform a joint attack. Can be used without a casting motion when used while Assassinate or Boomerang Stab is in use. Skill is unaffected by attack reflection and by effects of Shadow Partner. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,200, Damage: 850%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 8, allies appear 12 times then the leader appears. Cooldown: 90 seconds.
        • Leader: Chase Cut Activation: 4, Damage: 1,250%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 15.

    Dual Blade

    • Haunted Edge: The malevolent spirit imbued in the blade attacks the enemy on its own. Activates automatically upon using Blade Fury or Phantom Blow. Using Blade Fury in conjunction with this effect will activate Haunted Edge-Asura, which creates a sharp stabbing wind. Using Phantom Blow in conjunction with this effect will activate Haunted Edge-Yaksa, which deals countless consecutive attacks in anger. Skill is unaffected by attack reflection. The sharp wind created by Haunted Edge-Asura is unaffected by Mirror Image. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 750. Cooldown: 14 seconds. All attacks of Haunted Edge ignores 30% enemy defense.
        • Haunted Edge-Asura: Damage: 550%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6, Max Sword Winds: 6, Sword Wind Damage: 750%, Number of Sword Wind Attacks: 3, Final Damage of sword wind reduces by 50% when one enemy is hit by several sword winds.
        • Haunted Edge-Yaksa: Chase Cut Activation: 5, Damage: 400%, Max Enemies Hit: 2, Number of Attacks: 4.

    Night Walker

    • Rapid Throw: Toss countless throwing stars at blinding speed. If you use this skill in the air, you'll hover while you toss them. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,000, consecutively throw shadow throwing stars with 950% damage 3 times for 2.7 seconds then finish with a huge shadow throwing star that attacks up to 10 enemies with 1,700% damage 13 times. Tap repeatedly while the skill is in use to increase the consecutive throwing duration up to 4 seconds. Cooldown: 90 seconds.


    • Rift Break: Instantly cleave through the enemy's weak points and destroy them. Using it pours every attack on the spot, and using it with the down key will teleport you several times to the farthest enemy within range to attack. If you press the directional key when you attack as you teleport, you will move to the enemy in the relevant direction first. If you use the skill again after moving, you will either stop in that place and the cooldown is reduced as much as the remaining teleports or you need to attack at least once to stop. Skill is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,000, Damage: 800%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Number of Attacks: 7, Max Chase Cut or Teleport:7. Cooldown: 30 seconds, reduced by 3.5 seconds per remaining teleports.


    • Photon Ray: Lock onto enemies and destroy them with photonic cannon blasts. Upon using the skill, temporarily enter aim mode to start aiming 1 blast each. The next aim starts once the aim ends. Using the skill again will fire the photonic cannon at the enemy the current aim ended on. The initial fixed number of aims ends quickly and the speed of the additional aims is slow. The additional aim prioritizes bosses with the highest Max HP within range of the aim. If aim mode duration ends before firing, every aim is canceled. Skill is unaffected by attack reflection. Manifest Projector is not applied. Can be fired without a firing motion while using Mecha Purge, Orbital Cataclysm, and Omega Blaster. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 150, aim mode activates for 20 seconds, additional 350 MP consumed upon firing. After the initial 15 aims end, can do up to 15 additional aims. Photonic cannon attacks 4 times with 700% damage per firing. Cooldown: 35 seconds.


    • Muscle Memory Finale: Push the limits of weapon mastery to inflict additional hits with even greater power. Skill is unaffected by attack reflection. Preparation time is reduced when a specific attack skill hits. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 450, activates in location of nearby enemy upon hitting Muscle Memory additional hit 4 times. Additional Hit Activation: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 7, Damage: 500%, Number of Attacks: 7. Muscle Memory Finale is prepared 1 each per 11 seconds up to 3. Preparation time reduces by 2 seconds when Chain Arts: Reign of Chains/Chain Arts: Beatdown/Chain Arts: Crush hits, reduces by 1 second when Chain Arts: Void Strike hits.


    • Sage: Three Paths Apparition: Through enlightenment, create a special clone capable of attribute combos. Excluding Clone/True skills, when Hoyoung's skills that attack directly hit, a clone appears and does an attribute attack for a combo that hasn't been currently done to finish the attribute combo. Resets cooldown of one attribute skill among Heaven, Earth, and Humanity skills upon reaching stage 3 attribute combo while active effect is active. Prioritizes attribute with skill on cooldown upon selecting attribute. Skill is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25:
        • Passive Effect: clones appear to attack up to 4 enemies with 1,250% damage 6 times, cooldown: 5 seconds.
        • Active Effect: MP Cost: 1,250, passive effect can activate 2 times without cooldown for 30 seconds, then cooldown of 2 seconds applied afterwards. Cooldown: 100 seconds


    • Howling Fist: Strike with all the force of a raging leviathan. Invincible while striking after collecting force. Energy cannot be charged with Howling Fist. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,200, Energy Cost: 1,750. By collecting power, periodically attack up to 8 enemies, for 850% damage, 6 times. The strike will activate a series of additional shocks, attacking 15 enemies, for 1,050% damage, 10 times per shock. 14 shocks will occur. Cooldown: 90 seconds.


    • Death Trigger: Fire a volley of penetrating, pinpoint-accurate shots. If there are still enemies in range after the initial volley, your shots will ricochet toward them. If there's an enemy with Parrotargetting applied, the whole volley will target that enemy first. Ricocheting shots are unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 750. Fires up to 7 shots, which attack up to 7 enemies with 1,150% damage 11 times. Cooldown: 45 seconds.


    • Poolmaker: Bombard the earth with meteoric strikes. After a short delay, those strikes fall on enemies near the Cannoneer, prioritizing boss monsters, enemies with the highest HP, and enemies that have survived a previous strike, in that order. If you move maps while there are still strikes in reserve, or if the cooldown is reset, the skill will end. Strikes are unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,000. Strikes that attack up to 8 enemies for 1,400% damage, 3 times, occur 20 times each. Cooldown: 60 seconds.
        • Supply: Duration: 20 seconds. When used, you'll gain a +27% damage increase buff, with a duration of 20, sec after recovering 17% of max HP. Only up to 2 supplies can exist on the map at a time.

    Thunder Breaker

    • Lightning Spear Multistrike: Strike with a cascade of lightning that deals linked attacks. Can activate a combo by continuing to use the skill. Can combo with all skills except for Thunder in Lightning Spear Multistrike. Lightning is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,000, Duration: 60 seconds, Max Combo Attacks: 12. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
        • Combo Attack: Damage: 750%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Number of Attacks: 5. When hit, Max Lightnings: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 3, Damage: 1,000%, Number of Attacks: 4. Lightning activates in different places.
        • Final combo attacks up to 7 enemies with 1,200% damage 7 times. When hit, activates large lightning strike that attacks up to 8 enemies with 1,450% damage 6 times.


    • Smashing Multipunch: Infuse a land spirit with the destructive power of the Fox God. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 60. Consecutively attacks up to 10 enemies with 800% damage 5 times during key-down. Max Key-down Time: 1.3 seconds. Upon end of key-down, a final shock attack that attacks 10 enemies with 1,900% damage 15 times is activated 3 times. Upon successful hits of the final attack, 15 additional Fox Spirits are summoned. During Smashing Multipunch, any attacks that inflict damage proportional to Max HP will suffer a -50% penalty to damage. Fox Spirits have a 100% chance to appear upon each successful hit. Cooldown: 90 seconds.


    • Mecha Carrier: Summon an aerial carrier, the pinnacle of Resistance technology. Carrier-based aircraft strafe nearby enemies, then return. As this attack repeats, more aircraft will appear. If the aircraft stray too far from the Mechanic, they will move closer immediately, and they will not be counted towards the number of robots summoned with Robot Mastery. These aircraft ignore attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,250. Summons a Mecha Carrier for 70 seconds. 9 carrier-based aircrafts attack, then return. With each charge after that, 1 additional carrier-based aircraft will join the sortie. Up to 16 carrier-based aircrafts can attack in total.
        • Carrier-Based Aircraft: Attacks the target 4 times with 500% damage, then returns. Cooldown: 200 seconds.

    Angelic Buster

    • Trinity Fusion: Summon spotlights and dazzle your enemies with your stage presence. Use Trinity with the Down key to activate. This skill can be activated while Trinity is in use as well. Cannot be pushed back when casting, and any damage taken will be reduced. Trinity Fusion is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: A dragon's energy attacks 7 enemies, for 355% damage, 3 times. 9 attacks will occur in total. While casting this kill, any attacks that inflict damage at a certain ratio of Max HP will suffer a -17% damage penalty. Cooldown: 14 seconds.
        • Passive Effect: DEX +35


    • Endlessly Starving Beast: Summon a ravenous beast from the Abyssal depths and command it to devour everything in its path. From the moment the depths open, there's a certain delay until the beast arrives, but successful use of Specter's Force skills can hasten its arrival. The Endlessly Starving Beast is unaffected by attack ignore and attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: HP Cost: 500. Initiates a countdown to the Beast’s rampage, each strike in which hits up to 12 enemies, for 2,100% damage, 5 times. The Beast strikes 18 times. If an attack skill that utilizes Specter's Force hits successfully, the Beast’s rampage will begin 0.6 seconds sooner. Only 30% applied for consecutive-type skills, or for certain other skills. Cooldown: 120 seconds.


    • Anti-Gravity Cycle SFF-X Summon: Mount the Anti-Gravity Cycle SFF-X. You can freely fly while mounted. While mounted, you'll be deemed as flying, and some of the skills cannot be used. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,000. Forms a protective shield, equivalent to 900% of max HP and immune to knockback, for 42 seconds. Final Damage: +14%. If you press the skill key again, you will launch an All-Out Barrage, attacking up to 15 enemies for 900% damage 10 times per volley, numbering 3 volleys in total. All-Out Barrage Cooldown: 5 seconds. Cooldown: 180 seconds.

    Beast Tamer

    • The Greatest Show on Maple World Is Coming!: Come one, come all! Witness the greatest show this world has ever seen. You won't believe it, and you'll never forget it! Additional Attack will be applied while the circus is maintained, and additional attacks will be unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1,000, Duration: 55 seconds. Forms an area of effect that attacks up to 5 enemies for 1,000% damage, 10 times, every 4 seconds. If the mode changes during buff duration, it activates a tag attack that attacks up to 10 enemies, for 1,275% damage, 12 times. Tag Attack Cooldown: 5 seconds. Cooldown: 180 seconds.


    • Instant Slice: Display your masterful swordsmanship by slicing down your enemies in a single blinding flash. This skill can be activated even while using other skills. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 500. Damage: 1,030%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Number of Attacks: 10. Cooldown: 11 seconds.


    • Ghost Yaksha: Great Oni Lord's Legion: [Shikigami Skill] Open a portal to the underworld, calling forth the Great Lord himself to visit his wrath upon the wretched. Skill is unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: Mana Cost: 100, invincible during casting and disarmament. Duration: 60 seconds. Open a portal to the underworld, calling forth the Great Lord himself. If a 4th or below Ghost Yaksha is dismissed, sacrifice will be accumulated according to the amount of time the ghost was summoned. If the accumulated sacrifice reaches 60 seconds, the Great Lord can be summoned. The Great Lord repeatedly attacks up to 15 enemies, for 830% damage, 5 times. Upon re-using the skill, the portal will immediately close, and the Great Lord will perform his final attack, which attacks up to 15 enemies, for 1,850% damage, 15 times. Cooldown: 180 seconds.
    Jett Skill Revamp

    • We are revamping several of Jett’s skills to improve mobility, action delays, attack ranges, and more!
    • These changes are aimed to provide better convenience and battle experience than before.
    • The following are the changes made to each of the respective skills.

    1st Job

    • Starline One: Mana cost has been reduced. Fixed the issue where the damage would not be applied if the monster was too close.
    • Blaster Barrage: Mana cost has been reduced and damage and attack range have been increased.
    • Galactic Might: Removed skill’s casting action.

    2nd Job

    • Starline Two: Fixed the issue where the damage would not be applied if the monster was too close.
    • Stellar Impact: Mana cost has been reduced and damage has been increased. Number of attacks increased from 3 to 4. Changed so that it can be used while in mid-air. If the skill is used while moving, a function was added to make the character break and stop in place.
    • Bounty Chase: Removed skill’s casting action.

    3rd Job

    • Starline Three: Changed so that it wouldn’t automatically move. It will be moved when you press the arrow keys.
    • Falling Stars: Mana cost has been reduced. Cooldown has been reduced from 10 to 8 seconds. Adjusted the action and animation delays.
    • Turret Deployment: Mana cost and cooldown has been reduced and damage has been increased. Max enemies hit has been reduced from 2 to 1. Fixed the issue where the player did not receive normal damage. Skill duration will be displayed as a buff icon on the top right corner of the screen. Added an Attack Reflection Ignore feature. Fixed the issue where the hit effect would not be displayed properly. Improved the part where the minion’s attack would not be applied to enemies that are too close by.
    • Slipstream Suit: Removed skill’s casting action.

    4th Job

    • [Updated November 18] Backup Beatdown: Damage has been increased. Max enemies hit has been increased from 5 to 8 and attack count has been increased from 3 to 4. Movement speed has been increased while the skill is in use.
    • Gravity Booster: Removed skill’s casting action.

    Hyper Skill

    • Singularity Shock: Skill delay has been reduced. Improved the part where the post-hit attack of Singularity Shock would not be applied to enemies that are too close by.

    5th Job

    • Suborbital Strike: Skill can now be used while mid-air.
    • Turret Deployment, Strikeforce Showdown, and Starfall skills will be added to the V Matrix Boost Node.
      • The skills’ enhancement effects will be added to the following existing Boost Nodes:
        • Falling Stars Boost -> Falling Stars/Turret Deployment Boost
        • Starforce Salvo Boost -> Starforce Salvo/Strikeforce Showdown Boost
        • Backup Beatdown Boost -> Backup Beatdown/Starfall Boost
    Job Balances

    All Jobs

    • Additional Damage on Targets with Abnormal Status: Applied to all abnormal statuses, not just for certain abnormal statuses.
    • Hyper Stats DF/TF: It will increase Psychic Points by 1 per level.
    • Rope Lift: You cannot sit on a chair while it is in use.
    • Maple World Goddess's Blessing: Fixed the issue where it could not be used while hanging on a rope.

    All Explorer Warrior Jobs

    • Slash Blast: Action delay has been reduced by 8% compared to before, and attack range has been increased by 10% compared to before.
    • War Leap: Movement height range has increased from 400 to 460.
    • Leap Attack: A new skill where you plummet down to the ground from mid-air to strike the enemies. Skill does not consume SP and can only be used while you are mid-air.
    • Rush: Leap Attack and Upper Charge will be enhanced together from the Boost Node.
    • Upper Charge: A new 3rd Job Advancement skill where you charge upwards to strike the enemies. Skill does not consume SP and can only be used while you are on the ground.

    All Explorer Magician Jobs

    • Energy Bolt: Action delay has been reduced by 4% compared to before.
    • Teleport: Fixed the issue where, when you use the skill upwards, the skill activation effect is displayed even when there is no platform you can teleport to.

    All Explorer Pirate Jobs

    • Dash: Removed the feature that increases the damage upon comboing with Corkscrew Blow or Triple Fire while in use. Duration, based on when the skill is mastered, has been decreased from 20 to 10 seconds, and will no longer be affected by buff duration extenders.

    All Bowman Jobs

    • Guided Arrow: Skill can no longer be used while hanging on a rope. The Magic Arrows will cease to attack after the character does not perform an attack for a certain period of time from hanging on a rope. The skill description saying ‘damages enemies when in combat’ will be adjusted to ‘damages enemies when the character is in combat,’ for accuracy.


    • Brandish: Action delay has been reduced by 4% compared to before, and attack range has been increased by 33% compared to before.
    • Intrepid Slash: Action delay has been reduced by 4%, and attack range has been increased by 37% compared to before.
    • Raging Blow: Action delay prior to being boosted has been reduced by 8% compared to before, and, based on when the skill is mastered, the damage has been reduced to from 268% to 200%. The number of attacks has been increased from 5 tims to 7 times. Damage after being boosted, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 285% to 215%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 5 to 7 times.
    • Advanced Final Attack: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 250% to 170%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 2 to 3 times.
    • Rising Rage: Action delay has been reduced by 27% compared to before, and attack range has been increased by 13% compared to before.


    • Flame/Blizzard/Lightning/Divine Charge: Attack range has been increased by 22% compared to before.
    • Final Attack: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 150% to 80%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 1 time to 2 times.
    • Parashock Guard: The letter 'p' will be displayed on the icon from the buff window upon receiving the effects of Parashock Guard from a party member. In the Sharenian Culvert, the effect will be applied to the Guild members as well.
    • Blast: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 310% to 285%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 8 to 9 times.
    • Heaven's Hammer: Action delay has been reduced by 27% compared to before, while the number of attacks has been increased from 7 to 8 times.
    • Heaven's Hammer - Extra Strike: The number of attacks has been increased from 1 time to 2 times.
    • Divine Echo: Fixed the issue where the buff would sometimes not disappear when a party member leaves the party after receiving Paladin's buff. Added a skill description that, when Paladin uses Divine Echo to ’link with a party member and then unlinks, the shared buffs will also be disabled’.

    Dark Knight

    • Piercing Drive: Attack range has been increased by 22% compared to before.
    • Evil Eye Shock: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 640% to 215%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 2 to 6 times.
    • Final Attack: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 150% to 80%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 1 time to 2 times.
    • Final Pact: The death penalty, which is inflicted when you fail to defeat a certain number of enemies after its activation, has been removed. Cooldown, based on when the skill is mastered, has been increased from 600 to 900 seconds. Added a feature that reduces the cooldown by 300 seconds if a certain number of enemies are defeated after its activation.
    • Spear of Darkness: Fixed the issue where multiple spears would sometimes be created when the skill is spammed.
    • Radiant Evil: Damage, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, has been reduced from 375% to 125%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 2 to 6 times.

    Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)

    • Flame Orb: Action delay has been reduced by 16% compared to before.
    • Ignite: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 110% to 40%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 1 to 3 times. Fixed the issue where the skill gets created at the bottom platform, even when you manage to hit on top of Gloom’s tentacle.
    • Paralyze: Action delay has been reduced by 3% compared to before. Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 250% to 220%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 6 to 7 times.
    • Mist Eruption: Action delay has been reduced by 9% compared to before. Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 345% to 185%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 8 to 15 times.
    • Meteor Shower: Action delay has been reduced by 16% compared to before. Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 935% to 470%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 4 to 8 times.
    • DoT Punisher: Only up to a maximum of 25 Flame Orbs will be created.
    • Poison Nova: The poison cloud will no longer explode. It will be semi-transparent while disappearing.

    Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)

    • Cold Beam: Action delay has been reduced by 21% compared to before.
    • Thunder Bolt: Action delay has been reduced by 16% compared to before.
    • Ice Strike: Action delay has been reduced by 20% compared to before.
    • Glacier Chain: Action delay has been reduced by 17% compared to before.
    • Thunderstorm: Action delay has been reduced by 14% compared to before.
    • Chain Lightning: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 230% to 185%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 8 times to 10 times.
    • Blizzard: Action delay has been reduced by 16% compared to before. Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 900% to 450%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 4 to 8 times.
    • Frozen Orb: Action delay has been reduced by 9% compared to before.
    • Absolute Zero Aura: The letter 'p' will be displayed on the icon from the buff window upon receiving the effects of Absolute Zero Aura from a party member. In the Sharenian Culvert, the effect will be applied to the Guild members as well. The range of the effect has been increased by 20%.
    • Ice Age: Damage, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, has been reduced from 750% to 250%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 1 to 3 times.
    • Bolt Barrage: Cooldown has been reduced from 45 to 40 seconds.


    • Holy Fountain: Action delay has been reduced by 65% compared to before. Changed so that it is not affected by cooldown reset.
    • Divine Protection: Action delay has been reduced by 31% compared to before.
    • Holy Magic Shell: The remaining defense count will be displayed on the buff window.
    • Angel Ray: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 315% to 225%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 5 to 7 times.
    • Genesis: Action delay has been reduced by 10% compared to before. Removed the feature that grants buff to remove Big Bang's charge duration.
    • Big Bang: Skill will now always be casted at full charge. Changed so that Phantoms are unable to use Skill Swipe to steal this skill.
    • Resurrection: Action delay has been reduced by 47% compared to before.
    • Righteously Indignant: Changed so that while activated, the number of attacks is increased from 5 to 7 times. Added Lv. 1 Big Bang as a prerequisite skill, and added the same defense reduction debuff as Big Bang when it's active and Angel Ray is used. Players will now be able to use Erda Nova while Righteously Indignant is active.
    • Angel of Balance: Changed so that, while in the form of the Angel of Benevolence, the buff is also applied to the Guild members, not just the party members, at the Sharenian Culvert.

    Bow Master

    • Arrow Blaster: Added a custom command that allows using the attack key instead of the Interact/Harvest key.
    • Storm of Arrows: Changed so that the zones would not overlap with each other, and are created only when the attack has been performed by your own skill. The number of attacks of the zone has increased from 5 to 8 times. Added a feature that increases the number of attacks proportionately to the number of enemies if there are more than 1 enemies being attacked in the zone.
    • Inhuman Speed: Fixed the issue where sometimes it would not attack Gloom.


    • Explosive Bolt: Action delay has been reduced by 18% compared to before.
    • Snipe: Action delay has been reduced by 4% compared to before. Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 730% to 465%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 5 to 9 times.
    • High Speed Shot: Damage has been reduced from 750% to 450%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 5 to 9 times.
    • Perfect Shot: Damage, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, has been reduced from 2400% to 1700%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 9 to 14 times.


    • Bountiful Deluge: Fixed the issue where sometimes the Magic Arrows would not attack Gloom.
    • Bountiful Burst: Fixed the issue where sometimes the Magic Arrows would not attack Gloom.
    • Archer's Essence: Damage increase amount, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 20% to 10%.
    • Ancient Astra: Consumption amount of Relic Gauge per second has been reduced from 80 to 65, and the description regarding the maximum key down duration has been removed.

    Night Lord

    • Shurrikane: Added a new feature that allows you to use the skill once more after it is initially cast in order to halt the flying shuriken in the pertinent place.


    • Midnight Carnival: Action delay has been reduced by 13% compared to before.
    • Meso Explosion: Damage per coin, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 200% to 100%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 1 to 2 times.
    • Boomerang Stab: Fixed the issue where the attack speed did not get applied. Only half of the chance for coins to drop from Pick Pocket will be applied. Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 742% to 375%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 2 to 4 times.
    • Assassinate: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 550% to 275%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 3 to 6 times. Damage of Final Blow, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 700% to 350%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 3 to 6 times. The volume of skill effect sound has been slightly decreased.
    • Shadow Assault: Fixed the issue where sometimes it could be used more than 4 times.

    Dual Blade

    • Tornado Spin: Action delay has been reduced by 13% compared to before.
    • Fatal Blow: Action delay has been reduced by 35% compared to before.
    • Flying Assaulter: Action delay has been reduced by 35% compared to before.
    • Blade Ascension: Added a feature that allows you to jump higher when using it together with the up arrow key. It can only be used once while mid-air. If it was used while you were on the ground to jump, then it cannot be used mid-air.
    • Blade Clone: Changed so that it cannot be used while you are using another skill.
    • Asura: Added a skill description that “you can't be pushed back by attacks” for accuracy.


    • Advanced Dash: A new skill where, by improving the dash, you are able to rapidly move a short distance. Skill does not consume SP, and activates instead of dash when used from the ground.
    • Tornado Uppercut: Action delay has been reduced by 14% compared to before. Action delay of Energy Vortex has been reduced by 15% compared to before.
    • Energy Burst: Action delay has been reduced by 14%, and the attack range has been increased by 75% compared to before. Attack range of Hedgehog Buster has been increased by 11% compared to before.
    • Static Thumper: Action delay has been reduced by 29% compared to before.
    • Buccaneer Blast: Action delay of Buccaneer Blast, as well as Double Blast have been reduced by 9% compared to before. Fixed the issue where it appeared as if the arrow was being fired at a different character.
    • Meltdown: Fixed the issue where, when you continued to hold the skill key down after use, the Energy Orb action delay was being applied abnormally.


    • Wings: Changed so that it can be used while mid-air, however, the jump range will decrease. If you jumped using Wings, then it cannot be used while mid-air. Reduced the action delay by 85% than before. Glide can now be used when you jump using Wings, even if it's not used immediately after using it.
    • Broadside: Duration has been increased from 30 to 60 seconds. Based on when the skill is mastered, damage of Dondlass will be increased from 275% to 330%, Shulynch increased from 150% to 200%, and Nimble Wristguard increased from 235% to 320%.
    • Brain Scrambler: Action delay has been reduced by 35% compared to before.
    • Quickdraw: Its location on the Skill UI has been changed.
    • Bullet Barrage: Changed so that the skill can be canceled by using it once more mid-use. Changed so that you are able to hop down.


    • Cannon Bazooka: Action delay has been reduced by 14% compared to before.
    • Cannon of Mass Destruction: The skill description has been fixed to say that 'a collision that attacks 4 times will occur every period' for accuracy. The number of collisions on a single enemy will be restricted to 50 times.


    • Soul Blade: Attack range has been increased by 15% compared to before.
    • Soul Driver: Attack range has been increased by 19% compared to before.
    • Radiant Driver: Changed so that the Vertical Radiant Driver will be enhanced together from a Boost Node. Changed so that, while charging, you would stop immediately if the Royal Guard activates.
    • Vertical Radiant Driver: A new 2nd job advancement skill that puts the Sword of Light in the front, charging upwards to the air. It can only be used while on ground and shares the skill level with Radiant Driver.
    • Final Attack: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 150% to 50%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 1 to 3 times.
    • Trinity Attack: Attack range has been increased by 13% compared to before.
    • [Updated November 17] Four-Point Assault: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 280% to 210%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 8 to 11 times.
    • Radiant Cross: Action delay has been reduced by 4% compared to before and the skill description has been fixed.
    • Advanced Final Attack: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 185% to 95%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 2 to 4 times.
    • Radiant Cross - Spread: The skill must be used together with the down arrow key for the trajectory of light to remain and for you to be able to end the trajectory from the buff window. The duration of the trajectory has been increased from 7 to 12 seconds. If you lock the command by right-clicking the Radiant Cross from the Skill UI, you can have the trajectory of light remain at each and every usage like before.
    • Shield of Light: Changed so that Rope Lift cannot be used while using the skill. Added the skill description to say that 'the Radiant Driver can be used' for accuracy. During boss content, the Shield of Light will be visible to the party members with the same skill transparency level as yours.
    • Radiant Soul: Damage of Radiant Soul Slash, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, has been reduced from 1300% to 800%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 7 to 12 times.

    Dawn Warrior

    • Falling Moon: The skill description regarding the attack count increase effect has been fixed to say that the effect will be applied to skills from 1st - 4th Job Advancements, Hyper Skills, as well as certain 5th Job skills.
    • Master of the Sword: The skill description regarding the attack count increase effect has been fixed to say that the effect will be applied to skills from 1st - 4th Job Advancements, Hyper Skills, as well as certain 5th Job skills.
    • Styx Crossing: Cooldown has been reduced from 30 to 20 seconds. Changed so that you will not be pushed back from any attacks while charging. Damage, based on when the skill is not charged, has been increased from 600% to 800%. Attack range has been increased by 14% compared to before.
    • Celestial Dance: Fixed the issue where if the skill was used while using Styx Crossing, 2 charging effects were displayed.

    Blaze Wizard

    • Towering Inferno: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been increased from 285% to 350%, while the attack count has been increased from 5 to 10 times. The action delay has been reduced by 26% compared to before.

    Wind Archer

    • Wind Walk: Removed a part of the skill description that says ‘Elemental Shift cannot be used after 2 uses’.
    • Merciless Winds: Fixed the issue where sometimes it would not attack Gloom.
    • Gale Barrier: Elemental will be reduced to be fixed to 300 regardless of the skill type and whirlwind's attack count will be increased from 4 to 5. Fixed the issue where certain attacks' damage would not be reduced or the whirlwind would not be able to attack Gloom.

    Night Walker

    • Shadow Jump: Added a custom command function to jump without moving. If used with a left or right arrow key, you can jump in the corresponding direction. This function can be turned on/off by right-clicking on the mouse.
    • Dark Omen: Duration has been increased from 3 to 5 seconds.
    • Shadow Stitch: Speed at which shadow is extended and the base stun duration has been increased from 7 to 10 seconds. You will not be pushed back by any attack while the shadow is extending.
    • Shadow Spear: Fixed the issue where sometimes the shadows would not be formed.

    Thunder Breaker

    • Tidal Crash: Action delay has been reduced by 34% compared to before.


    • Regained Memory: Attack Power +10 function has been changed to Attack Power +5%.
    • Combat Step: Movement range has been increased when used while in air.
    • Adrenaline Rush: Fixed the issue where Adrenaline Rush's effect would be displayed during a cutscene where the character is not displayed.
    • Finisher - Hunter's Prey: Skill can now be activated while mid-air. Upon successful hits, Chase Cut will be activated consecutively 5 times. To prevent Aran from hanging when entering the command, the activation command has been changed from ↓→↑ to ↓→↓.
    • Swing Studies Ⅱ: Afterimage's damage has been reduced from 350% to 280%, based on when the skill is mastered, and attack count has been increased from 4 to 5 times.
    • Advanced Final Attack: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 185% to 95%, while the number of attacks has been increased from 1 to 3 times.
    • Maha's Carnage: Damage, based on Lv. 25, has been reduced from 1,800% to 1,200%, and attack count has been increased from 10 to 15 times. Added a description explaining that it will not receive Adrenaline Rush's effect for accuracy.


    • Wind Circle: When the fusion skill has been activated instead because it was used during Mana Burst or while lying on the ground, MP cost increase has been reduced from 5x to 3x.
    • Thunder Circle: When the fusion skill has been activated instead because it was used during Mana Burst or while lying on the ground, MP cost increase has been reduced from 5x to 3x.
    • Earth Circle: When the fusion skill has been activated instead because it was used during Mana Burst or while lying on the ground, MP cost increase has been reduced from 5x to 3x.
    • Elemental Radiance: Magic ATT needed to be freed has been increased from 22 to 25.


    • Sylvidia: If it’s petrified while using it after a Buff Freezer has been applied, you are able to mount Sylvidia again once it’s freed.


    • Shroud Walk: Fixed the issue where the effect would remain when reviving from death during use.
    • Double Entendre: Attack range has been increased by 40% compared to before.
    • Impeccable Memory II: Fixed the issue where attack reflection would not be applied when rage is used.
    • Calling Card: Attack range has been increased by 70% compared to before.
    • Carte Mille: Action delay has been reduced by 8% compared to before.
    • Blason Fantome: Attack range has been increased by 15% compared to before.
    • Rapier Wit: Action delay has been reduced by 25% compared to before.
    • Mille Aiguilles: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been increased from 110% to 125%.
    • Penombre: Action delay has been reduced by 29% compared to before.
    • Luck of the Draw: The cards thrown have been reduced by 12% compared to before, however, Carte Blanc or Carte Noir will now be triggered. The skill description has been changed for easier understanding.
    • Phantom's Mark: The skill description has been changed for easier understanding.


    • Ground Pound: Action delay has been reduced by 13% compared to before.
    • Fox Spirits: Fixed the issue where sometimes it would not attack Gloom.
    • Shockwave Punch: Action delay for the 1st and 2nd hits has been reduced by 20% compared to before, while the action delay for the 3rd hit has been reduced by 24%.
    • Soul Splitter: Fixed the issue where the entry message would be displayed again when using the skill on Darknell.
    • Spirit Claw: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 380% to 265%, while the attack count has been increased from 8 to 12 times.
    • Fire Fox Spirit Mastery: Activation chance, based on when the skill is mastered, has been increased from 20% to 25%.
    • Spirit Flow: Fixed the issue where effects were visible without the character during cutscenes.
    • True Spirit Claw: Damage, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, has been reduced from 1,000% to 690%, while the attack count has been increased from 8 to 12 times.


    • Abyssal Drop: Action delay has been reduced by 9% compared to before.
    • Light Speed: Skill can now be activated once while hanging if you are able to go up a platform and are not in an Equilibrium status. The upward movement range has been increased. Fixed the issue where you were unable to go up a platform when using the skill to go upward after jumping downward in an Equilibrium status.
    • Sylvan Lance: Action delay has been reduced by 17% compared to before.
    • Pressure Void: Attack start delay has been reduced by 43% compared to before.
    • Blinding Pillar: Action delay has been reduced by 17% compared to before.
    • Spectral Light: Attack start delay has been reduced by 42% compared to before.
    • Moonlight Spear: Action delay has been reduced by 9% compared to before.
    • Doom Scythe: Action delay has been reduced by 39% compared to before.
    • Shadow Shell: Action delay has been reduced by 55% compared to before.
    • Dusk Guard: Action delay has been reduced by 14% compared to before.
    • Reflection: Action delay has been reduced by 3% compared to before.
    • Apocalypse: Action delay has been reduced by 3% compared to before.
    • Morning Star: Action delay has been reduced by 9% compared to before.
    • Dark Crescendo: Action delay has been reduced by 16% compared to before.
    • Arcane Pitch: Action delay has been reduced by 55% compared to before.

    All Demons

    • Defender of the Demon: Fixed the issue where Lovely Reign of Destruction failed to reduce damage of certain attacks.

    Demon Slayer

    • Grim Scythe: Attack start delay has been reduced by 36% compared to before.
    • Judgment: Action delay has been reduced by 44% compared to before.
    • Carrion Breath: Attack start delay has been reduced by 38% compared to before.
    • Vortex of Doom: Action delay has been reduced by 25% compared to before.
    • Demon Impact: The fury cost has been reduced from 10 to 8.
    • Infernal Concussion: Action delay has been reduced by 6% compared to before.
    • Demon Awakening: Demon Thrash and Cerberus Chomp have been added as prerequisite skills. Additional Fury absorption will be applied when the automatically activated Cerberus Chomp hits the target.
    • Spirit of Rage: The Fury cost has been reduced from 80 to 60.
    • Orthrus: The Fury cost has been reduced from 60 to 30. Added a function that absorbs additional Fury when Nemea and Geryon's attack hits the target.

    Demon Avenger

    • Star Force Conversion: The skill description will display the applied Star Force and the increased HP and will say ‘the Star Force of titles and medals is not applied’ for accuracy. The following HP adjustments will now be made when Star Force is 121 or higher in Ursus:
      • Star Force 121-140: Increase from 100,000 to 102,500 HP
      • Star Force 141-160: Increase from 105,000 to 110,000 HP
      • Star Force 161 and more: Increase from 110,000 to 115,000 HP
    • Demon Strike: You will now immediately stop if Demonic Blast is activated while you are charging forward.
    • Demonic Blast: Fixed the issue where Damien's altar could not be used while charging.
    • Dimensional Sword: Attack interval of the spinning attacks has been reduced by 14% compared to before, and the duration will now be applied more precisely.


    • Blast Shield: The protective shield conversation rate has been changed to 30% regardless of skill level.
    • Bobbing/Weaving: Fixed the issue where using a jump key while the skill is active would sometimes cause you to jump.
    • Shield Training: The protective shield conversation rate, based on when the skill is mastered, has been changed from 40% to 30%.
    • Combo Training II: Final Damage increase per stage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been increased from 5% to 6%.
    • Shield Training II: The protective shield conversion rate has been adjusted. The max based on when the skill is mastered is the same as before.
    • Hyper Magnum Punch: Attack will now activate after charging forward regardless of whether enemies are present.
    • Bullet Blast: Fixed the issues where bullets would not be consumed and Revolving Cannon Mastery's additional hits would not activate if Bullet Blast and Revolving Cannon were added to the skill macro and used together.

    Battle Mage

    • [Updated November 17] Aura Skill: All auras will now be applied as long as they are different types. However, for Aura Scythe, only Aura Scythe will be applied. The letter 'p' will be displayed on the icon from the buff window upon receiving Aura effects from a party member. In the Sharenian Culvert, the effect will be applied to the Guild members as well.
    • Condemnation: Skill will now disappear in cutscenes where the character is not present.
    • Hasty Aura: Added a function that increases the movement range when using Combat Teleport if Dark Shock has been learned. The function can be turned on/off by right-clicking the mouse.
    • Draining Aura: Added a function to the passive effect that recovers 2% of max HP based on when the skill is mastered.
    • Battle Mastery: Final Damage increase, based on when the skill is mastered, has been increased from 10% to 15%.
    • Dark Conditioning: Added a function that increases the attack speed by 1 level.
    • Dark/Weakening Aura: The skill description will say ‘Combat Orders will not be applied’ for accuracy.
    • Party Shield – Persist: The duration increase has been reduced from 20 to 15 seconds.
    • Dark Shock: Front and back attack range has been increased by 40 pixels.
    • Aura Scythe: The Ambassador Scythe use effect has been changed. Fixed the issue where sometimes the buff freezer wouldn't be applied. To prevent it from ending immediately by mashing, the skill can no longer be ended by using the skill key for 2 seconds after it has been activated.
    • Altar of Annihilation: Added a function that sets up a total of 2 altars, one in your own location and one in front of you, when the skill is used with the down key while no altars are present. The function that increases the curse's movement skill in proportion to every additional altar exceeding the first 2 was changed to increase the attack count instead.

    Wild Hunter

    • Summon Jaguar: Attack range for regular Jaguar attacks has been increased by 50% compared to before. Fixed the issues where Final Attack type damage increase effects wouldn't be applied to Another Bite. Fixed the issue where sometimes it was possible to enter the Flag Race while mounted on a Jaguar.
    • Swipe: Attack range has been increased by 13% compared to before.
    • Double Jump/Graviboots: Movement range has been increased.
    • Wild Arrow Blast: Graviboots can now be used while pressing the skill key when mounted on a Jaguar. However, the attack interval will be reduced when using Graviboots.
    • Drill Salvo: Duration has been increased from 12 to 15 seconds.


    • Beam Spline: Action delay has been reduced by 17% compared to before.
    • Pinpoint Salvo: Skill range has been increased by 58% compared to before.
    • Quicksilver: Concentrate: Action delay has been reduced by 17% compared to before.
    • Pinpoint Salvo Redesign A: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been increased from 20% to 40% points.
    • Combat Switch: Explosion: Action delay has been reduced by 17% compared to before.
    • Combat Switch: Fission: Action delay has been reduced by 17% compared to before, while the attack range has been increased by 50%.
    • Pinpoint Salvo Redesign B: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been increased from 30% to 40% points.
    • Mecha Purge: Bombardment: Action delay has been reduced by 8% compared to before.
    • Hypogram Field Skills: Action delay has been reduced by 26% compared to before.
    • Pinpoint Salvo Perfect Design: Final Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been increased from 40% to 100% points.
    • Omega Blaster: The charge time needed to increase the attack duration by 1 second has been reduced from 5 to 3 seconds, and 90 seconds of max possible charge time has been added. The attack is canceled if the map is moved during the attack.
    • Core Overload: The MP cost per second has been reduced from 200 to 180.


    • Mechanic Dash: Skill name has been changed to ‘Jet Booster’, and ‘Mechanic Dash’ has been changed to a sub-function of ‘Jet Booster’. The booster is consumed when used in mid-air and is fully recovered immediately after landing on a platform. The booster's max value is 100, and ‘Jet Booster’ cannot be added to the skill macro.
    • Double Acceleration: A skill that consumes the booster by 25 in order to jump one more time while in mid-air. Can be activated either by jumping mid-air or by using the skill. If you are not mounted on a Mech, it can still be used and the booster will not be consumed.
    • Booster Activation: A skill that consumes the booster by 25 per second in order to temporarily float in the air. Can be activated by either jumping or pressing the skill key together with the down key while in mid-air.
    • Mechanic Dash: A skill that consumes the booster by 25 when used in mid-air, but does not consume the booster when used on the ground. Can be activated by pressing the left and right arrow keys twice in a row, or by pressing the left and right arrow keys while using the skill.
    • Mech: You can now transform into or mount humanoids or tanks while in mid-air in Soaring maps or content.
    • Rocket Booster: Skill can now be activated by using the up key and jumping at the same time.
    • Homing Beacon: You will now enter the combat state when the skill is used.
    • Rock 'n Shock: Attacks will only be made when Mechanic is in battle.
    • Bots 'n Tots: Toy robots are only summoned when Mechanic is in battle.
    • Full Metal Barrage: The Homing Beacon Reload cooldown has been reduced from 4 to 2 seconds, and the duration will now be applied more precisely.
    • Mobile Missile Battery: You will now enter the combat state when the skill is used.


    • Air Lift: Movement range has been increased.
    • Wing Beat: Action delay has been reduced by 33% compared to before.
    • Tempest Blades: Skill can no longer be thrown or used while hanging on a rope or a ladder.
    • Dragon Barrage: Skill has been changed to a teleporting attack instead of a charging attack. Attack range while in human form has been increased by 250% compared to before, while the attack range in Final Form has been increased by 180%. Attack count while in human form has been increased from 4 to 7 times, while the attack count while in Final Form has been increased from 5 to 9 times. Normal Monster Damage increase function has been removed.
    • Nova Guardians: A different target will be found if the attack target becomes Invincible.
    • Draco Surge: Fixed the issue where sometimes you were unable to acquire Morph Gauge.
    • Bladefall: The skill description was changed to say the number of times Draco Surge's cooldown is ignored when the skill hits the target.


    • Chain Arts: Void Strike: Fixed the issue where sometimes the changed background would remain if you died while using the skill and then revived without using a Buff Freezer.
    • Apocalypse Cannon: Damage, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, has been increased from 295% to 450%, while the attack count has been increased from 4 to 5 times. The orb damage has been increased from 1460% to 1500%.
    • Chain Arts: Maelstrom: Skill will now disappear upon death.

    Angelic Buster

    • Celestial Roar: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 1160% to 580%, while the attack count has been increased from 2 to 4 times.
    • Superstar Spotlight: The angle of rotation and attack range of the center light have been increased at the left and right ends of the map in 1366x768 resolution.


    • Divine Force/Divine Speed: The letter 'p' will be displayed on the icon from the buff window upon receiving the effects from a party member. In the Sharenian Culvert, the effect will be applied to the Guild members as well.
    • Time Distortion: Fixed the issue where the skill would remove Elite Champion Timber Shade's Protective Shield.
    • Rising Slash: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 630% to 210%, while the attack count has been increased from 2 to 6 times.
    • Air Raid: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 680% to 230%, while the attack count has been increased from 2 to 6 times.
    • Air Riot: Damage of Air Riot and Shock Wave, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 980% to 330%, while the attack count has been increased from 3 to 9 times.
    • Moon Strike: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 180% to 120%, while the attack count has been increased from 4 to 6 times.
    • Piercing Thrust: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 250% to 170%, while the attack count has been increased from 4 to 6 times.
    • Shadow Strike: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 310% to 195%, while the attack count has been increased from 5 to 8 times.
    • Flash Cut: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 610% to 205%, while the attack count has been increased from 2 times to 6 times.
    • Flash Assault: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 330% to 165%, while the attack count has been increased from 4 to 8 times.
    • Blade Ring: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 355% to 180%, while the attack count has been increased from 4 to 8 times.
    • Advanced Blade Ring: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 520% to 260%, while the attack count has been increased from 5 to 10 times. The sword energy damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 520% to 130%, while the attack count has been increased from 1 to 4 times.
    • Spin Driver: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 780% to 260%, while the attack count has been increased from 2 to 6 times.
    • Blade Tempest: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 220% to 120%, while the attack count has been increased from 1 to 2 times.
    • Advanced Blade Tempest: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 400% to 200%, while the attack count has been increased from 1 to 2 times.
    • Rolling Cross: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 365% to 215%, while the attack count has been increased from 7 to 12 times.
    • Grand Rolling Cross: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 530% to 365%, while the attack count has been increased from 8 to 12 times. The sword energy damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 700% to 350%, while the attack count has been increased from 1 to 2 times.
    • Rolling Assault: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 550% to 275%, while the attack count has been increased from 5 to 10 times.
    • Advanced Rolling Assault: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 745% to 375%, while the attack count has been increased from 6 to 12 times. The sword energy damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 745% to 250%, while the attack count has been increased from 1 to 3 times.
    • Giga Crash: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 750% to 250%, while the attack count has been increased from 2 to 6 times.
    • Falling Star: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 670% to 225%, while the attack count has been increased from 2 times to 6 times. The shock wave damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 670% to 225%, while the attack count has been increased from 1 to 3 times.
    • Groundbreaker: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 515% to 260%, while the attack count has been increased from 4 to 8 times. The shock wave damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 515% to 260%, while the attack count has been increased from 4 to 8 times.
    • Mega Groundbreaker: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 760% to 380%, while the attack count has been increased from 5 to 10 times. The shock wave damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 570% to 285%, while the attack count has been increased from 5 to 10 times.
    • Wind Cutter: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 325% to 165%, while the attack count has been increased from 4 to 8 times. The whirlpool damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 325% to 110%, while the attack count has been increased from 1 to 3 times.
    • Wind Striker: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 500% to 250%, while the attack count has been increased from 4 to 8 times.
    • Storm Break: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 430% to 215%, while the attack count has been increased from 4 to 8 times. The whirlpool damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 430% to 215%, while the attack count has been increased from 2 to 4 times.
    • Severe Storm Break: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 670% to 335%, while the attack count has been increased from 5 to 10 times. The whirlpool damage has been reduced from 670% to 335%, while the attack count has been increased from 2 to 4 times.
    • Transcendent Rhinne's Prayer: The function that increases the Final Damage of your next attack after stacking Doubletime was changed to activate additional hits instead.


    • Mind Tremor: Fixed the issue where the skill was not applied to certain monsters.
    • Mind Quake: Fixed the issue where the skill was not applied to certain monsters.
    • Ultimate - Mind Over Matter: The skill description was changed to say that ‘movement speed is not increased when moving downward with Psychic Force’ for accuracy.


    • When using a skill that consumes Aether without possessing enough Aether, an Insufficient Aether system message will now be displayed.
    • High Rise: Fixed the issues where using Rope Lift while the skill is active would end the skill, the skill would sometimes not end, and Weapon Aura and Aether Forge would not be activated while using the skill.
    • [Updated November 19] Aether Weaving: The Aether obtained periodically has been reduced from 15 to 5, and the interval between obtaining it has been increased from 5 to 10 seconds.
    • Aether Forge: The attack range has been reduced by 30% compared to before, the attack count per Aether Sword has been reduced from 2 to 1 time, the attack cooldown has been reduced from 12 to 9.5 seconds, the Aether Crystal creation rate has been reduced from 100% to 30%, and the attack cooldown reduction upon 3rd/4th Job Advancement has been increased from 3 to 4 seconds.
    • Resonance Rush: When your movement ends, the attack will now last until the end of the Aether Sword. The upward and downward attack range has been reduced by 15% compared to before. The skill will now end if you travel to a faraway location with a hidden portal, etc. while the skill is active.
    • Hunting Decree: Duration has been increased from 20 to 40 seconds, while the activity range has been increased by 17% compared to before. Added a function to obtain Aether in proportion to the cooldown time remaining when the Aether Sword expires. The attack will stop if the character is stunned.
    • Noble Summons: Aether Swords will now temporarily remain in place upon returning. The function that recovers Aether for every Aether Sword that hits the target has been removed.
    • Ascent: Final Damage increase, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 25% to 15%, while the Aether Forge damage increase has been reduced from 245% to 240% points.
    • Aether Mastery: The function that increases damage when 6 Aether Swords are created with Aether Forge has been removed.
    • Cleave: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 425% to 375%.
    • Aether Bloom: Action delay has been reduced by 30% compared to before.
    • Ruination: Aether Forge damage increase, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced from 570% to 270% points.
    • Resonance Rush - Efficiency: Fixed the issue where Aether Swords created from the Aether Forge were not immediately generated when obtaining Aether through expiring Aether Crystals. Fixed the issue where Impale could only be used when there are at least 15 Aethers, even after Resonance Rush - Efficiency was learned.
    • Shardbreaker: All of the shards' attacks will now be counted as 1 Multi KO.
    • Infinity Blade: The number of Aether Swords created has been reduced from 20 to 18.
    • Legacy Restoration: The Aether amount that is increased while using the skill, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, has been increased from 40% to 52%.


    • Crystalline Wings: The left and right movement range has been increased from 170 to 195, while the flight time has been increased by 16% compared to before.
    • Crystal Skill: Wings of Glory: Removed a part of the skill description saying that ‘Buff Freezer effects are not applied’ for accuracy.


    • Instinctual Leap: The key hold-down time needed to activate Float has been increased to prevent accidental activation when jumping down.
    • Vengeful Hate: The buff window will now display the number of Abyssal Marks that exist in the map, and the duration has been increased from 12 to 20 seconds. Fixed the issues where the Auto Mode Abyssal Mark restrictions were applied and the Abyssal Marks of other Arks were visible in cutscenes where only you are present.
    • Endless Agony: Damage of Abyss Guard has been reduced from 700% to 500%, while the Final Damage that increases in proportion to the key hold-down time has been increased from 100% to 250%.
    • Abyssal Recall: Fixed the issue where it was possible to change equipment while the skill is active.


    • Shapeshift: Fixed the issue where sometimes the orientation of the ears and tail was reversed.
    • Talisman: Clone: Fixed the issue where the skill failed to activate from Talisman: Evil-Sealing Gourd Projectile, Scroll: Degeneration, or Sage: Tai Yu Clone.
    • Heaven: Iron Fan Gale: Fixed the issue where sometimes you would sink beneath the platform if the skill was used during a downward jump.
    • Scroll Energy: The max charge count has been increased from 90 to 900, while the charge count from using Talisman skills has been increased from 30 to 200. Added a function that charges 15 Scroll Energy when attribute skills hit the target.
    • Scroll Skill: Scroll Energy cost has been increased from 90 to 900.
    • Talisman: Clone: Fixed the issue where sometimes it would not attack Gloom and equipping the clone with certain weapons made it seem as though it had no weapons equipped.
    • Sage: Tai Yu's Miracle Tonic: Scroll Energy recovery amount has been increased from 30 to 300.
    • Sage: Dream of Shangri-La: Fixed the issue where there would sometimes be a delay when using the skill.
    • Sage: Wrath of Gods: Hoyoung's theme background music will now be played when using this skill. Added a function that temporarily increases attribute skill damage when the skill is activated.
    • Humanity: As-You-Will Fan: Changed the damage increased on the enemy hit directly to 10% final damage based on the master level.


    • Vapor Blade: Post-skill delay has been reduced. Added a feature to command lock the skill.
    • Hitokiri Strike: Cooldown will be displayed as a buff icon on the top right corner of the screen.
    • Falcon Dive: Add a link to Rising Slash after the skill.
    • Dankuusen: Changed to skip action frames. Add a link to Rising Slash after the skill.
    • Tornado Blade: Post-skill delay has been reduced.
    • Military Might: Changed so that you can move while casting the skill.
    • God of Blades: Changed so that you can move while casting the skill.

    Beast Tamer

    • Fishy Slap: Changed so that you can move while the skill key is still pressed.
    • Formation Attack: Changed so that you can move while the skill key is pressed.
    • Tornado Flight: Changed so that, when controlling the tornado, the tornado can be moved diagonally as well.
    • Meow Cure: Changed so that you can move while casting the skill.
    • Meow Card: Changed so that you can move while casting the skill.
    Better Maple Changes

    • Deia's G-Potion quest will now be available throughout the week.
      • You can receive Banner of Plenty supplies through quests from Monday to Sunday.
      • Items you receive can only be used until Sunday at midnight UTC that week.
    • The icons and quantities of the food material you obtained will be more easily visible in Hungry Muto.
    • The number of Rock Spirits you rescued will show above your character’s head in Spirit Savior.
    • Your current Maple Points and mesos will be displayed in the Meso Market UI.
    • EXP Accumulation Potion, Wealth Acquisition Potion, Invincibility Potion, Cleansing Potion, and Resistance Potion will each have their own icon, making it easier to differentiate them.
    • Fixed the issue where the name was different for each place you can check the character's hair and face information.
    • The entire item name will be displayed when you hover your mouse cursor on the item list in the Character Info UI.
    • If you equipped pets that have Auto HP/MP Potion Pouch skill and set the potion to be automatically replenished, the set potion will now be deactivated instead of being unequipped when you unequip the pet.
    • The healing restriction will be raised to 999,999 for potions that heal in proportion to the character's Max HP, such as the Elixir, Power Elixir, and more.
    • Coin Shop NPC and location Information will be added in the tooltip description for certain coins, which will be displayed when you hover the mouse cursor over the coin.
    • When you attempt to enter Legion while you have yet to claim the coins from the Legion Raid with another character, it will display the name of the character that is currently in the Legion Raid exit map.
    • The character remaining in the Legion Raid exit map can no longer be removed from the Legion board.
    • Results UI will be improved so that it is easier to recognize the results of using the Mix Dye and Mixed Lens.
    • Auction House will be improved.
      • Spell Traces can now only be bought or sold in units of 1,000 at the Auction House.
      • Bonus Potential search filter will be added to the search options for weapons and armor.
      • Job search filters will be added to the search options for armor.
      • The item info window at the bottom of the item search list will be removed, and the number of items displayed on the list will be increased.
      • "0," "160," and "200" will be added to the level range search dropbox menu, and the number input area's click range will be expanded.
      • When registering an item to sell directly, the item will be searchable after 5 minutes.
      • Listed items are displayed in the Sell tab and hovering the mouse over the item will display the tooltip.
      • When the item is sold, the name and quantity of the sold item will be displayed.
    • Legion Placement Mode will be improved.
      • Clicking on Character Cards will activate blocks on the Synergy Grid.
      • An OK button will be added to the Edit Blocks menu that, when clicked, deselects the block and places it on the grid.
      • A button to remove assigned units will be added to the Edit Blocks menu.
      • A button to reset assigned units was added that, when clicked, resets all blocks that have been placed.
    • Decoration tab will be added to the inventory. The Decoration tab has 128 slots, and all cash equipment items in the Inventory Equip tab will be moved to the Decoration tab.
    • The spacing between the inventory items will be adjusted to be wider.
    • Hovering your mouse over Android items will now display the Android's appearance.
    • The response time will be improved for better gameplay in Hungry Muto and Spirit Savior content.
    • The processes of adding to the guild blacklist and requesting alliance invites will be improved so you can first review before making a selection if there are overlapping guild names.
    • The Transfer Hammer UI will now display a separate icon for currently equipped items.
    • Fixed the issue with the Auction House where the Wish List's Search and Search Market Price buttons were reversed.
    Grand Athenaeum Episode 6: Sharenian Knights

    UTC: Available after December 2 at 12:00 AM

    Requirement: Lv. 100 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Venture to Grand Athenaeum to open a new chapter of Maple World’s history!
    • This time, it’s about a group of knights who were dedicated to their kingdom and devoted to training to become the great royal Knights of Sharenian.
    • Experience their story and learn more about what it took for them to embrace an honor that would forever leave its mark on Maple World!
    • Accept '[Grand Athenaum] Visit the Grand Athenaeum' quest within the lightbulb notifier on the left side of the screen. You can move to Grand Athenaeum using the Dimension portal.
      • Talk to Skylark Rita to select Sharenian Knight on the bottom right of the UI.
    • Upon completion, you will receive the Sharenian Knight medal and A Fateful Pledge chair!


    • Sharenian Knight: Medal. Untradeable. Grants STR/DEX/INT/LUK +4, MaxHP/MaxMP +170, Defense +85. The medal will register in your Medal Collection.
    • A Fateful Pledge: Chair. Untradeable.
    • Spell Trace (x300)


    Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant Exchange

    UTC: December 3 (after maintenance) – January 26 at 1:59 PM

    Requirement: All characters that had two Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant items equipped at the start of November 18 maintenance.

    • Eligibility for the Exchange
      • As mentioned in our Maple Memo on November 12, all players that have two Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant items equipped at the start of the November 18 maintenance are eligible to request for a pendant to belt exchange.
        • Characters must have 2 Superior Engraved Gollux Pendants equipped at the start of the November 18 maintenance in order to participate in the pendant to belt exchange. This includes all characters with 2 Superior Engraved Gollux Pendants equipped, even those that have yet to obtain the Gollux 4-Piece Set effect.
      • You may only request for the equipped Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant to be exchanged. Pendants that were not equipped during November 18 maintenance cannot be used for the exchange.
      • If your second pendant slot was expired but you still had two of your Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant items equipped, you are still eligible for the exchange.
      • For those who are eligible, the exchange quest will be available after the December 3 maintenance.
    • Exchange Process
      • Accept '[Gollux] Superior Gollux Pendant Exchange!' quest from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen. This quest allows you to request one of the two Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant items that you've had equipped at the time of the November 18 maintenance to be exchanged for a Superior Engraved Gollux Belt.
        • Please note that the pendant you would like to exchange must be in your inventory when making the request.
        • If the pendant has an accessory-exclusive Potential, you will receive a pop-up UI with the details.
        • Exchange quest can only be done once per eligible character.
      • Once you've requested the exchange, the pendant will be removed from your inventory.
      • The '[Gollux] Superior Gollux Belt Distribution!' quest will appear after your exchange request has been submitted.
        • You may collect the belt on any character of your choice in the same world.
    • Pendant to Belt Specification
      • Star Force Enhancement/Bonus Stats/Hammer status of the chosen pendant will be transferred to the Superior Engraved Gollux Belt.
      • Potentials and Bonus Potentials will be transferred to the belt, excluding the accessory-exclusive Potentials. If the pendant’s Potentials are not transferable to the belt, only the rank will be transferred to the belt and players should reveal its Potential using the magnifying glass once again.
      • Since the number of Scroll Enhancements that can be applied to a pendant and a belt are different, the adjusted stats will be transferred to the belt proportionately according to the number of enhancements succeeded and applied to the pendant.
      • Belt will be untradeable once equipped for non-Reboot worlds and untradeable for Reboot world.
    MVP System Renewal

    • MVP Red
      • New rank, MVP Red, will be added after MVP Diamond on the MVP Special Tier.
      • You can reach MVP Red if the amount of NX spent within the last 3 months (including the current month) is 1.5 million NX or more.
      • Perks
        • You can claim the following items:
          • MVP Red Royal Pack: All items except Maple Points can be claimed once per month per character.
            • MVP Maple Points Gift Certificate (15K)
            • Bonus Maple Points Coupon (20K)
            • MVP Label Ring
            • MVP Chat Ring
            • MVP Royal Damage Skin: A Set-up item that can be turned ON/OFF.
            • MVP Title
            • MVP Medal
            • Eternal Noblesse
            • MVP Hyper Teleport Rock
            • MVP Royal Infinite Recovery Potion
            • Glory of Red
          • Gift Pack: For more information, check the ‘Gift Pack’ section below.
            • MVP Superpower Buff (x15)
            • MVP 2x EXP Coupon (30 min) (x15)
            • Hyper Megaphone Coupon (x15)
            • Unity Training Center Entrance Charm (3 hours) (x2)
            • Unity Training Center Entrance Charm (12 hours) (x3)
            • Monster Park Entry Ticket (x15)
            • MVP Plus EXP Atmospheric Effect (x10)
            • MVP 50% Bonus EXP Coupon (x30)
        • You will receive the same Star Force Enhancement, Auction House, Fairy Bros’ Daily Gift content perks as an MVP Diamond rank. For detailed information about the MVP Diamond rank perks, please click here.


    • Gift Pack
      • Daily Pack will be replaced with a Gift Pack.
      • You can receive a Gift Pack a total of 3 times a month per account.
        • 1st: Days 1 - 10
        • 2nd: Days 11 - 20
        • 3rd: Days 21 - last day of the month
      • If you rank up within the same period after claiming the Gift Pack, you will receive an additional Gift Pack that includes items from the higher rank you just reached. Items you already received will not be sent again.
        • For example, when you’ve claimed a Gift Pack as MVP Silver on Day 2 and ranked up to MVP Gold on Day 7, you will receive another Gift Pack with MVP Gold items. It will not contain the items that you’ve already received in the MVP Silver Gift Pack.
      • If you have ranked up within MVP Bronze ranks, you will not receive additional Gift Packs.
      • Gift Pack rewards per rank:
        • Bronze I - IV
          • MVP Superpower Buff (x2)
          • MVP Recovery Potion (x50)
          • MVP 2x EXP Coupon (30 min) (x2)
          • Hyper Megaphone Coupon (x2)
          • Unity Training Center Entrance Charm (3 hours)
        • Silver
          • MVP Superpower Buff (x3)
          • MVP Recovery Potion (x150)
          • MVP 2x EXP Coupon (30 min) (x3)
          • Hyper Megaphone Coupon (x3)
          • Unity Training Center Entrance Charm (3 hours) (x2)
          • Monster Park Entry Ticket (x3)
          • MVP 50% Bonus EXP Coupon (x3)
        • Gold
          • MVP Superpower Buff (x5)
          • MVP Recovery Potion (x200)
          • MVP 2x EXP Coupon (30 min) (x5)
          • Hyper Megaphone Coupon (x5)
          • Unity Training Center Entrance Charm (3 hours) (x2)
          • Unity Training Center Entrance Charm (12 hours)
          • Monster Park Entry Ticket (x5)
          • MVP Plus EXP Atmospheric Effect (x3)
          • MVP 50% Bonus EXP Coupon (x10)
        • Diamond
          • MVP Superpower Buff (x10)
          • MVP 2x EXP Coupon (30 min) (x10)
          • Hyper Megaphone Coupon (x10)
          • Unity Training Center Entrance Charm (3 hours) (x2)
          • Unity Training Center Entrance Charm (12 hours) (x2)
          • Monster Park Entry Ticket (x10)
          • MVP Plus EXP Atmospheric Effect (x5)
          • MVP 50% Bonus EXP Coupon (x20)
        • Red
          • MVP Superpower Buff (x15)
          • MVP 2x EXP Coupon (30 min) (x15)
          • Hyper Megaphone Coupon (x15)
          • Unity Training Center Entrance Charm (3 hours) (x2)
          • Unity Training Center Entrance Charm (12 hours) (x3)
          • Monster Park Entry Ticket (x15)
          • MVP Plus EXP Atmospheric Effect (x10)
          • MVP 50% Bonus EXP Coupon (x30)
        • MVP 50% Bonus EXP Coupon can be stacked with other EXP buff effects and can be traded.
        • MVP Plus EXP Atmospheric Effect, Mu Gong-Certified Wellness Tonic, and MVP 50% Bonus EXP Coupon cannot be stacked with one another.
    • Monthly Gift Packages
      • MVP Bronze rank title stats will be adjusted from 90-day duration to permanent and it will be tradeable within account.
      • Monthly Gift Packages for MVP Special tiers have been adjusted.
        • Silver
          • MVP Maple Points Gift Certificate (3K)
          • Bonus Maple Points Coupon (500)
          • MVP Label Ring
          • MVP Chat Ring
          • MVP Special Damage Skin: A Set-up item that can be turned ON/OFF.
          • MVP Title
          • MVP Hyper Teleport Rock
        • Gold
          • MVP Maple Points Gift Certificate (6K)
          • Bonus Maple Points Coupon (4K)
          • MVP Label Ring
          • MVP Chat Ring
          • MVP Special Damage Skin: A Set-up item that can be turned ON/OFF.
          • MVP Title
          • MVP Medal
          • Eternal Noblesse
          • MVP Hyper Teleport Rock
        • Diamond
          • MVP Maple Points Gift Certificate (9K)
          • Bonus Maple Points Coupon (9K)
          • MVP Label Ring
          • MVP Chat Ring
          • MVP Special Damage Skin: A Set-up item that can be turned ON/OFF.
          • MVP Title
          • MVP Medal
          • Eternal Noblesse
          • MVP Hyper Teleport Rock
          • Diamond Infinite Recovery Potion
          • Glow Spell Chair
      • The expiration date of Monthly Gift Packages will be changed from the last day of the month to the first day of the next month at 6:00 AM UTC.
    Skill Improvements

    • Fixed the issue where the following emission skills were kept even after the character's death on certain maps:
      • Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)'s Frozen Orb
      • Pathfinder's Raven Tempest
      • Dual Blade's Flashbang
      • Cannoneer's Barrel Bomb
      • Cygnus Knights' Phalanx Charge
      • Blaze Wizard's Blazing Extinction
      • Wind Archer's Howling Gale
      • Night Walker's Shadow Spark
      • Luminous' Morning Star
      • Demon Avenger's Bat Swarm
      • Kaiser's Wing Beat
    • Fixed the issue where some of the barrier skill effects were displayed on Eagle Hunting and Courtship Dance of Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting.
    • Fixed the issue where attack count could be reduced when multiple emissions are applied all at once to giant monsters such as Gloom.
    • If Phantom dies while using Skill Swipe, the skill will now get canceled.
    • Fixed the issue where damage reduction was taken due to Blaster's Guard up not being applied to certain monsters' attacks.
    • Added a description to one of Blaster's Ballistic Hurricane passive effects, Hammer Smash, saying that it does not get applied to Shock Waves for accuracy.
    • Fixed the issue where Mechanic could not activate the Rune of Ignition while in Mech form.
    • Fixed the issue where Adele's Aether Forge would sometimes be displayed even during cutscenes where Adele cannot be seen.
    • Fixed the issue where Adele could only use Impale when they have at least 15 Aethers, even after they've learned Resonance Rush - Efficiency.
    • Fixed the issue where Adele's Resonance Rush could not deal damage to Ursus.
    • Fixed the issue where Feather Float's effect would be displayed to other characters when Adele uses a hidden portal.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would sometimes crash when Zero consecutively uses Shadow Rain.
    • Fixed the issues where action delay of Wings would not be reduced if Corsair uses it while a buff, such as Whaler's Potion, is active and Wings could not be used on the ground while using Bullet Barrage.
    • Fixed the issue where it was possible for Aran to use Finisher - Hunter's Prey while hanging on a rope or a ladder.
    • Fixed the issue where the up/down and left/right directions for the Combat Teleport increased movement range lock function on the Battle Mage's Hasty Aura were applied in reverse.
    • Fixed the issue where the attack range of Wild Hunter's Swipe was not increased.
    • Mechanic can no longer use Jet Booster while hanging on a rope or a ladder.
    • The time it takes for Aether Swords to stop after Adele uses Noble Summons has been shortened.
    • The amount of Scroll Energy increased by using Sage: Tai Yu's Miracle Tonic has been increased from 300 to 350.
    • Fixed the issue with Sage: Wrath of Gods where Hoyoung would not become invincible after using Advent of Gods.
    • You can no longer use the Transformation Potion during skill-use actions.
    • Fixed the issue where some skills that shoot projectiles in a straight line could not attack, due to being blocked by a vertical platform.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes, after using a skill with cooldown, you could use the skill again as though its cooldown had ended.
    • Fixed the issue where the High Altitude Flight icon was the same as Xenon's Liberty Boosters skill icon.
    • Fixed the issue where, after using High Altitude Flight while riding a mount, you could not dismount using the hotkey.
    • Fixed the issue where some charge skills could exceed the max attack speed limit with a party attack speed buff.
    • The effects of the Resistance Link Skill, Spirit of Freedom, will now disappear when you move maps.
    • Erda Nova will no longer be activated if there is no target to attack.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the client would force-quit if you used Profession Meister buff skill and Boost Potion together on Reboot world.
    • Fixed the issue where the Weapon Aura shockwave did not activate with Leap Attack and Upper Charge by Hero, Paladin, and Dark Knight.
    • Added the Command Lock feature to Upper Charge for Hero, Paladin, and Dark Knight.
    • Fixed the issue where the Upper Charge skill icon had been changed for Hero and Paladin.
    • Fixed the issue where Final Attack and Advanced Final Attack did not activate with Hero's Shout.
    • Fixed the issue where Hero could attack multiple enemies with Leap Attack even while in Enrage state.
    • Increased the downward attack range for charge skills used by Paladin by 11%.
    • Fixed the issue where, when Paladin's Parashock Guard ended, a party member Zero's Divine Speed ended together as well.
    • Fixed the issue where the penalty for Paladin's Parashock Guard was applied to party members as well.
    • Added a skill description saying that when Paladin uses Divine Echo to "link with a party member and then unlink, the shared buffs will also be disabled” for accuracy.
    • Fixed the issue where, if Invincible Belief was activated while Paladin was using Grand Guardian, the key hold-down was canceled.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Dark Knight's Final Pact could be activated during its cooldown.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the damage wasn't applied if Arch Mage (Fire, Poison) used Poison Nova and detonated with Mist Eruption afterwards.
    • In order to prevent Inferno Aura from ending immediately when Arch Mage (Fire, Poison) mashes Inferno Aura, a 1 second cooldown has been added after using the skill.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the attacks from the frozen ground, created after Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning) uses Ice Age, did not activate.
    • Bishop's Shining Ray skill icon has been changed.
    • Added a skill description to Bishop's Holy Fountain saying that it is ‘not affected by effects which reset cooldowns or increase recovery skill potency’ for accuracy.
    • Added a custom command that allows using the attack key instead of the Interact/Harvest key when Bow Master sets up Arrow Blaster.
    • Fixed the issue where it would sometimes show a different screen location when Marksman used Perfect Shot in the Will boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the invincibility time after the skill ended did not apply if Marksman had their Perfect Shot skill end from running out of aiming time.
    • Fixed the issue where Pathfinder's Obsidian Barrier received damage when attacking enemies with attack reflection.
    • Fixed the issue where, when Dual Blade used skills, normal attack sound effect was played together.
    • Fixed the issue where Dual Blade did not turn into combat state while using Asura's Anger.
    • Knockback Resistance increase upon Buccaneer and Corsair using Dash is now reflected in the stats UI.
    • Fixed the issue where Buccaneer's Advanced Dash effects were showing as different effects to other characters.
    • Fixed the issue where Buccaneer's energy full-charge effect was not affected by Skill Effect Transparency in the Cash Shop.
    • Reduced the action delay for Wings used by Corsair by 85% of before. Glide can now be used if you jumped using Wings, even if it's not immediately after using Wings.
    • Fixed the issue where, when Corsair re-uses Parrotargetting after putting a mark with it, the mark disappears.
    • Added a skill description saying that Corsair ‘cannot glide after using Wings’ while using Bullet Barrage for accuracy.
    • Fixed the issue where Weapon Aura shockwave did not activate with Mihile's vertical Radiant Driver.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not get flames for Savage Flame when Blaze Wizard's Ignition spread.
    • Changed so that Ignition's duration is not renewed when Blaze Wizard attacks something that already has Ignition applied.
    • Flame Fox attacks during Blaze Wizard's Savage Flame will no longer apply Ignition.
      • Blazing Lion already does not apply Ignition.
    • To prevent Wind Archer's Howling Gale from pursuing enemies that cannot be attacked, it will now only recognize enemies on top of platforms.
    • Fixed the issue where Dark Sight would be canceled by the automatic summoning of Shadow Bats followed by Night Walker's use of Dominion.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would sometimes crash if Night Walker switched places after using Greater Dark Servant.
    • Recovery stemming from Aran's Maha's Domain will now be counted towards the Heal score in Ursus.
    • Fixed the issue where Evan's Blessing of the Onyx was shared with party members in certain maps.
    • Fixed the issue where Evan's Magic Debris could not be used as a target for Foul Ooze Waste.
    • Fixed the issue where Final Attack: Dual Bowguns was not applied to Mercedes's Gust Dive.
    • Fixed the issue where enhancement effects were not applied if Mercedes's Sylvidia's Flight was canceled by a debuff while active and then mounted again.
    • Fixed the issue where attack skills used with Phantom's Impeccable Memory would still change weapons even if the skill did not activate.
    • Fixed the issue where Phantom would be sent to a different map instead of the original map when returning from certain Limina maps after using To The Skies.
    • Fixed the issue where the tooltips for skills registered to hotkeys through the Loadout and skills registered to hotkeys by dragging and dropping Impeccable Memory did not match.
    • Fixed the issue where, if Phantom sets Sacrosanctity to Impeccable Memory H, uses Divine Echo to bind with a Paladin party member, and then changes the skill registered to Impeccable Memory H after the Paladin's Sacrosanctity is shared, the shared Sacrosanctity would be canceled.
    • Fixed the issue where Carte Noir's activation count would vary depending on the distance from the enemy when Phantom used Luck of the Draw.
    • Fixed the issue where the increased Critical Rate of Demon Slayer's Insult to Injury was not applied to enemies afflicted with Slow.
    • Demon Avenger's Hyper Potion Mastery will no longer be applied to potions that heal in proportion to a character's max HP, such as Elixirs and Power Elixirs.
    • The upward attack range of the blood of demons created by Demon Avenger's Demonic Frenzy has been increased by 50% compared to before.
    • The skill description for Blaster's Bobbing was changed to say that it ‘can be charged while using any skills other than Bobbing, Weaving, and Hammer Smash for accuracy.
    • The skill description for Blaster's Hyper Magnum Punch saying that ‘the attack does not activate if there are no enemies in range after charging forward’ has been removed for accuracy
    • Fixed the issue where the client would sometimes crash if Battle Mage used Combat Teleport repeatedly while using Hasty Aura and learned Dark Shock.
    • Fixed the issue where Battle Mage's Weakening Aura was instantly applied to enemies.
    • Fixed the issues where Battle Mage's Aura Scythe continuously consumed MP and sometimes failed to activate.
    • The names of Wild Hunter's Jaguars will now be unified based on the name in Jaguar Management.
    • Fixed the issue where the damage for Wild Hunter's Primal Fury increased in proportion to the number of Wild Hunters present on the map.
    • Fixed the issue where Mechanic could not use the up arrow key and Jump to escape the Torrent Zone while mounted on a Mech.
    • Fixed the issue where Mechanic was able use certain controls to sit in a chair while mounted on a Mech.
    • Fixed the issue where Mechanic would not enter the combat state even when using Heavy Salvo.
    • Fixed the issue where Cadena's attack damage would appear as a different number to other characters.
    • Fixed the issue where the Time Distortion effect of the Zero you are not playing as was not affected by skill effect transparency.
    • Fixed the issue where additional hits failed to activate if Zero attacked multiple enemies after using Transcendent Rhinne's Blessing.
    • Fixed the issue where Psychic Armor's increased Knockback Resistance effect was canceled if Kinesis was seduced by the Crimson Queen.
    • If Adele uses a skill that consumes Aether without possessing enough Aether, an Insufficient Aether system message will now be displayed.
    • Adele can now use Feather Float in Ardentmill.
    • Fixed the issue where using certain controls would cause the movement area for Illium's Machina to be fixated.
    • Fixed the issue where Illium was able to use Crystal Ignition while hanging on a rope or a ladder.
    • Recovery stemming from Illium's Crystal Skill: Resonance will now count towards the Heal score in Ursus.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Ark's Vengeful Hate was unable to deal damage.
    • Fixed the issue where characters would disappear if Hoyoung used Thousand-Ton Stone in certain maps.
    • Fixed the issue where clones would sometimes fail to activate if Hoyoung changed channels after using Sage: Clone Rampage.
    • Fixed the issue where the BGM would sometimes fail to change after Hoyoung used Sage: Wrath of Gods.
    • Fixed Paladin's Sacrosanctity cooldown stolen by Phantom with Skill Swipe applying as 300 seconds and not 700 seconds.
    • Fixed Octopush activating 2 times when repeatedly jumping after Viper and Corsair dash or use a hidden portal.
    • Fixed Decent type skills obtained from item Potential that could be used even though the item Potential changed.
    • Removed Rune EXP Special Node description that it activates once per 30 seconds.
    • The skill cooldown reset effect shown in the hotkey window won't be displayed during cutscene.
    • Fixed Hero's Burning Soul Blade not attacking when Leap Attack and Upper Charge are used.
    • Fixed Paladin's Flame Charge, Blizzard Charge, Blast, Heaven's Hammer, and Smite Shield being able to hit some objects that can only be attacked with Regular Attack.
    • Fixed the issue where the relevant Charge skill wasn't applied to Blast if Paladin changed channels and only used Charge skill of one attribute.
    • Paladin's own skill effect will be transparent in some boss contents for Paladin's attack skill that activates on echoed party members with Paladin's Divine Echo.
    • Fixed the issue where Bishop's Shining Ray Boost Node skill icon appeared as the icon before it was changed.
    • Added Lv. 1 Big Bang to Bishop's Righteously Indignant as a prerequisite skill, and added the same defense reduction debuff as Big Bang when it's active and Angel Ray is used.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Avenging Angel's appearance was kept when Bishop's Righteously Indignant is made inactive and Angel of Balance is used at the same time.
    • Added a skill description to Marksman's Perfect Shot saying that damage can be inflicted on enemies with attack reflection and attack ignore for accuracy.
    • Fixed the issue where the next level would be displayed in the skill description of Ancient Astra when Pathfinder receives the Combat Orders effect.
    • Fixed the issue where Dual Blade was able to use Flying Assaulter several times in the air by using specific controls.
    • Fixed the issue where 2 cape effects appeared when Corsair goes down quickly after using Wings.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would close when Cannoneer jumps beyond the map's specified height in the Will Phase 1 boss battle using Cannon Jump.
    • Weapon Aura wave will be fired when the sword is swung, not when charging starts when Dawn Warrior begins charging Styx Crossing after using Weapon Aura.
    • Fixed the issue where Wind Archer's Howling Gale would not find enemies in the air and only on the platform.
    • Fixed the issue where ‘there is no Wind Energy’ system message was displayed when the hotkey is pressed after Wind Archer’s Howling Gale is placed on the hotkey and the Skill Node is removed even though the skill isn't there.
    • Evan can't mount a Dragon Mount while using a Mir skill.
    • Changed skill icon for Evan's Mana Burst III and Mana Burst IV.
    • Fixed the following skills exceeding the max attack speed when Mercedes is mounted on Sylvidia, however, the action delay will be reduced before Sylvidia is mounted.
      • Gust Dive
      • Unicorn Spike
      • Spikes Royale
      • Wrath of Enlil
    • Added information that lower job skills can be set to higher job slots in Phantom's Loadout description for accuracy.
    • Fixed the issue where Phantom was not able to use Arrow Blow, Arrow Bomb, and Flame Surge with Impeccable Memory.
    • Fixed the issue where Demon Slayer's Fury Unleashed had reduced additional fury absorption when attacking bosses if Max Fury is learned. Added a skill description saying that the additional Fury is absorbed when attacking bosses with Demon Lash for accuracy.
    • Fixed the issue where Demon Slayer's Max Fury was absorbing additional Fury when attacking regular monsters.
    • Added a skill description to Demon Avenger's Star Force Conversion saying that the increased Star Force from the guild skill ‘Amidst the Stars’ isn't applied for accuracy.
    • Fixed the issue where the bullets did not reload to max when Blaster uses Revolving Blast.
    • The time that Battle Mage's Weakening Aura applies to the enemy is now applied more precisely.
    • Added a sound effect to the regular attack of the summoned Jaguar with Wild Hunter's Summon Jaguar.
    • Fixed the issue where Mechanic's Support Unit: H-EX final damage increase effect did not apply to Evan's dragon skill.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the blinking effect continued to display on Kaiser's Morph Gauge UI.
    • Fixed the issue where mastery was not applying to Angelic Buster's Soul Buster.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Angelic Buster's Supreme Supernova effect appears as two to another character.
    • Fixed the issue where Zero was able to jump down a platform that can't be passed by using Burst Step.
    • Fixed the issue where Adele's Jaunt did not activate if it's used by jumping immediately after using Shardbreaker.
    • Increased the Aether amount that is increased when Adele uses Legacy Restoration from 40% to 52%, based on Lv. 25.
    • Ark's Vengeful Hate will not receive the cooldown reset effect.
    • Fixed the issue where if Hoyoung hangs on a rope or a ladder after using Nimbus Cloud, then Nimbus Cloud couldn't be used again.
    • Changed the damage increased on the enemy hit directly by Hoyoung's Humanity: As-You-Will Fan from 20% to 10% final damage, based on master level.
    • Fixed the issue where Hoyoung's Humanity: As-You-Will Fan activated while hanging if it's used at the same time Hoyoung hangs on a rope or a ladder.
    • Added a skill description to Hoyoung's Talisman: Warp Gate saying that ‘opening a new gate shares the movement and cooldown’ for accuracy.
    • Hoyoung's Sage: Dream of Shangri-La is canceled if you change maps while it's in use.
    • Fixed the issue where some continuous attacking skills didn't do any action upon use.
    • Fixed the issue where Big Bang debuff’s defense reduction was applied low while Combat Orders lasted for Bishop.
    • Fixed the issue where action delay would be reduced when Dual Blade uses specific controls to use Blade Ascension after using Flying Assaulter while jumping.
    • Fixed the issue where Light Speed activated a set time after casting when Luminous uses it while jumping with Equilibrium active.
    • Fixed the issue where Demon Slayer's additional fury absorption of Max Fury applied when defeating the enemy with a skill other than Demon Lash.
    • Overall improvements were made to the skill logic to fix the issue where an entered skill would fail to activate due to effects such as potion use, Auto Buff or Auto Feed for pets, and the activation of skills that do not affect character actions.
    • Fixed the issues where skill effects were visible to other characters unintentionally and certain skill effects appeared repeatedly or did not disappear.
    • The durations for Ultimate Explorer summon skills will now be displayed in the buff window.
    • Debuff effects applied to you from monster patterns will no longer be affected by skill effect transparency.
    • Fixed the issue where the incorrect cooldown time was shown in the buff window icon for the Genesis Weapon skill Tanadian Ruin.
    • The effect of party members echoing Paladin's Divine Echo will be affected by the skill effect transparency of Paladin and each respective party member.
    • Dark Knight's Hyper Body will now only affect yourself.
    • The skill description of Explorer Magician's Infinity was changed to say that it recovers a certain ratio of base HP and MP over time.
    • Fixed the issue where effects were displayed incorrectly when Bishop transforms while using Big Bang.
    • Fixed the issue where the cooldown appeared to be reset when the Combat Orders effect is applied to Bishop during Resurrection cooldown.
    • Bishop will now be able to use Erda Nova while Righteously Indignant is active.
    • Fixed the issue where Dual Blade's Self Haste and Speed Potions did not stack.
    • Fixed the issue where Dual Blade could not use Final Cut immediately after using Flying Assaulter.
    • The skill description of Buccaneer's Nautilus was changed to say that the additional hits and Lord of the Deep that's activated during its cooldown does not charge energy.
    • Fixed the issue where Cannoneer's Monkey was sometimes invisible.
    • The skill description of the Cannoneer's Monkey Wave buff was changed to say that it is unaffected by buff duration increase.
    • Fixed the issue where the effects of Enduring Spirit would be displayed incorrectly when Mihile's own skill effect transparency was adjusted.
    • Fixed the issue where equipping a one-handed sword would increase the casting delay of Dawn Warrior's Solar Pierce and Crescent Divide.
    • Fixed the issue where the attack range of Dawn Warrior's Styx Crossing was smaller when used after Rift of Damnation than when Rift of Damnation was not used.
    • Fixed the issue where Weapon Aura waves failed to activate when using Dawn Warrior's Styx Crossing while Rift of Damnation was active.
    • Fixed the issue where Dawn Warrior's Soul Eclipse activated Equinox Divide while under the effect of Falling Moon.
    • Blaze Wizard can no longer use Fires of Creation to resummon an incarnation while Savage Flame is active.
    • Fixed the issue where Thunder Breaker's Deeping Rising received damage when attacking enemies with attack reflection.
    • Reduced the casting delays for Evan's Wind Circle, Thunder Circle, and Earth Circle and increased their ranges to improve usability.
      • Wind Circle's attack count has been increased to 5 times from 2 times, while the damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced to 108% from 270%. The casting delay has been reduced by 15% compared to before.
      • Thunder Circle's attack range has been increased by 60%, while the casting delay has been reduced by 13%.
      • Dragon Dive's damage increase, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced to 62% points from 150% points for Wind Circle.
      • Earth Circle's damage, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced to 320% from 370%. The casting delay has been reduced by 26% compared to before.
      • Dragon Breath's damage increase, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced to 212% points from 660% points for Wind Circle and 150% points from 180% points for Thunder Circle.
    • Fixed the issue where Evan could not jump upwards when using Rune of Might while Mir skills are active.
    • Fixed the issue where Mercedes could not use Decent skills obtained from item Potential while mounted on Sylvidia.
    • Fixed the issue where the switch cooldown would not be applied when Phantom has stolen skills registered to 2 hotkeys.
    • Fixed the issue where Phantom's stolen Hurricane skill could not be used after using the Rune of Ignition.
    • Fixed the issue where Dark Sight would be deactivated when used by Phantom immediately after using Phantom's Mark.
    • Fixed the issue where skill ending SFX would play when Shade moved maps or channels after using Spirit Bond Max.
    • Demon Avenger's Demonic Frenzy will now continue creating the blood of demons even when HP has dropped to 1% of max HP or lower.
    • Fixed the issue where Demon Avenger could not obtain certain items while Demonic Blast is charging.
    • Fixed the issue where Blaster's Revolving Cannon skill was applied with normal SFX instead of a skill SFX.
    • Blaster's Ballistic Hurricane pull range has been increased by 80% compared to before.
    • Fixed the issue where Battle Mage's Draining Aura was not applied to party members.
    • Fixed the issue where Battle Mage's Blue Aura - Dispel Magic was applied only once when casted, and its hit damage reduction effect was only applied to yourself.
    • If Wild Hunter summons a monster using Call of the Hunter while on top of Gloom's tentacles and the tentacles disappear, then the monster disappears as well.
    • Fixed the issue where Xenon could use Omega Blaster while transformed.
    • Fixed the issue where the boosters did not recover upon landing if Mechanic activated Jet Boosters while jumping downwards.
    • The MP cost of Mechanic's Heavy Salvo, based on when the skill is mastered, has been reduced to 20 from 35, and the issue where it only entered the combat state upon landing the first attack has been fixed.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill would be canceled if Mechanic used Giant Robot SG-88 after a basic attack while in a Tank Mech state.
    • Fixed the issue where Kaiser, after using Dragon Barrage while aimed to the left, would be facing the right.
    • Fixed the issue where the screen moved up and down if Cadena moved to a different space after using Chain Arts: Pursuit on the ground in Will Phase 1.
    • The skill description of Angelic Buster's Soul Seeker Expert was changed to say that it is not activated by summon skills.
    • Fixed the issue where characters in standby did not seem to recover TF after being tagged by Zero.
    • Fixed the issue where an Insufficient MP message was displayed if a pet used Rhinne's Protection while Zero had insufficient TF.
    • Fixed the issue where Adele's Resonance Rush, Hunting Decree, Noble Summons, and Aether Bloom were unable to deal damage to Ursus.
    • Fixed the issue where Adele could not use Aether Guard when hit with Slow in Magnus.
    • Fixed the issue where reaction skills only activated 1 time if Illium's Crystal and Crystalline Spirit were in the same location.
    • Fixed the issue where the cooldown for Ark's Vengeful Hate was applied to every attack.
    • Fixed the issue where Hoyoung, after using Sage: Wrath of Gods, could use Advent of Gods while hanging on a rope or a ladder.
    • Fixed the issue where pets would not use their registered buffs when a character used a skill.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Teleport skills could not be used when pets used their registered buffs.
    • Fixed the issue where Bishop could not use Big Bang while crouching.
    • Fixed the issue where Blaster would temporarily not allow other skills to charge after using an attack skill.
    • A notification message will now be displayed when attempting to use a movement skill on a map where movement skills are disabled.
    • Fixed the issue with Empress's Prayer where the effect allowing you to attack high-level monsters was not applied.
    • When platforms disappear in certain boss maps, certain installations placed on those platforms will now disappear as well.
    • Fixed the issue where certain continuous attack skills could still be used while hanging. This applies to the following skills:
      • Paladin's Hammers of the Righteous
      • Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)'s Inferno Aura
      • Shadower's Shadow Veil
      • Buccaneer's Lord of the Deep
      • Demon Slayer's Dark Metamorphosis
      • Demon Avenger's Dimensional Sword
      • Xenon's Core Overload
      • Angelic Buster's Supreme Supernova
    • In Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting, the background will no longer change when a skill that changes the background is used.
    • Fixed the issue with Pathfinder's Raven Tempest, the Cygnus common skill Phalanx Charge, and Demon Avenger's Bat Swarm where using these skills to change direction while falling off a platform would make you unable to move.
    • Fixed the issue where the Final Damage increase from Dawn Warrior's True Sight and Battle Mage's Weakening Aura - Elemental Decrease would not stack.
    • Fixed the issue where Explorer Warriors were unable to use Upper Charge via commands while confused.
    • Fixed the issue where Heroes were able to use attack skills to hit objects that were supposed to only be hit by regular attacks.
    • Fixed the issue where the effects for the Hero's combo attacks would still be visible when hit with certain attack patterns in Ursus even when the effects were turned off.
    • Fixed the issue where the effects for a different job were shown at the end of Paladin's Elemental Charge.
    • Fixed the issue where Bishop could teleport during Angel Ray even if Righteously Indignant was not active.
    • Fixed the issue where Last Man Standing was not applied to Marksman's Surge Bolt.
    • Fixed the issue where Pathfinder's Triple Impact and Nova Blast were sometimes fired in the opposite direction.
    • Pathfinder will no longer be able to use Awakened Relic if not equipped with a secondary weapon.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would sometimes crash when Pathfinder used Nova Blast.
    • Fixed the issue where Night Lord's Frailty Curse was not affected by the skill effect transparency level.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill icon for Shadower's Meso Explosion appeared differently in the combat analysis system.
    • Fixed the issue where Buccaneer's eyes would appear separately after moving maps while riding the Super Transformation Mount
    • Fixed the issue where Buccaneer was unable to use Advanced Dash in maps that only allow the use of movement skills.
    • The skill description of Buccaneer's Dragon Strike was changed to say that the Final Damage increase applies only to yourself.
    • Fixed the issue where Buccaneer's hair appeared to be missing if Buccaneer died immediately after using Meltdown.
    • Dawn Warrior's Falling Moon, Rising Sun, and Equinox Cycle will now end if you ride a mount.
    • Fixed the issue where Dawn Warrior could charge Styx Crossing while hanging on a rope or a ladder.
    • Fixed the issue where Blaze Wizard did not enter the combat state upon Orbital Inferno's return attack or when Savage Flame's Fire Lion was activated.
    • Wind Archer's Emerald Flower will no longer be affected by Buff Freezer.
    • Fixed the issue where Blaze Wizard was able to use Savage Flame while hanging on a rope or a ladder.
    • Fixed the issue where Wind Archer's Spiraling Vortex would appear abnormally to other characters.
    • Fixed the issue where Night Walker's action delay would be applied abnormally if Shadow Dodge was in cooldown then used again during another skill.
    • Fixed the issue where Night Walker would perform the casting action for Dark Omen but fail to activate it if you attempted to use Dark Omen after certain skills.
    • Fixed the issue with Aran's High Defense where the hit damage reduction effect was not applied.
    • Fixed the issue where a flame barrier was created in mid-air when Evan used Support Jump during Dragon Breath.
    • Fixed the issue where Mercedes was unable to use Hero's Echo while using Sylvidia's Flight.
    • Fixed the issue where Phantom's Judgment Draw would activate automatically if the map was changed after Judgment Draw is at max stacks.
    • Fixed the issue where some of Shade's Fox Spirits would not regenerate if too many were created initially.
    • Now, when a Spirit Guardian is summoned by Shade's Spirit Bond Max, only Shade's own attack skills will drop liver.
    • Fixed the issue where the equipping and unequipping effects for secondary weapons were displayed when using certain Luminous skills.
    • Fixed the issue where Demon Avenger's exclusive UI appeared to be missing if the resolution was changed.
    • Fixed the issue where damage was not applied if the down key was pressed after Blaster used Bullet Blast to charge forward.
    • The skill description for Wild Hunter's Jaguar Rampage was changed to say that its damage is 1% per level.
    • Fixed the issue where Mechanic was unable to use regular attacks after using Giant Robot SG-88 after a basic attack while in a Tank Mech state.
    • Fixed the issue where Xenon was able to use skills that are supposed to be unusable during Liberty Boosters.
    • Fixed the issue where the cooldown for Kaiser's Draco Surge was not displayed in the buff window.
    • Fixed the issue where Angelic Buster was able to switch equipment during Soul Seeker.
    • The hit buff icon for Angelic Buster's Trinity has been changed to the same image as Trinity.
    • Fixed the issue where Kinesis's Kinetic Jaunt would sometimes end faster than its stated duration.
    • Fixed the issue where Kinesis's Kinetic Jaunt consumed PP abnormally when used in the Torrent Zone.
    • If Adele is inflicted with an abnormal status such as Stun after activating Noble Summons or Aether Bloom, the damage will still apply.
    • The action delay for Illium's Radiant Javelin and Radiant Orb when used by themselves was reduced by 24% compared to before.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would crash if Illium repeatedly teleported while using Crystal Skill - Wings of Glory.
    • Fixed the issue where Ark was unable to advance forward if Mystic Leap or Instinctual Leap was used immediately after a charge skill.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would sometimes crash if Hoyoung used Graceful Flight after registering it to a hotkey.
    • Fixed the issue where Hoyong was unable to use True skills while confused.
    • Fixed the issue where activating an on/off skill by mashing would cause the skill to end immediately.
    • Fixed the issue where the Dark Tornado effect would still remain after the abnormal status had ended if you were hit with Cygnus's Dark Tornado while using key-down skills.
    • Fixed the issue where skill effect transparency was not applied to the illusion arrows activated by Bow Master's Optical Illusion.
    • Fixed the issue where Phantom was able to acquire the Master Thief Mark needed for Phantom's Mark just by using a cane skill even if it doesn't hit the target.
    • Fixed the issue where the direction Kinesis is facing would become fixed upon using Kinetic Jaunt.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not drag skills in the skill window while dead.
    • Fixed the issue where moving maps after using Bow Master's Optical Illusion would reset the illusion creation cycle.
    • The effects for Bow Master's Optical Illusion will no longer be visible on chairs, mounts, or during transformation.
    • Fixed the issue where Night Lord's Blasting Throw would explode in a location other than where certain enemies were positioned.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the page dot display appeared in some V Matrix slots.
    • Fixed the issue where if V Matrix slots was unlocked by spending mesos prior to hitting the level restriction, that number of following slots were automatically unlocked upon level up even without hitting the level requirement or spending mesos to unlock those slots. Please note that the slots erroneously unlocked in this way will now become locked and must be opened by hitting the level requirement or spending mesos.
    • Jobs that use Magic ATT will have a magic damage formula applied to regular attack.
    • Fixed the issue where ‘miss’ would be displayed from some attacks when invincibility skill is used.
    • Fixed the issue where the debuff effect applied on the character is affected by the skill effect transparency in some maps.
    • Final Attack skills only attack enemies that were attacked by skills that activate Final Attack.
    • Fixed the issue where effects that cover the entire screen in beta resolution, such as Legion Raid with zoomed out map, did not display properly. The following are the relevant skills:
      • Hero's Worldreaver
      • Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)'s Ice Age
      • Pathfinder's Nova Blast
      • Corsair's Nautilus, Target Lock
      • Cannoneer's Nautilus
      • Dawn Warrior's Soul Eclipse
      • Blaze Wizard's Cataclysm
      • Wind Archer's Monsoon
      • Night Walker's Dominion
      • Thunder Breaker's Deep Rising
      • Luminous's Armageddon
      • Blaster's Gatling Punch
      • Wild Hunter's Primal Fury
      • Cadena's Chain Arts: Void Strike
      • Angelic Buster's Sparkle Burst
      • Zero's Shadow Rain and Chrono Break
      • Kinesis's Mental Tempest
      • Adele's Infinity Blade
      • Ark's Abyssal Recall
    • Fixed the issue where protective-shield-type skills placed on the map did not apply even to yourself, unless you were in a party. The following are the relevant skills:
      • Pathfinder's Obsidian Barrier
      • Shadower's Smokescreen
      • Battle Mage's Party Shield
    • Fixed the issue where if you mashed Double Jump immediately after moving maps, you moved to the direction of where the character was before, regardless of the directional key input.
    • Fixed the issue where the effect did not disappear if you turned off aura skills while you had multiple aura-type skills applied due to party members.
    • Fixed the issue where the debuff was still applied but the effects did not show, if you used some debuff skills on monsters, moved maps, and returned.
    • Fixed the issue where the Abnormal Status did not apply, if you were hit with Cygnus' Dark Tornado while using some key-down skills.
    • In Morass' Abandoned Area, the background will no longer change with skills that change the background.
    • Fixed the issue where the flight did not end when you moved maps while using certain flying skills.
    • Fixed the issue where if you used a skill that applies the stun abnormal status to some monsters in Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting, you could not hit the monster while it's stunned.
    • The block activation for Mihile's Royal Guard and Adele's Aether Guard will be applied slightly more accurately.
    • Explorer Warrior's Blitz Shield will now be detonated only when the skill is used again.
    • Fixed the issue where Burning Soul Blade disappeared but still showed on the buff window if Hero used Burning Soul Blade, moved to a map where skills can't be used, and then moved channels.
    • Hero's Worldreaver screen effect will no longer show to other characters.
    • Fixed the issue where you were moved by Lotus' gravity reverse pattern while Dark Knight's Final Pact was activated.
    • Fixed the issue where if you took normal damage after Bishop used Holy Magic Shell, it seemed as if the block count was not reduced.
    • Fixed the issue where if Bishop used Angel Ray at the same time as jumping, it looked like the skill was activated.
    • Shadower's Into Darkness can no longer be used while hanging onto something.
    • The additional attack that activates during the cooldown of Buccaneer's Nautilus Strike will now activate at a 100% chance regardless of the skill level.
    • Fixed the issue where Mihile's Sword of Light effect would remain in the location it was used.
    • Fixed the issue where Dawn Warrior's Styx Crossing effect would sometimes remain.
    • Fixed the issue where Wind Archer's Storm Bringer was not affected by Skill Effect Transparency.
    • Fixed the issue where if Night Walker used Dominion and changed the resolution afterwards, the background effect did not display at times.
    • Fixed the issue where the attack range of Thunder Breaker's Lightning God Spear Strike changed based on the character moving.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes damage did not apply for Aran's regular attacks.
    • Changed the effect that shows on the enemy targeted after using Aran's Finisher - Hunter's Prey.
    • Fixed the issue for Aran where the afterimage from Swing Studies did not activate with Maha's Carnage.
    • Fixed the issue where Evan's Return Flame was activated where Mir was instead of Evan's location. If used in air, it will be activated on a platform near Evan.
    • Fixed the issue where if Evan used Blessing of the Onyx while on a chair or mount, the effects were visible to other characters.
    • Shade's Soul Splitter will no longer separate Arcanus, which appears in Sharenian Culvert, and have Final Damage increased.
    • Fixed the issue where the damage increase for Final Attack type skills did not apply to the additional hit triggered from Blaster's Revolving Cannon Mastery.
    • For Blaster's Gatling Punch, the battering effect will now display starting from the time the actual attack activates.
    • If the skill is canceled during the preparation motions of Blaster's Bullet Blast, the invincibility will also be canceled.
    • Fixed the issue where you could cancel the Blaster’s rush attack in Bullet Blast with a Charge Skill.
    • Among Wild Hunter's Call of the Wild features, changed effects that apply only to self, such as reduced damage taken, increased Max MP, and bonus Avoidability, as passive features.
    • Fixed the issue where the Jaguar went through the action 2 times if Wild Hunter used Silent Rampage while mounted on a Jaguar.
    • Fixed the issue where Wild Hunter could not use Jaguar skills for a certain time if Wild Hunter used Jaguar Storm without summoning a Jaguar and then used a Jaguar skill afterwards.
    • Fixed the issue where Mechanic could use Full Metal Barrage in the air.
    • Fixed the issue where the effects did not apply if you used the all-Nova skill, Blessing of Grandis, and then moved channels afterwards.
    • Fixed the issue where Kaiser, if using Teleport immediately after jumping downward in Final Form, could not move to a platform.
    • Fixed the issue where if Cadena used Chain Arts: Void Strike and then changed resolutions, the background effects would not display at times.
    • Fixed the issue where if Angelic Buster moved maps while using Soul Resonance, the cooldown did not apply and the Knockback Resistance and damage reduction effects applied for a certain time.
    • Added Affinity Heart IV Lv. 30 as a prerequisite skill for Angelic Buster's Pretty Exaltation.
    • Fixed the issue where the duration sometimes increased if Adele moved far and returned after using Reign of Destruction.
    • Fixed the issue where Ark sometimes did not hover in the air when using Abyssal Recall.
    • Fixed the issue where Ark could apply cast buffs to party members with Charge Spell Amplifier in Black Mage Phase 4.
    • Fixed the issue where if you used a portal after using Ring of Restraint, the created area did not disappear.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill effect transparency did not apply to some skill effects that cover the screen.
    • Fixed the issue where the effect for some skills, which pull in monsters located above or below the character, did not apply.
    • Fixed the issue where skills did not link if you assigned the hotkey to Ctrl or Alt on the right side of the keyboard.
    • Fixed the issue where some skill effects for Kinesis displayed awkwardly in certain resolutions.
    Quest Improvements

    • Fixed the issue where an incorrect location of the Modded Laseroids would be displayed in the Haven weekly quest.
    • Fixed the issue where Kinesis could start the Riena Strait quests from Lv. 50.
    • Fixed the issue where Illium could not move through portals even after eliminating all of the mobs during the 'Statue Remodeling' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where Bappy and Muppy's images have been switched in some of the quest dialogues for Yum Yum Island.
    • Role lengths have generally been shortened in Yum Yum Island.
    • Fixed the issue where characters could go outside of the screen on Somewhere in Illiard Field in Yum Yum Island.
    • Fixed the issue where mushrooms floated in air in the background in Yum Yum Island's Fungos Forest.
    • Certain system guide quests have been removed and the content for Maple Guide missions has been supplemented.
    • Fixed the issue where the navigation was not operating normally in the Gold Beach Resort.
    • Certain landscapes in the Swamp Region: Deep Mire map have been modified.
    • Fixed the issue with ‘Heliseum's Securing the Front Lines’ quest where completing Stage 1 would sometimes move you to Spinel's Forest.
    • Fixed the issue where certain backgrounds in the Crack in Time map looked awkward.
    • Mystic Door can no longer be used in the Sorcerer's Room in the Temple of Time.
    • Fixed the issue where the location of friends carrying out Omega Sector story quests would be displayed awkwardly.
    • Fixed the issue with Heroes of Maple where Mercedes would flicker in the World Tree Top map.
    • Adjusted the location of the Rock Spirits that spawn on the 1st Floor of Spirit Savior.
    • Mini-games and chairs can no longer be used in Muto's Descent.
    • Fixed the issue with Yum Yum Island where Mystic Door would spawn in inaccessible locations.
    • Chairs, pets, and Androids can no longer be used and the skills of other characters will no longer be visible at the Guild Base and the Sharenian Culvert Entrance map.
    • Pets of other characters will no longer be visible in the Ursus and Sharenian Culvert battle maps.
    • Fixed the issue with Moon Bunny's Rice Cake where the EXP obtained would sometimes be decreased.
    • Fixed the issue with Tower of Oz 21st Floor where the background would sometimes look awkward.
    • Parts of the dungeon map for Ludibrium Clocktower Lower Floor in Mirror World have been modified.
    • Fixed the issue where the Lv. 100 Maple Guide mission could not be completed by Zero, even with Lv. 30 skills.
    • Fixed the issue where the camera P.O.V. would intermittently become fixed at Hideout HQ after the Kinesis exclusive ‘Sinkhole Sunk’ quest.
    • The ‘How to Stuff Your Face’ quest can no longer be forfeited.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not jump at the entrances to Kerning City and Naora Hospital.
    • Fixed the issue where the acquisition location of the Deep Sea Dust needed to complete the Carta the Witch quest was stated incorrectly in the quest progression info.
    • Fixed the issue where other players were not visible in the Grand Athenaeum episode 2 ‘Fertile Millennium Ginseng Field.’
    • Fixed the issue where the party quest-exclusive Reindeer Milk could be obtained while progressing through Black Heaven.
    • Fixed the issue where the backgrounds of certain floors of the Orbis Tower looked awkward.
    • Party members can now be kicked out of Deep Inside the Clocktower.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Orchid's Mindscape 2 could not be progressed through normally.
    • Fixed the issue where if you fell from Black Heaven Deck 1 to a specific location, you were sometimes moved to Black Heaven Deck 1 instead of Skyline 2.
    • Teleport items can now be used in certain areas of Stone Colossus upon completing the quests in those areas.
    • Fixed the issue where monster summoning would sometimes be delayed on the 3rd Floor of Nightmare Clocktower and the Labyrinth of Suffering Core 5 and 7.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not sit in Cube Chairs in Arcana Deep in the Woods.
    • Fixed the issue where background images in Limina's End of the World 1-1 were cut off.
    • The Explorers, Aran, Mercedes, Evan, Phantom, Luminous, Shade, Ark, and Illium emblem redistribution quests have been changed so they are now completed by talking to the NPC again or using the lightbulb notifier on the left side of the screen instead of being completed automatically upon acceptance of the quest.
    • The 4th Job Skill guide quest will no longer be available after the Explorer 2nd Job Advancement.
    • Fixed the issue where Dual Blade was unable to start exclusive quests if Open Advancement had been used to move to a different job.
    • Cadena's emblem redistribution quest can now be completed through the lightbulb notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Fixed the issue where Adele could not do the ‘Where is Jerome?’ quest under certain conditions.
    • Changed some contents of Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting.
      • Guard the Castle Gates: Decreased the number of directions where monsters appear from. It will now be two and the monster will spawn from both directions.
      • Midnight Hunt: Obstacles will no longer appear, jumping has been removed, and increased the EXP obtained.
    • Fixed the issue where the starting quest of Maple Achievements couldn't be done.
    • Snowman that appears in Sharp Cliff 3 won't summon Jr. Yeti.
    • Fixed the issue where Burning Field effect wasn't applied to The Restoring Memory map.
    • Fixed the issue where the Spore Hill map had an invisible platform.
    • Fixed the issue where you couldn't go up some buildings in Kerning City.
    • Fixed the issue where Legion and Auction House couldn't be used in Golden Temple.
    • Fixed the issue where you could get stuck in a certain map in Leafre.
    • Fixed the issue where client closes when Elite Champion appears in Aqua Road region.
    • Fixed the issue where some parts of the background in ‘Temple of Time Corridor 2’ are cut off.
    • Fixed the issue where you couldn't move down properly in a certain map in Twilight Perion's Rough Canyon.
    • You cannot use Return Scroll - Nearest Town or move to Ardentmill through the Profession UI in Entrance to Chaos Zakum Altar.
    • Fixed the issue where a different location was displayed for ‘[Weekly Quest] Scrapyard: Deliver Blue Antenna Piece.’
    • Fixed the issue where Kaiser's wings displayed awkwardly in Torrent Zone.
    • Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting portal and Inferno Wolf portal won't appear in some regions in Sanctuary, Verdel, and Savage Terminal.
    • Fixed the issue where cutscene sometimes cuts off in The Demon tutorial map ‘Black Mage's Main Corridor 1.’
    • Fixed the issue where the wall image of Hidden M Tower in Reverse City displayed abnormally.
    • The Explorer class character creation window illustration has been changed.
    • With the exception of movement skills, skill use in the OX Quiz map of FriendStory Act 5 is now restricted.
    • Fixed the issue with the Entrance to Orbis Tower map where characters would get stuck on the statue's right wing.
    • Fixed the issue with Guardian Room 1 of the Golden Temple where Monster Life monsters would be summoned beneath the floor.
    • Fixed the issue with the Ereve Conference Pavillion where the character's name would be obscured by the floor.
    • Fixed the issue where the location of friends carrying out Omega Sector story quests would appear as null.
    • Fixed the issue where Shadow Flash could be used with a Beat in Ghost Park's Ranked Mode.
    • Fixed the issue with the Xerxes in Chryse party quest map where a tunnel meant to only be passable by crawling could be walked through in certain situations.
    • Fixed the issue with certain NPC escort content where NPCs would freeze in place if the party leader ended the game while the NPC was on a ladder.
    • Fixed the issue where the stat UI would be displayed during tutorial cutscenes for Angelic Buster.
    • Fixed the issue where players who had not completed the prerequisite quests would get stuck in the exit map when entering Von Leon through Boss Matchmaking.
    • Fixed the issue where dialogue would close without displaying a warning message to empty the inventory if you accepted a quest that gives an item while your Etc tab is full.
    • Fixed the issue with the Zero tutorial where the dialogue window UI would be displayed awkwardly.
    • Fixed the issue where the Surprise Mission UI would disappear when reconnecting during a Surprise Mission.
    • The number of consecutive attacks from Mutant Ribbon Pig has been reduced.
    • Fixed the issue where the Root Abyss Gnarled Wooden Key quest could be accepted without any empty slots in your Etc tab.
    • Certain landscapes on the 8th and 21st Floors of the Tower of Oz have been modified.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not travel normally when teleporting downwards from the very bottom of Fox Tree Halfway 1, Fox Tree Halfway 2, or Fox Tree Halfway 3.
    • Certain ropes in That Day in Trueffet 2 and 3 have been lengthened.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not freely move to certain areas when using Hoyoung's Nimbus Cloud and Illium's Crystal Portal skills in That Day in Trueffet 3.
    • The transparent platform in Utah's House Front Yard was removed.
    • Fixed the issue where if a character died during a story cutscene, the cutscene would not end.
    • Fixed the issue where the HP gauges of party members appeared to be missing following the end of a quest cutscene.
    • Fixed the issue where harvesting/mining items would sometimes spawn in abnormal locations in the Korean Folk Town Haunted House map.
    • Fixed the issue where rewards that are not actually given for ‘The Clock Workers' Batteries’ quest were shown in the info window.
    • Fixed the issue with Flag Race where it was possible to move through walls in certain landscapes.
    • Fixed the issue with Room of Trials 1 of the Golden Temple where Monster Life monsters, etc. would be summoned beneath the floor.
    • Skills can no longer be used in the Maple Horizon Rim, Grandis Horizon Rim, or the Tynerum Horizon Rim.
    • Fixed the issue where portal icons would not appear in the Reverse City Subway Tunnel Mini Map.
    • Fixed the issue where attempting to use a chair that cannot be used in the Outpost would cause the chair image to appear abnormally to other characters.
    • Characters of other jobs will no longer be able to use the ‘On My Way’ or ‘Teleport Rock’ skills to enter the Luminous exclusive Magic Library map.
    • Fixed the issue where the screen would switch when using the connecting portal between the Path to the Coral Forest 5 and Trueffet Square.
    • You can no longer perform enhancements, including Scroll and Star Force enhancements, in cutscene maps that are only shown to you.
    • Changed so that the ‘Chiefs of El Nath’ quest progressed by Explorer Pirate is now displayed in the quest information window.
    • Fixed the issue where you could go outside the castle walls from the Second Tower and the Fourth Tower in Lion King's Castle.
    • Fixed the issue where the Conveyor Belt in Black Heaven Hold's Entry Path 2 moved in a different direction than marked.
    • Fixed the issue where the tree image looked cut off in Fox Tree Outcrop.
    • If you go into the water of Torrent Zone after using a Transformation Potion, your transformation will now be removed.
    • Fixed the issue where Lachelein's Hideout map was displayed as a town on the World Map.
    • Fixed the issue where the Clear effect displayed even when you did not defeat all monsters, while progressing through the ‘Heliseum Reclamation HQ in Danger’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not complete the Reward Point quests after defeating bosses.
    • Changed so that Ritaya's Camera, which is required to progress through the ‘[Golden Temple] The Last Tourist’ quest, can only be obtained from quest monsters.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not progress if you forfeited and re-accepted the ‘Know Your Enemy’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the tree image looked cut off in Mirror World, Bear Territory 4.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not properly progress through Zero character's ‘Hidden Skill’ quest in certain situations.
    • You can now enhance equipment in Zero's Temple.
    Item Improvements

    • Fixed the issue where when an equipment item to be transferred is changed to a specific equipment while using the Transfer Hammer, it would not get transferred.
    • When using the Chaos Scroll, the changed stat will now be displayed on the chat window.
    • Fixed the issue where the appearances of the Rising Sun Earrings and Crescent Moon Earrings were the same.
    • Fixed the issue where Lv. 60 - 130 monsters dropped weapons that are 10 levels lower than the appropriate level when dropping weapons for Pathfinder, Blaster, Cadena, Adele, Illium, Kinesis, and Hoyoung.
    • Fixed the issue where numbers above 10k would not be displayed properly on the Hall of the Maple Warriors chair.
    • Fixed the issue where untradeable equipment with Potential would momentarily remain on the map after being discarded.
    • Stats that have been reduced by a Chaos Scroll will now be shown in the equipment tooltip.
    • Fixed the issue where the Generator Mark Remover guide message would display illegible text.
    • Fixed the issue where there were awkward parts in Goldie pet's speech bubbles.
    • Fixed the issues with the Shooting Stars Cape where the cape images would be frozen and their positioning was awkward for certain motions.
    • Fixed the issue where certain pet equipment could be equipped by pets other than the designated pet.
    • The Forked Pork and Mini Celestial Wand can now be equipped to the Lucent Gauntlet and Chain.
    • Fixed the issue where the images for the Android Ear Sensor and earrings would appear to be missing when equipped with the Wacky Olympus Wig or the Goin' Nuclear Wig.
    • Fixed the issue where images would move awkwardly if a character with a Cropped Bob or Foggy Snowlit Hair used an attack while crouching.
    • Fixed the issue where the Permanent Evan Emoticon would be marked as durational if it was dragged and dropped in the item window.
    • The system message that is displayed upon obtaining cash items will now display the individual quantity of items within a bundle.
    • You can now use another Atmospheric Effect 2 seconds after using any Atmospheric Effect, including cash Atmospheric Effects.
    • The cooldown for crafting the Shining Dragon Rod has been removed.
    • Updated the images for the male and female Noblesse Faces to display normally while blinking.
    • Fixed the issue where the images for Demon Avenger's job medals looked awkward.
    • Zero will no longer be able to enter certain content with the Zero exclusive Weapon Enhancement UI open.
    • Zero can no longer use the Zero exclusive Weapon Enhancement UI in Inferno Wolf.
    • Zero will only be able to perform weapon growth while in town.
    • The logic to trade Zero's Genesis Weapons has been changed.
      • Excluding bonus stats, the weapon will have 22 stars and Unique Potential regardless of the previous weapon's stats.
      • If you are trading for a Genesis Weapon, the Weapon Growth button can be used to swap the weapon prior to the trade and equip the Genesis Weapon. After trading, you cannot trade again for 10 minutes.
    • The logic to unleash Zero's Genesis Weapons has been changed.
      • Since a different growth method applies to Zero's Genesis Weapon than to Lapis/Lazuli, its name has been changed from Lapis Type 10/Lazuli Type 10 to Genesis Lapis/Genesis Lazuli.
      • Zero can transfer Potential and Bonus Potential upon liberating Genesis Lapis/Genesis Lazuli for the first time.
      • When you unleash a weapon for the first time, you can choose to select all or just one of the "previous weapon's Potential or Bonus Potential." The options for the unselected will be set at random. The Potential rank is Unique while the Bonus Potential rank is Epic.
      • The previous weapon's bonus stats will be transferred and you will not have the option of transferring or not transferring like before.
      • Regardless of the previous weapon's stats, scroll enhancements cannot be transferred and Star Force is fixed at 22 stars like before.
      • The Weapon Growth button can be used to switch between the previous weapons and the Genesis Lapis/Genesis Lazuli. Once the weapons are switched, there is a 10 minute cooldown like before.
      • With the exception of resetting bonus stats/Potential/Bonus Potential, using Soul Enchanter, or equipping Souls, Genesis Lapis/Genesis Lazuli cannot be enhanced in any way like before.
    • When 2 pieces of the same equipment with set effects are equipped, only 1 set effect will be applied.
    • Fixed the issue where the text for the Aether Star and Pinnacle Star medals were skewed to the right.
    • Fixed the issue where force closing the client without selecting the stats after using enhancement items such as Black Cube or Black Rebirth Flame and logging in again will have the stats selection window covered by the Sunny Sunday pop-up.
    • Image of some cash items have changed.
      • Fixed the issue where some of the rope motions of Hoi Poi T-shirt were awkward.
      • Fixed the issue where the Magic Heart Stick weapon couldn't be equipped by Cadena, Illium, and Pathfinder.
      • Fixed the issue where some images were awkward upon equipping Orchid Light Dana.
      • Fixed the issue where some images were awkward upon equipping Orchid Light Hanga.
    • Fixed the issue where the image wasn't normal upon using Obnoxious-Display-of-Wealth Chair.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the cooldown of Hyper Megaphone is calculated incorrectly.
    • Fixed the issue where message appeared abnormally when Platinum Scissors of Karma is used while Dark Sight is active.
    • The guide text for the ‘Increases All Skill Levels’ effect among the Potentials will be changed for easy understanding.
    • Fixed the issue where the first number of a critical damage for the Singapore Night Damage Skin was reversed if it was 8 or 9.
    • Fixed the issue where the wrong information that inventory lacks space was provided when requesting to exchange for Seven Days Badge with Days Badge that used Item Guard.
    • Fixed the issue where snow effect appears in the air when using some skills while hanging on a rope or a ladder with T-Boy's Monitor equipped.
    • Maroon located in Pantheon sells Final Form Main/Sub Color Change Coupon and Color Reset Coupon.
    • Fixed the issue where the character's weapon appeared when sitting on the Mu Lung Dojo Conquer Chair at a specific time.
    • Added equipment type to the pet equipment tooltip.
    • Fixed the issue where only one item could be added to be excluded from the Ignore Item Skill if the names were the same.
    • Added item info that is locked in the Item Guard description.
    • Fixed the issue where an abnormal pop-up window appeared when selecting certain maps on the World Map while mounted on the Thunder Horse Mount.
    • Fixed the issue where the character displayed awkwardly upon death when mounted on the Bouncy Orange Mushroom Mount.
    • Changed the name of Red Bohemian Hair to Bleached Red Bohemian Hair.
    • Fixed the issue where the equipped image looks awkward when Zero uses a certain skill while on a chair.
    • Fixed the issue where some Star Force wasn't applied properly when using the Starglow Chair.
    • Changed the motion of certain cash items.
      • Fixed the issue where some motion images were missing for Elven Spirit Coat (M), Dark Force Suit (M), Splash Choco Boy, Moonlight Costume, Elven Spirit Coat (F), Dark Force Suit (F), Splash Choco Girl, Moonlight Outfit, Ribbon Angel Uniform, Chocoram Doll Outfit, Puffram Onesie, Yellow Oversized Anorak, Butterfly Shoes, Candy Darling (M), and Jailbird Uniform.
      • Fixed the issue where some images of the Necromancer Warrior suit motion were awkward.
      • Fixed the issue with the wrong ladder/rope motion image for the Snow King hat.
      • Fixed the issue with the awkward position of the walking image for Strawberry Milk Dress.
      • Fixed the issue with Sprout's Leaf and Misty's Cloud being lopsided from standing motion.
    • The Buff Freezer use confirmation window will no longer be closed by pressing the Esc key.
    • Fixed the issue where glove images were missing from certain motions for Zakum's Rock Fist.
    • Images for certain cash items have been modified.
      • Fixed the issue where the images of certain motions for Moonlight Serenade (M) and White Proposal (M) were not being displayed.
      • Fixed the issue where equipping Candy Cloud while equipped with a gun would make it look like Magic Crest.
      • Updated Baby Binkie and Super Sucker so they can be displayed in emotes other than Bleh, Queasy, Dragon Breath, and Smooch.
      • Fixed the issue where certain motions for Noble Lady's Black Fan were awkward.
      • Fixed the issue where the character's fists would appear over the weapon in certain motions for Rabbit in a Hat and New Rabbit in a Hat.
      • Fixed the issue where one ear would be obscured by the umbrella weapon when the Sweet Wiggly Ears hat was equipped.
      • Changed the text color of the Grape Name Tag/Chat Ring to be identical to the tooltip preview shown when hovering the mouse over the items.
      • Fixed the awkward image positioning in the ladder/rope motions for Orchid's Black Wing Uniform and Lotus's Black Wings Uniform.
      • Fixed the issue where the images were missing from certain motions for Aurora Angel.
    • The names for Shaved Ice Hair colors have been changed to [Color + Shaved Ice Hair].
    • Fixed the issue where there was a typo in the name of Blue Alicia Hair.
    • The ATT increase will no longer be shown in the Arcane Symbol tooltip.
    • Fixed the issue where the eyes of T-Boy's Monitor were not visible in the Shop.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the body would not be visible when equipping another chair after the Sage of 17 Billion Mesos Chair was equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where getting hit by a monster attack while riding the Wriggling Mount would create awkward motions.
    • Fixed the issue where using the Custom Mix Dye Coupon would sometimes cause the client to close.
    • Fixed the issue where Charm could be obtained more than once from cash items with a 1-time only Charm limit.
    • Fixed the issue where the stats for enhanced pet equipment would sometimes revert to pre-enhancement stats.
    • Fixed the issue where untradeable cash items could sometimes be traded.
      • Cash items that were considered to be untradeable after transaction yet could still be traded were all converted to be untradeable.
    • Fixed the issue where moving channels while the Pendant of the Spirit was equipped would make the buff icon on the top-right disappear.
    • Fixed the issue where the buff icon on the top-right still remained even after unequipping the Pendant of the Spirit.
    • Fixed the issue where a title would be forcibly equipped even if it was not equipped originally.
    • You can no longer equip normal equipment after it has been moved from your inventory to the Cash tab.
    • Fixed the issue where the Maple Idol medal would appear awkwardly.
    • You can now select either the Decoration tab or the Equipment tap in the inventory when using Pet Equip Enhancement Scrolls.
    • Fixed the issue where certain Androids could not be registered to the Auction House.
    • Fixed the issue where certain images looked awkward when sitting in the Master of 17 Billion Mesos Chair or the Mu Lung Dojo Conquer Chair.
    • Fixed the issue where certain images looked awkward when sitting in the Mu Lung Dojo Conquer Chair with T-Boy's Monitor equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where parts of your character's hair would show with T-Boy's Monitor equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where the images for the Mini Miyo pet's name tag and speech balloon looked awkward.
    • Dragon equipment tooltips will no longer show changes in skill attack power for jobs other than Evan.
    • Mechanic equipment tooltips will no longer show changes in skill attack power for jobs other than Mechanic.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would crash if Zero used a Bonus Occult Cube on Lapis and Lazuli while they were sealed or locked.
    • Fixed the issue where locking a trace for Lapis or Lazuli would equip that trace to Zero.
    • Fixed the issue where the speed of the Shrimp Tempura Mount was different from its tooltip.
    • Fixed the issue where the faces of characters with the Lavender Doll equipped would appear black upon death.
    • Images for cash items have been changed.
      • Fixed the issue where the icon for the Flushed Cheeks item was positioned slightly askewed.
      • Fixed the issue where the images for the Mercury Cloak and Tania Cloak were positioned awkwardly while climbing on a rope or ladder.
      • Fixed the issue where the image for the Mischievous Rainbow Cloak would appear partially blurred or be displayed in an awkward location.
      • The icons for the Sailor Outfit (F) and Nautically Pink Dress (F) have been changed to be the same as the equipped image. No changes have been made to the actual equipped image.
      • Fixed the issue where Maple Noble Suit, Firefly Firelight Top (M/F), and Pink Bean Suit had awkward motions.
      • Images for Decor have been modified to match the status of Luminous's Light and Darkness.
      • Fixed the issue where the Cozy Sleeping Cap did not show during certain motions when equipped to sleeping pets.
      • Fixed the issue where effects were displayed awkwardly when all Luminous' Hero Equipment Bundle sets were equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where the name of the pet that can equip the pet equipment did not show in orange in the pet equipment description.
    • Added information to the pet equipment descriptions that did not provide guidance on the name of pets that can equip it.
    • Fixed the issue where Rhinne Luster effects showed awkwardly in Treasure Catch from Fritto's Bounty Hunting.
    • Changed so that the A.M.P Entropy and E.X.P Entropy buff effects can be disabled with right-clicking on the mouse and can be protected with Buff Freezer.
    • Fixed the issue where the icon for Banana Overalls was awkward.
    • Fixed the issues where Lil Alicia pet flickered when eating Pet Snacks and had some awkward lines.
    • Fixed the issue where the following cash items had awkward images with certain motions.
      • Yeonhwa School Shoes (M), (F)
      • Ballpark Buddy Uniform (M), (F)
      • Mischievous Rainbow
    • Fixed the issue where you could imbue Bonus Potentials on the emblem that is given based on the Tower of Oz weekly rankings.
    • Fixed the issue where the equipped image did not show properly in jumping motions for the Glory Guard Ceremonial Sword.
    • Fixed the error where Adele and Hoyoung could not equip some cash weapons.
    • Changed so that you cannot use the Pollo and Fritto Entry Ticket while you are registered on a waiting list.
    • Changed so that you can select Equip window and Decoration window when using some scrolls.
    • Added information about trait limits in equipment item tooltips.
    Content Changes

    • Arcane River Efficiency Improvements
      • Light of Annihilation and Alliance will no longer be activated and summoned in Limina’s End of the World region.
      • The following maps will be improved to have more monsters appear more frequently:
        • Vanishing Journey
          • Weathered Land of Happiness and Rage
          • Fire Spirit Zone
        • Reverse City
          • Subway Tunnel 6
          • T-Boy's Research Train 2
          • Underground Train 3
          • Surface Train 1
          • M Tower 2
          • Subway Tunnel 5
          • Hidden M Tower
          • Subway Tunnel 2
          • M Tower 4
          • M Tower 3
        • Chu Chu Island
          • Torrent Zone 2
          • Hill Path
          • Bitty-Bobble Forest 2
          • Skywhale Peak
          • Mottled Forest 1
          • Mottled Forest 2
          • Skywhale Mountainside 2
          • Mountain's Mouth
          • Colossal Tail
          • Within Five-Color Hill
          • Skywhale Mountainside 1
        • Lachelein
          • Chicken Festival 1
          • Outlaw's Street 2
          • Occupied Dance Floor 2
          • Nightmare Clocktower 2F
          • Chicken Festival 3
          • Nightmare Clocktower 4F
          • Victory Plate Street 2
          • Victory Plate Street 1
          • Nightmare Clocktower 3F
        • Arcana
          • The Deepest Part of the Cavern - Lower Path
          • The Forest of Earth
          • Between Frost and Thunder 2
          • Snow Cloud Clearing
          • Between Frost and Thunder 1
          • Forest of Toxins
          • The Volatile Forest
          • The Forest of Water
          • The Forest of Sunlight
          • Where Earth and Sunlight Meet
          • Beneath the Spirit Tree
          • Thunder Cloud Clearing
          • Where Water and Sunlight Meet
          • The Volatile and Toxic Forest 1
          • The Volatile and Toxic Forest 2
        • Morass
          • Bully Blvd. 2
          • Abandoned Area 2
          • Shadowdance Hall 3
          • Shadowdance Hall 2
          • Street Cat Area 2
          • Path to the Coral Forest 4
          • Bully Blvd.
          • Bully Blvd. 3
          • Abandoned Area 3
          • Path to the Coral Forest 3
          • Street Cat Area
          • Path to the Coral Forest 2
        • Esfera
          • Mirror-touched Sea 3
          • Mirror-touched Sea 4
          • Living Spring 5
          • Living Spring 4
          • Living Spring 2
          • Living Spring 6
          • Living Spring 7
          • Living Spring 3
          • Mirror-touched Sea 6
          • Mirror-touched Sea 7
          • Mirror-touched Sea 5
        • Moonbridge
          • Void Current 6
          • Void Current 5
          • Void Current 2
          • Mysterious Fog 5
          • Void Current 1
          • Mysterious Fog 6
          • Last Horizon 4
          • Last Horizon 6
          • Last Horizon 3
          • Mysterious Fog 2
          • Mysterious Fog 1
          • Mysterious Fog 4
          • Last Horizon 1
          • Mysterious Fog 3
        • Labyrinth of Suffering
          • Labyrinth of Suffering Core 5
          • Labyrinth of Suffering Core 7
          • Labyrinth of Suffering Core 3
          • Labyrinth of Suffering Deep Core 4
          • Labyrinth of Suffering Core 6
          • Labyrinth of Suffering Deep Core 1
          • Labyrinth of Suffering Interior 5
          • Labyrinth of Suffering Interior 3
          • Labyrinth of Suffering Core 1
          • Labyrinth of Suffering Deep Core 6
          • Labyrinth of Suffering Interior 6
          • Labyrinth of Suffering Deep Core 2
          • Labyrinth of Suffering Core 2
          • Labyrinth of Suffering Interior 1
          • Labyrinth of Suffering Deep Core 5
          • Labyrinth of Suffering Interior 4
        • Limina
          • World's Sorrow Midpoint 2
          • World's Sorrow Depths 1
          • End of the World 1-5
          • End of the World 1-4
          • End of the World 2-5
          • End of the World 2-3
    • Hunting Map Efficiency Improvements
      • The following maps in Kerning Tower, Henesys Ruins, Stone Colossus, Knight Stronghold, Omega Sector, Kritias, Twilight Perion, Fox Valley, Scrapyard, and Dark World Tree will be improved to have more monsters appear more frequently:
        • Mutant Tiru Forest
        • Dark Spore Hill
        • Mutant Tiguru Forest
        • Inside the Stone Colossus 2
        • Henesys Ruins Park
        • Henesys Ruins Market
        • Mutant Tino Forest
        • Boswell Field IV
        • Inside the Stone Colossus 3
        • Stone Colossus Torso 3
        • Inside the Stone Colossus 1
        • Stone Colossus Torso 2
        • Hallowed Ground
        • Suspicious Hill
        • 4F Music Shops 4
        • 6F Hair Salons 4
        • 3F Arts & Entertainment Shops 4
        • Armory 2
        • Corridor H02
        • Air Vent D-2
        • Knight District 1
        • Forest of Laments 4
        • Knight District 3
        • Knight District 4
        • Hallowed Ground
        • Freezing Forest 1
        • Hallowed Ground
        • Hallowed Ground
        • Hallowed Ground
        • Hall of Honor
        • Knights' Chamber 5
        • Forest of Sorrows 2
        • Forest of Sorrows 3
        • Knights' Chamber 4
        • Desolate Hills
        • Desolate Rocky Road
        • Fiery Ravine
        • Weathered Rocky Zone
        • Spirit Zone Limbo
        • Forsaken Excavation Site 1
        • Lonely Rocky Road
        • Tempest Grave
        • Fox Tree Lower Path
        • Fox Tree Top Path
        • Fox Tree Midway 3
        • Fox Tree Lower Path 3
        • Fox Tree Top Path 3
        • Fox Tree Side Path
        • Fox Tree Midway 1
        • Fox Tree Lower Path 2
        • Guardian Walkway 3
        • Fox Tree Top Path 2
        • Guardian Walkway
        • Fox Tree Midway 2
        • Guardian Walkway 2
        • Scrapyard Lot
        • Winding left Stem 1
        • Skyline 1
        • Lower-right Stem
        • Lower-left Stem
        • Winding Stem Crossroad
        • Winding right Stem 1
        • Climbing left Stem 2
        • Lower Stem Crossroad
        • Winding left Stem 2
        • Climbing right Stem 1
        • Climbing left Stem 1
        • Winding right Stem 3
        • Winding left Stem 3
        • Climbing right Stem 2
        • Winding right Stem 2
    • Elite Champion Adjustments
      • Elite Champions’ attack patterns will be changed and the gimmicks have been improved.
        • Black Crescendo Slime: Each time it is defeated, it will grow over 3 stages with a faster growing speed.
        • Shadow Butterfly: 15 Shadow Butterflies will be summoned at once to chase the player.
        • Dark Wolf: 5 Dark Orbs will be created on the map. Upon defeating all the orbs, the Dark Wolf will appear from hiding.
        • Killer Bees: 10 Killer Bees will be summoned at once to chase the Illusion Flower on the map.
        • Dark Gargoyle: Upon defeating one Dark Gargoyle, it will split into 10 Mini Dark Gargoyles and they will chase the player.
        • Timber Shade: It will no longer appear.
      • When you defeat an Elite Champion, an Elite Champion Orb will be created.
        • 4 Elite Champion Orbs will be created at once for a short time and once the player touches the orb, they will receive EXP. EXP obtained from the orbs will be determined by your contribution to defeating the Elite Champion.
        • Elite Champion Orb will not be created for characters that are outside of its level range.
        • EXP obtained from the Elite Champion Orb will not be affected by additional EXP effects.
      • A notification will be displayed when a player fails to defeat the Elite Champion.
      • Illusion Flower and Killer Bees will no longer be created in the same location.
      • Fixed the issue where the Illusion Flower received more damage if there were another character present on the map.
    • Reboot Gift Box Adjustments
      • [Updated November 18] Reboot Gift Box items players had prior to the v.218 update will disappear upon attempting to use it in the inventory. After the v.218 update, players will receive the new Reboot Gift Box items by accepting 'Reboot Gift Box Giveaway' quest within the star notifier on the left side of the screen.
      • Reboot Gift Box cannot be discarded, however, it can still be traded within account.
      • Reboot Gift Box items have been updated to the following:
        • Reboot Gift Box Stage 1
          • 20 million mesos
          • Epic Potential Scroll 100%
          • Reboot Potion (x300)
          • Reboot Gift Box Stage 2
        • Reboot Gift Box Stage 2
          • 30 million mesos
          • Epic Potential Scroll 100%
          • Character Slot Expansion Coupon
          • Master Craftsman’s Cube (x5)
          • Reboot Gift Box Stage 3
        • Reboot Gift Box Stage 3
          • 50 million mesos
          • Epic Potential Scroll 100%
          • Character Slot Expansion Coupon
          • Meister’s Cube (x5)
          • Reboot Gift Box Stage 4
        • Reboot Gift Box Stage 4
          • 100 million mesos
          • Character Slot Expansion Coupon
          • Unique Potential Scroll 100%
          • Meister’s Cube (x5)
          • Reboot Gift Box Stage 5
        • Reboot Gift Box Stage 5
          • Reboot Meso Pouch (x3)
    • Malaysia Removal
      • Malaysia will be removed from the World Map.
      • Malaysia maps will be blocked from entry.
      • The following quests will be blocked:
        • A Bright and Sunny Day
        • Too Hot!
        • I'm Bored!
        • They're All Gone!
        • Poor Blondie
        • Low on Wigs!
        • Missing Tires
        • More Missing Tires
        • Hunger Calls
        • Vitamin C, Stat!
        • My Lovely Scarf
        • Stolen Scarves
        • Dear Daddy's Gift
        • Daddy's Birthday Party
        • Unexpected Guests
        • Grand Finale
        • Little Lam, Big World
        • Off to the City
        • Gift for Lam's Brother
        • Kampung Merry-go-round
      • After v.218 update maintenance, all characters in Malaysia maps will automatically be moved to Henesys.
    • All jobs can now select from 6 skin colors upon character creation.
    • Meso Piggy Bank from Maple Tour will be sold until January 26 at 11:59 PM UTC. The tooltip description will display the date when hovered over.
    • The infectious bomb pattern will now be disabled when exiting Lucid.
    • Orbs fired by Damien will now disappear when Damien is defeated.
    • To avoid being killed the moment you enter, certain bosses will attack after a short delay once they have been summoned.
      • In Lotus Phase 1, the rotating electricity pattern will start shortly after the Black Heaven Core is summoned, and will always be generated at a fixed angle.
      • In Ursus, Ursus will howl before attacking.
    • The connection between the falling platform pattern and the high voltage pattern in Lotus Phases 2 and 3 has been made more precise.
    • The high voltage pattern will be activated some time after the falling platform pattern in Lotus Phases 2 and 3.
    • The energy orbs will now deal damage in more precise intervals during Lotus Phases 2 and 3.
    • The UI will immediately reflect the deducted material items from purchasing in the Ursus shop.
    • When exiting Ursus fight, all buffs applied to the character will now be removed.
    • Increased the damage for the Black Mage's unique pattern, which creates a shield, in each phase.
    • The convenience of entering certain boss monster battles will be improved.
      • The ‘[Pink Bean] Breaking the Force Field’ quest can now be started immediately through the lightbulb notifier on the left side of the screen.
      • If none of the party members have a sacrifice when entering the Zakum boss battle, a sacrifice will be given to the party leader. If the party leader does not have a sacrifice but the party member does, the Zakum boss battle can be entered immediately.
      • If the party leader does not have Dimensional Crack Fragment but the party member does, the Papulatus boss battle can be entered immediately.
    • Information will be supplemented when exiting through the Forgotten Temple Keeper to prevent exiting from the Pink Bean boss battle by mistake.
    • Ability reset can no longer be done while in the middle of Inferno Wolf battle.
    • The number of accessible maps for Magnus (Normal, Hard) boss battle has been increased.
    • You can no longer ride mounts in Horntail boss battle.
    • The logic when exiting after moving through boss matching has been changed.
      • The function that returns you once to the map where you were prior to boss matching through the waiting map's exit portal will now only be valid for 24 hours.
      • When moving through boss matching, a guide for this function will be shown as a system message.
    • Eileen has been switched from one of the quest's options on the 39th Floor of Tower of Oz to that of another NPC.
    • Maximum number of damage skins that can be saved on the Damage Skin slots have been changed to 36.
    • Black Sacks can no longer be used in the Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting exit map.
    • The appearance conditions of the portals to Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting and Inferno Wolf's Den have been adjusted.
    • You must now be at Lv. 101 or higher to participate in Flag Race.
    • Suspicious Sacks can no longer be used in the Sharenian Culvert.
    • In Monster Life, Waru can no longer be obtained by using Decor and Monster Potential effects on buildings that do not generate Waru.
    • In Monster Life, you can no longer send messages to blocked players and comments left in your guest book by those players will be removed upon login.
    • Details regarding level restrictions have been removed from the random portals guide that is available upon reaching Lv. 33.
    • Revised the achievement description for "[Elite Champion] More of the Rare Ones."
    • Revised the guide on Profession Recipe crafting rates.
    • The name of Regular Ears will be changed to Human Ears.
    • The guide on moving channels will be removed from the Flag Race invitation.
    • The Enhancement UI can't be opened in Daylight Snowfield: Waiting Area of Flag Race.
    • The question regarding the 29th Floor in the 43rd Floor of Tower of Oz will be updated for better understanding.
    • Kritias Invasion start guide will be removed.
    • Kritias Invasion failure message will only appear in the invasion area.
    • The Recruiting list is shown when you open the guild window without having joined a guild.
      • 5 recommended guilds are shown at the top of the Recruiting list.
    • Changed the item category of Soul Shield and Demon Aegis in Auction House from shield to secondary weapon.
    • Reminders for unclaimed rewards will no longer be displayed when logging out except for items that are destroyed if not claimed immediately:
      • MVP Rewards
      • Legion Coin
      • Deia's G-Potion
      • Mu Lung Dojo Point Distribution
    • Updated the guide information that was displayed when attempting to transfer locked items or items with Item Guard.
    • Updated the Item Pot help text to only outline how to access the content via hotkeys instead of through the inventory's ‘Item Pot’ button.
    • You can no longer harvest beyond the maximum holding amount of 9,999,999 when harvesting Waru at the Monster Life Farm.
    • Rune of Thunder attacks will no longer activate if you do not have a weapon equipped.
    • Updated the incorrect Guide Reward information in Reboot world.
    • You can now enter Dream Defender from Lachelein Main Street.
    • Titles will now be automatically re-equipped upon exiting Cross World party quests.
    • The Legendary Hunter Medal challenge can no longer be attempted at the start of the month while records are being reset.
    • Updated the description for the achievement ‘[Darknell] Corrupt This If You Can!’ to state it can only be completed by defeating Darknell (Normal) with a party of 4 or more players with a 4th Job Explorer or higher.
    • Once an Arcane Symbol has reached the max level, its growth value will now be displayed as MAX.
    • Return Scrolls can no longer be used in the Temple of Time or the Broken Corridor.
    • The time remaining after defeating Arcanus in the Sharenian Culvert will no longer change to 30 seconds.
    • Friend requests from characters belonging to an account that has a character already on your blacklist will now be automatically blocked.
    • The name of the sender on a note will no longer change to match the sender's new nickname.
    • Titles will now be re-equipped upon exiting Cross World party quests.
    • Updated the item descriptions for Boost Potions that have different types of effects but cannot be used by alchemists at the same time.
    • The appearances of seals and locked items can no longer be changed through the Fusion Anvil or Uniform Coupons.
    • Material items from Aisha's Shop will now be marked as ‘Untradeable’.
    • Dream Defender can no longer be entered before the ‘Decisive Battle’ quest is complete.
    • Updated the incorrect recommended level information for Lachelein on the Maple Guide.
    • The abnormal status effects of monsters will no longer be visible if the monsters are in a state where they cannot be attacked.
    • In the ‘Sly's Research 2’ quest, Red Wyverns will now drop Wyvern Wing Snippets and Blue Wyverns will now drop Wyvern Gill Samples.
    • Renewed the character creation window for Cannoneer, Mihile, and Demon classes.
    • Changed the Mechanic’s eye color in the character creation window art so that it matches the official art on the website.
    • You may now use Guild Active Skills only after 24 hours have passed after joining a guild.
    • Added achievements related to Grand Athenaeum: Sharenian Knights.
    • Added filters to allow searching for base stats for cash items in the Auction House.
    • Changed the name of the durational stat filters for cash items in the Auction House.
    • Changed so that, when Finley is summoned in the Tower of Oz, it will only be displayed to the pertinent character.
    • Fixed the issue where the background music did not change in the 24th Floor of the Tower of Oz.
    • Changed so that you can no longer press the ‘Confirm’ button unless you put up an item on the Silver Scissors of Karma and Platinum Scissors of Karma UI.
    • Changed it so that information related to the Golden Hammer item no longer displays in the equipment item tooltips in Reboot world.
    • Changed it so that Red Snails can no longer drop other jobs' equipment in Reboot world.
    • Ursus Golden Time will be updated to the following until January 26 at 11:59 PM UTC in celebration of the Awake update:
      • UTC: 1:00 AM - 5:00 AM
      • UTC: 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
    • One-Time Cosmetic Lens have been added to the Cash Shop.
      • Cosmetic Lens sold separately per color have been removed from the Cash Shop.
      • One-Time Cosmetic Lens combine all eye color that were sold separately in one item. Players can select the eye color of their choice by previewing them via the UI.
      • You can talk to Lauren the Android Beautician with One-Time Cosmetic Lens to change the eye color of your Android.
      • The existing Cosmetic Lens that you own can still be used, however, it will now function like a One-Time Cosmetic Lens.
    • Characters created less than 3 days ago cannot trade cash items and characters created less than 7 days ago cannot use the Gift feature in the Cash Shop.

    System Changes

    • If you receive damage due to moving without eliminating the Nightmare Golem in Lucid, this information will now be announced on the chat window.
    • If you are killed by an attack pattern that ignores revival skills, a system message will be displayed to notify you of this.
    • You can no longer move to the Cash Shop while in the middle of writing a post on the guild bulletin board.
    • You can now see the Alliance Member's location on the guild UI.
    • Rune names will now always be displayed above platforms, characters, and monsters.
    • The guide message that is displayed upon defeating an Elite Monster in maps with an average monster level of less than Lv. 140 has been changed.
    • The Combo Kill duration upon defeating an Elite Boss has been increased from 10 to 20 seconds.
    • You can no longer change channels while afflicted with the Petrification abnormal status.
    • Certain items descriptions that stated ‘Can be shared within the same account through the Storage Room,’ ‘Can be traded within the same account,’ etc. have been changed to ‘Transferable between characters within the world.’
    • The guide messages for requests to switch to account friend and friend requests will be shown separately.
    • Some cash items will no longer be visible in Flag Race maps.
    • The summoning stage will now also be displayed in the chat window when Arcanus is summoned in the Sharenian Culvert.
    • The options can now be compared more intuitively upon using the Return Scroll.
    • The Sunny Sunday guide that appears upon logging in will appear only once per character on Sunday.
    • Failure effect will only display when you don't obtain any Harvesting/Mining items upon Harvesting/Mining.
    • Fatigue message won't be displayed upon attempting Harvesting/Mining if Harvesting/Mining wasn't learned.
    • Follow will be canceled if you sit on a chair during Follow.
    • The Guest Book in Monster Life will not be refreshed in real time but in fixed intervals.
    • Guide message will be changed telling you to press the ‘Confirm’ button if you want to cancel the auto harvest in Monster Life.
    • You cannot use Friend, Guild, and Alliance chat while using Invisible Login.
    • The search window has to be clicked to search when the World Map is open.
    • Players can now close the Legendary Spirit UI with the ESC key.
    • Players can now move between tabs in the Silent Crusade UI using the TAB key.
    • Magnificent Darknell Soul skill can no longer be canceled by right-clicking.
    • The stun resistance message displays at set intervals now when attempting to use a skill with the stun status on monsters immune to the stun effect.
    • If you attempt to enter the waiting map after the Flag Race has already started, you will be displayed an error saying that you cannot enter.
    • The guild member list on the attendance board will now be sorted by character name by default.
    • After using a portal, you will now face the same direction you were looking before you entered the portal.
    • Changed it so that the input cursor displays immediately when you write a post on the Guild Bulletin Board.
    • Changed it so that, if you move to another post on the Guild Bulletin Board, the reply that you were previously drafting is now automatically discarded.
    • Changed so that the minimum value is automatically entered when using the Save Filter feature in the Auction House.
    • Item effect has been added to the Eternal Wedding Ring.
    • [Updated November 18] Increased Bera channels from 20 to 30 for the Winter.
    Bug Fixes

    • [Updated November 18] Fixed the issue where characters would receive damage during the time they should be invincible after reviving with Beast Tamer’s Bear Reborn skill.
    • Fixed the issue where a weapon that doesn't match a player's job would be dropped for some of the jobs after defeating Balrog in Reboot world.
    • Fixed the issue where the key to Aerial Prison wouldn't be retrieved when escaping after being moved to Aerial Prison in Von Leon boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where a player did not receive the completion stamp on Maple Guide after defeating Lucid (Easy).
    • Fixed the issue with Lucid Phase 1 boss battle where Lucid would not attack if you were at the left or right end of the map.
    • Fixed the issue where you were unable to recover HP if you were hit with certain debuffs in Lucid (Hard) Phase 3 boss battle.
    • Fixed an issue where Lucid's name did not appear on the HP bar in Lucid (Hard) Phases 2 and 3 boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where you were unable to exit properly when leaving a party after clearing certain phases in Lucid boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where Darknell and Gloom’s HP were increased in Reboot world.
    • Fixed the issue where players would sometimes fall to the bottom of the map when using certain teleport-type skills on Gloom's tentacles.
    • Fixed the issue where the Intense Power Crystal displayed Gloom (Chaos) as Gloom (Hard).
    • Fixed the issue where certain skill effects applied to party members were not visible in Gloom and Darknell boss battles.
    • Fixed the issue where the text was cut off when selecting entry difficulty for Damien boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the text was cut off when selecting entry difficulty for Lotus boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the item would be dropped in the air in Lotus boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where when the player dies during Lotus' energy orb barrage pattern, the screen would remain dark even after the player revives and the pattern ends.
    • Fixed the issue where only a specific pattern would be activated during Lotus Phase 3 boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would sometimes crash when entering Ursus boss battle with a certain UI open.
    • Fixed the issue where certain skill effects would not be visible when hit by the eating pattern in Ursus boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would disconnect upon the first Ursus boss battle entry.
    • Fixed the issue where players could only be boss matched with Black Mage while in a party.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill with enemy tracking logic sometimes didn’t activate in Black Mage Phase 4 boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where certain background images in Pink Bean (Chaos) boss battle were cut off.
    • Fixed the issue where you could use the Respawn Token if you died before Pink Bean appeared in the Pink Bean boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where an Elite Boss HP bar would sometimes be displayed even if an Elite Boss was not present.
    • Fixed the issue where equipment Potential was not applied in the Cygnus Rear Garden.
    • Fixed the issue where no sleeping gas was generated in Magnus (Normal, Hard) boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where hats were sometimes invisible in Pierre boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the Hero's Will-type skills could not be used but still displayed the effect if you used it after being hit by OMNI-CLN's shrink ray.
    • Fixed the issue where Vellum's deep breath damage sometimes did not get applied.
    • Fixed the issue where Will - Story Mode name would not be displayed on the HP bar.
    • Fixed the issue where the UI would disappear but the waiting list would not be canceled when you entered certain maps after boss matching.
    • Fixed the issue where the number for rescued Rock Spirits would be displayed as 4 even after rescuing 5 Rock Spirits in Spirit Savior.
    • Fixed the issue where a Chat Emoticon would be sent when entering the Enter key with the Chat Emoticon UI open.
    • Fixed the issue where the item link could not be seen with the chat window minimized.
    • When an item is placed or used while in the bag, a bag will be displayed on the message relaying item obtainment.
    • Fixed the issue where a harvest item looks as if it hasn’t been harvested when it was already done so by another character.
    • Fixed the issue where Monster Life released monsters would appear on maps where they cannot appear, and changed so that only 1 mob will appear per map.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes monsters would not move and players would not be able to nurture them in Monster Life.
    • Fixed the issue where Audience Room and Aerial Prison explorations of the '[Area Exploration] Lion King's Castle Exploration]' could not be completed.
    • Fixed the issue where 'Quick, Give Me Unique' achievement could not be completed.
    • Fixed the issue where below achievements could not be completed when using some of the Trait items.
      • [Ambition] Such Ambition!
      • [Empathy] I'm Not Pathetic, I'm Empathetic!
      • [Insight] Insight as High as Pie in the Sky!
      • [Willpower] Sheer Determination
      • [Diligence] Be Diligent in Upping Stats
      • [Charm] Just Be Cool, Man
    • Fixed the issue where the guild level requirement was missing on the Sharenian Monster Mount's skill description.
    • Fixed the issue where the log-in information would not get reflected on the guild UI when changing the status to online after logging in as offline.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would crash when the player uses Pet Food multiple times during Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting Treasure Catch.
    • Fixed the issue where players would not receive damage even when running into some of the monsters in Yum Yum Island.
    • Fixed the issue where facial expression images for the following faces were incorrect.
      • Round Face (M)
      • Elf King Face (M)
      • Polearm Warrior Face (M)
      • Polearm Warrior Face (F)
      • Dragon Master Face (M)
    • Fixed the issue where the system message displayed upon the death of a character with Lv. 30 or below would appear twice.
    • Fixed the issue with Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting’s Protect the Town mission where certain skills would switch the direction in which the monsters were moving.
    • Fixed the issue with where an incorrect Rune arrow entry would not result in failure while in the Korean keyboard input state.
    • Fixed the issue where the Golden Temple - Ravana's Golden Altar exploration achievement could not be completed.
    • Fixed the issue where it was possible to complete certain achievements that had been moved to the Memory category.
    • Fixed the issue where the damage of Scarecrows summoned by the Scarecrow Summoning Sack was not adjusted for level differences.
    • Fixed the issue where Alicia's Clever Lady Hotline, etc. could be used to avoid the traps on some floors of the Tower of Oz.
    • Fixed the issue where monsters sometimes could not be summoned on the 13th Floor of the Tower of Oz.
    • Fixed the issue where moving maps while progressing through the 28th Floor of the Tower of Oz would summon monsters to the map you’ve moved to.
    • Fixed the issue with the Flag Race's Sunset Snowfield map where it was possible to disregard and move through walls.
    • Fixed the issue where the transformed or mounted states of certain jobs would be maintained when entering Flag Race.
    • Fixed the issue where Monster Life Invitation monsters would sometimes appear transparent.
    • Fixed the issue with Monster Life where Birk's eyes were not visible.
    • Fixed the issue with Monster Life where sometimes the max effect for a full building of Waru would not be displayed.
    • Fixed the issue where monsters would sometimes not appear on the list while combining monsters in Monster Life.
    • Fixed the issue with Monster Life where messages could not be sent to account friends.
    • Fixed the issue where the Basic Damage Skin would show intermittently if you had the Sugar Cookie Damage Skin equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where the cash equipment of a character's Android would appear as the item that was previously equipped when the character entered combat state.
    • Fixed the issue with the guild bulletin board where the scroll would not function if a draft post became too long.
    • Fixed the issue where detailed item information would still be shown in certain situations even if the ‘Use Short Tooltips’ setting was on.
    • Fixed the issue where some conversation settings would not be saved in certain situations.
    • Fixed the issue where notes could still be sent under a character's old name.
    • Fixed the issue where filters set in the Auction House would sometimes disappear.
    • Fixed the issue where using certain content while using Maple Chat would cause the game to end.
    • Fixed the issue where the chat window could not be moved after being resized.
    • Fixed the issue where the chat window input field would disappear in certain situations.
    • Fixed the issue where some guild members would be missing from ‘View Guild Members’ in certain situations.
    • Fixed the issue where Profession EXP would sometimes not be reflected right away.
    • Fixed Verdant Flora Ears and High Flora Ears.
      • Fixed the issue where too much of the surrounding skin for Verdant Flora Ears and High Flora Ears was visible and looked awkward.
      • Fixed the issue where the image behind the Verdant Flora Ears for Muted Gray Hue was displayed incorrectly.
      • Fixed the issue where the image of High Flora Ears was displayed incorrectly in some motions.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the reminder that you didn't claim the Fairy Bros' Daily Gift will not appear when closing the game from the Cash Shop.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes you are counted for completing 1-2 circles upon entering Flag Race.
    • Fixed the issue where you couldn't move to the correct spot with the Clever Lady Hotline when you fall after seeing the same hint several times on the 23rd Floor of Tower of Oz.
    • Fixed the issue where a message irrelevant to Quick Delivery was displayed upon using Quick Delivery.
    • Fixed the issue where some General Stores didn't sell arrow bundles.
    • Fixed the issue where the character that invited you to sit on the chair together would be displayed awkwardly.
    • Fixed the issue where the incorrect guide message would be displayed when there isn't enough space in the inventory upon receiving the Rest EXP Coupon.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes max isn't displayed when Waru is full in Monster Life.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes it looks like you are collecting Waru from buildings in Monster Life upon auto harvest when there is no Waru.
    • Fixed the issue where the Stone of Jealousy effect didn't activate and the Recovery Rune couldn't be used in Ghost Park.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Android wouldn't be displayed.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Guild Emblem wouldn't be displayed.
    • Fixed the issue where the guild UI could only be scrolled with the mouse wheel.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘Second Sword's Calling’ mission of ‘Adele's Journal’ was completed even though the conditions weren't met.
    • Fixed the issue where changes were not applied if they were made to the hotkeys while the Key Bindings UI was open and then Key Bindings were saved.
    • Fixed the issue where Combo Kills didn't accumulate or save when entering the portal for Inferno Wolf's Den and Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting.
    • Fixed the issue of not being able to increase or decrease fame if you are logged into the game when the date changes.
    • Fixed the issue where your character's location is displayed unusually on the World Map.
    • Fixed the issue where the game would close if you opened the friends list after visiting someone else's farm in Monster Life.
    • Fixed the issue where Elf and Flora ears on characters disappeared upon clicking the ‘Remove All’ button in the beauty coupon result UI.
    • Fixed the issue where the Buy Auto-Pilot tab didn't appear on the World Map.
    • Fixed the issue where scrolling was not working properly in certain guild menus.
    • Fixed the issue where the day to receive the Banner of Plenty from the guild menu and Guild Benefits was incorrectly displayed.
    • Fixed the issue where you couldn't open the Reboot Gift Box if you had more than 9.9 million mesos.
    • Fixed the issue where reward pop-up continued to appear even after the Hasty Hunting Plus event ended.
    • Fixed the issue where messages were displayed abnormally when specific stats were granted to the Soul.
    • Fixed the issue where parts of the quantity were cut off if you have more than 999 items in the Monster Life inventory.
    • Fixed the issue where the scroll bar wouldn't function properly if there was a change to the member list in the guild UI.
    • Fixed the issue where the ascending and descending order were switched when sorting the member rank in the guild UI.
    • Fixed the issue where the guild search couldn't be done properly if the guild leader's character name changed.
    • Fixed the issue where the alliance member information wasn't properly displayed on the last page of the alliance member list in the guild UI.
    • Fixed the issue where the guild name was displayed abnormally.
    • Fixed the issue where Volcano Bugs didn't appear in Tower of Oz 8F.
    • Fixed the issue where Scarecrow did not recognize the player in a specific location in Tower of Oz 40F. Decreased the HP of Scarecrow by around 29% in order to alleviate the change in difficulty.
    • Fixed the issue where Beetle and Dual Beetle sometimes don't appear in Tower of Oz 42F.
    • Fixed the issue where the stage restarted if the character dies while Dorothy is defeated in Tower of Oz 50F.
    • Fixed the issue where the icon of a character that didn't accept a friend request appears as a friend on the World Map.
    • Fixed the issue where some monsters couldn't be searched on the World Map.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘Hut in the Swamp’ in the Swamp Region achievement couldn’t be completed.
    • Fixed the monsters summoned from attacking Moon Bunny in Moon Bunny's Rice Cake Cross World Party Quest.
    • Fixed the cannot trade error not appearing when attempting to trade cash using the ‘/tradecash’ command with a character that is 3 or less days old.
    • Fixed the numeric keypad not inputting correctly while Num Lock is on.
    • Fixed the issue where the Detailed Stats UI and Ability UI were not consistent when resetting Ability.
    • Fixed the issue where the item quantity displayed incorrectly when expanding or collapsing the inventory from the Storage Room.
    • Fixed the issue where Kinesis background music played in the character selection screen.
    • Fixed the issue where Zero couldn't use the Profession NPC in Ardentmill under certain conditions.
    • Fixed the issue where Wild Hunter couldn't capture normal monsters in Reboot world.
    • Fixed the issue where the tooltip of bag items displayed incorrectly in Reboot World. Now, ‘Cannot be traded after use’ will be displayed before using the bag, and ‘Cannot be traded’ will be displayed after using the bag.
    • Fixed the issue where a duplicate of the party member would appear on the World Map when the party member changed maps.
    • Fixed the issue where guild chat was displayed in Monster Life even if you used Invisible Login.
    • Fixed the issue where it was possible to follow other players while setting up a Mini-game room.
    • Fixed the issue where guide text was not visible while in Picture Mode.
    • Fixed the issue where the Surprise Mission count notifier was displayed in the wrong color.
    • Fixed the issue where the wrong materials guide was displayed if you had insufficient materials while having Slithering Balm created by Mu Lung's Mr. Do.
    • Fixed the issue where Hoyoung's ears and tail were not visible during Profession's Production.
    • Fixed the issue where Combo Kills would be reset upon the appearance of an Elite Boss.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘Riena Strait - Nora's Cove’ exploration achievement could not be completed.
    • Fixed the issue where the collection information for the Monster Collection medal was not shared.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘City of the Second Future’ achievement could not be completed.
    • Using the Monster Life Farm Reset Scroll will now also reset the farm's season information.
    • Fixed the issue where the Dark Wolf did not appear in certain landscapes.
    • Fixed the issue where the Octopus in Reboot world would drop equipment that didn't match the player’s class when defeated.
    • Fixed the issue in Tower of Oz 39F where the answer to the quiz asking "which boss monster does not appear in MapleStory" was incorrect.
    • Fixed the issue with the Maple Guide where more than one Cursed Kaiserium items was displayed as rewards for Magnus (Hard) boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where there was an error with the scroll action on the guild bulletin board.
    • Fixed the issue where generating a Rune of Riches at the bottom of the map would cause the treasure to fall underneath the floor where it was unobtainable.
    • Fixed the issue with 1 on 1 cash item trades where no error message would appear upon entering an incorrect PIC.
    • Fixed the issue with 1 on 1 cash item trades where some trades would fail abnormally.
    • Fixed the issue with the Custom Mix Dye Coupon where certain results would make the image behind the character's hair appear semi-transparent.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not search for the Luna Crystal in the Auction House category search window.
    • Fixed the issue with Mechanic equipment and Evan Dragon equipment where the ATT increase was not properly displayed.
    • Fixed the issue where characters had awkward positions when riding certain mounts.
    • Fixed the issue where the Character Information display range would be awkward when riding the Boom Boom Fireworks Mount.
    • Fixed the issue that made it possible to swap the equip placement of unisex and gender-restricted equipment in the Zero character equipment UI.
    • Fixed the issue where players were able to use expired items in the process of being destroyed in certain situations.
    • Fixed the issue where icons for expired items were displayed awkwardly in certain situations.
    • Fixed the issue where arrows were displayed awkwardly when using the sort function for the guild member list and Auction House item lists.
    • Fixed the issue where eye colors would sometimes appear darker than they should be upon death.
    • Fixed the issue where it was difficult to select options that overlapped with the level range field in the Auction House item search.
    • Fixed the issue with the Auction House where it was difficult to click on certain lists in the search filter.
    • Fixed the issue with the Auction House where if multiples of an item were registered at the same time and price, only one item would appear in the search.
    • Fixed the issue where hovering over a Legion character with the cursor would not display their Attacker effect.
    • Fixed the mouse scroll error in the guild bulletin board.
    • Fixed the issue where if you joined a guild while you were offline, the guild member list would show that you were currently logged in.
    • Fixed the issue where hovering the cursor over certain items in the Silent Crusade Shop would cause client stuttering.
    • Fixed the issue with the ‘[Tower of Oz] Tower Under the Sea’ quest where summoners would begin attacking monsters during quest cutscenes.
    • Fixed the issue with the Tower of Oz where the effects for clearing the 37th Floor would sometimes be displayed multiple times.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘THIS IS PANTHEON!’ achievement could not be completed by certain jobs.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘Miracle of 3.125%’ achievement could not be completed.
    • Fixed the issue where activating the Rune of Riches would sometimes cause items to appear behind platforms.
    • Fixed the issue where rewards would still drop even after harvesting had been cancelled.
    • Fixed the issue where incorrect items would be displayed when searching for recipes in the Smithing skill UI.
    • Fixed the issue where the 1st Rogue Set's Dark Shadow (F) would be displayed as Dark Shadow (M) in the set effect tooltip.
    • Fixed the issue where it was possible to discard certain equipment acquired through Surprise Style Boxes with the Item Incinerator.
    • Fixed the issue where chat speech bubbles would not disappear under certain conditions.
    • Fixed the issue where enhancing emblems would cause a quest notifier to appear.
    • Fixed the issue where it was possible for 3rd Job Advancement Dual Blade characters to acquire the Master Adventurer medal.
    • Fixed the issue where it was possible for Dual Blade characters with unmet quest requirements to enter Memory Lane 2 by using the Maple Guide under certain conditions.
    • Fixed the issue where pet sound effects would not play when commanding pets to use profanity.
    • Fixed the issue where the cursor's shape would not shift to the grabbing motion when hovering over an item.
    • Fixed the issue with the inventory where the item icon on the left appeared to be missing after certain actions.
    • Fixed the issue where the Ursus Shop could still be accessed even while you were restricted from trading.
    • Fixed the issue with Cygnus where the Twisting effect would sometimes still remain after being deactivated.
    • Fixed the issue where defeating Slimes in Reboot world would drop equipment that didn't match the job.
    • Fixed the issue where defeating Treglow, Victor, and Velderoth in Reboot world would drop equipment that didn't match the job.
    • Fixed the issue where the colors of some Guild Emblems displayed incorrectly.
    • Fixed the issue where 5th Job Advancement effects were cut off in beta screen resolutions.
    • Fixed the issue in Messages where the character name did not display on the message, if it was received by a character that went through World Leap.
    • Fixed the issue where Dual Blade could not complete some missions for the ‘Explorer's Journal’ achievement.
    • Fixed the issue where some jobs' attack motions did not display properly in the Cash Shop's Preview screen.
    • Fixed the issue where effects previously applied to the character did not disappear when you used the ‘Remove All’ button in the Cash Shop's Preview screen.
    • Fixed the issue where your character's Preview disappeared if you entered the Cash Shop while a nearby Hoyoung character summoned the gods with Sage: Wrath of Gods skill.
    • Fixed the issue where weapons searched on the Auction House looked as if their Soul was charged.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not list some Androids on the Auction House.
    • Fixed the issue where the pertinent hot key was entered in the chat window if you opened Maple Chat with a hotkey.
    • Fixed the issue where My Homepage did not close in Monster Life.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not perform monster combinations in Monster Life, if you entered the farm using certain methods.
    • Fixed the issue where the EXP buff effect disappeared when you logged out.
    • Fixed the issue where the NEW icon was not displayed on the Quest Notifier.
    • Fixed the issue where some paths were set incorrectly, when you used auto-pilot from inside the Lion King's Castle to the Castle Entrance.
    • Fixed the issue where it would incorrectly say "You cannot trade this item after equipping.", if you tried wearing the same equipment item on Reboot world.
    • Fixed the issue where Aran could use skills while using Follow on another character.
    • Fixed the issue where you were able to move another player that was sitting on a chair by using certain methods.
    • Fixed the issue where the failure message did not display if you pressed the cancel crafting button at the same as the item crafting failed.
    • Fixed the issue where the icon border color did not match the Familiar's rank.
    • Fixed the issue where player character was displayed during Naoe Kanetsugu's response.
    • Fixed the issue where the summoned Familiars despawned when each Phase began during Lucid and Will boss fights.
    • Fixed the issue where S-rank STR Jewel had different names depending on its tradability.
    • Fixed the issue where Help Guide button directs players to the Main site rather than the Guides page.
    • Fixed the issue where Invincibility portion of Bear Reborn skill did not work when being hit.
    • Fixed the issue where Beast Tamer's skill 'Baby Bombers' was not affected by the 'Veteran Formation' damage increase skill.
    • Fixed the issue where Corsair's 3rd Job Advancement dialogue included incorrect information.
    • Fixed the issue where the Beast Tamer bird form does not increase the final damage of 'Baby Bombers'.
    • Fixed the issue where Volatile Oda Clan seal art was incorrect.
    • Fixed the issue where 'The Call of Athena' incorrectly states that Athena has blue eyes.
    • Fixed the issue where Lotus (Hard) boss only used knockback and teleport abilities when reaching near 20% HP in Phase 3.
    • Fixed the issue where UI becomes unresponsive when Sunny Sunday and Cube Results windows are both open.
    • Fixed the issue where Arch Mage text overlaps with UI.
    • Fixed the issue where odd text appeared in the Grand Athenaeum Chapter 1 tutorial cutscenes.
    • Fixed the issue where Celestial Festival entrance still displayed on the mini map.
    • Fixed the issue where pet names cannot be changed to default name using Pet Name Tag.
    • Fixed the issue where Dark Knight Sacrifice buff is canceled by Beast Tamer cat form.
    • Fixed the issue where Dark Knight's skill 'Final Pact' kills player after boss fights which results in EXP loss.
    • Fixed the issue where using the search function upon opening Cash Shop fails to return items with purchase limits.
    • Fixed the issue where visual effects from having 3 pets equipped appears on Haku when using 'Haku Reborn' skill.
    • Fixed the issue where some Runes had cut-off text when activated.
    • Fixed the issue where Pink Bean Familiar floats in midair when summoned.
    • Fixed the issue where Golden Flower Pendant was misspelled.
    • Fixed the issue where there was untranslated text in 'Wings Homework' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where Kanna's 'Spirit's Domain' buffs all party members during Phase 4 of the Black Mage boss fight.
    • Fixed the issue where monsters in Lion King's Castle did not have the correct spawn rate.
    • Fixed the issue where Cash effects are removed when logging out.
    • Fixed the issue where Claim button becomes unusable when selecting the Back Arrow button.
    • Fixed the issue where Cannoneer's skill 'Barrel Roulette' had animation time discrepancy.
    • Fixed the issue where Pathfinder could not equip Rabbit and Bear Flashlight weapon cover.
    • Fixed the issue where Braided Bob Hair detached when lying down.
    • Fixed the issue where Glona Hair clips with cash item hats when lying down.
    • Fixed the issue where Ruin Force Shield model is displaced from character model.
    • Fixed the issue where 'Scrapyard: Free the Modded Laseroid' quest directed players to the wrong maps.
    • Fixed the issue where Heart Tree Guardian has blank dialogue after defeating Gollux.
    • Fixed the issue where Oda Samurai monster looked like Oda Warrior.
    • Fixed the issue where Will (Hard) boss and Final Music Box did not drop overseas class weapons in non-Reboot worlds.
    • Fixed the issue where Damien (Hard) boss and Lotus (Hard) boss were not dropping overseas class weapons in non-Reboot worlds.
    • Fixed the issue where searching for Wild Totem failed to locate the item in Cash Shop.
    • Fixed the issue where Survival Battle gun positioned awkwardly when mounted on a Jaguar.
    • Fixed the issue where Guile Hair clipped through headgear.
    • Fixed the issue where Yorozu was missing for some characters.
    • Fixed the issue where Radiant Destruction sometimes did not activate on all orbs hit by Radiant Javelin II.
    • Fixed the issue where Aqua Seraphim had weapon restriction.
    • Fixed the issue where Familiar rank up text did not fit in the text box.
    • Fixed the issue where Survival Battle Gun looks awkward during certain animations.
    • Fixed the issue where Hair Color Coupon did not function correctly.
    • Fixed the issue where Flowing Flame Robes became invisible during Heaven: Iron Fan Gale.
    • Fixed the issue where Final Report granted incorrect weapon to Demon Avengers.
    • Fixed the issue where Halloweenroid Boots changed into the Princess of Time Heels when sitting.
    • Fixed the issue where Custom Guild icons were not displaying next to the guild name.
    • [Updated November 17] Fixed the issue where Basic Damage Skin (Unit) displayed an incorrect graphic when used.
    • [Updated November 17] Fixed the issue where Basic Damage Skin (Unit) had untranslated text on its description tooltip.
    Known Issues

    • Ursus Golden Time double mesos is not indicated on the completion UI even though the double mesos are being obtained.
    • [Updated November 18] The item's Potential information may be cut off on the description tooltip.
    • [Updated November 18] Burning World Mega Burning Reward provides an incorrect Hyper Teleport Rock item.
      • [Updated November 18] The incorrect Hyper Teleport Rock in player inventory will be removed and replaced with the correct item in future maintenance.
    • [Updated November 18] Potentials on items obtained after v.218 update are not revealed when the magnifying glass is used.
      • [Updated November 18] We would like to ask everyone to please do not perform any actions that change the item specifications, such as enhancing, cubing, and scrolling, on the items that are obtained after the v.218 update and have the above Potential-related known issues until these are checked. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!
      • [Updated November 19] The items dropped after the November 19 Unscheduled Maintenance will reveal the Potentials properly when the magnifying glass is used. We will soon provide an update for the items affected by the Potential issues in players' possession.
    • [Updated November 18] Items in Auction House's Market Price tab is invisible.
    • [Updated November 18] There is untranslated text when clicking the question mark on Maple Guide.
    • [Updated November 19] Some players receive 'Request Failed' error message when attempting to create a Mega Burning character in Burning World.
    • [Updated November 19] Players are unable to open the So Gong Pet Package from Awake Warm-Up event.
    • [Updated November 19] Kanna and Beast Tamer are unable to use Mana Overload and Ethereal Form.
    • [Updated November 19] Hayato is unable to use Weapon Aura and Impenetrable Skin.
    Tera Burning Plus

    Part 1: UTC: November 18 (after maintenance) - December 22 at 11:59 PM
    Part 2: UTC: December 23 at 12:00 AM - January 26 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: This event can only be started by characters created during the event period. (Zero characters cannot participate in this event.)

    • Wake up, Maplers! It’s time to get your character to level 200 fast!
    • After creating a new character, you will be given an option to give it a ‘Burning’ effect.
    • You cannot go back to give it a ‘Burning’ effect after refusing to do so during character creation.
    • You can only Tera Burn 1 character per account for each part of the event.
    • After your character reaches Lv. 10, they will begin to earn two additional levels every time your character gains a level up to Lv. 200.
    • After your character reaches Lv. 200, you can obtain more rewards up until Lv. 210!


    • Mysterious Cryptic Chest: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
      • Snail Pet: 30-day duration.
    • Lv. 30 Weapon Box: Untradeable. Can be opened at Lv. 30. Open to receive a weapon and armor set suitable for your class.
    • Legendary Cryptic Chest: Untradeable. Can be opened at Lv. 100. Open to receive:
      • Mastery Box (x8): Untradeable. Open to choose from Spell Trace, Mastery Book 20, or Mastery Book 30.
      • Frozen Hat: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +23, MaxHP/MaxMP +270, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +293. Upgrades available: 10.
      • Frozen Cape: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +7, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +7, Defense +180, Speed +9, Jump +5. Upgrades available: 7.
      • Frozen Suit: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +27, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +315. Upgrades available: 10.
      • Frozen Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
        • Frozen Weapon: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job.
      • Frozen Secondary Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
        • Frozen Secondary Weapon: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job.
    • Root Abyss Set Box: Untradeable. Can be opened at Lv.150. Open to receive:
      • Root Abyss Hat: Untradeable, 90-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
      • Root Abyss Top: Untradeable, 90-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
      • Root Abyss Bottom: Untradeable, 90-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
      • Fafnir Weapon Box (Time-Restricted): Untradeable, Time-Restricted. Weapon has 90-day duration.
    • [Updated November 18] Fafnir Weapon Box: Untradeable. Can be opened at Lv.200.
    • Eternal Flame Title Coupon: Title. Untradeable, stat duration lasts for 30 days. Grants durational stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +15, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15, Boss Damage +10%, Ignore Defense +10%, Max HP/MP +750, 10% Bonus EXP, Arcane Power +50.
    • Reach Lv. 200 to receive the following reward:
      • Nodestone (x20): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Reach Lv. 205 to receive the following rewards:
      • Nodestone (x20): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Experience Nodestone (x2): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Reach Lv. 210 to receive the following rewards:
      • Nodestone (x50): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Experience Nodestone (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    Burning World

    UTC: November 18 (after maintenance) – January 27 at 1:59 PM

    • Burning World returns in Awake! Get ready to power through the early levels!
    • Burning World is a special world with special rules that will exist only for the event duration, filled with boosts to make it easier than ever to level up fast.
    • Burning World will be available for both NA and EU regions.
    • All characters created in Burning World will receive a ‘Burning’ skill.
      • Burning: EXP +1.5x, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +50, Damage against normal monsters +30%, Boss Damage +30%, Critical Rate +30%, Critical Damage +30%.

    Mega Burning Project

    • You can create up to 2 Mega Burning characters in Burning World. Additional characters can still be created to benefit from the ‘Burning’ skill but they cannot be given the ‘Burning’ effect.
      • You can also participate in the Tera Burning Plus event in the Burning World. If you choose to do so, you are unable to Tera Burn a character in other worlds in that account.
      • Please note that only up to five characters can participate in the World Leap after the Burning World event duration ends.
      • You may use Character Slot Coupons obtained from Fairy Bros, Daily Gift, and Awake Coin Shop. However, the expanded slots will not be transferred when your characters World Leap.
    • After creating a new character, you will be given an option to give it a ‘Burning’ effect.
    • Please note that you cannot go back to give it a ‘Burning’ effect after refusing to do so during character creation.
    • After your character reaches Lv. 10, they will begin to earn two additional levels every time your character gains a level up, all the way to Lv. 150.
    • Accept the ‘Claim your gift during the Mega Burning Project!’ quest from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen to receive the Mega Burning rewards listed below.
    • Accept ‘[Burning World] New Character Celebration!’ quest from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen on your Mega Burning character to receive the additional Burning World Mega Burning rewards listed below.
    • You can still receive the Mega Burning rewards and the Burning World Mega Burning rewards if you delete the existing ‘Burning’ character and create a new ‘Burning’ character.
    • Zero characters cannot be selected as a ‘Burning’ character.
    • Illium characters need to complete their Illium questline first before teleporting out of the area. Otherwise, they won’t be able to properly advance to 2nd Job.

    Burning World Restrictions

    • As Burning World is a temporary world to be removed at the end of the World Leap stage, some MapleStory features will be unavailable there:
      • Cash Shop can be used, however, the following items cannot be purchased:
        • Character Slot Coupon
        • Add 4 Slots (Storage)
        • Add 8 Slots (Storage)
        • House Wedding Ticket
        • Commitment of Love Ticket
        • Custom Title Package
        • Promise Ring
        • Cupid Ring
        • Cloud Promise Ring
        • Venus Fireworks
        • Crossed Hearts
        • Illumination Couples Ring
        • Friendship Ring: Clover
        • Friendship Ring: Flower Petal
        • Friendship Ring: Star
        • Snow Dome Friendship Ring
      • Meso Market cannot be used.
      • Link Skills cannot be transferred between characters.
      • Maple Legion cannot be used.
      • Monster Collection cannot be used.
      • Maple Tour will not be available.
      • The following quests cannot be done:
        • Teaching Link Skill
        • Teaching Zero's Link Skill
        • [Legion] Whip the Whelps
        • [Legion] Defeat the Golden Wyvern
        • [Legion] We Are Legion
        • Talk to Dame Appropriation
        • [Legion] Legion Introduction
        • [Monster Collection] Monster Collector

    Burning World Mega Burning Rewards:

    • Flameborn: Medal. Untradeable. Grants stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +5, MaxHP/MaxMP +250, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1.
    • Pearl Maple Armor Set Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following items:
      • Pearl Maple Hat: Tradeable once within account. Req. Lv: 30. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +6, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +100.
      • Pearl Maple Suit: Tradeable once within account. Req. Lv: 30. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +7, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +155.
      • Pearl Maple Cape: Tradeable once within account. Req. Lv: 30. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +2, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +40, MaxHP/MaxMP +50.
      • Pearl Maple Gum: Tradeable once within account. Req. Lv: 30. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +5, Defense +10.
      • Pearl Maple Pendant: Tradeable once within account. Req. Lv: 30. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +8, Defense +100.
      • Pearl Maple Buckle: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 30. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +3, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +20.
    • Hyper Teleport Rock (30 Day): Untradeable, 30-day duration. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Inventory slots can be expanded to 56 slots through Burning character reward quest.

    Mega Burning Rewards:

    • Lv. 30 Weapon Box: Untradeable. Can be opened at Lv. 30. Item will expire January 27 at 2:00 PM UTC. Open to receive a weapon and armor set suitable for your class.
    • Mysterious Cryptic Chest: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
      • Snail Pet: 30-day duration. Pet has expanded auto move skill and cannot be revived using Water of Life.
    • Legendary Cryptic Chest: Untradeable. Can only be opened at Lv. 100. Item will expire January 27 at 2:00 PM UTC. Open to receive:
      • Mastery Box (x8): Untradeable.
      • Frozen Hat: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +23, MaxHP/MaxMP +270, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +293. Upgrades available: 10.
      • Frozen Cape: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +7, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +7, Defense +180, Speed +9, Jump +5. Upgrades available: 7.
      • Frozen Suit: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +27, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +315. Upgrades available: 10.
      • Frozen Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
        • Frozen Weapon: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job.
      • Frozen Secondary Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
        • Frozen Secondary Weapon: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job.
    • Keep on Burning: Title. Untradeable. Coupon will expire January 27 at 2:00 PM UTC. Grants the following 14-day durational stats: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +10, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10, MaxHP/MaxMP +400, Ignore Defense +10%, Boss Damage +10%.
    World Leap

    UTC: January 27 (after maintenance) – February 18 (before maintenance)

    Requirement: Lv. 150 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Only for characters in the Burning World.

    • After you enjoy your time training in the Burning World, it’s time to World Leap your characters!
    • After maintenance on January 27, your characters will be moved to Burning Leap Zone where you can proceed with World Leap by talking to NPC Mover.
    • Your characters, regardless of it being a ‘Burning’ character or not, must be Lv. 150 and above to World Leap. Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2.
    • You can move up to five characters that meet the requirements.
    • Characters can be transferred to any non-Reboot worlds only. You can only transfer within your region.
    • You may send your Burning characters all to the same world, or to different worlds.
    • You can move the character even if you don’t have an empty character slot in the world you chose.
      • If you have reached the max character limit in the world you chose, you will have to delete a character first and create an empty slot before moving your Burning World characters to that world.
      • If the world you chose has empty character slots, one of the open character slots will be used.
    • Your character must leave or disband their Guild before proceeding with World Leap.
      • When you talk to Mover, you will be given an option to Disband the Guild or the Alliance. You can also use the Guild UI to leave the Guild.
    • Your character cannot World Leap if they have the following items in the inventory:
      • <Mountain of Awakening> Growth Potion 1
      • <Mountain of Awakening> Growth Potion 2
      • <Mountain of Awakening> Growth Potion 3
      • <Mountain of Awakening> Growth Potion 4
      • Awake Ring Coupon
      • Awake Ring Exclusive Enhancement Scroll
      • Character Slot Expansion Coupon
      • Job Advancement Coin
      • Epic Potential Scroll 100%
      • Special Bonus Potential Scroll
      • Golden Hammer 100%
      • Innocence Scroll 60%
      • Gold Potential Stamp
      • Special Potential Stamp
      • Master Craftsman's Cube
      • Meister's Cube
      • Bonus Occult Cube
      • Scroll for Pet Equip. for ATT 100%
      • Scroll for Pet Equip. for M. ATT 100%
      • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame
      • Karma Rejuvenation Flame
      • Karma Meister's Cube
      • Karma Bonus Occult Cube
      • Karma Chaos Scroll of Greatness 60%
      • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame x10 Package
      • Karma Powerful Rebirth Flame x10 Package
      • Red Cube x5 Package
      • Black Cube x5 Package
      • Bonus Potential Cube x5 Package
      • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame
      • Karma Rejuvenation Flame
      • Karma Star Force 15-Star Enhancement
      • Karma Chaos Scroll of Greatness 60%
      • You may sell these items to Luna on the Burning Leap Zone map to proceed with World Leap.
      • You are unable to use these items in Burning Leap Zone. If you would like to use them, you must do it prior to January 27 (after maintenance).
    • Your character's equipped items, inventory, and mesos will be transferred with your character.
      • Items in your Cash Shop Inventory, Storage, Auction House, and mail will not be moved. Please remember to move these items to your inventory before World Leap.
    • Game information, such as rankings and special medals (Donation King, etc.), will not be moved.
    • Expanded character slots in Burning World will not be transferred.
    Awake Celebration Event

    UTC: November 18 (after maintenance) - November 21 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 30 and above.

    • Awake is finally here! In celebration of Awake, we are giving out EXP and Drop coupons.
    • Check your Gift Drop from November 18 (after maintenance) to November 21 at 11:00 PM UTC to claim your AWAKE Connection Gift Box! Use the AWAKE Connection Gift Box to receive EXP and Drop Coupons every day.
    • Character must be Lv. 30 or above to use the rewards.
    • AWAKE Connection Gift Box can be used once per day, resetting at 12:00 AM UTC.
    • AWAKE Connection Gift Box can be claimed once per account.


    • AWAKE Connection Gift Box: Tradeable within account, item expires November 21 at 11:59 PM UTC. Open to receive the following:
      • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x3): Untradeable, 1-day duration.
      • 2x Drop Coupon (15 min) (x3): Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    [Awake] Awakening Scroll

    UTC: November 18 (after maintenance) - January 26 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Every 1,000 years a hidden path to the Mountain of Awakening opens! It’s the time of awakening for all of us, Maplers!
    • Accept ‘[AWAKE] Time of Awakening’ quest within the star notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • You’ll automatically receive 1 Awakening Coin for every 100 Awakening Auras you earned.
    • You can earn up to 300 Awakening Coins (30,000 Awakening Auras) per character a day.
    • Talk to Mu Gong on the Mountain of Awakening map or accept ‘[AWAKE] Open the <Awakening Scroll>’ quest from the star notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • You will start with Baek Gong’s Scroll and work your way towards unlocking the Chun Gong’s Scroll and Man Gong’s Scroll.
    • To qualify to obtain the Awakening Scroll, you must participate in the scroll training by paying 200 Awakening Coins once a day per world. Click on the ‘Train’ button on the Awakening Scroll to complete your scroll training!
      • Upon completion, you will receive Bamboo Shoots. You can use the Bamboo Shoots to purchase items in the Bamboo Shoot Shop.
      • The higher your training level is, the more Bamboo Shoots you can receive. You can increase your training level by unlocking the next Awakening Scroll.
    • There are a total of 3 Awakening Scrolls:
      • Baek Gong’s Scroll:
        • <Intro>: Available November 18 (after maintenance)
          • Required Training: 1 time
        • <Chapter 1>: Available November 25 at 12:00 AM UTC
          • Required Training: 5 times
        • <Chapter 2>: Available December 2 at 12:00 AM UTC
          • Required Training: 5 times
        • <Chapter 3>: Available December 9 at 12:00 AM UTC
          • Required Training: 5 times
      • Chun Gong’s Scroll:
        • <Intro>: Available December 16 at 12:00 AM UTC
          • Required Training: 5 times
        • <Chapter 1>: Available December 23 at 12:00 AM UTC
          • Required Training: 5 times
        • <Chapter 2>: Available December 30 at 12:00 AM UTC
          • Required Training: 5 times
        • <Chapter 3>: Available January 6 at 12:00 AM UTC
          • Required Training: 5 times
      • Man Gong’s Scroll:
        • <Intro>: Available January 13 at 12:00 AM UTC
          • Required Training: 5 times
        • <Ending>: Available January 20 at 12:00 AM UTC
          • Required Training: 5 times
    • Once you’ve completed the required amount of training time, you can receive sealed rewards and gain access to a new Coin Shop by unlocking the remaining Awakening Scrolls.
    • Awakening Scroll training time is shared within your characters in the same world.


    • Baek Gong Scroll
      • Complete <Intro>: Sage Training Outfit Set: Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Open to receive the following items:
        • Sage Training Hat: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Sage Training Outfit: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Bamboo Sword: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Complete Chapter 1: Mountain of Awakening Growth Potion 1: Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the item. Use to gain a level between Lv. 200 and 209. Characters with Lv. 210 and above will obtain a considerable amount of EXP.
      • Complete Chapter 2: Mountain of Awakening Growth Potion 2: Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the item. Use to gain a level between Lv. 200 and 219. Characters with Lv. 220 and above will obtain a considerable amount of EXP.
      • Complete Chapter 3: Mountain of Awakening Growth Potion 3: Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the item. Use to gain a level between Lv. 200 and 229. Characters with Lv. 230 and above will obtain a considerable amount of EXP.
    • Chun Gong Scroll
      • Complete <Intro>: Awake Ring Coupon: Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Use to receive the following item:
        • Awake Ring: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/LUK/INT +10, MaxHP/MaxMP +1,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10. Upgrades available: 3. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
        • Reboot Awake Ring Coupon (Lv. 1): Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/LUK/INT +10, MaxHP/MaxMP +1,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10. (Reboot world only.)
      • Complete Chapter 1:
        • Awake Ring Exclusive Enhancement Scroll: Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
        • Reboot Awake Ring Coupon (Lv. 2): Changes the existing Reboot Awake Ring to Lv. 2. Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/LUK/INT +20, MaxHP/MaxMP +2,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15. (Reboot worlds only.)
      • Complete Chapter 2:
        • Awake Ring Exclusive Enhancement Scroll: Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
        • Reboot Awake Ring Coupon (Lv. 3): Changes the existing Reboot Awake Ring to Lv. 3. Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/LUK/INT +30, MaxHP/MaxMP +3,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +20. (Reboot worlds only.)
      • Complete Chapter 3:
        • Awake Ring Exclusive Enhancement Scroll: Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
        • Reboot Awake Ring Coupon (Lv. 4): Changes the existing Reboot Awake Ring to Lv. 4. Untradeable. Req. Lv: 120. STR/DEX/LUK/INT +40, MaxHP/MaxMP +4,000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +25. (Reboot worlds only.)
    • Man Gong Scroll
      • Complete Intro: Mountain of Awakening Growth Potion 4: Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the item. Use to gain a level between Lv. 200 and 239. Characters with Lv. 240 and above will obtain a considerable amount of EXP.
      • Complete Ending: Karma Star Force 17-Star Enhancement Scroll: Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Complete all Awakening Scrolls: Awakened One: Title. Untradeable, stat duration lasts until 14 days. Grants durational stats STR/DEX/LUK/INT +50, MaxHP/MaxMP +2,500, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +20, Boss Damage +30%, Ignore Defense +30%.


    [Awake] Coin Shop

    UTC: November 18 (after maintenance) - January 26 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[AWAKE] Time of Awakening’ quest.

    • You can purchase items from the [Awake] Coin Shop using Awakening Coins!
    • There are three [Awake] Coin Shops on the Mountain of Awakening map:
      • Baek Gong’s Coin Shop: Available after unlocking Baek Gong Awakening Scroll’s <Intro>.
      • Chun Gong’s Coin Shop: Available after unlocking Chun Gong Awakening Scroll’s <Intro>.
      • Man Gong’s Coin Shop: Available after unlocking Man Gong Awakening Scroll’s <Intro>.
    • Chun Gong and Man Gong’s Coin Shop will be available upon unlocking the respective Awakening Scrolls.
    • Please note that all Karma items can only be used on untradeable equipment.
    • Weekly items will reset every Thursday 12:00 AM UTC during the event period.
    • All quantities are limited to your characters per world.


    Baek Gong’s Coin Shop

    • Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 50. Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Chu Chu Island: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 50. Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Lachelein: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 50. Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Arcana: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 50. Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Morass: 70 Coins. Limited quantity: 50. Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Esfera: 70 Coins. Limited quantity: 50. Untradeable.
    • Special Medal of Honor: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Mysterious Medal of Honor Box: 320 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to obtain Medal of Honor: Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Nodestone: 70 Coins. Limited quantity: 20. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Mysterious Nodestone Box: 230 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to obtain Nodestone: Untradeable.
    • Miracle Circulator Coupon: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 15. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Use to obtain Miracle Circulator: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Trait Boost Potion: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Selective 8 Slot Coupon: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 12. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Character Slot: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • SP Reset Scroll: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • AP Reset Scroll: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Mastery Book 20: 10 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Untradeable.
    • Mastery Book 30: 10 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Mysterious Monsterbloom: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable.
    • Monster Life Gem x7: 20 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 weekly. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Job Advancement Coin: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.

    Chun Gong’s Coin Shop

    • Event Ring Exclusive Meister's Cube: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 50. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Reboot Meso Pouch x10: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Epic Potential Scroll 100%: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Special Bonus Potential Scroll: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Golden Hammer 100%: 60 Coins. Limited quantity: 20. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Innocence Scroll 60%: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 20. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Gold Potential Stamp: 20 Coins. Limited quantity: 20. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Special Potential Stamp: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 20. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Master Craftsman's Cube: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 15. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Meister's Cube: 150 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Bonus Occult Cube: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Scroll for Pet Equip. for ATT 100%: 700 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Scroll for Pet Equip. for M. ATT 100%: 700 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 40. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Karma Rejuvenation Flame: 70 Coins. Limited quantity: 40. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Karma Meister's Cube: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 20. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Karma Bonus Occult Cube: 70 Coins. Limited quantity: 20. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Karma Chaos Scroll of Greatness 60%: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 30. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)

    Man Gong’s Coin Shop

    • Experience Nodestone: 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable.
    • Chaos Circulator: 1200 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Black Rebirth Flame: 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey x10 Package: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to obtain Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey: Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Chu Chu Island x10 Package: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to obtain Arcane Symbol: Chu Chu Island: Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Lachelein x10 Package: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to obtain Arcane Symbol: Lachelein: Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Arcana x10 Package: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to obtain Arcane Symbol: Arcana: Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Morass x10 Package: 700 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to obtain Arcane Symbol: Morass: Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Esfera x10 Package: 700 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to obtain Arcane Symbol: Esfera: Untradeable.
    • Medal of Honor x10 Package: 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to obtain Medal of Honor: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Nodestone x10 Package: 700 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to obtain Nodestone: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame x10 Package: 2000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Open to obtain Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Karma Powerful Rebirth Flame x10 Package: 700 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Open to obtain Karma Powerful Rebirth Flame: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Red Cube x5 Package: 750 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Open to obtain Red Cube: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to obtain Red Cube: Untradeable, 3-day duration.
    • Black Cube x5 Package: 1500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Open to obtain Black Cube: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to obtain Black Cube: Untradeable, 3-day duration.
    • Bonus Potential Cube x5 Package: 1800 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Open to obtain Bonus Potential Cube: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to obtain Bonus Potential Cube: Untradeable, 3-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Unique Potential Scroll: 5000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration
    [Awake] Meso Shop

    UTC: November 18 (after maintenance) - January 26 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[AWAKE] Time of Awakening’ quest.

    • These stores sell valuable items you can purchase with mesos!
    • There are two Awake Meso Shops on the Mountain of Awakening map:
      • Mr. Fortune Meso Shop: Available upon unlocking Chun Gong Awakening Scroll’s <Intro>.
      • Chun Hee’s Meso Shop: Available upon unlocking Man Gong Awakening Scroll’s <Intro>.
    • Please note that all Karma items can only be used on untradeable equipment.
    • All quantities are limited to your characters per world.


    Mr. Fortune Meso Shop

    • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame: 50,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 40. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame: 250,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 40. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Reboot worlds only.)
    • Karma Rejuvenation Flame: 15,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 40. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Permanent Monster Hot Air Balloon Mount Coupon: 50,000,000 mesos. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Perm Bunny Moon Gazing Mount Coupon: 50,000,000 mesos. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Permanent Heart of Ice Mount Coupon: 50,000,000 mesos. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Milk Tea Boba: 100,000,000 mesos. Untradeable.
    • Crystal Glacier Chair: 100,000,000 mesos. Untradeable.
    • Permanent Cat Cushion Mount Coupon: 200,000,000 mesos. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Permanent Superhero Mount Coupon: 200,000,000 mesos. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Permanent Aurora Doe Mount Coupon: 200,000,000 mesos. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Froggie Water Slide Chair Coupon: 200,000,000 mesos. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Use the coupon to select 1 of the following:
      • Purple Froggie Water Slide Chair: Untradeable.
      • Yellow Froggie Water Slide Chair: Untradeable.
      • Red Froggie Water Slide Chair: Untradeable.
    • Perfect Day for Laundry Chair: 300,000,000 mesos. Untradeable.
    • Shadowknight Coin: 50,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 200. Untradeable.
    • Occult Cube: 1,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 100. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Reboot worlds only.)
    • Arcane River Droplet Stone: 50,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 50. Tradeable within account. (Reboot worlds only.)
    • Stone Origin Droplet: 50,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 50. Tradeable within account. (Reboot worlds only.)


    Chun Hee’s Meso Shop

    • Karma Star Force 15-Star Enhancement: 600,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Karma Chaos Scroll of Greatness 60%: 50,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 30. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Karma Premium Scroll for Accessories' Weapon ATT 100%: 1,000,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Karma Premium Scroll for Accessories' Magic ATT 100%: 500,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Karma Premium Scroll for Pet Equipment's Weapon ATT 100%: 1,000,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 10. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Karma Premium Scroll for Pet Equipment's Magic ATT 100%: 500,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 10. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Android Ear Sensor Clip: 700,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Effect from the coupon is permanent.
    • Blushing Petal Skin Android Coupon: 500,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Soft Petal Skin Android Coupon: 500,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Dragon Pop Headband Coupon: 2,000,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Use to obtain Dragon Pop Headband: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Preppy Suspenders Coupon: 1,000,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Use to obtain Preppy Suspenders: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.


    [Awake] Bamboo Shoot Shop

    UTC: November 18 (after maintenance) - January 26 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[AWAKE] Time of Awakening’ quest.

    • These items can be purchased with the Bamboo Shoot you’ve received from completing your Awakening Scroll training!
      • The higher your training level is, the more Bamboo Shoots you can receive upon completion of your training. You can increase your training level by unlocking the next Awakening Scroll.
    • Talk to Mr. Do on the Mountain of Awakening map to access the Bamboo Shoot Shop.
    • All quantities are limited to your characters per world.


    • Event Ring Exclusive Meister's Cube: 1 Bamboo Shoot. Limited quantity: 3 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    • Sage Pill: Physical Enhancement: 1 Bamboo Shoot. Limited quantity: 3 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Grants 60 minutes of MaxHP/MaxMP + 1,000, Damage against normal monsters +30%, Critical Rate +20%.
    • Sage Pill: EXP: 1 Bamboo Shoot. Limited quantity: 3 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Grants 60 minutes of 2x EXP. This item does not stack with other EXP buffs.
    • Sage Pill: Star Force: 1 Bamboo Shoot. Limited quantity: 3 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Grants 60 minutes of Star Force +20.
    • Sage Pill: Arcane Power: 1 Bamboo Shoot. Limited quantity: 3 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Grants 60 minutes of Arcane Power +30.
    • Sage Pill: Monster Collection: 1 Bamboo Shoot. Limited quantity: 3 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Grants 60 minutes of +50% chance of a monster being added to Monster Collection.
    • Monster Park REBORN Coupon x2 Voucher: 1 Bamboo Shoot. Limited quantity: 3 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Use to obtain Monster Park REBORN Coupon: Tradeable within account, 1-day duration.
    • Hyper Teleport Rock Coupon (1 Day): 1 Bamboo Shoot. Limited quantity: 3 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Use to obtain Hyper Teleport Rock: Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    • Pollo and Fritto Entry Ticket x2 Coupon: 1 Bamboo Shoot. Limited quantity: 3 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Use to obtain Pollo and Fritto Entry Ticket: Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    • Infinite Revitalizer x3 Coupon: 1 Bamboo Shoot. Limited quantity: 3 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Use to obtain Infinite Revitalizer: Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    • Power Elixir x500 Coupon: 1 Bamboo Shoot. Limited quantity: 3 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Use to obtain Power Elixir: Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey x3 Coupon: 1 Bamboo Shoot. Limited quantity: 3 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Use to obtain Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey: Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Chu Chu Island x3 Coupon: 1 Bamboo Shoot. Limited quantity: 3 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Use to obtain Arcane Symbol: Chu Chu Island: Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Lachelein x3 Coupon: 1 Bamboo Shoot. Limited quantity: 3 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Use to obtain Arcane Symbol: Lachelein: Untradeable.
    [Awake] Decoration Shop

    UTC: November 18 (after maintenance) - January 26 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[AWAKE] Time of Awakening’ quest.

    • Take your FashionStory up a notch with these items from the Awake Decoration Shop!
    • Talk to Lilishu on the Mountain of Awakening map to access the Decoration Shop.
    • Different types of Awakening Tickets can be purchased once a day.
    • You must purchase 10 of the same type of Awakening Ticket to trade in for the item corresponding to the ticket.
    • If you have 10 of the same type of Awakening Ticket in your inventory, you will not be able to purchase more of the same type.
    • All quantities are limited to your characters per world.


    • Training Chair: Physical Training: 200,000 mesos. Untradeable. Chair provides Awakening Auras when used at Free-form Training Grounds.
    • Training Chair: Sparring: 200,000,000 mesos. Untradeable. Chair provides Awakening Auras when used at Free-form Training Grounds.
    • Awakening Ticket: Rock Spiritroid: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, item expires February 2 at 11:59 PM UTC. Use 10 of this ticket to obtain the following coupon:
      • Rock Spiritroid Coupon: Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Use to receive the following:
        • Rock Spiritroid: Untradeable.
        • Lidium Heart: Permanent. Untradeable.
    • Awakening Ticket: Awake Damage Skin: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, item expires February 2 at 11:59 PM UTC. Use 10 of this ticket to obtain the following coupon:
      • Awake Damage Skin: Unit Damage Skin. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Awakening Ticket: Tranquil Sage Outfit Set: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, item expires February 2 at 11:59 PM UTC. Use 10 of this ticket to obtain the following coupon:
      • Tranquil Sage Outfit Set Box: Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. You can choose the desired gender outfit, however, the gender indicated items are gender locked.
        • Tranquil Sage Hat (M): Untradeable. Item can only be equipped by a male character. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Tranquil Sage Hat (F): Untradeable. Item can only be equipped by a female character. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Tranquil Sage Outfit (M): Untradeable. Item can only be equipped by a male character. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Tranquil Sage Outfit (F): Untradeable. Item can only be equipped by a female character. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Firefly Forest Shoes: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Firefly Forest Cape: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Sage Firefly: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Summer Resort Massage Chair: 1,000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • Permanent Alluring Whale Mount Coupon: 1,500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Random Damage Skin Box: 200 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Job Damage Skin Selection Box: 500 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Damage Skin Extraction Coupon: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • 40 Slot Chair Bag: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • Combat Military Academy Equipment Coupon: 200 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Items can be equipped by both genders. Use to select 1 of the following items:
      • Combat Military Academy Hat (M): Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Combat Military Academy Hat (F): Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Combat Military Academy Outfit (M): Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Combat Military Academy Outfit (F): Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Combat Military Academy Cape: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Combat Military Academy Shoes: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Combat Military Academy Weapon: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.


    [Awake] Sage Rock Training Grounds

    UTC: November 18 (after maintenance) - January 26 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[AWAKE] Time of Awakening’ quest.

    • Talk to No Gong on the Mountain of Awakening map to enter the Sage Rock Training Grounds.
    • Your goal is to attack the Training Dummies and Sage Rock within 2 minutes to obtain Awakening Auras.
    • There are a total of 11 stages, and when you defeat all the dummies and rocks in the map, you will automatically progress to the next stage.
    • You will receive Awakening Coins according to the points you earned while training. You will be given 1 Awakening Coin for every 10 points you have earned.
    • If you are not satisfied with the amount of points you have gained, you will have the option to retry without receiving the rewards. You can complete it again anytime if you exit without receiving the rewards.
    • You can receive additional Awakening Coins if you beat your best record.
    • Rewards can be obtained once a day per world.
    • Awakening Coins from the Sage Rock Training Grounds are not affected by the daily coin capacity.


    • Awakening Coins
    [Awake] Sage's Treasure: Baek Gong's Flute

    UTC: November 18 (after maintenance) - December 15 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[AWAKE] Time of Awakening’ quest.

    • Accept ‘[Awake] Sage’s Treasure: Baek Gong’s Flute’ quest from the event notifier on the left side of the screen or talk to So Gong on the Mountain of Awakening map.
    • Upon accepting the quest, you will acquire the ‘Baek Gong’s Flute’ skill.
    • Defeat monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) with Baek Gong’s Flute skill to collect Awakening Auras. When the flute plays, the monsters will drop Sonic Auras.
      • The flute will stop playing when you leave the map during its performance.
    • Once you complete Baek Gong Awakening Scroll Chapter 2 training, you can level up your Baek Gong’s Flute skill by accepting ‘[Awake] Sage’s Treasure: Baek Gong’s Flute II’ quest in the star notifier on the left side of the screen.
      • You can obtain more Awakening Auras once your Baek Gong’s Flute skill levels up.
    • When you have reached the Awakening Coin capacity of the day, you can no longer use Baek Gong’s Flute skill.


    • Awakening Coins
    [Awake] Rock-Paper-Scissors

    UTC: November 18 (after maintenance) - December 1 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[AWAKE] Time of Awakening’ quest.

    • You will receive an invitation above your character’s head at the 15-minute and 45-minute mark of every hour. Click on the invitation to play the game.
    • The minimum participant number for Awake Rock-Paper-Scissors is 10 players.
    • You will play a total of 3 rounds of Rock-Paper-Scissors. Each round has 9 Rock-Paper-Scissors matches.
    • When the match starts, you can select rock, paper, or scissors. If you do not choose during the given time, it will be counted as your loss.
    • You will start on the 1st Floor of the Rock-Paper-Scissors game room. As you win, you will move up the floors and as you lose, you will move down the floors. If it’s a draw, you will not move.
    • When the round ends, rewards will be distributed based on the floor you are on.
    • If you reach your coin capacity for the day, you can still participate in the game but no longer obtain Awakening Coins.


    • Awakening Coins
    [Awake] Bingo

    UTC: December 2 at 12:00 AM - December 15 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[AWAKE] Time of Awakening’ quest.

    • You will receive an invitation above your character’s head at the 15-minute and 45-minute mark of every hour. Click on the invitation to play the game.
    • The minimum participant number for Awake Bingo is 30 players.
    • This is a bingo game where So Gong will call out 2 numbers each time. If the called number is on your bingo board, you can click the number to mark it with a circle.
    • If you complete 1 line of circles horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, click the BINGO button to be ranked.
    • Game will end either when So Gong calls 50 Bingo numbers or when 30 players are ranked.
    • So Gong will run 3 rounds of Bingo each time.
    • When the round ends, rewards will be distributed based on your rankings. Rankings will reset every round.
    • You cannot earn the rewards if you leave during the game.
    • If you reach your coin capacity for the day, you can still participate in the game but no longer obtain Awakening Coins.


    • Awakening Coins
    Sunny Sunday

    UTC: November 22 at 12:00 AM – November 22 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: November 29 at 12:00 AM – November 29 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: December 6 at 12:00 AM – December 6 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: December 13 at 12:00 AM – December 13 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    Log in on each Sunday during the event period to enjoy various perks.

    • Week 1 - November 22, 2020
      • Select one of the following Chat Emoticons:
        • Pink Bean Chat Emoticon Coupon: Tradeable within account, 14-day duration. Chat Emoticon from the coupon has a 30-day duration.
        • Pepe Chat Emoticon Coupon: Tradeable within account, 14-day duration. Chat Emoticon from the coupon has a 30-day duration.
      • Receive 100% extra EXP from Runes.
      • Receive 300% extra EXP from Combo Kill Orbs.
      • Receive 2x Awakening Coins from Awake events.
      • The limit of Awakening Coins you can obtain is doubled.
    • Week 2 - November 29, 2020
      • Receive 2x EXP from Pollo and Fritto Bounty Hunting.
      • Receive 2x EXP from participating in the Inferno Wolf hunt.
      • Receive 2x Awakening Coins from Awake events.
      • The limit of Awakening Coins you can obtain is doubled.
    • Week 3 - December 6, 2020
      • Receive 50% off Ability resets.
      • Receive 50% off Spell Trace enhancements.
      • Receive 2x Awakening Coins from Awake events.
      • The limit of Awakening Coins you can obtain is doubled.
    • Week 4 - December 13, 2020
      • Receive 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x3): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Receive 30% off Star Force enhancements.
      • Receive 2x Awakening Coins from Awake events.
      • The limit of Awakening Coins you can obtain is doubled.


    Spell Trace Fever Time

    UTC: November 27 – November 29 during the times listed below.

    Requirement: Available for all levels in non-Reboot worlds only.

    Your equipment upgrade success rate will be increased during the listed event times.

    • November 27, 2020
      • UTC: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • November 28, 2020
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM and 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • November 29, 2020
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM

    Join the discussion about the v.218 Awake: Ascend to Mastery Patch Notes on the Official MapleStory Discord or the Official MapleStory Forums!

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