Vote to Decide Our New World Names!

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jun 7, 2019.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Greetings Maplers,

    As we announced last week, we're planning to bring some new world merges to MapleStory this August, and we want your help deciding what to name our two new worlds!

    Voting will be open from June 7 to June 23 (PDT). You can choose between the following names:

    • Aurora
    • Elysium
    • Scarlet
    • Eryl
    • Capella
    • Elviana
    • Arcane

    Cast your vote for your favorite name by following these two links:

    World #1 Poll (includes Broa, Khaini, Galicia, Renegades, Arcania, Zenith, El Nido, Demethos)

    World #2 Poll (includes Windia, Mardia, Yellonde, Bellocan, Chaos, Kradia, Nova)

    We will only consider votes from players who, as of June 7th 1:30 AM (PDT), have at least 3 characters (one of which is at least Lv. 160) in the affected worlds, or at least one character who is Lv. 201 and up in the affected worlds. In the event that each poll has the same name as the top choice, the world with the larger percentage of votes for that name will receive it.

    We look forward to hearing your responses!

    -The MapleStory Team

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