What's Your MapleStory? - NumB

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Dec 9, 2019.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    MapleStory is a constantly evolving game, full of heroes, villains, and everything in between. But none of them are as important to us as you, our players who make Maple World what it is! The history of MapleStory is a long and winding one, but now we'd like to turn the attention to you, and hear more about your own journeys that you've taken as MapleStory has grown over the years. The question we'd like to ask you all is: What's Your MapleStory? If you'd like to submit your story, you can do so via this form.

    For today's edition of What's Your MapleStory, we spoke to NumB, who shares about favorite memories while playing MapleStory~



    What was the best part about MapleStory for you?

    I have been playing MapleStory since beta! I was 17 when I first played MapleStory and now I am 32. Wow, I have so many stories to tell. I remember the Red Whip item being so expensive because of its speed, or 50 people waiting for Balrog to spawn. I also remember the time I got my Zakum Helmet - it was a moment of so much joy and happiness! I have several fun and great memories from MapleStory, so many! But I think the best one was when I got my Zakum Helmet, in those times Zakum was the hardest boss. I can't describe the joy and pride I felt when I got the helmet because only the best players had it and yes, I was one of them. It was a boss fight that lasted around 3 to 4 hours but that was worth it, and it was even more difficult because it was a free loot, which means others in the run could loot the helmet as well. Memories like when I met a GM and she sent me a heart-shaped Chocolate on my birthday in the Zakum altar. These aside, the best thing about MapleStory is that because of it I met my wife and we have 2 beautiful daughters.

    How did you meet your spouse in MapleStory?

    I met my wife in MapleStory; she was a Priest by that time. She was a friend of a friend of mine and by that time, Aqua Road came out and we started partying and talking every day until we decided to meet each other. Luckily, we lived in the same country.

    What made you play MapleStory all these years?

    Friendship. Friendship was all MapleStory was about. You literally could log in and chat for hours without doing any content in the game but just chat. Thanks to MapleStory, I have made several friends around the world and I even got to meet one that wasn't from my country!


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