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Gloom Boss Guide (Revamped)

Oct 12, 2023
Bossing Guides

Tentacles, shapeshifting seahorses of darkness, and waving hands, oh my! A guide on how to defeat the revamped Gloom (both Normal and Chaos).

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Darknell Boss Guide (Revamped)

Oct 12, 2023
Bossing Guides

The Elitest of all Elites, a guide on how to defeat the revamped Darknell (both Normal and Hard). Also known as Dunkel in KMS and Djunkel (DJ Unkel) in MSEA.

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Black Mage Boss Guide (and Genesis Weapons)

Jan 2, 2023
Bossing Guides

A guide on how to not lose all your lives without actually dying (as well as liberating the Genesis Weapon).

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