Evan the Dragon Master
Hello people of the internet. I'm an Evan main from the long lost world of GRAZED. Having mained the class since 2010, I've seen and lived through the ups and downs of the class over the years. I'll try to cover what I can with this guide, but I might forget to add a thing or two every here and there.
I'll go over the class mechanic, how it affects mobbing and bossing situations, and various other details pertaining to the class such as Inner Ability, Nodes, and Legion.
Class Summary
Evan is one of the two Mage heroes in MapleStory, using a dragon in tandem with magic attacks to attack enemies. As a Magician, Evan uses either Wand or Staff with a Shield or Document as the secondary weapon.
The class is fairly mobile, having access to a teleport and an upjump (Though this can't be used while Mir is attacking, it is still very useful for navigating maps). Like most mages, most skills can't be jumpcasted though they can be telecasted. This leads to average mobbing mobility and excellent bossing mobility. Additionally, you can do significant damage while dodging in a boss such as Hard Magnus since more than half of the skills allow you to move freely while they are cast (More on that later).
Evan has no particular sensitivity to ping, so users with bad internet shouldn't suffer beyond the usual things. Some skills can glitch out and disappear (I have a detailed video of this) but this doesn't happen very often in regular gameplay.
Damage wise, Evan hits hard in both mobbing and bossing situations, owing to its unique Mechanic which allows you to effectively be in two places at once. This does not come without a cost, and Evans may require higher range than other classes to achieve maximum mobbing potential.
- Top tier mobbing potential
- Dragon Partner
- 100% stance
- High damage
- Not many buffs (Only 4)
- Can take a hit (Magic guard)
- Interactive gameplay (Definitely not a one button wonder)
- Not a one button wonder
- Skills bug out sometimes
- Needs some co-ordination to play
- The 5th job skill makes your screen flash and flicker
- Needs a legendary hat to achieve maximumer potential
Class Mechanic - Fusion Skills
Playing Evan is a bit like controlling two characters simultaneously. Your character takes the role of Evan, and you command Mir (The Dragon). Personally, I think this embodies the Essence of what Evan should be and I greatly enjoy the class because of it but that bit is up to you.
The class can be broken up into three categories of skill; Evan, Dragon and Fusion.
Evan skills are used directly by you, the player. They are no different or special to any skill you would encounter on any other class. However, some Evan skills serve as triggers for Fusion Skills.
Dragon Skills manifest in the form of short lived, very fast and very strong summons. Dragon Skills fall under a unique category of summon; they can only attack in the direction you were facing when you first cast the skill, do not trigger Damage Reflection and Summon Duration % does not affect it. When a certain Evan Skill is cast while a Dragon skill is active, a Fusion Skill is triggered.
Fusion Skills are essentially enhanced Dragon Skills. Each Fusion Skill has a unique Dragon + Evan trigger combination and similarly each have a unique combination of power and attack range. This gives Evan a lot of potential and versatility, and it is important to make use of this while playing the class.
A subcategory of Fusion Skills are Return Skills. Return makes Mir stop attacking and activates effects depending on the Dragon Skill that's active.
There are three Dragon skills and four Evan skills (Not counting 5th job skills since they only link to each other) that are a part of this mechanic. It can be a little confusing which combinations create which Fusion Skill so here's a chart to get you started. At the end of the day, like any other class, you've just got to learn and practice using the mechanic.
The limit on triggering Fusion is the duration of the Dragon Skill. You can tap a Dragon Skill and its Evan Skill trigger in quick succession to trigger Fusion without any issues.
I've separated the 5th job skills since they do not interact with any previous skills except Return.
5th Job Dragon Slam
Elemental Barrage
Wyrmking's Breath
Ludicrous Speed
Since the Dragon/Fusion Skills are independent of your character, you do not need to spend a lot of time triggering the Fusion skills. This means that most of the time, you will only be using one skill and playing Evan will be just like any other class.
Evan The Dragon Boi
Guide in 'Mage' published by ThreeEggTrio, Nov 10, 2017.
A guide to the Evan, the Dragon Master, Second of His Name, Leader of the Heroes, and Protector of Maple World.
Guide Author ThreeEggTrio, Find all guides by ThreeEggTrio
Skill Rundown
All Evan skills can be maxed so SP distribution is not an issue.
For all jobs, follow the standard practice of:
One point in each attack -> Max out passives -> Max out attacks
Beginner Tab
Not much to see here.
Rune Persistence Increases the duration of runes by 30%/50%/70% at level 1/2/3 Back to Nature Returns you to Evan's Farm. You can use a Henesys Return Scroll here but not much else.
1st Job
Mobbing: Just teleport around with Mana Burst. Not much to say.
2nd Job
Mobbing: Same Mana Burst routine as before with some Wind Flash.
I shouldn't need to say this, but having Mir attacking for as long as possible is important for damage. The extra lines and the 20% partners buff is important (Duh).
3rd Job
Mobbing same as always, you can use Thunder Circle if the map permits. Thunder Flash and Thunder Dive aren't particularly good for mobbing, but you can use Thunder Flash to clear out an Elite Mobs if you need to.
4th Job
At this point, you've unlocked all of the main skills in Evan's kit. Mobbing can be taken care of with Earth Breath and Wind Flash and bossing is done with Earth Dive and Dragon Breath. These should make training and bossing fairly straightforward. I prefer Earth Circle over Thunder Circle but that is up to you.
Hyper Skills
Hyper Passives
Use whichever pleases you, I'll bold the ones I use and recommend. I put in my reasoning for why I did this at the end of the section.
Dragon Flash Speedy Dragon Flash Reduces Dragon Flash's cooldown by 25%. Howling Wind +1 Wind Blades Rolling Thunder +1 attack per area
Dragon Dive Speedy Dragon Dive Reduces Dragon Dive's cooldown by 25%. Thunder Overload +2 Orbs Earth Shattering Dive Increases Earth Dive's damage by 20%.
For bossing, Earth Dive, Dragon Breath and Wind Breath are the Dragon Skills to use since they'll be applicable in more bosses than Wind Flash (Reduced single target damage), Thunder Flash (Unreliable hitbox) and Thunder Dive (Low orb spawn rate). So from this you boost CD reduction Dive and Breath, Earth Shattering and Breath Opportunity.
Since Earth Breath does a minimum of 35% of max damage to each enemy it targets, increasing enemies hit by 2 is a substantial increase in the skills damage output against mobs. I guess you could switch one of the above for Wind Flash but I wouldn't recommend it unless you already have the damage.
5th Job
The Evan skills are good to use, though they are basically just FMAs. I wouldn't make Freud's Wisdom a priority but a buff is a buff.
There are about 6 skills worth boosting, but it can vary depending on your playstyle. Your priority for nodes should be:
- Level up primary boosts
- Level up secondary boosts
- Level up Evan Skill nodes
- Level up Freud's Wisdom (Optional)
For skill nodes, you need to at least have both Evan skill nodes. They help immensely in just about every situation. I don't think there is any particular push to be leveling these skills since the only gain is skill damage but if you happen to find yourself in a position to do so, go ahead.
Freud's Wisdom is just a regular buff, not particularly strong or necessary.
Mana Overload is ironically only good on classes that don't use MP. It'll drain you dry of MP and is completely unusable with potion cooldown.
As always, its recommended you getDecent Sharp Eyes,
Decent Speed Infusion and
Decent Holy Symbol which should be pretty self explanatory.
The boost node configuration can vary a bit depending on how you play. Here is my ranking of boosts for Evan:
Primary Set - Mana Burst, Dragon Breath, Earth Circle
Secondary Set - Wind Circle, Dragon Spark, Dragon Master
Possibly useful but I don't use it - Thunder Circle, Dragon Flash, Dragon Dive
Junk it - Summon Onyx Dragon, Magic Debris, Dark Fog
I've put my reasoning for this in spoilers because its just a wall of text.
Skill Info
I know this tab is called "skill info" but I feel like the "skill build" tab already took care of anything that could've gone here. Instead, I've hijacked this section to input anything I feel is related to building an Evan but doesn't go anywhere else.
As outlined earlier, Evan has a choice of Wand or Staff, and Document or Shield as a Secondary. Between Wand and Staff, the attack speed of the weapon does not affect Cast speed which remains at Normal (6) regardless of the weapon. Staffs have a slightly higher base magic attack while wands have a bonus 3% Critical Rate from Spell Mastery. I would not consider using a wand for this since Evan has enough base Crit Rate that getting to 100% isn't too big of a challenge.
Between Document and Shield, Documents have higher base stats while shields can be scrolled and starforced. A Timeless or Fearless Prelude will outperform a Document greatly.
As mentioned in the Pros/Cons, Evan makes use of a Legendary tier Hat to maximise damage throughput. When cycling through Dragon Skills, you can notice a period of time where the cooldown doesn't come off quickly enough to maintain a complete skill cycle. The Cooldown Reduction line found on Legendary Hats can remedy this difference. That said, you can certainly live without it and be a completely capable Evan.
Getting 100% Crit Rate
I highly recommend getting 100% crit rate. Regardless of class, it is an important factor of damage. I've broken up Crit Rate sources for Evan to make it easier for you to see how you could get to 100%.
Evan has a base crit rate of 50% (Spell Mastery and Critical Magic)
Using a Level 2 Phantom Link Skill (15%) gets you to 65%
Using a Level 2 Beast Tamer Link Skill (7%) gets you to 72%
Using an S Grade (Lv140) Marksman and Night Lord Legion Attacker (3% each) gets you to 78%
Using Decent Sharp Eyes (10%) gets you to 88%
For the remaining 12%, you can use one or more of Potential, Boss Soul, Hyper Stats, Inner Ability, or Legion grid effects.
It is important to have 100% crit rate, and it is often worthwhile to sacrifice some damage to attain it.
Inner Ability
At a cast speed of Normal (6), Evan benefits from Attack Speed so this is the prime line to get. Note that since Mir is effectively a summon, attack speed will not affect Dragon skills.
Speed Stage (6) + Weapon Booster (2)
Speed Stage (4) + Return Dive (1)
Speed Stage (3) + Attack Speed Inner (1)
Speed Stage (2) + MPE Green Potion (1)
Speed Stage (1) + Decent Speed Infusion (1)
Speed Stage (0) Hard Cap
You can also get %Boss Damage, +Magic Attack and %Crit Rate lines from Inner Ability which you may find useful.
Legion and Hyper Stat
There isn't much to say here, the advice is much the same for all classes.
For Hyper Stats, prioritise point allocation into Crit Rate (However much is necessary), Critical Damage, Ignore Defense, Boss Damage and Damage. Not much else is beneficial to Evan.
For Legion, you'll want the following classes for their effect:
- %Crit Rate - Night Lord, Marksman
- %Crit Damage - Shade, Jett, Hayato
- %Boss Damage - Demon Avenger, Kanna
- %Ignore Defense - Blaster, Beast Tamer
- +Int - Ice/Lightning Mage, Bishop, Luminous, Battlemage, Kinesis, Blaze Wizard
- %EXP - Zero
The ones below are optional effects that you may find beneficial.
- %MP - Fire/Poison Mage
- %HP - Dark Knight
- +HP - Mihile, Dawn Warrior
- %Buff Duration - Mechanic (Optional, but Evan buffs are only three minutes long)
If you aren't sure about what Legion is or how it works, I'll leave a link to a Legion guide if/when one gets made.
Silent Crusade
When doing the Silent Crusade questline on Evan, you can notice that Evan gets a special storyline to match up with the relation to the Heroes. Doing the Silent Crusade earns you some special rewards. I've spoilered the rest because of lore but this can be important to you.
I did these quests a very long time ago and I haven't remade an Evan since so I can't vouch for the accuracy of what I'm about to say.
When you go into Past Leafre to find Arkarium, you'll find Afrien. After some conversation and a short kill and collect quest, you're rewarded with an Evan specific skill, Inherited Will.
The skill appears in your beginner tab. It isn't much but I feel that it is worth mentioning.
The Ailliance
As one of the Maple Heroes, Evan gets a quest to join the Maple Alliance. After proceeding with the quest and joining the Alliance, you are rewarded with a skill, Will of the Alliance
The skill isn't much but it is basically a free source of damage. -
As a class, Evan is just as strong as any other class but individual skills are half as powerful due to the split between Evan and Dragon skills. If you make use of this split, and have the damage to boot, your mobbing ability will be virtually unmatched. I'll explain how this works in this section.
Evan has a teleport and an upjump. All skills can be telecasted so this isn't anything new but the upjump can not be used while a Dragon or Fusion Skill is active. Since you need maximum Dragon time while attacking enemies, upjump isn't really an option for you. Your options are:
Teleport around the map
- Use hidden portals in the field
Use Rope Lift (5th job) to move
Return Mir, upjump, then continue attacking (You lose damage doing this)
Evan Skills
The primary Evan skill to be using is Mana Burst. It has a quick cast time, allowing you to move around the map faster. Mana Burst is also made up of two half skills, which combined with telecasting, gives you access to extended range at the cost of damage. Note that you can only telecast before the second half of the skill and that the first half is weaker.
Having said that, there are situations where the taller hitboxes of Earth Circle or Thunder Circle are better despite cast times. It's up to you to determine which skill to use in which maps, or even where in a single map. Just remember that Mana Burst is better horizontally, Earth and Thunder circle are better vertically.
(You should also be activating Fusion Skills but I feel like this should be obvious by now).
Dragon and Fusion Skills
Dragon Skills can be treated as very fast summons. Unlike normal skills, which deal all their damage in a single set of lines, Mir skills spread out their damage over the duration of the skill and over many sets of lines. The additional time element of Dragon Skills means that a single skill can clear the map multiple times if the spawn rate permits.
Each Fusion Skill has a different combination of range and power. The ones with better reach have less power and require more damage to be effective. The main skills I use are Earth Dive, Earth Breath and Wind Flash and I've included some approximations of the hitbox for these skills. I can't guarantee accuracy but it is what it is.
Note that since the cooldown on Dragon Skills is twice as long as their duration, you will need to alternate between two or more.
The power difference between the skills divides mobbing ability into multiple "tiers" with certain damage requirements. I've put in a table to try and quantify the damage requirement for each tier of mobbing ability. Earth Dive is taken as one "Unit Of Damage" and I've scaled it accordingly. Keep in mind these are estimate numbers based on my character and can vary depending on your use case.
Some notes on this table
None of these skills have boost nodes or hyper stat allocations however, Earth Breath is assumed to be attacking the maximum mob count. Past 1HKO with Wind Flash, I struggle to see any significant gains moving up a tier short of having a Frenzy boosted map. If you have the funds available to you, by all means go ahead, but I cannot recommend this to anyone.
Honorary Mention - Wyrmking's Breath
5th job is fun times for everyone. Elemental Barrage has an enormous hitbox in the direction you are facing, and Wyrmking has an enormous hitbox in the direction that it is facing. The skill has a fairly low damage ceiling and a gigantic hitbox but it can only be activated once a minute and only for all of about four seconds. That said, they are a very nice four seconds.
How do I train?
It should be apparent that Dragon skills have far greater reach than Evan skills. Even though these can't move around with you, you'll find that Fusion skills do the bulk of your mobbing without some very active gameplay.
I can't tell you exactly how to train in every map, but I'll put some rotations to get you started.
For both horizontal maps, you shouldn't be moving far from the centre of the map.
There are different rotations for different maps and even for the same map. You really need to play around with it to decide which one works best for you.
Tips and Techniques
This should be obvious. Telecasting your attacks means you move around faster, your maps rotation are completed faster, you get xp faster. If you can't 1HKO with the halves of Mana Burst, do not telecast it.
Return Dive boosts your attack speed by one stage. Naturally, if you can attack faster, you attack more mobs, get more xp.
Earlier I said that the damage requirement for Return Flame is quite high compared to other skills. This is only the case if you are trying to 1HKO every mob. If your Return Flame is able to clear a platform within one spawn cycle, there is no reason not to use the skill. It makes your map rotations shorter and you spend less effort moving around.
- Cast your Dragon Skills before monsters spawn
You can extend the duration of Mir by triggering a Fusion Skill before the Dragon Skill expires which will give you more time to clear other parts of the map.
- Use the map layout
I know I said that Magic Debris doesn't do enough damage to warrant using but there is one circumstance in which it is a valuable tool. In the event that your skills are just barely strong enough to kill a mob, you can use Magic Debris to finish them off. The skill has no cast time and no range limit, so it will hit anything you missed.
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