Bonus Stat Compensation Issue Update

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Apr 1, 2021.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    We are glad to share that the ‘Exchange Rebirth Flame/Honor EXP Points’ quest has been reopened with the April 1 maintenance. Read on for more details to aid your understanding about the compensation issues that were discovered per the Quick Update on Bonus Stat Generation Issue Compensation Quest Issues post.

    • There was an issue where only 1 Manji Coin Point was distributed for Miracle Circulators used in Legendary Rank in Reboot Worlds, when 2 Manji Coin Points should have been distributed. This issue has been addressed with the April 1 maintenance so that the correct amount of Manji Coin Points were distributed.
    • There was an issue where Mu Gong Medal Points were not distributed for the Miracle Circulators used in Legendary Rank in Burning World.
      • This issue has been addressed with the April 1 maintenance so that the correct number of Mu Gong Medal Points were distributed for the Miracle Circulators used in Burning World during July 22, 2020 at 2:00 PM UTC - September 17, 2020 at 2:00 PM UTC.
      • The Miracle Circulators used in Legendary Rank in Burning World during November 18, 2020 at 12:00 AM UTC - January 27, 2021 at 3:00 AM UTC were compensated with Honor EXP Points, Mu Gong Medal Points, or Maple Points accurately to their method of obtainment, during the March 18 maintenance. We apologize for the confusion as it was announced in the Update on Bonus Stat Generation Issue Compensation post that Miracle Circulators used in Legendary Rank in Burning World would be compensated with Mu Gong Medal Points regardless of how they were obtained. There was no additional compensation given for this case as we confirmed the correct number of points were distributed during the March 18 maintenance.
    • There was an issue where additional Mu Gong Medal Points and Manji Coin Points were distributed to certain players during the March 18 maintenance. This issue has been addressed so that any unclaimed excess points have been corrected to be the accurate amount of points with the April 1 maintenance.
    • There was an issue where duplicate Mu Gong Medal Points were distributed to players who used Mu Gong’s Guaranteed Medal of Honor on both NA and EU servers. This issue has been addressed so that any unclaimed excess points were corrected to be the accurate amount of points with the April 1 maintenance.
    • There was an issue where Honor EXP Points were not properly distributed for the Honor EXP used to reroll Inner Ability lines while locking both the rank and one or more option lines. This issue has been addressed with the April 1 maintenance so that the correct amount of Honor EXP Points were distributed.

    We deeply apologize for the confusion and inconvenience you’ve experienced with these compensation issues. We’ve thoroughly reviewed the compensation points distributed and the issues detailed above have been resolved with the April 1 maintenance. To make up for the time the ‘Exchange Rebirth Flame/Honor EXP Points’ quest could not be used, the compensation period will be extended until July 20, 2021 at 11:59 PM UTC. We hope that the details provided above regarding the compensation issues have cleared up any confusion and concerns you may have had.

    Thank you,

    - The MapleStory Team

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