Bonus Stat Generation Issue Compensation

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Feb 26, 2021.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Hi Maplers,

    As mentioned in the Bonus Stat Generation Issue post, here is the compensation plan for the issue. The compensation for players who reset the bonus stats on their items and Inner Abilities will be distributed during the March 10 maintenance.

    The details of the compensation to be provided are below. Please note that any stat resetting that takes place after this compensation announcement has been made will not count towards the compensation. Thank you for your patience.

    • Players who used Rebirth Flames during February 1, 2019 at 12:00 AM UTC ~ February 26, 2021 at 3:00 AM UTC will receive Rebirth Flame Points according to the table below.
    Name Tradeability Point Type Point given per Rebirth Flame used
    Powerful Rebirth Flame Untradable
    Tradeable within your characters in the same world A Point 0.1
    Karma Rejuvenation Flame
    Eternal Rebirth Flame 0.3
    Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame
    Black Rebirth Flame 1
    Karma Black Rebirth Flame
    Powerful Rebirth Flame Tradable B Point 0.3
    Eternal Rebirth Flame 0.9
    • The distributed Rebirth Flame Points can be used to trade for the desired items during March 10, 2021 (after maintenance) ~ March 31, 2021 at 11:59 PM UTC. Please refer to the table below for the items you can get with your points.
      • You can trade for the desired items by talking to the Maple Administrator located in the Event Hall, and selecting “Talk to Maple Admin”.
      • You can go to the Event Hall through Dimensional Mirror either by entering the Dimensional Mirror portal in town or by clicking the “Quick Move” button below the Mini Map.
    Items Tradable with Points Item Attributes Point Type Required Amount of Points
    Karma Rejuvenation Flame Tradeable within your characters in the same world, 7-day duration A Point 1
    Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame 3
    Karma Black Rebirth Flame 10
    Karma Rejuvenation Flame Tradeable within your characters in the same world, 7-day duration B Point 1
    Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame 3
    Karma Black Rebirth Flame 10
    Powerful Rebirth Flame Tradeable 3
    Eternal Rebirth Flame 9
    Black Rebirth Flame 30

    Things to Note:

    • The Rebirth Flame Points will be distributed per world depending on the amount used in each world.
    • If there are decimal points in the sum of Rebirth Flame Points to be distributed, it will be rounded up to the next whole number.
      • Ex: If 1 Karma Black Rebirth Flame and 1 Karma Rejuvenation Flame were used in Scania, the total sum of Rebirth Flame Points to be distributed in Scania is 1.1 Points, but 2 Points will be distributed after being rounded up to the next whole number.
    • Rebirth Flame Points will only be distributed as A Point type in Reboot World.
    • Players who used Inner Abilities during February 1, 2019 at 12:00 AM UTC ~ February 26, 2021 at 3:00 AM UTC will receive compensation according to the table below.
    Type Compensation Standard Details of Compensation for Each Standard
    Honor EXP Honor EXP used after locking a rank. 0.1 Honor EXP Point per 10,000
    Mu Gong's Guaranteed Medal of Honor Mu Gong's Guaranteed Medal of Honor used. 0.1 Mu Gong Medal Point (Non-Reboot Worlds only)
    Miracle Circulator
    (One used in Legendary Rank) Event reward obtained and used. 0.1 Honor EXP Point
    Purchased from the event coin shop and used.
    Purchased from the Auction House and used. 0.1 Mu Gong Medal Point
    Claimed an NX Cash gift and used.
    Paid all Maple Reward Points and used.
    Purchased NX Cash and used. 1,900 Maple Points
    Purchased Maple Points and used.
    Paid in combination with Maple Reward Points and used. (Ratio of the Maple Reward Points usage does not matter.) 1,330 Maple Points
    Use after purchasing with mesos
    (Reboot World only) 0.2 Manji Coin Point
    • The distributed points can be used to trade with the desired items during March 10, 2021 (after maintenance) ~ March 31, 2021 at 11:59 PM UTC. Please refer to the table below for the items you can get with your points.
      • You can trade for the desired items by talking to the Maple Administrator located in the Event Hall, and selecting “Talk to Maple Admin”.
      • You can go to the Event Hall through Dimensional Mirror either by entering the Dimensional Mirror portal in town or by clicking the “Quick Move” button below the Mini Map.
    Point Type Required Amount of Points Can be Tradable with Points List
    Honor EXP Point 1 10,000 Honor EXP
    Mu Gong Medal Point 1 Mu Gong's Guaranteed Medal of Honor
    Manji Coin Point 1 Manji Coin (10M mesos)

    Things to Note:

    • Maple Points will be summed up and automatically applied in the Inventory UI without a separate conversion process during the March 10 maintenance.
    • The points will be distributed per world depending on the amount used in each world.
    • If there are decimal points in the sum of corresponding points to be distributed, it will be rounded up to the next whole number.
      • Ex: If 110,000 Honor EXP was used after locking a rank in Luna, the total sum of Honor EXP Points to be distributed in Luna is 1.1 Points, but 2 Points will be distributed after being rounded up to the next whole number.
    • The traded Honor EXP will be immediately summed up and applied to the Honor EXP value in the Character Stats UI.
    • Honor EXP cannot be traded for characters that have not completed “The Eye Opener” quest.
    • Honor EXP cannot be traded for Zero characters that have not completed the Story Quest Act 1 - 1.
    • If the character possesses over 9 million Honor EXP, the Honor EXP must be used before they can trade for more Honor EXP.

    As a reminder, while the Bonus Stat and Inner Ability logic will be updated during the March 4 maintenance, the compensation will be available after the March 10 maintenance. Thank you for your patience.

    -The MapleStory Team

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