Check out the Pixel Picks Winners!

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    It's been a busy 11 days full of voting, but the final bell's been rung and we have our Pixel Pick winners! Check out the winning Pixel Picks options, coming to the Cash Shop in April!

    Premium Surprise Style Box

    The following two outfits will join the Premium Surprise Style Box on April 28!

    • Evening Orchid Set (29.73% of Votes)
    • Dino Set (22.21% of Votes)


    The following 24 styles will be available with the Pixel Picks Royal Style Coupons on April 21!

    Male Hairstyles:

    • Goggles and Spikes Hair (33.90% of Votes)
    • Tousled Surfer Hair (19.29% of Votes)
    • Feathered Bed Head (11.13% of Votes)
    • Forest Fairy (5.24% of Votes)
    • Combed Parted Hair (3.42% of Votes)
    • Guile Hair (3.06% of Votes)


    Female Hairstyles:

    • Blossomdew Hair (23.97% of Votes)
    • Going to School in the Morning Hair (11.47% of Votes)
    • Double Half-up Hair (7.70% of Votes)
    • Canted Pixie Cut (7.27% of Votes)
    • Bobbed Dango Hair (5.52% of Votes)
    • Chickpea Hair (4.97% of Votes)


    Male Faces:

    • Not-So-Chucklehead (20.65% of Votes)
    • Enticing Cattertons Face (16.90% of Votes)
    • Mysterious Face (16.10% of Votes)
    • Tsundere Face (9.99% of Votes)
    • Dreamy Face (8.52% of Votes)
    • Bright Face (4.66% of Votes)


    Female Faces:

    • Bummed Face (26.28% of Votes)
    • Tsundere Face (20.56% of Votes)
    • Not-So-Chucklehead Face (15.76% of Votes)
    • Odd Eye (7.47% of Votes)
    • Enticing Cattertons Face (4.20% of Votes)
    • Dreamy Face (4.07% of Votes)


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