[Complete] Unscheduled Maintenance - November 14, 2018

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Nov 15, 2018.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    [Complete] The maintenance has been completed as of 11:21 PM PST (2:21 AM EST November 15 / 8:21 AM CET November 15 / 6:21 PM AEDT November 15). Cash items in your inventory have been extended to cover the amount of time the game was unavailable, plus an additional 24 hours.

    [Updated November 14 at 10:41 PM PST] We're nearly complete with testing of the live servers. We're just finishing up a few checks to ensure the stability of the servers and we plan to open to players within an hour. Thank you all for your patience.

    [Updated November 14 at 9:21 PM PST] We've completed testing the fixes on our test servers and are applying them to live now. Additionally, we are also testing an additional change to raise the level limit for cube purchases with NX Credit to Lv. 201. We anticipate being ready to open the game to players soon.

    [Updated November 14 at 8:08 PM PST] We're testing the fix for the Kishin change on our test servers. Once that has been verified, we will apply to the live servers. We are also testing an additional fix to remove unintended Lady Blair quests. We don't have an estimate yet for the end of the maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience

    We discovered an issue and will be bringing down the servers again for maintenance on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at 6:45 PM PST (9:45 PM EST / 3:45 AM CET November 15 / 1:45 PM AEDT November 15). We do not currently have an estimate for how long the maintenance will last.

    Thanks for your patience!

    • What will be unavailable:
      • All MapleStory game servers.
    • Changes and Updates:
      • We've confirmed that part of the changes we originally planned for Kishin, but ultimately decided to reconsider, had unintentionally been implemented to live. This was an oversight on our part and we plan to revert the Kishin skill to its original state as soon as possible. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
      • The level limits for all cubes has been raised to Level 201 when purchasing cubes with NX Credit, Maple Points, and when gifting cubes.

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