[Completed] Scheduled Maintenance - January 11, 2022

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jan 11, 2022.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    [Updated January 11 at 10:08 AM PST] The maintenance has been completed! We have extended Cash Shop items for 4 hours. Please make sure to restart your Nexon Launcher or Steam to make sure that you get the latest client.

    [Updated January 5 at 8:18 PM PST] The scheduled maintenance on January 6 will be postponed and tentatively rescheduled to January 11. We would like to take some extra care and time to ensure that the additional period of Magical Miracle Time is without any issues before we release the event. We apologize for this additional delay, as we know that those who were affected by the issues on December 25 and December 26 are eager to "make-up" their missed Magical Miracle Time. We really appreciate your patience and understanding while we prepare for the event.

    We will be performing a scheduled maintenance on Tuesday January 11, 2022 at 7:00 AM PST (10:00 AM EST / 4:00 PM CET / 2:00 AM AEDT Jan. 12). We anticipate the maintenance to last approximately 3 hours, concluding around 10:00 AM PST (1:00 PM EST / 7:00 PM CET / 5:00 AM AEDT Jan. 12). Thanks for your patience!


    Tuesday, January 11, 2022
    PST (UTC -8): 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM
    EST (UTC -5): 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    CET (UTC +1): 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
    AEDT (UTC +11): 2:00 AM (Jan. 12) - 5:00 AM (Jan. 12)

    • What will be unavailable:
      • All MapleStory game servers.
    • Changes and Updates (Additional Changes TBA):
      • Server Upkeep.
      • Fixed the issue where spawn enhancers such as Wild Totem, Fury Totem, Monolith, and Kanna's Kishin Shoukan, were usable in Ranheim Defense.
        • Note: This was disabled due to the boss not spawning.

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