KMS Customer Conference Suggestions Notice Board

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Apr 21, 2021.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    A new page has been added to the MapleStory homepage, the Customer Conference Suggestions Notice Board. This page summarizes the planned improvements that were mentioned at the conference! There is also another tab for the written inquiries which were provided, but it is not available yet. When they update the page, I will probably make another post or something. It looks like they’re gonna use this page to track the improvements they promised and their status.

    • No: 1
    • Category: Rebirth Flames
    • Improvement Information: Increase Supply of Rebirth Flames
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, Elite Monsters and Elite Champions will drop Powerful/Eternal/Black Rebirth Flames, and the drop rate of materials required to craft them has been changed too. This will increase the number of tradeable Rebirth Flames crafted. Rebirth Flames and their crafting materials will drop at a higher rate in higher level maps. In addition, Karma Powerful/Eternal/Black Rebirth Flames have been added to the Maple Union Coin Shop. In the future, when boss rewards are reorganized, we plan to review providing Rebirth Flames.
    • Application Schedule: April 22, 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 2
    • Category: Rebirth Flames
    • Improvement Information: Provide an Additional Options Transfer Item
    • Answer: An additional options transfer item will be added. You can extract and transfer an untradeable material equipment’s additional options to another of the same equipment. After transferring, the material equipment will be destroyed. We are currently in the process of selecting recipients, and the items will be provided based on equipments’ additional options, Star Force, potential, and additional potential at the time of the February 25 update.
    • Application Schedule: May 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 3
    • Category: Ability
    • Improvement Information: Reveal Ability Rates
    • Answer: We are preparing to release them in April 2021.
    • Application Schedule: April 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 4
    • Category: Ability
    • Improvement Information: Improve Ability Difficulty
    • Answer: After the Ability rates are released in April 2021, we plan to gradually improve the difficulty in the order of Ability tier, line tier, line type, and line numbers.
    • Application Schedule: After Ability rates are revealed
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 5
    • Category: Ability
    • Improvement Information: Increase Supply of Chaos Circulators
    • Answer: After the Ability difficulty is improved, we plan to provide a permanently available route to acquire Chaos Circulators. In addition, in the 18th anniversary event, we plan to add a new type of Circulator, the Black Circulator.
    • Application Schedule: After Ability difficulty is improved
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 6
    • Category: Cubes and Other Probability Type Items
    • Improvement Information: Improve Low Utility Lines when Using Cubes
    • Answer: In addition to the ‘increase all skill levels’ and ‘20% boss damage’ lines mentioned at the conference, we plan to improve these lines that currently have low utility. This part will be discussed first with the customer advisory group, after which improvements will begin.
    • Application Schedule: 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 7
    • Category: Cubes and Other Probability Type Items
    • Improvement Information: Reveal Free In-Game Cube Rates
    • Answer: We are preparing to release the free in-game cube rates. Before we release all of the lines and rates, we will release the rate to tier up and rates for each line tier.
    • Application Schedule: June 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 8
    • Category: Cubes and Other Probability Type Items
    • Improvement Information: Display Soul Weapon Rates
    • Answer: In the April 15 test server update and the April 16 Sunday Maple event notice, we displayed the rate of recieving a Magnificent Soul (1%). The rates for the lines given after equipping one to a Soul Weapon are equally distributed.
    • Application Schedule: April 15, 2021
    • Application Status: Completed
    • No: 9
    • Category: Cubes and Other Probability Type Items
    • Improvement Information: Reveal Discontinued Item Rates
    • Answer: Priority will be given to reveal the rates of permanent Cash probability type items instead of expiring ones. After that, if the sold items are replaced periodically (Royal Hair Coupons), we will release those rates.
    • Application Schedule: June 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 10
    • Category: Cubes and Other Probability Type Items
    • Improvement Information: Increase Visibility of the Cash Shop Probability Type Item Guide
    • Answer: In the April 22 official server update, the Probability Type Item Guide will be changed to a more eye-catching colour. After this, we will review adjusting the size to make it more visible.
    • Application Schedule: April 22, 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 11
    • Category: Cubes and Other Probability Type Items
    • Improvement Information: Release the Probability Real-Time Monitoring System
    • Answer: We are currently preparing to release this by September 2021, but before that, we will post the results of our probability type item verification on the homepage every month. The March verification results were posed on April 14.
    • Application Schedule: September 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 12
    • Category: Cubes and Other Probability Type Items
    • Improvement Information: Provide a Method to Compare and Verify Results Between the Client and the Monitoring System
    • Answer: We will review this after the Probability Real Time Monitoring System is released.
    • Application Schedule:
    • Application Status:
    • No: 13
    • Category: Reinvestment
    • Improvement Information: Improve Story Scripts
    • Answer: We have instantly begun hiring for a story content planner, and after staffing is complete, we will improve the quality of our story content and past story scripts.
    • Application Schedule: Always
    • Application Status: Always
    • No: 14
    • Category: Reinvestment
    • Improvement Information: Add a Feature to Adjust Text Size
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, the ability to adjust the chatting window’s text size will be added. After this, we will continue to improve the UX.
    • Application Schedule: Always
    • Application Status: Always
    • No: 15
    • Category: Reinvestment
    • Improvement Information: Colour Blindness Support
    • Answer: We will continue to improve elements in content that are difficult to distinguish by colour alone. In addition, reasearch and development for a graphics mode that supports colour blindness system-wise has begun immediately.
    • Application Schedule: Always
    • Application Status: Always
    • No: 16
    • Category: Customer Centre
    • Improvement Information: Improve the Issue Where Level 100 Charm Decreases if Defamed
    • Answer: This was an issue mentioned in the topic related to customer centre communication. It was an issue that was received and confirmed by the development team, who decided that it was working as intended and did not change it because it was related to the increase or decrease of fame and charm. However, after reaching level 100 Charm (max level), similar to the part where it can be decreased, there are ways to increase Charm other than fame and those did not stack an excess amount, so we will improve this so that fame does not affect Charm.
    • Application Schedule: June 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 17
    • Category: Customer Centre
    • Improvement Information: Deliver the Problems of Nexon Prime Benefits
    • Answer: The opinions on enhancing Nexon Prime benefits have been delivered. In the future, we plan to provide goods with more game meaning, and continuously reinforce Prime benefits.
    • Application Schedule: Always
    • Application Status: Always
    • No: 21
    • Category: Communication
    • Improvement Information: Discussion Board Reorganization
    • Answer: We are preparing the 1st reorganization of the discussion board for June.
    • Application Schedule: June 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 19
    • Category: Communication
    • Improvement Information: 64-Bit Client
    • Answer: We are preparing the 64-bit client as much as possible to meet our schedule of the first half the year. However, since a stable introduction is more important, if it has to be delayed we are preparing a goal of September. We will be conducting additional tests through the test world around the end of April. In addition, we will release a notice for a detailed explanation on the areas that will be improved by the introduction of the 64-bit client.
    • Application Schedule: September 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 20
    • Category: Communication
    • Improvement Information: Hard Lucid Bomb Pattern
    • Answer: Since Hard Lucid’s bomb pattern timer is checked by the server, there are times when it does not match correctly due to communication delay. We are reviewing changing the pattern itself.
    • Application Schedule: September 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 21
    • Category: Communication
    • Improvement Information: Share Update Plans in Advance
    • Answer: We mainly introduced summer/winter updates through showcases, but even if there is no showcase, we will provide pre-reveals and information on updates more often and quickly.
    • Application Schedule: Always
    • Application Status: Always
    • No: 22
    • Category: Communication
    • Improvement Information: Improve Ambiguous Descriptions (All Cure Potions, Special Scrolls Affected by Diligence)
    • Answer: We will improve the in-game information in May 2021 for things mentioned in the conference such as the statuses affected by All Cure Potions and the types of special scrolls that are not affected by Diligence and guild skills. In addition, we will continue to improve ambiguous descriptions in-game.
    • Application Schedule: May 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 23
    • Category: Communication
    • Improvement Information: Improve Numerical Expressions (Ambiguous Expressions like Defense Ignore Skills and Guides)
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, the defense ignore and final damage stats displayed will be changed to show up to 2 decimal places. In addition, we will continue to improve how formulas are applied so that you can confirm them in-game.
    • Application Schedule: June 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 24
    • Category: The Seed
    • Improvement Information: Improve the Seed
    • Answer: We will prepare updates to the Seed this year based on customer suggestions to improve convenience and rewards as well as reveal Ring Box rates.
    • Application Schedule: 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 25
    • Category: The Seed
    • Improvement Information: Change the Silhouettes on The Seed 49F
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, monsters that are difficult to distinguish by their silhouettes and monsters that no longer appear will be removed.
    • Application Schedule: April 22, 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 26
    • Category: The Seed
    • Improvement Information: Unify the Seed Ring Hotkey
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, the Ring Activation skill will be added that combines all Seed rings into a single hotkey.
    • Application Schedule: April 22, 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 27
    • Category: Monster Life
    • Improvement Information: Increase Supply of Monster Life Gem and Adjusted Ticket Prices
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, the prices of Monster Life Gem Exchange Tickets will be decreased, and the amount acquired from quest rewards will be increased.
    • Application Schedule: April 22, 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 28
    • Category: Monster Life
    • Improvement Information: Improve Monster Life Overall
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, the number of Cares will be dereased and the monster combination experience will be improved. In addition, Monster Life will continue to be improved in terms of convenience and experience over the year.
    • Application Schedule: 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 29
    • Category: Monster Life
    • Improvement Information: Relaunch Monster Life Mobile
    • Answer: We will review Monster Life Mobile after the overall experience has been improved.
    • Application Schedule:
    • Application Status:
    • No: 30
    • Category: Job Balance
    • Improvement Information: Change Jobs with a High Number of Active Skills to Passives
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, some active buffs will be changed into passives. In addition, we will continue to improve this.
    • Application Schedule: Always
    • Application Status: Always
    • No: 31
    • Category: Job Balance
    • Improvement Information: Balance Patch Frequency
    • Answer: Balance patches will take place with the conventional frequency of every 4~6 months. At the same time, even if there are no changes for all classes, we will adjust skill balance at higher frequencies.
    • Application Schedule: Always
    • Application Status: Always
    • No: 32
    • Category: Job Balance
    • Improvement Information: Improve Boss Battle Balance, Improve Hunting Ground Areas after Cernium was Released
    • Answer: We will improve this with continuous balance patches. For hunting grounds, we are considering adding hunting grounds that do not have disadvantages for specific battle patterns or skills.
    • Application Schedule: Always
    • Application Status: Always
    • No: 33
    • Category: Job Balance
    • Improvement Information: Ease Liberation Quest Difficulty, Improve Boss Patterns
    • Answer: A conflict occurs in the Genesis liberation quests, where you must solo bosses with patterns that were designed based on party play. First of all, in the May update, Genesis liberation quests’ restrictions will be eased to allow parties of 2 people. After this, boss patterns will be improved.
    • Application Schedule: May 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 34
    • Category: Job Balance
    • Improvement Information: Improve Discrimination Experienced by Certain Jobs (Xenon, Demon Avenger)
    • Answer: This is a difficult problem to solve because it is related to existing equipment. We are investigating ways to alleviate this using exclusive skills, and we will continue to improve them after adding those skills.
    • Application Schedule: 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 35
    • Category: Job Balance
    • Improvement Information: Improve Inequality for Jobs with Untradeable Items (Mechanic, Demon, Mikhail)
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, their secondary weapons will be changed to be tradeable.
    • Application Schedule: April 22, 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 36
    • Category: Character Growth
    • Improvement Information: Improve Character Growth Experience
    • Answer: There is a lot of things to be discussed about the experience of raising secondary characters. Since they are different characters, should each character continue to experience everything from the beginning or should they be omitted from them quickly because they are made only to raise the Union level? In most situations, they should be omitted from unnecessary parts but we will consider saving the important things that should not be left out of a character’s growth experience.
    • Application Schedule: 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 37
    • Category: Character Growth
    • Improvement Information: Improve Union Placement Convenience
    • Answer: Currently, the Union placement system was intended to create various combinations through placements, but now the placement methods which optimize efficiency are preferred. We are considering to first enhance the convenience and guidance of Union placements, and also make changes to help enforce the diversity of placements. If it is decided that the diversity and combination experience of placements is insufficient, we will change the method to more efficient placements.
    • Application Schedule: 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 38
    • Category: Character Growth
    • Improvement Information: Link Skill Transfer Count and Number of Slots Expansion
    • Answer: The expansion of the number of Link Skills needs some more reviewing, but the Link Skill transfer limit expansion method and amount will be applied by June.
    • Application Schedule: June 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 39
    • Category: Character Growth
    • Improvement Information: Increase Experience from Daily Quests, Monster Park
    • Answer: We are planning to increase the experience from these contents so you can gain more experience from playing a certain amount of time every day.
    • Application Schedule: June 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 40
    • Category: Character Growth
    • Improvement Information: Adjust Boss Raid and Party Quest Experience
    • Answer: The boss raids’ experience adjustment will be done if there is an additional insufficiency after the experience from daily quests and Monster Park is increased. For party quests, they also require a reorganization to promote them in current play patterns, so this needs more review.
    • Application Schedule:
    • Application Status:
    • No: 41
    • Category: Character Growth
    • Improvement Information: Improve Saving Certain Consumable Item Buffs when the Game Disconnects
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, we will change Wealth Acquisition Potions and Advanced Potions to be saved even when the game disconnects. In addition, we will expand other in-game parts that can be saved without affecting performance.
    • Application Schedule: April 22, 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 42
    • Category: Character Growth
    • Improvement Information: Beginning Growth Support for New and Returning Players
    • Answer: We will prepare beginner growth support so that new and returning players can settle well into the game.
    • Application Schedule: 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 43
    • Category: Character Growth
    • Improvement Information: Adjust Experience Required to Level Up without Missing Certain Ranges
    • Answer: In the future, when adjusting experience required to level up, we will do an overall experience adjustment so certain ranges are not missed.
    • Application Schedule: Always
    • Application Status: Always
    • No: 44
    • Category: Character Growth
    • Improvement Information: Reinforce Level 250 Range with Consideration to Amount and Diversity of New Content
    • Answer: In addition to adding new highest level areas, we will continuously reinforce the content available in the level 250 range.
    • Application Schedule: 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 45
    • Category: Character Growth
    • Improvement Information: Add Authentic Symbols to Events
    • Answer: We will be adding Authentic Symbols to the 18th anniversary event. In addition, we will continue to increase the ways you can acquire them.
    • Application Schedule: April 22, 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 46
    • Category: Character Growth
    • Improvement Information: Add New Content to Acquire Morass and Esfera Arcane Symbols
    • Answer: We will add new content to acquire Morass and Esfera Arcane Symbols by September.
    • Application Schedule: September 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 47
    • Category: Character Growth
    • Improvement Information: Add Rebirth Flame Items to Resolve Sharp Decrease in Hunting Ground Efficiency for High Level Areas
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, hunting maps will be improved so that you can acquire more Rebirth Flames and their crafting materials. We have changed it so that higher level areas have a higher acquisition rate.
    • Application Schedule: April 22, 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 48
    • Category: Character Growth
    • Improvement Information: Remove the Penalty After Arcs
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, if you pass level 284, we have improved it so that you will be treated the same as level 284.
    • Application Schedule: April 22, 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 49
    • Category: Character Growth
    • Improvement Information: Improve Speed of Star Force and Scroll Trace Enhancement Animations
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, the animation speed of Star Force and Scroll Trace enhancements will be changed to 20% of what it was before.
    • Application Schedule: April 22, 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 50
    • Category: Character Growth
    • Improvement Information: Introduce Measures to Minimize Damage from Proxy Service
    • Answer: In future events, we are planning to release more Karma scrolls, and we are planning to release a little more tradeable Rebirth Flames.
    • Application Schedule: Always
    • Application Status: Always
    • No: 51
    • Category: Guild
    • Improvement Information: Overall Guild Reorganization
    • Answer: We are preparing new guild content and an overall guild reorganization for this year.
    • Application Schedule: 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 52
    • Category: Guild
    • Improvement Information: Improve Guild Convenience UI, Contribution Problems
    • Answer: We are preparing to improve guild related convenience, UI, and contribution issues that were deemed to be urgent in June.
    • Application Schedule: June 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 53
    • Category: Reboot
    • Improvement Information: Reduce Difficulty to Acquire Seed Rings and Improve it so Only Rings that Match the Job are Given
    • Answer: We are preparing to decrease difficulty of acquiring Seed rings in Reboot World and improving it so that only rings useful for your job will be given in June.
    • Application Schedule: June 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 54
    • Category: Reboot
    • Improvement Information: Improve Arcane River Droplet Stones and Primal Droplet Stones to be Treated as the Same Item
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, we will add a system that lets you exchange Arcane River Droplet Stones and Primal Droplet Stones for each other.
    • Application Schedule: April 22, 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 55
    • Category: Reboot
    • Improvement Information: Boss Reward Reorganization
    • Answer: Considering Reboot World’s special characteristic of being unable to trade, we are preparing to reorganize the method of acquiring boss rewards.
    • Application Schedule: 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 56
    • Category: Reboot
    • Improvement Information: Sell Gift Vouchers Separately in Reboot World
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, the gift vouchers from the 18th anniversary promotion will be sold as separate items in Reboot World.
    • Application Schedule: April 22, 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 57
    • Category: Reboot
    • Improvement Information: Release Vac Pets Without the Probability Factor
    • Answer: In the future Wonder Berry sale season, Luna Petite pets will be added to Reboot World. This is scheduled for sale at the end of April.
    • Application Schedule:
    • Application Status:
    • No: 58
    • Category: Reboot
    • Improvement Information: Improve the Meso/Experience Penalty Based on Level
    • Answer: We are preparing to adjust the advantage/penalty based on level to match changes in content and growth from the inital Reboot World until now.
    • Application Schedule: June 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 59
    • Category: Reboot
    • Improvement Information: Improve Reboot World’s Unique Pasive Skill’s Efficiency
    • Answer: In the April 15 test server update, we changed the existing passive effect from damage to final damage. After some more testing, we will apply the final version to the oficial servers by June 2021.
    • Application Schedule: June 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 60
    • Category: Reboot
    • Improvement Information: Review Reboot World’s Black Mage Entry Restrictions
    • Answer: Currently, this is because of Reboot World’s special characteristic and we are planning to review it with the consideration of improving the experience in Reboot World rather than just changing it because of comparisions with the official server.
    • Application Schedule:
    • Application Status:
    • No: 61
    • Category: Boss Rewards
    • Improvement Information: Boss Reward Reorganization
    • Answer: We are preparing an overall boss reward reorganization. We are making preparations for an initial reorganization by September which will have an appropriate level of rewards based on boss difficulty, increase tradeable rewards, and clearly outline our direction in the future for individual rewards when clearing bosses.
    • Application Schedule: September 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 62
    • Category: Content
    • Improvement Information: Add New Bosses for Sections with High Boss Hurdles
    • Answer: We are preparing a new boss which will will present new patterns. When the new boss becomes more concrete, we will share more information in advance.
    • Application Schedule: September 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 63
    • Category: Content
    • Improvement Information: Change the Method to Defeat Easy/Normal Lucid’s Nightmare Golems and Nightmare Poison Mushrooms
    • Answer: In the May update, we will change Easy and Normal Lucid’s Nightmare Golems and Nightmare Poison Mushrooms to be based on normal HP methods rather than fixed damage.
    • Application Schedule: May 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 64
    • Category: Content
    • Improvement Information: Increase the Boss Practice Mode Restriction
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, weekly bosses’ practice mode limit will be increased from 5 to 20. In addition, the practice mode limit will be adjusted later on based on the trend of defeated bosses.
    • Application Schedule: April 22, 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 65
    • Category: Content
    • Improvement Information: Review the Release of Overseas Content in Korea
    • Answer: For a while, we did not introduce a lot of overseas content to Korea. If there are any content or systems that allows you to experience more fun, we will introduce them more actively than before.
    • Application Schedule:
    • Application Status:
    • No: 66
    • Category: Proxy Gameplay
    • Improvement Information: Provide Clear Operation Policy Guidelines on Proxy Gameplay
    • Answer: We are continuing to discuss clear standards, and will will inform you about any changes in our operation policy in May.
    • Application Schedule: May 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 67
    • Category: Proxy Gameplay
    • Improvement Information: Maintaining Continuous Communication with Users Even After the Operation Policy Update
    • Answer: We think that the operation policy should reflect various factors such as the game environment and social situations. In addition to proxy gameplay, we will complement our policy through communication in other areas.
    • Application Schedule: Always
    • Application Status: Always
    • No: 68
    • Category: Decoration Items
    • Improvement Information: Status on Releasing Overall Anvil Items
    • Answer: We are reviewing internally if it will be possible to anvil an overall to tops. When exact information has been confirmed, we will release a notice.
    • Application Schedule:
    • Application Status:
    • No: 69
    • Category: Decoration Items
    • Improvement Information: Conduct a User Participation Contest
    • Answer: In 2021, we will conduct a contest where customers can participate and create their own designs.
    • Application Schedule: 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 70
    • Category: Decoration Items
    • Improvement Information: Change Pets to Appear Behind the Character
    • Answer: In the April 22 update, an option to display pets beind the character will be added.
    • Application Schedule: April 22, 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 71
    • Category: Decoration Items
    • Improvement Information: Beauty Room Slots and Mannequins Expansion
    • Answer: In the future, we will not add billing models like the Beauty Room Slot Expansion Coupons. In the April 22 update, we will add 3 base Mannequins to the Hair Room, Face Room, and Skin Room, and increase the base slots and maximum slots for the Hair Room/Face Room by 6 slots and the Skin Room by 3 slots.
    • Application Schedule: April 22, 2021
    • Application Status: Scheduled
    • No: 72
    • Category: Decoration Items
    • Improvement Information: Conduct a Cash Move Event at Least Once per Month
    • Answer: A Cash Move event will be held at least once per month. This month’s event will take place from April 23 at 10:00 AM to April 27 at 10:00 AM.
    • Application Schedule: Always
    • Application Status: Always

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog