Introductions always feel so weird to write. First, major props to the site name. That word alone brought me way back. Joined Maplestory pre-BB after hanging out with the older kids in my neighborhood who had iTCG cards. I thought the monsters were super cool and I wanted to play. The eldest one there gave me a random card so I could remember the name of the game. Thus beginning my adventure. I remember being unable to find the Thieves Hideout and giving up then making a Spearman. Later on realizing where it was I made a Bandit because I could not figure out how to get more throwing stars. Either way it was a struggle learning the game. I was in like 4th grade and my next door neighbor and I would use walkie-talkies to wake each other up to play together. It was a marvelous time not knowing what the hell we were doing. Died a few too many times. Grinded a bit too much. The usual. Thanks for creating this site, it already feels like the players here are more invested in the game than previous sites. I look forward to interacting with you all.
It will take some time for the site to grow, but I'm glad we already have enthusiastic members like you!
No better time for an introduction than the inception of the site. Welcome! We had a lot of names thrown around for what we would be called, but I pushed really hard for Dexless. Some of the others were okay, but nothing sounded as great as Dexless did, at least to me. It's a really nostalgic term for MapleStory while at the same time very generic; Dexterity is a common word among a lot of games.
Welcome to Dexless, Snizz! People may frown upon nostalgia but it's stories like yours that make me smile and remember the good ol' days. A lot of us are active players, invested in the game, and committed to providing the community with both quality content and a positive experience. We look forward to having you around as well!