No idea tbh. Though they got pretty rekt a few months ago with mass ban + changes to checking cool down restrictions or something on skills.
I like DA, but I think they're mostly reserved for people who lack funding. And they're FAR easier to play in a server with additional options.
My 'main' currently is a Dark Knight, but I play a lot of everything. He's really just my character with the highest level.
Basically. For real though, if backup beatdown wasn't such hot fucking trash. Raise the damage% of it, another line or two, and do away with that shit where it just up and stops after like five or ten seconds of use. Raise the % chance of strikeforce showdown from 10 to 20 or so, or increase the damage% of starline salvo. Make jett its own goddamn class already instead of just a piss-poor corsair ripoff.
There were, Im sure there still are. They used to be a huge annoyance in Reboot around the time Dark World Tree areas came out.