Hiya! My name's Rissa! I'm super excited to be here! I can't believe I didn't know about this place... It's awesome to find another Maplestory community! Everyone here seems to be super nice and helpful, too! That's hard to find nowadays... I'm really glad I Googled leveling guides, because it brought me here! Anyways, I'm really happy to be here and I hope to make some new friends and find people to play with! My buddy list is lonely and I'm guildless at the moment. Hoping to fix both of those problems by meeting friends here and adding each other! ^w^
Hello @Rissa We're happy to have you here. The forums are kind of dead, but our discord server is pretty busy. If for some reason you need help in-game and can't find what you need here, try discord.gg/ms - we will be happy to help.