So here's a pretty open question. We all know the biggest part to making any character on maple (besides the look) is coming up with your IGN. How do you do it? What do you find yourself calling most of your characters? How long do you find yourself trying to come up with one? I for one have gone through phases, weeb sounding names words I've never heard of my nicknames canon English pokemon names
I honestly just have a list of names. I'm pretty sure I can log on and give you the full list of names that I've actually used for my characters.
Just anything I like, really, but the shorter it is the better. For example one IGN I got (not in GMS) is Orca. My default username (Chupalika), however, is a meaningless word I made up when i was like 10. :)
I combined my 2 favourite creatures: Dragons and Dogs = Dracodog. This was back in primary school ._. I personally hate that ign now, but it does make me laugh when people called me Malfoy. Then I went through a phase where I was obsessed with dreams. I eventually settled on Dianette, which was based on my favourite LoL champ (should be obvious which one). I have a certain (probably irrational) philosophy on igns in RPGs of any kind: It has to function as a name, and it has to have a close enough relation to the player. I really dislike when people's igns consist of the coolest word they can think of, with no relation to themselves. Bonus points when they make up a word by adding extra pre/suffixes to one.
I write code.. main's name: null main's former name: FORMFEED bishop mule's name: EXPplusplus I used to make normal names like Spectralized (old drk), PlasmaGlass (bw), OzoneTorrent (dw), FractureFist (tb) but now I literally have a legion mule called "splorbler"
I just shameless steal monster names from Monster Hunter Either that or impersonate popular furry artists Also I like werewolves a lot so I wanted to use Garou. The subsequent awoo epidemic in my guild has been worth it
byunyeoj: korean slang combining the worlds byuntae (pervert) + yeoja (girl). pervert girl. idk my friend called me that as a joke so i went with it. dahrae: my literal middle name i have some other fun acc names for my mules though that i like! zaengyo: zangoose's korean name (like, the pokemon) bunnymund: the easter bunny character from rise of the guardians msbenzedrine: a reference to the fall out boy song "20 dollar nosebleed" where a line says "give me a pen, call me mr. benzedrine" edgy Billy and mandy is one of my favourite cartoons ever. Skar was taken, skarr aswell so i decided to go with Skarnio my new ign is just the combination of my name, my second name and last name
I was looking up nuts and bolts and stumbled upon the bownut, fit with being a BowMaster so ended up using that as my ign
I honestly wish I had a better answer but.. I just wanted my name to be the ign as well in maple. So when maple went on its ign purge, I was able to snag it!
I was using the IGN pillow in another game and I ain't ever gonna get that anywhere else, so I mixed it with my first name and I got Kellow. Then I just change the E to an A for female characters and do variations on it.
Blaster makes an explosion, so that's why I named it explosion. Goblin is just a name I've used ever since I was little.
Some of my older igns are just random horrible bullshit until I was shown the light that short, single word igns are better. They're mostly just words misspelled on purpose with letters changed around/added, or fake words that sound believable. Ex: Vibravo was based on Vibrato (not Vibrator). Shovet was based on a Pop Shove-It. Sopera was just Soap Opera mashed together. Sheere was just Sheer with an extra e. Shette was just a stupid way of getting around the filter to have Shit and still look like a normal name. Those are the reasons why I snagged the igns Vibe/Vibrator/Shove/Sheer when the ign wipe happened. Saught is what I use everywhere though. I had it saved when Galicia/Aran came out but I didn't use it until Chaos was released. I liked it so much that I've adopted it as my handle everywhere since then, and it's always available because it's unique. Really though it's just Sought with an A, but sometimes I like to joke that it's actually pronounced Soft. I brought that up once on Discord and someone said they pronounced it like Sot, now I have people calling me Sot.
Usually come up with random short names that don't take a lot of effort for people to spell out or shorten to refer to me as. Have gone by Hyperius (believe it or not made the name up before the release of Borderlands) fairly often until I landed on Incorrigible and haven't really changed it since.