Hyper Burning and Burning World Event!

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jun 14, 2023.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
    Active Member

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    Level Mission Mission Requirement Rewards
    33 Step up by hunting Monsters Near Your Level! Hunt 300 monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x2): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    35 Step up with the Maple Guide Mission! Complete Maple Guide mission 1 time Hyper Teleport Rock (7 Day) Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Hyper Teleport Rock: Untradeable. Cash item cannot be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
    40 Step up with Special Theme Dungeons! Clear one of the following Theme Dungeons:
    - Ellinel Fairy Academy
    - Gold Beach
    - Riena Strait
    - Secret Forest of Elodin Power Elixir x100 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Power Elixir (x100): Untradeable.
    45 Step up with Runes! Activate 2 Runes 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x4): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    50 Step up with the Maple Guide! Move maps using Maple Guide 1 time Safety Charm x5 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Safety Charm (x5): Untradeable. 30-day duration. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
    55 Step up with a 3rd Job Advancement! Complete 3rd Job Advancement
    (Mission cannot be completed by Zero characters) Mastery Box x3 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Spell Trace (x1500): Tradeable within account. Permanent.
    60 Step up with an upgrade enhancement! Use Spell Trace Mystical Cube (x10): Tradeable within account. Permanent.
    65 Step up by defeating an Easy Boss! Defeat Zakum (Easy) 1 time Special Medal of Honor: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    70 Step up with a Star Force enhancement! Equip Weapon with 5 or more Star Force Spell Trace (x500)
    75 Step up by hunting an Elite Monster or Elite Champion! Defeat 15 elite monsters/champions Epic Potential Scroll 100%: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    80 Step up with a random Portal! Clear Pollo and Fritto Bounty Hunting or Interno Wolf 1 time Pollo and Fritto Entry Ticket x2 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Pollo and Fritto Entry Ticket (x2): Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    90 Step up with Silent Crusade! Compete Silent Crusade First Mission 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x4): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    100 Step up with a 4th Job Advancement! Complete 4th Job Advancement (Mission cannot be completed by Zero or Beast Tamer characters) Trait Boost Potion (x1): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    101 Step up with an Event! Complete Wongstraunt event’s ‘[Wongstaurant] Start Off with the Main Menu!’ quest Karma Star Force 12-Star Enhancement (x1): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    105 Step up with Star Force Hunting Zones! Hunt 300 Star Force monsters near your level 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x4): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    107 Step up with Grand Athenaeum! Enter a Burning Field once Miracle Circulator (x3) Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Miracle Circulator (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    110 Step up with Monster Park! Clear Monster Park 2 times Monster Park REBORN Coupon x2 Voucher: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Monster Park REBORN Coupon (x2): Tradeable within account, 1-day duration.
    119 Step up by reaching Lv. 120! Reach Lv. 120 Power Elixir x1,000 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Power Elixir (x1,000): Untradeable.
    130 Step up with Star Force level 45! Reach 45 Star Force 2x EXP Coupon (30 min) (x4): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    140 Step up by defeating a Normal Boss! Defeat Horntail (Normal) 1 time
    • Boss Accessory Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following:
      • Aquatic Letter Eye Accessory: Untradeable after equipping.
      • Condensed Power Crystal: Untradeable after equipping.
      • Silver Blossom Ring: Untradeable after equipping.
      • Dea Sidus Earring: Untradeable after equipping.
      • Golden Clover Belt: Untradeable after equipping.
    • Epic Potential Scroll 100%: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    150 Step up with Star Force level 80! Reach 80 Star Force Pendant Slot Coupon (15 Day): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    160 Step up with Bonus Stats! Reset Item’s Bonus Stats Pendant of the Spirit (14 Day) Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Pendant of the Spirit: Untradeable, 14-day duration. Unique equipped item. Item’s duration cannot be extended.
    170 Step up your Abilities! Reach Unique Rank on Ability Karma Solid Cube (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    175 Step up at Mu Lung Dojo! Clear Mu Lung Dojo 10th Floor Bright Cube x10 Package: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Bright Cube Coupon (x10): Untradeable, 30-day duration.
    179 Step up by reaching Lv. 180! Reach Lv. 180 2x EXP Coupon (60 min) (x4): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    190 Step up your Pocket equipment! Equip Pocket Item Karma Powerful Rebirth Flame (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    200 Step up with Vanishing Journey! Clear Vanishing Journey questline Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x30): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    205 Step up with Node Enhancement! Equip Boost or Skill Node at least Lv. 2 Experience Nodestone (x1): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    210 Step up with Star Force level 120! Reach 120 Star Force Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    220 Step up with Arcane Power! Reach 160 Arcane Power
    (Arcane Power on Title stats count)
    • Unique Emblem Box: Tradeable within account, expires August 29 at 11:59 PM UTC. Open to receive an Emblem with Unique Potential.
    • Epic Potential Scroll 100%: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.

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