KMS KMS ver. 1.2.286 – Fox Valley & Halloween!

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Nexon, Oct 25, 2017.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    A new patch has been released, containing the new theme dungeon Fox Valley, changes to professions and the chat window, as well as (very minimal) Halloween events.

    Here’s the Maple Update Info Centre video for this patch!

    Fox Valley

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    A new theme dungeon, Fox Valley, has been added.

    • Characters level 185 or higher will receive an invitation, asking them to become a member of the Pointy Ear Garrison.
    • Visit the Pointy Ear Fox Village hidden in Grandis’ Miu Miu, and meet the prankster Maru. Together with him, you’ll have to save the village from the oncoming crisis and uncover the identity of the veiled Fox God.
    Click to view slideshow.
    New maps have been added.

    • Highest Fox Tree
    • Fox Tree Trunk Side 1
    • Fox Tree Trunk Side 2
    • Fox Tree Trunk Side 3
    • Fox Forest Entrance
    • Above the Fox Forest 1
    • Above the Fox Forest 2
    • Above the Fox Forest 3
    • Fox Forest Field
    • Fox Forest Floor 1
    • Fox Forest Floor 2
    • Fox Forest Floor 3
    • End of the Fox Forest
    • Where the Fox Trees Touch
    • Guardian’s Promenade 1
    • Guardian’s Promenade 2
    • Guardian’s Promenade 3
    • Fox God’s Throne
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    New quests have been added.

    • Flying Leaf Airplane From Somewhere (LV. 185, Leaf Airplane)
    • Maru’s Dream Story (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Garrison Recruitment Test (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Welcome! First Garrison Member! (LV. 185, Maru)
    • To the Pointy Ear Fox Valley (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Operation Powder Powder (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Master of Crafting, Maru (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Pom Pom Leaf Fox Ears (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Lightning Clouds Overhead (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Pointy Ear Garrison’s Activity (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Advance Through the Thorns! (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Collecting Special Fertilizer Materials 1 (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Growing Tree 1 (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Collecting Special Fertilizer Materials 2 (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Growing Tree 2 (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Lightning Strikes and Pouring Rain (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Failure and More Failure (LV. 185, Maru)
    • To the Fox Tree (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Obstructing Crowd (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Can’t Give Up (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Spirit’s Area (LV. 185, Cane)
    • Fox God’s Throne (LV. 185, Fox God)
    • Once a Member, Always a Member (LV. 185, Maru)
    • Worried About Lang (LV. 185, Yourself)
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    New items have been added.

    • Pointy Ear Garrison Member (9 all stats, 450 HP/MP, 1 attack/magic attack, 200 defense, level 185)
    • Awkward Fox Ears (level 0)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    New monsters have been added.

    • Poison Frog (Lv. 190)
    • Powder Butterfly (Lv. 191)
    • Pom Pom Tree (Lv. 192)
    • Thorny Tree (Lv. 193)
    • Pang Pang Squirrel (Lv. 194)
    • Pung Pung Squirrel (Lv. 195)
    • White Long-Tailed Tit (Lv. 196)
    • Transformed Long-Tailed Tit (Lv .197)
    • Cloud Guardian (Lv. 198)
    • Wind Guardian (Lv. 199)
    • Sky Guardian (Lv. 200)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    New NPCs have been added.

    • Maru
    • Sino
    • Leaf Airplane
    • Chestnut Tree
    • Old Bag
    • Cane
    • Sky Guardian
    • Fox God
    Profession Reorganization


    The following changes have been made to item combining and disassembling.

    • You can now combine and disassemble items by learning any of the three advanced professions (Alchemy/Equipment Crafting/Accessory Crafting).
    • When combining items with a certain potential rank, the produced item will now have a higher chance to have the same potential rank as the items used to make it.
    • When combining items that have no potential, the produced item will now have no potential as well.
    • You can now combine and disassemble Pocket equipment.
    • The Premium PC Room benefit of ‘2x chance to acquire Rare potential’ has been changed to ‘2x chance to increase potential rank when combining’.
    • Item combining no longer gives profession experience.
    • When combining items while Craftsman or Meister rank, the additional option rank chances will be changed.
    • You can now combine or disassemble items anywhere in Meisterville.
    • You can now combine or disassemble level 0 items.
    • You can now disassemble multiple items at the same time.
      • Characters who have learned Equipment Crafting or Accessory Crafting can disassemble up to 5 items at once.
      • Characters who have learned Alchemy can disassemble up to 10 items at once.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    When you achieve Craftsman rank or higher in Equipment Crafting or Accessory Crafting, you can now learn and use new Enhancement Skills.


    • [​IMG] Weapon Smelting: With the skills of a weapon craftsman, use Magic Whetstones to sharpen your weapon. This skill is not affected by buff duration increasing effects or cooldown resets. [Reboot World]: Cannot be used at the same time as Advanced Weapon Smelting, Accessory Enhancement, Advanced Accessory Enhancement, or while using 2 Elixirs. (requires Weapon Crafting Craftsman rank)
      • Level 1: Consumes 1 Magic Whetstone. Increases critical damage by 3% for 40 minutes, if you unequip or switch weapons, this skill’s effect will disappear. Cooldown: 60 minutes.


    • [​IMG] Advanced Weapon Smelting: With the skills of a weapon craftsman, use Magic Whetstones to sharpen your weapon to the max. This skill is not affected by buff duration increasing effects or cooldown resets. [Reboot World]: Cannot be used at the same time as Weapon Smelting, Accessory Enhancement, Advanced Accessory Enhancement, or while using 2 Elixirs. (requires Weapon Crafting Meister rank)
      • Level 1: Consumes 2 Magic Whetstones. Increases critical damage by 5% for 40 minutes, if you unequip or switch weapons, this skill’s effect will disappear. Cooldown: 50 minutes.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Accessory Enhancement: With the skills of an accessory craftsman, extract the magic from Magic Power Stones to add defensive effects to your accessories. This skill is not affected by buff duration increasing effects or cooldown resets. [Reboot World]: Cannot be used at the same time as Weapon Smelting, Advanced Weapon Smelting, Advanced Accessory Enhancement, or while using 2 Elixirs. (requires Accessory Crafting Craftsman rank)
      • Level 1: Consumes 1 Magic Power Stone. Defend against death 1 time for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 60 minutes.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Advanced Accessory Enhancement: With the skills of an accessory craftsman, extract the magic from Magic Power Stones to add powerful defensive effects to your accessories. This skill is not affected by buff duration increasing effects or cooldown resets. [Reboot World]: Cannot be used at the same time as Weapon Smelting, Advanced Weapon Smelting, Accessory Enhancement, or while using 2 Elixirs. (requires Accessory Crafting Meister rank)
      • Level 1: Consumes 2 Magic Power Stones. Defend against death 1 time for 30 minutes. Cooldown: 50 minutes.


    The time required to craft, combine, and disassemble items has been decreased.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    New profession related items have been added.

    • Magic Whetstone (can be crafted by Equipment Crafters using 10 Superior Item Crystals, 10 Twisted Time Essence, and 10 Advanced Scroll Essence)
    • Magic Power Stone (can be crafted by Accessory Crafters using 300 Scroll Traces, 10 Philosopher’s Stones, and 10 Twisted Time Essence)
    Chat Window Improvements


    The Chat Window has been improved to make in-game conversations easier to use. You can now move the Chat Window anywhere inside the game screen. The size you see in the second picture is the biggest you can expand it.


    You can now use the new External Chat Window feature to move the chat window outside of the game screen. You can move it around separately from the MapleStory window as well.

    • You can enable this feature Settings/Option menu.
    • The External Chat Window feature is only supported while in windowed mode.
    • In the External Chat Window, system messages and megaphones will be displayed in separate sections from regular messages.


    You can now add tabs in the Chat Window and change the Chat Filter settings.

    • Tabs can be added using the Add Tab button at the top of the chat window.
    • You can right click the tab to access the Tab Settings menu. Through this menu, you can change the tab’s name or its filters.
      • Filters include Normal, Buddy (can be specific groups), Party, Guild, Alliance, Whisper, and System.
    • Unwanted tabs can be deleted.
    • Tab names cannot be duplicated.
    • The All and Battle tabs cannot be edited or deleted.


    A Help button has been added beside the chat input box.

    • You can view the list of available /commands by using the Help button.
    • The Change Group command has been added. You can type /group groupname to change the group of friends your message will be sent to.
    Maple Achievements

    An error where certain achievements could not be completed properly has been fixed. Achievements which were not awarded due to these errors can be acquired by using the Achievement Renew button.

    Certain achievements are no longer able to be achieved. They will be move to the Memories category.

    • [Combining] 1+1 is 1+
    • [Combining] 1+1 is 1++

    New achievements have been added.

    • [Theme Dungeon] Once a Member, Always a Member: complete the theme dungeon Fox Valley (20)
    Game Related


    When fighting the boss Cygnus, you can now re-enter the boss if you defeat the Awakened Chief Knights without defeating Cygnus. The Chief Knights and Awakened Chief Knights will no longer drop items.

    When hunting monsters, item drops will no longer fall onto platforms which the character cannot reach.


    In the World Merged Party Quest, Moon Bunny’s Rice Cake, you can now talk to the NPC to receive additional seeds after collecting 6 of them from monsters. This allows you to continue the party quest even if a party member holding a seed disconnects or leaves.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Energy Swords included in the Thief sets have been added.

    • Necro Shaft Head (Lv. 120)
    • Jaihinn Energy Chain (Lv. 130)
    • Utgard Energy Chain (Lv. 140)


    To make hunting monsters more convenient in Morass, certain platforms in the Past’s Trueffet area have been removed.


    Additional Potential Scrolls have been added as a possible reward from defeating Elite Bosses.

    50% Additional Potential Scrolls have been added to the Maple Union Coin Shop. They cost 200 coins each and you can buy 3 per week.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Core Gemstone and Powerful Strength Crystal‘s dropped image icons have been updated. Shiny!

    You can now use Master Label set effect ridings without consuming MP.

    • Fairy Wings Riding
    • Blue Pony Riding
    • Lantern Butterfly Riding
    • Black Angel Riding
    • Card Master Riding
    • Alicia’s Flower Wings Riding
    • Frozen Night Riding
    • Devil’s Flower Riding

    You can no longer forfeit the following quests.

    • Chaos Von Bon Killer
    • Chaos Pierre Killer
    • Chaos Bloody Queen Killer
    • Chaos Vellum Killer
    • King of Root Abyss
    • Fallen Empress Saviour

    The following errors have been fixed.

    • Fixed an error in the Auction House where searching for % damage options would include % boss monster damage.
    • Fixed an error where selecting certain things in the Maple Union Help window would cause the client to shut down.
    • Fixed an error where binding Papulatus in its sleeping state would cause it to use skills from both the sleeping and regular states at the same time. Papulatus can no longer be bound while in the sleeping state.
    • Fixed an error where the Lucky item effect would be applied for a certain equipment type while already wearing the set equipment of that type.
    • Fixed an error where other characters could sit in chairs while sitting in the Papulatus’ Clock Chair’s arms.
    Skill Related

    The following errors have been fixed.

    • Fixed an error in Urus where you could use unregistered skills if they were linked to registered skills.
    • Fixed an error where when using Unstable Memorize while using other Adventurer Magician skills would cancel the action of the first skill.
    • Fixed an error where Guided Arrow’s duration was not applied normally when used with a reduced cooldown.
    • Fixed an error where Bishops would have a delay when Bless was activated through the Pet Auto Buff skill after learning Advanced Bless.
    • Fixed an error where Marksman’s Distancing Sense did not properly apply to True Sniping.
    • Fixed an error where Marksmen using Soul Arrow, Steig Eisen, Piercing, Sniping, and Long Range Trueshot would use the bow action instead of the crossbow action.
    • Fixed an error where Cannon Shooter’s Critical Fire had the same effects at level 9 and 10.
    • Fixed an error where Flame Wizards could not use Flame Discharge in certain content.
    • Fixed an error where Blaster could not use Revolving Fire after using Revolving Bunker while using Bunker Buster.
    • Fixed an error where Mechanic’s Multiple Option: M-FL’s missiles did not deal damage.
    • Fixed an error where Kaiser’s Morph Gauge would only increase once after hitting several Will of Swords at the same time.
    • Fixed an error where Cadena’s A.D Ordnance did not deal damage while charging.
    • Fixed an error where Cadena’s Chain Arts: Takedown did not deal damage to certain monsters.
    Cash Shop


    The November Royal Hair Coupon will be on sale from October 19 to November 22.


    The Trendy Royal Face Coupon has been updated with new faces!


    The Royal Style Coupon will be sold from October 26 to November 19.


    New items have been added such as the Black Dressy Ribbon, Black Mouthcover, Shiny Crown, I Will Be the Hallowking/Hallowqueen, and the Party’s King Scepter.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    A new Special Label: the Puppet’s Dream set has been added. If you collect all 5 pieces, you’ll also get the Wandering Puppet Theatre Chair!

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Master Label set is still the Master Blood set.


    The Gold Apple has been updated with new rewards.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    They include:

    • Scarlet weapons
    • Master Blood Damage Skin
    • 10 Core Gemstones Voucher
    • Spiderweb Sofa Chair
    • Acorn Night Riding
    • Magnificent Souls


    The Pumpkin Watch package will be on sale from October 26 to November 8.


    The Fairy Tale Land Orca pets will be on sale from October 26 to November 22.


    Ghost Collectors


    The Ghost Collectors event will run from October 26 to November 8.


    While hunting monsters around your level, there is a chance for one of three types of Ghosts to spawn. Every time you kill 10 of each kind of ghost, you’ll receive experience, mesos, or Ghost Coins respectively.

    You can receive up to 20 rewards from each type of Ghost per character per day. Every 10th and 20th reward will be bigger than normal.


    Frankenbalrog gives experience based on your level. Every 10th or 20th time you kill it 10 times, you’ll receive even more experience.

    Pumpkin Zombie gives a random amount of mesos. Every 10th or 20th time you kill it 10 times, you’ll receive even more mesos.

    Halloween Pumpkin gives 3 Ghost Coins. Every 10th time you kill it 10 times, you’ll receive 15 Ghost Coins. Every 20th time, you’ll receive 30 Ghost Coins.


    In addition, during this event, Henesys and Leafre as well as Runes, multi-kills, and combo-kills will be specially decorated for Halloween~


    The Ghost Collectors Coin Shop is open and will run from October 26 to November 12.


    You can talk to Hallowcat in Henesys, Leafre, or Nameless Town to access the coin shop. Here, you can spend your Ghost Coins to buy special items!

    • Halloween Mask (5 all stats, 3 attack/magic attack, 50 defense, 5 speed/jump, 1 slot, level 75 face accessory, untradeable) (100 coins)
    • Venicia Dream (4 all stats, 2 attack/magic attack, 30 defense, 2 slots, level 30 eye accessory, untradeable) (100 coins)
    • Masked Man’s Hat (5 all stats, 50 HP/MP, 30 defense, 10 slots, level 13 hat, untradeable) (150 coins)
    • Red Masquerade Mask (2 all stats, 5 slots, level 30 face accessory, untradeable) (50 coins)
    • Special Halloween Costume Box (150 coins)
      • Reaper Mask
      • Reaper Outfit
      • Zombie Mask
      • Blue Zombie Outfit
      • Angel’s Halo
      • Angel Outfit
      • Paper Bag
      • Paper Box
      • Cutie Cow Hat
      • Cutie Cow Suit
      • Tiger Hoodie Hat
      • Tiger Doll Outfit
    • Halloween Pumpkin Suit (M) Voucher (250 coins)
    • Halloween Pumpkin Suit (F) Voucher (250 coins)
    • Hallowcat’s Witch Hat Voucher (1,000 coins)
    • Halloween Dracula Mask Voucher (200 coins)
    • Halloween Frankenstein Mask Voucher (200 coins)
    • Halloween Skeleton Mask Voucher (200 coins)
    • Halloween Werewolf Mask Voucher (200 coins)
    • Halloween Mummy Mask Voucher (200 coins)
    • Halloween Cat-O-Lantern Mask (200 coins)
    • Old Haunted Cape Voucher (60 coins)
    • Old Hair Wig Voucher (60 coins)
    • Old Robe Voucher (60 coins)
    • Old Witch Hat Voucher (60 coins)
    • Old Witch Outfit Voucher (60 coins)
    • Old Witch Cape Voucher (60 coins)
    • Old Skeleton Hat Voucher (60 coins)
    • Old Skeleton Outfit Voucher (60 coins)
    • Old Skeleton Gloves Voucher (60 coins)
    • Old Skeleton Mask Voucher (60 coins)
    • Bright Cat Camping Car Chair (500 coins)
    • Halloween Candy Wealth Chair (300 coins)
    • Together with Elite Pumpkin Zombie Chair (300 coins)
    • Ghost Ship Chair (150 coins)
    • RIP Chair (150 coins)
    • Halloween Pumpkin Chair (150 coins)
    • Halloween Damage Skin (200 coins)
    • Zombie Damage Skin (100 coins)
    • Witch’s Broomstick Riding Coupon (300 coins)
    Challenge! Maple Rainbow!


    The Challenge! Maple Rainbow! event will run from November 9 to November 22.

    During this event, you can choose one of seven missions to complete. You can complete up to 7 missions per day per world.

    • Hunt monsters around your level
    • Patience
    • Find me
    • Profession
    • Greet
    • Monster Park
    • Party quest

    When you complete a mission, you can choose to receive one of the following as a reward.

    • 2x Experience Coupon (15 minutes)
    • Source of Wealth (20 minutes)
    • 2x Meso Acquisition Coupon (15 minutes)
    • 50 Mileage
    • Infinite Fatigue Potion
    • Personality Trait Bag
    • 2 Strange Cubes

    If you complete 7 missions in one day, you can choose one of the following items as a reward.

    • 3x Experience Coupon (15 minutes)
    • Core Gemstone
    • Selective 2 Arcane Symbols Voucher
    • 200 Mileage
    • Monster Park REBORN Free Entry Ticket
    • Selective Personality Trait Box
    • 15 Strange Cubes

    If you complete 7 missions for 7 or more days, you’ll receive the Shimmering Maple! title. It gives 50 all stats, 20 attack/magic attack, 30% boss damage, 30% defense ignore, and 2000 HP/MP. The stats will expire in 1 month.

    Sunday Maple


    The Sunday Maple event will take place on October 29, November 5, November 12, and November 19. On each of these days, various benefits will take place.


    On October 29, the following benefits will take place:

    • 2x rewards from Ghost Collectors (experience, mesos, and Ghost Coins)
    • 30% discount on Scroll Trace enhancing costs
    • 2x drop in Reboot/Reboot2


    On November 5, the following benefits will take place:

    • 2x rewards from Ghost Collectors (experience, mesos, and Ghost Coins)
    • 7x coin rewards from the Union daily quests
    • Receive 1 Union Preset Coupon


    On November 12, the following benefits will take place:

    • 2x rewards from Challenge! Maple Rainbow daily completion
    • 2x rewards from Arcane River daily content
    • 2x Sudden Mission daily clear limit
    • 2x Sudden Mission clear experience


    On November 19, the following benefits will take place:

    • 2x rewards from Challenge! Maple Rainbow daily completion
    • +100% experience from the Rune buff
    • 2 Elite Monsters will spawn instead of 1
    End of Tests! Sparkling Gift

    The End of Tests! Sparkling Gift event will take place from November 16 to 19.

    To celebrate the end of the test which all Korean high schoolers must complete before graduating, you can log in to receive 2x Experience Coupons and the Sparkling Damage Skin.

    Filed under: KMS Tagged: boss, theme dungeon [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog