KMS KMS ver. 1.2.314 – Pink Bean World!

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Mar 27, 2019.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    This patch was released on KMST last week but I didn’t translate it since it basically only had events. For the next month, we have the Toben Hair Warrior and Haste events, and the Pink Bean World!



    • Returning Toben Hair Warrior
      • The Toben Hair Warrior has returned! Enjoy fun lessons with your cute Toben student.
    • Hunting Boost! Haste
      • Level up faster with a variety of benefits! Best chance to grow! Don’t miss the Haste event.
    • Pink Bean World
      • In the Pink Bean world filled only with colourful Pink Beans, challenge the strongest ones and receive gifts.
    Game Related

    Any users with vulnerable secondary passwords must reset them before they can login. Your secondary password can be set after pressing the Secondary Password Reset button.

    Improvements and Bug Fixes (Boss Related)

    Fixed an error where after you exit Boss Matching and try to match again, sometimes your already cancelled match would apply.

    In boss content, party members’ status effects will no longer be affected by skill transparency.

    Fixed an error in Urus where your ranking would be different from your actual number of points.

    Fixed an error in Urus where Special Cores’ effects applied.

    Fixed an error in Urus where Dark Knight’s Reincarnation did not activate.

    Fixed an error in Urus where certain item buffs would be removed after entering.

    Fixed an error where you after entering Hilla (Normal), you could use Boss Matching to enter again.

    Fixed an error in Pierre where if you received a hat, your character would have normal ears instead of Elf/Lef ears.

    In Cygnus, the Dream Key will no longer be consumed upon entering Cygnus’ Garden. Instead, it will be consumed when you enter the boss map.

    In Heroes of Maple, Damien’s hitbox has been increased when fighting him in phase 2.

    Fixed an error in Damien where the client shut down if your character’s damage reduction exceeded a certain amount.

    Fixed an error in Damien’s phase 2 where you could not avoid his rush attack by crouching.

    Fixed an error in Damien where sometimes a summoned sword would stop moving and no more would be created.


    In Lucid (Hard), Lucid’s phase 3 form will now resist all elements and her HP has been decreased.

    Fixed an error in Will where you could try to enter Practice Mode even without the party leader.

    Fixed an error in Will where in phase 1, if you used Eunwol’s Soul Split as soon as he entered his staggered status, you would not be able to deal damage to Will.

    Fixed an error in Black Mage where in phase 2 and 3, certain patterns would not appear if Zero used Shadow Rain and activated Critical Bind.

    Fixed an error in Black Mage where in phase 3, if you used a certain number of skills where your attacking location and character location were different, a negative pattwern would be activated that caused the zone system to disappear.


    Papulatus’ time related Seal/Stun effects and Vellum’s stalactite’s Stun effect have been changed to distinguish them from other statuses (because they cannot be removed using potions, etc).

    Fixed an error in Reboot where Horntail would drop the Dragon Wand regardless of your class.

    Improvements and Bug Fixes (Skill Related)

    Fixed an error where in content where buff icons are not shown, mousing over the area where the buff icons would appear would cause the tooltips to appear.

    Fixed an error where sometimes certain projectile skills would have the appearance of Soul Seeker.

    Fixed an error where you could use skills that had no skill cast animation (such as Maple Warrior) while casting other skills.

    Fixed an error where certain quick-fire skills with cooldowns could sometimes be used again while on cooldown.

    Fixed an error where while using certain linking skills, you could not acquire items that are used immediately or Combo Kill orbs.

    Fixed an error in Heroes of Maple where if you played a class that used arrows or bullets, they would appear while attacking.

    Fixed an error for archers’ Guided Arrow where it would not attack when your character was in combat.

    Fixed an error where Pathfinder’s Raven Tempest and Wind Breaker’s Howling Gale’s disappearing effects did not apply skill transparency.

    Fixed an error where if an Archmage (F/P) and Archmage (I/L) were in a party together and they had Meditation set as their Pet Auto Buff, the Meditation skills would be constantly casted.

    Fixed an error where thieves’ Venom Burst was used on multiplate targets, the damage would not apply.

    Fixed an error where if a Striker and Viper were in a party together and they had Wind Booster set as their Pet Auto Buff, the Wind Booster skills would be constantly casted.

    Fixed an error where if Heroes’ Combo Attack’s effect was turned off, it would still appear while sitting on chairs.

    Dark Knight’s Pierce Cyclone’s cooldown will now apply as soon as it is cast.

    Fixed an error where Adventurer magicians’ Overload Mana caused Unstable Memorize to consume MP if it was used while Overload Mana was active.

    Fixed an error where if Archmage (F/P) used DoT Punisher immediately after changing maps, it would not activate properly.

    Fixed an error where if Bishop used Dispel on a status that could not be cleansed, Divine Protection’s cooldown would still be decreased.

    Fixed an error where Bishop’s Heal, Shining Ray, and Angel Ray’s sound effect when hitting enemies did not play.

    Fixed an error where Bowmaster’s Advanced Quiver was not saved by Buff Freezers.

    Fixed an error where Pathfinder’s Cardinal Transition could not move if used on certain terrain at the end of certain maps.

    Fixed an error where changing maps wile husing Ultimate Blast would cause Ultimate Blast’s damage buff based on the Relic Gauge to not disappear.

    Fixed an error where if you used Pathfinder’s Raven Tempest then used it again without moving, the damage would not be applied.

    Fixed an error for Adventurer thieves where pets would not use auto buffs or potions if you were in Ultimate Dark Sight.

    Fixed an error where Captain’s Continual Aiming would cause monsters’ status effects to not appear.

    Fixed an error where Cannon Shooter’s ICBM would create a burning area at the end of certain platforms instead of where the missile hit.

    Fixed an error where Soul Master’s Falling Moon’s effect did not apply to Aura Weapon’s Aura wave.

    Fixed errors with Flame Wizard’s Infinity Flame Circle where it would not deal damage, sometimes the Phoenix Feathers would disappar without being used, and Buff Freezers did not save your Phoenix Feathers.

    For Night Walker’s Shadow Spear, the maximum number of shadow fragments that can be created in one position has been increased.

    Fixed an error where Aran’s Swing Study’s afterimage did not apply to Brandish Maha.

    Fixed an error where if Aran used Install Maha then sat on a chair where your weapon does not appear, Maha would still appear.

    Fixed an error where Mercedes’ Elemental Knight’s voiceover only played the Frost Spirit related line.

    If Phantom uses Mystic Door, you cannot remove it from Skill Management until the portal disappears.

    Fixed an error in Phantom’s Skill Management where Cannon Shooter skills’ master levels did not appear.

    Fixed an error where Phantom’s Noire Carte and Ark’s Incoming Death would activate in content-only skills.

    Fixed an error where Phantom’s Rose Carte Finale’s rose cards would disappear and the rose effect would not appear.

    Fixed an error where if a Phantom used a stolen Pathfinder skill, an Ancient Bow would not appear.

    Fixed an error where if Phantom used Joker with low MP, the buff card would immediately be drawn without being thrown.

    Fixed an error where Eunwol’s Spirit Focus’ activated Summon Soul Tent’s number of hits did not apply normally.

    Fixed an error where sometimes Eunwol’s True Spirit Claw would activate even while on cooldown.

    Fixed an error where if Demon classes pressed a certain direction’s arrow key while pressing the other direction’s arrow key, the Double Jump would be activated.

    Fixed an error where while Demon Avenger was charging Blood Feast, if you performed certain actions, the skill would not activate.

    Fixed an error where if Demon Avenger used Blood Feast at the same time as dying, they would not die normally.

    Fixed an error where if Demon Avenger used Blood Feast while using Glide, the Glide would not be cancelled.

    Fixed an error where if Blasters changed maps while charging skills, the charge effect would not disappear.

    Fixed an error where Battle Mage’s Black Magic Altar did not deal damage in certain conditions.

    Xenon’s Surplus Supply’s charged energy will now be applied more precisely. If your connection is not good and the charge time is longer, the next charge will be faster.

    Fixed an error where Xenon’s Hologram Gravity: Fusion would disappear if you fell a certain distance after installing it.

    Fixed an error where if a Kaiser in Final Figuration attacked an object on the map, a regular attack would be activated. You can now use Dragon Slash to attack objects.

    Fixed an error where any pirate classes (except Angelic Buster) that had no weapon equipped would have item tooltip’s damage boosts displayed abnormally.

    Angelic Buster’s Finitura Fettuccia’s debuff will now apply the final damage buff to all Angelic Busters that hit the enemy, not just the one who used the skill.

    Fixed an error where if you used Zero’s Burst Step upwards, Rapid Time would not be applied.

    Fixed an error where sometimes using Zero’s Shadow Rain in Root Abyss bosses would sometimes cause the boss to disappear.

    Improvements and Bug Fixes (Quests/Maps)

    Fixed an error where Pollo and Fritto’s random portals did not appear in Dimensional Library’s Forest Beside Aurura 1/2 maps.

    Fixed an error where Pollo and Fritto’s random portals did not appear in Eos Tower’s Floor 100 and Cactus Desert 1.

    Fixed an error where entering a random portal after an Elite Boss has appeared would cause your Combo Kill to not be saved after exiting.

    Fixed an error where if Demon Slayer entered the castle while doing the Von Leon quests, a message would appear repeatedly.

    After completing the Stumpy quest, you will now be able to understand Stumpy’s dialogue.

    Fixed an error in the Adventurer quests Fancy’s Test 1~4 where you could be moved to a map where you could not hit monsters.

    Fixed an error in Phantom’s 2nd job advancement quest where you could accept the quest before the lock was broken.

    In the theme dungeon Ancient Ruins of Partem, you will no longer receive the Communication Magic Orb. You can drop any of them that you already have, and even if you don’t, they will be taken while doing the story quests.

    Fixed an error in the theme dungeon Ancient Ruins of Partem’s quest script.

    Fixed an error in the theme dungeon Ancient Ruins of Partem where monserts would drop Steelies at a higher than normal rate.

    Fixed an error where if you used Teleport while in the air in the centre of Dream Breaker, you could fall off the map.

    Fixed an error in Erda Spectrum where the extracted Erda could be hit using Flame Gear.

    Fixed an error where the client would exit if you cancelled item crafting in Meisterville then instantly disassembled another item.

    In Meisterville’s collection maps, herbs and ores will no longer spawn on the 1st floor.

    In Meisterville’s collection maps, the minimap will no longer appear.

    Fixed an error in Erda Spectrum where sometiems the extracted Erda did not appear.

    Fixed an error where Mu Lung monsters dropped etc items for monsters of other levels.

    Fixed an error in Mu Lung Dojo where when an enemy died and used a spiderweb bomb, the attack range was bigger than the actual effect.

    Fixed an error in Moonbridge where Creatues of Chaos would drop equipment at a higher than normal rate.

    Fixed an error where if you changed maps, sometimes the previous map’s BGM would continue to play.

    Fixed an error where if a character sat on a chair while moving, the UI would become transparent.

    Fixed an error where the Star Force map UI’s damage taken ratio was shown as 1% lower.

    Fixed an error where the Rune’s Curse message would appear if you logged on a map with the curse active even if you had the Sealed Rune’s Power buff.

    Improvements and Bug Fixes (Etc)

    Wonder Black, Luna Sweet, Luna Dream, and Luna Petite pets’ tooltips and set effect tooltips have been enhanced with the pet rank and set effect information.

    Set effect tooltips for Special Label and Master Label sets have been changed to show the full names of all items. Before equipping an item, you can see the item name and gender with more details in the set effect tooltip.

    You can now acquire additional Mileage 500 items even while holding one in your inventory.

    The Adventure Performance Chair: Concert’s HP/MP regeneration has been changed to 1500.

    Fixed an error where characters level 105 or lower could purchase the Adventure Dining Chair: Feast from the Adventure Coin Shop.

    Fixed an error where certain unacquirable item stats were in the Maple Auction’s search options.

    In the Maple Auction, when searching for items with gender restrictions, item names will now display the gender.

    Infinite Magic Arrows, Derniere Carte, Golden Fox Orb, Karma Orb, Ultimate Force Shield, Octo Core Controller, Eternal Magnum, Soul Shield of Justice, True Nova Essence, Green Soul Ring, Chess Piece The Queen, Transmitter type:A, Glory Magic Wings, Ultimate Pass, and Perfect Relic have been added to the Evolving System’s Machine C-2’s shop.

    Fixed an error where the number of available bow and crossbow arrows sold at NPC stores was incorrect.

    Fixed an error where the Ryude’s Sword’s chance to increase number of hits was different than the displayed number.

    Fixed an error where the Scrolls for Necro One-Handed/Two-Handed Weapon for Attack/Magic Attack could not be used on the Ancient Bow/Shining Rod/Chain.

    Fixed an error where you could choose an item that you had equipped as the target for item transferring from an item trace. If you have already done so, any items that are equipped but have the tag ‘untradeable when equipped’ will no longer apply.

    Fixed an error where if you linked the Cygnus’ Successor medal in the chat, the character’s name did not appear.

    Fixed an error where riding the Flying with Claudine mount and falling from a high place caused the client to exit.

    The Change Royal Hair/Face Coupons’ descriptions now state that every hair/face have the same chance.

    Fixed an error where other classes’ characters would use Angelic Buster’s transformation item Compacts in the Cash Shop’s preview screen. They can now only be used in Angelic Buster’s Dress Up mode.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Monster Park’s Extreme Gold Potion‘s HP/MP boosts have been removed so that the item’s experience buff can be saved if your client closes and you relogin. The Extreme Red Potion now increases your HP by 2000 and the Extreme Blue Potion now increases your MP by 2000.

    Cash Shop

    Change Royal Coupons

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    The Change Royal Hair and Face Coupons will be on sale from March 28 to April 10. They are special because they allow you to get male hairs/eyes on female characters and vice versa!

    Puppy Pets


    The Puppy pets: Cookie, Croquette, and Meringue will be on sale from March 28 to April 24.

    Royal Style Coupon

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    The Royal Style Coupon will be on sale from March 28 to April 17. There are new items such as the Spring Symphony set.

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    It also includes the new Special Label: the Wild Rabbit set. If you collect all 5 items, you’ll also receive the Wild Rabbit Face Accessory.


    Returning Toben Hair Warrior


    The Returning Toben Hair Warrior event will run from March 28 to April 10.


    The Toben Hair warrior who grew from a beginner to a noble warrior has returned! This time, he said he’s interested in fashion? Complete lessons with him and receive special gifts.


    Every day, you can complete a lesson. They will be unlocked one by one, every day and you can catch up if you miss any days. You can only complete each lesson once per world.

    • Lesson 1: Defeat 1000 monsters around your level (7 Day Spirit Pendant)
    • Lesson 2: Defeat 2000 monsters around your level (Toben Hair Warrior’s Hat Box)
    • Lesson 3: Activate 2 Runes (Gold Potential Stamp)
    • Lesson 4: Activate 3 Runes (Selective 8 Slot Expansion Coupon)
    • Lesson 5: Defeat 3 Elite Monsters (Special Medal of Honor)
    • Lesson 6: Defeat 5 Elite Monsters (Craftsman’s Cube)
    • Lesson 7: Achieve 300 Combo Kills (Powerful Rebirth Flame)
    • Lesson 8: Achieve 600 Combo Kills (Storm Growth Potion)
    • Lesson 9: Use a Bounty Hunter Portal 1 time (50% Epic Potential Scroll)
    • Lesson 10: Defeat 1 Elite Boss (Memories with the Toben Hair Warrior Chair)


    After completing the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th lessons, you can perform additional secret missions with more prizes.

    • Secret Lesson 1: ??? (VIP Hair Dye Coupon)
    • Secret Lesson 2: ??? (Skin Care Coupon)
    • Secret Lesson 3: ??? (Royal Face Coupon)
    • Secret Lesson 4: ??? (Royal Hair Coupon)

    After completing all 10 lessons, you can accept a new quest that rewards you with a 3x Experience Coupon (15 minutes). This quest can be completed once per world per day.

    Hunting Boost! Haste

    The Hunting Boost! Haste event will run from April 11 to April 24.

    During this event, there will be a few extra benefits to encourage hunting.

    • Elite Monsters’ appearance rate will be increased
    • Runes will spawn more frequently and their cooldowns will be decreased from 15 minutes to 10 minutes
    • Runes’ experience buff effect will be increased from 100% to 200%
    • Sudden Missions will appear more frequently
    • Sudden Missions’ daily limit will be increased from 3 to 6
    • Polo & Fritto’s appearance rate will be increased
    • Flame Wolf’s experience reward will be increased from 100% to 150%
    • Boss Party UI’s buff effect will be increased from 10% damage to 30% damage

    Every day, you’ll have a total of 9 missions that you can complete. When you complete each one, you’ll get experience based on your level and a [COLOR=var(--color-neutral-600)]Haste Box[/COLOR][COLOR=var(--color-neutral-600)] (based on the number of missions you’ve done).[/COLOR]

    • Hunt 999 monsters around your level
    • Hunt 20 Elite Monsters
    • Hunt 1 Elite Boss
    • Clear Polo & Fritto 3 times
    • Clear Flame Wolf 1 time
    • Activate 5 Runes
    • Clear 3 Sudden Missions
    • Achieve 500 Combo Kills
    • Achieve 100 Multi Kills

    The Basic Haste Box will be given for your 1st/2nd/3rd missions. It can be opened to get some experience and a random item.

    • 100 Scroll Traces
    • Strange Cube
    • 10 Power Elixirs
    • Basic Hunter’s Medal of Honor
    • Silver Potential Stamp
    • 100% Chaos Scroll
    • 5% Clean Slate Scroll

    The Medium Haste Box will be given for your 4th/5th/6th missions. It can be opened to get some experience and a random item.

    • 200 Scroll Traces
    • 5 Strange Cubes
    • 10 Power Elixirs
    • Intermediate Hunter’s Medal of Honor
    • Gold Potential Stamp
    • 100% Chaos Scroll
    • 50% Golden Hammer
    • 10% Clean Slate Scroll

    The Advanced Haste Box will be given for your 7th/8th missions. It can be opened to get some experience and a random item.

    • 500 Scroll Traces
    • 10 Strange Cubes
    • Advanced Hunter’s Medal of Honor
    • 50% Golden Hammer
    • 50% Epic Potential Scroll
    • 10% Clean Slate Scroll
    • 50% Innocent Scroll
    • Strong Rebirth Flame

    The Ultimate Haste Box will be given for your 9th mission. It can opened to get some experience, 2 15 minute 2x Experience Coupons, and a random item.

    • 800 Scroll Traces
    • 20 Strange Cubes
    • Advanced Hunter’s Medal of Honor
    • 10% Clean Slate Scroll
    • Strong Rebirth Flame
    • Eternal Rebirth Flame
    • Craftsman’s Cube
    • Meister’s Cube

    Each week of the event, if you can complete all 9 daily missions in a single day, you’ll unlock the weekly hidden mission. By completing these hidden missions, you can receive extra prizes!

    • 1st week (April 11 ~ April 17): kill 44,444 monsters
      • Which Spring Day Chair
      • Powerful Rebirth Flame
    • 2nd week (April 18 ~ 24): kill 88,888 monsters (55,555 if you completed the first week)
      • Spring Day’s Puppy Damage Skin
      • Eternal Rebirth Flame

    If you complete both weeks’ hidden missions, you’ll be given the I’m Too Hasted title which gives 50 all stats, 20 attack/magic attack, 30% boss damage, 30% defense ignore, and 2500 HP/MP. However, the stats will expire on May .

    Pink Bean World


    The Pink Bean World event will run from March 28 to April 25.

    Pink Bean has returned with a new skill~ Complete the Secret Diary’s missions to receive a variety of prizes! This time, they can only be created in Pink Bean World, where your Pink Bean character will change colours!

    You can also challenge the Mu Lung Dojo and receive special titles and items based on your ranking.

    Pink Bean has certain special properties.

    • Pink Bean can wear warrior equipment and its main stat is STR.
    • You learn skills at certain levels and your damage and stats will increase based on your current level.
    • You cannot choose your gender, hair colour, or basic equipment when creating Pink Bean.
    • Instead of regular Elite Monsters, some of Maple World’s adventurers who are being controlled by Black Bean will appear and attack Pink Bean.

    The following restrictions will occur while playing on it:

    • Pink Bean World is a time-limited event world. When the event ends, the world will be deleted and all related information/characters will be removed.
    • In Pink Bean World, you can only create 1 Pink Bean character. You cannot create any other classes.
    • Pink Beans cannot trade with other characters. This includes regular trading, storage, hired merchants, Maple Auction, or the Meso Market. Other characters will also be unable to see any items dropped by Pink Beans.
    • You cannot enter the Cash Shop.
    • You can accumulate Mileage but you cannot ‘settle’ it. To ‘settle’ your Mileage, you need to login to another character and enter the Cash Shop.
    • If you party with other jobs, you will not receive party experience. You will receive party experience if you party with other Pink Beans however.
    • You will be considered an adventurer warrior for quests.
    • Certain chairs and mounts cannot be used.
    • You are blocked from using certain content and systems:
      • Marriage
      • You can join a guild but cannot create one or be transferred guild leadership.
      • Professions
      • Black Heaven
      • Heroes of Maple
      • Helisium related quests
      • Urus
      • You cannot advance to 5th job, you cannot use Core Gemstones.
      • You cannot be placed as an attacker in Maple Union.
      • You cannot redeem Fairy Bros’ Daily Gifts or PC Room Connection gifts.


    All Pink Bean characters in Pink Bean World will receive the Pink Bean World skill, which gives 1.5x experience, 30 attack/magic attack, 30% damage to regular monsters and 30% damage to boss monsters.

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    Pink Bean also has one new skill this time!

    • Pink Bean’s Matryoshka [Lev. 185]
      • Pink Bean has become interested in Matryoshka dolls and tries to experience them directly. Pink Bean will open the Matryoshka dolls and throw them at nearby enemies. You will be invincible while using this skill.


    Pink Bean’s Secret Diary is a set of 30 missions that you can complete on your Pink Bean character. The first 24 are the same as before and only the secret missions have been changed.

    • Do I Need to Live up to my Name?: change your Pink Bean’s colour 10 times
    • I Am Succeeding Meat: finish the Toad’s Hammer tutorial quest
    • This Place is Not It: enter Chaos Pink Bean
    • I Thought You were my Friend: complete the Korean Folk Town quest “Jade Stone of Rage”
    • Pinkreddie Mercury: acquire Spiegelmann’s Mustache from Monster Park
    • Back in my Days: acquire a Cup of Coffee

    Each mission has a reward that you can claim on your Pink Bean as well as one you can claim on any other character in your Maple ID. These items can only be claimed until May 8.

    If you complete all 30 missions, you’ll receive the Holy Pink Beanity title which gives 10 all stats, 5 attack/magic attack, and 10% boss damage. It is permanent and untradeable.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    When Pink Bean World closes, additional rewards will be given out based on the Mu Lung Dojo rankings.

    • 1st place
      • 500k Maple Points
      • Pink Bean World Victor
      • Pink Bean Umbrella
      • Mu Lung Expert Pink Bean Chair
    • 2nd~10th place
      • 100k Maple Points
      • Pink Bean Umbrella
      • Mu Lung Expert Pink Bean Chair
    • 11th~30th place
      • 30k Maple Points
      • Mu Lung Expert Pink Bean Chair
    • 31st~100th place
      • 10k Maple Points
    • 101st~1,000th place
      • 3k Maple Points
    Sunday Maple

    The Sunday Maple event will take place on March 31, April 7, April 14, and April 21.

    On March 31, the following benefits will be active:

    On April 7, the following benefits will be active:

    On April 14, the following benefits will be active:

    On April 21, the following benefits will be active:

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog