KMS KMS ver. 1.2.350 – Lara Pre-Creation & Discussion Board Reorganization

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Jun 29, 2021.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    A small patch was released in the official servers today, to add the pre-creation event for Lara (and a pretty video!) as well as a surprising event for Kain which other servers received earlier! I think a lot of people were complaining that Kain got rewards in other versions on release but KMS actually got nothing, so they decided to (finally) add them.

    In addition, the discussion board was finally reorganized! They have already set the first three topics and discussions will be underway for 1 month.

    KMS ver. 1.2.350 Overview

    • <Romantic Geomancer Lara> Pre-Creation
    • Kain <Journey of Memories>
    • Improvements
    • Error Fixes
    <Romantic Geomancer Lara> Pre-Creation


    The Romantic Geomancer Lara Pre-Creation event will run from June 30 to July 14. This event is open to all players.

    To celebrate the release of the new Anima mage Lara, you can create your character ahead of time to receive various rewards!


    To participate, all you have to do is login to the game and create your Lara!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The rewards will be distributed after the patch on July 15, and will be available to claim until July 29. You can only receive the rewards once per Nexon ID.

    • Lara Name Tag Ring Exchange Ticket
    • Lara Chat Bubble Ring Exchange Ticket
    • Lara Damage Skin
    • Small Bell Exchange Ticket
    • Mountain Earth Spirit Package
    • Character Slot Expansion Coupon
    • 2021 Turning a New Maple Leaf Money Box

    The Mountain Earth Spirit Package contains the Mountain Earth Spirit pet and its equipment. The pet comes with item and meso loot, expanded loot range, and auto buff.

    The 2021 Turning a New Maple Leaf Money Box can be opened to receive various prizes. It has a base reward of 2000 Mileage and if you’re lucky, you’ll receive one of the following:

    • 3k Maple Points (20%)
    • 1 Inkwell Coin (1%)
    • 30k Maple Points (1%)
    • 5 Inkwell Coins (0.50%)
    • 100k Maple Points (0.20%)
    • 25 Inkwell Coins (0.10%)
    • 500k Maple Points (0.02%)
    • 50 Inkwell Coins (0.01%)
    • 1m Maple Points (0.01%)
    Kain <Journey of Memories>


    The Kain <Journey of Memories> event will run from June 30 to August 11. It is available to all Kain characters (created before and after this patch).


    You have to reach certain levels on your Kain character to receive rewards.

    • Level 100: Kain Damage Skin
    • Level 200: Chaser of Darkness Outfit Box (choice between the Longsuit and Shortsuit)

    Burning World’s growth period has been extended to September 9.

    • The Burning World Leap period has been changed to September 9 to September 22.
    • All gifts given when creating Burning characters have had their expiration dates changed to September 9.
    • All gifts given to level 130 Burning characters have had their expiration dates changed to September 9.

    The maximum number of character slots has been expanded from 47 to 48.

    Bera world’s number of channels has been expanded from 30 to 40.

    Error Fixes

    Fixed issues with Maple ON AIR – Boom Boom Reaction.

    • Fixed an issue where if Boom Boom Reaction activated when the character was daead, the screen effect would not end and continue to be outputted.
    • Fixed an issue where in certain situations, the Creater Step Up monthly ON AIR <Reaction Time> mission’s number did not increase normally.
    • Fixed the Boom Boom Reaction guide quest’s description for level range monsters.

    Fixed an issue with the Maple LIVE information quest where it had incorrect information for Black Bean Bundle drop amounts.

    Fixed an issue with Flag Race’s results window where the week’s best record displayed would not be reset even after the weekly settlement.

    Discussion Board Reorganization


    The discussion board has finally been reorganized. You can see the new board here. There are now 4 main topics which users can post messages for. The current topics are open for discussion from June 30 to July 26.

    1. Boss reward reorganization
      • Boss rewards are a part of the reward experience that is a core growth driver for the game, motivating users to challenge stronger bosses. However, the current composition of boss rewards in MapleStory is not sufficient as a growth driver.
    2. Character growth experience reorganization
      • To improve the character growth experience of MapleStory, we have constantly adjusted level-up difficulty and tried to improve in a reas such as hunting, quests, and events. However, many players are still complaining about high level-up difficulty and hunting fatigue.
    3. Opinions about the reorganized discussion board
    4. Topics you wish to be added to the discussion board

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog