KMS KMS ver. 1.2.366 – MapleStory Ignition: Cygnus Knights Remaster!

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Jun 30, 2022.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    The first patch of the MapleStory Ignition update has been released! The Cygnus Remaster gives all of the Cygnus Knights, including Mikhail, an updated look and various improvements. This patch also contains various quality of life changes, Hyper Burning up to level 250, and the Ignition Fireworks Festival event!

    In terms of the remaster, there were basically zero changes from the last test world patch until now (really disappointing tbh). I decided to just do a full skill translation so it won’t show the differences from before and after the remaster, but you can check the two KMST posts for those. There was one additional developer notes section for Wind Breaker which I’ll include here.

    MapleStory Ignition Summary


    • June 30:
      • Cygnus Remaster
      • Spring Spring Project
      • Ignition Fireworks Festival
      • Hyper Burning
      • Burning World
    • July 28:
      • Boss Extreme Modes
      • Monster Park Extreme
      • Extreme Fields
    • August 25:
      • Odium
    • August
      • Sulbing collaboration
      • The Venti collaboration

    • Cygnus Remaster
      • Common
      • Soul Master
      • Flame Wizard
      • Wind Breaker
      • Night Walker
      • Striker
      • Mikhail
      • Cygnus Story
      • Mikhail Story
    • Spring! Spring! Project
    • Growth Path Reorganization
    • Improvements
      • Skills
      • Items
      • Potential Lines
      • NPCs
      • Monsters
      • Maps
      • UI
      • Game Graphics
      • Etc.
    • Error Fixes
      • Skills
      • Quests
      • Mu Lung Dojo
      • Achievements
      • Items
      • Monsters
      • Maps
      • UI
      • Etc.
    • Cash Shop
    • Hyper Burning
    • Burning World
    • World Leap
    • [Cygnus Knights Remaster Event] Honour and Pride
    • Ignition Fireworks Festival
      • [DJ Selena’s Showtime!] Fireworks Dance
      • Arcade Festival <Ignition Star Bridge>
      • Arcade Festival <Find the Differences>
      • [Extreme Sports] Sky Sovereign
      • Ignition Highlight Time
      • Ignition Coin Shop
      • Flare Coin Shop
      • Meso Shop
    Cygnus Remaster

    Developer Notes:

    More details related to our intentions for this update, including the Cygnus remaster, can be found in the Ignition showcase. In this update, we wanted to supplement the remaster based on players’ opinions and play records from the official server and the test world.

    In terms of the numerical adjustments, since they bring a big change in the playing experience, we will continue to review and make changes to the Cygnus Knights and Mikhail’s changed skill structures/values to ensure they are appropriate in this update and subsequent updates.

    In addition, for jobs other than the remastered Cygnus Knights and Mikhail, we are currently compiling structural improvements for skills, including numerical buffs/nerfs, and are reviewing them for implementation.

    Character performance has changed much more rapidly than we expected during the first half of the year, after several consecutive skill improvements (including the Adventurer remaster).

    This was because there weren’t any skill-related improvements made for a long time and then many skills were changed all at once (including the Adventurer remaster) which affected many variables that we didn’t expect.

    Skill performance changes are a factor that greatly affect players’ gameplay. Therefore, we would like to approach them more cautiously. Even if it’s a little late, we thought that it would be a more satisfactory experience for players if we reviewed the data after the Cygnus Knights and Mikhail remaster changes are implemented in the official server and then adjusted all jobs’ skills afterwards.

    The overall jobs’ skill improvements are planned to be added to the test world on August 18. We apologize for not being able to release this update as quickly as players would have liked. We will repay the love that players have given us in future updates with more accurate improvements. Thank you.


    • [​IMG] Elemental Slash: Release pure, unrefined energy to attack enemies in front of you. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: Deals 130% damage 1 time on up to 3 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Journey Home: Borrow Shinsoo’s energy to return to the side of the Empress. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: Consumes 100 MP. When used, instantly return to Ereb.
        Cooldown: 600 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Elemental Harmony: Learn the harmony between the elements and increase your affinity for them. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 11: Increases your main stat by 1 for every 2 character levels.
    • [​IMG] Elemental Expert: Your mastery over the elements increases your attack and magic attack. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: 10% attack and magic attack.


    • [​IMG] Elemental Shift: While jumping, press the jump key with an arrow key, other than downwards, to jump once more in that direction. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: Consumes 4 MP. Jump a certain distance in the desired direction.
    Common Skills

    • [​IMG] Cygnus Knights: The skill has been improved so that it can be learned without having to complete the ‘Shinsoo’s Call’ quest. The skill effect has been changed.
    • [​IMG] Cygnus Knight’s Will: The skill effect has been changed.


    • [​IMG] Empress Cygnus’ Blessing: The skill effect has been changed.


    • [​IMG] Transcendent Cygnus’ Blessing: The skill effect has been changed.
    Soul Master

    1st Job


    • [​IMG] Rising Sun: Imbue your sword with the power of sunlight, entering a state where you can use Solar skills.
      When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated. On/off skill.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 2nd job skill ‘Solunar Time’.
      Rising Sun/Falling Moon Character Stance Lock: Right-click. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: 10% final damage, 1 attack speed.
        This skill cannot be used at the same time as Falling Moon.


    • [​IMG] Falling Moon: Imbue your sword with the power of moonlight, entering a state where you can use Lunar skills. This will not apply to certain skills, including summons and common 5th job skills. You cannot put SP in this skill, but it will share Rising Sun’s skill level.
      When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated. On/off skill.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 2nd job skill ‘Solunar Time’. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: 10% critical rate.
        Your own attacking skills’ number of hits is increased to 2x, final damage is decreased to 55%.
        However, skills’ number of hits cannot exceed 15.
        This skill cannot be used at the same time as Rising Sun.


    • [​IMG] Solar Slash: [Solar] With sword skills that seem to cut even the sun, attack multiple enemies in front of you.
      Required Skill: Level 1 Rising Sun/Falling Moon.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 2nd job skill ‘Celestial Vision’.
      [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 12 MP. Deals 150% damage 2 times on up to 5 enemies.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Lunar Divide: [Lunar] Slice the moon into sharp fragments using sword skills and fire them at multiple enemies in front of you.
      Required Skill: Level 1 Rising Sun/Falling Moon.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 2nd job skill ‘Celestial Vision’.
      [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 12 MP. Fire moon fragments that deal 300% damage 1 time on up to 5 enemies.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Element: Soul: Summon the element of Soul and obtain its power. When you hit an enemy with a Solar/Lunar skill opposite from the skill you last used, there is a certain chance to acquire Cosmic Orbs. When you create a Cosmic Orb, your attack is increased for a certain period of time.
      When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated. On/off skill.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 2nd job skill ‘Soul Blessing’. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: When you hit an enemy with a Solar/Lunar skill opposite from the skill you last used, there is a 50% chance to create 1 Cosmic Orb with a duration of 30 seconds.
        You can stack up to 2 Cosmic Orbs. When an Orb is created, all Cosmic Orbs’ durations will be refreshed.
        When a Cosmic Orb is created, increase your attack by 20 for 30 seconds.
        [Passive Effect: 10% defense ignore]
    • [​IMG] Soul Guardian: Borrow power from ancient spirits to protect yourself. [Max Level: 15]
      • Level 15: 1500 maximum HP, 750 defense, 40% Stance.
    • [​IMG] Inner Voice: Train your soul to hear its voice. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: 40 speed, 20 jump, 20 maximum speed.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Soul Leap: While jumping, jump once more to move a long distance. You can use this skill with the up arrow key to move upwards.
      You cannot put SP in this skill, but you can use it after advancing to a Soul Master. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: Consumes 5 MP. Jump a certain distance.

    2nd Job

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Celestial Vision: Receive the energy of the celestial bodies and learn to use enhanced sword skills.
      Required Skills: Level 20 Solar Slash/Luna Divide.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 3rd job skill ‘Celestial Vision II’.
      [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Solar Slash: Consumes 14 MP. Deals 150% damage 4 times on up to 6 enemies.
        Lunar Divide: Consumes 14 MP. Fire moon fragments that deal 190% damage 3 times on up to 6 enemies.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Cosmic Matter: [Cosmic] Fire condensed Dark Matter in front of you. The Dark Matter will attack all enemies that can be hit, or explode when they reach maximum range to attack nearby enemies. When used, all Cosmic Orbs will be consumed and based on the number of consumed Orbs, they will deal more damage.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Element: Soul. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 25 MP and all Cosmic Orbs to fire Dark Matter.
        Dark Matter: Pierces through enemies, dealing 160% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies. When they explode, deals 220% damage 3 times on up to 8 enemies.
        For every 1 consumed Cosmic Orb, the Dark Matter’s damage is increased by 20%p.
        Cooldown: 15 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Solunar Time: Receive the flow of time based on the cycle of the sun and the moon, entering a state where using Solar/Lunar skills will automatically swap stances. In addition, Rising Sun and Falling Moon’s effects are enhanced. Rising Sun and Falling Moon’s effects are overwritten.
      When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated. On/off skill.
      Required Skills: Level 10 Rising Sun/Falling Moon.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 3rd job skill ‘Solunar Mastery’ and the 4th job skill ‘Solunar Slash’. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: Consumes 35 MP. When you use Solar/Lunar skills, automatically swap stances.
        Rising Sun: 15% final damage, 1 attack speed.
        Falling Moon: 15% critical rate, your own attacking skills’ number of hits is increased to 2x, final damage is decreased to 60%.
        However, skills’ number of hits cannot exceed 15.
    • [​IMG] Soul Blessing: Element: Soul is enhanced to a more powerful burning soul. Element Soul’s effects are applied additively.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Element: Soul.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 3rd job skill ‘Soul Blessing II’. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: Element Soul’s Cosmic Orb creation rate is increased by 15%, the maximum number of stacks is increased by 1.
      When a Cosmic Orb is created, additionally increase your attack by 30.
    • [​IMG] Nimble Finger: Increase your attack speed and STR.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Element: Soul. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: 2 attack speed, 20 STR.
    • [​IMG] Inner Trust: Deal accurate strikers with your unshakable faith. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: 20 attack.
    • [​IMG] Sword Mastery: Increase your one-handed sword and two-handed sword mastery.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Sword Expert’. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: 50% one-handed sword and two-handed sword mastery.
    • [​IMG] Physical Training: Permanently increase your STR and DEX through physical training. [Max Level: 4]
      • Level 4: 40 STR, 20 DEX.

    3rd Job

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Celestial Vision II: Hone your celestial body sword skills to further enhance Solar Slash and Lunar Divide.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Celestial Vision.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Celestial Vision III’.
      [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Solar Slash: Consumes 14 MP. Deals 225% damage 5 times on up to 6 enemies.
        Lunar Divide: Consumes 14 MP. Fire moon fragments that deal 180% damage 5 times on up to 6 enemies.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Cosmic Shower: [Cosmic] With the Orbs’ latent power, create a Meteor Shower Zone that attacks nearby enemies continuously for a certain period of time. When used, all Cosmic Orbs will be consumed and based on the number of consumed Orbs, the duration will be increased. While using Solar Slash, Luna Divide, and Cross the Styx, you can use Cosmic Shower with no cast action. Cosmic Shower is not affected by summon duration increasing effects. If Cosmic Shower hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Element: Soul. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 45 MP and all Cosmic Orbs to create a Meteor Shower Zone.
        Meteor Shower Zone: Deals 210% damage 3 times on up to 6 enemies for 45 seconds.
        For every 1 consumed Cosmic Orb, the Meteor Shower’s duration is increased by 3 seconds.
        When attacking regular monsters, 50% increased damage.
        Cooldown: 30 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Loud Rush: [Solar] Rush forwards, pushing enemies in front of you. Certain monsters will resist and cannot be pushed.
      Required Skills: Level 1 Rising Sun/Falling Moon. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: Consumes 20 MP. Move forwards, dealing 170% damage 2 times on up to 7 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Silent Move: [Lunar] Instantly push enemies while cutting them down. Certain monsters will resist and cannot be pushed.
      Required Skills: Level 1 Rising Sun/Falling Moon. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: Consumes 20 MP. Move forwards, dealing 170% damage 2 times on up to 7 enemies.


    • [​IMG] True Sight: Face your opponents with the eye of the soul that pierces through everything. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: Consumes 50 MP. There is a 100% chance to decrease up to 10 enemies within range’s defenses by 10 and increase the final damage they take by 5% for 30 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Soul Blessing II: Element: Soul is enhanced by further training the soul’s power. Element Soul and Soul Blessing’s effects are applied additively.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Soul Blessing.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Soul Blessing III’. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: Element Soul’s Cosmic Orb creation rate is increased by 15%, the maximum number of stacks is increased by 1.
        When a Cosmic Orb is created, additionally increase your attack by 30.
    • [​IMG] Solunar Mastery: Train your sun and moon sword skills to enhance Rising Sun and Falling Moon’s effects. Rising Sun and Falling Moon’s effects are overwritten.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Solunar Time.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Master of the Sword’. [Max Level: 20]

    • Level 20: Rising Sun: 20% final damage, 1 attack speed.
      Falling Moon: 20% critical rate, your own attacking skills’ number of hits is increased to 2x, final damage is decreased to 75%.
      However, skills’ number of hits cannot exceed 15.
    • [​IMG] Will of Steel: Overcome your hardships with your willpower. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: 30 status resistance, 30% elemental resistance, 25% damage reduction, recover 5% maximum HP every 4 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Inner Shout: Concentrate your mind to reinvigorate your body. [Max Level: 14]
      • Level 14: 30 attack, 40 STR.

    4th Job


    • [​IMG] Cygnus Knights: Receive the awakened Empress’ blessings to increase all party members’ stats for a certain period of time. This skill does not stack with Maple Warrior, Cygnus Knights, Nova’s Warrior, Lef’s Warrior, Another World’s Warrior, Anima’s Warrior, or Rhinne’s Prayer. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 70 MP. For 900 seconds, increases all stats of directly invested AP by 15%.


    • [​IMG] Cygnus Knight’s Will: Concentrate your mind to be freed from status effects. After using this skill, you will be immune to status effects for 3 seconds. However, this will not apply to certain status effects. This skill is not affected by Combat Orders. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: Consumes 30 MP. Cooldown: 360 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Celestial Vision III: Perfect your celestial body sword skills to enhance Solar Slash and Lunar Divide to their final forms.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Celestial Vision II. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Solar Slash: Consumes 24 MP. Deals 485% damage 6 times on up to 7 enemies.
        Lunar Divide: Consumes 24 MP. Fire moon fragments that deal 485% damage 6 times on up to 7 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Cosmic Burst: [Cosmic] Release the Cosmic Orbs to attack. When used, all Cosmic Orbs will be consumed and based on the number of consumed Orbs, the cooldown will be decreased. While using Solar Slash, Luna Divide, and Cross the Styx, you can use Cosmic Burst with no cast action. The released Cosmic Orbs will prioritize tracking the boss monster with the highest maximum HP. If Cosmic Burst hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. Cosmic Burst is not affected by cooldown reduction and cooldown reset effects.
      In Auto Use Mode, when you have the maximum number of Cosmic Orbs, if the skill is not cooldown, Cosmic Burst will be used automatically when Solar Slash, Lunar Divide, or Cross the Styx hits an enemy.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Element: Soul.
      Auto Use Mode On/Off: Right-click.
      [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 50 MP and all Cosmic Orbs to release the Cosmic Orbs.
        The released Cosmic Orbs will each track 1 enemy, dealing 400% damage 4 times.
        If multiple Cosmic Orbs hit a single enemy, the second and later Orbs will have 30% decreased final damage.
        For every 1 consumed Cosmic Orb, cooldown will be decreased by 1 second.
        Cooldown: 15 seconds.
        [Passive Effect: Cosmic Shower’s damage is increased by 60%p.]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Solunar Slash: Rush forwards and cut your enemies. This skill can only be used during Solunar Time. This skill can also be used while using your skills.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Solunar Time. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 100 MP. Deals 240% damage 6 times on up to 7 enemies.
        Cooldown: 5 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Soul Penetration: Summon swords with the power of your soul that fall like stars and pierce through enemies, binding them to the ground. Soul Penetration applies to bosses as well. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 100 MP. Deals 500% damage 3 times on up to 15 enemies. There is a 100% chance to bind enemies hit for 10 seconds.
        Based on the damage Soul Penetration deals to the enemy, the bind duration will be increased by up to 100%.
        When the debuff ends, activate an additional attack that deals 300% damage 3 times.
        Cooldown: 180 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Soul Blessing III: Element: Soul is enhanced by raising the soul’s power to its limit. Element Soul, Soul Blessing, and Soul Blessing II’s effects are applied additively. This skill is not affected by Combat Orders.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Soul Blessing II. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: Element Soul’s Cosmic Orb creation rate is increased by 20%, the maximum number of stacks is increased by 1.
        When a Cosmic Orb is created, additionally increase your final damage by 10%.
    • [​IMG] Soul Pledge: Form a contract with ancient souls to become an unwavering warrior. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: 30 all stats, 10% critical rate, 60% Stance.
    • [​IMG] Sword Expert: Increase your one-handed sword and two-handed sword mastery, attack, and critical damage.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Sword Mastery. [Max Level: 30]

    • Level 30: 70% one-handed sword and two-handed sword mastery, 50 attack, 15% critical damage.
    • [​IMG] Unforeseeable: With unpredictable attacks, negate your opponent’s defenses. [Max Level: 15]
      • Level 15: 30% defense ignore, 15% boss damage.
    • [​IMG] Master of the Sword: Reach the end of your sword skills, forgetting the difference between the stances. Rising Sun and Falling Moon’s effects are enhanced and during Solunar Time, Rising Sun and Falling Moon’s effects will be activated at the same time. Rising Sun and Falling Moon’s effects are overwritten.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Sword Mastery. [Max Level: 30]

    • Level 30: During Solunar Time, Rising Sun and Falling Moon’s effects are applied at the same time.
      Rising Sun: 25% final damage, 2 attack speed.
      Falling Moon: 35% critical rate, your own attacking skills’ number of hits is increased to 2x, final damage is decreased to 90%.
      However, skills’ number of hits cannot exceed 15.


    • [​IMG] True Sight – Persist: True Sight’s duration is increased by 20 seconds. [Required Level: 140]
    • [​IMG] True Sight – Enhance: True Sight will decrease elemental resistance by 10%. This does not stack with Flame Wizard’s <Fox’s Mischief> or Battle Mage’s <Debuff Aura – Elemental Reset>’s elemental resistance reduction. [Required Level: 150]
    • [​IMG] True Sight – Persist: True Sight’s defense reduction is increased by 10%. [Required Level: 180]
    • [​IMG] Cosmic Shower/Burst – Reinforce: Cosmic Shower and Cosmic Burst’s damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 140]
    • [​IMG] Cosmic Burst – Ignore Guard: Cosmic Burst’s defense ignored is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 165]
    • [​IMG] Cosmic Shower – Persist: Cosmic Shower’s duration is increased by 10 seconds. [Required Level: 180]
    • [​IMG] Divide and Slash – Reinforce: Solar Slash and Lunar Divide’s damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 150]
    • [​IMG] Divide and Slash – Extra Target: Solar Slash and Lunar Divide’s number of enemies hit is increased by 1. [Required Level: 165]
    • [​IMG] Divide and Slash – Ignore Guard: Solar Slash and Lunar Divide’s defense ignored is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 190]


    • [​IMG] Cosmic Forge: [Cosmic] By sharpening your celestial bodies’ power, you can maximize your combat ability for a certain period of time, allowing you to hold more Cosmic Orbs at the same time. This skill is not affected by cooldown resets.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Element: Soul. [Required Level: 140]

      • Level 1: Consumes 150 MP.
        For 60 seconds, your damage is increased by 10% and the maximum number of Cosmic Orbs that can be stacked is increased by 5.
        When used, creates the maximum number of Cosmic Orbs.
        Cooldown: 180 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Blazing Assault: [Solar]With a sword wrapped in the flames of the sun, instantly cut through enemies. You will be invincible for a certain period of time when using this skill. This skill shares a cooldown with Luster Charge, and within a certain period of time after casting it, you can link and use Luster Charge 1 time regardless of your stance. If you link and use Luster Charge, you cannot link this skill to Luster Charge again. You will not swap stances from Solunar Time.
      Required Skills: Level 1 Rising Sun/Falling Moon. [Required Level: 160]

      • Level 1: Consumes 100 MP. Deals 400% damage 6 times on up to 10 enemies.
        After casting this skill, you will be invincible for 1.8 seconds and you can link to Luster Charge within 5 seconds.
        Cooldown: 45 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Luster Charge: [Lunar] With a sword imbued with the spirit of the cold moon, instantly cut through enemies. You will be invincible for a certain period of time when using this skill. This skill shares a cooldown with Blazing Assault, and within a certain period of time after casting it, you can link and use Blazing Assault 1 time. If you link and use Blazing Assault, you cannot link this skill to Blazing Assault again.
      Required Skills: Level 1 Rising Sun/Falling Moon. [Required Level: 160]

      • Level 1: Consumes 100 MP. Deals 400% damage 6 times on up to 10 enemies.
        After casting this skill, you will be invincible for 1.5 seconds and you can link to Blazing Assault within 5 seconds.
        Cooldown: 45 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Glory of Guardians: Hold a ceremony to raise the honor of the knights who have sworn an oath to protect Empress Cygnus.
      Can be registered as a Pet Auto Buff skill. [Required Level: 190]
      • Level 1: Consumes 100 MP. For 60 seconds, 10% damage.
        This affects only Cygnus Knights and Mikhail in the party.
        Cooldown: 120 seconds.

    5th Job

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Elysion: Send your enemies beyond the boundary between the living and the dead. During Elysion, you can use Cross the Styx by using the basic attack. If you use the Custom Command, you can use Cross the Styx by using the basic attack or Solar Slash/Luna Divide. Cross the Styx and the Rift attack will deal damage to enemies using Damage Ignore and Damage Reflect.
      Custom Command On/Off: Right-click. [Max level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. When used, create the maximum number of Cosmic Orbs. For 40 seconds, you can use Cross the Styx.
        Cross the Styx: Activate 5 slashes that deal 755% damage 5 times on up to 15 enemies with an additional 20% defense ignored. When they hit an enemy, create the maximum number of Cosmic Orbs and activate Solunar Time’s stance swap.
        When attacking with Cross the Styx, cut a Rift into space for 10 seconds.
        Rift: If you attack the right continuously with Cross the Styx, it will gradually get bigger and then activate 5 explosions that deal 1045% damage 6 times on up to 15 enemies.
        2 Rifts cannot be created at the same time, and it can only be re-created 5 seconds after the explosion. If the Rift’s duration ends, it will disappear and immediately explode with reduced damage.
        Cooldown: 180 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Soul Eclipse: Concentrate your soul’s power to create a sun and moon that overlap to cause an eclipse. After the sun and moon completely overlap, you can use the skill again to use Solunar Divide. Solunar Divide can also be used during Solar Slash, Luna Divide, and Cross the Styx. You will not take damage if the eclipse hits enemies using Damage Reflect. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. For 40 seconds, create an eclipse that deals 900% damage 7 times on up to 15 enemies continuously. You will be invincible during the cast action.
        Solunar Divide: The eclipse will disappear, activating 5 explosions that deal 2500% damage 15 times on up to 15 enemies. You will be invincible during the cast action. If used while in the air, you can float and use it while using your own attacking skills.
        Cooldown: 180 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Flare Slash: Explode the energy of your forged soul. This skill will be activated when an attacking skill in Falling Moon or Rising Sun stance hits an enemy. When you swap stances in Solunar Time or when Cross the Styx hits an enemy, this skill’s reactivation cooldown is decreased. If Flare Slash hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. This skill is not affected by cooldown reduction effects. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 80 MP. Deals 1100% damage 7 times on up to 10 enemies.
        Reactivation cooldown: 12 seconds, decreased by 0.8 seconds when you swap stances in Solunar Time and decreased by 1.5x that amount when Cross the Styx hits an enemy.


    • [​IMG] Cosmos: [Cosmic] Create a perfected galaxy that swirls around you. If Cosmos hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Element: Soul. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 500 MP and all Cosmic Orbs to create a Galaxy.
        Galaxy: For 15 seconds, deals 900% damage 5 times on up to 12 enemies periodically.
        For every 1 consumed Cosmic Orb, the attack cycle is decreased.
        Cooldown: 90 seconds.

    V Core Changes

    • Triple Slash cores have been removed. Existing cores that enhance Triple Slash will be changed to a different skill based on the following ranking.
      1. Cosmic Matter
      2. Solunar Slash
      3. Blazing Assault/Luster Charge
    • Trace Cut/Shadow Burn cores have been changed to Cosmic Matter cores, and their prefixes have been changed.
    • Moon Shadow/Light Flux cores have been removed. Existing cores that enhance Moon Shadow/Light Flux will be changed to a different skill based on the following ranking.
      1. Cosmic Matter
      2. Solunar Slash
      3. Blazing Assault/Luster Charge
    • Moon Cross/Sun Cross cores have been changed to Blazing Assault/Luster Charge cores, and their prefixes have been changed.
    • Dance of Moon/Speeding Sunset cores have been changed to Cosmic Burst cores, and their prefixes have been changed.
    • Crescent Divide/Solar Pierce cores have been changed to Solar Slash/Lunar Divide cores, and their prefixes have been changed.
    • Cross the Styx cores have been changed to Cosmic Shower cores, and their prefixes have been changed.
    Flame Wizard

    1st Job


    • [​IMG] Orbital Flame: Burn enemies with a flame that flies forwards a certain distance then returns to the caster. You can use this skill with the up, down, left, and right arrow keys to fire it in the desired direction. This is a fire element attack.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 2nd job skill ‘Orbital Flame II’. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 24 MP. Deals 200% damage 1 time on up to 4 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Flame Bite: Burn enemies in front of you with a burst of flames. This is a fire element attack.
      Required Skill: Level 1 Fire Repulsion. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 38 MP. Deals 180% damage 3 times on up to 4 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Fire Walk: When you jump while in the air, disappear into flames, jump forward a certain distance, then appear again. Permanently increases your defense.
      This skill replaces Elemental Shift. [Max Level: 5]
      • Level 5: Consumes 12 MP. Jump a certain distance in the desired direction.
        [Passive Effect: 100 defense.]


    • [​IMG] Element: Flame: When you use Flame Wizard’s directly attacking skills, summon Element: Flame. The summoned element will increase your magic attack for a certain period of time.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 2nd job skill ‘Element: Flame II’. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: For 8 seconds, increases magic attack by 10.
    • [​IMG] Fire Repulsion: The flow of flames redirects some of your damage taken. [Max Level: 5]
      • Level 5: 85% of damage taken is redirected to MP.
    • [​IMG] Natural Talent: Through natural talent, increases maximum MP. The MP growth is increased per level. [Max Level: 5]
      • Level 5: 20% maximum MP, increases MP by 120 per level.
        When equipping a Wand, increases critical rate by 5%.

    2nd Job


    • [​IMG] Orbital Flame II: Orbital Flame’s damage is enhanced and you can use up to 2 at the same time. This is a fire element attack.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Orbital Flame.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 3rd job skill ‘Orbital Flame III’. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 28 MP. Deals 250% damage 1 times on up to 8 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Flame Vortex: Burn enemies with a vortex of flames and push them away a certain distance. Certain monsters will resist and cannot be pushed. This is a fire element attack. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 22 MP. Deals 210% damage 2 times on up to 6 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Orbital Explosion: Understand and liberate the true nature of flames.
      When Orbital Flame, Phoenix Drive, Blazing Orbital Flame, or Infinity Flame Circle hits an enemy a certain number of times, the next attack will activate additional hits of Flame Energy.
      When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated. On/off skill. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: Consumes 13 MP.
        When Orbital Flame, Phoenix Drive, Blazing Orbital Flame, or Infinity Flame Circle hits an enemy 10 times, the next Orbital Flame type skill will activate an additional attack of 55% damage 3 times.


    • [​IMG] Fire Blink: Leave a trace of flames at your current location. The trace will remain for a certain period of time and if you are in the same map, you can re-use the skill to teleport your previous location at the trace. [Max Level: 5]
      • Level 5: Consumes 45 MP. For 100 seconds, leave a trace of flames. If you re-use the skill, teleport to that location.


    • [​IMG] Burn and Rest: Escape from the heat of battle and change your inner flames to MP.
      Through flame energy, when you attack with magic, there is a certain chance to absorb MP from enemies. On boss monsters, the absorption rate is lowered. [Max Level: 9]
      • Level 9: Instantly recovers 100% of your MP.
        Cooldown: 60 seconds.
        [Passive Effect: When you attack with magic, there is a 30% chance to absorb 10% maximum MP.
        On boss monsters, absorb 5% maximum MP.]
    • [​IMG] Book of Fire: Borrow power from the flames to increase your magic attack and attack speed. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: 20 magic attack, 2 attack speed.
    • [​IMG] Element: Flame II: Element: Flame is enhanced.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Element: Flame.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 3rd job skill ‘Element: Flame III’. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: For 8 seconds, increases magic attack by 20.
    • [​IMG] Spell Control: Your pursuit of higher spell knowledge makes you more proficient in magic.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Truth of Magic’. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: 10 magic attack, 50% magic mastery, 1 attack speed.

    3rd Job

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    • [​IMG] Orbital Flame III: Orbital Flame’s damage is enhanced and you can use up to 3 at the same time.
      By becoming more familiar with flame magic, you can use an Enhanced Orbital Flame when this skill hits an enemy a certain number of times. This is a fire element attack.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Orbital Flame II.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Orbital Flame IV’. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 36 MP. Deals 275% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies. When attacking normal monsters, increases damage by 20%.
        When this skill hits an enemy 3 times, the next attack will activate Enhanced Orbital Flame III.


    • [​IMG] Enhanced Orbital Flame III: By becoming more familiar with flame magic, fire Enhanced Orbital Flame. This is a fire element attack. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 36 MP. Deals 330% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies. When attacking normal monsters, increases damage by 20%.


    • [​IMG] Flame Tempesta: Burn enemies on both sides of you and push them away with giant, surging flames. Certain monsters will resist and cannot be pushed. This is a fire element attack. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 56 MP. Deals 405% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Maelstrom: Create a flame filled with the power of the phoenix, binding enemies.
      Enemies hit will resist binds for 90 seconds and will not be affected by Maelstrom or other bind skills. This is a fire element attack. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 120 MP. Deals 300% damage 12 times on up to 6 enemies. Enemies hit will be bound for 10 seconds.
        Cooldown: 180 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Born Phoenix: When hit by a fatal attack, move backwards and revive from death by healing a percentage of your HP with the blessing of flames.
      This skill is not affected by cooldown resets. [Max Level: 15]
      • Level 15: Consumes 300 MP. For 1800 seconds, when hit by a fatal attack, teleport backwards, recover 50% of your HP and ignore damage for 3 seconds.
        Cooldown: 1800 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Element: Flame III: Element: Flame II is enhanced.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Element: Flame II.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Element: Flame IV’. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: For 8 seconds, increases magic attack by 30.
    • [​IMG] Liberated Magic: The flow of flames is released naturally, giving you more power. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: When using skills, increases MP costs by 130% and final damage by 30%.
    • [​IMG] Weakness Analysis: Increase the chances of hitting deadly spells through critical analysis of enemies’ weaknesses. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: 30% critical rate, 20% critical damage.
    • [​IMG] Brilliant Enlightenment: Grow your mind by reaching higher levels of spells. [Max Level: 9]
      • Level 9: 60 INT, 40% Stance.

    4th Job


    • [​IMG] Cygnus Knights: Receive the awakened Empress’ blessings to increase all party members’ stats for a certain period of time. This skill does not stack with Maple Warrior, Cygnus Knights, Nova’s Warrior, Lef’s Warrior, Another World’s Warrior, Anima’s Warrior, or Rhinne’s Prayer. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 70 MP. For 900 seconds, increases all stats of directly invested AP by 15%.


    • [​IMG] Cygnus Knight’s Will: Concentrate your mind to be freed from status effects. After using this skill, you will be immune to status effects for 3 seconds. However, this will not apply to certain status effects. This skill is not affected by Combat Orders. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: Consumes 30 MP. Cooldown: 360 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Orbital Flame IV: Orbital Flame’s damage is enhanced and you can use up to 4 at the same time.
      Through mastery of flame magic, you can use an Enhanced Orbital Flame when this skill hits an enemy a certain number of times. This is a fire element attack.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Orbital Flame III. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 20: Consumes 43 MP. Deals 330% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies. When attacking normal monsters, increases damage by 40%.
        When this skill hits an enemy 3 times, the next attack will activate Enhanced Orbital Flame IV.


    • [​IMG] Enhanced Orbital Flame IV: By mastering flame magic, fire Enhanced Orbital Flame. This is a fire element attack. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 20: Consumes 43 MP. Deals 430% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies. When attacking normal monsters, increases damage by 20%.



    • [​IMG] Orbital Flame IV (Flame Fox): Borrow the power of the mischievous Flame Fox to fire a flame that doesn’t return. You can use up to 4 flames at the same time. You can use an Enhanced Orbital Flame when this skill hits an enemy a certain number of times. You can use this skill with the up, down, left, and right arrow keys to fire it in the desired direction.
      Through the spirit’s blessing, when this skill hits an enemy a certain number of times, activate the Fox’s Mischief debuff and decrease their elemental resistance. This is a fire element attack.
      When Inferno Rise – Fox hits an enemy with 5 stacks of Fox’s Mischief, it will explode. The elemental resistance reduction does not stack with Soul Master’s <True Sight – Enhance> or Battle Mage’s <Debuff Aura – Elemental Reset>’s elemental resistance reduction, but it will stack for the Flame Wizard themselves. This is a fire element attack.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Orbital Flame III. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 43 MP. Deals 570% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies.
        When this skill hits an enemy, decrease their elemental resistance by 10% for 20 seconds. When this skill hits an enemy 10 times, activate the Fox’s Mischief debuff for 20 seconds.
        When this skill hits an enemy 3 times, the next attack will activate Enhanced Orbital Flame IV (Flame Fox).


    • [​IMG] Enhanced Orbital Flame IV (Flame Fox): By mastering flame magic, fire Enhanced Orbital Flame. This is a fire element attack. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 20: Consumes 43 MP. Deals 630% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Blazing Extinction: Fire a compressed sphere of hot flames. The flame sphere will move forwards, burning enemies within range with rings of flames. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 40 MP. For 10 seconds, the sphere deals 310% damage 4 times on up to 8 nearby enemies.
        Cooldown: 5 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Inferno Rise (Fire Lion): Gather the flow of flames around you, causing a giant flame to erupt from the ground. If you use this skill with the down arrow key, activate Inferno Rise Fox Mode. This skill can only be used while the Fire Lion is summoned.
      Required Skill: Level 1 Spirit of Flame. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 115 MP. Deals 350% damage 10 times on up to 15 enemies.
        Cooldown: 30 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Inferno Rise (Flame Fox): The Flame Fox briefly returns to pure flames and flies forward. On enemies with 5 stacks of Fox’s Mischief, the flame will explode, dealing more damage.
      If you use this skill with the down arrow key, activate Inferno Rise Fox Mode. This is a fire element attack. This skill can only be used while the Flame Fox is summoned.
      Required Skill: Level 1 Spirit of Flame. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 22 MP. Deals 340% damage 4 times on up to 15 enemies.
        When this skill hits an enemy with 5 stacks of Fox’s Mischief, activate an additional attack that deals 1800% damage 5 times.
        Cooldown: 30 seconds.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    • [​IMG] Spirit of Flame: Summon the incarnation of flames using your Element as a medium. When you use the skill, the Fire Lion will be summoned. If you use the skill with the down arrow key, the Flame Fox will be summoned.
      The incarnation’s blessings will increase your MP costs but also let all of your attacks ignore some defenses.
      Based on the summoned incarnation, Orbital Flame and Inferno Rise will activate different attacks when used.
      Level 1 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Inferno Rise’. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 115 MP. For 300 seconds, increases MP costs to 105% and defense ignored by 30%.


    • [​IMG] Burning Region: Install a magic circle of flames on the ground, increasing the damage and attack speed of all party members above it. You will obtain the magic circle’s effects even if you are not in it. This effect is not refreshed if you return to the Burning Region which you first obtained the effect from. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 115 MP. For 30 seconds, install a magic circle blow you that increases damage by 60% and attack speed by 1.
        You will acquire the same effects even if you are not in the magic circle. Party members must be above the magic circle to apply the effects.
        Cooldown: 45 seconds. If the magic circle disappears before its total duration, the cooldown will be decreased by 1 second per 1 second remaining on its duration, up to a maximum of 15 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Flame Barrier: Surround yourself with a veil of powerful flames, defending against critical status effects for a certain period of time. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 22 MP. For 15 seconds, defend against up to 10 critical status effects.
        Cooldown: 180 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Element: Flame IV: Element: Flame III is enhanced.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Element: Flame III. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: For 8 seconds, increases magic attack by 40.
    • [​IMG] Truth of Magic: Uncover the truth of magic, liberating the power hidden within you.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Spell Control. [Max Level: 15]

    • Level 15: 20 magic attack, 50% final damage, 70% magic mastery.
    • [​IMG] Undying Flame: Make your flames burn more fiercely without wavering. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: 30 status resistance, 30% elemental resistance, 60% Stance.


    • [​IMG] Orbital Flame – Add Range: Orbital Flame’s range is increased by 100. When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated. On/off skill. [Required Level: 140]
    • [​IMG] Orbital Flame – Ignore Guard: Orbital Flame’s defense ignored is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 150]
    • [​IMG] Orbital Flame – Split Attack: Orbital Flame IV’s damage is decreased by 90%p, the number of hits is increased by 1. [Required Level: 180]
    • [​IMG] Blazing Extinction – Reinforce: Blazing Extinction’s damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 140]
    • [​IMG] Blazing Extinction – Extra Target: Blazing Extinction’s number of enemies hit is increased by 2. [Required Level: 165]
    • [​IMG] Blazing Extinction – Add Attack: Blazing Extinction’s number of hits is increased by 1. [Required Level: 180]
    • [​IMG] Orbital Explosion – Critical Rate: Orbital Explosion’s critical rate is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 150]
    • [​IMG] Orbital Explosion – Ignore Guard: Orbital Explosion’s defense ignored is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 165]
    • [​IMG] Orbital Explosion – Reinforce: Orbital Explosion’s damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 190]


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    • [​IMG] Phoenix Drive: With the incarnation of the phoenix, the flow of flames is unleashed to its limit, enhancing Orbital Flame. During this skill, when you use Orbital Flame, the flame energy will overflow, causing a bombardment of flames.
      Based on the summoned incarnation, different attacks will be activated. [Required Level: 140]
      • Level 1: Consumes 300 MP. For 15 seconds, enhance Orbital Flame.
        [Fire Lion]: Fire 3 flames that deal 315% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies. If multiple flames hit a single enemy, the 2nd and later flames will have their final damage decreased by 50%. This deals 40% increased damage when attacking regular monsters.
        [Flame Fox]: Fire 4 flames that deal 450% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies. If multiple flames hit a single enemy, the 2nd and later flames will have their final damage decreased by 50%.
        Cooldown: 90 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Cataclysm: Summon a giant flame that falls to the ground. The flame will instantly explode, burning all of your enemies. This is a fire element attack. [Required Level: 160]
      • Level 1: Consumes 350 MP. Deals 860% damage 7 times on up to 15 enemies. You will be invincible during the cast action.
        Cooldown: 100 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Glory of Guardians: Hold a ceremony to raise the honor of the knights who have sworn an oath to protect Empress Cygnus.
      Can be registered as a Pet Auto Buff skill. [Required Level: 190]
      • Level 1: Consumes 100 MP. For 60 seconds, 10% damage.
        This affects only Cygnus Knights and Mikhail in the party.
        Cooldown: 120 seconds.

    5th Job


    • [​IMG] Blazing Orbital Flame: Fire a giant flame that flies forwards a certain distance then returns to the caster. However, if you move more than a certain distance away, it will disappear. This is a fire element attack.
      If this skill hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 250 MP. Deals 850% damage 6 times on up to 12 enemies periodically with an additional 50% defense ignored.
        Cooldown: 5 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Flame Discharge: Gather Flames to liberate the incarnation of fire. You can only use this skill while Spirit of Flame is summoned, and based on the summoned incarnation, different attacks will be activated. If you use this skill with the down arrow key, activate the attack matching the other incarnation.
      When used, all Flames will be consumed and based on the number of them consumed, the attack will be enhanced. This is a fire element attack.
      If Flame Discharge hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Passive Effect: When Flame Wizard’s directly attacking skills hit a regular enemy 1 time or a boss monster 30 times, acquire 1 Flame, up to 6 Flames.
        Active Effect: Consumes 500 MP. Requires at least 2 Flames. Cooldown: 20 seconds.
        [Fire Lion]: Activate 5 explosions that deal 400% damage 12 times on up to 15 enemies. The final damage is increased by 35% for every excess Flame used.
        [Flame Fox]: Create 8 Foxfires for 5 seconds that attack up to 8 enemies with range, prioritizing the boss monster with the highest maximum HP. Each Foxfire deals 500% damage and regenerates up to 7 times. They will regenerate 2 more times for every excess Flame used.


    • [​IMG] Infinity Flame Circle: Summon the cycle of the eternally repeating phoenix. This is a fire element attack. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 75 MP and 1 Phoenix Feather per second.
        Deals 1100% damage 8 times on up to 12 enemies periodically, with an additional 50% critical rate and 50% defense ignored.
        Every 12 seconds, prepare 1 Phoenix Feather, you can hold up to 10 at a time.
        Cooldown: 2.5 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Salamander Mischief: Summon the playful flame spirit Salamander to help you.
      When Flame Wizard’s directly attacking skills hit an enemy, the Salamander will track nearby enemies and attack them. In a single action, it will consume all of its number of hits or return to the summer’s location if it moves too far away.
      Every time Salamander’s attacks hit an enemy, obtain Embers. Salamander’s attack power will be enhanced based on the number of Embers. When Salamander disappears, you will receive a buff that increases your magic attack based on the number of Embers. This buff is not affected by Buff Freezers.
      If Salamander’s attacks hit an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. This skill prioritizes the boss monster with the highest maximum HP. This is a fire element attack. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 250 MP. For 60 seconds, summon a Salamander that deals 300% damage 7 times on 1 enemy. In a single action, it will consume 100 MP and bounce up to 12 times.
        Whenever the Salamander’s attacks hit an enemy, you will acquire 1 Ember. The Salamander’s final damage will be increased by 1% per Ember. You can acquire about to 40 Embers.
        When the Salamander disappears, for 30 seconds your magic attack will be increased by 15 + 2 per Ember collected.
        Cooldown: 90 seconds.

    V Core Changes

    • Ignition cores have been changed to Orbital Explosion cores. Orbital Explosion Enhancement Core’s level 20 effect has been changed from +1 monsters hit to +5% critical rate.
    • Dragon Slave cores have been changed to Phoenix Drive cores, and the prefixes have been changed.
    Wind Breaker

    Developer Notes:

    Wind Breaker’s Trifling Whim is a skill that has a chance to create a certain number of Whims per enemy by searching for available enemies within range while attacking, and the number of Whims is increased based on the number of attackable enemies.

    For this reason, enemies that could not be attacked even if they were within range should not have been included in the Whim creation targets, but they were before the remaster. Whims created for enemies that could not be attacked would attack other nearby enemies because the enemies they were created for could not be hit, and as a result, more Whims would be created in certain bosses.

    In this remaster, the skill has been changed so that Whims are not created for monsters that cannot be attacked to make the skill function as intended and to correct the issue where it had significantly different performance in different bosses.

    With this change, Whim’s contribution in certain bosses is slightly lower than before, but considering the changes in the various remastered skills, we expect the overall performance to be improved in all combat situations. This was an intended fix for the remaster and was implemented in the June 11 test world update, but the change was not included in the patch notes. We will take care to avoid omitting such information in the future.

    1st Job


    • [​IMG] Breeze Arrow: Fire arrows infused with the power of the wind in front of you. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 22 MP. Deals 120% damage 3 times on up to 5 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Wind Walk: Borrow the power of the wind to quickly move forwards. While moving, you will not collide with monsters. [Max Level: 15]
      • Level 15: Consumes 10 MP. On the ground, move forwards along the platform, stopping if the platform ends. In the air, you can use this skill with Gust Shift.
        [Passive Effect: 35 speed, 15 jump, 20 maximum speed.]


    • [​IMG] Gust Shift: While jumping, jump once more to move a long distance. You can use this skill with the up arrow key to move upwards.
      Required Skill: Level 1 Wind Walk. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: Consumes 5 MP. Jump a certain distance.


    • [​IMG] Element: Storm: Summon the green element of wind and obtain its power.
      When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated. On/off skill. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: 10% damage.
    • [​IMG] Whisper of the Wind: Listen to the whispers of the wind, acquiring ancient knowledge and swift movements. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: 20 attack, 160 range.

    2nd Job


    • [​IMG] Gust Shot: Fire high-speed arrows at enemies in front of you. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 20 MP. Deals 620% damage 1 time on up to 6 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Spiral Vortex: Fire an arrow that rotates along the flow of wind to push enemies in front of you. Certain monsters will resist and cannot be pushed. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 31 MP. Deals 175% damage 3 times on up to 6 enemies.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    • [​IMG] Trifling Whim I: The spirit of wind confuses nearby enemies with its whims. The Spirit Energy will be activated in a certain range of the direction that the Wind Breaker is facing. However, when certain skills hit an enemy, it will be activated regardless of the direction they’re facing. This skill will prioritize attacking the boss monster with the highest maximum HP in range.
      If Trifling Whim hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
      When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated. On/off skill.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 3rd job skill ‘Trifling Whim II’.
      [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: When you hit an enemy, there is a 30% chance to activate up to 3 Spirit Energies that randomly attack nearby enemies dealing 170% damage. There is a 5% chance to activate an Enhanced Spirit Energy that deals 210% damage.
    • [​IMG] Sylph’s Aid: Receive the spirit of wind’s help to gain an advantage in battle. [Max Level: 9]
      • Level 9: You can attack without consuming arrows. 20 attack, 10% critical rate.
    • [​IMG] Bow Acceleration: Increase attack speed and DEX.
      Required Skill: Level 5 Bow Mastery. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: 2 attack speed, 20 DEX.
    • [​IMG] Bow Mastery: Increase your bow mastery and final damage.
      Level 10 of this skill is required to learn the 4th job skill Bow Expert. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: 50% bow mastery, 10% final damage.
    • [​IMG] Physical Training: Permanently increase your STR and DEX through physical training. [Max Level: 5]
      • Level 5: 30 STR, 30 DEX.

    3rd Job


    • [​IMG] Dance of Frozen Wind: The power of the wind is condensed into an emerald medium, creating a powerful gust that attacks all enemies around you. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 25 MP. Deals 190% damage 5 times on up to 6 enemies.



    • [​IMG] Pinpoint Pierce: Fire two arrows in a row at a single enemy to pierce the same spot, weakening them. This skill will prioritize attacking the boss monster with the highest maximum HP in range. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 37 MP. Deals 340% damage 2 times on 1 enemy.
        Activate a debuff on the enemy hit for 60 seconds that increases all of Wind Breaker’s attacks’ damage by 15% and defense ignored by 15%.
    • [​IMG] Trifling Whim II: The spirit of wind troubles nearby enemies with its bigger whims. The Spirit Energy will be activated in a certain range of the direction that the Wind Breaker is facing. However, when certain skills hit an enemy, it will be activated regardless of the direction they’re facing. This skill will prioritize attacking the boss monster with the highest maximum HP in range.
      If Trifling Whim hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Trifling Whim I.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Trifling Whim III’.
      [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: When you hit an enemy, there is a 40% chance to activate up to 4 Spirit Energies that randomly attack nearby enemies dealing 215% damage. There is a 10% chance to activate an Enhanced Spirit Energy that deals 270% damage.
    • [​IMG] Albatross: Learn the power of the legendary archer Albatross to increase your combat ability to its limits.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Albatross Maximum’. [Max Level: 20]

    • Level 20: 20 attack, 1500 HP, 10% critical rate, 1 attack speed.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    • [​IMG] Emerald Flower: Summon a green crystal flower in front of you that spreads a sweet scent to nearby enemies. Enemies intoxicated by the scent will have their movements slowed.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Emerald Dust’. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: Consumes 60 MP. Summon a crystal flower for 60 seconds with 20000 HP that attracts nearby enemies. Enemies attracted will be slowed.
    • [​IMG] Featheriness: Your body becomes as light as a feather, freeing yourself from opponent’s attacks. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: 30% damage reduction, 10 status resistance, 10% elemental resistance, 40% Stance.
    • [​IMG] Second Wind: Borrow the power of the wind to avoid even unavoidable situations. Become more agile in combat and gain an attack buff when your own attacking skills hit an enemy. [Max Level: 14]
      • Level 14: 30% avoid rate. 1000 defense.
        When your attacks hit an enemy, increases attack by 15 for 5 seconds.

    4th Job


    • [​IMG] Cygnus Knights: Receive the awakened Empress’ blessings to increase all party members’ stats for a certain period of time. This skill does not stack with Maple Warrior, Cygnus Knights, Nova’s Warrior, Lef’s Warrior, Another World’s Warrior, Anima’s Warrior, or Rhinne’s Prayer. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 70 MP. For 900 seconds, increases all stats of directly invested AP by 15%.


    • [​IMG] Cygnus Knight’s Will: Concentrate your mind to be freed from status effects. After using this skill, you will be immune to status effects for 3 seconds. However, this will not apply to certain status effects. This skill is not affected by Combat Orders. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: Consumes 30 MP. Cooldown: 360 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Fairy Turn: As if dancing with the wind, swing your bow to create a powerful wind that attacks enemies. Certain monsters will resist and cannot be pushed. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 36 MP. Deals 380% damage 5 times on up to 6 enemies.
        [Passive Effect: Dance of Frozen Wind’s damage is increased by 100%p.]


    • [​IMG] Song of Heaven: Play the song of the wind that resounds in the sky to sweep away enemies. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 8 MP per attack. Deals 345% damage on up to 4 enemies per arrow.
        When using the skill, the damage is increased by 20% per 1 less enemy hit. The damage boost is applied multiplicatively.
    • [​IMG] Trifling Whim III: The spirit of wind destroys the body and minds of nearby enemies with its large whims. The Spirit Energy will be activated in a certain range of the direction that the Wind Breaker is facing. However, when certain skills hit an enemy, it will be activated regardless of the direction they’re facing. This skill will prioritize attacking the boss monster with the highest maximum HP in range.
      If Trifling Whim hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Trifling Whim II. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: When you hit an enemy, there is a 50% chance to activate up to 5 Spirit Energies that randomly attack nearby enemies dealing 290% damage. There is a 20% chance to activate an Enhanced Spirit Energy that deals 390% damage.



    • [​IMG] Storm Bringer: Call the power of storms to obtain the power to punish enemies.
      If Storm Bringer hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
      Can be registered as a Pet Auto Buff skill. [Max Level: 15]
      • Level 15: Consumes 70 MP. For 200 seconds, when attacking, there is a 30% chance to summon a giant arrow that deals 380% damage.


    • [​IMG] Sharp Eyes: For a certain period of time, give party members the ability to find enemies’ weak points and inflict critical damage. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 45 MP. For 300 seconds, increases critical rate by 20% and critical damage by 15%.
    • [​IMG] Wind Blessing: Receive the blessings of the wind to learn the way to become one with it. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: 10% attack, 15% DEX, 20% maximum HP, 30% additional avoid rate, 60% Stance.
    • [​IMG] Bow Expert: Increases bow mastery, attack, final damage, critical damage, and boss damage.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Bow Mastery. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: 70% bow mastery, 30 attack, 35% final damage, 20% critical damage, 40% boss damage.
    • [​IMG] Emerald Dust: Enhance Emerald Flower to make it more effective in combat.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Bow Mastery. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: The crystal flower’s maximum HP is increased to 40000, decreases nearby monsters’ defenses by 10% and damage taken by 20%.
    • [​IMG] Albatross Maximum: Bring out the legendary archer Albatross’ power to the maximum, integrating it with yourself. The passive effects apply additively with Albatross.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Albatross. [Max Level: 20]

    • Level 20: 30 attack, 25% damage, 15% defense ignored, 15% critical rate, 15 status resistance, 15% elemental resistance, 1 attack speed.


    • [​IMG] Trifling Whim – Reinforce: Trifling Whim’s damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 140]
    • [​IMG] Trifling Whim – Enhance: Trifling Whim’s activation rate is increased by 10%. [Required Level: 150]
    • [​IMG] Trifling Whim – Double Chance: Trifling Whim’s activated Spirit Energy on a single enemy is increased to 2x and up to 2 can hit a single enemy. However, you cannot exceed the limit on the number of created Spirit Energies, and if you attack the maximum amount of enemies, it will only be 2x on a single enemy hit. [Required Level: 180]
    • [​IMG] Fairy Turn – Reinforce: Fairy Turn’s damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 140]
    • [​IMG] Fairy Turn – Extra Target: Fairy Turn’s number of monsters hit is increased by 2. [Required Level: 165]
    • [​IMG] Fairy Turn – Bonus Attack: Fairy Turn’s number of hits is increased by 1. [Required Level: 180]
    • [​IMG] Song of Heaven – Reinforce: Song of Heaven’s damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 150]
    • [​IMG] Song of Heaven – Ignore Guard: Song of Heaven’s damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 165]
    • [​IMG] Song of Heaven – Boss Killer: Song of Heaven’s damage is increased by 30%. [Required Level: 190]



    • [​IMG] Storm Whim: With the protection of the wind spirit, you gain the ability to handle the fickle power of the wind to its limit for a short period of time.
      If Storm Whim hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. [Required Level: 140]
      • Level 1: Consumes 200 MP. For 30 seconds, when attacking, there is a 30% chance for strong spirit energy to appear that deals 560% damage.
        Cooldown: 120 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Monsoon: Summon monsoon winds to cover the world. [Required Level: 160]
      • Level 1: Consumes 350 MP. Deals 430% damage 12 times on up to 15 enemies. Activate a debuff on enemies hit that deals 200% damage every second for 30 seconds.
        Cooldown: 30 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Glory of Guardians: Hold a ceremony to raise the honor of the knights who have sworn an oath to protect Empress Cygnus.
      Can be registered as a Pet Auto Buff skill. [Required Level: 190]
      • Level 1: Consumes 100 MP. For 60 seconds, 10% damage.
        This affects only Cygnus Knights and Mikhail in the party.
        Cooldown: 120 seconds.

    5th Job

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Howling Gale: Summon a ferocious gust to punish your enemies.
      Consumes 1 Wind Energy when summoned. You can use the skill with the down arrow key to consume 2 Wind Energy to summon a more powerful gust or use the skill with the up arrow key to consume 3 Wind Energy to summon 2 powerful gusts.
      The gusts will continuously move to find and track the nearby boss monster with the highest maximum HP. When attacking enemies, the movement speed will be decreased. Only 1 gust can exist at a time. If this skill hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
      Slow Mode On/Off: Right-click. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 500 MP. Consumes Wind Energy and summons a gust for 10 seconds.
        Based on the number of Wind Energies consumed, the summoned gust’s power will change.
        1 Wind Energy: Summon 1 gust that deals 650% damage 3 times on up to 10 enemies.
        2 Wind Energies: Summon 1 gust that deals 1560% damage 3 times on up to 15 enemies.
        3 Wind Energies: Summon 1 gust that deals 1560% damage 3 times on up to 15 enemies and 1 gust that deals 850% damage 3 times on up to 15 enemies.
        You will gain 1 Wind Energy every 20 seconds, and you can hold up to 3.


    • [​IMG] Idle Whim: Awaken the sleeping spirits of the wind and let it rampage. The spirits will prioritize attacking the boss monster with the highest maximum HP. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 500 MP. For 8 seconds, create 10 Spirit Energies that find enemies and deal 1100% damage 3 times.
        If multiple Energies hit a single monster, the 2nd and later Energies’ final damage will be decreased by 15%.
        Enemies hit by the Spirit Energies will take 1000% damage every second for 9 seconds.
        Cooldown: 10 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Wind Wall: Activate the element of wind around you, creating a wind barrier that protects you from all attacks. When attacking, create twisters to attack enemies.
      Defending against attacks consumes Element, and when it is completely used up, Wind Wall will disappear. If this skill hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. For 45 seconds, create a wind wall with 300 Element.
        When an enemy hits you, 1 Element will be consumed per 1% of your maximum HP taken as damage and the damage will be nullified. This will apply to attacks that deal % HP damage as well.
        When attacking, every 2 seconds, fire 3 twisters, dealing 1100% damage 5 times. If multiple twisters hit 1 enemy, their final damage will be decreased by 50%.
        Cooldown: 90 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Vortex Sphere: Condense a powerful wind into a sphere and shoot it forwards. Every few seconds, a gust will be activated around the sphere, pulling in nearby enemies. If Vortex Sphere hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 750 MP. Create a vortex sphere that periodically attacks enemies it collides with, dealing 800% damage 6 times on up to 10 enemies.
        When attacking a boss monster, Vortex Sphere’s movement speed will be decreased to 50% for 1 second.
        Up to 20 collisions can be activated on a single enemy.
        Cooldown: 30 seconds.

    V Core Changes

    • Trifling Whim cores have been changed to Trifling Whim/Storm Whim cores.
    • Spiral Vortex cores’ final damage boost has been changed from 2% per level to 4% per level.
    • Fairy Turn cores’ final damage boost has been changed from 4% per level to 2% per level.
    Night Walker

    1st Job


    • [​IMG] Lucky Seven: Throw 7 stars filled with luck to attack enemies in front of you. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 14 MP and 2 stars. Deals 110% damage 3 times on up to 5 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Element: Darkness: Summon the element of darkness and obtain its power.
      When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated. On/off skill.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 2nd job skill ‘Darkness Adapting’.
      [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: When throwing star skills hit an enemy, there is a 20% chance to create the Dark Mark which can stack up to 2 times. Enemies with the Dark Mark will take 80% damage per stack every second for 5 seconds. When the Night Walker attacks an enemy with the Dark Mark, there is an additional 4% defense ignored per stack.


    • [​IMG] Shadow Bats: Summon your servants from the shadows, Shadow Bats. When you attack with throwing star skills, there is a certain chance for the Shadow Bats to attack with you. The attack rate is 2x on enemies with the Dark Mark, and additional Shadow Bats will be created based on the number of stacks.
      If Shadow Bats hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. This skill cannot be used at the same time as Ravenous Bats. This is a dark element attack.
      When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated. On/off skill.
      Required Skill: Level 1 Element: Darkness.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 2nd job skill ‘Bat Communion’.
      [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: When throwing star skills hit an enemy 3 times, summon 1 Shadow Bat for 60 seconds. Up to 2 can be summoned.
        When attacking with throwing star skills, there is a 50% chance for the Shadow Bat to fly at the target, deal 150% damage, then bounce to up to 3 additional enemies dealing the same damage, and then disappear. When attacking regular monsters, 35% increased damage.
        Recover 1% maximum HP when it first deals damage.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Shadow Jump: While jumping, jump twice continuously in the desired direction. You can use this skill with the jump key as well. In addition, you can cancel Throw-type skills’ last attacks with the jump key. After learning Dark Sight, if you input the jump key during Throw-type skills’ last attacks, Dark Sight will be applied automatically for a short time.
      You can use the Custom Command so that you will not move even if used while jumping. When using the Custom Command, you can use the skill with the left and right arrow keys to jump in the desired direction.
      You cannot put SP in this skill, but you can use it after advancing to a Night Walker.
      Custom Command On/Off: Right-click.
      [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: Consumes 5 MP. Jump a certain distance.
        When you enter the jump key while using Throw-type skills, enter Dark Sight for 2 seconds.
        If you avoid a % HP attack with the automatically activated Dark Sight, the duration will be decreased by 20% of its maximum amount.


    • [​IMG] Dark Sight: Hide in the shadows for a certain period of time. In Dark Sight, you will not take touch damage from enemies and if you attack, it will be cancelled. However, if you avoid a % HP attack, when Dark Sight is cancelled, a cooldown based on the number of hits avoided will be applied. You can use Shadow Jump without cancelling Dark Sight. If you enter the skill key again, Dark Sight can be cancelled. [Max Level: 5]
      • Level 5: Consumes 20 MP. For 200 seconds, hide in the shadows.
        If you avoid any % HP attacks, when Dark Sight is cancelled, a 3 second cooldown per hit avoided will be applied, stacking up to 5 times.


    • [​IMG] Rapid Evasion: Quickly move backwards.
      You can move while in the air and during Throw-type skills’ last attacks as well. You cannot be knocked back by any enemy attacks while moving. After learning Dark Sight, if you use this skill during a Throw-type skill’s last attack, Dark Sight will be applied automatically for a short time.
      You cannot put SP in this skill, but you can use it after advancing to a Night Walker. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: Consumes 7 MP. Move backwards a certain distance.
        When used while using Throw-type skills, enter Dark Sight for 2 seconds.
        If you avoid a % HP attack with the automatically activated Dark Sight, the duration will be decreased by 20% of its maximum amount.
    • [​IMG] Haste: Permanently increase speed, jump, maximum speed, and avoid rate. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: 40 speed, 20 jump, 20 maximum speed, 15% avoid rate.


    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Triple Throw: [Throw] Throw 3 stars in a row at the target. The last attack is infused with the power of darkness and deals increased damage. This is a dark element attack. The stars will prioritize attacking the boss monster with the highest maximum HP. [Max Level: 15]
      • Level 15: Consumes 20 MP and 3 stars. Deals 240% damage 2 times then 350% damage 1 time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Stardust: Throw a powerful throwing star that pierces through enemies with the power of darkness. When the star reaches the maximum range or attacks the maximum number of enemies, it will explode and deal additional damage. This is a dark element attack. [Max Level: 15]
      • Level 15: Consumes 20 MP. Throw a star that deals 200% damage 3 times on up to 6 enemies. When it explodes, it deals 200% damage 3 times on up to 6 enemies.
    • [​IMG] Throwing Mastery: Increase damage, claw mastery, and the maximum number of charges of your throwing stars.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Throwing Expert’. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: 30% damage, 50% claw mastery, throwing stars increased by 200.
    • [​IMG] Throwing Acceleration: Increase attack speed and LUK.
      Required Skill: Level 5 Throwing Mastery. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: 2 attack speed, 20 LUK.


    • [​IMG] Bat Communion: The Shadow Bats are enhanced through communion.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Shadow Bats.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 3rd job skill ‘Bat Communion II’.
      [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Shadow Bat’s attack rate is increased by 20%, the maximum summon limit is increased by 1, the damage is increased by 120%p, and the number of bounces is increased by 1.
    • [​IMG] Darkness Adapting: Receive more of the power of darkness, enhancing the Dark Marks.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Element: Darkness.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 3rd job skill ‘Darkness Adapting II’.
      [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: The Dark Mark’s rate is increased by 5%, the maximum stack limit is increased by 1, the damage per stack is increased by 40%, and the defense ignored per stack is increased by 1%.
    • [​IMG] Critical Throw: Increase critical rate and critical damage.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Element: Darkness. [Max Level: 9]

    • Level 9: 35% critical rate, 10% critical damage.
    • [​IMG] Physical Training: Permanently increase your LUK through physical training. [Max Level: 5]
      • Level 5: 60 LUK.

    3rd Job

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Quadruple Throw: [Throw] Throw 4 stars in a row at the target. The last attack is infused with the power of darkness and deals increased damage. This is a dark element attack. The stars will prioritize attacking the boss monster with the highest maximum HP. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 41 MP and 4 stars. Deals 300% damage 3 times then 400% damage 1 time.
        [Passive Effect: Stardust’s damage is increased by 100%p.]


    • [​IMG] Shadow Servant: Summon a shadow that copies your actions for a certain period of time. The actions that it copies are limited to throwing star skills and movement skills. It does not have its own HP and it will disappear when the summon duration ends. All of the shadow’s attacks will be Dark element. If it hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. It can activate the Dark Mark, Shadow Bats, and Ravenous Bats.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the Hyper skill ‘Shadow Illusion’. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 65 MP. Summon a shadow for 180 seconds that copies all of your throwing star skills with 70% final damage.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Darkness Ascension: When you receive a fatal attack, absorb the nearby darkness for a certain period of time then resurrect.
      This skill is not affected by cooldown resets.
      When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated. On/off skill. [Max Level: 5]
      • Level 5: Consumes 150 MP. When you receive a fatal attack, consume the buff to recover 50% maximum HP over 3 seconds. If Shadow Bats and Ravenous Bats were summoned, consume them all to recover an additional 10% per Bat.
        You will be invincible while recovering HP and for 2 seconds after the skill ends.
        When the buff is consumed: Cooldown: 1800 seconds.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    • [​IMG] Shadow Momentum: Your attacks gain momentum, allowing you to use Throw-type skills more quickly and permanently increases final damage. You will acquire momentum after moving a certain distance, and when using Throwing-type skills consecutively, the last attacks can be cancelled. The higher the momentum stage, the faster they can be cancelled. This buff is not affected by buff duration increasing effects. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: When you move a certain distance, acquire momentum for 20 seconds, which can stack up to 3 stages.
        Permanently increases final damage by 20%.


    • [​IMG] Bat Communion II: The Shadow Bats are enhanced through communion and for every few Bats, an Enhanced Shadow Bat is summoned instead that explodes when it attacks. The Enhanced Shadow Bat is not enhanced by Bat Communion or Bat Communion II. If this skill hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. The Enhanced Shadow Bats’ attacks are dark element attacks.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Bat Communion.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Bat Communion III’.
      [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Shadow Bat’s maximum summon limit is increased by 1, the damage is increased by 150%p, and the number of bounces is increased by 1.
        For every 5 Shadow Bats summoned, summon an Enhanced Shadow Bat.
        Enhanced Shadow Bat: When attacking with throwing star skills, there is a 100% chance for the Shadow Bat to fly at the target, deal 420% damage, then bounce to up to 6 additional enemies dealing the same damage, and then disappear. For every attack, activate an explosion that deals 140% damage 3 times on up to 3 nearby enemies.
        If multiple explosions hit a single enemy, the second and later explosions will have 50% decreased final damage.
        When the Enhanced Shadow Bats attack a normal monster, increases damage by 35%.
    • [​IMG] Darkness Adapting II: Receive more of the power of darkness, enhancing the Dark Marks.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Darkness Adapting.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Darkness Adapting III’.
      [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: The Dark Mark’s rate is increased by 5%, the maximum stack limit is increased by 1, the damage per stack is increased by 50%, and the defense ignored per stack is increased by 1%.
    • [​IMG] Spirit Throwing: You can attack without consuming stars, and increases your attack.
      The stars in your inventory with the highest attack will have their attack applied. If you do not have any stars in your inventory, you cannot use this skill. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: 10 attack, you can attack without consuming stars.
    • [​IMG] Radical Darkness: Through your affinity with darkness, permanently increases status resistance, elemental resistance, and Stance. [Max Level: 9]
      • Level 9: 30 status resistance, 30% elemental resistance, 40% Stance.
    • [​IMG] Adrenaline: Increases the effects of recovery items like potions. However, this does not apply to Elixirs and other potions that recover % HP. In addition, increases critical damage. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: Increases recovery rate when using recovery items by 170%. 10% critical damage.

    4th Job


    • [​IMG] Cygnus Knights: Receive the awakened Empress’ blessings to increase all party members’ stats for a certain period of time. This skill does not stack with Maple Warrior, Cygnus Knights, Nova’s Warrior, Lef’s Warrior, Another World’s Warrior, Anima’s Warrior, or Rhinne’s Prayer. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 70 MP. For 900 seconds, increases all stats of directly invested AP by 15%.


    • [​IMG] Cygnus Knight’s Will: Concentrate your mind to be freed from status effects. After using this skill, you will be immune to status effects for 3 seconds. However, this will not apply to certain status effects. This skill is not affected by Combat Orders. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: Consumes 30 MP. Cooldown: 360 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Quintuple Throw: [Throw] Throw 5 stars in a row at the target. The last attack is infused with the power of darkness and deals increased damage. This is a dark element attack. The stars will prioritize attacking the boss monster with the highest maximum HP. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 36 MP and 5 stars. Deals 340% damage 4 times then 475% damage 1 time.


    • [​IMG] Darkness Omen: An omen of darkness summons a flock of bats to attack enemies for a certain period of time. Shadow Bats and Ravenous Bats will also be summoned in proportion to the number of enemies hit by the flock. When Dark element attacks other than Shadow Bats, Ravenous Bats, and Darkness Omen hit an enemy, the cooldown is decreased. If Darkness Omen hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. You cannot be knocked back by any enemy attacks during the cast action. This is a dark element attack. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 110 MP. Deals 500% damage on up to 6 enemies every 0.3 seconds for 5 seconds.
        Every time this skill hits 3 enemies, summon 1 Shadow Bat and Ravenous Bat, up to 2 can be summoned.
        When Dark element attacks other than Shadow Bats, Ravenous Bats, and Darkness Omen hits an enemy, the cooldown is decreased by 0.5 seconds.
        Cooldown: 20 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Shadow Stitch: Explode a condensed shadow to bind nearby enemies. Based on the condensed time, the bind duration will be increased. You cannot be knocked back by any attacks while condensing the shadow. If Shadow Stitch hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. This is a dark element attack. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 66 MP. You can hold the key down for up to 5 seconds to condense nearby shadows.
        When you release the key, the condensed shadow will explode, dealing 850% damage 3 times on up to 15 enemies. Enemies hit will be bound for 10 seconds. The bind duration will be increased by 1 second per 0.5 seconds of condensing, up to a maximum of 12 seconds.
        Based on the damage Shadow Stitch deals to the enemy, the bind duration will be increased by up to 100%.
        Cooldown: 180 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Ravenous Bats: Summon Ravenous Bats that are more hungry for blood. When you attack with throwing star skills, there is a chance for the Ravenous Bats to attack with you. Additional Ravenous Bats will be summoned based on the number of Marks of Darkness stacks. Ravenous Bats will prioritize tracking the boss monster with the highest maximum HP. If they hit an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. This skill cannot be used at the same time as Shadow Bats. This is a dark element attack.
      When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated. On/off skill.
      Required Skill: Level 1 Element: Darkness. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: When skills that use throwing stars hit an enemy 3 times, summon 1 Ravenous Bat for 60 seconds. Up to 5 can be summoned.
        When you attack with skills that use throwing stars, there is a 100% chance for a Ravenous Bat to fly towards the target, dealing 480% damage 2 times. When the enemy is hit, recover 1% maximum HP.


    • [​IMG] Bat Communion III: The Shadow Bats are enhanced through communion and for every few Ravenous Bats, an Enhanced Ravenous Bat is summoned instead that deals more damage. The Enhanced Ravenous Bat is not enhanced by Bat Communion, Bat Communion II, or Bat Communion III. It will prioritize tracking the boss monster with the highest maximum HP. If the Enhanced Ravous Bat hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. The Enhanced Ravenous Bats are dark element attacks.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Bat Communion II.
      Level 30 of this skill is required for the 5th job skill ‘Shadow Bite’.
      [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Shadow Bat’s attack rate is increased by 30%, the maximum summon limit is increased by 1, the damage is increased by 200%p, and the number of bounces is increased by 1.
        The Enhanced Shadow Bat’s damage is increased by 200%p, the explosion damage is increased by 60%p.
        Shadow Bats deal an additional 50% damage when attacking regular monsters.
        For every 5 Ravenous Bats summoned, summon an Enhanced Ravenous Bat.
        Enhanced Ravenous Bat: When attacking with throwing star skills, there is a 100% chance for the Enhanced Ravenous Bat to fly at the target, deal 360% damage 3 times and then disappear. When it hits an enemy, recover 5% maximum HP.
    • [​IMG] Darkness Adapting III: Receive more of the power of darkness, enhancing the Dark Marks. This skill is not affected by Combat orders.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Darkness Adapting II. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: The Dark Mark’s rate is increased by 5%, the maximum stack limit is increased by 1, the damage per stack is increased by 50%, and the defense ignored per stack is increased by 1%.
    • [​IMG] Throwing Expert: Increases claw mastery, attack, and critical damage.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Throwing Mastery. [Max Level: 30]

    • Level 30: 70% claw mastery, 30 attack, 10% critical damage.
    • [​IMG] Siphon Vitality: Absorb vitality from enemies inflicted with the Dark Mark to create a shield that protects you. The shield is not affected by buff duration increasing effects. [Max Level: 15]
      • Level 15: Absorb vitality from Element: Darkness’ Dark Marks. When you absorb vitality 30 times, consume them all to create a shield equal to 10% of your maximum HP for 15 seconds.
        The absorbed vitality has a duration of 15 seconds, and if you inflict another Dark Mark, the duration will reset.
    • [​IMG] Darkness Blessing: Receive the blessings of darkness to enhance your abilities. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: 30 attack, 15% defense ignored, 60% Stance.
    • [​IMG] Shadow Assimilation: There is a chance to assimilate into the shadows and avoid enemy attacks and decrease damage taken. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: 40% additional avoid rate, 10% damage reduction.


    • [​IMG] Quintuple Throw – Reinforce: Quintuple Throw’s damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 140]
    • [​IMG] Quintuple Throw – Boss Killer: Quintuple Throw’s boss damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 150]
    • [​IMG] Quintuple Throw – Critical Rate: Quintuple Throw’s critical rate is increased by 10%. [Required Level: 180]
    • [​IMG] Darkness Omen – Cooltime Reduce: Darkness Omen’s cooldown is decreased by 50%. [Required Level: 140]
    • [​IMG] Darkness Omen – Extra Target: Darkness Omen’s number of monsters hit is increased by 9. [Required Level: 165]
    • [​IMG] Darkness Omen – Reinforce: Darkness Omen’s damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 180]
    • [​IMG] Siphon Vitality – Extra Point: Siphon Vitality’s created shield is increased by 3% maximum HP. [Required Level: 150]
    • [​IMG] Siphon Vitality – Reinforce: When Siphon Vitality’s created shield is active, increases attack by 60. [Required Level: 165]
    • [​IMG] Siphon Vitality – Imbue Body: When Siphon Vitality’s created shield is active, increases status resistance by 20. [Required Level: 190]


    • [​IMG] Shadow Illusion: Summon 3 shadows that copy your actions for a certain period of time. The actions that they copy are limited to throwing star skills and movement skills. They do not have their own HP and they will disappear when the summon duration ends. All of the shadows’ attacks will be Dark element. If they hit an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. They can activate the Dark Mark, Shadow Bats, and Ravenous Bats.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Shadow Servant. [Required Level: 140]
      • Level 1: Consumes 65 MP. Summon 3 shadows for 30 seconds that copy all of your throwing star skills with 70%, 50%, and 30% final damage.
        Cooldown: 180 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Dominion: Maximize the power of darkness to create your own area. This is a dark element attack.
      Grey Cutscene On/Off: Right-click. [Required Level: 160]
      • Level 1: Consumes 250 MP. Deals 1000% damage 10 times on up to 15 enemies. You are invincible during the cast action.
        After attacking, for 30 seconds, when you use throwing star skills, the Dark Marks will be stacked up to the maximum, the maximum summon limit of Shadow Bats and Ravenous Bats will be increased by 3, and Bats will be summoned continuously.
        During this skill, increase final damage by 20% and critical rate by 100%.
        Cooldown: 180 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Glory of Guardians: Hold a ceremony to raise the honor of the knights who have sworn an oath to protect Empress Cygnus.
      Can be registered as a Pet Auto Buff skill. [Required Level: 190]
      • Level 1: Consumes 100 MP. For 60 seconds, 10% damage.
        This affects only Cygnus Knights and Mikhail in the party.
        Cooldown: 120 seconds.

    5th Job

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Shadow Spear: Shadow spears pierce through the ground and attack enemies. If this skill hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. Shadow Spears cannot be activated in towns. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. For 82 seconds, Dark element attacks other than Shadow Spear and summons will create Shadow Fragments on the ground.
        After a short period of time, the Shadow Fragments will change into Shadow Spears and deal 400% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies.
        When a Shadow Spear is activated, if there are a certain number of other nearby Shadow Fragments, it will change into a Giant Shadow Spear and deal 800% damage 6 times on up to 12 enemies. Giant Shadow Spear reactivation cooldown: 3.9 seconds.
        When attacking normal monsters, all of Shadow Spear’s attacks have 25% increased damage.
        Cooldown: 180 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Shadow Servant Extend: Summon a shadow at a fixed location that copies your actions for a certain period of time.
      The shadow will face the direction of the nearest boss monster with the highest maximum HP, and if there are no boss monsters, then the monster with the highest maximum HP. The actions that it copies are limited to throwing star skills. It does not have its own HP and it will disappear when the summon duration ends.
      You can use the skill again to swap locations with the shadow. You can use the skill again with the down arrow key to re-summon the shadow to your current location. However, Night Walker can only do this while they are on a platform. When the shadow is summoned to your location, a cooldown will be applied.
      All of the shadow’s attacks will be Dark element. If it hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. It can activate the Dark Mark, Shadow Bats, and Ravenous Bats. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 1: Consumes 800 MP. Summon a shadow for 42 seconds at a fixed location that copies all of your throwing star skills with 50% final damage.
        You can swap locations up to 3 times.
        Re-summon cooldown: 1.5 seconds.
        Cooldown: 60 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Shadow Bite: Control your enemies’ shadows to attack themselves, then absorb them to steal their power and increase your final damage for a certain period of time. If you can summon Shadow Bats or Ravenous Bats, when enemies are hit, bats will be summoned at their locations and instantly attack them. Bats created by Shadow Bat cannot be created as Enhanced Bats.
      Required Skill: Level 30 Bat Communion III. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 1500 MP. Deals 800% damage 14 times on up to 15 enemies. Deals 1200% damage 14 times on boss monsters. If you can summon Bats, Shadow Bats and Ravenous Bats will be created at enemies’ locations after they are hit.
        If any enemies are defeated by Shadow Bite, increase your final damage by 2% per enemy for 20 seconds. When attacking boss monsters, increase final damage by 16%. Shadow Bite’s final damage boost can apply up to 18%.
        Cooldown: 15 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Rapid Throw: [Throw] Throw a countless number of stars at a rapid speed. If you use this skill while in the air, you will float while throwing stars. If you use Rapid Throw during Dark Sight, Dark Sight will not be cancelled. Shadow Momentum’s momentum effect is not applied to Rapid Throw. Each star is considered a maximum of 1 hit for Shadow Bats and Ravenous Bats’ number of throwing star skills. The continuous throw attack will not create Shadow Fragments from Shadow Spear but it will instead deal higher damage. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. For 3 seconds, continuously throw shadow stars which deal 950% damage 5 times on up to 8 enemies. After they are thrown, throw giant shadow stars for a final attack, dealing 1700% damage 13 times on up to 10 enemies.
        If you press the skill key repeatedly while using this skill, you can extend the throwing time for up to 3 seconds more.
        If this skill is used while Shadow Spear is activated, the continuous throw attack’s damage is increased by 265%p.
        Cooldown: 90 seconds.

    1st Job


    • [​IMG] Lightning Punch: Attack enemies in front of you with a fist imbued with the power of lightning. This skill can be linked to all skills other than Thunder and itself. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 21 MP. Deals 160% damage 2 times on up to 4 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Flash: By concentrating your strength, instantly rush to an enemy and unleash a surprise attack. If there are no enemies within range, teleport forwards.
      This skill can be linked to all skills other than Thunder and itself. You cannot cancel the cast action by linking with Tidal Crash in the air. [Max Level: 15]
      • Level 15: Consumes 9 MP. Deals 310% damage 1 time on up to 4 enemies.
        If there are no enemies within range, teleport forwards 300 range.


    • [​IMG][​IMG] Element: Lightning: Summon the blue element of lightning and obtain its power.
      When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated. On/off skill. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: When your attacks hit an enemy, there is a 10% chance to activate 1 Lightning buff for 30 seconds.
        When linking skills, there is a 10% chance to activate 2 Lightning buffs.
        You can stack it up to 2 times.
        5% defense ignored per 1 Lightning buff.
        When the Lightning buff is consumed, apply a Correction buff for 10 seconds that has the same stat boosts as the consumed Lightning buff.
        During the Correction buff, when you acquire Lightning buffs, the Correction buff’s number of stacks will be decreased.
        The Lightning buff and Correction buff’s stats will all apply additively.


    • [​IMG][​IMG] Electrified: By handling the power of a single streak of lightning, your body becomes more agile. The power of lightning changes Elemental Shift’s appearance. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: The Lightning buff’s activation rate is increased by 20%.
        40 speed, 20 jump, 20 maximum speed.

    2nd Job


    • [​IMG] Shark Sweep: Wash away enemies around you with the energy of a powerful shark. This skill can be linked to all skills other than Thunder and itself. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 21 MP. Deals 155% damage 4 times on up to 6 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Tidal Crash: Rush forwards like the flowing sea and push monsters within range. Certain monsters will resist and cannot be pushed.
      While rushing, you can use the skill with the down arrow key to stop. This skill can be linked to all skills other than Thunder and itself. Tidal Crash will cancel the first used skill and be activated. Certain skills can link to Tidal Crash faster than other skills. Tidal Crash will not activate the Lightning buff.
      You can use the Custom Command so that you can re-use the skill without having to input the arrow key to stop.
      Custom Command On/Off: Right-click. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 20 MP. Move forwards, dealing 255% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Sea Wave: [Link Skill] When you link skills, create a wave infused with the power of lightning that moves towards enemies. When Sea Wave is created, it will flow in the direction that the Striker is facing, then search for more directions where there are enemies that can be attacked within a certain range.
      If Sea Wave hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. [Max Level: 15]
      • Level 15: Consumes 50 MP. When you link skills and the skill is not on cooldown, create a Sea Wave.
        The Sea Wave will flow in a certain direction, dealing 190% damage 4 times on up to 5 enemies.
        It will disappear if it moves a total of 1800 range or it hits 20 enemies.
        It can only attack a single enemy a maximum of 1 time.
        Reactivation cooldown: 12 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Knuckle Acceleration: Increase attack speed and STR.
      Required Skill: Level 5 Knuckle Mastery. [Max Level: 5]

    • Level 5: 20 STR, 2 attack speed.
    • [​IMG] Knuckle Mastery: Increase knuckle mastery and final damage. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: 50% knuckle mastery, 5% final damage.
    • [​IMG] Training: Enhance your body through relentless training. [Max Level: 14]
      • Level 14: 60 STR, 10% critical rate, 5% critical damage.
    • [​IMG] Lightning Boost: Use the power of lightning more skillfully, progressing one stage further. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: 20 attack.
        The Lightning buff’s activation rate is increased by 20%, the maximum number of stacks is increased by 1.
        2% damage per 1 Lightning buff. The Lightning buff’s damage boost applies additively.

    3rd Job


    • [​IMG] Ascension: Borrow the power of lightning to soar into the air and strike nearby enemies. This skill can be linked to all skills other than Tidal Crash and itself. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 41 MP. Deals 225% damage 5 times on up to 6 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Thunder: Moving like lightning, rush towards the ground from the air. This skill can be used while jumping or after using Ascension. This skill can be linked to all skills other than itself. You cannot cancel the cast action by linking with Tidal Crash in the air. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 37 MP. Deals 170% damage 4 times on up to 6 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Gale: [Link Skill] Through relentless link attacks, gather the accumulated power in one place then release it in a single strike. This skill can be linked to all skills other than Thunder and itself. You cannot cancel the cast action by linking with Tidal Crash in the air.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Typhoon’. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 65 MP. This skill can be used when you have 3 or more Lightning buffs stacked.
        Use all of your stacked Lightning buffs to deal 381% damage 3 times on up to 6 enemies. If you had the maximum amount of Lightning buffs stacked, the damage is increased by 40%p.
        For 60 seconds, increases your damage by 2% per 1 used Lightning buff.
        However, this skill will not activate Lightning buffs.
        Cooldown: 20 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Seawall: Summon a torrent that protects your body from all attacks. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: 30 status resistance, 30% elemental resistance.
    • [​IMG] Ironclad: Summon sharp and resilient armour that attacks and defends. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: 5% damage, 10% critical rate.
        10% damage reduction, 40% Stance.
    • [​IMG] Link Mastery: Become a master of link attacks, dealing additional damage when link attacks hit an enemy. [Max Level: 14]
      • Level 14: When link attacks hit an enemy, increase your final damage by 6% for 30 seconds. The link can stack up to 3 times. Link Mastery’s final damage boost applies additively.
    • [​IMG] Lightning Lord: Take the power of lightning under your control, allowing you to use its strength more actively. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: 30 attack, 10% critical damage.
        The Lightning buff’s activation rate is increased by 30%, the maximum number of stacks is increased by 1.
        The damage boost per 1 Lightning buff is increased to 3%. The Lightning buff’s damage boost applies additively.

    4th Job


    • [​IMG] Cygnus Knights: Receive the awakened Empress’ blessings to increase all party members’ stats for a certain period of time. This skill does not stack with Maple Warrior, Cygnus Knights, Nova’s Warrior, Lef’s Warrior, Another World’s Warrior, Anima’s Warrior, or Rhinne’s Prayer. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 70 MP. For 900 seconds, increases all stats of directly invested AP by 15%.


    • [​IMG] Cygnus Knight’s Will: Concentrate your mind to be freed from status effects. After using this skill, you will be immune to status effects for 3 seconds. However, this will not apply to certain status effects. This skill is not affected by Combat Orders. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: Consumes 30 MP. Cooldown: 360 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Annihilate: Embody the power of lightning to unleash a deadly strike on an enemy in front of you. This skill will not activate Lightning buffs. This skill can be linked to all skills other than Thunder and itself. This skill can link to Tidal Crash more quickly. You cannot cancel the cast action by linking with Tidal Crash in the air. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 60 MP. Deals 335% damage 7 times on 1 enemy.


    • [​IMG] Thunderbolt: Summon the power of lightning to annihilate your surroundings and strike enemies in front of you. This skill can be linked to all skills other than Thunder and itself. This skill can link to Tidal Crash more quickly. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 75 MP. Deals 320% damage 5 times on up to 8 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Typhoon: [Link Skill] Enhance Gale so that when you link attacks, push the accumulated power to its limit into a powerful typhoon that blows away everything. This skill can be linked to all skills other than Thunder and itself. This skill can link to Tidal Crash more quickly. You cannot cancel the cast action by linking with Tidal Crash in the air.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Gale. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 49 MP. This skill can be used when you have 2 or more Lightning buffs stacked.
        Use all of your stacked Lightning buffs to deal 320% damage 5 times on up to 8 enemies. If you had the maximum amount of Lightning buffs stacked, the damage is increased by 100%p.
        For 90 seconds, increases your damage by 3% per 1 used Lightning buff.
        However, this skill will not activate Lightning buffs.
        Cooldown: 12 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Electric Charge: Gather the power of lightning floating around you to give an additional strike to all of your attacks. This skill does not apply to summon skills, common 5th job skills, and certain other skills.
      When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated. On/off skill. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 80 MP. All attacks will activate an additional strike of 70% final damage.


    • [​IMG] Wind Booster: Increase the attack speed of all party membersThis skill can be used to stack with other Booster skills. In addition, enhance Sea Wave.
      Required Skill: Level 5 Knuckle Acceleration. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 40 HP and MP. For 300 seconds, increases attack speed by 2.
        [Passive Effect: Sea Wave’s damage is increased by 100%p.]
    • [​IMG] Knuckle Expert: Increase knuckle mastery, attack, final damage, and critical damage.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Knuckle Mastery. [Max Level: 30]

    • Level 30: 70% knuckle mastery, 30 attack.
      15% final damage, 15% critical damage.
    • [​IMG] Electrify: Stimulate all of your nerves with electricity to gain a more powerful body. [Max Level: 15]
      • Level 15: 20% maximum HP, 20% avoid rate, 60% Stance, 20% damage reduction.
    • [​IMG] Lightning God: Master the power of lightning and obtain the essence contained within it. This skill is not affected by Combat Orders. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: The Lightning buff’s activation rate is increased by 30%, the maximum number of stacks is increased by 1.
        The defense ignore boost per 1 Lightning buff is increased to 9%.
        10% critical rate, 15% critical damage.


    • [​IMG] Typhoon – Reinforce: Typhoon’s damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 140]
    • [​IMG] Typhoon – Extra Target: Typhoon’s number of monsters hit is increased by 2. [Required Level: 150]
    • [​IMG] Typhoon – Bonus Attack: Typhoon’s number of hits is increased by 1. [Required Level: 180]
    • [​IMG] Thunderbolt – Reinforce: Thunderbolt’s damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 140]
    • [​IMG] Thunderbolt – Extra Target: Thunderbolt’s number of monsters hit is increased by 2. [Required Level: 165]
    • [​IMG] Thunderbolt – Bonus Attack: Thunderbolt’s number of hits is increased by 1. [Required Level: 180]
    • [​IMG] Annihilate – Reinforce: Annihilate’s damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 150]
    • [​IMG] Annihilate – Ignore Guard: Annihilate’s monsters’ defense ignored is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 165]
    • [​IMG] Annihilate – Boss Killer: Annihilate’s damage to bosses is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 190]


    • [​IMG] Primal Bolt: The giant lightning bolt that split the earth and sky descends, giving you a primal power. The Lightning buff and Link Skills‘ power are enhanced. [Required Level: 140]
      • Level 1: Consumes 200 MP. 30 second duration. During this skill, your skills will not consume MP.
        During this skill, the damage boost per 1 Lightning buff is increased by 4%. and the defense ignored per 1 Lightning Buff is increased to 10%.
        When using Link Skills, ignore the required Lightning buffs and do not consume Lightning buffs. Typhoon’s cooldown is not applied.
        During this skill, when linking skills, Link Skills‘ cooldowns are decreased by different amounts.
        Sea Wave: When linking, the cooldown is decreased by 1.5 seconds, up to a maximum of 9 seconds.
        Shark Torpedo: When linking, the cooldown is decreased by 0.5 seconds, up to a maximum of 2 seconds.
        Lightning God Spear Strike: When linking, the cooldown is decreased by 0.5 seconds, up to a maximum of 3 seconds.
        Cooldown: 120 seconds.


    • [​IMG] God of the Sea: A gigantic god of the sea rises up and exudes a majestic power on enemies. This skill can be linked to all skills other than Thunder and itself. This skill can link to Tidal Crash more quickly. [Required Level: 160]
      • Level 1: Consumes 350 MP. Deals 860% damage 7 times on up to 15 enemies. You will be invincible during the cast action.
        Cooldown: 45 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Glory of Guardians: Hold a ceremony to raise the honor of the knights who have sworn an oath to protect Empress Cygnus.
      Can be registered as a Pet Auto Buff skill. [Required Level: 190]
      • Level 1: Consumes 100 MP. For 60 seconds, 10% damage.
        This affects only Cygnus Knights and Mikhail in the party.
        Cooldown: 120 seconds.

    5th Job


    • [​IMG] Lightning Cascade: Become one with lightning and annihilate your enemies. If this skill hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. For 42 seconds, increases final damage by 24% and when attacking, activate lightning that spreads on up to 5 enemies and deals 600% damage 6 times.
        Each time it spreads, the damage will gradually decrease. It can activate on up to 4 nearby enemies at the same time.
        When only 1 lightning bolt is activated, activate a powerful lightning bolt that deals 800% 7 times.
        Lightning reactivation cooldown: 3 seconds.
        Passive Effect: When you attack while Lightning Cascade is on cooldown, if there are normal monsters nearby, activate 1 lightning bolt. Reactivation cooldown: 6 seconds. The active effect and the passiv effect cannot activate at the same time.
        Cooldown: 108 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Shark Torpedo: [Link Skill] Fire the shark’s energy forwards to deal damage to multiple enemies. This skill can be linked to all skills other than Thunder and itself. If this skill hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 500 MP and 2 Lightning buffs.
        Create a shark spirit that goes forward and deals 2000% damage 7 times on up to 15 enemies.
        If you had the maximum amount of Lightning buffs stacked, the damage is increased by 200%p.
        Cooldown: 8 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Lightning God Spear Strike: [Link Skill] Summon the powerful lightning god’s spear to attack nearby enemies. This skill can be linked to all skills other than itself. If this skill hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
      In Auto Use Mode, Lightning God Spear Strike will be activated automatically when it is not on cooldown.
      Auto Use Mode On/Off: Right-click. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 500 MP.
        After a Link Attack hits an enemy 8 times, the next attack will acquire a Lightning God Spear.
        When used, deals 300% damage 6 times on up to 8 enemies.
        After that, activate 4 lightning strikes that deal 400% damage 7 times on up to 8 enemies.
        Cooldown: 7 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Lightning Spear Multistrike: Use endless link attacks together with lightning. If you use the skill continuously, you can activate the link attacks. During this skill, it can be linked to all skills other than Thunder. You cannot cancel the cast action by linking with Tidal Crash in the air. If the lightning hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. For 60 seconds, you can use up to 12 Link Attacks.
        Link Attack: Deals 1000% damage 5 times on up to 4 enemies. When it hits an enemy, activate 3 lightning strikes that deal 1100% damage 4 times on up to 3 enemies. The lightning will activate at different places.
        The Final Link deals 1400% damage 7 times on up to 7 enemies. When it hits an enemy, activate 3 giant lightning strikes that deal 1500% damage 6 times on up to 8 enemies.
        Cooldown: 120 seconds.

    V Core Changes

    • Tidal Crash cores have been changed to Tidal Crash/Sea Wave cores.



    • [​IMG] Guardian of Light: The skill effect has been changed.
    • [​IMG] Empress’ Shout: Permanently increases maximum HP and MP upon learning this skill from the Empress. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: 20% maximum HP and MP.
    • [​IMG] Empress’ Prayer: For 2 hours, increases attack and magic attack by a certain amount and you can attack higher level monsters than usual. In addition, the buff will be maintained even if you die. This skill does not stack with Echo of the Hero, and you cannot receive the effects of Echo of the Hero while Empress’ Prayer is active.
      This skill is not affected by cooldown resets and buff duration increasing effects. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: For 2 hours, 4% attack and magic attack.
        Cooldown: 1 day.

    1st Job


    • [​IMG] Shining Pierce: [Soul Light Skill] Use the sharpened power of light to pierce through enemies. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 14 MP. Deals 190% damage 2 times on up to 5 enemies.
        When attacking, there is a 15% chance to apply Darkness. The Darkness will reduce enemies’ accuracy by 30% for 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Royal Guard: Completely defend against enemy attacks with the Soul Shield to nullify damage and counterattack. The counterattack will deal damage to enemies using Damage Ignore and Damage Reflect. The invincibility effect and the attack buff are not affected by buff duration increasing effects.
      You can also defend while using your own skills. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: Consumes 20 MP. After using the skill, if you are hit within a certain amount of time, become invincible for 4 seconds, nullify the damage, and counterattack. After the counterattack, your attack is increased for 20 seconds.
        If you successfully defend while the attack buff is active, the counterattack’s damage, attack range, and the attack buff will gradually increase but the time to defend against attacks will gradually decrease.
        [1 time]: Deals 305% damage 4 times on up to 6 enemies and increases attack by 10.
        [2 times]: Deals 370% damage 5 times on up to 7 enemies and increases attack by 15.
        [3 times]: Deals 470% damage 6 times on up to 8 enemies and increases attack by 20.
        Cooldown: 6 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Soul Jump: While jumping, you can use the skill to jump once more in the desired direction. The jump distance will increase based on the skill level. You can also use this skill with the jump key. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: Consumes 20 MP. Jump a certain distance.
    • [​IMG] Soul Shield: Amplify the Soul Shield’s power to withstand enemy attacks.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Advanced Soul Shield’. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: 200 defense, 20% maximum HP, 40% Stance.
    • [​IMG] Soul Agility: Permanently increase speed and jump.
      Required Skill: Level 1 Soul Shield. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: 25 speed, 20 jump, 10 maximum speed.
    • [​IMG] Soul Attack: Deal more deadly damage on enemies inflicted with Darkness using the power of light.
      Level 15 of this skill is required for the 3rd job skill ‘Advanced Soul Attack’. [Max Level: 15]

    • Level 15: When attacking an enemy inflicted with Darkness, increases final damage by 10% and critical rate by 10%.

    2nd Job


    • [​IMG] Soul Assault: [Soul Light Skill] Attack enemies in front of you with flying swords created with the power of your soul. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 18 MP. Deals 145% damage 6 times on up to 6 enemies.
        When attacking, there is a 15% chance to apply Darkness. The Darkness will reduce enemies’ accuracy by 30% for 10 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Shining Chase: Push multiple enemies in front of you with the Shield of Light. Certain monsters will resist and cannot be pushed. [Max Level: 9]
      • Level 9: Consumes 35 MP. Move forwards, dealing 400% damage 1 time on up to 6 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Vertical Shining Chase: Rush into the air with the Shield of Light. This skill shares a skill level with Shining Chase. You can also use this skill by pressing the up arrow key with Shining Chase. [Max Level: 9]
      • Level 9: Consumes 35 MP. Move upwards, dealing 400% damage 1 time on up to 6 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Encourage: Encourage your allies to increase all party members’ attack for a certain period of time. In addition, Royal Guard’s stage 1, 2, and 3’s counterattack power is increased.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 3rd job skill ‘Advanced Royal Guard’. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 20 MP. For 180 seconds, increases attack by 30.
        [Passive Effect: Royal Guard’s stage 1, 2, and 3’s counterattack’s damage is increased by 70%p.]
    • [​IMG] Sword Acceleration: Increase attack speed and STR.
      Required Skill: Level 5 Sword Mastery. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: 2 attack speed, 20 STR.
    • [​IMG] Sword Mastery: Increase your one-handed sword mastery, attack, and final damage.
      Level 10 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Advanced Sword Mastery’. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: 50% one-handed sword mastery, 20 attack, 15% final damage.


    • [​IMG] Final Attack: There is a certain chance to activate an additional attack after using directly attacking skills. However, this skill will only activate when you have a one-handed sword equipped.
      Required Skill: Level 3 Sword Mastery.
      Level 20 of this skill is required to learn the 4th job skill ‘Advanced Final Attack’. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: [Final Attack skill] 40% chance to activate 3 final attacks of 50% damage.
    • [​IMG] Physical Training: Permanently increase your STR and DEX through physical training. [Max Level: 5]
      • Level 5: 30 STR, 30 DEX.

    3rd Job


    • [​IMG] Soul Release: [Soul Light Skill] Release the mighty power of light condensed in the Soul Shield to attack enemies in front of you. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 19 MP. Deals 460% damage 3 times on up to 6 enemies.
        When attacking, there is a 30% chance to apply Darkness. The Darkness will reduce enemies’ accuracy by 30% for 10 seconds.



    • [​IMG] Magic Crash: Remove certain buffs applied to nearby enemies with a certain chance, and restrict them from applying buff effects for a certain period of time.
      Enemies hit will resist Magic Crash for 90 seconds. The buffs that can be removed are attack/magic attack buffs, defense buffs, and Hard Skin. [Max Level: 10]
      • Level 10: Consumes 15 MP. 100% chance to remove certain buffs. For 22 seconds, 10 enemies are restricted from applying buff effects.
        Cooldown: 60 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Soul Link: Your soul resonates with nearby allies, revealing a powerful strength. While Soul Link is activated, party members within Soul Link’s range will be periodically enhanced and when Royal Guard’s counterattack is successful, party members within range will be shielded.
      When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated. On/off skill. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Consumes 15 MP per second.
        [Mikhail]: Increases damage by 5% per party member in the same map. If there is no party, you will be considered to be a party of 1.
        [Party Members]: When Mikhail successfully Royal Guards, each party member within Soul Link’s range will receive a shield equal to 10% of their own maximum HP for 10 seconds.
        Periodically, party members within range will receive an attack and magic attack buff for 8 seconds, equal to 50% of Royal Guard’s attack buff. 20% of Advanced Royal Guard’s status resistance buff and 30% of its defense buff will be shared.
    • [​IMG] Advanced Royal Guard: Royal Guard is enhanced, allowing you to use more powerful counterattacks when continuously defending. You can wield the Soul Shield better, enhancing your ability to withstand enemy attacks.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Encourage. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: [4 times] Deals 580% damage 7 times on up to 10 enemies and increases attack by 30.
      [5 times] Deals 665% damage 9 times on up to 15 enemies and increases attack by 45.
      [Passive Effect: 100% defense, 60 status resistance, 60% elemental resistance.]
    • [​IMG] Self Recovery: You can periodically recover HP and MP. You can recover while in combat as well. [Max Level: 14]
      • Level 14: Recover 4% maximum HP and 4% maximum MP every 4 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Royal Oath: Swear a faithful oath to the Empress. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: 60 STR, 20% critical rate, 23% final damage, 1 attack speed.
    • [​IMG] Advanced Soul Attack: Enhance Soul Attack’s effects to deal more deadly damage on enemies using the power of light.
      Required Skill: Level 15 Soul Attack. [Max Level: 15]

    • Level 15: When attacking an enemy inflicted with Darkness, Bind, Offensive Defense’s debuff, or Deadly Charge’s debuff, increases final damage by 15% and critical rate by 10%.
      This stacks additively with Soul Attack’s effects.



    • [​IMG] Offensive Defense: The power of the shield protecting the Empress makes enemies vulnerable to Mikhail’s Soul Light. Royal Guard’s counterattack will leave a debuff on enemies hit, and when Soul Light skills attack an enemy with the debuff, a Shockwave of Light will be activated.
      The Shockwave of Light will be activated at the centre of the boss monster with the highest maximum HP among the enemies hit by a Soul Light skill. If there are no boss monsters, it will be activated at the centre of the nearest monster among the enemies hit.
      Level 20 of this skill is required for the 4th job skill ‘Advanced Offensive Defense’. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: When Royal Guard’s counterattack hits an enemy, activate the Offensive Defense debuff for 20 seconds.
        When Soul Light skills hit an enemy inflicted with the debuff, activate a Shockwave of Light at the centre of the enemies hit. Enemies hit by the Shockwave of Light will have the Offensive Defense debuff removed.
        Shockwave of Light: Deals 350% damage 5 times on up to 6 enemies.
        Reactivation cooldown: 12 seconds.

    4th Job


    • [​IMG] Cygnus Knights: Receive the awakened Empress’ blessings to increase all party members’ stats for a certain period of time. This skill does not stack with Maple Warrior, Cygnus Knights, Nova’s Warrior, Lef’s Warrior, Another World’s Warrior, Anima’s Warrior, or Rhinne’s Prayer. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 70 MP. For 900 seconds, increases all stats of directly invested AP by 15%.


    • [​IMG] Cygnus Knight’s Will: Concentrate your mind to be freed from status effects. After using this skill, you will be immune to status effects for 3 seconds. However, this will not apply to certain status effects. This skill is not affected by Combat Orders. [Max Level: 1]
      • Level 1: Consumes 30 MP. Cooldown: 360 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Shining Cross: [Soul Light Skill] Cut enemies in front of you with a cross of light. During Soul Rage, this skill is enhanced to Shining Cross – Assault. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 70 MP. Deals 530% damage 4 times on up to 7 enemies.
        When attacking, there is a 30% chance to apply Darkness. The Darkness will reduce enemies’ accuracy by 30% for 10 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Shining Cross – Assault: [Soul Light Skill] Condense the power of light and cut enemies in front of you diagonally. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 70 MP. Deals 340% damage 10 times on up to 12 enemies.
        When attacking, there is a 30% chance to apply Darkness. The Darkness will reduce enemies’ accuracy by 30% for 10 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Soul Rage: Forge the power of the soul into a sword and shield to enter a state where your attacks are focused on an enemy. All Soul Light skills’ chance to apply Darkness is increased. Also, Mikhail’s combat abilities are dramatically increased.
      When the skill is used, the effects are activated and when it is re-used, they are deactivated. On/off skill. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 50 MP. 30% final damage, 10% critical damage.
        Soul Light skills’ chance to apply Darkness is increased to 100%.
        All your own attacking skills except for certain summons have their maximum number of monsters hit decreased to 1/3. For skills that hit multiple enemies, the minimum number is 2.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Install Shield: Summon a Soul Shield imbued with the power of light. The Soul Shield can be installed in the air as well. It will periodically emit light to attack enemies. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: Consumes 80 MP. 60 second duration.
        Deals 225% damage 4 times on up to 6 enemies periodically.
        When attacking regular monsters, 60% increased damage.
        Cooldown: 40 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Advanced Offensive Defense: Build a tougher shield that can’t be broken by enemies, enhancing Offensive Defense and Royal Guard’s counterattack.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Offensive Defense. [Max Level: 20]
      • Level 20: Offensive Defense’s Shockwave of Light’s Damage is increased by 250%p.
        Shockwave of Light’s reactivation cooldown is decreased to 10 seconds.
        All stages of Royal Guard’s counterattack damage is increased by 200%p.
    • [​IMG] Advanced Soul Shield: Enhance Royal Guard with the increased power of the Soul Shield. In addition, permanently decrease damage taken from enemies and increase maximum HP.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Soul Shield. [Max Level: 10]

    • Level 10: When you successfully Royal Guard, decrease damage taken from % HP attacks by 5% for 15 seconds.
      Permanently decreases damage taken by 10% and increases maximum HP by 20%.
    • [​IMG] Advanced Sword Mastery: Increase your one-handed sword mastery to the limit, attack, critical rate, and critical damage.
      Required Skill: Level 10 Sword Mastery. [Max Level: 30]

    • Level 30: 70% one-handed sword mastery.
      50 attack, 15% critical rate, 15% critical damage.
    • [​IMG] Advanced Final Attack: Permanently increases attack and greatly increases Final Attack’s activation chance and damage.
      Required Skill: Level 20 Final Attack. [Max Level: 30]

    • Level 30: 30 attack.
      [Final Attack skill] When attacking, there is a 75% chance to activate 4 final attacks of 95% damage.
    • [​IMG] Combat Mastery: Ignore a certain percentage of monsters’ defenses when attacking. [Max Level: 15]
      • Level 15: 40% defense ignored.
    • [​IMG] Stance: Permanently increase your chance to not be knocked back by enemy attacks. [Max Level: 30]
      • Level 30: 60% Stance.


    • [​IMG] Royal Guard – Enhance: Advanced Soul Shield’s effect when you successfully Royal Guard is enhanced, increasing the damage reduction of % HP attacks by 5%. This stacks additively with Advanced Soul Shield’s effects. [Required Level: 140]
    • [​IMG] Royal Guard – Ignore Guard: Royal Guard’s counterattack’s defense ignored is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 150]
    • [​IMG] Royal Guard – Persist: Advanced Soul Shield’s damage reduction of % HP attacks effect when you successfully Royal Guard’s duration is increased by 5 seconds. [Required Level: 180]
    • [​IMG] Shining Cross – Reinforce: Shining Cross and Shining Cross – Assault’s damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 140]
    • [​IMG] Shining Cross – Ignore Guard: Shining Cross and Shining Cross – Assault’s defense ignored is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 165]
    • [​IMG] Shining Cross – Bonus Attack: Shining Cross and Shining Cross – Assault’s number of hits is increased by 1. [Required Level: 180]
    • [​IMG] Install Shield – Reinforce: Install Shield’s damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 150]
    • [​IMG] Install Shield – Extra Target: Install Shield’s number of enemies hit is increased by 2. [Required Level: 165]
    • [​IMG] Install Shield – Persist: Install Shield’s duration is increased by 10 seconds. [Required Level: 190]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Soul Majesty: By refining your strong belief in protecting the Empress and your allies, the Soul Shield and Soul Light skills become more powerful. During this skill, your damage will be increased and Advanced Soul Shield’s effects will be enhanced.
      In addition, Install Shield will inflict Offensive Defense’s debuff and Offensive Defense will be enhanced. [Required Level: 140]
      • Level 1: Consumes 200 MP. 25 second duration. 15% damage.
        During this skill, Advanced Soul Shield’s damage reduction effect when you successfully Royal Guard will be increased by 5%. This stacks additively with Advanced Soul Shield’s effects.
        During this skill, Install Shield will activate Offensive Defense’s debuff. Offensive Defense’s Shockwave of Light’s reactivation cooldown will be decreased to 2 seconds.
        When Offensive Defense’s Shockwave of Light is activated, the Wave of Light will also be activated.
        Wave of Light: Deals 700% damage 6 times on up to 8 enemies.
        Cooldown: 180 seconds.



    • [​IMG] Deadly Charge: [Soul Light Skill] Summon a knight of light that can use the soul’s power to perform a deadly charge. [Required Level: 160]
      • Level 1: Consumes 300 MP. Deals 825% damage 10 times on up to 15 enemies.
        Activate a debuff on enemies hit that increases their damage taken by 10% from all party members for 60 seconds.
        Cooldown: 15 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Queen of Tomorrow: Receive the Empress’ blessings to increase damage.
      Can be registered as a Pet Auto Buff skill. [Required Level: 190]
      • Level 1: Consumes 100 MP. For 60 seconds, 10% damage.
        This affects only Cygnus Knights and Mikhail in the party.
        Cooldown: 120 seconds.

    5th Job


    • [​IMG] Rho Aias: Become a shield that protects your allies from enemy attacks. For a certain period of time, party members inside the area will be defended against damage and critical status effects, and your own final damage will be increased. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. For 89 seconds, increases final damage by 30%.
        For 25 seconds, lift a shield that decreases damage taken from all attacks (including % HP attacks) for all party members within it by 80% and defends against critical status effects.
        When you successfully defend against enemy attacks and status effects, the shield will gradually break into 3 stages. Each stage can defend up to 9/9/14 times. When an attack and a status effect are applied at the same time, the defense limit will only be decreased by 1.
        Cooldown: 180 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Claiomh Solais: Concentrate your Soul Shield’s power into your sword, transforming it into the legendary Sword of Light to attack enemies. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 800 MP. Attacks up to 12 enemies 12 times.
        The damage will be increased based on the number of stacks of the Royal Guard attack buff.
        [3 stacks or less]: 1450% damage.
        [4 stacks]: 1650% damage.
        [5 stacks]: 2000% damage.
        All attacks have a 100% chance to apply Darkness. The Darkness will reduce enemies’ accuracy by 30% for 10 seconds.
        After using this skill, Royal Guard’s attack buff’s duration will be increased by 6 seconds. The maximum number of stacks cannot be exceeded.
        Cooldown: 12 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Sword of Soul Light: Concentrate your soul’s power into your sword, to cut down enemies with the Sword of Soul Light. While the Sword of Light is equipped, you can use Soul Light Slash by pressing the basic attack. If you use the Custom Command, you can use Soul Light Slash by using the basic attack or Shining Cross. You can re-use the skill to use the powerful Light Force Ray 1 time. If the sword’s afterimages hit an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
      Custom Command On/Off: Right-click. [Max level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 1200 MP.
        For 35 seconds, equip the Sword of Light, increases attack by 27%, critical rate by 100%, defense ignore by 100%, and Royal Guard’s time you can defend to 0.5 seconds.
        During this skill, the sword’s afterimages will fall periodically, dealing 900% damage 5 times on up to 4 enemies.
        Soul Light Slash: [Soul Light Skill] Consumes 100 MP. Deals 880% damage 12 times on up to 8 enemies.
        Light Force Ray: [Soul Light Skill] Activate 6 lights that deal 1870% damage 12 times on up to 8 enemies.
        Cooldown: 180 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Light of Courage: Shine a light of unrelenting courage to remove your allies’ fears. [Max Level: 25]
      • Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. For 25 seconds, increases your damage by 22%
        Party Effect: Create a shield for each party member equal to 265% of their own maximum HP. The shield will last for 12 seconds and the shield amount will be decreased by 7% every 1 second.
        Cooldown: 90 seconds.

    V Core Changes

    • Soul Blade cores have been changed to Shining Pierce cores.
    • Royal Guard cores have been changed to Royal Guard/Offensive Defense cores.
    • Soul Driver cores have been changed to Soul Assault cores.
    • Soul Slash cores have been changed to Soul Release cores, and the prefixes have been changed.
    • Soul Assault cores have been changed to Install Shield/Soul Majesty cores, and the prefixes have been changed.
    Cygnus Story

    Click to view slideshow.
    The following new quests have been added.

    • Nobility of Ereb, Noblesse
    • Empress’ Spear and Shield, Cygnus Knights
    • Starting the Entrance Exam
    • Empress’ Gift
    • First Test, Knight’s Knowledge
    • Second Test, Strength Training
    • Sweet Rest
    • Third Test, Combat Skills
    • Final Test, Knight’s Attitude
    • Ereb’s Intruder
    • Search for Intruders
    • Who is Baroque? (1)
    • Who is Baroque? (2)
    • End of Mock Training
    • Knight’s Qualifications
    • Knight’s 5 Paths
    • Victoria Island Mission
    • Black Wings and the Puppeteer
    • Henesys Research
    • Pia’s Testimony
    • The Puppeteer’s Goal is?
    • To Perion
    • Tracking the Puppeteer
    • The Puppeteer’s Hideout
    • End of the Victoria Island Mission
    • Edelstein and the Resistance
    • Edelstein Mission
    • 10 Boogies’ Passion
    • 10 Boogies’ Lost and Found (1)
    • 10 Boogies’ Lost and Found (2)
    • Edelstein’s Children
    • Why They Hate the Knights
    • Knight Commander’s Request
    • Getting to Know Edelstein’s Locals
    • Trying to Get to Know Edelstein’s Locals
    • I Want to Get to Know Edelstein’s Locals
    • Can I Get to Know Edelstein’s Locals?
    • Difficult to Make Friends with Edelstein’s Locals
    • You Won’t Be Able to Make Friends with Edelstein’s Locals
    • Unreachable Edelstein
    • Ulrika’s Suggestion
    • To the Hideout Ulrika Told You
    • Checky’s Information
    • Message to the Resistance’s Allies
    • Information Material Gathering
    • Secret Passage Infiltration
    • Edelstein Mission Report
    • Edelstein Mission, After
    • Senior Knight’s Qualifications
    • Proof of Belief
    • Urgent Mission
    • Ancient Book
    • Knight’s Courage
    • Conversation with the Empress
    • The Knight’s Path
    • Hersha’s Treasury
    • Mathias’ Treasury
    • Continental Meeting
    • Announcing the Continental Meeting
    • Proof of Sincerity
    • Truth of the Rumour
    • Door to the Future Investigation
    • Into the Door to the Future
    • Ominous Premonition
    • Nightmare
    • New Knight Commander
    • Alliance Meeting
    • Enemy’s Purpose
    • Awakening
    • Shinsoo’s Call
    • Prospective Transcendent, Cygnus

    The following quests’ contents have been changed.

    • Path of the Soul Master
    • Path of the Flame Wizard
    • Path of the Wind Breaker
    • Path of the Night Walker
    • Path of the Striker
    • End of the Trainee Knight
    • Soul Master’s Knight Rank Test
    • Flame Wizard’s Knight Rank Test
    • Wind Breaker’s Knight Rank Test
    • Night Walker’s Knight Rank Test
    • Striker’s Knight Rank Test
    • Knight’s Qualifications
    • Birth of the Alliance
    • Empress’ Chief Knights
    • Cygnus’ Six Stars

    Certain existing Cygnus Knight job advancement and story quests can no longer be completed.

    • Tutorial quests
    • Mock Training episode
    • Victoria Island Mission episode
    • Edelstein Mission episode
    • 3rd Job Advancement episode
    • Alliance Formation episode
    • 4th Job Advancement episode
    • Alliance Meeting episode

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The following NPCs’ appearances have been changed.

    • Cygnus
    • Icarut
    • Oz
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The following NPCs’ illustrations have been improved.

    • Cygnus
    • Mikhail
    • Sigmund
    • Bell
    • Checky
    • Henrite
    • Elex
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The following NPCs’ illustrations have been added.

    • Noblesse (M/F)
    • Sigmund (Doctor)
    • Bell (Police Officer)
    • Checky (Part-Time Bear)
    • Henrite (Janitor)
    • Elex (Kindergarten Teacher)

    The following monsters have been added.

    • Training Tino (Lv. 1)
    • Baroque (Lv. 10)
    • Angry Horny Mushroom (Lv. 16)
    • Francis (Lv. 20)
    • Black Wing’s Servant (Lv. 28)
    • Baroque (Lv. 30)
    • Francis (Lv. 30)
    • Junior Balrog (Lv. 30)
    • Black Wing’s Servant (Lv. 60)
    • Inner Shadow (Lv. 60)
    • Dream Manipulator’s Servant (Lv. 100)
    • Cygnus (Lv. 100)

    The following items have been added.

    • Tino’s Feather
    • Lost Treasure
    • Cynical Orange Mushroom Doll
    • Angry Horny Mushroom Doll
    • Knight’s Guide
    • Knight’s Compass
    • Knight’s Brooch
    • Useful Rue Battery
    • Test’s Proof
    • Hersha’s Report
    • Mathias’ Report
    • Black Tome
    • Cygnus’ Letter

    The following items’ contents have been changed.

    • Noblesse’s Guidebook

    The following maps’ layouts have been changed.

    • Ereb
    • Queen’s Road: Forest of Beginning 1
    • Queen’s Road: Road to the Forest of Beginning
    • Hidden Street: Shinsoo’s Shelter
    Mikhail’s Story

    Click to view slideshow.
    The following new quests have been added.

    • Beginning
    • Equipment Check
    • First Training
    • Second Training
    • Third Training
    • Lost and Found
    • Next training?
    • Fence
    • Going Out 1
    • Father’s Outing
    • Going Out 2
    • A Girl in Danger
    • Strange Guest 1
    • Strange Guest 2
    • My Choice
    • To the Island in the Sky, Ereb
    • Admission Test
    • Squad Knight of Light, Chrome
    • Dispatch
    • Discovered Visit
    • Shinsoo’s Tears 1
    • Shinsoo’s Tears 2
    • Hidden Truth
    • Loss
    • Sunshine
    • When the Morning Comes
    • Knot
    • New Ally
    • Runaway Dragon 1
    • Runaway Dragon 2
    • Runaway Dragon 3
    • To be Strong
    • Tempted Knights 1
    • Tempted Knights 2
    • Tempted Knights 3
    • Traces of the Wind
    • Traces of Flames
    • Traces of Lightning
    • Traces of Darkness
    • Alliance Meeting
    • Enemy’s Purpose
    • Awakening
    • Shinsoo’s Call
    • Prospective Transcendent, Cygnus

    The following quests’ contents have been changed.

    • To the Knight of Light…
    • To the Path of an Apprentice Knight…
    • Official Knight Promotion Test
    • Knights who Lost Their Souls
    • Supreme Commander’s Honour
    • Empress’ Grace
    • [The Day After] After That Day
    • [Temple of Time] Finding Forgotten Memories

    Certain existing Mikhail job advancement and story quests can no longer be completed.

    • Tutorial quests
    • ‘A New Beginning at Ereb’ episode
    • ‘Finding the Whereabouts of the Knight Chrome’ episode
    • ‘New Ally’ episode
    • 2nd Job Advancement episode
    • 3rd Job Advancement episode
    • 4th Job Advancement episode
    • Alliance Meeting episode
    • Nineheart’s Hope
    • Nineheart’s Secret Mission
    • Cygnus’ Will
    • Nineheart’s Other Mission
    • Nineheart’s Proposal
    • To the Temple of Time!
    • Dimensional Rift
    • Arkarium’s Barrier
    • Spirit’s Light
    • Stealth
    • Judgement of the Fallen
    • Arkarium’s End
    • Evil-Stained Soul

    The following NPCs’ appearances have been changed.

    • Cygnus
    • Oz
    • Icarut
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The following NPCs’ illustrations have been improved.

    • Cygnus
    • Freud
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The following NPCs’ illustrations have been added.

    • Cygnus
    • Nineheart
    • Chrome
    • Richella
    • Atan

    The following monsters have been added.

    • Field Rat (Lv. 10)
    • Wild Pig (Lv. 12)
    • Rice Sparrow (Lv. 14)
    • Training Timu (Lv. 20)
    • Wild Dog (Lv. 16)
    • Wild Dog (Lv. 20)
    • Atan (Lv. 30)

    The following items have been added.

    • Fruit Hidden by Wild Pigs
    • Immaculate Sparrow Egg
    • Knight’s Token
    • Strange Scale
    • Mysterious Letter

    The following maps’ layouts have been changed.

    • Hidden Street: Shinsoo’s Shelter
    • Queen’s Road: Forest of Beginning 1
    • Queen’s Road: Road to the Forest of Beginning

    The following maps have been added.

    • Small Room
    • Secluded House
    • Front Yard
    • Secluded Forest Field
    • Secluded Forest Wilderness
    • Secluded Forest Lot
    • Secluded Forest Glade
    • Attacked Ereb Crossroads
    • Hall of Atacked Knights
    • Attacked Ereb
    • End of Ereb
    Spring! Spring! Project


    Experience rewards have been added to the Tenebris area and Grandis area daily quests. The daily quest experience rewards can only be be claimed 1 time per day per world.

    • Moonbridge: 5.59b
    • Labyrinth of Suffering: 6.03b
    • Limen: 6.39b
    • Cernium: 13.71b
    • Burning Cernium: 14.3b
    • Hotel Arcs: 19.37b

    When your Authentic Symbol’s level is maxed, you can now choose whether or not to receive the daily quest’s Symbol rewards.


    Untradeable chairs have been changed so that they can be put into storage.

    • However, for the Symbol of Honor/Brilliant Symbol of Honor/Master Exorcist Chair/custom chairs applied to each character, they will remain untradeable.
    • Male/female gender limitations have been added to the Very Happy Chair/Comfortable Cloud Chair.
    • For chairs with male/female gender limitations, their usage will be restricted based on the character’s gender.


    Maximum Demon Force lines have been added to Force Shield items without them, based on the level of the equipment.


    When using Innocent Scrolls, if the target item is 17 Star Force or higher, a warning message will now be displayed.


    In the Equipment Enhancement UI, the Ark Innocent Scroll’s icon has been changed, and it has been moved to the bottom of the scroll list.

    After first installing MapleStory, it has been improved so that the game starts in 1366×768 resolution windowed mode.

    The message when using the Guild’s Greater Blessing has been changed.

    In the Maple Guide’s Quick Move, the ability to scroll sideways using the mouse wheel has been added.


    In the Character Select window, the ability to sort based on level/job/nickname has been added when changing character locations.


    The Flag Race entry methods have been changed.

    • You can go to the Flag Race waiting room through the Guild Content UI’s [Enter] button and participate in the Flag Race by talking to the Programmer.
    • Only characters who have acquired 1,000 or more Weekly Hunting Points or 40 Boss Points can participate in Flag Race.
    • Guild members in the same guild can freely participate at any time in a party of 1~6 people. However, entry is not allowed during the settlement time between Sunday at 11:30 PM to Monday at 12:30 AM.


    The Boss HP Gauge UI has been improved so that it displays the monster’s bind resistance duration.

    • If the boss is currently resisting bind effects, an icon and the remaining duration will be displayed below the HP gauge.
    • This will not be displayed in Balrog, Horntail, or Pink Bean phase 1.


    When dropping medals from your inventory, it will now indicate if the medal can be re-issued or not.

    The ability to change the order of Buddy Groups has been added.


    It has been improved so that time-limited items will display the timer icon in the character equipped items UI.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Experience Coupon items have been improved to make it easier to clearly distinguish between them.

    • Certain Additional Experience 50% buff effect items’ names have been changed.
      • MVP Plus EXP Weather Effect -> MVP Additional Experience 50% Weather Effect
    • Additional Experience 50% buff effect items’ icons will now display a “+” in the top right corner.
    • Regular Experience Coupon items’ designs have been unified to have a maple leaf background in the icon (except for the Mu Lung Dojo Experience Coupon).
    • Regular Experience Coupon’s icon designs have been changed to display the experience multiplier in the top right corner. For example, for coupons that give 2x experience, the item will display “x2” in the top right corner.
    • Regular Experience Coupon items’ names will now include the durations. For example, coupons that give 2x experience for 30 minutes will be renamed to “2x Experience Coupon (30 Minutes)”.
    • Experience item tooltip descriptions have been changed to make it easier to see whether they are Additional Experience 50% buff effect items or regular Experience Coupons.


    When an Experience Coupon item’s effect ends, a weather effect and system message in the chat window will now be displayed.


    In the Maple Auction, when you register Consume/Etc./Set-Up/Cash/Decoration items for sale, it will now display the 7-day average price and the current lowest price.

    • Currently Registered Lowest Price: The lowest price that is currently listed. For items that can be sold in bundles, the price will be displayed per unit.
    • 7-Day Average Price: The average price of the item traded in the last 7 days, excluding the top/bottom 10% prices, updated hourly. For items that can be sold in bundles, the price will be displayed per unit.


    In the Maple Auction, when you click the Quick Search input window with your mouse, your previous 10 searches will now be displayed. Your search history will be cleared when you log out of the account.

    In the Maple Auction, improved the issue where certain items could not be found when the keywords included the gender.

    To prevent mistakes related to changing guild member positions, the locations of passing guild leader and kicking guild members in the right-click menu have been changed.

    When you reach level 30 Charm, the ‘Gift for a Charming Person’ quest will now be completed automatically, allowing you to use your Pocket slot.

    • The Rose item required to complete the quest will no longer appear.
    • Any quests already in progress will be completed automatically.


    The skill tab will now display buttons for all job advancements regardless of your level. If you hover over the tabs for a job advancement that you cannot use yet, it will display the conditions required.

    When an Adventurer job advances to 2nd job, they will now be provided with a weapon that matches their job. The job selection will now display the final job advancement name as well.

    The Adventurer tutorial story skip has been improved to make the character level 10 after using it.

    Growth Path Reorganization


    New Star Force maps have been added to Kerning Tower.

    • 2F Cafe <5>
    • 3F Fancy Shop <5>
    • 4F Record Shop <5>
    • 5F Cosmetic Shop <5>
    • 6F Hair Shop <5>


    The following skill icon images have been changed.

    • [​IMG] Invincible Belief
    • [​IMG] Recovery
    • [​IMG] Dragon Scale – Extra Healing
    • [​IMG] Resonance – Extra Healing
    • [​IMG] Attribute – Healing Reinforce
    • [​IMG] Element Amplification
    • [​IMG] Beholder – Healing Reinforce
    • [​IMG] Endurance Shield – Extra Healing
    • [​IMG] Master Corruption – Extra Healing
    • [​IMG] Captain Dignity
    • [​IMG] Dodge
    • [​IMG] Marksmanship


    The Demon common skill, Another World’s Goddess’ Blessing’s recovery effect has been changed.

    When using debuff skills that make monsters untouchable, it has been changed so that the effect with the longest duration is applied.

    Lara’s Expression skill effects have been improved so that they do not become more than a certain level of transparent to Lara and other characters, even if the skill effect transparency is set.


    A description about equipping duplicate Lucky items has been added to Lucky item tooltips.

    When using Mannequins, you can now press the ESC key or Cancel button in the input window.

    When using Miracle Circulators or Black Circulators, you can now press the Use One More button after all of the results have been shown.

    Fixed an issue where the Contributor and 10th Anniversary Ad Model medal images were awkward.

    The Cube Chair icons will now be displayed even when they are in a bag, and you can now use the Chair Stacking menu with them as well.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The Cross Coin, Veteran Cross Belt, Veteran Cross Shoulder, and Veteran Cross Pendant’s images have been changed.

    The Royal Hair and Face beauty coupons’ item tooltips have been updated to have more information.


    A tooltip has been added to Doll Outfit style overall items like the Penguin Doll Outfit and Moon Bunny Outfit.


    A tooltip has been added to the Red to My Ears item.

    The Moon Stone can now be placed in the Crafting Material Bag.

    Improved an issue where the appearance preview image in the Wildflower Spiritroid item’s tooltip was awkward.


    The Android tooltip has been improved so that you can check the Android’s hair, face, and skin information.

    Potential Lines

    Developer Notes:

    When cubing items with Legendary potential, 30% boss damage will no longer appear on the first line. Only 35% and 40% will appear on the first line at Legendary tier.

    Also, the chance to tier up from Unique to Legendary when using Black Cubes and Additional Cubes has been increased.

    When using Red Cubes, Black Cubes, and Meister Cubes, 30% boss damage will no longer appear on the first line at Legendary tier.

    • The chance to get this line will be moved to 35% boss damage (Legendary). However, the 30% boss damage (Legendary) line will no longer appear on equipment between level 50 and level 100.
    • Existing items with this line will be maintained, and the changed rates will only apply if you cube the item again.
    • The 30% boss damage (Unique) line will not change, so it can continue to appear in the first/second/third lines at Unique tier and the second/third lines at Legendary tier.

    When using Cubes, the chance to tier up has been increased.

    • When using Black Cubes, the chance to tier up from Unique to Legendary has been increased from 1.0% to 1.2%.
    • When using Additional Cubes, the chance to tier up from Unique to Legendary has been increased from 0.4975% to 0.6%.

    When using Magnificent Souls, the + all skill levels line will no longer appear.

    • Existing items with this line will be maintained.

    Raku’s (Monster Park general shop) and Seoli’s (Ghost Park general shop) shops have been improved to sell Return to Nearest Town Scrolls, Pet Food, Appearance Return Coupons, and Sprout Potions.

    Al (Plastic Surgeon) and Ever (Assistant Doctor)’s images have been changed.

    Oko (Root Abyss Traveling Merchant)’s shop has been improved to sell single Bow/Crossbow Arrows.

    The Escaped Rock Spirit’s image has been changed.


    It has been improved so that when you defeat a boss monster, you will become invincible until you are moved to the next phase.

    In the Mu Lung Dojo, 75F’s Bongseon will no longer use the weapon defense increase skill.

    Horntail (Easy/Normal/Chaos) has been improved so that all status effects are removed after defeating it.



    Limen: The End of the World’s background brightness has been improved so that it doesn’t interfere with hunting.

    [The Seed] 39F has been improved so that the clear effect is displayed after completing all of the quizzes.

    Improved an issue in certain towns where certain NPCs’ names were hidden.

    Improved an issue in Lacheln City where certain NPCs were hidden.


    In Arcane River and Grandis area’s main towns, the placement and spacing between storage and shop NPCs’ have been adjusted.

    Fixed an error in Mirror World/Minar West Forest <6> where you could move below certain terrain using some skills.

    Fixed an error in the ‘[Limen] Tears of the World’ quest where you could move out of the map using some skills.

    In Lith Harbor, the anchored ship’s image has been changed.

    In Ellin Forest/Altair Camp, the tent image has been changed.

    In Henesys Market, the general shop building image has been changed.

    In Ludibrium, the plastic surgery building image has been changed.

    In Ludibrium Plastic Surgery, certain object images have been changed.

    In Orbis Plastic Surgery, certain object images have been changed.

    In Omega Sector/Hangar, certain object images have been changed.

    In Shinsoo International School/Nursery, certain object images have been changed.

    In Kerning City Pharmacy, certain object images have been changed.

    The Toy Factory <Machine Room> has been changed so that the terrain does not cover up characters.



    When using shops, weapon images will no longer cover the Category UI.

    In the Applied Link Skill Presets UI, when skills have the same transfer limits, they will now be sorted in order of skill name, and if the skill names are the same, they will be sorted in order of character names.

    In regular maps, if there are too many buff icons displayed on a single line, they will now be displayed on multiple lines.

    Fixed an issue where there was a stutter when dsplaying the tooltip information for items inside recipe bags.

    In the Soul Collector UI, Hilla’s hidden illustration has been changed.

    In Monster Life, the Combination UI image has been changed.

    In the Cash Shop, if there are no Royal Style or Wonder Berry items for sale, the tab will now display a guide text image.

    Game Graphics

    Depending on the settings in the Game options – Graphics tab – Quality – Effect Adjustment, you can set different shader effect quality for the following items. If there are any performance problems related to this content, you can enjoy smoother gameplay by adjusting this option.

    • Nightmare Pearl: As the quality is adjusted from Best to Normal (low spec), the effect’s quality is also adjusted.
    • Ignition Fireworks Festival Map: As the quality is adjusted from Best to Normal (low spec), the fireworks and stage reflections displayed in the background will also be adjusted.

    In the Android shop, Sprout Potions, single Bow/Crossbow Arrows, and Appearance Return Coupons have been added.

    When entering Monster Life in private login or offline mode, it has been changed to display that you are offline even in the farm. However, certain chats like the 1:1 conversations will be restricted when your farm is offline.

    Fixed an error in Reboot World where using the Dominator Box sometimes showed the world name incorrectly.

    Fixed an error where after running the Game Launcher, the Go to Homepage button would sometimes open Internet Explorer instead of the default browser.

    Error Fixes


    Fixed an issue where skill effects were displayed awkwardly when bind skills hit certain enemies in the air.

    • Soul Master’s Soul Penetration
    • Night Walker’s Shadow Stitch
    • Adele’s Squall
    • Lara’s Tangle Vines

    Fixed an issue where the following skills were used awkwardly while hanging on a rope.

    • Dark Knight’s Reincarnation Accept
    • Adventurer Magician’s Memory Choice

    Fixed an issue where Citizen’s Crystal Throw consumed arrows.

    Fixed an issue where Adventurer Warrior’s Blitz Shield’s effect was awkward.

    Fixed an issue where Paladin’s Divine Stigma’s effect was awkward.

    Fixed an issue where if Dark Knight activated Reincarnation while affected by certain status effects, they would not be removed.

    Fixed an issue with Bishop’s Heal where if they healed allies, the number of enemies that could be hit would be decreased by the amount of healed allies.

    Fixed an issue where if Viper died with Serpent Screw activated then revived without using a Buff Freezer, Serpent Screw would be used automatically and the cooldown would be applied.

    Fixed an issue with Mercedes’ Elemental Ghost where only one afterimage would activate when the remaining duration was less than a certain amount.

    Fixed an issue with Phantom’s Talent of Phantom Thief – Persist where the buff duration boost effect did not apply to Phantom’s stolen buff skills but only to the buffs received by other party members from Phantom.

    Fixed an issue where if Luminous entered Equilibrium mode while using Liberation Orb, the changed appearance would not be applied.

    You can no longer reset Hyper Skills while Demon Slayer’s Blue Blood is activated.

    Fixed an issue where Lie Detectors could not be used on Demon Avengers defeating monsters with Demon Frenzy.

    Fixed an issue with Battle Mage’s Death skill where if you entered certain cutscenes with it active, the gauge UI would not be created after exiting the cutscene.

    Fixed an issue where Blaster’s Rvolving Cannon did not prioritize attacking the enemy with the highest maximum HP.

    Fixed an issue with Zero where immediately after using a skill accompanied with a teleport, they could tag to the other Zero and use Joint Attack to be able to move while using Joint Attack.

    Fixed an issue with Zero where if using Joint Attack without holding the key down, sometimes the link attack would be activated instead of the combined attack.

    Fixed an issue where sometimes other Hoyoung characters’ installed Distortion Gates would be clearly visible even if other c haracters’ skill effect transparency was lowered.


    Fixed an error in specific scenes during the Black Heaven quests where the user was not visible.

    Fixed an issue where the ‘Contract with Mastema’ quest could not be completed.

    Fixed an error where after accepting the ‘[Alliance] Awakened Heroes’ quest, you could teleport to the quest map even in teleport restricted maps.

    Fixed an issue in the Sellas quests where the antenna installed on the submarine was not displayed.

    Fixed an error where characters with the Ellin Forest’s Guardian medal equipped could not complete the ‘[Ellin Forest] History Doesn’t Change’ quest.

    Fixed an error with the ‘Nero’s Training Proposal 4′ quest where the in-progress and complete windows’ descriptions were awkward.

    Fixed an issue with the ‘Kao’s Memories’ quests where Angelic Buster’s appearance was displayed awkwardly in the chat window.

    Fixed an error with the ‘Hot and Cold Giant’ quest where the in-progress window’s location was displayed awkwardly.

    Fixed an error with the ‘Cool Flame Giant’ quest where the in-progress window’s location was displayed awkwardly.

    Fixed an error with the ‘[Labyrinth of Suffering] Path to Light’ quest where the boss map exit portal did not work.

    Fixed an error where the skill sound effects were unmuted after completing the ‘[Kao’s Memories]’ quests.

    Mu Lung Dojo

    Fixed an issue in Mu Lung Dojo 9F, 13F, and 45F where if Wild Hunter used the Call of the Hunter skill, monsters hit would not activate their invincibility.

    The interval between the timer start time and the monster summoning time has been changed to be less affected by the PC environment.

    Fixed an issue where certain monsters’ time when they first activated patterns was faster than usual.

    Fixed an issue where monsters sometimes didn’t use any patterns.

    Fixed an issue where Awakened Mu Gong and Awakened Mu Gong’s Disciples’ sound effects were not heard.


    The following Achievements’ conditions have been changed to be more clear.

    • [The Seed] Where is the Giant Spider?
    • [The Seed] I Think Oiling is Cowardly
    • [The Seed] Feel the Fear!
    • [The Seed] Burn Up!
    • [The Seed] In the End, You Came All the Way Here
    • [Demian] Rest in Peace

    Fixed an error where if Demon Avengers used the Dominator Pendant Box, 70% HP Scrolls were applied. Existing items that were already affected by this problem will have their stats corrected.

    Fixed an issue where the Mimi’s Jellyfish Buddies’ pet equipment images were displayed incorrectly.

    Fixed an issue when using the Halloween’s Cube Chair where the chair location and character location were awkward.

    Fixed an issue where a shoe image was displayed over the Trixter Dunwitch Pants.

    Fixed an issue in Reboot World where if the pentant slot expired, an incorrect message would appear.

    Fixed an issue where there were typos when using the Past Event Outfit Voucher.

    Certain Cash items’ images have been changed.

    Fixed an issue with Item Pots where the alarm clock did not disappear after a level 7 Golem was woken up with an alarm clock.

    Fixed an issue when using a chair with effects that were not visible while sitting, sometimes the effects would be visible to other characters.

    Fixed an issue where the School Uniform Vouchers bought from the NPC Wangdusang could not be used properly.

    Fixed an error when equipping the Special Dual Shining Star where other item images were displayed.

    Fixed an issue with the Lazuli Type 9’s standby action where the hilt image was cut off.

    Fixed an issue where if a character died then reconnected while reviving, Experience Accumulation Potions and Small Experience Accumulation Potions’ effects would disappear.

    Fixed an issue where the Small Experience Accumulation Potion’s effects disappeared when the character died.

    Fixed an issue where if Mechanic changed the colour of their Metal Armor then used the Afterimage cash item, the changed colour would only apply to the afterimage.

    Fixed an issue where Mechanic’s Metal Armor colour change applied to certain chairs.

    Fixed an issue where the Scouter skill’s displayed damage range calculation method was different than the actually applied damage range calculation method.


    Fixed an issue in Bloody Queen (Normal/Chaos) where if Kaiser in Final Figuration mode was hit by the Flames of Rage debuff, the effect location was awkward.

    Fixed an issue in Demian (Normal/Hard) where if Demian used the Sword of Destruction at both ends of the map, sometimes they would not hit.

    Fixed an issue in Lucid (Easy/Normal/Hard) phase 2 where during the powerful attack, sometimes you would not be hit by the laser even if you stood still.

    Fixed an issue in Mu Lung Dojo where certain monsters sometimes moved awkwardly when knocked back.


    Fixed an issue where it looked awkward when using skills that changed the background on the way to Mu Lung Dojo.

    Fixed an issue in 1920×1200 and 1920×1080 resolutions where the ‘Mu Lung Dojo/Mu Lung Dojo Mind and Body Training Centre’ map background was cut off.

    Fixed an error where the ‘Root Abyss/East Garden’ clocktower image was awkward.

    Fixed an error where the ‘Root Abyss/Rift of Time’ where the clock soldier image was awkward.


    In the Grandis World Map, the Narin area’s missing description has been added.

    Fixed an error in the Foggy Forest Training Centre where if you left the screen and came back, the monster health UI would display duplicates of the same monster.

    Fixed an issue where sometimes the guild mark was not visible.

    Fixed an error where sometimes the range difference appeared abnormally when using the following items.

    • Black Rebirth Flame
    • Black Cube

    If the Rune cooldown is not currently applied, the Rune liberation guide message will no longer appear.

    When using the Maple Chat, you can now increase the affinity between characters who are friends.

    Fixed an issue in the V Matrix where after selecting a Core, sometimes the Core could be moved.

    Fixed an issue in the Maple Auction where if you tried to relist all your items and it was the same as the maximum amount of items you could put up for sale, they would not be relisted.

    Fixed an issue where certain monster drops in Ellin Forest like the Moss Snail Shells could not be registered in the pet loot ignore.

    Fixed an issue where if you used the Show Guild Member Location button, the character name would be displayed awkwardly if it started with a number.

    Fixed an issue when using the storage where if it was expanded or collapsed, the storage NPC or character image would not be displayed properly in the UI.

    Fixed an issue where if Phantom replaced a Steal Skill registered in the pet auto buff with a skill that could not be used then disconnected, the registered pet buff would disappear.

    Fixed an issue where item tooltips were hidden below the window when using shops or storage.

    Fixed an issue in the Maple Auction where if pirate classes except for Angelic Buster did not have a weapon equipped, the equipment’s damage range difference would be displayed differently.

    Fixed an issue where if you cancelled a skip while watching a video, the skip menu would not be displayed even if you pressed the ESC key again.


    Fixed an issue when changing Cash weapon motions where in certain situations, the weapon would be awkward or not visible.

    The ‘What is a Pygmy Egg’ guide description has been changed.

    Fixed an error in 1024×768 resolution where if the gold eagle in Fritto Eagle Hunting left the screen, it would not return and could not be defeated.

    Fixed an error in Frito Dance of Courship where if you double clicked Fritto, the Android shop UI would be displayed.

    Fixed an error in the Seed 6F and 31F where if you died and returned to the lobby, the monster appearance message would be displayed.

    Fixed an issue where if a character being followed died in a boss fight, the character following would also be considered dead.

    Fixed an issue when following characters where in certain terrain, the character following would fall below the lowest platform.

    Fixed an issue with the Dominator Pendant Box where the world name appeared to be garbled.

    Fixed an issue in Monster Collection where registering an Elite Monster would display an incorrent monster name in the guide message. Elite Monsters’ full names will now be displayed.

    Cash Shop

    You can now use Random Mix Dye Coupons, Custom Mix Dye Coupons, Random Mix Colour Lens Coupons, and Custom Mix Colour Lens Coupons on Androids. You can talk to the Android Beauty Manager Sunny in Henesys Hair Shop to use them.

    Royal Style


    The Maple Royal Style Coupon will be on sale from June 30 to July 20.


    New items are available through the Maple Royal Style Coupon like the Darkness set.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    It also has the 110th Special Label: the Ice Popping set. If you collect all 5 items, you’ll also get the Shining Summer Day Chair.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    And some recommendations for items that match them!


    The current Master Label set available is still the Master Nightmare set.

    NEW Chief Knight’s Hat and Weapon Boxes


    The NEW Cheif Knight’s Hat and Weapon Boxes will be on sale from June 30 to July 27.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The NEW Chief Knight’s Hat Box and NEW Chief Knight’s Weapon Box will give one of six random hats and weapons.

    Golden Hands/Silver Hands Hair and Face Coupons

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Golden Hands/Silver Hands Hair and Face Coupons will be on sale from June 30 to July 13. These are the player-designed hairs and faces that won the Golden Hands/Silver Hands Awards contest a little while ago. Both of these coupons let you choose which hair/face you want.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Here are the hairs/faces you can choose from.

    Choice Hair and Face Coupons

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Choice Hair/Face Coupons have been updated with a new set of hairs/faces.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Here are the hairs/faces you can choose from.


    Hyper Burning


    The Hyper Burning event will run from June 30 to September 7. This event is available to all new characters created during the event period (except Zero) and existing characters level 200 to level 248 (Zero characters must have completed Chapter 2).

    Without limits, Hyper Burning! Infinite growth with 1+2 level ups until level 250 for 10 weeks!

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    During the event, you can only create 1 Hyper Burning character per Maple ID. When creating a new character, you can designate it as a Hyper Burning character, or you can designate an existing level 200~248 character as a Hyper Burning character.

    Hyper Burning characters will level up an additional 2 times every time they level up, from level 10 to level 250.

    ※ Zero cannot be designated as a Hyper Burning character at creation.

    ※ For Zero characters, only existing level 200~248 characters that have completed Chapter 2 can be designated as a Hyper Burning character.

    ※ When a character is designated as a Hyper Burning character, the following items are restricted from use until level 250: Extreme Growth Potions, Growth Potions (200~209, 200~219, 200~229), Typhoon Growth Potions, and Maximum Growth Potions.


    Hyper Burning characters will receive the following growth support rewards through a quest.

    • Mysterious Secret Box
      • 30 day Snail pet (cannot be extended)
    • Level 30 Equipment Box
    • Legendary Secret Box
      • Black set
    • 15 Star Time-Limited Root Abyss Set Box
      • 15 Star Root Abyss set armor (Hat/Top/Bot)
      • 15 Star Time-Limited Fafnir Weapon Box (6% attack/magic attack, 3% damage, 4% critical rate potential)
      • All equipment will be untradeable and expire in 90 days.
    • Eternal Flame Title Voucher
      • This can only be used after level 200, after completing the 5th job advancement and the ‘Another Power, Arcane Force’ quest.
      • The Eternal Flame title’s stats will expire in 60 days.


    Hyper Burning characters will receive the following rewards when they reach specific levels through a quest.

    • Level 200
      • Level 5 Arcane Symbol: Road of Vanishing
      • 50 Core Gemstones
    • Level 210
      • Level 5 Arcane Symbol: Chew Chew Island
      • Eternal Flame Ring Voucher
    • Level 215
      • 50 Core Gemstones
    • Level 220
      • Level 5 Arcane Symbol: Lacheln
      • Choice between the Absolabs Weapon Box and the Dominator Pendant Box
    • Level 225
      • Level 5 Arcane Symbol: Arcana
      • 50 Core Gemstones
    • Level 230
      • Level 5 Arcane Symbol: Morass
      • Hyper Burning Outfit Set Voucher
      • 50 Core Gemstones
    • Level 235
      • Level 5 Arcane Symbol: Esfera
      • Experience Core Gemstone
    • Level 240
      • 2 Experience Core Gemstones
    • Level 245
      • 2 Experience Core Gemstones
    • Level 250
      • Infinite Flame Title Voucher

    ※ All level achievement rewards can only be acquired 1 time per Maple ID. After claiming the reward, even if the character is deleted and recreated, you cannot receive the reward.

    ※ The Core Gemstone and Infinite Flame Title Voucher rewards can only be claimed by characters who have completed the 5th job advancement and the ‘Another Power, Arcane Force’ quest.

    ※ Each area’s level 5 Arcane Symbol reward can be claimed after completing that area’s quest that rewards the Arcane Symbol.


    The MapleStory Hyper Burning with Nexon Play event will run at the same time. During the event, you can acquire Play Points when you reach certain levels with a newly created character designated as a Hyper Burning character.

    When a newly created Hyper Burning character reaches level 220, 250, 260, or 270, you can login to the Nexon Play app with your Nexon ID and press the [Accumulate Points] -> [MapleStory Hyper Burning] missions to acquire Play Points.

    Reboot and Reboot 2 worlds can only particpate in the Reboot World Only Hyper Burning event.

    • [Regular World] Reach Level 220
      • 10,000 Play Points (first 100,000 people)
    • [Regular World] Reach Level 250
      • 30,000 Play Points (first 10,000 people)
    • [Regular World] Reach Level 260
      • 100,000 Play Points (first 1,000 people)
    • [Regular World] Reach Level 270
      • 1,000,000 Play Points (first 50 people)
    • [Reboot World] Reach Level 220
      • 10,000 Play Points (first 10,000 people)
    • [Reboot World] Reach Level 250
      • 30,000 Play Points (first 0,000 people)
    • [Reboot World] Reach Level 260
      • 100,000 Play Points (first 100 people)
    • [Reboot World] Reach Level 270
      • 1,000,000 Play Points (first 5 people)

    ※ Only Hyper Burning characters designated upon character creation can participate in the Nexon Play Play Points missions.

    Burning World


    Burning, Burning 2, Burning 3, and Burning 4 will be open from June 30 to September 8. From September 8 to September 21, you will be able to World Leap your characters from this world to other worlds.

    ※ You can World Leap to all worlds except Reboot and Reboot 2.

    Fast growth! Abundant benefits! Up to 3 Mega Burning characters! Enjoy Burning World. You can complete various missions and receive gifts through the Burning World Step Up.


    Burning World is a time-limited special world which gives various benefits for rapid growth. All characters in Burning World will receive the special Burning skill while they are in the world, which gives:

    • 1.5x experience
    • 50 attack/magic attack
    • 30% damage to regular monsters
    • 30% damage to boss monsters
    • 30% critical rate
    • 30% critical damage
    • 100% Stance
    • 2500 HP/MP
    • 50 all stats

    You can only use one world out of Burning, Burning 2, Burning 3, and Burning 4, whichever one you first create a character on. Deleting the character will not change the world you can use. You can create up to 5 characters.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    In Burning World, you can create up to 3 Mega Burning characters, who will have the following benefits:

    • +2 levels for each level up, up to level 130
    • Snail pet (30 days)
    • Level 30 Equipment Box
    • Legendary Secret Box
      • Black Hat
      • Black Cape
      • Black Suit
      • Black Weapon Box
      • Black Secondary Weapon Box
    • Keep on Burning title
    • BURNING medal
    • 10th Anniversary White Armor Set Box
    • 1,000 Power Elixirs
    • 1,500 Scroll Traces
    • Teleport World Map (30 days)
    • Equip/Use/Etc./Set-up inventories expanded to 56 slots

    ※ Hyper Burning characters and regular characters created in Burning World cannot acquire these rewards.


    In Burning World, if you have a level 100 or higher character, you can also create a Zero!


    In Burning World, you cannot purchase the following items from the Cash Shop:

    • Character Slot Expansion Coupon
    • 4/8 Slot Storage Expansion Coupon
    • House Wedding Ticket

    The following features are not available in Burning World:

    • Meso Market
    • Transferring Link Skills
    • Maple Union
    • Monster Collection
    • Character Slot Expansions

    This Burning World has the Burning World Step Up event which will run from June 30 to September 8. It is available for all newly created characters in Burning, Burning 2, Burning 3, and Burning 4.

    ※ Zero characters who have completed chapter 2 can participate.

    You can complete Step Up missions given at certain levels to receive rewards that will help you grow your character. To proceed to the next mission, you must complete the current mission and get the level required for the next one.

    ※ The mission progress is shared between all characters in the world.

    • Level 33: Defeat 300 monsters within your level range (2 2x Experience Coupons (15 minutes))
    • Level 35: Claim 1 Maple Guide reward (Teleport World Map (7 days) Exchange Voucher)
    • Level 40: Complete 1 theme dungeon (100 Power Elixirs Exchange Voucher)
    • Level 45: Use 2 Runes (4 2x Experience Coupons (15 minutes))
    • Level 50: Use the Maple Guide teleport (5 Safety Charms Exchange Voucher)
    • Level 55: Complete the 3rd job advancement (3 Mastery Boxes Exchange Voucher)
    • Level 60: Enhance an item until it has 0 upgrade slots remaining (10 Strange Cubes)
    • Level 65: Defeat Easy Zakum (Special Medal of Honor)
    • Level 70: Equip a weapon with 5 Star Force or higher (500 Scroll Traces)
    • Level 75: Defeat 1 Elite Monster/Elite Champion (100% Epic Potential Scroll)
    • Level 80: Complete a Random Portal (2 Polo and Fritto Entry Ticket Exchange Voucher)
    • Level 90: Clear Cross Hunter chapter 1 (4 2x Experience Coupons (15 minutes))
    • Level 100: Complete the 4th job advancement (Personality Growth Potion)
    • Level 101: Begin the Ignition Fireworks Festival event (Karma 12 Star Force Enhancement Scroll)
    • Level 105: Defeat 300 Star Force monsters (4 2x Experience Coupons (15 minutes))
    • Level 107: Clear 1 chapter of Dimensional Library (3 Miracle Circulators Voucher)
    • Level 110: Clear Monster Park 2 times (2 Monster Park REBORN Free Entry Tickets Exchange Voucher)
    • Level 119: Reach level 120 (1000 Power Elixirs Exchange Voucher)
    • Level 130: Get 45 Star Force (4 2x Experience Coupons (30 minutes))
    • Level 140: Defeat Normal Horntail (Boss Accessory Box)
    • Level 150: Get 80 Star Force (Pendant Slot Expansion Coupon (15 days))
    • Level 160: Use a Rebirth Flame on an item (Spirit Pendant Voucher (14 days))
    • Level 170: Get Unique rank Ability (10 Karma Meister Cubes)
    • Level 175: Beat Mu Lung Dojo 10F (10 Black Cubes Package)
    • Level 179: Reach level 180 (4 2x Experience Coupons (1 hour))
    • Level 190: Equip a Pocket item (10 Karma Powerful Rebirth Flames)
    • Level 200: Clear Road of Vanishing (30 Selective Arcane Symbol Exchange Vouchers)
    • Level 210: Get 120 Star Force (10 Karma Eternal Rebirth Flames)
    • Level 220: Get 160 Arcane Force (Unique Emblem Box)

    ※ The Unique Emblem Box can be used to receive a Unique Emblem matching your job.

    ※ The Burning World Step Up’s rewards can only be claimed once over the entire duration of the event.

    ※ You can confirm detailed information about the Burning World Step Up rewards in-game or through the Burning World event page.


    After September 8, you will no longer be able to train your characters in Burning World. Instead, you’ll be able to World Leap up to 5 characters (at least level 130) to any other world (except Reboot/Reboot 2).

    ※ Zero characters can World Leap if they are level 130 or higher and have completed the story quests up to Chapter 2.

    If you haven’t moved your characters by September 21, they will be deleted along with their items and Cash items. Items in your Cash storage, item storage, or Maple Auction will not be moved when you use the World Leap.

    ※ When the growth period ends, you will no longer be able to use shops, storage, or any content other than the World Leap. Make sure you check the ‘Fast Growth! Burning World’ quest.


    For Reboot World, from June 30 to September 8, you can receive 2 Mega Burning Boosters.

    World Leap


    The World Leap event will run from June 30 to July 14. This event lets you move your characters to a new world! However, there are many restrictions.

    • You can only move to/from certain worlds.
      • Reboot/Reboot 2/Burning/Burning 2/Burning 3/Burning 4 cannot move to other worlds.
      • You cannot move to Scania, Luna, Elysium, Croa, Bera, Reboot, Reboot 2, Burning, Burning 2, Burning 3, or Burning 4.
    • You can only move to/from worlds that you chose for your first world leap.
    • You do not require empty character slots in the world you are moving to. However, if you have more than 48 characters, you will need to delete characters before you can create any more.
    • Your Cash Wardrobe and storage will not be moved over. Before you use World Leap, move the items to your inventory.
    • There is no limit on how many characters you can move.
    • You cannot cancel a movement after it has been confirmed, so choose carefully!

    ※ All coins related to the Flare Coin Shop and any weekly boss records will not be transferred over and will instead be based on the destination world.

    ※ All information related to the Ignition Fireworks Festival’s monthly missions will not be transferred over and will instead be based on the destination world.

    ※ The World Leap event’s duration may change, and certain worlds that can be moved to may end early.

    ※ Characters with the Mega Burning Booster effect must reach level 130 or wait for the Booster effect duration to end before being able to World Leap.

    [Cygnus Knights Remaster Event] Honour and Pride


    The [Cygnus Knights Remaster Event] Honour and Pride will run from June 30 to September 7. The Honour event is available for all Cygnus Knight characters (including those created before the event). The Pride event is available for all Cygnus Knight characters created after the patch on June 30.

    The Cygnus Knights that protect the Empress with honour and pride have been reborn! Play the Cygnus Knights armed with new power and receive rewards!


    The Honour and Pride UI can be opened by clicking on the event icon on the left side of the screen. Through this UI, you can receive the Honour and Pride gifts.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Honour – All Cygnus Knights Gifts can be obtained by clicking the <Receive Reward> button in the UI on any Cygnus Knight character who has reached their daily limit on Ignition Coins (including those created before the patch). All rewards can be claimed once per day per world.

    • Day 1: Petite Shinsoo Package
    • Day 2: Knight Nametag/Chat Bubble Rings Voucher
    • Day 3: Hall of Knights Chair Voucher
    • Day 4: Chief Knight Hair/Face Coupon Box
    • Day 5: Knight Damage Skin (Unit)
    • Day 6: Chief Knight Outfit Set Voucher
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Pride – New Cygnus Knights Gifts can be obtained by pressing the <Receive> button located on each reward after reaching certain levels on any Cygnus Knight character created after the June 30 maintenance. All rewards can be claimed once per Maple ID.

    • Level 100: Knight’s Pride Title Voucher
    • Level 150: Personality Growth Potion
    • Level 180: Mitra’s 2x Experience Coupon Box
    • Level 200: New Knight Support Box
      • 50 Selective Arcane Symbol Vouchers
      • 5 Core Gemstones
      • 5 Special Medals of Honour
    • Level 205: New Knight Support Box
      • 50 Selective Arcane Symbol Vouchers
      • 5 Core Gemstones
    • Level 210: New Knight Support Box
      • 50 Selective Arcane Symbol Vouchers
      • 10 Core Gemstones
    • Level 215: New Knight Support Box
      • 50 Selective Arcane Symbol Vouchers
      • 1 Experience Core Gemstone
    • Level 220: New Knight Support Box
      • 100 Selective Arcane Symbol Vouchers
      • 10 Core Gemstone
      • 1 Unique Emblem Box
    Ignition Fireworks Festival



    Ignition Fireworks Festival


    The Ignition Fireworks Festival will run from June 30 to September 7. It is available to characters level 101 or higher.

    Mister Ignition is a businessman who wants to hold the most wonderful fireworks festival in the world! Help Mister Ignition promote the Fireworks Festival and receive gifts!


    Mister Ignition has prepared daily missions, weekly missions, and monthly missions.

    Daily missions will reward Ignition Coins. They can be completed per character. You can acquire up to 300 Ignition Coins per day per character by completing these missions. Daily missions will reset every day at 12:00 AM.

    • Defeat 1,000 monsters within your level range (50 Ignition Coins)
    • Defeat 2,000 monsters within your level range (50 Ignition Coins)
    • Defeat 3 Elite Monsters & Champions (50 Ignition Coins)
    • Activate 2 Runes (50 Ignition Coins)
    • Clear Polo & Fritto 1 time (50 Ignition Coins)
    • Defeat 1 Elite Boss (50 Ignition Coins)
    • Clear Flame Wolf 1 time (50 Ignition Coins)
    • Defeat 3 daily bosses (50 Ignition Coins)
    • Complete the Road of Vanishing daily quests (20 Ignition Coins)
    • Complete Erda Spectrum (20 Ignition Coins)
    • Complete the Chew Chew Island daily quests (20 Ignition Coins)
    • Complete Hungry Muto (20 Ignition Coins)
    • Complete the Lacheln daily quests (20 Ignition Coins)
    • Complete Dream Breaker (20 Ignition Coins)
    • Complete the Arcana daily quests (20 Ignition Coins)
    • Complete Spirit Saviour (20 Ignition Coins)
    • Complete the Morass daily quests (20 Ignition Coins)
    • Complete Enheim Defense (20 Ignition Coins)
    • Complete the Esfera daily quests (20 Ignition Coins)
    • Complete Protect Esfera (20 Ignition Coins)
    • Complete the Cernium daily quests (20 Ignition Coins)
    • Complete the Burning Cernium daily quests (20 Ignition Coins)
    • Complete the Hotel Arcs daily quests (20 Ignition Coins)
    • Participate in <DJ Selena’s Showtime!> 5 times (50 Ignition Coins)
    • Clear <Spiegelmann’s Arcade Festival> 2 times (100 Ignition Coins)
    • Reach 300 points in <Spiegella’s Extreme Sports> (100 Ignition Coins)

    Weekly missions will reward Flare Coins. They can be completed per world, and can be claimed through the UI after defeating weekly bosses. You can acquire up to 400 Flare Coins per week per world by completing these missions. Weekly missions will reset every Thursday at 12:00 AM.

    • Defeat Easy Cygnus (5 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Hard Hilla (5 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Chaos Pink Bean (5 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Normal Cygnus (5 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Chaos Zakum (10 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Chaos Pierre (10 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Chaos Von Bon (10 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Chaos Bloody Queen (10 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Hard Magnus (20 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Chaos Vellum (20 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Chaos Papulatus (30 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Normal Suu (30 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Normal Demian (30 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Normal Guardian Angel Slime (30 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Easy Lucid (30 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Easy Will (30 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Normal Lucid (40 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Normal Will (40 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Normal Dusk (40 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Normal Dunkel (40 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Hard Demian (60 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Hard Suu (60 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Hard Lucid (60 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Hard Will (60 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Normal Jin Hilla (60 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Chaos Guardian Angel Slime (65 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Chaos Dusk (70 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Hard Dunkel (70 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Hard Jin Hilla (70 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Normal Seren (70 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Hard Seren (70 Flare Coins)
    • Defeat Watcher Kalos (80 Flare Coins)

    ※ If you are dead when the boss is defeated, you will not receive Flare Coins. However, if you dealt the most damage, you will still receive Flare Coins.

    ※ You will only receive Flare Coins after opening the treasure boxes in each boss’ reward stage.

    ※ When you open the Ignition Fireworks Festival UI, you will see information about the bosses you have defeated.

    Monthly missions will reward Ignition Coins. They can be completed per world. Ignition Coins from monthly missions are not included in your daily limit. Monthly missions will reset every 4 weeks, at 12:00 AM on July 28 and August 25.

    • Clear 50 daily missions (50 Ignition Coins)
    • Clear 100 daily missions (100 Ignition Coins)
    • Clear 150 daily missions (150 Ignition Coins)
    • Clear 200 daily missions (200 Ignition Coins)
    • Clear 10 weekly missions (50 Ignition Coins)
    • Clear 20 weekly missions (100 Ignition Coins)
    • Clear 30 weekly missions (150 Ignition Coins)
    • Clear 40 weekly missions (200 Ignition Coins)
    • Clear 50 weekly missions (250 Ignition Coins)
    • Participate in <DJ Selena’s Showtime!> 100 times (50 Ignition Coins)
    • Participate in <DJ Selena’s Showtime!> 150 times (100 Ignition Coins)
    • Participate in <DJ Selena’s Showtime!> 200 times (150 Ignition Coins)
    • Participate in <DJ Selena’s Showtime!> 250 times (200 Ignition Coins)
    • Participate in <Spiegelmann’s Arcade Festival> 10 times (50 Ignition Coins)
    • Participate in <Spiegelmann’s Arcade Festival> 20 times (100 Ignition Coins)
    • Participate in <Spiegelmann’s Arcade Festival> 30 times (150 Ignition Coins)
    • Participate in <Spiegelmann’s Arcade Festival> 40 times (200 Ignition Coins)
    • Achieve 1500 points in <Spiegella’s Extreme Sports> (50 Ignition Coins)
    • Achieve 3000 points in <Spiegella’s Extreme Sports> (100 Ignition Coins)
    • Achieve 4500 points in <Spiegella’s Extreme Sports> (150 Ignition Coins)
    • Achieve 6000 points in <Spiegella’s Extreme Sports> (0 Ignition Coins)
    • Defeat 20,000 monsters within your level range (50 Ignition Coins)
    • Defeat 40,000 monsters within your level range (100 Ignition Coins)
    • Defeat 60,000 monsters within your level range (150 Ignition Coins)
    • Defeat 80,000 monsters within your level range (200 Ignition Coins)
    • Defeat 100,000 monsters within your level range (250 Ignition Coins)


    When you collect the daily limit of 300 Ignition Coins, you will receive a Fireworks Stamp. This can be done once per day per Maple ID.


    Every time you reach a certain amount of Fireworks Stamps, you will receive rewards or Blaze Points. These rewards can only be claimed once per Maple ID.

    You can press the <Fireworks Pass> button in the Season Rewards tab to pay 3,000 Maple Points for 1 Fireworks Stamp that you have missed. It can be used as many times as the number of days you have missed.


    You can use the <Ignition Pass> in the Season Rewards tab to pay 39,800 Maple Points to receive two of every reward.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • Rewards
      • 7 Stamps: Selective Growth Potion Voucher
      • 14 Stamps: Selective Symbol Voucher
      • 21 Stamps: 3 Experience Core Gemstones Voucher
      • 28 Stamps: Maximum Growth Potion Voucher
      • 35 Stamps: Selective 3 Event Rings Voucher
      • 42 Stamps: Soft/Blush Petal Skin Voucher
      • 49 Stamps: 100% Karma Unique Potential Scroll
      • 56 Stamps: Maximum Growth Potion Voucher

    ※ The Selective Growth Potion Voucher lets you choose between 8 Growth Potions (200~209), 4 Growth Potions (200~219), 2 Growth Potions (200~229), or a Typhoon Growth Potion.

    ※ The Selective Symbol Voucher lets you choose between 200 Selective Arcane Symbol Vouchers or 40 Selective Authentic Symbol Vouchers.

    ※ The Selective 3 Event Rings Voucher lets you choose between a Tenebris Expedition Ring, Glorion Ring: Supreme, or Awake Ring.

    • Blaze Points
      • 1 Stamp: 10 Blaze Points
      • 4 Stamps: 20 Blaze Points
      • 8 Stamps: 10 Blaze Points
      • 11 Stamps: 20 Blaze Points
      • 15 Stamps: 10 Blaze Points
      • 18 Stamps: 20 Blaze Points
      • 22 Stamps: 10 Blaze Points
      • 25 Stamps: 20 Blaze Points
      • 29 Stamps: 10 Blaze Points
      • 32 Stamps: 20 Blaze Points
      • 36 Stamps: 10 Blaze Points
      • 39 Stamps: 20 Blaze Points
      • 43 Stamps: 10 Blaze Points
      • 46 Stamps: 20 Blaze Points
      • 50 Stamps: 30 Blaze Points
      • 53 Stamps: 40 Blaze Points
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    You can use the Blaze Points you collect to enhance your ‘Ignition Blaze ‘skill. You can choose which stats to use them on. Each stat can go up to level 5 and each level requires a different amount of points.

    • Skill level 1: 4 Blaze Points
    • Skill level 2: 6 Blaze Points
    • Skill level 3: 15 Blaze Points
    • Skill level 4: 30 Blaze Points
    • Skill level 5: 50 Blaze Points

    The stats of the Ignition Blaze skill (when they are level 5) are as follows:

    • 35% damage to regular monsters
    • 35% damage to boss monsters
    • 35% defense ignore
    • 25% critical rate
    • 25% buff duration
    • 12.5% experience acquired
    • 50 all stats
    • 50 Arcane Force
    • 25 attack/magic attack
    • 2500 HP/MP

    ※ The ‘Ignition Blaze’ skill can be used until September 7, 2022 at 11:59 PM.

    [DJ Selena’s Showtime!] Fireworks Dance


    The [DJ Selena’s Showtime] Fireworks Dance event will run from June 30 to July 27. It is available to characters level 101 or higher.

    An essential part of festivals are the fun dances! Watch Flaming Mike’s sophisticated dance moves and get abundant experience rewards!


    You can begin the event by talking to DJ Selena or through the event icon on the left side of the screen and receive the DJ Selena’s Showtime – Fireworks Dance skill.

    When you enter a map with monsters within your level range, the DJ Selena’s Showtime – Fireworks Dance skill will be activated automatically.


    Each time you defeat 100 monsters within your level range, the Fever Gauge will fill up by one bar. When you defeat 300 monsters, either the Normal Fever skill or the Lucky Fever skill will be activated. Flaming Mike will attack enemies in a wider range depending on the activated Fever skill.

    • Fireworks Dance: Burning Up: Flaming Mike appears, attacking nearby monsters 5 times before disappearing. You will acquire experience.
    • Fireworks Dance: Fire Dragon: Flaming Mike appears, attacking nearby monsters 5 times in a larger area before disappearing. You will acquire more experience.

    ※ The skill will be deactivated when the daily Fever activation limit of 20 times is reached.

    ※ DJ Selena’s Showtime – Fireworks Dance will only activate in maps with monsters within your level range. It will not activate in maps where an Elite Boss is summoned, maps where another player has already activated Fever skills, event maps, or certain other maps (like Mirror World and story quests).

    ※ Monsters defeated with the Fever skills will not count for the 300 monsters required to activate DJ Selena’s Showtime – Fireworks Dance again.

    ※ The summoned Mike will be visible only to you, and the experience acquired is affected by both experience increasing effects and the death penalty experience decreasing effect.

    Arcade Festival <Ignition Star Bridge>


    The Arcade Festival <Ignition Star Bridge> event will run from June 30 to July 13. It is available to characters level 200 or higher.

    Make constellations together with other players in the Fireworks Festival’s sky!


    You can talk to Fireworks Spiegelmann in the Main Stage to participate in either Quick Start or Party Play. You can only use Quick Start if you are not in a party, and you will play the game with two other players who have used Quick Start. You can participate in Party Play with a party of 1-3 people.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    A minimum of 1 to a maximum of 3 players can play the game, for 30 minutes. When the game starts, the UI on the right side of the screen will show the constellation image that needs to be created.

    You can approach purple stars and press the [NPC Chat/Harvest] key to put the constellation in connected mode. This mode will last for only 20 seconds, and will end when the time limit elapses. You can then go to other purple stars and press the [NPC Chat/Harvest] key to connect them. However, they will only be connected if they match the constellation image you must complete exactly.

    When the constellation is complete, you will begin the next stage. The game ends when a total of 3 stages are completed.


    You can obtain rewards by talking to Fireworks Spiegelmann in the exit map. If the game ended properly by completing the 3rd stage, you will acquire experience.

    ※ You can acquire the experience rewards up to 2 times per day per world.

    ※ If you received the experience rewards twice, you can still participate in the game but you will not acquire additional rewards.

    ※ From level 260 and higher, you will acquire the same amount of experience as level 260.

    ※ If you quit the game without completing the 3rd stage, you will not receive rewards.

    ※ If you leave the game before the game ends, you will be given a 5-minute entry restriction penalty (all characters within the same world will be blocked from entering Quick Start).

    ※ If you don’t move for about 30 seconds, you will be given a warning. If you receive 2 warnings, you will be forced to leave and be given a 30-minute entry restriction penalty (all characters within the same world will be blocked from entering Quick Start).

    Arcade Festival <Find the Differences>

    The Arcade Festival <Find the Differences> event will run from July 14 to July 27. It is available to characters level 200 or higher.

    Find the differences in the pictures in Spiegelmann’s secret museum together with other players!

    You can talk to Fireworks Spiegelmann in the Main Stage to participate in either Quick Start or Party Play. You can only use Quick Start if you are not in a party, and you will play the game with two other players who have used Quick Start. You can participate in Party Play with a party of 1-3 people.

    A minimum of 1 to a maximum of 3 players can play the game, for 30 minutes. When the game starts, the UI on the right side of the screen will show the the number of differences that you must find.

    There are a total of 5 stages, and the time limit for each stage is 5 minutes. You must find 3 differences in stage 1, 2, and 3, and 5 differences in stage 4 and 5. If you click on the picture, a circle will be displayed and a star will be activated in the upper right UI. If you click anywhere that isn’t correct, you will not be able to click for a short time.

    When all of the differences are found, you will begin the next stage. The game ends when a total of 5 stages are completed.

    You can obtain rewards by talking to Fireworks Spiegelmann in the exit map. If the game ended properly by completing the 5th stage, you will acquire experience.

    ※ You can acquire the experience rewards up to 2 times per day per world.

    ※ If you received the experience rewards twice, you can still participate in the game but you will not acquire additional rewards.

    ※ From level 260 and higher, you will acquire the same amount of experience as level 260.

    ※ If you quit the game without completing the 5th stage, you will not receive rewards.

    ※ If you leave the game before the game ends, you will be given a 5-minute entry restriction penalty (all characters within the same world will be blocked from entering Quick Start).

    ※ If you don’t move for about 30 seconds, you will be given a warning. If you receive 2 warnings, you will forced to leave and be given a 30-minute entry restriction penalty (all characters within the same world will be blocked from entering Quick Start).

    Extreme Sports <Sky Sovereigns>


    The Extreme Sports <Sky Sovereigns> event will run from June 30 to July 27.

    The extreme sport held at the Ignition Fireworks Festival, Sky Sovereigns! Blow enemies away in the festival’s sky!

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Every day from 10:00 AM to 11:45 PM, you’ll receive an invitation on top of your head at XX:15 and XX:45. A minimum of 10 to a maximum of 20 players can enter a single game.

    When you enter the game, players will be split into the Red team and Blue team. The colours of your character name, HP bar, and skills will match your team.

    You can press the Jump key while in the air to Double Jump. You can press the Ctrl key to use the Toy Hammer Swing! skill. If you hold the key down, you can charge energy in your hammer, and when you release the skill, you can swing it to deal damage to multiple enemies while stunning and knocking them back. When the energy is filled, the stun duration and knockback range are increased.

    Two types of items will be created around the map. You can use them by pressing the Z key.

    • Bomb Throw!: Throw a bomb forwards that deals damage and stuns multiple enemies.
    • High Barrier: Become immune to damage and stuns for a certain period of time. However, you will not ignore death from the lasers.

    You will receive 1 point for each character you defeat. In addition, Gold Hammers will be created around the map at certain times. If you get the last hit on someone with them, you’ll receive 5 points.

    When the game ends, the teams’ individual scores will be added up and the one with the higher point total will win.


    When you exit, you’ll get Game Points based on the game results. If you don’t move for about 30 seconds, you will be given a warning. If you receive 2 warnings, you will be forced to leave without acquiring any points.

    • Individual Points Rewards
      • Receive 10 Game Points per 1 individual point
      • ※ You can only acquire up to 100 Game Points from individual points per game.
    • Team Rewards
      • Receive 200 Game Points when your team wins.
      • Receive 150 Game Points when your team draws.
      • Receive 100 Game Points when your team loses.


    Honor Reward: Receive the Ignition’s Sovereign Chair Voucher when you have a cumulative total of 1800 Game Points in the world.

    Honor Reward: Receive the Selective Toy Hammer Sovereign Voucher when you have a cumulative total of 3600 Game Points in the world.

    ※ You can acquire up to 300 Game Points per character per day. ※

    ※ If you reach your daily Game Points limit, you can still participate in the game but you will not acquire additional Game Points. ※

    ※ The Honor Reward can only be claimed once per world. ※

    Ignition Highlight Time


    The Ignition Highlight Time event will run from June 30 to July 27.

    Players are invited to a special performance on the Main Stage of the Ignition Fireworks Festival!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    A special performance will be held on the <Ignition Fireworks Festival/Main Stage> map every 30 minutes. The buff will be given out for 10 minutes and the effects will stack with other buffs with the same effects.

    At even numbered hours, DJ Selena’s Special Performance will take place, giving 15% experience acquired for 30 minutes.

    At odd numbered hours, the Ignition Fireworks Festival will take place, giving 15 all stats, 15 attack/magic attack, 1500 HP/MP, 15% boss damage, and 15% defense ignore for 30 minutes.

    ※ The DJ Selena’s Special Performance buff effect will be maintained if you disconnect from the game but the Ignition Fireworks Festival buff effect will disappear. ※

    Ignition Coin Shop


    The Ignition Coin Shop event will run from June 30 to September 11. This event is available to characters level 101 or higher.

    Filled with charming gifts like enhancement, growth, ring, and cosmetic items! Collect Ignition Coins to purchase a variety of items!


    You can talk to Concierge Rena at the Ignition Fireworks Festival Main Stage to use the Ignition Coin Shop, where you can use your Ignition Coins to purchase various items.

    • Enhancement
      • 10 Reboot Meso Pouches Voucher (100 coins) [limit of 8]
      • 100% Epic Potential Scroll (300 coins) [limit of 5]
      • Special Additional Potential Scroll (300 coins) [limit of 5]
      • 100% Gold Hammer (60 coins) [limit of 20]
      • 60% Innocent Scroll (50 coins) [limit of 10]
      • Gold Potential Stamp (20 coins) [limit of 20]
      • Special Additional Potential Stamp (30 coins) [limit of 20]
      • Strange Additional Cube (100 coins) [limit of 30]
      • 100% Pet Equipment Attack Scroll (700 coins) [limit of 10]
      • 100% Pet Equipment Magic Attack Scroll (700 coins) [limit of 10]
      • Karma Powerful Rebirth Flame (50 coins) [limit of 30]
      • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame (150 coins) [limit of 30]
      • Karma Black Rebirth Flame (250 coins) [limit of 20]
      • Karma Craftsman’s Cube (100 coins) [limit of 20]
      • Karma Meister Cube (150 coins) [limit of 20]
      • Arcane River Droplet Stone (150 coins) [limit of 10]
      • Primal Droplet Stone (150 coins) [limit of 10]
      • Event Ring Only Meister Cube (100 coins) [limit of 90]
      • 100% Event Ring Only Legendary Potential Scroll (5000 coins) [limit of 1]
      • Karma 17 Star Enhancement Scroll (7000 coins) [limit of 1]
      • Tenebris Expedition Ring Enhancement Scroll (500 coins) [limit of 3]
      • Awake Ring Only Enhancement Scroll (500 coins) [limit of 3]
    • Growth
      • 2x Experience Coupon (15 Minutes) (30 coins) [limit of 2 per day]
      • Mystery Monster Egg (200 coins) [limit of 3]
      • 7 Monster Life Gems Voucher (20 coins) [limit of 10 per week]
      • 100 Power Elixirs Voucher (5 coins) [unlimited]
      • Teleport World Map (1 Days) Voucher (15 coins) [limit of 1 per day]
      • Pendant Slot Expansion Coupon (7 Days) (60 coins) [limit of 1 per week]
      • Personality Growth Potion (300 coins) [limit of 2]
      • Selective 8 Slot Expansion Coupons (100 coins) [limit of 4]
      • AP Reset Scroll (50 coins) [limit of 1]
      • SP Reset Scroll (50 coins) [limit of 1]
      • Infinite Fatigue Potion (10 coins) [limit of 1 per day]
      • Character Slot Expansion Coupon (200 coins) [limit of 3]
      • 8 Slot Recipe Bag (80 coins) [limit of 1]
      • 8 Slot Crafting Material Bag (80 coins) [limit of 1]
      • 20 Slot Scroll Bag (200 coins) [limit of 1]
      • 40 Slot Soul Bag (500 coins) [limit of 1]
      • Core Gemstone (70 coins) [limit of 50]
      • Experience Core Gemstone (1000 coins) [limit of 5]
      • Special Medal of Honour (100 coins) [limit of 15]
      • Chaos Circulator (800 coins) [limit of 5]
      • Black Circulator (1500 coins) [limit of 3]
      • Legendary Circulator (4000 coins) [limit of 1]
      • Arcane Symbol: Road of Vanishing (20 coins) [limit of 100]
      • Arcane Symbol: Chew Chew Island (20 coins) [limit of 100]
      • Arcane Symbol: Lacheln (40 coins) [limit of 100]
      • Arcane Symbol: Arcana (40 coins) [limit of 100]
      • Arcane Symbol: Morass (60 coins) [limit of 100]
      • Arcane Symbol: Esfera (60 coins) [limit of 100]
      • Selective Authentic Symbol Voucher (150 coins) [limit of 100]
    • Cosmetics
      • Ignition Fireworks Festival Chair (2000 coins) [limit of 1]
      • Mister Ignitionroid Voucher (1500 coins) [limit of 1]
      • DJ Selenaroid Voucher (1500 coins) [limit of 1]
      • Ignition Fireworks Damage Skin (Unit) (1000 coins) [limit of 1]
      • Beach Party Outfit Set Box (1500 coins) [limit of 1]
      • Sunset Beach Chair (500 coins) [limit of 1]
      • Rolling Watermelon Riding (Permanent) Voucher (700 coins) [limit of 1]
      • Surfing Riding (Permanent) Voucher (700 coins) [limit of 1]
      • Damage Skin Extractor (1500 coins) [limit of 1]
      • 40 Slot Chair Bag (500 coins) [limit of 1]

    ※ All items in this shop are untradeable, except for the items in the Enhancement tab (can be put into storage). However, the Event Ring Only Meister Cubes and the Tenebris Ring/Awake Ring Enhancement Scrolls are untradeable.

    ※ All items in this shop are limited per character, except for all items in the Enhancement tab (per world), the Mystery Monster Eggs (per world), Monster Life Gems (per world), Character Slot Expansion Coupons (per world), the Core Gemstones/Experience Core Gemstones (per world), and the Damage Skin Extractor (per world).

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Here are how the new items look.

    Flare Coin Shop


    The Flare Coin Shop event will run from June 30 to September 11. This event is available to characters level 101 or higher.

    The Flare Coin Shop is filled with rare items! Buy hard-to-find items by acquiring Flare Coins!


    You can talk to Bodyguard O at the Ignition Fireworks Festival Main Stage to use the Flare Coin Shop, where you can use your Flare Coins to purchase various items.

    • Arcane River Droplet Stone (15 coins) [limit of 50, Reboot only]
    • Primal Droplet Stone (15 coins) [limit of 50, Reboot only]
    • Additional Cube Voucher (40 coins) [limit of 15, not available in Reboot]
    • Karma 60% Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness (10 coins) [limit of 50, not available in Reboot]
    • Karma Powerful Rebirth Flame (5 coins) [limit of 30]
    • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame (15 coins) [limit of 30]
    • Karma Black Rebirth Flame (25 coins) [limit of 50]
    • Karma 100% Premium Pet Equipment Attack Scroll (500 coins) [limit of 8, not available in Reboot]
    • Karma 100% Premium Pet Equipment Magic Attack Scroll (500 coins) [limit of 8, not available in Reboot]
    • Karma 100% Premium Accessory Attack Scroll (500 coins) [limit of 5, not available in Reboot]
    • Karma 100% Premium Accessory Magic Attack Scroll (500 coins) [limit of 5, not available in Reboot]
    • Black Circulator (150 coins) [limit of 5]

    ※ All items in this shop can be put into storage and are limited per world.

    Meso Shop


    The Meso Shop event will run from June 30 to September 11. This event is available to characters level 101 or higher.

    Buy special and hard-to-find items with mesos!


    You can talk to Chef Dongdong at the Ignition Fireworks Festival Main Stage to use the Meso Shop, where you can use your mesos to purchase various items.

    • Karma Powerful Rebirth Flame (15m mesos) [limit of 30, not available in Reboot]
    • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame (45m mesos) [limit of 30, not available in Reboot]
    • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame (250m mesos) [limit of 30, Reboot only]
    • Karma Black Rebirth Flame (75m mesos) [limit of 50, not available in Reboot]
    • Karma Black Rebirth Flame (375m mesos) [limit of 30, Reboot only]
    • Strange Cube (500k mesos) [limit of 100, Reboot only]
    • Karma 60% Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness (35m mesos) [limit of 50, not available in Reboot]
    • Karma 100% Premium Accessory Attack Scroll (1b mesos) [limit of 5, not available in Reboot]
    • Karma 100% Premium Accessory Magic Attack Scroll (800m mesos) [limit of 5, not available in Reboot]
    • Fairy Heart (2b mesos) [limit of 1]
    • Karma 100% Premium Pet Equipment Attack Scroll (1b mesos) [limit of 10, not available in Reboot]
    • Karma 100% Premium Pet Equipment Magic Attack Scroll (800m mesos) [limit of 10, not available in Reboot]
    • Alliance Commander Outfit Set Voucher (1.5b mesos) [limit of 3]
    • Selective Cygnus Knight Outfit Box (500m mesos) [limit of 10]
    • Selective Cygnus Knight Weapon Box (500m mesos) [limit of 10]
    • Soft Petal Skin Android Change Coupon (800m mesos) [limit of 1]
    • Blush Petal Skin Android Change Coupon (800m mesos) [limit of 1]
    • Android Ear Sensor Clip (600m mesos) [limit of 1]

    ※ All items in this shop are untradeable (except for the Karma Flames and Incredible Chaos Scrolls of Goodness (can be put into storage) and are limited per world.


    Here are how the new items look.

    Lady Blair’s Dream Express


    The Lady Blair’s Dream Express event will run from July 1 to July 5. During this time, you can freely move your Cash items between characters, regardless of cash restrictions.

    Sunday Maple/Special Sunday Maple

    The Sunday Maple event will take place on July 10 and July 24. The Special Sunday Maple event will take place on July 3 and July 17.

    On July 3, it will be Petite Pet Time where the following benefits will take place:

    • Stay logged in to receive a Special Sunday Maple <Pet Box> every 1 hour (up to 5 hours).
      • The first time you open one, there is a 100% chance to receive the 30 Day Sherbet Pet Voucher. The second-fifth boxes have a 100% chance to receive 200 Ignition Coins.
      • Each box gives you a chance chance to receive one of the following items:
        • Oberon Pet Voucher
        • Titania Pet Voucher
        • Petite Pico Pet Voucher
        • Victory Pet Voucher
        • Glory Pet Voucher
        • Petite Pony Pet Voucher
        • Twilight Pet Voucher
        • Dawn Pet Voucher
        • Petite Lantern Voucher
    • 2x Ignition Coins acquired and daily limit from daily missions

    On July 10, the following benefits will take place:

    • ?
    • 2x Ignition Coins acquired and daily limit from daily missions

    On July 17, it will be Miracle Time where the following benefits will take place:

    • 2x chance to tier up potential ranks when using Cubes from 8 AM to 11:30 PM
    • 2x Ignition Coins acquired and daily limit from daily missions

    On July 24, the following benefits will take place:

    • ?
    • 2x Ignition Coins acquired and daily limit from daily missions

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog