KMS KMS ver. 1.2.368 – MapleStory Ignition: Odium & Maple Vision Talk!

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Aug 25, 2022.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The third and final patch of the MapleStory Ignition update, Odium, has been released. It includes job balancing, the new level 275 area Awakened Laboratory: Odium, as well as various convenience improvements. It also has this year’s Chuseok event, where the summer event’s Ignition Fireworks Festival turns into the Ignition Full Moon Party and the collaboration event with BTS Jin!

    In addition, before the patch, they released the 2022 Maple Vision Talk, where Wong-ki talked about MapleStory’s general direction going forward.

    2022 Maple Vision Talk

    A new type of video from MapleStory’s director Kang Wong-ki was released called the Maple Vision Talk. These will replace the roadmaps they have been releasing for the past few updates and instead of talking specifically about what will be coming, they will instead reflect on what updates they make in more details and speak more broadly about MapleStory’s future.

    This one was split into a few different sections so I’ll just include some of the more important points and things I found interesting.

    • Growth
      • They will gradually alleviate the amount of time required to level up.
      • They showed a graph of the percentage of players that were level 250 or higher (1.97% in 2020, 8.99% in 2021, 17.52% in 2022).
      • They will make continous improvements to growth difficulty, including making character growth more convenient, changing hunting ground structures, and improving the overall hunting system.
    • Skills
      • They will be looking at various jobs’ skill usage experiences and work on improving them with structural and numerical changes.
      • They will no longer be doing job branch remasters like they did for Adventurers and the Cygnus Knights. They will instead reorganize jobs separately for the ones that need it the most, similar to the changes they have been making over the year to other jobs.
    • Bosses
      • They will be adding new bosses, including more mid-tier difficulties to help bridge the gap between different tiers of bosses.
      • They will be making combat patterns and boss content convenience improvements. This includes the smart matching system they mentioned before which will be released soon.
      • They will try to present new layers of boss difficulties, like how Extreme Mode has some enhanced patterns apart from having increased HP and damage.
      • They are looking at improving the rewards from Extreme Mode as needed.
      • They will continue improving boss patterns to make them more fair and skillful.
    • Equipment
      • They are focusing on step-by-step growth and gradually alleviating difficulty.
      • They mentioned the things they already added, including the Toad’s Hammer improvements, adding the Dawn Boss accessories, the new Ethernal set, and the various improvements to cubing and Magnificent Souls.
      • They don’t want to cause big changes in the values of existing items.
    • Story
      • They are focusing on improving the existing story, such as adding Kao’s Memories, and updating the stories of the remastered classes.
      • For new stories, they want to connect them to previous stories more smoothly.
      • They are planning to add ‘story summary’ and ‘story replay’ features.
    • Convenience Improvements
      • They showed a graph of the number of convenience improvements they have made each month.
      • They will continue to do steady convenience improvements to create a more comfortable gameplay environment for both existing and new players.
    • MapleStory in Real Life
      • They will continue to have events such as the MapleStory Orchestra, the Balloon Festival, MapleStory Bread, Isaac Toast, and Sulbing collaborations, as well as their charitable promotions like the Rock Spirit Sharing Project.
      • They will continue to have live broadcasts and other various video content.
    • Trust
      • They talked about how they released Nexon Now and the update to Maple Hands+ where players could see real-time probability results to ensure trust in the game’s systems.
      • They are planning to release an open API so that players can use it in a bigger variety of ways.
      • Out of the 504 items on the Maple Notice Board, 309 of them have already been completed, 31 are being worked on at all times, and 9 of them are planned to be completed within the year. This means they will have completed 349 items, or about 70% of them.
    • Long-Term Vision
      • They want MapleStory to be a national game that the whole family can enjoy.
      • They want MapleStory’s IP to become cultural content.
      • They want MapleStory to run for a long time, for the next 30 to 40 years and more.

    • Job Skill Balancing
    • New Area <Awakened Laboratory: Odium>
      • The laboratory hidden in the clouds, Odium. Open the locked laboratory’s door and discover its secrets!
    • Monster Collection
    • Convenience Improvements
    • Improvements
      • Hunting Grounds
      • Flame Wolf
      • Quests
      • Items
      • NPC
      • Maps
      • UI
      • Client Performance
      • Etc.
    • Error Fixes
      • Quests
      • Items
      • NPC
      • Monsters
      • Maps
      • UI
      • Etc.
    • [Ignition Fireworks Festival] Attention Please!
    • [Ignition Fireworks Festival] DJ Selena’s Showtime! Amazing Ignition Finale
    • [Ignition Full Moon Party] Fairy Wonky’s Special Rainbow!
    • [Ignition Full Moon Party] Mike’s Minigame Lounge!
    • [Ignition Full Moon Party] Jin’s World-Wide Handsome!
    • [Ignition Fulll Moon Party] Jin! Sunday Maple
    • Fairy Bros’ Golden Chariot
    • Lady Blair’s Dream Express
    Job Skill Balancing

    Developer Notes:

    These job skill changes took place in 4 major areas.

    • Skill usage cycle related changes
    • Common and job skill structure improvements
    • Hunting performance improvements
    • Numerical adjustments

    <1> Skill Usage Cycle Related Changes

    Recently, MapleStory’s combat is in the so-called ‘burst meta’, where various powerful battle-related elements are saved and used together in a short period of time to deal the most damage. In this meta, skill usage cycles naturally created various issues related to combat performance.

    Some jobs with skill usage cycles of 240 seconds or more had relatively weaker synergy with jobs that had shorter skill usage cycles, and there were factors other than skills that also made it more advantageous to use skills in specific cycles. Even within the same job, skill usage cycles did not match without any specific reasons, which made combat complicated. About these issues, the development team has prepared a response.

    If all skill usage cycles were unified to a specific cycle to solve the current issues, we are concerned that MapleStory would be stuck with having bursts in a specific cycle going forward and it would lose expandability. This is why we said that we would think about this a lot and gradually fix or change things related to skill usage cycles rather than changing it all at once.

    After sharing this direction, we’ve been thinking about it until now. We wanted to make changes related to the skill usage cycle as complete as possible to provide a logical and well-designed experience that doesn’t cause the same issues as now but also provide a more fun combat experience for both solo and party play.

    However, we expected that it would take quite a long time to think about what changes we would make, come up with a complete answer, then implement them into the game. Now, we think that telling players to wait patiently for the current issues to be fixed without any concrete promises or timelines is different than the direction that we are moving MapleStory in recently.

    Therefore, although this is not a full set of changes and doesn’t completely solve every issue, we thought it would be best to make these changes right now to give players a better experience than before as long as they didn’t make a big problem for the game’s future.

    The following is a summary of the changes related to skill usage cycles that we will implement in this update.

    First, for core skills with cooldowns 240 seconds or longer, we have reduced their cooldowns while maintaining the experience of using them as much as possible to prevent situations where they are limited in party play with other jobs.

    For Hyper skills, cooldown reduction effects did not apply to them so there were situations where you had to wait to use other skills to match with Hyper skills. Even if they weren’t Hyper skills, we think that skills that didn’t match up with skill usage cycles without specific reasons was a factor in reducing enjoyment of battle in this current meta, so we have changed most Hyper skills to apply cooldown reduction effects. We have also changed other skills’ cooldowns if they did not match the cycles without specific reasons.

    In addition, the Goddess’ Blessing type skills, which are common skills used by all jobs, have been changed into charge-type skills so that they can be used based on various skill usage cycles.

    Bishop’s ‘Pray’ and ‘Angels of Libra’s skill usage structures have been changed so that they can synergize with jobs that use skills in cycles shorter than 180 seconds. The detailed changes will be discussed in the Bishop section.

    Finally, we changed the liberated Genesis weapon skill ‘Demiurge of Destruction’ to a passive to remove the differences in effectiveness based on the skill usage cycles, and to remove the situation where you had to intentionally stop attacking for it to synergize with other skills.

    As we said before, we don’t think the changes being implemented this time will completely solve every issue. However, we don’t want to adjust more things all at once other than what we already mentioned, and it’s true that we can’t accurately predict any changes in experience or numbers that will occur. Therefore, for things related to the skill usage cycle, we will only implement the above points first, and then make additional change afterwards by considering a more complete experience.

    Also, due to these skill cycle related changes, we expect that many jobs will have a big change in their combat performance without separate numerical changes. In this test world, some jobs have been numerically adjusted in consideration of these changes, but we require additional data confirmation. We ask for your understanding that it’s possible additional numerical adjustments will be made based on the skill usage cycle changes by checking data from this test world and even after this update is implemented in the official servers.

    <2> Common/Job Skill Structural Improvements

    The following are common and job skill structural improvements. We have made various structural improvements during the first half of the year but we think there are still things that need further work.

    First, we’ll talk about the three things that will change for common skill structures.

    The 1st change is the removal of the skill structure where the damage changed based on the number of enemies being attacked. The original intention of this structure was to change the utility of skills in hunting and boss battles. However, recent boss monsters often appear together with several other monsters, causing inconvenience where certain skills have different effectiveness in different bosses, so we have removed this logic entirely.

    The 2nd change is to the skills that the common magician skill ‘Overload Mana’ applies to. Magicians’ core skill ‘Overload Mana’ says in the description that it applies to all skills except for summons, but for some classes, it was not applied to their core skills so there was a problem of inequality. In addition, there were cases where it was hard to intuitively understand if a skill was a summon or not. Therefore, in this update, we reviewed all of the skills that ‘Overload Mana’ did not apply to and changed most of them to be affected by it.

    The 3rd change is to install skills that cannot be installed on top of each other. Some existing install skills are set so that they can’t be installed on top of each other without any specific reason, which interfered with party play between certain jobs. In this update, we have changed them so that they can be installed even if they’re overlapping another one, as long as there is no separate interference.

    In addition, we made job skill improvements by focusing on jobs other than Adventurers/Cygnus, which have already received major structural improvements through their recent remasters. This time, since various changes have been implemented for many jobs, we have written detailed developer notes for each job to tell you about the changes, so please check them out.

    <3> Hunting Performance Improvements

    The third area was hunting performance improvements. MapleStory is a game where you have to hunt for long periods of time. Therefore, we think that hunting performance should not have excessive differences based on jobs, and hunting for a long time should be easier and more fun.

    During the first half of the year, we made various skill improvements including those related to hunting performance. However, in this update, we have designated this as a separate topic and proceeded with more active improvements.

    First of all, various factors that improved hunting performance/convenience for each job have been implemented. For detailed information, see each job’s developer notes.

    However, there were certain jobs that did not achieve sufficient performance improvements with these job changes, so we have also increased the utility of the common hunting skill ‘Erda Shower’.

    The range of the skill itself has been increased, it can now be used while in the air, and the cooldown has been decreased. In addition, a new feature where the skill can be used as an install type skill, ‘Erda Fountain’ has been added so that it can be used as needed for different jobs’ hunting.

    <4> Numerical Adjustments

    The last area is related to numerical adjustments. Starting with the Adventurer remaster, we did big-scale improvement work in skill areas that hadn’t been changed for a long time. These improvements also included balancing, reducing the performance gap between jobs.

    In the process of reducing these performance gaps, we said that we would avoid the experience of nerfing performance as much as possible and try to narrow the current gaps by buffing the weaker jobs.

    With this direction, the standard of equalization was set based on boss battles/hunting performance/utility skills/combat convenience. In line with that standard, we have improved the combat performance of most classes through two remasters and various structural/numerical improvements during the first half of the year.

    However, in the process of reorganizing various skills all at once, such as with the remaster, some jobs had numerical upgrades that exceeded the development team’s expectations, and we began to think again about the goal and direction of our numerical adjutments.

    Of course, we don’t think that MapleStory will ever be ‘completely balanced’ numerically since combat-related elements are constantly added and changed through updates.

    But now, we are clearly moving towards the goals that we set last year. We thought that setting a new standard while still not reaching our intended goal could cause unexpected changes in skill performance once again, and further adversely affect the game’s growth experience and economy.

    In the end, we thought that instead of buffing everyone, it would be best to adjust the jobs that had higher increases in performance than we intended over the first half the year and try to more accurately predict these increases going forward.

    Before we talk about the skill changes for each job, we would like to apologize for not being able to fully follow the development direction we talked about before because of our inaccurate predictions of increased performance.

    As mentioned in the skill usage cycle changes, this update includes various structural and numerical changes, so we expect that additional buffs and nerfs will be inevitable in subsequent updates.

    Going forward, we will try our best to minimize any changes that need to be made after an update through more accurate predictions, and we will continue to check various indicators after implementation to review if they are adequate.

    • Hyper skills have been improved so that they apply cooldown reduction effects. However, they will not apply to the following skills.
      • Soul Master – [​IMG][​IMG] Blazing Assault/Luster Charge
      • Striker – [​IMG] God of the Seas
      • Xenon – [​IMG] Meltdown Explosion
      • Kaiser – [​IMG] Prominence
      • Hoyoung – [​IMG] Sage Teachings: Dream Garden
    • [​IMG] The skills that Overload Mana applies to have been expanded. However, some skills like those that continuously consume MP per second, those that don’t deal damage, and those that don’t consume MP will not have it applied. The following skills have been improved.
      • Archmage (F/P) – [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Ifrit, Fire Aura, Fury of Ifrit
      • Archmage (I/L) – [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Thunder Sphere, Elquines, Spirit of Snow
      • Bishop – [​IMG][​IMG] Fountain for Angels, Bahamut
      • Flame Wizard – [​IMG] Inferno Rise (Flame Fox)
      • Evan – [​IMG][​IMG] Summon Onyx Dragon, Zodiac Ray
      • Illium – [​IMG] Crystal Gate
      • Battle Mage – [​IMG] Grim Reaper
      • Kinesis – [​IMG] Psychic Ground 2
    • [​IMG] Overload Mana: For jobs that don’t have MP, the HP consumed has been decreased from 0.5% maximum HP to 0.3% maximum HP.
    • [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Maple World Goddess’ Blessing/Empress Cygnus’ Blessing/Transcendent Cygnus’ Blessing/Transcendent Rhinne’s Blessing/Grandis Goddess’ Blessing/Another World Goddess’ Blessing: These skills have been improved so that 1 blessing is prepared every few minutes. You can prepare up to 2 blessings. The cooldowns have been removed.
      • Note: The Blessing skills’ preparation times are the same as the previous cooldowns (e.g. Maple World Goddess’ Blessing prepares 1 every 180 seconds, Empress Cygnus’ Blessing prepares 1 every 240 seconds).
    • [​IMG] Demiurge of Destruction: This skill has been changed into an on/off skill. When the skill is activated, the Knight of Destruction can be summoned. This skill now permanently increases final damage by 10%. The effect will now match the direction the character is facing.
    • [​IMG] Aion of Creation: The Genesis Aura’s attack range has been increased by about 20%. The Genesis Aura’s hit timing has been decreased by about 37%. The effect will now match the direction the character is facing. Fixed an issue where the effect was displayed awkwardly.
    • The limit on install skills that could not be installed overlapping other skills has been alleviated. Only the following skills cannot be installed in a spot overlapping another.
      • Common – [​IMG] Decent Mystic Door
      • Bishop – [​IMG][​IMG] Holy Fountain, Mystic Door
      • Cannon Shooter – [​IMG] Pool Maker supply boxes
      • Mechanic – [​IMG] Open Gate: GX-9
      • Lara – [​IMG][​IMG] Expression: Wind Swing, Expression: Where the River Flows
    • The skills that deal different damage based on the number of enemies being attacked have been improved.
      • Archmage (I/L) – [​IMG] Spirit of Snow
      • Pathfinder – [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Cardinal Blast, Cardinal Blast Enhancement, Advanced Cardinal Force
      • Captain – [​IMG] Deadeye
      • Wind Breaker – [​IMG] Song of Heaven
      • Aran – [​IMG][​IMG] Beyonder, Fenrir Crash
      • Luminous – [​IMG] Gate of Truth
      • Cadena – [​IMG] Summon Beating Needle Bat
      • Zero – [​IMG] Great Sword Mastery
      • Adele – [​IMG][​IMG] Resonance, Marker
      • Illium – [​IMG] Glory Wings: Javelin
      • Hoyoung – [​IMG][​IMG] Talisman: Evil Sealing Gourd, Sage Teachings: Tai Yu Clone
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Erda Shower: This skill has been improved so that it can be used while in the air. The attack range has been increased by about 17%. The cooldown has been decreased from 45 seconds to 40 seconds. The cooldown reduction per enemy hit has been increased from 1 second to 2 seconds. The action delay has been decreased by about 19%.
      • [​IMG] Erda Fountain: You can use Erda Shower with the down arrow key to summon an Erda Fountain filled with pure Erda for 60 seconds.
        When you defeat 12 enemies, the collected Erda will explode, dealing 825% damage 4 times on up to 10 enemies.
        Cooldown: 60 seconds.
        Erda Shower and Erda Fountain share a cooldown.
    Adventurer Warriors

    • Fixed an issue in the Battle Analysis system where Upper Charge’s icon was displayed awkwardly.

    • [​IMG] Raging Blow: The damage has been increased from 200% to 320%. The number of hits has been decreased from 7 to 4. The attack range has been increased by about 14%. The enhanced Raging Blow’s damage has been increased from 215% to 344%. The number of hits has been decreased from 7 to 4. The attack range has been increased by about 5%. Fixed an issue where the effect and action were awkward when using a two-handed sword.
    • [​IMG] Sword of Burning Soul: This skill will no longer return to the character if they move more than a certain distance away when it is placed at a position. You can now re-use the skill when it is placed somewhere to return it to the character.
    • [​IMG] Combo Death Fault: The final damage boost when hitting an enemy has been removed. The cooldown has been increased from 20 seconds to 25 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Combo Instinct: The cooldown has been decreased from 240 seconds to 120 seconds. The duration has been decreased from 30 seconds to 20 seconds. The spatial tear’s damage has been decreased from 400% to 325% (at level 25).
    • [​IMG] Sword Illusion: This skill now increases final damage equal to the boost from 6 Combo Counters for 8 seconds after being used. This effect applies additively with the final damage boost from Combo Counters.

    Developer Notes:

    For Hero, to improve their hunting performance, we increased ‘Enhanced Raging Blow’s range, and condensed the ‘Raging Blow’ and ‘Enhanced Raging Blow’s number of hits to improve the issue of stuttering when defeating monsters.

    In addition, since the idea of consuming Combos was removed after the remaster, the justification of ‘Combo Death Fault’ giving a final damage boost was low and we moved it to ‘Sword Illusion’ so you can use ‘Combo Death Fault’s invincibility feature more freely. However, since its utility and Hero’s survivability increased, we inevitably had to increase its cooldown.

    Next, we adjusted ‘Combo Instinct’s cooldown to create better synergy with Hero’s other skills and like we said before, to make it easier to party play with other jobs.

    Finally, we changed ‘Sword of Burning Soul’ to not return to the character after being placed down to increase its effectiveness in hunting. We added the ability to return it to the character by re-using the skill to make it more effective in both hunting and bossing.

    • [​IMG] Divine Charge: The Divine Stigma enhanced Divine Charge’s attack range has been increased by about 13%.
    • [​IMG] Holy Unity: The cooldown on changing the bonded target has been decreased from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Blessed Hammers: You can now re-use the skill to stop the attack. Fixed an issue where certain effects would remain if you died while it was active then revived. Fixed an issue where the effect was displayed awkwardly when entering certain quest cutscenes.
    • [​IMG] Mighty Mjolnir: The hammer preparation time has been decreased from 15 seconds to 12 seconds. The maximum number of hammers you can hold has been increased from 2 to 3. The damage has been decreased from 450% to 360%, the shockwave’s damage has been decreased from 500% to 400% (at level 25). The MP consumption has been decreased from 500 MP to 400 MP.

    Developer Notes:

    For Paladin, to improve the hunting experience, we increased ‘Divine Charge’s range and shortened ‘Mighty Mjolnir’s hammer charge time to increase their ability to dominate the map.

    In addition, to prevent situations where ‘Blessed Hammers’ was hitting things you didn’t want it to, we added the ability to instantly stop the attack and decreased ‘Holy Unity’s cooldown on switching party members to increase combat convenience.
    Dark Knight

    • [​IMG] Dark Impale: The attack range has been increased by about 9%.
    • [​IMG] Dark Thirst: The duration has been decreased from 30 seconds to 25 seconds. The cooldown has been decreaseed from 120 seconds to 90 seconds.

    Developer Notes:

    For Dark Knight, to improve their hunting experience, we increased ‘Dark Impale’s range.

    In addition, we adjusted ‘Dark Thirst’s cooldown and duration so that it can be used more freely for both offense and defense in boss battles.
    Adventurer Magicians

    • [​IMG] Infinity: The final damage boost can now only go up to 115%.

    Developer Notes:

    As a result of checking various data from the Adventurer remaster until now, we confirmed that the overall combat performance of the Adventurer magicians were excessively improved due to their various skill changes. In particular, the skill usage experience was greatly improved with the changes to ‘Unstable Memorize’ but since this increased the uptime of ‘Infinity’, it caused unintentional excessive performance. Therefore, we have added an upper limit on the final damage boost effect from ‘Infinity’ so that we can adjust the skill’s performance while maintaining the improved usage experience.
    Archmage (F/P)

    • [​IMG] Explosion: The attack range has been moved upwards.
    • [​IMG] Poison Region: The poison area’s creation range has been decreased by about 33%. The poison area’s range where it can be exploded has been decreased by 28%. The poison area explosion’s damage has been increased from 192% to 205%, the number of hits has been decreased from 5 to 4. The poison area explosion now deals 30% increased damage when attacking normal monsters. Fixed an issue where sometimes the poison area was not created.
    • [​IMG] Teleport Mastery: This skill has been improved so that it does not activate Special Cores.
    • [​IMG] Elemental Reset: The final damage boost has been decreassed from 50% to 40%.
    • [​IMG] Meteor: This skill has been improved so that the passive effect does not activate Special Cores.
    • [​IMG] Flame Haze: Improved an issue where the skill would not hit enemies that were too close to the character.
    • [​IMG] Poison Chain: This skill now has a limit on the number of poison crystals that can be created. When using the skill 1 time, up to 3 can exist. The poison crystal’s duration has been decreased from 10 to 5. The number of explosion activations has been decreased from 22 to 17. The explosions that are activated when the skill ends and disappears are not included in this limit. The infection range has been decreased by about 6%.

    Developer Notes:

    Archmage (F/P)’s performance improved beyond our expectations in both boss battles/hunting after the remaster, and this increase was particularly high when compared to the other Adventurer magicians that were also improved at the same time.

    Therefore, we inevitably had to make changes to ‘Infinity’ and other changes.

    First of all, ‘Elemental Reset’s final damage boost has been adjusted so that the overall combat performance is more similar to other jobs.

    In addition, we confirmed that we needed to make adjustments in hunting efficiency, so we changed ‘Poison Chain’, ‘Poison Region’, and ‘Explosion’.

    Finally, we changed ‘Teleport Mastery’ and ‘Meteor’ to not activate Special Cores for better control and improved ‘Flame Haze’ to fix the issue where it could not hit enemies that were very close to the character after the remaster.
    Archmage (I/L)

    • [​IMG] Thunder Sphere: The fixed orb’s duration has been increased from 50 seconds to 60 seconds. The attack interval of the non-fixed orb has been decreased by 10% to make it the same as the fixed orb. The maximum number of enemies hit by the non-fixed orb has been increased from 5 to 6. The non-fixed orb’s number of hits has been increased from 1 to 3.
    • [​IMG] Teleport Mastery: This skill has been improved so that it does not activate Special Cores.
    • [​IMG] Elemental Reset: The final damage boost has been decreased from 50% to 40%.
    • [​IMG] Blizzard: This skill has been improved so that the passive effect does not activate Special Cores.
    • [​IMG] Ice Aura: The cast action has been removed. The vortex’s duration has been increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Spirit of Snow: The feature of the damage being based on the number of enemies being attacked has been removed.

    Developer Notes:

    For Archmage (I/L), there was a problem where ‘Thunder Sphere’s normal mode’s utility was too low because of the difference in performance between the fixed and non-fixed modes. Since we thought this caused uncessary stress, we changed the normal mode to be the same as the fixed mode so that it can be used more actively in bossing. We also increased the duration of the fixed mode to make it more convenient when hunting.

    Since ‘Ice Aura’ had low utility, we increased the vortex’s duration and removed the skill cast action.

    To give ‘Spirit of Snow’ more consistent performance, we removed the feature where the damage changed based on the number of enemies being attacked. We also changed ‘Teleport Mastery’ and ‘Blizzard’ to not activate Special Cores to increase convenience.

    However, for Archmage (I/L), we decided that the damage increase due to the changes in skill usage cycles will exceed our expected values so some numbers will be slightly decreased. But we still expect that the overall combat performance will be improved even after these reductions. For related content, we will continue to monitor our indicators even after the update.

    • [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Various skill icons have been changed.
    • Fixed an issue where various skill icons were not activated when hovering over them.
    • [​IMG] Fountain for Angels: This skill has been improved so that it can be cancelled by right-clicking the skill. The damage has been increased from 160% to 180%.
    • [​IMG] Divine Protection: Fixed an issue where if Unstable Memorize activated Divine Protection and the shield was consumed, Divine Protection’s cooldown would be applied.
    • [​IMG] Dispel: You can now choose to apply skill effect transparency to party members’ debuffs or not. You can turn this feature on/off by right-clicking the skill.
    • [​IMG] Triumph Feather: The wing feathers’ re-creation cooldown has been increased from 2 seconds to 3 seconds. The damage has been increased from 200% to 230%.
    • [​IMG] Holy Magic Shell: This skill has been improved so that it recovers maximum HP instead of base HP. The HP recovery has been decreased from 100% to 50%.
    • [​IMG] Teleport Mastery: This skill has been improved so that it does not activate Special Cores.
    • [​IMG] Genesis: The cooldown has been decreased from 45 seconds to 30 seconds. The damage has been decreased from 405% to 324%. The number of hits has been decreased from 12 to 10.
    • [​IMG] Holy Water: If a platform with Holy Water on it disappears, the Holy Water will now also be removed. If Holy Water is removed with a duration remaining, you will acquire 50% of that Holy Water.
    • [​IMG] Holy Blood: The cooldown has been decreased from 300 seconds to 264 seconds. The cooldown reduction based on INT has been increased from 10 seconds to 12 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Heaven’s Door: The cooldown has been decreased from 90 seconds to 60 seconds. The damage has been decreased from 1000% to 670%.
    • [​IMG] Pray: You can now use the skill again within 5 seconds to decrease the skill’s duration by 14 seconds and the cooldown by 60 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Angels of Libra: The duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 40 seconds. You can now use the skill again within 5 seconds to decrease the skill’s duration by 8 seconds and the cooldown by 60 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Peacemaker: This skill has been improved so that the holy light hitting an enemy now activates Triumph Feather.

    Developer Notes:

    For Bishop, the biggest changes are the ability to choose the cooldown and duration of ‘Pray’ and ‘Angels of Libra’. These two skills are among the most effective party skills. Therefore, to guarantee that you can diversify party member composition, we decided that we needed to change these corresponding skills. Also, we changed the cooldowns of Bishop’s major skills like Holy Blood, Genesis, and Heaven’s Door so that they can use their skills more flexibly in any situation.

    In addition, we added the ability to see party members’ debuffs without skill effect transparency to ‘Dispel’ so they can more actively support them, and improved various skills like ‘Holy Magic Shell’ and ‘Fountain for Angels’ to increase convenience.

    However, for Bishop, we decided that because of the new features of ‘Pray’ and ‘Angels of Libra’, the choices for skill operation have been expanded, and this will exceed our expected values so some numbers will be slightly decreased.

    After reviewing the changed values based on the feedback we received after the test world, we confirmed that the reductions we made were bigger than intended so we made additional adjustments. We will continously observe these changed values after the update.
    Adventurer Archers

    • [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Double Jump: The distance moved has been increased. A custom command has been added where you can activate the up jump by pressing the up arrow key with the jump key, and the down jump by pressing the down arrow key with the jump key.
    • [​IMG] Quiver Flow/Bolt Flow: The cooldown has been removed.
    • [​IMG][​IMG] Extreme Archery: Bow/Extreme Archery: Crossbow: These skills have been changed into passive skills.

    Developer Notes:

    Adventurer archers needed an overall improvement in terms of movement. Therefore, we have improved the performance of Bowmaster, Marksman, and Pathfinder’s Double Jumps, and added the custom command feature so you can choose how you want to activate the up and down jumps.

    Also, for Bowmaster and Marksman’s ‘Quiver/Bolt Flow’, there was often a problem where if the skill’s cooldown ended right when using the skill to move to the marked area, it would be unintentionally reinstalled at the location so we have removed the cooldown. We also changed ‘Extreme Archery’ to be passive.

    • [​IMG] Arrow Platter: The installed Arrow Platter’s duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Afterimage Shot: Fixed an error where the effect was displayed awkwardly when the active effect activated.

    Developer Notes:

    For Bowmaster, we improved combat convenience by increasing ‘Arrow Platter’s installation time and improved ‘Afterimage Shot’ where it was sometimes displayed awkwardly.

    • [​IMG] Retreat Shot: Fixed an issue where you could not use Retreat Shot while holding a skill key down. Fixed an issue where you could not use Retreat Shot while charging Charged Arrow.
    • [​IMG] Enhance Arrow: The Enhanced Piercing’s action delay has been decreased by about 7%.
    • [​IMG] Bolt Swift: The attack range has been increased by about 24%. The action delay has been decreased by about 4%. The cooldown has been decreased from 10 seconds to 7 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Advanced Enhance Arrow: The Enhanced Piercing’s action delay has been decreased by about 7%. The Enhanced Sniping’s action delay has been decreased by about 7%.
    • [​IMG] Pain Killer: The skill description has been changed to be more accurate.
    • [​IMG] Bullseye: The cooldown has been decreased from 90 seconds to 60 seconds. The duration has been decreased from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.
    • [​IMG] True Sniping: The cooldown has been decreased from 180 seconds to 60 seconds. The maximum number of arrows fired has been changed from 7 at level 25 to firing 4 at once at all levels. The maximum aiming time has been decreased from 12 seconds to 2 seconds. The invincibility duration after the skill ends has been decreased from 2 seconds to 1 second. The skill description has been changed to be more accurate.
    • [​IMG] Split Arrow: This skill now has 25% defense ignore.

    Developer Notes:

    For Marksman, we changed ‘Advanced Sniping’ and ‘Piercing’s action delays to be the same as the regular versions to improve skill usage smoothness. To improve hunting performance, we decreased ‘Bolt Swift’s cooldown and action delay.

    Also, for ‘True Sniping’, we greatly reduced the cooldown and duration so allow for more flexible usage of the invincibility effect. The number of times you need to fire arrows has also been adjusted from 7 to 1 based ont he shortened duration.

    In addition to adjusting ‘True Sniping’s cooldown, we also adjusted ‘Bullseye’s cooldown and duration so that both skills can have better synergy with Marksman’s other skills.

    Lastly, we added defense ignore to ‘Split Arrow’ to match the other core skills.

    • [​IMG] Cardinal Discharge: Fixed an issue where the arrows would target the boss monster with the highest maximum HP in range even when there were multiple monsters within range. 1 arrow will be created for the boss monster with the highest maximum HP within range, and the arrows created for other monsters will target those monsters. When there is a boss monster within range, the additional created arrows will prioritize targeting the boss monster with the highest maximum HP.
    • [​IMG] Cardinal Blast: The number of enemies hit has been increased from 4 to 5.
    • [​IMG] Cardinal Blast Enhancement: The feature of the damage being based on the number of enemies being attacked has been removed. The damage has been increased from 300% to 420%. The number of enemies hit has been increased from 5 to 6.
    • [​IMG] Triple Impact: This skill has been improved so that the explosive arrows’ firing angle is more narrow. The damage has been decreased from 400% to 265%.
    • [​IMG] Cardinal Transition: The movement starting action delay has been decreased by about 7%. The bow attack after moving’s action delay has been decreased by about 19%.
    • [​IMG] Curse Transition: The Ancient Curse debuff’s duration has been increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds. Fixed an issue where the Ancient Curse debuff effect was displayed awkwardly.
    • [​IMG] Advanced Cardinal Force: Cardinal Blast’s damage has been increased from 400% to 600%. Cardinal Blast’s feature of the damage being based on the number of enemies being attacked has been removed. Additional Blast now deals 100% increased damage when attacking normal monsters. Additional Discharge now deals 100% increased damage when attacking normal monsters. The skill description has been changed to be more accurate.
    • [​IMG] Combo Assault: The Relic Gauge consumption has been decreased from 150 to 100.
    • [​IMG] Additional Transition: This skill has been changed so that regardless of your current emblem, Cardinal Force and Enhance Force skills with the Blast/Discharge emblem have a 40% chance to apply the Ancient Curse debuff when they hit enemies.
    • [​IMG] Ancient Archery: The Triple Impact damage boost has been removed.
    • [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Relic Unbound: The Blast Enhancement’s explosion range has been increased by 10%. The Discharge Enhancement’s arrows’ attack range has been increased by 42%.

    Developer Notes:

    For Pathfinder, we wanted to improve combat convenience by improving things related to the Ancient Curse debuff. First, we increased the debuff duration to 30 seconds to lower the stress of having to refresh it, and we changed ‘Additional Transition’ so that ‘Cardinal Force’ and ‘Enchant Force’ skills with the Blast/Discharge emblem have a chance to inflict enemies with the debuff regardless of the current emblem to make it easier to refresh.

    Next, to improve hunting performance, we added normal monster damage to ‘Additional Discharge/Blast’, reduced the Relic Gauge consumption of ‘Combo Assault’, and increased the number of monsters hit by ‘Cardinal Blast’.

    Also, we adjusted ‘Triple Impact’s arrow angles to be narrower to make it easier to hit all 3 of them. We adjusted ‘Cardinal Transition’s action delay to let you use the skill more flexibly in situations where you need to avoid something. Finally, ‘Relic Unbound’s attack range has been improved so that it can hit monsters that are very close to the character more easily.

    However, for Pathfinder, we decided that the damage increase due to the changes in skill usage cycles will exceed our expected values so some numbers will be slightly decreased. These reductions were mainly achieved through ‘Triple Impact’, to make it possible to use it in a bigger variety of ways. Before, you had to use ‘Triple Impact’ off cooldown for optimal performance but now we expect that it can be used freely for either performance or utility depending on the situation. But we still expect that the overall combat performance will be improved even after these reductions.

    After reviewing the changed values based on the feedback we received after the test world, we confirmed that the reductions we made were bigger than intended so we made additional adjustments. We will continously observe these changed values after the update.
    Night Lord

    • [​IMG] Shadow Rush: This skill has been improved so that it can be used during Night Lord’s attacking skills.
    • [​IMG] Spirit Claw: This skill has been improved to apply the attack of the throwing star that is at the top of the inventory.
    • [​IMG] Four Seasons: The attack range has been increased by about 8%.
    • [​IMG] Throw Blasting: This skill has been improved so that the charms explode at a more accurate location.

    Developer Notes:

    For Night Lord, we added the ability for ‘Shadow Rush’ to cancel their attacking skills to enhance battle feedback based on the level of control.

    In addition, the throwing star usage system has been rollbacked to before the remaster so that you can choose which throwing stars you would like to use by placing them at the top, and we slightly increased ‘Four Seasons’ lower attack range.

    • [​IMG] Assassinate: This skill has been improved to make it easier to distinguish the first attack and final strike’s hit sounds.
    • [​IMG] Smokescreen: Alleviated an issue where you could not use this skill immediately after using another skill.
    • [​IMG] Eviscerate: This skill has been improved so that it can be linked to Assassinate’s first attack as well.

    Developer Notes:

    For Shadower, linking ‘Assassinate’ and ‘Meso Explosion’ is the core mechanism, but ‘Assassinate’s hit sound output method was changed after the Adventurer remaster which made it hard to distinguish between the 1st and 2nd hit’s sounds.

    In this update, we changed ‘Assassinate’s hit sound operation method to make it easier to distinguish the sounds.

    In addition, to make it easier to use ‘Eviscerate’ with ‘Assassinate’, we have improved it so that you can link the skills together immdiately after using ‘Assassinate’s 1st hit, and also alleviated an issue where ‘Smokescreen’ could not be used smoothly after using certain skills.
    Dual Blade

    • [​IMG] Tornado Spin: Improved an issue where this skill could not be used continuously for a certain period of time after being used.
    • [​IMG] Asura: The attack range has been increased by about 87%.
    • [​IMG] Blade Storm: The damage has been increased from 865% to 895% (at level 25).
    • [​IMG] Haunted Edge: Rakshasa’s damage has been increased from 610% to 810% (at level 25).

    Developer Notes:

    For Dual Blade, after the Adventurer remaster, ‘Asura’ had a big difference between its effect size and its actual attack range, so we have increased it to minimize this difference.

    In addition, we decided that their boss battle ability needed to be buffed, so we increased ‘Blade Storm’ and ‘Haunted Edge’s damage.

    • [​IMG] Sea Serpent Burst: The number of enemies hit has been decreased from 8 to 6.
    • [​IMG] Serpent Assault: The number of enemies hit has been decreased from 15 to 12.
    • [​IMG] Fist Enrage: The attack range has been inccreased by about 47%.
    • [​IMG] Hook Bomber: The number of enemies hit has been decreased from 10 to 7.
    • [​IMG] Sea Serpent Burst II: The number of enemies hit has been decreased from 10 to 8.
    • [​IMG] Defense Form: This skill has been changed from having a chance to activate to activating for 3 seconds when a ‘Sea Serpent’ or ‘Assault’ skill hits an enemy. The damage reduction has been decreased from 40% to 30%. There is now a cooldown of 4 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Serpent Spirit: This skill can now be registered as a Pet Auto Buff.

    Developer Notes:

    For Viper, to improve their survivability, we have reorganized ‘Defense Form’. It has been changed into a skill that decreases damage taken for a certain period of time after a ‘Sea Serpent’ or ‘Assault’ skill hits an enemy. This will improve their ability to maintain their DPS. However, considering Defense Form’s duration and cooldown, its performance became excessive so we adjusted the damage reduction to be lower than it was in the test world.

    We have also increased ‘Fist Enrage’s attack range to improve its usability and improved ‘Serpent Spirit’ to be able to be registered as a Pet Auto Buff.

    Also, with the remaster, we confirmed that we set some of the skills’ number of enemies hit too high, so we inevitably had to lower the number for those skills.

    • [​IMG] Infinite Bullet: This skill has been improved to apply the attack of the bullet that is at the top of the inventory.
    • [​IMG] Continual Aiming: The action delay has been decreased by about 10%.
    • [​IMG] Deadeye: This skill has been improved so that the invincibility duration is fixed regardless of the aiming. The feature of the damage being based on the number of enemies being attacked has been removed. The damage has been increased from 710% to 927% (at level 25).

    Developer Notes:

    For Captain, we improved the ability to use their invincibility effect freely by changing it to have the same duration regardless of whether or not ‘Deadeye’ was aimed at an enemy. We have also changed the effect display order so that the aiming effect is not covered up by ‘Sign of Bombard’.

    In addition, we improved ‘Continual Aiming’s usability by adjusting its action delay.
    Cannon Shooter

    • [​IMG] Monkey Furious: This skill has been improved so that if it doesn’t hit any enemies, the cooldown will be decreased by 5 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Counterattack Shooter: This skill has been improved so that the character does not enter in-combat state even if the counterattack is activated.
    • [​IMG] Special Monkey Escort: The cooldown has been decreased from 120 seconds to 90 seconds. The duration has been decreased from 42 seconds to 34 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Pool Maker: This skill has been improved so that if there are no enemies attackable within range, the bombardments will not fall. This skill has been improved so that 2 supply boxes are created with the first and last bombardments. The maximum interval between bombardment activations has been decreased by about 21%.

    Developer Notes:

    For Cannon Shooter, we improved ‘Pool Maker’s stability by narrowing the bombardment interval and changing it so that it doesn’t fire if there are no enemies to attack, which makes it a skill that matches the recent battle meta of moving around quickly on a wide map. We have also added the ability to create 2 supply boxes together with the 1st and 20th bombardment with this change.

    In addition, we added a feature to ‘Monkey Furious’ which reduces the cooldown time when it doesn’t hit an enemy to slightly alleviate the penalty when it misses. We improved ‘Counterattack Shooter’s usability by preventing it from making the character enter in-combat state when it activates.

    Finally, we adjusted ‘Special Monkey Escort’s cooldown and duration to create synergy with Cannon Shooter’s other skills.
    Soul Master

    • [​IMG] Celestial Vision III: The enhanced Solar Slash’s attack range has been increased by about 10%.
    • [​IMG] Cosmic Forge: This skill has been improved so that the Rune of Transcendence applies to it.
    • [​IMG] Soul Eclipse: This skill has been improved so that it is saved by Buff Freezers. This skill has been improved so that the character only enters in-combat when casting the skill and using Solunar Divide.

    Developer Notes:

    For Soul Master, it had an inconvenient problem after the Cygnus remaster in hunting where alternating their main skills ‘Solar Slash’ and ‘Lunar Divide’ had different ranges. In this update, starting at the 4th job advancement, we have increased ‘Solar Slash’s attack range so that both skills have the same range.

    In addition, to improve combat convenience, we removed ‘Soul Eclipse’ putting the charcter into in-combat state during the continuous attack and made Buff Freezers apply to it.
    Flame Wizard

    • [​IMG] Orbital Flame: This skill has been improved to display the number of Fox’s Mischief stacks.
    • [​IMG] Blazing Extinction: This skill has been improved to put the character into in-combat state only when casting the skill.
    • [​IMG] Flame Discharge: This skill has been improved to acquire Flames even by defeating boss monsters.

    Developer Notes:

    For Flame Wizard, we changed ‘Flame Discharge’ to acquire Flames even by defeating boss monsters so that they can stack Flames the same as how they did before the remaster in certain bosses and content.

    In addition, Fox’s Mischief stacks will now be displayed on top of monsters’ heads and ‘Blazing Extinction’ will only put the character in-combat state when it is cast to improve convenience.
    Wind Breaker

    • [​IMG] Trifling Whim: Fixed an issue where the effect when they disappeared was not affected by the skill effect transparency option.
    • [​IMG] Pinpoint Pierce: Fixed an issue where the arrow creation location was different based on the direction it was used in.
    • [​IMG] Song of Heaven: The feature of the damage being based on the number of enemies being attacked has been removed. The damage has been increased from 345% to 390%.


    • [​IMG] Fairy Turn: The skill effect has been changed. The hit timing after using the skill has been decreased.

    Developer Notes:

    For Wind Breaker, to improve the feeling of using their main mobbing skill, we adjusted ‘Fairy Turn’s hit timing and its skill effect to match.

    In addition, we removed ‘Song of Heaven’s feature of the damage being based on the number of enemies being attacked and adjusted its base damage to provide more consistent performance in various battle situations.
    Night Walker

    • [​IMG] Shadow Bats: The time it takes for the Shadow Bats to attack after being summoned has been decreased by 28%.
    • [​IMG] Rapid Evasion: This skill has been improved so that it can be used to move while using your own skills (except common skills).
    • [​IMG] Triple Throw: The damage has been decreased from 240% to 210%. The final attack’s damage has been increased from 350% to 420%.
    • [​IMG] Shadow Servant: Fixed an issue where the Shadow Servant appeared awkwardly to other characters when sitting on a chair.
    • [​IMG] Quadruple Throw: The damage has been decreased from 300% to 220%. The final attack’s damage has been increased from 400% to 660%.
    • [​IMG] Shadow Momentum: The duration has been increased from 20 seconds to 30 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Bat Communion II: The time it takes for the Enhanced Shadow Bats to attack after being summoned has been decreased by 28%.
    • [​IMG] Spirit Throwing: This skill has been improved to apply the attack of the throwing star that is at the top of the inventory.
    • [​IMG] Quintuple Throw: The damage has been decreased from 340% to 230%. The final attack’s damage has been increased from 475% to 920%.
    • [​IMG] Ravenous Bats: The time it takes for the Ravenous Bats to attack after being summoned has been decreased by 28%.
    • [​IMG] Bat Communion III: The time it takes for the Enhanced Ravenous Bats to attack after being summoned has been decreased by 28%.
    • [​IMG] Dominion: You will now maintain Shadow Momentum’s maximum inertia while this skill is active. When the skill ends, Shadow Momentum will be set to its maximum duration.
    • [​IMG] Rapid Throw: This skill will now apply 4 seconds of Dark Sight when used.

    Developer Notes:

    For Night Walker, we added ‘Shadow Momentum’ in the Cygnus remaster to alleviate the fatigue of having to cancel skills but it also caused stress of having to maintain the stacks. In this update, to lower this stress, we have increased ‘Shadow Momentum’s duration and also improved ‘Dominion’ to maintain the maximum stacks while it is active.

    In addition, to improve control convenience, we have expanded ‘Rapid Evasion’s cancel feature to all of Night Walker’s skills and improved ‘Rapid Throw’ to automatically activate ‘Dark Sight’ when used.

    Finally, we redistributed the damage of the Throw skills so that each attack has equal damage when hunting, and improved ‘Shadow/Ravenous Bats’ to attack monsters faster and alleviate damage loss.

    • [​IMG] Element: Lightning: This skill has been improved to display the number of Lightning buff stacks on the quick slot.
    • [​IMG] Sea Wave: The distance limit has been increased from 1800 to 2700. The limit on number of enemies hit has been increased from 20 to 24. The attack range has been increased by about 40%. The attack interval has been decreased by about 50%.
    • [​IMG] Thunderbolt: The attack range has been increased by about 23%.
    • [​IMG] Typhoon: The delay when linked has been decreased by about 7%.
    • [​IMG] Lightning Cascade: The duration has been increased from 42 seconds to 49 seconds. The cooldown has been increased from 108 seconds to 120 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Shark Torpedo: The action delay has been decreased by about 14%. The action delay when linked has been decreased by about 8%.
    • [​IMG] Lightning God Spear Strike: The attack range has been increased by about 31%. The action delay has been decreased by about 33%. The action delay when linked has been decreased by about 33%.

    Developer Notes:

    For Striker, to improve hunting performance, we made overall adjustments including the range, performance, and action delays of major skills like ‘Sea Wave’, ‘Thunderbolt’, ‘Lightning God Spear Strike’, and ‘Shark Torpedo’.

    Also, we have decreased ‘Typhoon’s action delay when linked to make it smoother to link with other skills.

    In addition, we have adjusted ‘Lightning Cascade’s cooldown to create synergy with Striker’s other skills.

    • [​IMG] Rho Aias: This skill has been improved so that you can use Blink while on the ground during this skill.

    Developer Notes:

    For Mikhail, we have improved it so that you can use ‘Blink’ during ‘Rho Aias’ to move to a random spot on the map for increased convenience.

    • [​IMG] Combat Step: The action delay has been decreased by about 10%. The jump distance moved has been increased by about 16%.


    • [​IMG] Final Blow: The skill effect has been changed. The attack range has been increased by about 63%.
    • [​IMG] Beyonder: This skill has been improved so that it can be used separately without having to be linked to Final Blow. This skill will now deal 20%p increased damage when linked to Final Blow. The attack range has been increased by about 22%. The feature of the damage being based on the number of enemies being attacked has been removed. The 1st hit’s damage has been increased from 285% to 295%. The 2nd hit’s damage has been increased from 300% to 311%. The 3rd hit’s damage has been increased from 315% to 326%. This skill now deals 8% increased damage when attacking normal monsters.
    • [​IMG] Adrenaline Generator: The cooldown has been decreased from 240 seconds to 180 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Install Maha: The charged Combo has been increased from 80 to 160.
    • [​IMG] Fenrir Crash: The feature of the damage being based on the number of enemies being attacked has been removed. The damage has been increased from 625% to 710% (at level 25).

    Developer Notes:

    For Aran, to relieve the stress of managing the Combo system and to enter ‘Adrenaline Boost’ more stably, we have increased the amount of Combo charged when ‘Install Maha’ is used. Also, we decreased ‘Adrenaline Generator’s cooldown to enhance the synergy with Aran’s other skills.

    Next, to reduce the hunting fatigue caused by having to link the main attacking skills, we have changed ‘Beyonder’ so that it can be used without being linked to ‘Final Blow’. However, we have added a feature where it deals increased damage when linked to it so that the combat experience in boss battles can be maintained.

    In addition, we have improved combat convenience by changing ‘Combat Step’s action delay and distance moved and ‘Final Blow’ and ‘Beyonder’s attack range.

    • [​IMG] Magic Debris: An Auto-Use mode has been added that automatically activates this skill whenever 10 Magic Debris are created.
    • [​IMG] Breath of Earth: The feature of the damage being split equally on the number of enemies being attacked has been removed.
    • [​IMG] Dragon Fury: This skill has been improved so that it is always applied regardless of MP.
    • [​IMG] Dark Fog: This skill has been improved so that the passive effect is always applied.
    • [​IMG] Dragon Master: This skill has been improved so that it consumes MP only when cast.
    • [​IMG] Spiral of Mana: This skill has been improved so that it does not disappear even when climbing on ladders and ropes.

    Developer Notes:

    For Evan, we added an Auto-Use mode to ‘Magic Debris’ to make it easier to use in both hunting and boss battles.

    In addition, we did some work on increasing combat convenience by reducing the amount of things that needed to be consciously managed.

    We removed ‘Dragon Fury’s MP ratio condition so that your magic attack is always increased, and we changed ‘Dark Fog’s passive effect of increasing ‘Magic Debris’ damage to be applied at all times instead of only when it is on cooldown. Also, we changed ‘Dragon Master’ to consume MP only when cast to improve the issue where the MP consumption was excessive during ‘Overload Mana’.

    • [​IMG] Bless of Darkness: This skill has been changed into a passive skill that increases magic attack by 30 and decreases damage taken by 50%.
    • NEW! [​IMG] Equilibrium Liberation: When this skill is activated, instead of Equilibrium being instantly activated when Light and Darkness are balanced, it will be activated when an Equilibrium skill hits an enemy. This is an on/off skill.
    • [​IMG] Shine Redemption: The action delay has been decreased by about 32%.
    • [​IMG] Death Scythe: The action delay has been decreased by about 17%. The attack range has been increased by about 83%.
    • [​IMG] Life Tidal: This skill has been changed to Self Recovery: Recover 2% maximum HP and MP every few seconds.
    • [​IMG] Light Reflection: The action delay has been decreased by about 10%. The attack method has been improved. The attack will now spread in the same range above and below the center point of the monster being hit.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Morning Starfall: The skill effect, concept, and attack method have been changed. The Star of Destruction will now move forwards a certain range regardless of platforms and continuously attack enemies.
    • [​IMG] Absolute Kill: The action delay has been decreased by about 4%.
    • [​IMG] Dark Crescendo: The maximum number of stacks has been decreased from 10 to 5. The duration has been increased from 20 to 30. The damage per stack has been increased from 4% to 8%.
    • [​IMG] Gate of Truth: The feature of the damage being based on the number of enemies being attacked has been removed. The damage has been increased from 660% to 900% (at level 25).
    • [​IMG] Baptism of Light and Darkness: This skill has been improved so that the cooldown is decreased by 3 seconds when an Equilibrium skill hits an enemy. This skill’s cooldown is now reset 1 time when you activate Equilbrium. The feature of the cooldown being instantly reset when you obtain 12 Ritual Swords has been removed.
    • The following skills’ descriptions have been changed to be more accurate.
      • [​IMG] Equilibrium
      • [​IMG] Dark Falling
      • [​IMG] Ordinary Magic Guard
      • [​IMG] Extend Mana
      • [​IMG] Void Pressure
      • [​IMG] Spectral Light
      • [​IMG] Anti Magic Shell
      • [​IMG] Death Scythe
      • [​IMG] Shine Redemption
      • [​IMG] Morning Starfall
      • [​IMG] Dark Light Mastery
      • [​IMG] Magic Mastery
      • [​IMG] Absolute Kill
      • [​IMG] Apocalypse
      • [​IMG] Armageddon

    Developer Notes;

    For Luminous, we worked on reducing the overall stress of combat maintenance.

    First, to make it easier to control ‘Equilibrium’, we have changed it so that the gauge stops instead of immediately entering ‘Equilibrium’, and you can choose to activate it by hitting an enemy with an ‘Equilibrium’ skill.

    In addition, we have removed the logic for ‘Baptism of Light and Darkness’ where you would acquire Ritual Swords when ‘Absolute Kill’ hit an enemy and the cooldown would be reset when you had 12 Swords to fix the issue where you would not acquire Swords when the cooldown was almost over. We wanted to improve the inconvenience and stress of having to keep track of multiple stacks. However, to maintain the existing skill usage experience, ‘Baptism of Light and Darkness’s cooldown will now be decreased whenever ‘Absolute Kill’ hits an enemy in Equilibrium mode and its cooldown will be reset when Equilibrium is activated.

    Also, we have lowered the maintenance difficulty of ‘Dark Crescendo’, a stacking buff skill, by adjusting the maximum number of stacks, duration, and damage per stack.

    Next, for hunting improvements, we changed the main skill ‘Light Reflection’s overall skill logic and adjustsed the action delay so that it would spread to monsters more easily. Due to ‘Light Reflection’s unique logic, it was affected by many things including the number of monsters, the terrain, and the size of monsters. As a result, the performance was not the same depending on the combat terrain and monster size, and we decided that this was a factor which lowered Luminous’ hunting efficiency and increased stress.

    Therefore, in this update, ‘Light Reflection’ will always find the next monsters to spread to within a certain area based on the first monster it spread to, regardless of the number of monsters. If there aren’t enough monsters to hit the maximum number within that area, it will search a 2nd time for more monsters to spread to based on the center point of each monster. Since all of the search ranges are the same in all directions, after this update, the attack will search for enemies to spread to evenly upwards and downwards.

    However, in the test world, the range to find monsters to spread to was not increased sufficiently, which unintentionally lowered the skill’s performance in hunting and so, we greatly increased it. In addition, players found that the way that the light spread to monsters was different than before, so we made further changes to the animation so that it be more similar to the previous animation. After applying these changes, it may create a slightly different hunting experience for a certain period of time, but we expect that Luminous’ hunting will be improved overall since they will be able to achieve equal performance in a wider variety of maps.

    We changed Morning Starfall so that it can move in the air and adjusted its overall performance so that it can be used as a secondary hunting skill.

    In addition, we made various improvements for combat convenience like changing ‘Bless of Darkness’ into a passive skill and making ‘Life Tidal’ recover both HP and MP.

    • [​IMG] Spirit Jump: The distance moved when used forwards has been increased.
    • [​IMG] Leap Tornado: The height limit required to use the skill has been alleviated. The height limit required when linking with Gust Dive will be maintained. The attack range has been increased by about 31%.
    • [​IMG] Strike Dual Shot: The arrows will now pierce through enemies.
    • [​IMG] Unicorn Spike: This skill has been improved so that it can be used while in the air. The attack range has been increased by about 30%. The debuff duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 60 seconds. The action delay has been decreased by about 37%. Fixed an issue where the effect was displayed awkwardly. The cooldown has been decreased from 10 seconds to 9 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Gust Dive: The action delay has been decreased by about 12%. The attack range has been increased by about 154%.
    • [​IMG] Elemental Knight: This skill has been changed into an on/off skill.
    • [​IMG] Ignis Roar: This skill now increases attack speed by 1 stage.
    • [​IMG] Legendary Spear: This skill has been improved to have the same attack range when used on the ground and in the air. The attack range when used on the ground has been increased by about 24%. The attack range when used in the air has been increased by about 15%.
    • [​IMG] Advanced Strike Dual Shot: The arrows will now pierce through enemies. The attack range has been increased by about 38%.
    • Fixed an issue in the 4th job skill UI where the skill locations were placed awkwardly.
    • [​IMG] Wrath of Enlil: The attack range has been increased by about 47%. The hit timing has been improved to match the effect.
    • [​IMG] Elvish Blessing: The cooldown has been removed. This skill can now be registered as a Pet Auto Buff. The final damage boost has been increased from 5% to 10%.

    Developer Notes:

    For Mercedes, we made a variety of hunting related improvements. First,

    For Mercedes, we made a variety of hunting related improvements. In oder to compensate for the lack of jump distance when compared to other archer jobs, we increased ‘Spirit Jump’s distance. We greatly reduced the height limit of ‘Leap Tornado’ to improve any inconvenience when using it in hunting grounds with complicated map layouts. However, to maintain the experience of linking it with ‘Gust Dive’, we kept the height restriction only when using it with that skill. After this change, we will monitor it thoroughly to see if it contributes to improving hunting performance as intended and doesn’t cause unintended inconvenience.

    Also, we have adjusted the range and action delays of several major skills including ‘Leap Tornado’, ‘Legendary Spear’, ‘Wrath of Enlil’, ‘Unicorn Spike’, ‘Strike Dual Shot’, and ‘Gust Dive’. However, after changing Unicorn Spike to be able to be used in the air the test world update, we saw that Unicorn Spike’s cooldown was slightly inconsistent in certain linking patterns, so we slightly reduced its cooldown.

    In addition, we have added an attack speed boost to ‘Ignis Roar’s stacking effect to enhance linking feedback, removed ‘Elvish Blessing’s cooldown and let it be registered as a Pet Auto Buff, and turned ‘Elemental Knight’ into an on/off skill to provide various combat convenience improvements.

    • [​IMG] Steal Skill: This skill has been improved so that the stolen Showdown Challenge now creates Dark Shurikens. This skill has been improved so that you can steal Turning Kick and Hook Bomber.
    • [​IMG] Noire Carte: This skill now deals 150% increased damage when attacking normal monsters.
    • [​IMG] Tempest of Cards: The keydown duration has been decreased from 10 seconds to 5 seconds. The damage has been increased from 200% to 400%.
    • [​IMG] Joker: This skill has been improved to ignore stun status effects during the keydown. The Red Cross buff’s name has been changed to the Priest buff. The Priest buff’s icon has been changed.

    Developer Notes:

    Phantom needed improvements in hunting so we added normal monster damage to ‘Noire Carte’ and changed stolen ‘Showdown Challenge’ to create Dark Shurikens. We also improved it so that they can steal ‘Turning Kick’ and ‘Hook Bomber’.

    In addition, we halved ‘Tempest of Cards’ keydown time and added a feature to ‘Joker’ to ignore stun status effects during the keydown to improve combat stability.

    • [​IMG] Mega Punch: This skill has been changed into a single-use skill.
    • [​IMG] Flash Fist: This skill has been changed into a single-use skill.
    • [​IMG] Ground Pound: This skill has been changed into a single-use skill. Fixed an issue where if the character moved after using it, the shockwave would not be displayed at the character’s location.
    • [​IMG] Knuckle Mastery: The 5% final damage boost has been removed.
    • [​IMG] Spirit Bond 2: The attack speed boosst has been increased from 1 stage to 2 stages.
    • [​IMG] Shockwave Punch: This skill has been changed into a skill that can be used up to 2 hits. The 1st hit’s damage has been increased from 250% to 310%, the 2nd hit’s damage has been increased from 260% to 330%. The 1st and 2nd hits’ number of hits has been increased from 2 to 3. The 1st hit’s attack range has been increased by about 13%, the 2nd hit’s attack range has been increased by about 26%. You can now cancel even the last hit by using the arrow keys or jump key.
    • [​IMG] Bomb Punch: This skill has been changed into a skill that can be used up to 3 hits. The 1st hit’s damage has been increased from 300% to 320%, the 2nd hit’s damage has been increased from 310% to 320%. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd hits’ number of hits has been increased from 3 to 4. The 1st hit’s attack range has been increased by about 22%. This skill now deals 30% increased damage when attacking normal monsters. You can now cancel even the last hit by using the arrow keys or jump key.
    • [​IMG] Spirit Bond Maximum: This skill has been improved so that the liver drop rate is applied per monster.
    • [​IMG] Spirit Focus: The final damage boost to Spirit Frenzy when cast by Eunwol has been decreased from 750% to 550%. Fixed a problem where the Spirit Focus activated Ground Pound’s effect sometimes did not match the actual attack direction. Fixed a problem where sometimes the Spirit Focus activated Shockwave Punch shockwave evaporated.
    • [​IMG] Spirit Gate: The damage has been decreased from 600% to 450% (at level 25). The duration has been decreased from 40 seconds to 30 seconds. The cooldown has been decreased from 90 seconds to 60 seconds. The critical rate boost per debuff has been increased from 8% to 16%, the critical damage boost per debuff has been increased from 1% to 2%. The maximum number of debuff stacks has been decreased from 10 to 5.
    • [​IMG] Smashing Chain Punch: The continuous attack’s damage has been decreased from 800% to 500%. The final attack’s damage has been decreased from 1900% to 1250% (at level 25). The cooldown has been decreased from 90 seconds to 60 seconds.

    Developer Notes:

    For Eunwol, we prioritized improving the issue where their hunting performance was not consistent since the main hunting skills were divided into several hits so overall, we condensed the number of attack hits, and added a normal monster damage effect to ‘Bomb Punch’. However, after the last test world update, Shockwave Punch and Bomb Punch’s last hits could not be cancelled with the arrow keys or jump key, so we changed this to fix the unintended inconvenience.

    Also, to make it easier to maintain Spirit Bond Maximum while hunting, we have changed the liver drop rate to be applied per monster.

    In addition, we adjusted Spirit Gate and Smashing Chain Punch’s cooldowns and durations to create synergy with Eunwol’s Other skills.

    Next, we confirmed the attack speed boosts through passives was lower than other jobs so we increased it.

    We confirmed that Eunwol’s combat performance was excessively high because of the structural/numerical improvements we made during the first half of the year, and we also expect it to be even better with this cycle adjustment, so we inevitably had to nerf some of the skills numerically.
    Demon Slayer

    • [​IMG] Dark Thrust: Improved an issue where this skill could not be used continuously for a certain period of time after being used.
    • [​IMG] Demon Explosion: The first attack will now deal 400%p increased damage when attacking normal monsters.
    • [​IMG] Devil Cry: The action delay has been decreased by about 15%.
    • [​IMG] Metamorphosis: This skill has been improved so that it does not activate Special Cores.
    • [​IMG] Infinity Force: The cooldown has been decreased from 200 seconds to 120 seconds. The duration has been decreased from 50 seconds to 35 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Jormungandr: The cooldown has been increased from 108 seconds to 123 seconds. The damage has been increased from 1700% to 1950%. The damage when it disappears has been increased from 1800% to 2100% (at level 25).
    • [​IMG] Orthrus: The duration has been increased from 40 seconds to 52 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Demon Bane: The cooldown has been decreased from 240 seconds to 120 seconds. The damage during the keydown has been decreased from 650% to 525%. The damage after the keydown ends has been decreased from 1560% to 1250%. The invincibility duration has been decreased from 8 seconds to 6 seconds. The maximum keydown duration has been decreased from 4 seconds to 3 seconds.

    Developer Notes:

    For Demon Slayer, we adjusted ‘Demon Bane’, ‘Jormungandr’, and ‘Orthrus’ cooldowns, durations, and damage to create better synergy with Demon Slayer’s other skills.

    We made ‘Devil Cry’s cast speed faster to make it more usable in both hunting and boss battles, and added normal monster damage to ‘Demon Explosion’s first attack to make it more effective when hunting.

    In addition, looking at the feedback from the test world, we confirmed that ‘Demon Bane’s experience felt different than before in terms of damage and invincibility duration after changing the cooldowns so we have improved it. We also adjusted Infinity Force’s cooldown and duration to improve the experience where they might have insufficient Force when using multiple combat skills.
    Demon Avenger

    • [​IMG] Exceed: Double Slash: The duration of each Exceed stage has been increased from 10 seconds to 20 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Release Overload: The final damage buff duration has been increased from 60 seconds to 90 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Exceed: Demon Strike: The duration of each Exceed stage has been increased from 10 seconds to 20 seconds. This skill has been improved so that the rush range is the same regardless of Exceed stage.
    • [​IMG] Exceed: Moonlight Slash: The duration of each Exceed stage has been increased from 10 seconds to 20 seconds. The attack range has been increased by about 33%.
    • [​IMG] Exceed: Execution: The duration of each Exceed stage other than the final stage has been increased from 10 seconds to 20 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Shield Chasing: This skill has been improved so that it can be used while in the air.
    • [​IMG] Armor Break: The defense reduction debuff duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Demon Frenzy: The maximum final damage boost has been decreased from 35% to 20%.
    • [​IMG] Blood Feast: Fixed an issue where sometimes the damage reduction effect would continue after using the skill.
    • [​IMG] Revenant: The cooldown has been decreased from 240 seconds to 120 seconds. The duration has been decreased from 30 seconds to 15 seconds.

    Developer Notes:

    For Demon Avenger, we adjusted the main skill ‘Revenant’s cooldown and duration to create synergy with Demon Avenger’s other skills.

    In addition, to improve hunting performance, we changed ‘Shield Chasing’ to be able to be used while in the air and increased ‘Moonlight Slash’s attack range.

    Also, we have improved combat convenience by unifying all of the main attacks’ ‘Exceed’ durations to the maximum, increased ‘Armor Break’s debuff duration, and ‘Release Overload’s buff duration.

    However, Demon Avenger’s combat performance in boss battles exceeded our expectations because of the structural/numerical improvements we made during the first half of the year so we inevitably had to nerf ‘Demon Frenzy’s final damage boost.
    Battle Mage

    • [​IMG] Teleport Ver. 2: You can now move on a platform even if the range is shorter than Teleport range.
    • [​IMG] Dark Lightning: The damage has been decreased from 225% to 100%. This skill now deals 150%p increased damage when attacking normal monsters. The mark activated attack’s damage has been increased from 350% to 400%. The skill description has been changed to be more accurate.
    • [​IMG] Battle Rage: The damage boost has been decreased from 40% to 25%.
    • [​IMG] Spell Boost: The magic attack boost has been decreased from 25% to 10%.
    • [​IMG] Union Aura: This skill will now automatically activate the Aura skill that was being used before Union Aura when the buff ends.
    • [​IMG] Black Magic Altar: Improved an issue where installing 2 Altars at the same time while facing left would sometimes install only 1. Improved an issue where the hitbox was awkward near the black magic altar where the curse began. The altar preparation time has been decreased from 25 seconds to 23 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Grim Reaper: The maximum number of enemies hit has been increased from 10 to 12.
    • [​IMG] Abyssal Lightning: The Abyssal Lightning activation range has been increased by about 53%.

    Developer Notes:

    For Battle Mage, we reduced the fatigue of having to maintain Dark Marks on monsters by improving ‘Dark Lightning’ in the January 27 skill improvements, but ‘Dark Lightning’s damage itself was still effective in boss battles, making the optimal damage rotation still include continuously activating ‘Dark Lightning’ with ‘Teleport’.

    It’s hard to completely eliminate the inconvenience of this mechanism, but in this update, we moved some of ‘Dark Lightning’s damage to the Dark Mark’s damage to improve combat stability, and added normal monster damage to ‘Dark Lightning’ to make sure there are no significant performance changes.

    In addition, we improved the main 5th job skills, ‘Grim Reaper’ by increasing the maximum number of enemies hit, and ‘Abyssal Lightning’ by increasing the activation range to be the same as ‘Union Aura’s maximum range so that it activates more intuitively. We also improved overall combat experience including the feeling of control through changes to ‘Teleport’, ‘Black Magic Altar’, and ‘Union Aura’.

    However, Battle Mage was currently performing above our expected range in boss battles so we adjusted ‘Battle Rage’s damage boost and ‘Spell Boost’s magic attack boost. Looking at feedback from the test world, ‘Black Magic Altar’ did not match the skill usage cycle changes in this update, so we decreased the time it takes to prepare an altar. We also increased ‘Dark Lightning’s damage boost when attacking normal monsters.
    Wild Hunter

    • [​IMG] Double Jump: The distance moved has been increased.
    • [​IMG] Jaguar Riding: The action delay when riding a jaguar has been decreased.
    • [​IMG] Summon Jaguar: The summoned jaguar will now have increased movement speed when chasing enemies. The critical damage and status resistance boost when summoning a jaguar has been removed and changed into a passive effect. The summoned jaguar’s damage has been changed to 170% regardless of character level. Another Bite’s damage per stack has been changed to 70% regardless of character level.
    • [​IMG] Claw Cut: The damage has been changed to 230% regardless of character level.
    • [​IMG] Cross Road: The damage has been changed to 285% regardless of character level. This skill now increases Summon Jaguar and Claw Cut’s damage by 30%p and Another Bite’s damage by 15%p.
    • [​IMG] Sonic Boom: The damage has been changed to 320% regardless of character level. This skill now increases Summon Jaguar, Claw Cut, and Cross Road’s damage by 40%p and Another Bite’s damage by 15%p.
    • [​IMG] Assistant Hunting Unit: The attack mode duration has been increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds. The reload time has been decreased from 4 seconds to 2 seconds. The attack range has been increased by about 31%. This skill has been improved so that it does not activate Special Cores.


    • [​IMG] Beast Form: This skill now gives 2 seconds of invincibility when used with a cooldown of 70 seconds. The skill effect has been changed. The action delay has been increased by 76%. This skill can no longer be used on ropes and ladders.
    • [​IMG] Wild Vulcan Type-P: The attack range has been increased by about 31%.
    • [​IMG] Jaguar Soul: The cooldown has been changed from 210 seconds to 120 seconds. The damage has been changed to 180% regardless of character level. This skill now increases Summon Jaguar, Claw Cut, Cross Road, and Sonic Boom’s damage by 50%p and Another Bite’s damage by 20%p.


    • [​IMG] Drill Container: The duration has been increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds. The attack range has been increased by about 100%, and it has been moved slightly upwards. The skill effect has been changed. This skill has been improved so that it does not activate Special Cores.
    • [​IMG] Rampage As One: The damage has been changed to 800% regardless of character level. This skill now increases Summon Jaguar, Claw Cut, Cross Road, Sonic Boom, and Jaguar Soul’s damage by 150%p and Another Bite’s damage by 40%p.
    • [​IMG] Jaguar Storm: The re-summon cooldown has been decreased from 6 seconds to 3 seconds. This skill has been improved so that while Jaguar Storm is active, you can now use Cross Road while riding a Jaguar regardless of the cooldown.

    Developer Notes:

    Wild Hunter had the characteristic of various skills dealing increased damage based on the character level. This did not provide a sufficient skill growth experience and could bring unintended performance changes with future max level expansions so we have set all values based on level 300 and removed the mechanic.

    In terms of combat, we have remade ‘Beast Form’ which had low utility into an invincibility skill that can be used relatively frequently to provide necessary survivability in boss fights. To improve hunting performance, ‘Wild Vulcan Type-P’, ‘Assistant Hunting Unit’, and ‘Drill Container’ have been improved overall.

    In addition, to provide better control, the action delay when riding a jaguar has been adjusted, the distance moved with Double Jump has been increased, and Jaguar related skills like ‘Summon Jaguar and ‘Jaguar Storm’ have been improved to be more convenient.

    • [​IMG] Metal Armor: Human: This skill has been improved so that it is not cancelled when you are stunned or petrified. This skill has been improved so that you can use professions while riding. Fixed an issue where if you died, sometimes you would appear to be riding the Metal Armor but it was not applied.
    • [​IMG] Homing Missile: This skill has been improved so that you can use it by holding the key down.
    • [​IMG] Metal Armor: Tank: This skill has been improved so that it is not cancelled when you are stunned or petrified. This skill has been improved so that you can use professions while riding. Fixed an issue where if you died, sometimes you would appear to be riding the Metal Armor but it was not applied.
    • [​IMG] Massive Fire: IRON: This skill has been improved so that the bullets pierce through enemies. The maximum number of enemies hit has been increased from 1 to 4.
    • [​IMG] Magnetic Field: The duration has been increased from 60 seconds to 80 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Massive Fire: IRON-B: This skill has been improved so that the bullets pierce through enemies. The maximum number of enemies hit has been increased from 1 to 6.
    • [​IMG] Robot Factory: RM-1: The duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
    • [​IMG] War Machine: Titan: This skill has been improved so that you are invincible while using it. The damage reduction while using the skill has been removed. The cooldown has been increased from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Micro Missile Container: This skill has been improved so that it prioritizes the boss monster with the highest maximum HP.
    • [​IMG] Metal Armor Full Burst: Fixed an issue where sometimes if a status effect was applied at the same time as casting, it would be cancelled. Fixed an issue where you could fire Homing Missiles immediately after this skill ended.

    Developer Notes:

    For Mechanic, we enhanced their survivability by adding invincibility to ‘War Machine: Titan’ while adjusting its c ooldown.

    In addition, to lower Mechanic’s combat fatigue overall, we improved ‘Homing Missile’ to be able to be used as a keydown, and increased ‘Magnetic Field’ and ‘Robot Factory’s durations.

    Also, we made various improvements to ‘Metal Armor: Tank’, ‘Massive Fire’, ‘Robot Factory’, and ‘Micro Missile Container’ to increase combat convenience.

    • [​IMG] Incline Power: This skill can now be registered as a Pet Auto Buff.
    • [​IMG] Virtual Projection: This skill can now be registered as a Pet Auto Buff.


    • [​IMG] Purge Lob Masquerade: Bombardment: The attack range has been increased by about 2%. The action delay has been decreased by about 13%. The hit timing has been decreased. The skill effect has been changed.
    • [​IMG] Purge Lob Masquerade: Snipe: The action delay has been decreased by about 3%.
    • Fixed an issue in the 1st, 3rd, and 4th job skill UI where the skill locations were placed awkwardly.
    • [​IMG] Amaranth Generator: The action delay has been decreased by about 13%.
    • [​IMG] Mega Smasher: You can now use Virtual Projection while the attack is being activated. The time before you can re-input the skill key to end the attack after activating it has been increased.
    • [​IMG] Overload Mode: The excess energy charge time has been decreased from 2 seconds to 1 second. The MP consumption per second has been changed from 1% + 180 MP to 2% + 100 MP. The Plasma Current will no longer activate Special Cores.
    • [​IMG] Photon Ray: This skill has been improved so that the additional aiming time is decreased for each attack hit.

    Developer Notes:

    For Xenon, to improve hunting performance, we decreased ‘Purge Lob Masquarade: Bombardment’s action delay and hit timing and slightly increased its range.

    In addition, for bosses that move around frequently and to improve the situation where you were forced to use ‘Blade Dancing’ instead of the main attack ‘Purge Lob Masquerade: Snipe’, we made ‘Photon Ray’s additional aiming faster for each attack hit instead of each attack.

    We improved the convenience of using various skills such as ‘Virtual Projection’, ‘Incline Power’, and ‘Amaranth Generator’.

    Also, to slightly shorten the preparation time required to deal the most damage, we have decreased ‘Overload Mode’s excess energy charging time. But Xenon was performing higher than expected in various boss battles so we slightly increased Overload Mode’s MP consumption.


    • [​IMG] Magnum Punch: The attack range has been increased by about 95%. The skill effect has been changed. Revolving Cannon’s additional explosion attack range has been increased by about 60%.


    • [​IMG] Double Fang: The attack range has been increased by about 36%. The skill effect has been changed. Revolving Cannon’s additional explosion attack range has been increased by about 65%.
    • [​IMG] Ducking: This skill has been improved so that it does not activate Special Cores.
    • [​IMG] Hammer Smash: The attack range has been increased by about 36%. Fixed an issue where the debuff effect was displayed at an awkward location. The debuff duration has been increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Sway: This skill has been improved so that it does not activate Special Cores.
    • [​IMG] Combination Training: The duration has been increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Shockwave Punch: The attack range has been increased by about 33%. This skill now deals 85% increased damage when attacking normal monsters. The shockwave’s attack range has been increased by about 13%. The shockwave’s increased damage when attacking normal monsters has been changed from 220% to 350%p.
    • [​IMG] Combination Training II: The duration has been increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Hyper Magnum Punch: The normal monster damage boost to Shockwave Punch’s shockwave has been removed.
    • [​IMG] Maximize Cannon: The damage boost to skills that use Bullets has been decreased from 50% to 35%. The cooldown has been decreased from 240 seconds to 120 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Vulcan Punch: This skill has been improved so that you are not affected by critical status effects during the keydown. The final damage boost when hit has been removed.
    • [​IMG] Burning Breaker: This skill will now instantly reload all Bullets except those consumed by Burning Breaker when used. You can now input the skill key again while using it to instantly activate the explosion.
    • [​IMG] Afterimage Shock: The active effect’s cooldown has been decreased from 240 seconds to 120 seconds. The number of afterimages that can be activated by the active effect has been decreased from 99 to 49. The active effect’s duration has been changed from 180 seconds to 100 seconds. This skill has been improved so that the passive effect will activate when Afterimage Shock’s active effect is not active. The passive effect’s maximum number of enemies hit has been increased from 7 to 10. The passive effect’s attack range has been increased by about 29%. The passive effect’s reactivation cooldown has been decreased from 6 seconds to 4 seconds.

    Developer Notes:

    For Blaster, we adjusted ‘Afterimage Shock’ and ‘Maximize Cannon’s cooldowns and duration to improve synergy with Blaster’s other skills.

    To improve Blaster’s hunting ability, we simplified ‘Afterimage Shock’s passive effect activation conditions and improved it in various ways, such as the afterimage reactivation cooldown, number of enemies hit, and activation range. In addition, we further increased the attack ranges of the major skills like ‘Shockwave Punch’, ‘Magnum Punch’, and ‘Double Fang’.

    Also, to improve overall combat convenience, we increased ‘Hammer Smash’s debuff duration and ‘Combination Training’s buff duration, added the ability to instantly reload all Bullets when ‘Burning Breaker’ is used, and a way to re-use the skill to instantly explode it while charging.

    Finally, we added critical status effect immunity to ‘Vulcan Punch’s keydown and changed ‘Ducking’ and ‘Sway’ to not activate Special Cores.

    • [​IMG] Will of Swords: This skill has been changed into an on/off skill that summons 3 swords every 3 seconds. You can use Will of Swords: Charge to fire the summoned swords at enemies. The time it takes for the fired swords to start flying towards enemies has been decreased. This skill has been improved so that if the enemy being targeted disappears, the swords will no longer immediately disappear.
    • NEW! [​IMG] Will of Swords: Charge: This is a new skill that is used to fire the swords created by Will of Swords. This skill can be used while using other skills. There is a cooldown of 10 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Sword Strike: The damage has been increased from 300% to 480%. The explosive attack when the swords hit the ground has been removed. The attack range has been increased by about 13%. The skill effect and sound effect have been changed.


    • [​IMG] Infernal Breath: This skill has been improved so that it can be used while in the air. The skill effect has been changed.
    • [​IMG] Advanced Will of Swords: The skill description has been changed to match the changed Will of Swords.
    • [​IMG] Final Trans: The cooldown has been decreased from 300 seconds to 240 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Will of Swords: Strike: The time it takes for the fired swords to start flying towards enemies has been decreased.

    Developer Notes:

    For Kaiser, we decreased ‘Final Trans’ cooldown so that ‘Final Figuration’ mode could be activated more stably. In addition, we simplified ‘Sword Strike’s attack method into a single hit and adjusted its range to improve hunting performance.

    Also, for ‘Will of Swords’, we changed it into an on/off skill which summons the swords automatically every 10 seconds to remove the need to both summon and fire the swords. We have also improved the speed that the swords track enemies to make the skill easier to use.

    In addition, looking at feedback from the test world, instead of significantly reducing ‘Will of Swords’ sword summoning time, we added a cooldown to ‘Will of Swords: Charge’ so it can be affected by cooldown reduction and reset effects.

    • [​IMG] Natural Born Instinct: The final damage boost has been increased from 20% to 24%.
    • [​IMG] Grip of Agony: This skill has been improved so that the stacks are not reset when buffs are reset entering content like Mu Lung Dojo, Sharenian’s Underground Culvert, and Ursus.
    • [​IMG] Thanatos Descent: The damage boost buff will now be maintained for the entire duration even after activating the Area of Death attack. This skill has been improved so that the Area of Death can be activated while in the air. Improved an issue where sometimes the Area of Death did not activate well.

    Developer Notes:

    For Kain, we changed ‘Grip of Agony’ so that its stacks are not reset in various map movement situations to reduce the battle preparation process, and made improvements to ‘Thanatos Descent’ so it can be used more freely.

    In addition, we decided that their boss battle ability needed to be buffed, so we increased ‘Natural Born Instinct’s final damage boost.

    • [​IMG] Chain Arts: Chase: This skill has been improved so that the slow effect is not halved on boss monsters.
    • [​IMG] Chain Arts: Stroke: This skill has been improved so that the slow effect is not halved on boss monsters.
    • [​IMG] Agent Step: This skill now increases speed by 40 and jump by 20.
    • [​IMG] Summon Cutting Scimitar: This skill has been improved so that you cannot be knocked back by any attack during the cast action.
    • [​IMG] Summon Scratching Claw: This skill has been improved so that you cannot be knocked back by any attack during the cast action.
    • [​IMG] Summon Throwing Wing Dagger: This skill has been improved so that the shuriken is created closer to the character. This skill has been improved so that if it is linked with Chain Arts: Stroke’s 1st hit, the final damage boost will only be consumed when the skill is used so that it applies to both the shuriken attack and the explosion attack. This skill has been improved so that it can be linked with Chain Arts: Stroke, Chain Arts: Chase, Summon Cutting Scimitar, and Summon Scratching Claw.
    • [​IMG] Summon Shooting Shotgun: This skill has been improved so that you cannot be knocked back by any attack during the cast action.
    • [​IMG] Summon Slashing Knife: The Terrified status duration has been increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Summon Releasing Bomb: This skill has been improved so that you cannot be knocked back by any attack during the cast action. This skill has been improved so that if it is linked with Chain Arts: Stroke’s 1st hit, the final damage boost will be consumed when the skill is used instead of when the explosion occurs.
    • [​IMG] Summon Striking Brick: This skill has been improved so that you cannot be knocked back by any attack during the cast action. This skill has been improved so that if it is linked with Chain Arts: Stroke’s 1st hit, the final damage boost will be consumed when the skill is used instead of when the attack occurs.
    • [​IMG] Summon Beating Needle Bat: This skill has been improved so that the Confusion status is applied on the 1st and 2nd hits as well. The Confusion status duration has been increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds. This skill has been improved so that you cannot be knocked back by any attack during the cast action. This skill has been improved so that if it is linked with Chain Arts: Stroke’s 1st hit, the final damage boost will apply to all attacks. The 1st hit’s number of hits has been increased from 6 to 8, the damage has been increased from 490 to 495%. The 2nd hit’s number of hits has been increased from 7 to 9, the damage has been increased from 610% to 640%. The 3rd hit’s number of hits has been increased from 8 to 10, the damage has been increased from 790% to 915%. The feature of the damage being based on the number of enemies being attacked has been removed.
    • [​IMG] Chain Arts: Takedown: This skill has been changed into a skill that binds up to 8 nearby enemies with chains. The feature to rush towards the target has been removed. Fixed an issue where the thrash attack would cancel Dark Sight.
    • [​IMG] Weapon Variety III: This skill now activates Dark Sight for 2 seconds when an additional hit is activated. This skill now creates a quickly disappearing shield equal to 7% maximum HP when an additional hit is activated. The shield can stack up to 25% maximum HP and goes down by 30% of the current shield amount + 50 per second.
    • [​IMG] Chain Arts: Tough Hustle: This skill has been improved so that it can be used while in the air. The feature to fix Weapon Variety to the maximum stacks has been removed.
    • [​IMG] Weak Point Converging Attack: The Bleed status duration has been increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Chain Arts: Crush: This skill has been improved so that it can be used while in the air. This skill will now stack Weapon Variety to the maximum number of stacks. The duration of Weapon Variety when stacked with this feature is 15 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Chain Arts: Maelstrom: This skill has been improved so that the slow effect is not halved on boss monsters.

    Developer Notes:

    For Cadena, first we made some improvements to increase stability when linking attacks. We added the effect of not being knocked back by any attacks to several major skills, and added the ability to create a temporary shield together with ‘Dark Sight’ for a short period of time when ‘Weapon Variety’s additional hit is activated.

    We also decreased the fatigue of maintaining debuffs. All the halved effects of slows on bosses have been removed, and the duration of status effects like Terrify, Confusion, and Bleed, have been increased so that you can enjoy ‘Wek Point Converging Attack’s effects more naturally, combat stress.

    Also, when linking ‘Chain Arts Stroke’ to other skills, there was an issue where the final damage boost logic would or would not be reflected in certain skills, so we improved this to enhance feedback when linking attacks.

    In addition, we improved combat convenience such as increasing the usability of some skills like ‘Takedown’, ‘Tough Hustle’, and ‘Crush’.

    The newly added shield effect activated by Weapon Variety had excessive performance when combined with other effects like Dark Sight, so we changed the shield values to be lower than in the test world.
    Angelic Buster

    • [​IMG] Pink Scud: Improved an issue where this skill could not be used continuously for a certain period of time after being used.
    • [​IMG] Primal Roar: The action delay has been decreased by about 16%.
    • [​IMG] Finitura Fettuccia: The debuff duration has been increased from 20 seconds to 60 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Soul Resonance: This skill has been improved so that it can be used while in the air. Your character will now be suspended in the air where the skill was used. The skill effect has been changed.
    • [​IMG] Energy Burst: This skill has been improved so that it is saved by Buff Freezers. Alleviated an issue where the explosion attack would not activate if you moved away from the summon then came back.
    • [​IMG] Mascot Familiar: This skill has been improved so that the acquired Magical Bubbles are saved by Buff Freezers.

    Developer Notes:

    For Angelic Buster, we extended ‘Finitura Fettuccia’s debuff duration so that it can be maintained at all times regardless of if you took the ‘Cooldown Reduce’ Hyper skill or not, and adjusted ‘Primal Roar’s action delay to make it smoother when hunting.

    In addition, we improved the usability of ‘Soul Resonance’ and ‘Pink Scud’, and improved the convenience of ‘Energy Burst’ and ‘Mascot Familiar’.


    • [​IMG] Divine Force: This skill has been changed to [​IMG] Divine Aura. The skill effect has been changed. This skill now increases speed by 20, jump by 10, and attack speed by 1 stage.
    • REMOVED! [​IMG] Divine Swift: This skill has been removed.
    • [​IMG] Burst Step: Improved an issue where you could not use certain skills continuously after using Burst Step. This skill has been improved so that when it is used to the left/right, it is considered a teleport.
    • [​IMG] Resolve Time: This skill now increases attack speed by 1 stage. This skill now increases critical rate by 20%.
    • [​IMG] Rapid Time: Detect’s effect has been changed to increase damage by 1%, the maximum number of stacks has been decreased from 10 to 5. Strength’s attack speed boost at maximum stacks has been removed, the maximum number of stacks has been decreased from 10 to 5.
    • [​IMG] Great Sword Mastery: This skill now increases damage by 50%. The feature of the damage being based on the number of enemies being attacked has been removed.
    • [​IMG] Advanced Spin Cutter: This skill’s sword slashes now deal 100%p increased damage when attacking normal monsters.
    • [​IMG] Combat Recovery: The skill icon has been changed.
    • [​IMG] Advanced Rolling Curve: This skill’s sword slashes now deal 110%p increased damage when attacking normal monsters.
    • [​IMG] Advanced Rolling Assaulter: This skill’s sword slashes now deal 60%p increased damage when attacking normal monsters.
    • [​IMG] Shadow Rain: The damage has been increased from 1400% to 1600%.
    • [​IMG] Limit Break: The cooldown has been decreased from 240 seconds to 120 seconds. The duration has been decreased from 42 seconds to 24 seconds. The damage has been decreased from 775% to 410%. The shockwave damage has been decreased from 1300% to 750% (at level 25). Fixed an issue where if you cancelled the buff while dead, the shockwave would be activated after reviving.
    • [​IMG] Joint Attack: This skill’s cooperative attack’s number of explosions will now be increased by 1 for every 2 remaining link attacks. However, the cooperative attack can only explode up to 5 times. The Beta link’s damage has been increased from 1750%/1660%/2000% to 1920%/1830%/2200%. The Alpha link’s damage has been increased from 1750%/1660%/2000% to 1920%/1830%/2200%. The cooperative attack’s damage has been increased from 1980% to 2050% (at level 25).
    • [​IMG][​IMG] Shadow Flash: Beta’s divine area creation damage has been increased from 1200% to 1300%. Beta’s divine area disappearing damage has been increased from 1500% to 1750%.

    Developer Notes:

    For Zero, we adjusted ‘Limit Break’s cooldown to create synergy with Zero’s other skills.

    In addition, ‘Divine Force’ and ‘Divine Swift’s effects did not work as a meaningful choice anymore so we combined the mto improve convenience. We moved some of ‘Rapid Time’s effects to ‘Resolve Time’ to relieve the stress of managing stacks.

    We added a feature to ‘Joint Attack’ that increases the cooperative attack’s number of explosions based on the number of remaining link attacks to provide an easier and more complete option to inflict more damage rather than getting a short invincibility effect.

    We have also improved the control feeling by changing ‘Burst Step’ to be considered a teleport when moving left/right and making it link to other movement skills smoothly.

    Finally, we decided that their hunting performance needed to be improved, so we added normal monster damage to some of the Alpha skills’ sword slash attacks.

    • [​IMG] Psychic Walk: The jump distance when used forwards has been increased. The jump distance when used upwards has been increased.
    • [​IMG] Ultimate – Material: The attack range has been increased by about 17%.
    • [​IMG] Ultimate – Deep Impact: The Psychic Points consumption has been decreased from 5 to 2.
    • [​IMG] Psychic Grab: Fixed an issue where picking up an enemy would cause HP to be consumed due to Overload Mana. Fixed an issue where Psychic Smashing’s last attack did not apply Overload Mana.
    • [​IMG] Psychic Ground: The feature of the effect being based on the number of enemies in the area has been removed.
    • [​IMG] Psychic Move: The cooldown has been decreased from 10 seconds to 4 seconds. This skill will now apply an 8 second cooldown if it is used while using other skills. This skill has been improved so that you can stop moving while holding the keydown and move in three directions: [​IMG], ↑, [​IMG].
    • [​IMG] Psychic Grab 2: Fixed an issue where picking up an enemy would cause HP to be consumed due to Overload Mana.
    • [​IMG] Ultimate – B.P.M: This skill will now stop attacking instead of being deactivated if your Psychic Points reach 0 when it is active. The attack will resume when you recover more than 3 Psychic Points. This skill has been improved so that it can be activated without any Psychic Points. This skill has been improved so that it is saved by Buff Freezers.
    • [​IMG] Psychic Ground 2: The feature of the effect being based on the number of enemies in the area has been removed. The damage has been increased from 500% to 1000%. The number of hits has been increased from 1 to 4.
    • [​IMG] Psycho Break: This skill has been changed into a passive skill that increases final damage by 40%. Combat Orders will no longer apply to this skill.
    • [​IMG] Awakening: The final damage boost has been decreased from 40% to 15%.
    • [​IMG] Psychic Ground – Reduce Guard: This skill has been changed to increase the defense reduction of Psychic Ground by 10%. This effect is applied additively to Psychic Ground/Psychic Ground 2.
    • NEW! [​IMG] Telekinesis – Bonus Chance: Telekinesis’ activation rate is increased by 30%. [Required Level: 150]
    • NEW! [​IMG] Telekinesis – Reinforce: Telekinesis’ damage is increased by 20%. [Required Level: 165]
    • NEW! [​IMG] Telekinesis – Bonus Attack: Telekinesis’ number of hits is increased by 1. [Required Level: 190]
    • REMOVED! [​IMG] Psycho Break – Reinforce: This skill has been removed.
    • REMOVED! [​IMG] Psycho Break – Cooltime Reduce: This skill has been removed.
    • REMOVED! [​IMG] Psycho Break – Enhance: This skill has been removed.
    • [​IMG] Psychic Tornado: When the thrown objects are flying, the attack ranges have been increased by about 56%/42%/36% for each object size. The thrown objects’ movement speed has been increased. This skill has been improved so that the thrown objects’ explosion attack is exploded closer to the character. This skill has been improved so that the thrown object explodies instantly when hitting the end of the map.
    • [​IMG] Ultimate – Moving Matter: The feature of increasing the attack speed based on the movement speed has been removed. The base attack speed has been increased. The skill description has been changed to be more accurate.
    • Psycho Break cores have been changed to Psychic Ground 2 cores and their prefixes have been changed.

    Developer Notes:

    For Kinesis, we improved ‘Psychic Walk’ and ‘Psychic Move’s performance since it’s a job where the location of the character and monsters is important in battle and their mobility was lacking.

    In addition, we have changed ‘Ultimate – Moving Matter’, which is important to control the direction based on the position of monsters, by removing the attack speed based on its movement speed to improve control fatigue. We have improved ‘Psychic Tornado’s range to make it easier to hit enemies.

    Also, we have improved combat convenience, such as the inconvenience of ‘Ultimate – B.P.M’ turning off due to running out of PP and changing ‘Psycho Break’ to a passive skill. We have reduced the amount of HP consumed by ‘Overload Mana’ to reduce the burden of HP consumption in boss battles.

    In addition, we confirmed that the damage increase due to the improvements made to ‘Ultimate – Moving Matter’ were bigger than expected, so we decreased the attack speed when compared to the test world and made it so that ‘Psycho Break’, which was changed into a passive skill, is not affected by effects that increase skill levels like Combat Orders.

    • [​IMG] Resonance: The feature of the final damage being increased based on the number of enemies being attacked has been removed. The damage has been increased from 120% to 502%.
    • [​IMG] Nobility: This skill has been improved so that it cannot be cancelled for a certain period of time after being used.
    • [​IMG] Blossom: The delay until the attack is activated has been decreased by 14%.
    • [​IMG] Grave: The cooldown has been decreased from 90 seconds to 10 seconds. The damage has been decreased from 800% to 220%.
    • [​IMG] Marker: The feature of the final damage being increased based on the number of enemies being attacked has been removed. The damage has been increased from 500% to 2000%.
    • [​IMG] Restore: This skill has been improved so that it cannot be cancelled for a certain period of time after being used.
    • [​IMG] Storm: This skill has been improved to consume MP only when cast. This skill has been improved to be saved by Buff Freezers. This skill has been improved so that it cannot be cancelled for a certain period of time after being used.

    Developer Notes:

    For Adele, we changed ‘Storm’, ‘Nobility’, and ‘Restore’ so that they cannot be cancelled for a certain period of time after they are used so they won’t be cancelled accidentally. In addition, we greatly decreased ‘Grave’s cooldown to reduce the risk of hitting the wrong enemy, and improved ‘Storm’ and ‘Blossom’s usability.

    In addition, we confirmed that in the test world, Resonance and Marker’s damage was unintentionally different than their existing experience and so we have improved them.

    • [​IMG] Craft: Javelin: This skill has been improved so that the first hit prioritizes the boss monster with the highest maximum HP. This skill has been improved so that when there are monsters to bounce to, it will prioritize the boss monster with the highest maximum HP.
    • [​IMG] Crystal Control: The Crystal’s movement speed has been increased by about 100%.
    • [​IMG] Divine Shield: This skill now gives magic attacks a 20% chance to absorb 10% maximum MP (5% maximum MP on boss monsters). The damage reduction has been increased from 50% to 70%.
    • [​IMG] Glory Wings: Javelin: This skill has been improved so that it prioritizes the boss monster with the highest maximum HP. The feature of the final damage being increased based on the number of enemies being attacked has been removed. The damage has been increased from 300% to 500%.
    • [​IMG] Craft: Javelin II: This skill has been improved so that the first hit prioritizes the boss monster with the highest maximum HP. This skill has been improved so that when there are monsters to bounce to, it will prioritize the boss monster with the highest maximum HP.
    • [​IMG] Crystal Gate: This skill has been improved so that if Crystal Gate disappears faster than its remaining duration, the cooldown will be decreased by 50% of the remaining duration.
    • [​IMG] Crystal Ignition: The keydown duration has been decreased from 10 seconds to 6 seconds. The damage has been increased from 1400% to 2331% (at level 25).
    • [​IMG] Soul of Crystal: This skill has been improved so that it is saved by Buff Freezers.

    Developer Notes:

    For Illium, we reduced ‘Crystal Ignition’s keydown duration and added the ability to absorb MP to ‘Divine Shield’ to increase overall combat stability.

    In addition, ‘Crystal Control’s crystal movement speed has been doubled to improve the feeling of control, and ‘Crystal Gate’s cooldown will be shortened if it disappears earlier than it should have been due to things like changing maps or the character dying for added convenience.

    We confirmed that in the test world, Glory Wings: Javelin’s damage was unintentionally different than its existing experience and so we have improved it.

    • [​IMG] Spell Bullet: This skill has been improved so that if the enemy being targeted disappears, it will no longer immediately disappear.
    • [​IMG] Instinct Leap: This skill has been improved so that you can float even during the up jump. A command lock feature has been added.
    • [​IMG] Unfading Scar: The damage has been decreased from 170% to 150%.
    • [​IMG] Impending Death: This skill has been improved so that if the enemy being targeted disappears, it will no longer immediately disappear.
    • [​IMG] Unfulfilled Hunger: The damage has been decreased from 320% to 300%.
    • [​IMG] Fusion Progression: The final damage boost has been decreased from 10% to 5%.
    • [​IMG] Brilliant Restraint: This skill has been improved so that you no longer collide with monsters when casting the skill.
    • [​IMG] Battle Frenzy: The duration has been increased from 5 seconds to 20 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Abyssal Recall: The cooldown has been decreased from 200 seconds to 120 seconds. The attack duration has been decreased by about 40%. The duration where willpower is not consumed in Spectre form has been decreased from 30 seconds to 18 seconds. The damage has been decreased from 800% to 435%. The explosion damage has been decreased from 2400% to 1444% (at level 25).
    • [​IMG] Infinity Spell: The cooldown has been decreased from 240 seconds to 120 seconds. The duration has been decreased from 90 seconds to 49 seconds (at level 25). The HP consumption has been decreased from 15% maximum HP to 8% maximum HP.

    Developer Notes:

    For Ark, we adjusted ‘Abyssal Recall’ and ‘Infinity Spell’s cooldowns to create synergy with Ark’s other skills.

    However, for Ark, we decided that the damage increase due to the changes in skill usage cycles will exceed our expected values so some numbers will be slightly decreased. But we still expect that the overall combat performance will be improved even after these reductions. For related content, we will continue to monitor our indicators even after the update.

    Also, since Infinity Spell will be used more often, we lowered its HP cost to prevent the problem of excessive HP consumption.

    In addition to the cycle adjustment, we increased ‘Battle Frenzy’s duration to alleviate the stress of maintaining its stacks, and improved ‘Impending Death’ and ‘Spell Bullet’ so that they don’t disappear immediately if an enemy does.

    We also confirmed that Instinct Leap’s float command added in the test world hurt existing gameplay, so we have changed it back to the way it was before.

    • [​IMG] Mountain Guardian: The damage reduction has been increased from 50% to 70%.
    • [​IMG] Expression: Where the River Flows: This skill has been improved so that you can also move from the river’s arrival point back to the starting point. Fixed an issue where Bounty Hunter portals were created overlapping the arrival point and starting point.
    • [​IMG] Slumber Awakening: The cooldown has been decreased from 11 seconds to 9 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Expression: Sunlight Filled Ground: The area’s range has been increased by about 67%.
    • [​IMG] Dragon Vein Conversion: The cooldown after successfully changing an element has been decreased from 7 seconds to 4 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Mountain Enclosure: This skill has been improved so that you ignore Darkness and Skill Seal status effects while it is active. Fixed an issue where if you changed maps during the skill, the critical status effect ignore effect would continue to be applied.
    • [​IMG] Free Dragon Vein: This skill has been improved so that the Dragon Veins are created a little closer to the character.

    Developer Notes:

    For Lara, to improve their hunting performance, we increased their mobility by changing ‘Expression: Where the River Flows’ so it can be used from both points, and reduced ‘Slumber Awakening’s cooldown so that it can be used every monster spawn cycle.

    In addition, we increased ‘Mountain Guardian’s damage reduction, added resistance to Darkness and Skill Seal status effects to ‘Mountain Enclosure’, and increased ‘Sunlight Filled Ground’s area to improve combat stability.

    • [​IMG] Talisman: Evil Sealing Gourd: The feature of the damage being based on the number of enemies being attacked has been removed.
    • [​IMG] Talisman: Clone: This skill has been improved so that it prioritizes the boss monster with the highest maximum HP.
    • [​IMG] Talisman: Seeking Ghost Flame: This skill has been improved so that it prioritizes the boss monster with the highest maximum HP.
    • [​IMG] Scroll: Butterfly Dream: This skill has been improved so that it prioritizes the boss monster with the highest maximum HP.
    • [​IMG] Sage: Tai Yu Clone: This skill has been changed into a skill that binds several nearby enemies when used. The feature of the bind duration being based on the number of enemies being attacked has been removed. The bind duration has been increased from 8 seconds to 11 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Sage: Tai Yu’s Miracle Tonic: This skill now instantly fully charges your Talisman Energy and Scroll Energy when used.
    • [​IMG] Sage: Wrath of Gods: This skill has been improved so that the God’s Strike prioritizes the boss monster with the highest maximum HP.

    Developer Notes:

    For Hoyoung, we improved boss battle convenience by changing their main skills to prioritize hitting boss monsters.

    In addition, ‘Sage: Tai Yu’s Miracle Tonic’ now instantly fully charges Talisman Energy and Scroll Energy to make gauge management easier, and ‘Sage: Tai Yu Clone’ has been changed to make it easier to bind enemies.
    New Area <Awakened Laboratory: Odium>


    The Lost City Among the Clouds

    Alley on the Other Side

    Sunshine Blurring the Unknown

    Irreversible Abomination

    Four Perils Astray

    Beyond the unending tower, the Alliance has opened the locked laboratory doors. Now, discover the secrets related to the adversary hidden within the laboratory.

    Participation Requirements

    • Characters level 275 or higher who have completed the 5th job advancement and the ‘[Hotel Arcs] Again, Hotel Arcs’ and ‘[Karotte] Watcher Kalos’ quests.

    Participation Method

    • Accept the ‘[Odium] Contact from Edelstein’ quest through the lightbulb on the left side of your screen.
    Click to view slideshow.
    The following quests have been added to the Awakened Laboratory: Odium.

    • [Odium] Contact from Edelstein
    • [Odium] Unfixable Robot
    • [Odium] Visit from the Knights
    • [Odium] Again, to the Skyscraper
    • [Odium] The Place Higher than the Skyscraper
    • [Odium] Occupied Town
    • [Odium] Alter’s Guide 1
    • [Odium] Alter’s Guide 2
    • [Odium] The Company’s Appearance
    • [Odium] Protect the Town
    • [Odium] Alley’s Invaders 1
    • [Odium] Alley’s Invaders 2
    • [Odium] Laha Angler
    • [Odium] The Helper’s Appearance
    • [Odium] Contaminated Researcher
    • [Odium] No One is Left
    • [Odium] The Open Door
    • [Odium] The Power Room that Calms the Heart
    • [Odium] Closed Eyed Chaos
    • Daddy Didn’t Come Back 1
    • Daddy Didn’t Come Back 2
    • Daddy Didn’t Come Back 3
    • Kaya and Seri 1
    • Kaya and Seri 2
    • Kaya and Seri 3
    • System Recovery 1
    • System Recovery 2
    • System Recovery 3
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The following NPCs have been added to the Awakened Laboratory: Odium.

    • Shasha
    • Kaya
    • Bonui
    • Hanho
    • Miya
    • Seri
    • Nasol
    • Winnie
    • Haram
    • Alo
    • Alter
    • Laha
    • Stairs Going Up
    • Stairs Going Down
    Click to view slideshow.
    The following maps have been added to the Awakened Laboratory: Odium.

    • <230 Authentic Force>
      • Odium: City of Researchers
      • Odium: Connection to the Castle Gate
      • Odium: Path to the Castle Gate 1
      • Odium: Path to the Castle Gate 2
      • Odium: Path to the Castle Gate 3
      • Odium: Path to the Castle Gate 4
    • <260 Authentic Force>
      • Odium: Occupied Alley 1
      • Odium: Occupied Alley 2
      • Odium: Occupied Alley 3
      • Odium: Occupied Alley 4
    • <280 Authentic Force>
      • Odium: Awakened Laboratory
      • Odium: Laboratory Middle Hallway
      • Odium: Sunny Laboratory 1
      • Odium: Sunny Laboratory 2
      • Odium: Sunny Laboratory 3
    • <300 Authentic Force>
      • Odium: Laboratory Behind the Locked Door 1
      • Odium: Laboratory Behind the Locked Door 2
      • Odium: Laboratory Behind the Locked Door 3
      • Odium: Power Room that Calms the Heart
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The following monsters have been added to the Awakened Laboratory: Odium.

    • Enhanced Corallite Guardian (Lv. 275)
    • Enhanced Olivine Guardian (Lv. 275)
    • Enhanced Diamond Guardian (Lv. 275)
    • Angler Robot Type A (Lv. 276)
    • Angler Robot Type B (Lv. 276)
    • Angler Robot Type C (Lv. 276)
    • Guard Soldier Corundum (Lv. 277)
    • Guard Soldier Agate (Lv. 277)
    • Collapsing Test Subject (Lv. 278)
    • Failed Test Subject (Lv. 279)


    The Odium area’s Elite Boss monster has been added.

    • Odium’s Guard Soldier
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The following items have been added.

    • Authentic Symbol: Odium
      • Complete all of the quests in the Awakened Laboratory: Odium area to acquire 1 Authentic Symbol: Odium.
      • After completing the story quests, you can perform a daily quest for the NPC Shasha in the City of Researchers to acquire 5 Authentic Symbols: Odium.
    • The One With the Closed Eyes of Chaos medal

    The Odium area exploration achievement has been added.

    Now that the Odium area has been added, the setting that characters over level 284 would be considered level 284 when determining experience and meso penalties based on the difference in levels between the character and the monster have been changed to be considered level 289.

    Developer Notes:

    In the newly added ‘Awakened Laboratory: Odium’, the ‘journey to recover your lost power’ from Karotte goes one step further, and various hostile forces make their appearances.

    In terms of Odium’s story, we tried to deveop a fast-paced and organic connection between the front/back stories and reinforce the setting of the various characters and forces at work.

    In particular, since Odium is an area closely connected with some jobs like Lara and Hoyoung, we have added interesting elements for each job like exclusive dialogue and map objects.

    Also, this time, outside of the main story, we have added a few things to enhance the narrative and concept experience.

    In order to present Odium’s backstories which could not be resolved in the main quests, we added 3 sub story quests to enhance the narrative charm, we tried new cutscene direction techniques, and we used a new type of portal in Odium’s town ‘City of Researchers’. We expect that this new type of portal will add spatial fun and enhance Odium’s concept well.

    We will continue to strive to provide a richer narrative experience through these various methods.
    Monster Collection

    New monsters, areas, and medals have been added to Monster Collection.

    Click to view slideshow.
    The following monsters have been added.

    • Victoria Island
      • Pig
      • Berserk Horny Mushroom
      • Cynical Orange Mushroom
      • Mixed Golem
      • Terrified Wild Boar
      • Jr. Boogie
      • Mummydog
      • Ruins Guardian
      • Ruins Sentinel
      • Octopus
      • Muddy Swamp Monster
      • King Slime
      • Faust
      • Baby Balrog
      • Defiled Tree Sap
      • Polluted Tree Sap
      • Snack Bar
      • Guardian Angel Slime
      • Halo Slime
      • Romantic Slime
      • Gold Slime
      • Explosive Slime
    • El Nath Mountains
      • Rabbit
      • Golden Rabbit
      • Mammoth
      • Scorpie
      • Ferret
      • Golden Ferret
      • Tragos
      • Kephivara
      • Puco
      • Cusko
      • Firebomb
      • Boogie
      • Chaos Puco
      • Chaos Punco
      • Chaos Pachu
      • Chaos Opachu
      • [★] Jr. Cerebes
      • [★] Frozen Rose
      • [★] Keymaster Rousseau
      • [★] Garden Golem
      • Fragile [★] Garden Golem
    • Arcane River
      • Yellow Piabee
      • Orange Piabee
      • Purple Piabee
      • Nameless Cat
      • Powerful Gangster
      • Strong Gangster
      • Vanishing Erda
      • Xenoroid Echo Type C
      • Nameless Pigeon
      • Floating Mace
      • Thralled Debris
      • Thralled Guard Captain
      • Veritate
      • Volar
      • Oceanleli
      • Hyades
      • Denebola
      • Lilli Borea
      • Angelus
      • Peaceful Imago
      • Falling Imago
      • Sinking Imago
      • Origin Guardian
      • Temple Guardian
      • Chaos Executor
      • Adorati
      • Wandering Soot Glare
      • Monstrous Illusion
      • Terrible Grasp
      • Servant of Darknes
      • Sweeping Terror
      • Sweeping Despair
      • Sweeping Agony
      • Broken Golem
      • Fragmented Golem
      • Turbion
      • Disturbion
      • Aeonian Rise
      • Tanadian Ruin
      • Befuddling Fragile Black Knight
      • Evasive Magic Resistant Mad Mage
      • Master of Disguise Black Chains Rampant Cyborg
      • Healer Beefy Vicious Hunter
      • Seal Master Undead Bad Brawler
    • Grandis
      • Back Alley Cat
      • Town Square Pot
      • Monstrous News Machine
      • Torchlighter
      • Count’s Wizard
      • Count’s Swordsman
      • Sikhye Crock
      • Broken Sikhye Crock
      • Jar of Stagnant Water
      • Rolling Gourd
      • Chunky Striped Gourd
      • Sewer Rat
      • Vicious Sewer Rat
      • Pine Nut
      • Prickly Hedgeheg
      • Foul Ooze Waste
      • Sketchy Hooligan
      • Dangerous Nutria
      • Unstoppable Dangerous Nutria
      • Hazard’s Grubby Crony
      • Mangy Spectral Mutt
      • Blob Glooger
      • Spine Glooger
      • Poisonous Debilitating Spine Glooger
      • Tough-looking Hyuk
      • Cheeky Myung
      • Licky-lips Yeol
      • Sprout Silkworm
      • Flower Wing
      • Flower Field Bunny
      • Flower Drift Bunny
      • Sunlight-Seeking Sphere
      • Shade-Seeking Sphere
      • Gluey Leaf Fly
      • Sticky Leaf Fly
      • Nimble Biter
      • Agile Biter
      • Bulky Biter
      • Huge Biter
      • Guard Robot D2-78
      • Guard Robot C1-49
      • Skilled Drakas
      • Adept Drakas
      • Ebonstar Foot Soldier
      • Ebonstar Archer
      • Monster Gull
      • Chief Monster Gull
      • Wandering Scholar Ghost
      • Curious Scholar Ghost
      • Haunted Tome
      • Fire Spirit
      • Evasive Master of Disguise Great Flame Spirit
      • Enraged Fire Spirit
      • Burning Tome
      • Ebonstar Bombardier
      • Ebonstar Magician
      • Magic Resistant Ebonstar Magician
      • Flora Foot Soldier
      • Flora Magician
      • Flora Assassin
      • Flora Heavy Infantry
      • Beefy Undead Flora Commander
      • Chosen Seren
      • Sandblade Marauder
      • Ironshot Desperado
      • Puxillian Rover
      • Puxillian Scrounger
      • Conductorbot
      • Houndbot
      • Beefy Houndbot
      • Stone Kiwi
      • Seal Master Petrifying Wilderness Sheriff
      • Enhanced Corallite Guardian
      • Enhanced Olivine Guardian
      • Enhanced Diamond Guardian
      • Corundum Guardian
      • Agate Guardian
      • Angler Robot Type A
      • Angler Robot Type B
      • Angler Robot Type C
      • Collapsing Test Subject
      • Failed Test Subject
      • Guardian Kalos
      • Guardian’s Servant
      • Odium Scout
      • Ruined Odium Scout
      • Befuddling Petrifying Guardian of Odium
    Click to view slideshow.
    The following new areas and monsters have been added.

    • Friends
      • Bandage Mon
      • Thermo Mon
      • Otherworldly Lady
      • Squeeze Mon
      • Agrippa Mon
      • Otherworldly Artist
      • Farsighted Mon
      • Ember Mon
      • Science!
      • Otherworldly Doctor
      • Harp Mon
      • Drum Mon
      • Otherworldly Star
      • Shy Mon
      • Bashful Mon
      • Otherworldly Kid
      • Otherworldly Beast
      • Mote
      • Shooting Mote
      • Flying Mote
      • Rolling Mote
      • Poison Mote
      • Hallow Mote
      • Hard Rocker
      • True Rocker
      • Fistfight Troublemaker
      • Greedy Troublemaker
      • Forever Alone Troublemaker
      • Born Single Troublemaker
      • Two-faced Troublemaker
      • Squid Troublemaker
      • Proud Troublemaker
      • Omen
      • Master Omen
      • King Omen
    • Special
      • Eagle
      • Black Eagle
      • Golden Eagle
      • Bald Eagle
      • Chicken Totem
      • Monkey Totem
      • Tiger Totem
      • Snake Totem
      • Golden Totem
      • Stormwing
      • Normal Inferno Wolf
      • Chaos Inferno Wolf
      • Extreme Inferno Wolf
      • Ursus
      • Unknown Slime
      • Unknown Mutation Slime
      • Unknown Archeopteryx
      • Unknown Thunderbird
      • Unknown Jackalope
      • Unknown Serpent
      • Unknown Pit Viper
      • Unknown Saber-Toothed Tiger
      • Unknown Elite Saber-Toothed Tiger
      • Extreme Bigfoot

    Reward items have been added to Monster Collection’s new pages.

    • Guardian Angel Slime Cube Chair
    • Zakum Cube Chair
    • Oceanleli Cube Chair
    • Creation and Destruction Cube Chair
    • Back Alley Cat Cube Chair
    • Flower Field Bunny Cube Chair
    • Chosen Seren Cube Chair
    • Watcher Kalos Cube Chair
    • Balrog Cube Chair
    • Prideful Troublemaker Cube Chair
    • Extreme Bigfoot Cube Chair


    Medals have been added to Monster Collection’s new area.

    • Friends: Friends’ Collector
    Convenience Improvements


    In the V Matrix UI, the ‘Enhancement Core Filter’ feature has been added to make it easier to find Enhancement Cores with the desired skills.

    • The ‘Enhancement Core Filter’ button has been added to the V Matrix’s ‘My Core Mode’ and ‘Disassemble Mode’ pages. You can click the button to open the UI.
    • You can input up to 3 desired Enhancement skills. You can enter the skills you want to search for to find all Enhancement Cores that include your desired skills.
    • If you check the ‘Search for Skill 1 as the main skill’ option at the top of the UI, it will search for Enhancement Cores with Skill 1 as the main skill of the Core.

    If you have 1 Special Core equipped, you can now double-click or drag and drop another Special Core to replace it.

    You can now use multiple personality trait items at the same time.

    • If you have a large amount of personality trait items in your inventory, you can use multiple at the same time.
    • You can only use up to the number of items needed to reach the maximum level of that personality trait.
    • You cannot use the items for personality traits that are already maximum level.
    • When using items that increase multiple personality traits at the same time, it can be used based on the lowest personality trait level and will not increase beyond the maximum level.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Protect Shield, Safety Shield, and Recovery Shield items’ images have been changed to make it easier to distinguish between them.

    In the Maple Auction, a notice has been added when trying to sell Consume/Etc/Install/Cash/Decorative items at a price less than 50% of the 7-day average transaction price to avoid making mistakes.

    In the Maple Auction, to improve purchasing convenience, the tooltips for Consume/Etc/Install/Cash/Decorative items will display the 7-day average transaction price and the currently registered lowest price.

    In the Maple Auction, if you buy 2 or more registered items, you can press the ‘MAX” button in the purchase confirmation window to enter the maximum amount that can be purchased at once.

    • However, the ‘MAX’ button will not be displayed in the window when buyig items sold in units, items sold as a bundle like Cube items, or rechargeable items like throwing stars.


    In the Options UI > Chat & Invites tab, you can choose to display timestamps for chat window messages.

    When you log out, it will now also display items in your storage that are going to expire within 24 hours.

    If you try to Disassemble and Fuse in areas other than Meisterville, the notice that it cannot be used will now be displayed instantly.

    You can now use the PageUp and PageDown keys in the character selection window to move between pages.

    When you have the UI transparency during combat setting on, the transparency will also be applied to bag UIs.

    In Monster Life, you can now check the results of consumable items without the cutscenes or delays.

    The Arcana area quests’ information window contents have been improved to easily understand the destination and completion conditions.


    In the Maple Achievements, you can now search for achievements using keywords.

    In the Battle Analysis system window, you can now use the mouse wheel to move through pages in the detailed skill information pages.


    Hunting Grounds

    Click to view slideshow.
    The following hunting grounds’ monster placement and terrain have been improved.

    • Last Horizon 1
    • Last Horizon 4
    • Last Horizon 5
    • Mysterious Fog 1
    • Mysterious Fog 4
    • Void Current 6
    • Labyrinth of Suffering Interior 3
    • Labyrinth of Suffering Interior 2
    • Labyrinth of Suffering Interior 1
    • Labyrinth of Suffering Interior 4
    • Labyrinth of Suffering Interior 5
    • Labyrinth of Suffering Interior 6
    • Labyrinth of Suffering Core 1
    • Labyrinth of Suffering Core 2
    • Labyrinth of Suffering Core 7
    • Labyrinth of Suffering Deep Core 1
    • Labyrinth of Suffering Deep Core 2
    • Labyrinth of Suffering Deep Core 3
    • Labyrinth of Suffering Deep Core 4
    • Labyrinth of Suffering Deep Core 6
    • World’s Sorrow Depths 3
    • World’s Sorrow Midpoint 1
    • World’s Sorrow Midpoint 2
    • World’s Sorrow Midpoint 3
    • World’s Sorrow Midpoint 4
    • Rocky Overlook 1
    • Cernium Western City Ramparts 1
    • Cernium Eastern City Ramparts 1
    • Royal Library Section 1
    • Royal Library Section 4
    • Burning Royal Library Section 1
    • Burning Royal Library Section 4
    • Western City Ramparts in Battle 1
    • Eastern City Ramparts in Battle 1
    • Western City Ramparts in Battle 4
    • Outlaw-Infested Wastes 1
    • Nostalgic Drive-in Theater 1
    • Nostalgic Drive-in Theater 4
    • Train With No Destination 1
    • Train With No Destination 4
    Flame Wolf

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Normal and Chaos Flame Wolf’s maximum HP have been changed.

    The damage required for each Flame Wolf reward rank has been changed.

    Flame Wolf’s time before it automatically disappears has been changed from 2 hours to 1 hour.


    Voices have been added to Mikhail’s story quests.



    Cube Chairs have been improved so that you can stack 6 more cubes to the left and right.

    • The character sits at the top of the Cube Chair placed in the center.
    • At least one Cube Chair must be placed in the center to save the Cube Chair settings.
    • Cube Chairs can be stacked by connecting them to the top, bottom, left, or right of another.

    The HAPPY, NEW, YEAR, 2016 Cube Chais’ sizes have been changed.

    When using a Silver Karma Scissors or Karma Ring after a character dies, a notice that they cannot be used will be added.

    The buff icon image displayed when using a Stage 9 Luck Pill has been changed.

    Wisp’s Wonderberry’s item description has been reinforced.

    Fixed an issue where in certain situations, the Angelic Bless effect did not display properly when equipped.

    The Reboot Gift Box Stage 1~4 tooltip has been improved to state that the items acquired are untradeable.


    Edelstein’s weapon and armor merchant Bonyaski’s list of items for sale has been simplified.

    The descriptions of the following NPCs have been corrected.

    • Platform to Ereb: Kiriru
    • Station <To Ereb>: Kiru
    • Orbis Station Entrance: Ip
    • Kerning Tower Lobby: Juni
    • Helisium Reclamation HQ: Karin
    • Helisium Reclamation HQ: Nova Ancient Storage
    • Pantheon: Nova Ancient Storage

    The Orbis NPC ‘Ip’s guide information has been corrected.


    The following map images have been changed.

    • Destroyed Henesys
    • Stone Colossus Exploration Site Headquarters
    • Maple Road Southperry
    • Clocktower Bottom Floor Passage of Time
    • Shadow Village Healer

    Fixed an issue where the following NPCs’ names were covered by terrain.

    • Kerning City: Mr. Pickall, Mister New Name
    • Lacheln: Didimo, Canto
    • Henesys: Chief Stan, Unidentified Magician Soul Researcher, Maple Admin
    • Pantheon: Hera
    • Ludibrium: Summoner Pigmy
    • Sleepywood: Dragon Slayer Ms. Account, Lieutenant Mr. Poncho
    • Magatia: Vivi
    • Leafre: Dragon Slayer Ms. Account, Honourable Rock, Moody, Dangerous Area Bullet Taxi

    Certain station NPCs that didn’t give flight times have been changed to give that information.

    Especia’s Totem Slash exit map has been improved so that you instantly enter close to the NPC.

    Especia’s Totem Slash has been improved so that the login alert popup does not appear after entering.


    Monster Life’s UI images have been changed.

    • 24 Hour Hospital
    • Monster Slot Expansion Coupon

    The guild mark emblem image has been changed.

    Equipment enhancement or Toad’s Hammer can no longer be used while the Item Disassembly window or the Fusion window are open.

    When disassembling items, the level range for the bulk equipment registration filter has been changed to 0~250, so that you can also disassemble the Stones of Eternal Life.

    Client Performance

    The damage effect performance has been improved.

    • The ‘Basic Effect 2 (Beta)’ and ‘Mini Basic Effect 2 (Beta)’ options that were in testing have been removed.
    • The performance of the Basic Effect, Cascading Effect, Blade Effect, Mini Basic Effect, Mini Cascading Effect, and Mini Blade Effects have been improved.

    Improved the issue where the client would slow down or freeze during combat.

    • Effect output related performance optimizations have been made overall.
    • Projectile skills’ performance optimizations have been made.

    Developer Notes:

    Many players have complained about the issue where the client would sometimes slow down or freeze when a lot of damage was dealt in a short period of time.

    We’ve been investigating this issue for the past few months, and as a result, we have identified and corrected factors that degraded performance such as damage (skin) effects, skill hits and effect output, and projectile creation.

    We expect that more players will be able to fight in a comfortable environment with these changes, and we will actively improve the things that need performance improvements in the future.

    Pets have been improved so that pets whose magic time has expired will return to being dolls more quickly.

    When you try to change an overall or bottom when the Decorations tab is full, a message stating that you need empty space will be displayed in the chat window.

    If you enter the Cash Shop with the medal display option turned off, the medal will not be visible in the preview window.

    Error Fixes


    Fixed an error with the ‘[Moonbridge] Shipwreck Rescue’ quest where the completion conditions were not displayed correctly.

    Fixed an error with the ‘[Moonbridge] Mysterious Fog Investigation’ quest where the NPC Icarut’s name was hidden.

    Fixed an error with the ‘[Labyrinth of Suffering] The One Who Knows the Depths of the Labyrinth’ quest where the completion conditions were not displayed correctly.

    The ‘[Labyrinth of Suffering] The One Who Knows the Depths of the Labyrinth’ quest has been changed to include a specific difficulty level.

    Fixed a problem with the ‘Cygnus’ Six Stars’ quest where you could accept the quest even on teleport-restricted maps to move to Ereb.

    Fixed an issue with the ‘[Cygnus Knights] Knight’s Path’ quest where the completion dialogue was awkward.

    Fixed an issue with the ‘[Cygnus Knights] Ancient Research Book’ quest could not be completed normally.

    Fixed an error in Aran tutorial quests where Lilin’s appearance was awkward.

    Fixed an error with the ‘[Arcana] Wicked Energy Covering the Spirit Tree’ quest where it proceeded abnormally.

    A proper description has been added to the ‘[Daily Quest] Defeat 200 Ascensions’ quest.

    Fixed an issue where certain deleted quests were displayed in the completion list.

    Fixed an error with the ‘[Morass] Signs of Resurrection 2’ quest where the required level was awkward.

    Fixed an error with the ‘Spear Dragon Cannon Development Preparations 2’ quest where the NPC that appeared when declining was awkward.

    Fixed an error with the ‘[Borderless] Awkward Idiot’ quest where Oz’s skill was displayed awkwardly.


    Fixed an issue where if Aran used Install Maha with a transparent weapon equipped, the Polearm Maha was not displayed,

    Fixed an issue with the Maple Galaxy Laser Gun where the weapon images did not appear in certain gun actions.

    Fixed an issue with the Brown Leather Armor Gloves where the images appeared awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue with the Ignition’s Arbiter Chair where Android’s capes were visiblle while sitting on it.

    The Reboot Gift Box’s description has been changed from stating available 1 time per Maple ID to 1 time per world.

    Fixed an issue where if you had the Rose item equipped and used the Crying emote, the rose image would be in an awkard location.

    Fixed an issue where if Lara had her Anima horns, unnecessary pixel images would be appear in the back.

    Fixed an issue with the Maple Fox Tail where the tail image location was awkward in certain actions.

    Fixed an issue with the Dream Wanderer, Grape Shorts, and Baby Spacesuit where certain images were unnatural.

    The Persimmon Tree Branch’s tooltip description has been changed to remove the text related to Star Planet’s exclusive characters.

    Fixed an issue where the Adele Damage Skin’s example images were displayed incorrectly.

    Fixed an issue with the Red Thorny Bear Lv. 2 skill’s icon image was unnatural when it was hovered over.

    Fixed an issue with the Propose Package’s White Fiance and White Propose Overall where the propose effect would not be displayed normally when near a character with those items equipped.

    Fixed an issue for the following skin colours where c ertain actions’ feet images were awkward.

    • Soft/Blush Petal Skin
    • Soft/Blush Lavender Skin

    Fixed an error where the Chestnut pets did not respond when using pet food while they were full.

    Fixed an error with the Steel Mail where certain actions displayed different images.


    Fixed an error where the NPC Letierre’s appearance was awkward.


    Fixed an issue where sometimes Extreme Bigfoot would disappear when being hit.

    Fixed an issue where if an Elite Boss appeared, the Combo Kills would not increase until after it was defeated.

    Fixed an error in Monster Park ‘Sellas Stage 6: Star Swallowed Sea’ where defeating the boss monster would give experience.

    Fixed an issue where Victor’s hit image was awkward.

    Fixed an issue in Kerning Tower 2F~6F’s 55th maps where the monsters were not included in the Star Force kill missions.


    Fixed an issue in Protect Esfera where if you filled the Erda Gauge for 1 shot and fired it right after boarding, you would not get off the turret.

    Fixed an issue in ‘Desert Wasteland City’ where the NPC Lieutenant Mr. Poncho was displayed in front of the character.

    Fixed an issue in Fritto’s Eagle Hunt where certain sounds were not played normally.

    Fixed an issue in the ‘Thief Cat’s Haunting’ where the objects were placed awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue in ‘Road to the Coral Forest 3’ where certain rope objects were placed awkwardly.

    The party quest Moon Bunny’s Rice Cake’s ‘Evening Primrose Hill’ and ‘Returning Road’ maps’ marks have been changed.

    Fixed an issue in Monster Park ‘Esfera Stage 4: Mirror Touched Sea’ where certain ropes were connected awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue in Monster Park ‘Sellas Stage 3: Endlessly Falling Sea’ where certain rope images were awkward.

    Fixed an issue in Monster Park ‘Moonbridge Stage 6: Void Current’ where the platforms did not connect.

    Fixed an issue in the Seed 19F where the NPC Fleta took specific ropes awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue in the Seed 39F where after clearing, the exit door’s image was awkward.

    Fixed an issue with the ‘Land of Weathered Joy and Rage’ map where the black background was visible at the bottom.

    Fixed an issue in Flag Race where Paladin’s Blessing Armor activated.


    Fixed the typos in the text when using Masterpiece/Premium Masterpiece.

    Fixed an error in Ghost Park’s mode selection UI where it didn’t automatically close after leaving the map. A feature to close it with the ESC key has also been added.

    Fixed an issue with the equipment window UI where UI transparency in combat did not appy to it.

    Fixed an issue with the item inventory UI where UI transparency in combat did not apply to it when it was minimized.

    Fixed an issue in Monster Life where if multiple characters tried to extend the life of a single monster at the same time, the life would be extended by the number of attempts.

    Fixed an issue with Capture Mode where if you clickked the exit client button, the exit popup would not be displayed.

    Fixed an issue with trying to create a character where sometimes the cursor in the nickname input window would not be maintained.

    Fixed an issue with the poersonality traits UI where Empathy level 90’s location displayed awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue where sometimes if you Star Force enhanced quickly, the Star Catcher would not be activated.

    Fixed an issue in the Guild UI were if you clicked a Noblesse skill or Riding skill then double-clicked them, they would not be used.

    When growing Arcane Symbols and Authentic Symbols, the guide that you could only combine Symbols up to the number for the growth at one time has been removed to match the current specifications, where you can combine as many as needed for the maximum level at one time.

    Fixed an issue with the Soul Collector list where if you chose a Soul, sometimes that soull’s information would not be displayed and it would move pages.

    Fixed an issue in cross world party quests where if you were using the internal chat window and a message was long, the world for each character would be displayed on every line.

    Fixed an issue in cross world party quests where conversations in all chat appeared awkwardly in the normal channel. It has been changed to display normally regardless of if you adjusted the font size or the position of the chat window.

    Fixed an issue where exit alerts for the removed sudden missions were displayed incorrectly.

    In Maple Auction, the average transaction price and current lowest price will now be displayed based on the item label.

    Fixed an issue in the buddy window where the online buddies’ tooltips were displayed awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue in the Maple Guide where the hunting ground images were sometimes displayed incorrectly.

    In the V Matrix UI, it has been changed so that when you hover over the ‘View My Cores’ button, the tooltip will display the text ‘Turn on View My Cores Mode’.

    Fixed an issue where if you used a Core Gemstone right before leaving the Flame Wolf, the Flame Wolf’s HP guage would continue to be displayed even after changing maps.

    Fixed an issue in Fight! Return of the Legends where mna was not displayed when entering on jobs that didn’t use mana.

    Fixed an issue in the Cash Shop preview where if you clicked the Remove All menu after applying certain chair items, sometimes the character’s hair would disappear.

    Fixed an issue where if you tried to move to the Root Abyss boss map using the Boss UI after c ompleting the Root Abyss pre-quests but before accepting the ‘[Root Abyss] World Tree’s Guardian’ quest, you would be moved to the quest-only map.


    Fixed an issue in the Seed 39F’s Quiz Giver where there were some errors in the questions.

    Fixed an issue where if Alpha had a Cash item equipped, sometimes it would be displayed on Beta.

    Fixed an issue where characters could trade or receive gifts of Cash items that didn’t match their gender if they had a non-humanoid Android with the opposite gender in their inventory or equipped.

    Fixed an issue where the ‘[Rune] Fun to Pick and Eat Runes’ achievement could not be completed.

    Fixed an issue where failing to use a Pollo and Fritto Entry Ticket would deduct from your daily Pollo and Fritto Bounty Hunting entry limit.

    Cash Shop

    The following multipets will be on sale from September 8 to December 7.

    • Green Chestnut
    • Brown Chestnut
    • Dark Chestnut
    • Petite Nero
    • Street Cat Cheese
    • House Cat Samson
    • Petite Demian
    • Petite Alicia
    • Petite Lilin
    • Shrimp Tempura
    • Cookie
    • Croquette
    • Meringue
    September Royal Hair and Trendy Face

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The September Royal Hair Coupon will be on sassle from August 18 to September 21. The Trendy Royal Face Coupon has been updated with a set of new faces.

    Full Moon Moonlight Festival


    The Full Moon Moonlight Festival will run from August 25 to September 28.


    The Chuseok Cube Packs include 30 of each type of cube as well as a potential scroll (100% Epic Potential Scroll with Red Cubes, 30% Unique Potential Scroll with Black Cubes, and 30% Epic Additional Potential Scroll with Additional Cubes).


    The Full Moon Cube Pack has 6 of each type of Cube as well as 1 Full Moon Fireworks Ticket. The Full Moon Royal Pack has 13 Maple Royal Style Coupons and 1 Full Moon Fireworks Ticket.


    In Reboot World, you can purchase Full Moon Fireworks Tickets separately for 12k Cash.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You can trade in your Full Moon Fireworks Tickets for various items. The tickets themselves are tradeable as well.

    • Road of Vanishing Set Voucher (15 tickets)
    • Chew Chew Island Set Voucher (15 tickets)
    • Lacheln Set Voucher (15 tickets)
    • Starry Sky Orchid Set Voucher (15 tickets)
    • Flower Cloud Orchid Set Voucher (15 tickets)
    • Bling Festival Hair Coupon (F) (20 tickets) (NEW!)
    • Cool Wonder Bunny Hair Coupon (20 tickets)
    • Bling Harihwa Hair Coupon (F) (20 tickets)
    • Half Chickpea Hair Coupon (F) (20 tickets)
    • Cool Morning School Hair (F) (20 tickets)
    • Bling Blai Hair Coupon (M) (20 tickets) (NEW!)
    • Blai Hair Coupon (M) (20 tickets)
    • Bling Narang Hair Coupon (20 tickets) (New)
    • Bling Fairy Wing Hair Coupon (20 tickets)
    • Dark Miro Hair Coupon (M) (10 tickets)
    • Custom Mix Dye Coupon (25 tickets)
    • Custom Mix Colour Lense Coupon Voucher (7 tickets)
    • Soft Lavender Skin Change Coupon (10 tickets)
    • Blushing Lavender Skin Change Coupon (10 tickets)
    • Road of Vanishing Pop-up Book Chair (2 tickets)
    • Chew Chew Island Pop-up Book Chair (2 tickets)
    • Lacheln Pop-up Book Chair (2 tickets) (New)
    • Jewel Bird Riding Voucher (Permanent) (7 tickets)
    • Brilliant Fabric (1 ticket, regular worlds only)
    • Selective Permanent Riding Coupon (1 ticket, Reboot World only)
      • Cloud Riding
      • Lucid’s Wings Riding
      • Skateboard Riding
      • Nyan Nyan Cushion Riding
      • Food Truck Riding
      • Twinkle Cotton Candy Riding
      • Rainbow Swing Riding
      • Bath Time with Ducky Riding
      • Cakecar Riding
      • Gogo Camping Car Riding
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    There are also various outfit packages available for sale.

    • Everblue Sato Package
    • Pink Flower Lady Package
    • Gold Bell Package
    • Friendstory Box
    Jin Angel/Devil Packages


    The Jin Angel/Devil Packages will be on sale from August 25 to September 28. They are a collab between BTS Jin and Nexon.


    The Jin Angel Package includes a full outfit as well as the Jin Angel Medal Voucher and Jin Angel title Voucher. The vouchers will expire in 180 days and will give the Jin Angel medal (12 all stats, 1204 HP/MP, 4 attack/magic attack, 1204 defense) and the Jin Angel title (30% normal monster damage, 30% additional experience, 30 attack/magic attack for 30 days) respectively.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Jin Devil Package includes a full outfit as well as the Jin Devil Medal Voucher and Jin Devil title Voucher. The vouchers will expire in 180 days and will give the Jin Devil medal (12 all stats, 1204 HP/MP, 4 attack/magic attack, 1204 defense) and the Jin Devil title (30% boss damage, 30% defense ignore, 30 attack/magic attack for 30 days) respectively.

    Maple Royal Style


    The Maple Royal Style Coupon will be on sale from August 25 to September 21.


    New items are available through the Maple Royal Style Coupon like the Candy set.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    It also has the 112th Special Label: the Silver Plated Rose set. If you collect all 5 items, you’ll get the Silver Tent Chair.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    And some recommendations for items that match them!


    The current Master Label set available is still the Master Nightmare set.


    [Ignition Fireworks Festival] Attention Please!


    The Attention Please! event will run from August 25 to September 7. It is available to characters level 101 or higher.

    The passionate dancer Donna wants to be noticed! Promote the festival until the end for Donna and receive Ignition Coins!


    You can accept the ‘[Ignition] Attention Please!’ quest through the event icon or by talking to Donna in the Main Stage.


    After collecting your daily limit of Ignition Coins, you can open the window through the quest and click the ‘Receive Rewards’ button to acquire additional Ignition Coins per day.

    You will receive 300 Igntion Coins per day, for up to 10 days. The 5th/10th days will give 1000 Ignition Coins.

    ※ The rewarded Ignition Coins will not be included in your daily limit.

    ※ The Attention Please! can only be completed once per day per world.

    [Ignition Fireworks Festival] DJ Selena’s Showtime! Amazing Ignition Finale


    The [DJ Selena’s Showtime] Amazing Ignition Finale event will run from August 25 to September 7. It is available to characters level 101 or higher.

    The Ignition Fireworks festival has come to an end! Watch Mister Ignition’s ultimate moves and receive tons of experience!


    You can begin the event by talking to DJ Selena or through the event icon on the left side of the screen and receive the DJ Selena’s Showtime – Amazing Ignition Finale skill.

    When you enter a map with monsters within your level range, the DJ Selena’s Showtime – Amazing Ignition Finale skill will be activated automatically.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Each time you defeat 50 monsters within your level range, the Fever Gauge will fill up by one bar. When you defeat 250 monsters, the Fever skill will be activated.

    • Amazing Ignition Finale: Super Amazing Movement: Mister Ignition appears, attacking up to 15 nearby monsters continuously for 5 seconds before disappearing. You will acquire experience.

    ※ The skill will be deactivated when the daily Fever activation limit of 20 times is reached.

    ※ DJ Selena’s Showtime – Amazing Ignition Finale will only activate in maps with monsters within your level range. It will not activate in maps where an Elite Boss is summoned, maps where another player has already activated Fever skills, event maps, or certain other maps (like Mirror World and story quests).

    ※ Monsters defeated with the Fever skills will not count for the 300 monsters required to activate DJ Selena’s Showtime – Amazing Ignition Finale again.

    ※ The experience acquired is affected by both experience increasing effects and the death penalty experience decreasing effect.

    Ignition Full Moon Party

    Ignition Full Moon Party

    Fairy Wonky’s Special Rainbow!


    The [Ignition Full Moon Party] Fairy Wonky’s Special Rainbow event will run from August 25 to September 28. It is available to characters level 101 or higher.

    He didn’t know which one would be best, so he brought them all! Enjoy the daily missions, rewards, and benefits prepared by the Fairy Wonky!

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    You can begin the event by talking to Fairy Wonky or through the event icon on the left side of the screen.

    Every day of the week, you can complete a different Special Rainbow Mission for various rewards. Each mission can be completed 1 time per day per world.

    • Monday: Defeat 1000 monsters around your level.
    • Tuesday: Find the map location after being shown a small part of it.
    • Wednesday: Find the NPC after being shown their silhouette.
    • Thursday: Stay logged in for 15 minutes.
    • Friday: Complete Monster Park 1 time (including Monster Park Extreme).
    • Saturday: Participate in 1 minigame.
    • Sunday: Choose one of the Monday~Saturday missions.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    After completing a mission, you can choose one of the following rewards. The reward can only be claimed on the character who completed the mission. The reward can be received 1 time per day per world.

    • 1 3x Experience Coupon (15 Minutes)
    • 2 Core Gemstones
    • 5 Selective Arcane Symbol Vouchers
    • 500 Mileage
    • 1 Special Medal of Honour
    • 1 Extreme Growth Potion
    • 1 Event Ring Only Meister Cube


    Also during this event, there will be special benefits provided for each day of the week. The Monday and Thursday benefits can be claimed through a quest, and can only be received 1 time per day per world.

    • Monday: Receive 2 3x Experience Coupons (30 Minutes).
    • Tuesday: 50% discount on Spell Trace enhancement costs.
    • Wednesday: 30% discount on Star Force enhancement costs.
    • Thursday: Receive 2 Full Moon Buffs (30 Minutes).
    • Friday: 100% additional experience from clearing Monster Park.
    • Saturday: 50% discount on Ability reset costs.
    • Sunday: 2x the daily limit and amount acquired of Minigame Full Moon Points.
    Mike’s Minigame Lounge!


    The Ignition Full Moon Party <Mike’s Minigame Lounge> event will run from August 25 to September 28. It is available to characters level 101 or higher.

    8 minigames prepared by Mike! Participate in minigames and trade in the Full Moon Points you acquire to get a large amount of experience!


    You can begin the event by talking to Fireworks Mike or through the event icon on the left side of the screen. In the Ignition Full Moon party, you can enter 4 competitive minigames and 4 challenge minigames.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The competitive minigames will be available for matching, with different ones open every 15 minutes.

    • XX:00~XX:15: Maple One Card
    • XX:15~XX:30: Psychic Yutnori
    • XX:30~XX:45: Monster Pyramid
    • XX:45~XX:00: Battle Reverse
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The challenge minigames can be played at any time.

    • Jumping Seesaw
    • Higher and Higher Full Moon Party
    • Full Moon Boat Rush
    • Colourful Ignition Invitations

    By playing the different minigames, you can collect Full Moon Points. You can acquire up to 300 points per day per world.

    ※ On Sundays, Fairy Wonky’s Special Rainbow! benefits will double the amount of points from minigames, and you can collect up to 600 points per day.

    Each minigame will give various amounts of Full Moon Points based on your performance.

    • Maple One Card
      • 1st Place: 200 Full Moon Points
      • 2nd Place: 100 Full Moon Points
      • 3rd Place: 75 Full Moon Points
      • 4th Place: 50 Full Moon Points
    • Psychic Yutnori
      • Win: 150 Full Moon Points
      • Draw: 100 Full Moon Points
      • Loss: 50 Full Moon Points
    • Monster Pyramid
      • 1st Place: 200 Full Moon Points
      • 2nd Place: 100 Full Moon Points
      • 3rd Place: 50 Full Moon Points
    • Battle Reverse
      • Win: 150 Full Moon Points
      • Draw: 100 Full Moon Points
      • Loss: 50 Full Moon Points
    • Jumping Seesaw
      • Jump on the seesaw with Wonky! You will alternate jumping by pressing the NPC Chat/Gather key to stop the moving arrow in the yellow area of the gauge. As the number of jumps increases, the difficulty will increase.
      • You will get points for each successful jump, with higher points as the number of jumps increases.
      • You can jump up to 40 times in total, and the game ends if you fail a jump or succeed with all 40 jumps.
      • When you exit, you will receive Full Moon Points equal to the points you got.
      • You can acquire up to 100 Full Moon Points in one game.
    • Higher and Higher Full Moon Party
      • Build an observatory by stacking the structures that move left and right. You must press the button at the right time to stack the structures based on width. The higher the floor, the faster they will move.
      • You will get points for each floor you build, with higher points if you stack the floors to match in width. You will get additional points every 10 floors.
      • When you exit, you will receive Full Moon Points equal to the points you got.
      • You can acquire up to 100 Full Moon Points in one game.
    • Full Moon Boat Rush
      • Ride through the Full Moon Paty’s ocean on a boat. You must use the left and right arrow keys to avoid the obstacles that appear in your way, moving through 3 lanes. The farther you go, the faster you will go.
      • When you exit, you will receive 1 Full Moon Point for every 100m you moved.
      • You can acquire up to 100 Full Moon Points in one game.
    • Colourful Ignition Invitations
      • Send out party invitations based on their colour. You must press the arrow key with the same colour as the invitation on the platform for 1 minute and 30 seconds. If you press the right key, the invitation will be sent and another will be loaded up.
      • Every time you send an invitation, the Fever Gauge will charge up. When it’s full, Fever Time will be activated and you can send invitations quickly by pressing the Spacebar.
      • You will acquire points for every invitation you sent.
      • When you exit, you will receive Full Moon Points equal to the points you got.
      • You can acquire up to 100 Full Moon Points in one game

    Characters level 200 or higher can trade in the Full Moon Points for experience by talking to Fireworks Mike on the Main Stage. The higher your level, the more Full Moon Points can trade in.

    When you trade in Full Moon Points, the most you can trade in at one time is the amount required for your character to level up.

    ※ If you don’t have Full Moon Points, you cannot trade them for experience.

    ※ From level 260 and higher, you will acquire the same amount of experience as level 260.

    ※ Full Moon Points will not be transferred with a World Leap.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Full Moon Minigame Collection allows you to receive specific rewards by completing unique missions for each minigame. The rewards can be claimed 1 time per world, the vouchers will expire in 7 days, and they can be put into storage.

    • Maple One Card: Get 1st place 10 times. (Midnight Casual Shirt Voucher)
    • Psychic Yutnori: Win 10 times. (Midnight Paper Band Voucher)
    • Monster Pyramid: Participate 15 times. (Midnight Coconut Water Voucher)
    • Battle Reverse: Participate 15 times. (Midnight Sunglasses Voucher)
    • Jumping Seesaw: Succeed in a cumulative total of 100 jumps. (Jumping with Wonky Chair Voucher)
    • Higher and Higher Full Moon Party: Stack a cumulative total of 500 floors. (Midnight Full Moon Party Voucher)
    • Full Moon Boat Rush: Ride 30,000m. (Midnight Luxury Yacht Voucher)
    • Colourful Ignition Invitations: Acquire 300,000 points. (Midnight Twinkle Sneakers Voucher)
    • Achieve all of the unique minigame missions: Full Moon Minigame Collector Medal Voucher

    ※ If you World Leap, the mission completion and claimed reward information will not be maintained, but your already claimed rewards will be moved to the new world with your character.

    ※ For the minigame participation missions, if you leave the game or do not make any moves within the time limit and are kicked out, they will not be included in your participation count.

    Jin’s Worldwide Handsome!


    The Ignition Full Moon Party <Jin’s Worldwide Handsome> event will run from August 25 to September 28. It is available to characters level 101 or higher.

    Waiting for a surprise. Aren’t gifts the real party? Participate in the party prepared by the superstar Jin to receive gifts!

    This is part of a collab with the member of BTS, Jin, who joined Nexon as an ‘intern’ for the day. He was involved in the previous BTS collab as well as a judge in the Golden Hands Awards, and has often talked about how big a fan of MapleStory he is.

    You can begin the event by talking to BTS Jin or through the event icon on the left side of the screen.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    When killing monsters around your level, you have a chance to acquire Alphabet Boxes (untradeable) or Flame Alphabet Boxes (tradeable).

    If you use a Flame Alphabet Box, you will receive one of the rare letters at a set rate. If you use an Alphabet Box, you will receive one of the medium letters or common letters at a set rate.

    • Rare Letters: H, M, N, R
    • Medium Letters: A, E, I, L, O, S, W
    • Common Letters: B, C, D, F, G, J, K, P, Q, T, U, V, X, Y, Z


    You check which letters of the alphabet you have collected through the UI, and use the letters to spell out various words. Once you have spelled out a word, you cannot spell it out again. You can also reroll 5 letters to get a random letter.

    The alphabet letters and word completion statuses are shared within the Maple ID.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    For each word you spell out, you’ll receive rewards. All of the rewards can only be received 1 time per Maple ID.

    • JIN: Jin’s First Gift, Jin’s Lucky Box
    • WORLD: Jin’s Second Gift, Jin’s Lucky Box
    • WORLDWIDE: Jin’s Third Box, Jin’s Lucky Box
    • HANDSOME: Jin’s Fourth Box, Jin’s Lucky Box
    • WORLDWIDE HANDSOME: Jin’s Fifth Box, Jin’s Lucky Box
    • After completing all words: Jinroid Voucher

    The gifts give the following items when opened.

    • Jin’s First Gift
      • 10 Karma Black Rebirth Flames
      • 10 3x Experience Coupons (15 Minutes)
    • Jin’s Second Gift
      • 10 Karma Black Rebirth Flames
      • 2 Mannequin Vouchers
    • Jin’s Third Gift
      • 30 Karma Black Rebirth Flames
      • 20 Black Cube Vouchers
    • Jin’s Fourth Gift
      • 50 Karma Black Rebirth Flames
      • 1 Maximum Growth Potion
      • 1 Selective Growth Potion Voucher
    • Jin’s Fifth Gift
      • 30,000 Maple Points Coupon
      • 100% Level 200 Karma 17 Star Enhancement Scroll
    • Jin’s Lucky Box (chance of getting one of the following items)
      • 500 Maple Points
      • 1k Maple Points
      • 2k Maple Points
      • 5k Maple Points
      • 10k Maple Points
      • 1 Gaga Coin
      • 5 Inkwell Coins
      • 100k Maple Points
      • 25 Inkwell Coins
      • 500k Maple Points
      • 50 Inkwell Coins
      • 1m Maple Points

    You also have a chance to get Jin’s Lucky Box by killing certain weekly bosses.

    • Hard Suu
    • Hard Demian
    • Hard Lucid
    • Hard Will
    • Normal Jin Hilla
    • Chaos Guardian Angel Slime
    • Chaos Dusk
    • Hard Jin Hilla
    • Hard Dunkel
    • Normal Seren
    • Hard Seren
    • Chaos Watcher Kalos

    ※ You can acquire Jin’s Lucky Box from the reward monster after defeating Hard Suu, Hard Demian, Hard Will, Normal Jin Hilla, Chaos Guardian Angel Slime, Chaos Dusk, Hard Jin Hilla, Hard Dunkel, Normal Seren, Hard Seren, and Watcher Kalos.

    ※ For Hard Lucid, you must defeat the Music Box to acquire Jin’s Lucky Box.

    ※ The Alphabet Boxes and Flame Alphabet Boxes cannot be used after September 28, 2022 at 11:59 PM.

    ※ If you defeat any weekly bosses from August 25 at 12:00 AM to before the maintenance, you will not be able to acquire Lucky Boxes with that character until the next weekly reset.


    There’s also a secret mission where you can complete the Forest of Endurance and find BTS Jin at the end to receive a Maximum Growth Potion! This can only be received 1 time per Maple ID.

    Sunday Maple/Jin! Sunday Maple

    The Sunday Maple event will take place on August 28 and September 4. The Jin! Sunday Maple event will take place on September 11, September 18, and September 25.

    Ama(jin)g! Cool! No mar(jin)! Superstar Jin has prepared some miraculous Sunday Maples! [TN: The titles of the three Sunday Maples are puns in Korean that incorporate Jin’s name, and I couldn’t find a way to put it into ‘cool’]

    On August 28, it will be Lord Blai’s Hair Time where the following benefits will take place:

    • Stay logged in to receive a Special Sunday Maple <Hair Box> every 1 hour (up to 4 hours).
      • The first time you open one, there is a 100% chance to receive the Custom Mix Dye Coupon and 200 Ignition Coins. The second-fourth boxes have a 100% chance to receive 200 Ignition Coins.
      • Each box gives you a chance to receive one of the following items:
        • 1st Master Label Hair Voucher
        • 2nd Master Label Hair Voucher
        • 3rd Master Label Hair Voucher
        • 4th Master Label Hair Voucher
        • 5th Master Label Hair Voucher
        • 6th Master Label Hair Voucher
        • 7th Master Label Hair Voucher
        • 8th Master Label Hair Voucher
        • 9th Master Label Hair Voucher
        • 10th Master Label Hair Voucher
        • 11th Master Label Hair Voucher
        • 12th Master Label Hair Voucher
    • 2x Ignition Coins acquired and daily limit from daily missions

    On September 4, the following benefits will take place.

    • ?
    • 2x Ignition Coins acquired and daily limit from daily mission

    On September 11, the following benefits will take place.

    • 3x experience when hunting monsters from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM.

    ※ The 3x experience effect is only applied when hunting monsters.

    ※ Experience coupon effects will not stack during this 3x experience event.

    ※ MVP Additional Experience 50% Coupon/Additional Experience 50% Coupon/MVP Plus EXP Weather Effect/Alicia’s Blessing/Extreme Gold/Experience Accumulation Potion/Small Experience Accumulation Potion/Mugong’s Guaranteed Tonic/E.X.P Entropy’s effects will stack.

    On September 18, the following benefits will take place.

    • Receive 1 Previous Master Label Full Package (30 Days) Voucher.
    • Receive 1 Cotton Candy Pink Bean (30 Days) Voucher.

    ※ The Master Label Full Package Voucher and Cotton Candy Pink Bean (30 Days) Voucher can only be put into storage.

    ※ The Cool! Sunday Maple Benefits can only be received once per Maple ID, on a character that is level 101 or higher (or a Zero that has completed story quest chapter 2).

    ※ The items acquired from the Master Label Full Package Voucher can be used for 30 days after acquiring them, and then they will disappear.

    ※ The items acquired from the Master Label Full Package Voucher are untradeable and do not have stats/set effects.

    ※ Zero characters will receive the Master Label items that match the gender of their choice.

    ※ In Reboot World, you can also choose from all of the previous Master Label Full Package Vouchers.

    On September 25, the following benefits will take place.

    • Benefit 1: Item/Stats Enhancements
      • 50% discount on Spell Trace enhancement costs
      • 100% success rate at 5/10/15 Star Force
      • 5x chance to get Magnificent Souls
      • 50% discount on Ability reset costs
    • Benefit 2: Experience
      • +50% experience from Monster Park
      • +100% experience from Runes
      • +300% experience from Combo Kill Orbs
      • 2x experience from Flame Wolf
      • 2x experience from Pollo/Fritto/Especia Bounty Hunting
    • Benefit 3: +100% chance to register monsters in Monster Collection
    Fairy Bros’ Golden Chariot

    The Fairy Bros’ Golden Chariot event will run from September 8 to December 21. This event is available to characters level 101 or higher.

    The sparkling Fairy Bros’ Golden Chariot is back and filled with gifts! Collect attendance stamps by staying logged in for an hour every day to receive them!

    The sparkling Fairy Bros’ Golden Chariot, fully loaded with gifts, has returned! Every day, you must stay logged into the game for 1 hour to collect an attendance stamp. As you collect stamps, you’ll receive special gifts.

    After being logged in for an hour, you can press the Complete Attendance button to receive your stamp.

    In the attendance board, you can press the Golden Pass button to spend 3000 Maple Points to complete an attendance stamp that you did not receive for any days you missed.

    When you collect a certain number of stamps, you’ll receive rewards!
    • 7 Stamps: Fairy Bros’ Selective Face Coupon Voucher
    • 14 Stamps: Fairy Bros’ Selective Hair Coupon Voucher
    • 21 Stamps: Triple Coloured Damage Skin (Unit)
    • 28 Stamps: 10 Extreme Growth Potions Voucher
    • 35 Stamps: Random Colour Change Voucher
    • 42 Stamps: Soft/Blushing Flower Petal Skin Voucher
    • 49 Stamps: Maximum Growth Potion Voucher
    • 56 Stamps: Fairy Bros’ Selective Nametag/Chat Bubble Ring Voucher
    • 63 Stamps: Thunder Goldfish Riding Voucher
    • 70 Stamps: Fairy Bros’ Selective Chair Box
    • 77 Stamps: Master Adventurer Sword Voucher
    • 84 Stamps: Custom Mix Coupon Voucher
    • 91 Stamps: Maximum Growth Potion Voucher

    The following hair and faces have been added to the Fairy Bros’ Selective Hair/Face Coupons.

    • Signal Hair (M, new)
    • Madeline Hair (F, new)
    • Round Face (new)

    The Selective Nametag/Chat Bubble Ring Voucher lets you choose one outfit out of the following list:

    • V Nametag/Chat Bubble Ring
    • BEYOND Nametag/Chat Bubble Ring
    • NOVA Nametag/Chat Bubble Ring
    • ARK Nametag/Chat Bubble Ring
    • Adventure Nametag/Chat Bubble Ring
    • Heroes Slumbering Dragon Island Nametag/Chat Bubble Ring
    • Heroes Transcendent Stone Nametag/Chat Bubble Ring
    • Heroes Black Mage Nametag/Chat Bubble Ring
    • Heroes Demian Nametag/Chat Bubble Ring

    The Thunder Goldfish Riding is a riding that allows you to use the Teleport World Map feature with a 30-minute cooldown for 90 days.

    The Selective Chair Box lets you choose one outfit out of the following list:

    • Giant Pepe Chair
    • Exploration Rocket Chair
    • Discovery Campfire Chair
    • Newtro Henesys Chair
    • Deep in the Mountain Hermit Chair

    The Custom Mix Coupon Voucher lets you choose one of the following list:

    • Custom Mix Dye Coupon
    • Custom Mix Colour Lens Coupon Voucher

    ※ Your online time and rewards will be on a per Maple ID basis.

    ※ If the date changes, your accumulated online time will be reset.

    ※ You can only accumulate online time on characters level 101 or higher (or Zero characters who have completed story quest chapter 2).

    ※ All acquired rewards can only be put into storage, and can be used for 7 days.

    Lady Blair’s Dream Express


    The Lady Blair’s Dream Express event will run from August 26 to August 30. During this time, you can freely move your Cash items between characters, regardless of cash restrictions.

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog