KMS KMS ver. 1.2.377 – Mapril Island (Part 2)

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, May 18, 2023.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    This patch is basically identical to the test server in terms of changes and content (boss set tradeability & Symbol improvements). It also has some extra events for the second part of the 20th anniversary, Mapril Island.

    Since I didn’t write the post myself for part 1, I’ll mention some cool things I noticed. Other than the event map itself having tons of easter eggs and throwbacks to past anniversary events (including being able to visit a lot of the old maps!), there’s a cool theme with the Mapril spirits. The main NPC is named Amely Ports, which I thought was a really weird name at first, but it’s actually an anagram of MapleStory! The other spirits (Mariella, Apricia, Plana, Leona, and Emma) are coloured the same as the five job icons, like in the Maple Union UI, and their initials spell out MAPLE. I hope this makes up for me not realizing that the Momentree NPC names were referencing Lith Harbor and Ellinia, which someone pointed out to me last month lol.

    I know some people were a bit disappointed but personally I’m a big fan of this anniversary! The coin capping is extremely fast (1.2k mobs), the skill they added in this patch specifically is amazing for experience, the rewards are a lot better than previous events (three Maximum Growth Potions just from the daily attendance), the shop cosmetics look really good, and Dungeon/Frozen Blast was a hit of nostalgia.

    The next official server update on June 15 will be the first patch of New Age, but we won’t get any information until the showcase on June 10, so the test server patch won’t be available until right after that. They’re going to start releasing teasers (including posters and music) in a few days though so maybe we can get an idea of what will be happening sooner!


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    Pitched Boss Set/Boss Accessory Set Tradeability Changes


    The following items have been changed so that you can use Platinum Karma Scissors on them up to 5 times.

    • Lose Control Machine Mark
    • Magic Eyepatch
    • Source of Suffering
    • Dreamy Belt
    • Commander Force Earrings
    • Endless Terror

    ※ A scissor limit of 5 will be added to existing items.

    The following items have been changed so that you can use Platinum Karma Scissors on them up to 10 times.

    • Silver Blossom Ring
    • Noble Ifia’s Ring
    • Guardian Angel Ring
    • Dawn’s Guardian Angel Ring

    ※ A scissor limit of 10 will be added to existing items.

    The following items have been changed so that you can use Platinum Karma Scissors on them up to 10 times.

    • Condensed Power Crystal
    • Aquatic Letter Eye Accessory
    • Black Bean Mark
    • Papulatus Mark
    • Flames of Hell
    • Dea Sidus Earrings
    • Golden Clover Belt
    • Enraged Zakum’s Belt

    ※ A scissor limit of 10 will be added to existing items that have additional options.

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    Arcane Symbol/Authentic Symbol Improvements


    When hunting monsters in Arcane River area maps, there is a certain chance for them to drop tradeable ‘Selective Arcane Symbol Vouchers’. When a character uses one, they can choose an Arcane Symbol from an area which they have already completed the full quest line for.


    When hunting monsters in the Cernium area maps, there is a certain chance for them to drop tradeable ‘Authentic Symbol: Cernium Vouchers’. When a character who has completed the ‘Another Power, Authentic Force’ quest uses one, they can receive an ‘Authentic Symbol: Cernium’.


    When hunting monsters in the Hotel Arcs area maps, there is a certain chance for them to drop tradeable ‘Authentic Symbol: Hotel Arcs Vouchers’. When a character who has completed the ‘Another Power, Authentic Force’ quest uses one, they can receive an ‘Authentic Symbol: Hotel Arcs’.

    ※ In Reboot World, all vouchers will be dropped as untradeable items.

    Arcane Symbol enhancement costs have been adjusted.

    LevelRoad of VanishingChew Chew IslandLachelnArcanaMorassEsfera

    Authentic Symbol enhancement costs have been adjusted.


    Developer Notes:

    In this update, we are planning to change the Boss Accessory set, Pitched Boss set, Arcane Symbols, and Authentic Symbols to be tradeable, and reduce the overall enhancement costs of Symbols.

    These changes were made with the intention of improving the overall game quality, and to clearly distinguish the difference in experience between Reboot World/regular worlds.

    The above items were planned to be added along with other improvements in the summer update, but we thought that adding them even a little bit ahead of time would give players a better experience, so we decided to introduce the changes a month earlier.

    First, we changed the Boss Accessory and Pitched Boss sets to be tradeable so that there are new options when upgrading accessories in regular worlds, where you can do things like buy other players’ items or sell your own items and buy other ones. This will give players more flexibility and better step-by-step equipment growth.

    In addition, previously Symbol growth was possible only through physical time, but now we have added a new option to buy other players’ Symbols. As a result, in regular worlds, it is now possible to upgrade Symbols based on your playstyle, and since they have been added as drops from monsters, it also enhances the experience of acquiring valuable items through hunting.

    For the Symbol enhancement cost changes, we discounted the prices to alleviate the overall growth difficulty. In particular, we discounted the lower level sections by a larger amount so that in the process of step-by-step growth, there would be a more appropriate level of difficulty.

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    Meso and Meso Market Improvements

    The maximum meso limit has been increased from 99,999,999,999 to 499,999,999,999.

    The Meso Market’s daily registration limit has been increased to 100.

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    Tenebris Quest Improvements


    Moonbridge, Labyrinth of Suffering, and Limen area quests have been simplified and changed so that they can be completed in a shorter amount of time.

    The following quests have been removed.

    • [Moonbridge] Esfera Investigation End
    • [Moonbridge] The Impending End of the World
    • [Moonbridge] Path to the Base 1
    • [Moonbridge] Resistance, Operation Start 2
    • [Moonbridge] Enter Defensive Stance 1
    • [Moonbridge] Enter Defensive Stance 2
    • [Moonbridge] Terror in the Fog
    • [Moonbridge] Shipwreck Search
    • [Labyrinth of Suffering] Traces of Despair
    • [Limen] Persistent Guy 2
    • [Limen] Appearance of the Giant
    • [Limen] Resistance Ship Support 2
    • [Limen] Radio Wave Jammed

    The following quests’ content have been changed.

    • [Moonbridge] Path to the Base 2
    • [Moonbridge] Unknown Fog Investigation
    • [Moonbridge] Into the Fog Wall
    • [Moonbridge] Nautilus Cannon Support 2
    • [Moonbridge] Idea’s Investigation 1
    • [Moonbridge] Idea’s Investigation 2
    • [Moonbridge] Shipwreck Rescue
    • [Moonbridge] Impending Time of Despair
    • [Moonbridge] Guidance of Light
    • [Labyrinth of Pain] Material for the Signal Flare
    • [Labyrinth of Pain] Into the Labyrinth
    • [Labyrinth of Pain] Disappearance and Attack
    • [Labyrinth of Pain] Searching
    • [Labyrinth of Pain] Follow the Scream
    • [Labyrinth of Pain] Encounter With the Alliance
    • [Labyrinth of Pain] Towards the Fall
    • [Labyrinth of Pain] A Mouse in the Swamp
    • [Labyrinth of Pain] Traces in the Endless Labyrinth
    • [Labyrinth of Pain] Unreversible
    • [Labyrinth of Pain] Confrontation Between the Unknown Person and Her
    • [Labyrinth of Pain] Alone Again
    • [Labyrinth of Pain] Something You Can’t Let Go Of
    • [Labyrinth of Pain] Last Will
    • [Labyrinth of Pain] Futile Struggle
    • [Limen] Tears of the World
    • [Limen] Persistent Guy
    • [Limen] Black Mage’s Knights
    • [Limen] Guard Captain Dunkel
    • [Limen] Resistance Ship Support
    • [Limen] Light of Destruction

    [Back to Overview]



    A description about resetting potential has been added to the tooltips for certain 9th Anniversary equipment items.

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    The amount of items acquired from boss monster rewards has been increased.

    • Powerful Rebirth Flame
    • Eternal Rebirth Flame
    • Black Rebirth Flame
    • Unrelenting Flame
    • Eternal Unrelenting Flame
    • Eternal Unrelenting Black Flame

    Developer Notes:

    Continuing from the last update, we are planning to increase the amount of Rebirth Flames and their crafting materials dropped by boss monsters once again. This change is made with the intention of gradually lowering the difficulty of upgrading Additional Options through Flames, along with the overall increase in number of Rebirth Flame items given through events. In the future, we are planning more difficulty adjustments for Additional Options in the same manner.

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    The tentacle attack pattern in Moonbridge area hunting grounds has been removed.

    The falling object pattern in Mechanical Grave area hunting grounds has been removed.

    Fixed an issue in Sky Nest 3 where the fruit location was awkward.

    When entering Horntail’s Cave from the Cave of Life Entrance, the dialogue will no longer be cancelled.

    In the Cave of Trials 2, the hidden portal in the middle of the map that took you to the Cave Inside the Cave map has been moved to the left end of the map.

    The ‘Hotel Arcs/Ramshackle Desert Town’ map has been expanded.

    ‘[Lacheln] Midnight Chaser’s Exit button location has been adjusted. An Exit button has been added to ‘[Morass] Enheim Defense’.

    You can now use the following skills in ‘Mapril Island/Where Dreams Gather’.

    • Upper Charge
    • Vertical Shining Chase
    • Final Toss
    • Explosion Move
    • Blade Ascension
    • Quicksilver Sword: Jump
    • Combat Switching: Spread
    • Cannon Jump
    • Chain Arts: Chase
    • Rocket Booster

    The ‘Mapril Island/Where Dreams Gather’s exit portal location has been changed. Decorations have been added.

    Ropes have been addded to ‘Mapril Island/Where Dreams Gather’. Certain platforms’ sizes have been increased.

    When leaving Mapril Challengers, you will now be moved directly in front of the NPC Plana.

    If the date changes while inside The Seed, the floor number information has been improved so there is no confusion.

    In Star Force, Arcane Force, and Authentic Force maps, the sound effect that plays when you don’t have enough Force has been changed to be quieter.

    When trying to enter certain Story Mode bosses, the feature where it will create a party automatically according to the content has been added.

    • Magnus
    • Dusk
    • Jin Hilla
    • Black Mage
    • Watcher Kalos
    • Kaling

    [Back to Overview]



    To make the meso cost clearer when Star Forcing, commas have been added.

    When Star Forcing items above 17 stars, the pop-up window for preventing destruction has been changed to be more accurate.

    When exiting the game, the event progress and unclaimed rewards information has been simplified.

    When exiting the game, the unclaimed rewards information has been changed to only be displayed during the last week of the event.

    In the Mapril Memoria, you can now acquire additional copies of the Encyclopedia completion rewards. There is no limit on the number of copies you can claim, and each time you will need to use 500 Mapril Leaves.

    When entering Mapril Challengers, you will now automatically leave the party.

    Fixed an issue where sometimes you could participate in Mapril Adventure with 5 players.

    You can no longer use PauseBreak, Num Lock, or Back Space keys as skill hotkeys in Maple Adventure.

    [Back to Overview]

    Addition of a Reboot World Boss Reward Acquisition Criteria Indicator UI


    An icon has been added to the Party HP UI that displays if you can acquire boss rewards.

    • Red: Cannot acquire boss rewards (less than 5% of the damage dealt by the entire party)
    • Blue: Can acquire boss rewards (less than 10% of the damage dealt by the entire party)
    • Green: Satisfying the conditions to acquire boss rewards (more than 10% of the damage dealt by the entire party)

    The boss reward acquisition indicator icon will update in real time based on the damage dealt to the boss monster by the party.

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    Improved an issue where certain images like the outlines of faces were displayed awkwardly when using skills or effects with transparency applied.

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    The ‘[Tera Burning] Giving a Tera Burning Booster!’ quest’s item claim procedure has been simplified.

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    Error Fixes


    Fixed an issue where aura-type attacking skills did not activate Ecstasy while in combat. The affected skills are as follows.

    • Viper: Serpent Screw
    • Archmage (F/P): Fire Aura
    • Demon Slayer: Metamorphosis
    • Demon Avenger: Demon Frenzy

    Fixed an issue in Heroes of Maple where the Light Reflection used by the Luminous character did not spread.

    Fixed an error where if you were using certain riding skills that changed the character’s appearance and then you were transformed by a Shapeshifter Elite Boss, the character’s hair would be displayed abnormally.


    • Fixed an issue where if an enemy had the Angel Ray debuff applied on it and you hit it with Angel Ray with a lower skill level, the debuff would not stack.
    • Fixed an issue with Angel of Libra where if you had the custom command applied and then changed channels or resurrected during the skill, the duration would be shorter.

    Fixed an issue with Bowmaster’s Arrow Platter where if would not be installed correctly while Quiver Full Burst’s flame arrows were being fired.

    Fixed an issue with Night Lord where they could not move with Shadow Rush while using Shuriken Burst.

    Fixed an issue where you could not use a Lie Detector on a Viper character that was in combat with only Serpent Screw.

    Soul Master

    • Fixed an issue where you could sometimes move off screen with Blazing Assault/Luster Charge.
    • Fixed an issue with Cosmos where sometimes you would fail to use the skill but the cooldown would still apply.

    Fixed an issue where Night Walker would sometimes take damage from an enemy’s Damage Reflect while activating Darkness Ascension.


    • Fixed an issue where Maha’s Domain’s HP/MP recovery cycle and party members’ status cleasing was intermittently slower than the skill description.
    • Fixed an issue where the character would take damage from Damage Reflect if Maha’s Domain landed on an enemy using it.
    • Maha’s Domain’s skill description has been changed to be more accurate.

    Fixed an issue with Luminous where if you changed maps while in Equilibrium, the skill voice would be played continuously.

    Fixed an issue with Mechanic where if you changed the Metal Armor’s colour while in Metal Armor: Tank, it would not be reflected until you re-boarded.

    Blaster’s Vulcan Punch’s skill description has been changed to be more accurate.


    • Fixed an issue where if Beta was crouching, tagging to Alpha using Flash Assaulter or Rolling Curve would not activate Beta’s assists.
    • Fixed an issue where if you used another combination skill immediately a fter using Jumping Crash, some of Alpha’s skill icons would be changed to Jumping Crash’s icons until the end of the Giga Crash combination.

    Fixed an issue with Kinesis where if you activated Ever Psychic, the effect would continue to appear to other characters even after the final strike activated.

    Fixed an issue with Ark where if you used Spell Bullets right as Spell Amplification was ending, the Charge Spells would be applied again to party members.

    Developer Notes:

    The duration of Charge Spells applied to party members is the same as Charge Spell Amplification’s remaining duration. However, when there were multiple Arks in a party, there was an issue where the Charge Spells’ duration would be overwritten even if the most recent Charge Spell’s duration was shorter than the existing buffs. To improve this, in the February 23 update, we changed it so that Charge Spell’s duration would only be updated if it was longer.

    However, there was an unintended error that occurred in this process where if you used Charge Spells at the short moment when Charge Spell Amplification ended, the Charge Spells would be applied to party members at the maximum duration with no conditions. We sincerely apologize to players for the inconvenience as we did not quickly confirm this error earlier.

    Fixed an issue with Hoyoung’s Wrath of the Gods where the background music repeated.

    [Back to Overview]


    Fixed some awkward sentences in the ‘Traces of Arkarium’ quest.

    Fixed an issue where you could not exit through the portal when fighting Story Mode Jin Hilla.

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    Fixed an error where if an equipped pet’s magic time ended, in certain situations, the pet equipment would still be activated.

    When an equipped pet’s magic time ends, you can no longer equip a pet equipment.

    Fixed an issue where using the Selective 20th Anniversary Damage Skin Box would cause the Damage Skin window to refresh awkwardly.

    [Back to Overview]


    Fixed an issue in Hilla (Normal) where the revival UI was awkward.

    Fixed an issue in Suu (Normal/Hard) phase 1 where the laser’s hit box was sometimes different than what it looked like.

    Fixed an issue in Guardian Angel Slime (Normal/Chaos) where if you used a bind skill, sometimes Guardian Angel Slime would disappear.

    Fixed an issue in Will (Easy/Normal/Hard) phase 1 where sometimes 2 Wills would appear in the same map.

    Fixed an issue where certain Stumps’ sound effects were not played.

    Fixed an issue where certain Cynical Orange Mushrooms’ sound effects were not played.

    Fixed an issue where sometimes the Mimic that appeared after using a Rune of Treasures did not drop any items.

    Fixed an issue in Hilla’s Tower Corridor where the Skeleton Spear Knight did not drop any rewards.

    [Back to Overview]


    Fixed an issue in Sleepywood’s Cursed Temple where monsters were summoned irregularly.

    Fixed an issue in Monster Park Knight’s Stronghold where the background and bottom of the map were awkward.

    Fixed an issue in certain maps where background objects and portal locations were awkward.

    Fixed an issue in the Door to Zakum where the boss entry door image and portal location were awkward.

    Fixed an issue in Zakum’s Altar Entrance where the portal location was awkward.

    Fixed an issue in the ‘[Labyrinth of Suffering] Towards the Black Sun’ quest where certain parts of the map appeared awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue in The Seed 3F where certain object images were displayed awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue in ‘[Ellin Forest] Queen’s Refuge’ where sometimes bounty hunter portals were displayed.

    Fixed an issue in ‘Nameless Town’ where star objects flowed in the opposite direction.

    Fixed an issue in ‘Hilla’s Tower Corridor’ where you could move to the next stage without defeating all of the monsters.

    [Back to Overview]


    Fixed an issue in the Maple Guide boss content where Strange Additional Cubes were missing in certain bosses’ rewards.

    Fixed an issue where if you used a Disassembler item with a nickname with mixed letters and numbers, the nickname would be displayed awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue where sometimes the Profession UI would be displayed even closing the game.

    Fixed an issue where in the UI when exiting Ursus, the elapsed time was displayed abnormally.

    Fixed an issue where skill effects would be displayed in low quality even though the graphics quality was set to very high.

    Fixed an issue where you could enter 0 as a purchase quantity when trying to buy bundles at the Evolving or Cross Hunter Shop available through Maple Admin.

    Fixed an issue where sometimes skills registered to the Pet Auto Buff were not used.

    Fixed an issue in the Demon Job Advancement Selection window where Demon Avenger’s main stat was incorrectly displayed as current HP instead of maximum HP.

    Fixed an issue where the intro page would sometimes be displayed incorrectly when changing maps.

    Fixed an issue where the incorrect rank was shown to other characters when using the Maple Achievement Emblem.

    In the Maple Achievements, when sorting by name, if an achievement name includes numbers, they will now be sorted by comparing the size of the numbers as well.

    Fixed an issue where the maximum Union Coin acquisition limit alert would appear in Maple Auction and Monster Life.

    Fixed an issue where the client would temporarily freeze when closing the notification window that stated that you would lose some experience when enhancing cores in the V Matrix.

    Fixed an issue where after entering <Dungeon Blast>, certain skills would be removed from the skill alarm notifier.

    Fixed an issue where if you adjusted the inventory window after clicking the base item when using Masterpiece or Luna Crystal, the applied item display would be awkward.

    Fixed an error where in the Cash Shop’s item inventory, untradeable item tooltips did not display the untradeable information.

    Fixed an issue where the event coin display UI was sometimes awkward.

    Fixed an issue where if you dragged the equipment UI while the Arcane Symbol or Authentic Symbol UI was open, it would move awkwardly.

    [Back to Overview]

    Cash Shop


    In the Cash Shop, sets of 11 Red Cubes, 11 Black Cubes, and 11 Additional Cubes have been added.

    The Red Six Pack, Red Double Six Pack, Black Six Pack, Black Double Six Pack, Silver Additional Cube Pack, and Gold Additional Cube Pack will no longer be sold.

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    [Mapril] Mapril Express


    The Mapril Express event will run from May 18 to June 7. This event is available to all characters level 101 or higher.

    A gift for the players who created a bountiful Mapril Island! Receive plenty of gifts prepared by Amely Ports!


    You can accept the ‘[Mapril Express] Prepared Gifts’ quest through the event icon or by talking to Amely Ports in <Mapril Island>.


    After reaching your daily limit of Mapril Leaves, Mapril Candy, or participating in Mapril Adventure 1 time, you can open the UI and click the icon to get a corresponding gift.

    You can obtain each reward 1 time per day per world, for up to 10 days.

    • Reach your daily limit of Mapril Leaves: 500 Mapril Leaf Vouchers
    • Reach your daily limit of Mapril Candy: 500 Mapril Candy Vouchers
    • Participate in Mapril Adventure 1 time: 500 EXP Vouchers

    ※ All Vouchers can be put into storage, and will expire 7 days after claiming them.

    ※ You cannot claim multiple days worth of the rewards at once, you can only receive them once per day.

    ※ The Mapril Leaf Vouchers and Mapril Candy Vouchers can only be claimed by characters that have reached their daily limit.

    [Back to Overview]

    [Mapril] Mapril Adventure


    The Mapril Adventure event will run from May 18 to June 7. This event is available to all characters level 101 or higher.

    Together with Apricia, explore through El Nath’s snowfields and into the depths of the lava caves! Participate in <Frozen Blast> and get lots of experience!


    You can accept the ‘[Mapril Adventure] Beginning a New Adventure’ quest through the event icon or by talking to Apricia in <Mapril Island>.

    After starting the quest, you can enter <Mapril Adventure: Start the Adventure> by talking to Apricia.


    You can participate in <Frozen Blast> through Quick Start or Party Play by talking to Apricia.

    ※ You can use Quick Start if you are not in a party. You will play the game with 3 other players who have applied for Quick Start.

    ※ You can participate with Party Play in a party of 14 players.

    <Frozen Blast>

    • This is a cross-world game where 4 players will be matched, with a time limit of 30 minutes.
    • Players will be able to choose one of four jobs, Warrior, Magician, Archer, and Thief, with no duplicates.

    ※ During the job selection stage, you can change the hotkeys by clicking the desired skill icon and entering your desired key.

    • Each job has its own appearance and skills, and will become stronger with each level.

    ※ At the start of the game, Haste and Sharp Eyes will be provided by default as common buffs.

    ※ At the start of the game, Combo Attack will also be provided for Warriors and Shadow Partner for Thieves.

    ※ The character’s appearance will change when they reach certain levels.

    ※ When a character reaches certain levels, they will automatically learn new skills.

    • Warrior: Power Strike and Power Guard by default, Coma at level 5, Brandish at level 10.
    • Magician: Thunder Bolt and Teleport by default, Ice Demon at level 5, Blizzard at level 10.
    • Archer: Strafe and Fire Shot by default, Puppet at level 5, Arrow Rain at level 10.
    • Thief: Avenger and Flash Jump by default, Venom at level 5, Triple Throw at level 10.
    • There are six different areas in the game with a variety of normal and special monsters.
    • You can see where you and your party members are on the minimap UI on the left side of the screen.

    ※ Even if you’re on a different map than your party members, the experience from hunting will be shared between all party members.

    • If you level up your characters through hunting and defeat the Evil Spirit Dwelling Zakum within the time limit, the game will end.

    ※ A penalty will be applied if you do not play for a certain amount of time during the game, or if you leave during the game.

    Experience Rewards

    • If you clear <Frozen Blast>, you can acquire 500 EXP Points 1 time per day per Maple ID.

    ※ EXP Points will be provided after exiting from <Mapril Island: After the Adventure>.

    ※ After acquiring EXP Points, you can still participate in <Frozen Blast>.

    ※ You cannot acquire EXP Points after the event ends.

    • You can exchange your EXP Points for experience through Apricia’s ‘[Mapril Adventure] Using EXP Points’ quest.

    ※ EXP Points can only be used by characters level 200 or higher.

    ※ When you use EXP Points, you will get experience based on your character’s level. The experience will be the same for all characters level 260 or higher.

    Clear Record Rewards

    • Your clear record will be updated whenever you clear <Frozen Blast> with a shorter time.

    ※ The clear record is based on the Maple ID.

    • If your clear record is within a certain amount of time, you can receive medals corresponding to your time by talking to Apricia and choosing the ‘I want to claim Frozen Blast medals’ option.

    ※ You cannot claim the medals after the event ends.

    ※ If you meet the clear record requirements, you can claim that medal 1 time per Maple ID.

    ※ If you achieve a clear record of less than 300 seconds, you can claim 1 of each of the Frozen Blast Veteran and the Frozen Blast Novice medals per Maple ID.

    • Frozen Blast Veteran: Clear Frozen Blast within 300 seconds.
    • Frozen Blast Novice: Clear Frozen Blast within 540 seconds.

    ※ The Frozen Blast medals are permanent, untradeable items.

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    [Mapril] Mapril Fiesta UP!


    The Mapril Fiesta UP event will run from May 18 to June 7. This event is available to all characters level 101 or higher.

    Mariella is looking for more sparkling memories through the Fiesta! Bloom the Mapril Flower to receive Mapril Leaves and experience through the new Fiesta!


    You can acquire the ‘Mapril Fiesta UP!’ skill by talking to Mariella. The ‘Mapril Fiesta UP!’ skill will automatically be activated in maps with monsters within your level range.


    Each time you defeat 20 monsters within your level range, the Fiesta Gauge will fill up by one bar and you will acquire 2 Mapril Leaves. When you defeat 200 monsters, the Mapril Flower will appear and the Fiesta UP! will begin.


    When the Fiesta UP! starts, you will acquire 30 Maple Leaves and a large amount of experience, and one of the following skills will appear with a set probability.

    • Fiesta UP! A UFO Appeared: You will acquire 30 Mapril Leaves, and Maple Galaxy’s UFO will appear.
    • Fiesta UP! Monster Busters: You will acquire 30 Mapril Leaves, and Newtro Mushmom will appear to attack multiple enemies.
    • Fiesta UP! 7 Star Catered Buffet: You will acquire 30 Mapril Leaves, and the 7 Star Catered Buffet will appear.
    • Fiesta UP! Click Click Momentree: You will acquire 30 Mapril Leaves, and Elli and Lith will appear to take pictures of the character.

    After the skill is activated, different types of Memory Monsters will appear based on the skill, and you can acquire a large amount of experience by defeating them.

    ※ You can use the ‘Mapril Fiesta UP!’ skill even after reaching your daily limit of Mapril Leaves. However, you cannot acquire additional Mapril Leaves from the Gauge and Fever.

    ※ The skill will be deactivated if you reach your daily 20 activations.

    ※ ‘Mapril Fiesta UP!’ will only activate in maps with monsters within your level range. It will not activate in maps where there is a level 4 Rune debuff, maps where other players have already activated the skill, event maps, or other special maps (Mirror World, story quest maps, etc.).

    ※ The Fiesta UP! skill will only be visible to yourself, and it is affected by experience increasing effects and the death penalty experience reduction effect.

    ※ The Memory Monsters summoned during ‘Fiesta UP!’ will not count for the 200 monsters needed to activate the skill. If you defeat all of the Memory Monsters, Fiesta UP! will end regardless of the remaining time.

    ※ The Memory Monsters will only be visible to yourself, and they are affected by experience increasing effects and the death penalty experience reduction effect.

    ※ The Memory Monsters may spawn overlapping in certain maps.

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    [Mapril] Mapril Challengers


    The Mapril Challengers event will run from May 18 to June 7. This event is available to all characters level 101 or higher.

    A new competition begins with a new minigame! Stack points quickly and accurately in ‘Momentree Kitchen’ to get Mapril Candy!


    You can talk to Plana in <Mapril Island> to enter the competitive minigames. You can get Mapril Candy by playing them. You can acquire up to 500 Mapril Candy per day per character. You will get a certain amount based on your ranking in the game.

    • 1st Place: 300 Mapril Candy
    • 2nd Place: 200 Mapril Candy
    • 3rd Place: 100 Mapril Candy

    In Momentree Kitchen, you can make baby food for Baby Elli and Lith in Kenil’s kitchen in the Momentree. 3 players will enter, and during the game, you must help Kenil quickly and accurately prepare the baby food ingredients.

    If you press the correct direction key that matches the arrow, you can prepare the ingredient and earn points. If you press the right keys in succession, you’ll stack a combo and get additional points for every certain number of combos.


    At certain times, Kenil will turn around to warn you as the sounds of preparing the ingredients can disturb Baby Lith and Elli’s nap. During this time, you can hold the NPC Chat/Harvest key to avoid Kenil’s warning. If you don’t avoid it, your acquired points will be lowered for a certain period of time.

    If you press the wrong key, your stacked combo will be reset and you cannot enter another direction key for 1 second.

    At the end, there will be a section where Kenil will not warn you and you can acquire 2x the points.

    The rankings will be determined based on the players’ scores. If the scores are the same, the ranking will be determined in order of: highest cumulative combo, lowest number of wrong arrow key inputs, and lowest number of times detected by Kenil’s warning.

    When you leave the game, you will acquire Mapril Candy.

    ※ If you continuously press the same key for a certain amount of time or if you do not perform any action, you will be warned. If you receive 2 warnings, you will exit the game and will not receive rewards.

    ※ If you leave the game while in progress, you will not receive rewards.

    [Back to Overview]

    Goodbye! Mapril

    The Goodbye! Mapril event will run from June 8 to June 14. This event is available to all characters level 101 or higher.

    Did you make a lot of happy memories? Receive the final gift prepared by the Mapril fairies!

    You can accept the ‘[Goodbye! Mapril] Farewell’ quest through the event icon or by talking to Amely Ports in major towns.

    Through a predetermined schedule, various quests will be unlocked over time. You can accept and complete them sequentially to receive rewards. Each quest requires you to defeat 2000 monsters within your level range.

    Starting from the day after receiving the last gift, you can accept the ‘[Goodbye! Mapril] Today’s Gift’ quest once per day.

    • First Gift: Available starting on June 8 at 10 AM
    • Second Gift: Available starting on June 9 at 10 AM
    • Third Gift: Available starting on June 10 at 10 AM
    • Fourth Gift: Available starting on June 11 at 10 AM
    • Final Gift: Available starting on June 12 at 10 AM
    • Today’s Gift: Available starting on June 13 at 10 AM

    Each quest will give a different reward.

    • First Gift: 20 Selective VIP Buff Vouchers
    • Second Gift: 50 Event Ring Only Meister Cubes
    • Third Gift: 10 Special Medals of Honor
    • Fourth Gift: 30 Karma Black Rebirth Flames
    • Final Gift: Maximum Growth Potion
    • Today’s Gift: 2 3x Experience Coupons (30 minutes)

    ※ The rewards can only be claimed once per Maple ID.

    ※ The ‘[Goodbye! Mapril] Today’s Gift’ quest can be completed up to 2 times.

    [Back to Overview]


    The NEW AGE BEGINNING event will run from June 8 to June 14. This event is available to all characters level 101 or higher.

    Let’s start a new age together! Receive bountiful gifts prepared in anticipation of the future!

    You can accept the ‘[NEW AGE BEGINNING] Start of a New Age’ quest through the event icon or by talking to Cassandra in major towns.

    Through the UI, you can check your ‘[NEW AGE BEGINNING] Participate in Pre-Registration’ progress and pre-register. You can do so once per day per Maple ID, up to 4 times in total.

    The rewards from pre-registering can be acquired through the event icon after the maintenance on June 15, until June 21 at 11:59 PM.

    • Pre-Register for 1 Day: Cotton Candy Pink Bean (30 Days) Box
    • Pre-Register for 2 Days: Mannequin Voucher
    • Pre-Register for 3 Days: Maximum Growth Potion
    • Pre-Register for 4 Days: NEW AGE Special Box

    ※ The pre-registration rewards can be claimed on any world, regardless of the world the pre-registration was done on.

    ※ The pre-registration rewards can be claimed without any level restrictions. However, Zero characters must complete Chapter 2 first.

    ※ All rewards can only be claimed once per Maple ID.

    ※ All rewards can be put into storage and will expire after 14 days.

    The NEW AGE Special Box gives 10 3x Experience Coupons (30 Minutes) and a chance to win a special prize (not revealed yet).

    [Back to Overview]

    Lady Blair’s Dream Express


    The Lady Blair’s Dream Express event will run from May 19 to May 23. During this time, you can freely move your Cash items between characters, regardless of cash restrictions.

    [Back to Overview]

    Sunday Maple

    The Sunday Maple event will take place on May 21, May 28, June 4, and June 11.

    On May 21, the following benefits will take place:

    • ?
    • 2x acquisition rate and daily limit of Mapril Leaves and Maple Candy
    • 2x rewards from Mapril Adventure

    On May 28, the following benefits will take place:

    • ?
    • 2x acquisition rate and daily limit of Mapril Leaves and Maple Candy
    • 2x rewards from Mapril Adventure

    On June 4, the following benefits will take place:

    • ?
    • 2x acquisition rate and daily limit of Mapril Leaves and Maple Candy
    • 2x rewards from Mapril Adventure

    On June 11, the following benefits will take place:

    • ?

    [Back to Overview]

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog