KMST KMST ver. 1.2.049 – Voice of Mapler & Job Balancing!

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Nexon, Oct 24, 2017.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    After a long and boring dry spell, a new patch has been released to the test server! It includes Voice of Mapler changes for better QoL, job balancing, and a ton of other changes to various game systems!

    This patch also includes the 14th anniversary events, the return of Pink Bean with a new skill (he is a beautiful ballerina!), and will come to the official servers next Thursday.

    Spring Project!

    Based on requests from users made on the Voice of Maple forums, various changes have been made as part of the Spring Project!


    When using Rebirth Flames, equipment in your inventory that cannot have Flames used on them will be marked.


    Additional potential fields have been added to the Auction House’s advanced search feature. If you use the existing search fields for potential, they will not include additional potential.

    The relist feature has been added to the Auction House.

    • If an item is not sold within the period it was listed for or you cancel the sale, you can relist it.
    • If you listed the item while in a PC Room and you are currently not in one (or vice-versa), a popup UI will appear so that you can see the differences.
    • Items that become untradeable if returned can only be relisted by the character who listed them in the first place.

    Lie detectors have been made easier to use.

    • When you start to type in a lie detector, Hangul will be inputted by default.
    • While a lie detector is active, your Combo Kill will continue to be maintained.


    If your character enters combat while a large UI is on the screen, it will become semi-transparent so that you can see what is going on. The following UIs will be affected:

    • World Map
    • Maple Guide
    • Battle Statistics system
    • Monster Collection
    • Maple Union
    • Guild
    • Daily Gift
    • Maple Chat
    • System Options
    • Hotkey Settings
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The preset feature has been added to Maple Union.

    • Presets are a feature that allows you to store the Union board’s placed character blocks and inner stat choices and instantly reuse them later.
    • Up to 3 presets can be unlocked by purchasing the Union Preset Coupon in the Union Coin Shop for 500 coins.
    • You can click the unlocked preset button to edit it as you wish.
    • While in placement mode, you can apply any presets that you have saved.
    • Presets can be used for 30 days after they have been unlocked.


    The ‘Gift for Charming People’ quest has been made easier to complete in Reboot World. The chance to acquire a Rose Clipping when harvesting has been increased.


    When a Pendant Slot Expansion expires, you will be notified both through the chat and a separate notification.

    When using single hair/face coupons, you will now be shown a preview of the changed appearance before it is used.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The V Matrix’s usability has been improved.

    • Cores of the same kind will now be ordered based on enhancement level.
    • In Maker Mode, you can now only see Cores that you can install.
    • A new Disassemble Mode has been added where you can disassemble multiple Cores at once.
    • When disassembling Cores, you will now be able to preview how many V Core Fragments you will receive.
    • When enhancing a Core, you can now choose multiple Cores at once, and you will be able to preview the enhancement result.


    In the Cash Shop preview window, you can now try on items in your Cash Storage. After selecting an item in your Cash Storage, you can see it on the preview window by clicking the [Apply] button.

    In Meisterville, you can now only use profession skills and movement skills.

    You can now use up to two Chair Bags.


    The maximum number of Damage Skin Storage slots has been increased to 20.

    Job Balance Adjustments


    • [​IMG] Overload Mana: an error where keydown skills would consume additional MP has been fixed


    • [​IMG] Guided Arrow: damage has been increased
      • Level 25: Consumes 350 MP. For 20 seconds, create a spirit arrow near you. The arrow will attack 1 nearby enemy, dealing (500% → 600%) damage 30 times then disappear. Cooldown: 20 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Venom Burst: damage and number of hits have been increased
      • Level 25: Consumes 300 MP. For up to 12 enemies in range that are taking damage over time, cause them to instantly take 100% of the remaining damage over time at once and an additional (825% → 1000%) damage (5 → 6) times. The additional attack’s final damage is increased by 15% for every second the enemy was taking damage over time (up to 5). Afterwards, the explosion causes up to 10 nearby enemies to receive the damage over time that the initial enemies were inflicted with. Cooldown: 8 seconds. [Passive effect: when attacking, there is a 50% chance to inflict enemies with a DoT, dealing 310% damage every second for 8 seconds.]


    • [​IMG] Incising: Combo Counter cost has been decreased from 4 → 2
    • [​IMG] Sword of Burning Soul: duration has been adjusted
      • Level 25: Consumes 350 MP. For (65 → 72) seconds, create a sword of burning soul that follows you. By using the skill again, you can position the sword at a fixed location, but if you move too far, it will return to you. While the sword is summoned, Raging Blow is enhanced to deal 167% damage 9 times on up to 8 enemies. While you are fighting, every 1 second, the sword will deal 620% (700% while Enraged) damage 6 times if the Sword is with you or 565% (615% while Enraged) damage 6 times if the Sword is fixed somewhere else on up to 8 nearby enemies with an additional 50% critical rate. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Combo Death Fault: Combo Counter cost has been increased
      • Level 25: Consumes 500 MP. Consumes (5 → 6) Combo Counters. Deals 1600% damage 7 times on up to 15 enemies, gain invincibility while casting the skill. If you attack an enemy successfully, increase your final damage by the same amount as the consumed Combo Counters for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Blessing Armor: when the shield is created, the number of protections will now be shown in the buff window icon
    • [​IMG] Blast: damage has been increased from 290% → 310%

    Dark Knight

    • [​IMG] Reincarnation: cooldown will now be shown in the buff window icon
    • [​IMG] Gungnir Descent: damage has been increased from 210% → 225%

    Archmage (F/P)

    • [​IMG] Poison Nova: explosion damage has been increased
      • Level 25: Consumes 500 MP. Create poison clouds, which deal 1000% damage 6 times on enemies in range. Enemies hit will be inflicted with DoT for 10 seconds, dealing 600% damage every second. Enemies damaged by one poison cloud will not be damaged if they move in the range of another. Two seconds after the poison clouds have been created, you can use Mist Eruption to explode them, dealing (600% → 900%) damage 6 times on up to 12 enemies. The explosion damage will stack if an enemy is in range of more than one poison cloud. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

    Archmage (I/L)

    • [​IMG] Chain Lightning: Y axis chain range has been increased from 200 → 250


    • [​IMG] Vengeance of Angel: final damage boost when used has been increased from 25% → 30%

    Adventurer Archers

    • [​IMG] Evolve: number of hits has been increased
      • Level 25: Consumes 800 MP. For 40 seconds, enhance Phoenix or Freezer, causing them to deal 825% damage (6 → 7) times on up to 10 enemies. Cooldown: 108 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Afterimage Shot: cooldown has been increased (note: this is pretty much a buff since Afterimage Shot is mainly used for its effect while on cooldown)
      • Level 25: Consumes 800 MP. Create an afterimage that attacks enemies in range, dealing 800% damage 3 times continuously for 3 seconds. Cooldown: (20 → 30) seconds. [Passive effect: while Afterimage Shot is on cooldown, every 10 attacks, automatically create an afterimage that attacks enemies in range, dealing 800% damage 3 times continuously for 1 second.] The active effect and passive effect cannot be activated at the same time.


    • [​IMG] Piercing: cast delay has been decreased from 960ms → 840ms

    Night Lord

    • [​IMG] Throwing Expert: critical damage boost has been increased from 8% → 15%
    • [​IMG] Showdown Challenge – Enhance: skill icon has been changed to match the actual values
    • [​IMG] Fuuma Shuriken: Mark of Assassin activation rate has been increased
      • Level 25: Consumes 800 MP. Throw a giant throwing star that deals 500% damage 5 times on up to 6 enemies continuously. After the throwing star has moved a certain distance, it will stay in place for 2 seconds and then disappear. Fuuma Shuriken’s chance to activate Mark of Assassin is (20% → 40%) of its regular rate. Cooldown: 25 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Edge Carnival: damage has been increased from 138% → 160%, number of hits has been decreased from 8 → 7 (to prevent damage loss due to the maximum number of hits restriction)
    • [​IMG] Dagger Expert: critical damage boost has been increased from 8% → 15%
    • [​IMG] Prima Critical: critical damage boost has been increased from 8% → 20%
    • [​IMG] Shadower Instinct: base attack boost has been increased from 20 → 40
    • [​IMG] Eviscerate: number of hits has been increased
      • Level 25: [Passive effect: Assassinate’s final attack will mark enemies with a Wounded debuff that lasts for 10 seconds and stacks up to 3 times. If you hit another enemy with Assassinate while there is another one that is marked, the original enemy’s mark will disappear and you will begin stacking it on the new enemy.] Active effect: Consumes 650 MP. Summon allies from the shadows that deal 1100% damage 5 times on up to 10 enemies. If there is an enemy with 3 Wound debuff stacks in range, you can use this skill with Assassinate to instantly move to that enemy and deal 3800% damage (6 → 7) times with an additional 100% critical rate and defense ignore. Gain 1 second of invincibility after attacking. Cooldown: 10 seconds.

    Dual Blade

    • [​IMG] Fatal Blow: damage has been increased from 94% → 108%, number of hits has been decreased from 8 → 7 (to prevent damage loss due to the maximum number of hits restriction)
    • [​IMG] Blade Expert: final damage boost has been increased from 15% → 20%
    • [​IMG] Phantom Blow: damage has been increased from 240% → 270%
    • [​IMG] Blade Storm: first attack’s damage has been increased and its number of hits has been decreased (to prevent damage loss due to the maximum number of hits restriction)
      • Level 25: Consumes 20 MP. Deal (1000% → 1155%) damage (8 → 7) times on up to 10 enemies then cut enemies in front of you for up to 10 seconds, dealing 600% damage 5 times on up to 10 enemies continuously with an additional 100% defense ignore. Cooldown: 90 seconds.



    • [​IMG] Screw Punch: damage has been decreased from 360% → 120%, number of hits has been increased from 1 → 3, you can now link this skill with Fist Enrage, you can now instantly move in a direction if you link this skill with Double Spiral while using the left or right directional keys
    • [​IMG] Serpent Screw: damage has been decreased, Energy consumption when fully charged has been increased
      • Level 25: Consumes 300 MP. Consumes 110 Energy per attack. Consumes (70 → 100) Energy per attack when your Energy is fully charged. If this skill is attacking a boss monster, the Energy consumption is decreased by 60%. Automatically attack up to 10 nearby enemies, dealing (800% → 710%) damage 3 times continuously. Cooldown: 3 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Continual Aiming: final damage boost on hit monsters has been increased from 20% → 25%, passive effect’s critical damage boost has been increased from 10% → 20%

    Cannon Shooter

    • [​IMG] Cannon Buster: damage has been increased from 650% → 750%
    • [​IMG] Big Huge Gigantic Cannonball: an error where the monkey would appear awkwardly when casting has been fixed
    • [​IMG] ICBM: explosion damage and scorched ground’s damage over time have been increased, an error where the monkey would appear awkwardly when casting has been fixed
      • Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. Aim for up to 5 seconds, the skill will be cancelled if it is not fired in time. The explosion will deal (3600% → 4200%) damage 5 times on up to 15 enemies. After exploding, create scorched ground for 15 seconds which deals (500% → 700%) damage on up to 10 enemies continuously. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

    Cygnus Knights

    • [​IMG] Cygnus Phalanx: cooldown has been increased
      • Level 25: Consumes 500 MP. Deals 900% damage 65 times. Once all the number of hits are used, a certain distance is moved, or a certain amount of time has passed, the skill will disappear. Pressing the skill key again will change their direction. Cooldown: (20 → 30) seconds.


    • [​IMG] Claiomh Solais: can now be used even without Royal Guard’s attack buff

    Flame Wizard

    • [​IMG] Burning Region: damage boost has been increased from 50% → 60%, duration has been decreased from 60 seconds → 30 seconds, cooldown has been decreased from 90 seconds → 45 seconds

    Wind Breaker

    • [​IMG] Wind Blessing: attack, DEX, and HP boosts have been changed to passive effects

    Night Walker

    • [​IMG] Shadow Jump: in addition to existing effects, attacking skills that throw stars will have their final damage increased by 10% if used while jumping
    • [​IMG] Critical Throw: critical damage boost has been increased from 8% → 10%
    • [​IMG] Throwing Expert: critical damage boost has been increased from 8% → 10%


    • [​IMG] Lightning God: critical damage boost has been increased from 15% → 25%
    • [​IMG] Lightning Union: giant lightning bolt activated when attacking 4 or less enemies’ damage has been increased and its number of hits has been decreased (to prevent damage loss due to the maximum number of hits restriction)
      • Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. For 42 seconds, increase your damage by 17% and when you attack, a lightning bolt will travel through up to 5 nearby enemies dealing 600% damage 6 times. The damage will decrease each time it hits another enemy. If there are 4 enemies or less, a giant lightning bolt will activate instead, dealing (600% → 800%) damage (8 → 7) times. The lightning can activate every 3 seconds. Cooldown: 108 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Shark Wave: damage has been increased
      • Level 25: Consumes 500 MP. Consumes 2 Thunder buffs. Create a shark energy wave that travels forward, dealing (1100% → 2000%) damage 7 times on up to 15 enemies continuously. Cooldown: 8 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Freud’s Blessing: an error where Freud’s Blessing’s cooldown would not apply normally when a Phantom used Extreme Archery with Talent of Phantom Thief has been fixed


    • [​IMG] Adrenaline Boost: no longer affected by buff duration increasing effects
    • [​IMG] Install Maha: in addition to existing effects, Install Maha now instantly increases your Combo by a certain amount when used
      • Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. Can only be used while Maha’s Domain is summoned. For 55 seconds, equip Maha (ending Maha’s Domain) to instantly increase your Combo by 100, increase your attack by 10% and when attacking, every 3 seconds, create a blizzard that deals 550% damage 5 times on up to 10 enemies. Cooldown: 150 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Dragon Breath: Swift of Wind’s damage boost has been increased from 130%p → 160%p
    • [​IMG] Breath of Earth: damage distribution formula has been changed so that 35% of the attack’s damage is not divided based on number of enemies attacked (specifically, the skill says “except for 35% of the skill’s damage, the damage will be divided by the number of monsters attacked”)
    • [​IMG] Dragon Breath – Wind Bonus Chance: damage boost has been increased from 40%p → 85%p


    • [​IMG] Ignis Roar: in addition to existing effects, Ignis Roar now gives 10% final damage passively
    • [​IMG] Dual Bowgun Expert: critical damage boost has been increased from 8% → 10%
    • [​IMG] Sylphidia: cooldown has been decreased
      • Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. For 42 seconds, ride Sylphidia. While riding, gain 100% Stance and 17% attack, and reduce damage taken from attacks (including % HP attacks) by 25%. The charge/rush attack deals 1300% damage 9 times on up to 12 enemies. Cooldown: (180 → 150) seconds.


    • [​IMG] Ultimate Drive: damage has been increased from 80% → 100%
    • [​IMG] Cane Expert: final damage boost has been increased from 20% → 25%


    • [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] The Larkness gauge will now be retained after resurrecting from death.
    • [​IMG] Absolute Kill: damage has been increased from 333% → 385%, number of hits has been decreased from 8 → 7 (to prevent damage loss due to the maximum number of hits restriction)


    • [​IMG] Advanced Knuckle Mastery: in addition to existing effects, Advanced Knuckle Mastery now increases your final damage by 10%
    • [​IMG] Ghost Disposition: damage has been increased
      • Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. For 40 seconds, create an area where 2 spirits are summoned every few seconds for 8 seconds. Up to 10 spirits can exist at the same time. The spirits will find nearby enemies in the area and attack them, dealing (900% → 1200%) damage 3 times and cling to them, disappearing while inflicting a debuff for 8 seconds. When attacking a debuffed enemy, your critical rate will be increased by 8% and your critical damage will be increased by 1%. The debuff can stack up to 10 times. Cooldown: 95 seconds.

    Demon Slayer

    • [​IMG] Devil Cry: damage has been increased from 450% → 515%, number of hits has been decreased from 8 → 7 (to prevent damage loss due to the maximum number of hits restriction)
    • [​IMG] Blue Blood: an error where certain images would appear awkwardly during the cast effect has been fixed
    • [​IMG] Demon Awakening: duration has been increased
      • Level 25: Consumes 100 Force. For (55 → 60) seconds, awaken the true power of the Demon, increasing your critical rate by 62%, and allowing your attacks to automatically activate Cerberus every 8 seconds. In addition, Demon Slash will be enhanced and you will gain the ability to use Demon Trace while using Demon Slash. Enhanced Demon Slash deals 600% (1st/2nd attack)/700% (3rd attack)/800% (4th attack) damage 3 times on up to 6 enemies with an additional 50% defense ignore and 50% boss damage. Cooldown: 120 seconds.

    Demon Avenger

    • [​IMG] Blood Feast: HP consumption while charging has been decreased
      • Level 25: Consumes 1% max HP. Consumes (4% → 3%) current HP per second of charging. Attacks up to 8 enemies. Cooldown: 10 seconds.
        • 1st stage: No charging, deals 1000% damage 7 times, heals 5% max HP.
        • 2nd stage: 3 seconds of charging, deals 1300% damage 9 times, heals 12% max HP.
        • 3rd stage: 4 seconds of charging after 2nd stage, deals 1600% damage 12 times with an additional 100% critical rate and 100% defense ignore, heals 20% max HP.


    • [​IMG] Shockwave Punch: Double Fang’s damage boost has been decreased from 180%p → 140%p
    • [​IMG] Flash Move: Magnum Punch’s damage boost has been decreased from 230%p to 160%p

    Battle Mage

    • [​IMG] Dark Chain: can now be linked with Blow skills, can no longer be linked with Battle Spurt
    • [​IMG] Battle Spurt: can now be linked with all Blow skills
    • [​IMG] Spell Boost: magic attack boost has been increased from 20% → 25%

    Wild Hunter

    • [​IMG] Extend Magazine: all stats boost has been increased from 40 → 60, 15% final damage boost has been added, 20% damage boost has been removed
    • [​IMG] Jaguar Storm: duration has been increased
      • Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. For (30 → 40) seconds, summon up to 7 of your captured Jaguars (except the currently selected one). The summoned Jaguars’ Jaguar skills will deal 75% final damage. You can reuse the skill while the jaguars are summoned to re-summon all of them to your current location. You can resummon them 1 time every 10 seconds. Cooldown: 125 seconds.


    • [​IMG] OOPARTS Code: 25% final damage boost has been added, 30% damage boost has been removed


    • [​IMG] Micro Missile Container: number of missiles fired has been increased
      • Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. Install a container that fires (25 → 30) micro missiles that deal 850% damage 5 times on up to 15 enemies each. Cooldown: 25 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Prominence: in addition to existing effects, Prominence now increases the Morph Gauge by 50 when used
    • [​IMG] Will of Sword: Strike: you can now reuse the skill after the swords hit the ground to immediately ignite them (but the damage will increase based on how long they were on the ground)
      • Lvel 25: Consumes 1000 MP. Each weapon will hit an enemy, dealing 1000% damage 4 times. After that, they will fall to the ground. After 2 seconds, they will create a powerful flame, dealing 1400% damage 6 times on up to 12 enemies. The final damage of the flames will be increased up to 2x based on the amount of time the swords were in the ground. Cooldown: 30 seconds. Final Figuration: Will of Sword and the flames’ number of hits are increased by 1.

    Angelic Buster

    • [​IMG] Soul Seeker Expert: an error where only 1 orb would be created when fighting 1 enemy has been fixed
    • [​IMG] Soul Shooter Expert: critical damage boost has been increased from 8% → 15%


    • Lapis/Lazuli’s attack additional options logic has been changed to match other jobs’ weapons. Existing characters’ items will be automatically modified.
    • [​IMG] Divine Leer: critical damage boost has been increased from 40% → 50%


    • [​IMG] Psychic Grab: Y axis attack range has been increased from 138 → 165
    • [​IMG] Psychic Grab 2: Y axis attack range has been increased from 138 → 165
    Monster Life Reorganization


    New monsters have been added.

    • The Erdas category has been added. Erdas category monsters give 1~7% item drop rate from Arcane River area monsters, based on the rank.
    • New monsters have been added to each category.


    An image that shows the edges of the area where you can place buildings has been added.

    When combining monsters, a new monster selection step has been added.

    • When combining, you can choose a desired monster based on the category/rank that your combination determines.
    • The number of selectable monsters will increase in proportion to the number of monsters in that specific category/rank. The chance of receiving your selected monster is based on the beauty value.
    • The monster selection stage will apply to C/B/B+/A/A+/S rank monsters.


    The beauty value has been reorganized.

    • The maximum value has been increased to 999,999.
    • Based on your beauty value, the chance of receiving your selected monster will be increased.
    • The beauty value will be affected by both your farm’s beauty and your opponent’s farm’s beauty.


    Rankings have been reorganized.

    • A ranking based on beauty value and achievement points has been added. You can see it through the Ranking button on the menu at your farm.
    • The ranking list will show the top 3 farms.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Road Network effects have been added.

    • Road Network effects are bonuses that buildings and decorations receive based on the number of adjacent streets to them that lead to the My House building.
      • Buildings: +1 Waru production per adjacent street
      • Decorations: +1 decoration point per adjacent street
    • The bonus numbers from Road Network effects cannot exceed the building or decoration’s base value.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Coin Shop‘s available items have been changed.

    • The Fairy’s Tear item’s effect has been changed.
      • When used, you will automatically heal 1% of your HP/MP every second for 150 seconds. If you use additional Fairy’s Tears while one is active, the healing effect will increase by 0.5% (stacking up to 5 times).
    • The following items have been removed:
      • Apple Pie
      • Weapon Box
    • The following items have been added:
      • Monster Life Farm Reset Scroll [1,000 coins] (resets everything on your farm, except for its name and your Cash currency)
      • Mastery Book 20 [1,000 coins]
      • Mastery Book 30 [2,000 coins]
    Improved Screenshots


    The improved screenshot module has been applied. The lag when taking a screenshot has been reduced and the image quality has been improved.

    Screenshot related system options have been added. The existing Graphics tab’s screenshot storage options have been moved to the new Screenshot tab.

    The file format selection feature has been added. Images can be saved as JPEG or PNG.

    The continuous shooting function has been added.

    • You can turn this On/Off with a checkbox in the Options menu.
    • Based on the number of times specified in the Options menu, when you press the screenshot key, it will take that number of screenshots continuously.
    • You can screenshot from 2-10 times continuously.

    The automatic shooting function has been added.

    • When certain conditions are met, a screenshot will be taken automatically.
    • You can turn this On/Off with a checkbox in the Options menu.
    • Screenshots will be taken automatically for the following conditions:
      • Level up
      • Advancement
      • Successful enhancement for 15 Star Force or higher
      • Rare item drops
        • Primal Essence
        • Dominator Pendant
        • Cursed Kaiserium
        • Suuroid
        • Ruin Force Shield
        • Demianroid
      • The SEED character record achievement
      • Mu Lung Dojo character record achievement
      • Dream Breaker character record achievement
      • Character beating a boss monster for the first time
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Capture Mode has been added.

    • When using Capture Mode, the UI will not be visible but your character can be moved around freely.
    • Mouse input, NPC chat, and items cannot be used in Capture Mode.
    • Capture Mode can be turned On/Off with a hotkey, and you can exit Capture Mode by pressing the ESC key.
    • Capture Mode will be forcibly exited under certain circumstances.
      • Using a portal
      • Changing channels or fields
      • Opening a UI
    • Capture Mode cannot be used in certain situations, such as when talking with an NPC.
    Game Related

    The monsters within your level range condition has been adjusted.

    • Monsters within your level range now refers to monsters that are within ‘-20 levels ~ + 20 levels’ (used to be ‘-10 ~ +20).
    • The exception to the ‘-20 levels ~ +20 levels’ condition for characters above a certain level has been removed.
    • The experience and meso penalty for monsters outside the level range has been reduced from -11 levels to -20 levels.
    • Elite Monsters and Elite Bosses will also only appear if you meet the condition.
    • Runes can now be created even if you are outside of the ‘-20 levels’ condition, and there is no longer a level requirement to use them. However, if the Rune’s level is higher than the character’s level by ‘+20 levels’, the effect will not be activated and the Rune will be destroyed.


    Unused Runes will now activate the Cursed Rune effect.

    • Runes that been left unused for 5 minutes or more after being spawned will be cursed by Elite Bosses and will become a Cursed Rune.
    • The Cursed Rune effect will apply to the entire map, and the experience/drop rates for hunting will be decreased.
    • Over time, the curse will become more powerful.
      • 5 minutes: Stage 1, 50% experience/drop rate reduction
      • 10 minutes: Stage 2, 65% experience/drop rate reduction
      • 15 minutes: Stage 3, 80% experience/drop rate reduction
      • 20 minutes: Stage 4, 100% experience/drop rate reduction
    • As soon as the Rune is used, the Cursed Rune effects will disappear.
    • If you use a Rune, you will receive the Sealed Rune’s Power buff which prevents you from being affected by Cursed Rune effects for its duration (same as the cooldown before you can use another Rune, 15 minutes).


    Hekaton’s HP and rewards have been increased.

    • Hekaton’s base HP and HP boost based on the level of users entering have both been increased.
    • Coin rewards for those in the top 50% have been increased.


    Urus’ HP and rewards have been increased.

    • Urus’ HP has been increased.
    • Urus’ meso rewards for C rank or higher have been increased.


    When you enter Urus and matching is completed, if you do not press ‘Yes’ within 15 seconds, you will be blocked from entering for 10 minutes.


    In Meisterville, herbs and ore veins will now be created at random locations in the farms.


    When you harvest/mine, there is a chance to enter a directional key minigame. If you fail the minigame, you will fail harvesting/mining and will have to wait 3 seconds before you can try again.


    The directional key entry pattern’s methods have been changed.

    • Transparency will now apply to the directional key entry UI.
    • Duplicate directional key combinations are now allowed to increase the number of available patterns.

    When changing your Guild Mark using Guild Points, a popup that shows you how many Guild Points will be consumed will now appear.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The entry levels of certain content in the Dimensional Mirror have been changed.

    • Friends Story: level 100 or higher
    • Maple Alliance Conference Hall: level 75 or higher

    The following errors have been fixed:

    • An error where the Peacock’s Pendant consumed more Fatigue than items of the same level has been fixed.
    • An error where the BGM did not play normally sometimes on the 24th floor of the SEED has been fixed.
    • On the 49th floor of the SEED, monsters related to Omega Sector will now appear.
    • An error where certain Necro weapons would drop even when the Necro Core was not installed in Evolving System has been fixed.
    • An error where certain skills could attack monsters that should only be hit by basic attacks has been fixed.
      • Trifling Whim
      • Storm Bringer
      • Guided Arrow
      • Blessed Hammer
      • Joker
    • An error where you would be sent to Spinel’s Forest if you exited Tang Yoon’s cooking class after entering it through the Maple Guide has been fixed. You will now be moved to Nautilus.
    • An error where characters lower than level 100 could access Friends Story through the portal in Henesys has been fixed.
    • An error where Angelic Buster’s transformation would randomly be exited has been fixed.
    • An error where after exiting the boss Hilla’s map after defeating her, sometimes the on-screen messages would not go away has been fixed.
    Item Related

    The way that Lucky items are included in sets has been changed.

    • Only 1 Lucky item can be equipped. Even if 2 or more are equipped, only 1 Lucky item will be recognized.
    • The Lucky item will be included in every set for which you are already wearing 3 or more equipment from.
      • For example, if you are wearing 3 Root Abyss set items, 3 Absolabs set items, and 2 Meister set items, the Lucky item you equip will be included in the Root Abyss and Absolabs set but not the Meister set.
    • A tooltip will now appear when hovering over the Lucky item which shows the sets it is currently included in.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Soul Extractor has been added.

    • You can select and disassemble 5 of your Souls to acquire up to 10 random Soul Pieces.
    • Magnificent Souls and Souls with expiration dates cannot be used in the Soul Extractor.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The item icons for the following scrolls have been revised to make them easier to distinguish.

    • Magical Attack/Magic Attack Scrolls
    • Premium Accessory Attack/Magic Attack Scrolls
    • Premium Pet Attack/Magic Attack Scrolls
    • Accessory Attack/Magic Attack Scrolls
    • Pet Attack/Magic Attack Scrolls
    Cash Related

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    New Kaiser/Xenon/Demon-only Cash items have been added.

    • Dragon Tail Shift
      • When used, Kaiser’s tail will be hidden. If the tail was already hidden, it will be re-added.
    • Generate Mark Shift
      • When used, Xenon’s Generate Mark will be hidden. If the Mark was already hidden, it will be re-added.
    • Demon’s Mark Shift
      • When used, Demon’s Demon Mark will be hidden. If the Mark was already hidden, it will be re-added.

    Filed under: KMST Tagged: 5th job, adventurer, angelic burster, aran, archer, battle mage, blaster, boss, cannon shooter, cash shop, cygnus, demon avenger, demon slayer, eunwol, evan, hero, kaiser, kinesis, luminous, magician, mechanic, mercedes, mikhail, nova, phantom, profession, resistance, skill change, thief, wild hunter, xenon, zero [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog