KMST Kmst Ver. 1.2.066 – Job Balancing!

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Mar 22, 2018.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    A new test server patch was released, and it contains a lot of job balancing changes as well as some changes to bosses. It’s also the first time the official patch notes included specific numbers!! I hope this trend continues [​IMG]

    Also I couldn’t find a good image to show off the patch contents so here’s some random monsters that were just added in this patch. Welcome to the new art style of MapleStory!!

    Job Balance Adjustments

    The goal of this set of balance adjustments is to unify the effects of certain skills and maintain consistency between them. There are also a few non-numerical adjustments to various skills.

    All Jobs

    The Weakness skills only applied to a single specific monster, but since that is different from what was expected from the skill names, they have been changed to apply to all monsters that include their names. However, the damage boost was too high so it has been decreased.

    • [​IMG] Pig’s Weakness: now applies to all monsters whose names include ‘Pig’, damage boost has been decreased to 10%
    • [​IMG] Slime’s Weakness: now applies to all monsters whose names include ‘Slime’, damage boost has been decreased to 10%
    • [​IMG] Stump’s Weakness: now applies to all monsters whose names include ‘Stump’, damage boost has been decreased to 10%

    While invincible, you expect not to be affected by any skills including those that move your character, so it has been changed so that you will not be affected by those skills.

    • Skills with Invincibility: you will no longer be affected by effects that move your character while Invincible, such as Vellum’s Breath
    • Bind skills: fixed an error where Suu’s lightning pattern after the platforms fall and Damien’s orb pattern while in the air would continue while they were Bound
    • [​IMG] Erda Nova: fixed an error where the Inner Ability ‘+ number of monsters hit’ would affect this skill
    • [​IMG] Spider in Mirror: fixed an error where sometimes the Mirror World’s Spider would sometimes not be summoned after distorting space
    All Thieves

    Ready to Die’s second stage’s penalty was less than its effect, so its duration has been decreased.

    • [​IMG] Ready to Die: when entering the 2nd stage, only 50% of the skill’s remaining duration will be applied
    All Pirates

    • [​IMG] Loaded Dice: for jobs without Lucky Dice, the 5th job version of Lucky Dice will no longer be affected by buff duration or cooldown resets

    • [​IMG] Incising: cast action delay has been decreased by 25%
    • [​IMG] Combo Death Fault: fixed an error where this skill was not affected by changing the ‘Other Characters’ Skill Transparency’ option

    • [​IMG] Elemental Force: damage boost has been removed, now gives 25% final damage, Phantom can no longer steal this skill
    Dark Knight

    • [​IMG] Reincarnation: critical damage boost has been increased from 8% to 15%
    • [​IMG] Advanced Weapon Mastery: critical damage boost has been increased from 8% to 15%
    • [​IMG] Reincarnation – Damage: final damage boost when Reincarnation is activated has been increased to 30%
    • [​IMG] Dark Spear: damage has been increased from 490% to 600%
    Archmage (F/P)

    • [​IMG] Fervent Drain: fixed an error where this skill did not activate near the monster for monsters like Horntail and Lucid
    • [​IMG] Ignite: fixed an error where this skill did not activate near the monster for monsters like Horntail and Lucid
    • [​IMG] Poison Nova: when more than 3 explosions hit the same enemy, the explosions ‘ final damage will be decreased by 50% (damage will not be decreased for 3 or less)

    There is an inconsistency where certain attacks can be blocked and certain attacks cannot, so this skill can now reduce the damage from % HP attacks without exception.

    • [​IMG] Holy Magic Shell: now decreases damage taken from % HP attacks by 10%
    Bow Master

    • [​IMG] Arrow Platter: fixed an error where sometimes this skill did not deal damage when using Windows 10
    • [​IMG] Extreme Archery: Bow: damage boost has been removed, now gives 30% final damage, Phantom can no longer steal this skill

    • [​IMG] Smokescreen: Phantom can no longer steal this skill
    Dual Blade

    • [​IMG] Phantom Blow: number of hits has been increased from 6 to 7

    Some skills have very high % damage so some have been changed to final damage so that they are less affected by equipment growth. For Fusillade, we have not been able to increase its range much due to its special ability so we have divided them into two different versions.

    • [​IMG] Hollow Point Bullet: attack boost has been increased from 30 to 60
    • [​IMG] Fullmetal Jacket: damage boost has been removed, now gives 20% final damage
    • [​IMG] Fusillade: can now be used with the down arrow key to activate the Command version
      • Regular version’s range has been increased but you will now be able to be knocked back by enemy attacks while using this skill
      • Command version’s range is smaller than the regular version but you will not be knocked back by enemy attacks while using this skill
    • [​IMG] Quick Draw: damage boost when activated has been removed, now gives 25% final damage when activated
    • [​IMG] Battleship Bomber: fixed an error where the Inner Ability ‘+ skill level to passive skills’ applied to this skill
    • [​IMG] Deadeye: cooldown has been increased from 25 seconds to 30 seconds, now when attacking less than the maximum number of monsters, the skill will deal 4% increased final damage per monster not hit
    Cannon Shooter

    • [​IMG] Overburning Cannon: damage boost has been removed, now gives 35% final damage
    • [​IMG] ICBM: explosion has been changed to continuously attack for 1 second, explosion damage has been decreased from 7000% to 2000%, scorched area’s damage has been increased from 700% to 1000%

    Mikhail is a character whose performance changes based on the usage of Royal Guard. Royal Guard’s difficulty and effects have been slightly lowered to make it easier to use.

    • [​IMG] Royal Guard: defense time has been increased by 100% for first 5 defenses, attack boost has been decreased from 70 to 45, when the attack buff’s duration ends the defense count will be decreased by 1 instead of disappearing entirely
    • [​IMG] Advanced Soul Shield: damage decreased from % HP attacks has been decreased from 10% to 5%
    • [​IMG] Rho Aias: fixed an error where the final damage boost did not apply after consuming all of the defense counts
    • [​IMG] Claiomh Solais: while on cooldown, the additional attack will no longer activate Damage Reflect
    Flame Wizard

    The 5th job skill Flame Discharge relies heavily on Ignition, so if there are fewer monsters to attack, you lose out on some damage. We have adjusted the effects of some skills so that you can apply Ignition more easily.

    • [​IMG] Weakness Analysis: critical damage boost has been increased from 8% to 15%
    • [​IMG] Orbital Flame IV: now deals 10% increased damage to regular monsters
    • [​IMG] Infernalize: now instantly explodes when hitting a monster affected by Ignition, however that skill will not apply Ignition
    • [​IMG] Dragon Slave: final attack now instantly explodes when hitting a monster affected by Ignition, however that skill will not apply Ignition
    • [​IMG] Cataclysm: now instantly explodes when hitting a monster affected by Ignition, however that skill will not apply Ignition
    Wind Breaker

    • [​IMG] Idle Whim: now applies a DoT of 1000% damage every second for 9 seconds on every enemy hit
    Night Walker

    • [​IMG] Shadow Servant Extend: duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 42 seconds

    • [​IMG] Knuckle Expert: critical damage boost has been increased from 5% to 20%

    Install Maha’s effect was less satisfying than other characters’ 5th job skills so it’s effect has been changed and the damage has been increased to make it more powerful.


    • [​IMG] Install Maha: blizzard’s effect has been changed, range has been increased by 88% of its original range, damage has been increased from 550% to 900%
    • [​IMG] Brandish Maha: can now be used while Install Maha is active, cooldown is decreased by 50% when used while Install Maha is active

    • [​IMG] Magic Amplification: final damage boost has been increased from 20% to 30%
    • [​IMG] Critical Magic: critical damage boost has been increased from 8% to 20%

    Although Phantom’s characteristic is high versatility, it currently has both versatility and performance so we have tried to adjust cooldowns to limit them.

    • [​IMG] Soul Steal: can no longer steal Invincibility, however other existing skills such as Weapon/Magic Cancel and Hard Skin can still be stolen
    • [​IMG] Skill Management: fixed an error where the client would shut down if you switched skills while a skill like Frozen Orb was still active
    • [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Talent of Phantom Thief: Paladin’s Elemental Force, Bow Master’s Extreme Archery: Bow, and Shadower’s Smokescreen can no longer be stolen, skills that have already been stolen have been automatically deleted
    • [​IMG] Talent of Phantom Thief H: Sacrosanctity’s cooldown has been increased from 600 seconds to 700 seconds, Bullseye’s cooldown has been increased from 150 seconds to 180 seconds

    • [​IMG] Eclipse: you can now right click the skill icon to turn character appearance changes in Eclipse state on/off
    • [​IMG] Equilibrium: you can now right click the skill icon to turn character appearance changes in Equilibrium state on/off
    All Resistance

    • [​IMG] Infiltrate: can no longer avoid % HP attacks

    Blaster’s power changes suddenly according to the usage of Charge skills so we have reduced the penalty when not reloading through Charge and have reduced the power when using Charge.

    • [​IMG] Revolving Cannon: automatic reload time has been decreased to 33% of its original time, manual reload time has been decreased to 66% of its original time
    • [​IMG] Hurricane Mixer: damage has been increased from 700% to 1250%, Jumping Uppercut’s damage has been decreased from 2100% to 1250% and its number of hits has been increased from 1 to 5
    • [​IMG] Super Endurance: cooldown has been increased from 150 seconds to 200 seconds
    • [​IMG] Advanced Charge Mastery: instantly reloaded Bullets when using Charge skills has been decreased from 2 to 1
    • [​IMG] Pile Bunker – Shockwave Reinforce: damage boost has been decreased from 30% to 15%
    • [​IMG] Bunker Buster: duration has been decreased from 55 seconds to 45 seconds
    Wild Hunter

    • [​IMG] Wild Vulcan: damage when the Jaguar is summoned has been increased from 340% to 370%, damage when riding the Jaguar has been increased from 170% to 185%
    • [​IMG] Jaguar Storm: final damage of summoned Jaguars’ skills has been increased from 75% to 87%, now passively gives 55 attack

    • [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Hologram Gravity: fixed an error where the cooldown would be reset when changing the skill with Multi Mode Linker after using it
    • [​IMG] Mega Smasher: attack rate has been increased by 11% of its original rate, cooldown has been increased from 150 seconds to 180 seconds
    • [​IMG] Overload Mode: MP consumed per second has been increased from 175 MP to 225 MP, cooldown has been increased from 175 seconds to 200 seconds

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • NEW! [​IMG] Return of Guardian: The protector of the Nova returns to Pantheon. Consumes 100 MP. Cooldown: 600 seconds.
      • Can be acquired after completing the quest “Transformation? Failure?”.

    Some skills have very high % damage so some have been changed to final damage so that they are less affected by equipment growth. In addition, we have increased Cadena’s survivability to increase viability in boss battles.

    • [​IMG] Chain Arts: Chase: Dark Sight will now only last for 3 seconds while moving after using this skill, using Agent Shift will no longer release Dark Sight
    • [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Weapon Variety I~III: damage boost per buff stack has been removed, now gives 3%/7%/11% final damage per buff stack, buff duration has been increased from 15 seconds to 20 seconds, additional attack will no longer activate Damage Reflect
    • [​IMG] Summon Releasing Bomb: no longer activated Damage Reflect
    • [​IMG] Chain Arts: Tough Hustle: number of hits has been increased from 1 to 2
    • [​IMG] Chain Arts: Takedown: now grants 50% of the invincibility duration even if you do not Bind an enemy, you can no longer use other skills to cancel this skill while using it
    • [​IMG] Weak Point Converging Attack: now deals 10% additional damage to regular monsters
    • [​IMG] Professional Agent: no longer affected by cooldown resets
    • [​IMG] Chain Arts: Fury: damage has been increased from 220% to 500%, now deals damage to enemies using Damage Ignore or Damage Reflect
    Angelic Buster

    • [​IMG] Soul Seeker: fixed an error where attacking only with Soul Seeker would cause Ark’s Non-Self to not activate
    • [​IMG] Trinity: passive damage boost has been removed, now passively gives 15% final damage
    • [​IMG] Finitura Fettuccia: damage boost to yourself when hitting enemies affected by this skill has been removed, now increases your final damage by 30% when hitting enemies affected by this skill, damage boost for party members is the same at max level but now has lower values at lower levels
    • [​IMG] Finitura Fettuccia – Enhance: damage boost to yourself has been removed, now gives 10% final damage

    • [​IMG] Ultimate – Moving Matter: fixed an error where the buff icon would disappear if you moved maps while using this skill

    The power of flagship skills have been increased and attack speed boosts have become passive to make basic battle patterns more comfortable.

    • [​IMG] Crystal Control: Crystal’s movement speed has been increased, the Crystal will now move in front of you instantly when you use this skill
    • [​IMG] Crystal Skill: Glory Wings: damage boost has been removed, now gives 20% final damage, Javelin now deals additional damage to regular monsters when using Glory Wings
    • [​IMG] Craft: Javelin II: damage has been increased from 300% to 390%, fragment’s damage has been increased from 100% to 130%, Javelin’s damage boost when using Glory Wings has been increased from 50% to 150%
    • [​IMG] Craft: Orb II: damage has been increased from 150% to 300%
    • [​IMG] Bless Mark Complete: attack speed boost at 10 stacks has been removed
    • [​IMG] Crystal’s Secret: final damage boost has been increased from 20% to 30%, now increases attack speed by 1 stage

    • [​IMG] Scarlet Charge Drive: fixed an error where the Inner Ability ‘reset cooldown’ did not apply to this skill’s secondary flames
    • [​IMG] Unstoppable Impulse/Unstoppable Instinct: attack range has been decreased by 20% of its original range
    • [​IMG] Uncontrollable Chaos: attack range has been increased by 20% of its original range
    • [​IMG] Fusion Completion: boss damage has been increased from 15% to 30%, damage, now increases damage absorption by 20%
    Boss Monster Difficulty Changes


    The Skill Select system has been removed from Urus. The system was designed to increase enjoyment of a large party battle by reducing the number of skills used in the map so you could see them all. However, it is more important to reduce the gap between characters based on how many skills they could use.

    • You can now use all skills except for 5th job skills.
    • You can no longer see other characters’ skills.

    In Urus, scoring points based on damage has been increased by 50% of its original scoring.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Hard Suu’s HP has been decreased by 25%.

    Hard Lucid’s HP has been decreased by 10%.


    Hard Will’s patterns have been adjusted. There are loopholes such as certain places where you will not be attacked, but we would like to change the patterns which were not meaningful without increasing the difficulty.

    • Spider leg’s delay has been increased by 25%, damage has been decreased by 33%
    • In Phase 1 and 2, Will’s summoned self-destructing monsters’ damage has been decreased by 50%
    • In Phase 1 and 2, if more than half of the party members die, Will’s HP block will not be released
    • Fixed an error where you would not take damage in certain positions of the map in Phase 2 and 3
    • In Phase 3, the required Moonlight Gauge to remove a Spider Web has been decreased by 30%, and it will now remove 2 Webs at a time
    • In Phase 3, Spider Webs now have a 3 second creation delay to prevent burned Webs from regenerating immediately
    • In Phase 3, the Spider Poison’s damage to nearby characters has been increased by 100%
    Game Related


    Will (Normal Mode) has been added. To fight him, you must have completed all of the story quests in Arcane River’s 6th area <Esfera>.

    • You can enter through the Temple of Light or through the Boss Party matching.
    • A party of 1-6 characters, level 235 or higher, can enter.
    • You can enter Normal Will once per day, and clear it once per week.
    • The daily entrance limit is separate from Hard Will but the two difficulties share the weekly clear limit.


    A re-entry cooldown of 30 minutes has been added to the Root Abyss bosses.

    Boss re-entry cooldowns will now be shown if you try to enter one while the cooldown is still active.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Profession related changes have been made.

    • Reverse/Abyss Recipes will no longer drop from monsters.
    • Reverse equipment no longer require recipes to craft.
    • Recipes for Abyss equipment can now be acquired only from Root Abyss.
    • You can now craft the Timeless Moonlight.
    • Reverse Dragon equipment no longer require recipes to craft.
    • Meister effects and item effects can now be seen at the same time.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The macro detection system <Find Violetta with Makeup!> has been added.

    • Find Violetta with Makeup! is a detection system that is automatically triggered when you are suspected of using macros.
    • Four Violettas will appear on screen, and one will have makeup on. They will randomly change positions and you have to choose the one with makeup on 4 times.
    • If the answer you enter is incorrect, a Lie Detector will be activated.
    • The Lie Detector will be activated even if you do not answer, after the time limit ends.
    • If you fail repeatedly, your account may be blocked according to operating policies.

    You will no longer acquire GP when joining a guild. This is to prevent repeated patterns of joining and leaving.

    In Flag Race, the ‘Come to Me’ and ‘I’ll Go to You’ items will no longer drop.

    After using the music box in Elluel, the BGM will stop if you change maps.

    The Party Quest One-Handed Weapon Scroll has been changed to stack multiple in one slot.

    In the Traces of the Goddess party quest, if you lose any of the statue pieces, the party leader can talk to the NPC to receive them again.

    While flying, you can no longer use Rope Connect.

    Items that are not displayed in the Auction House search query list can no longer be put on sale.

    The following errors have been fixed.

    • Fixed an error where Archello would appear when crafting Core Gemstone, regardless of which NPC you were talking to.
    • Fixed an error where the Auto Screenshot option sometimes did not save level up screenshots.
    • Fixed an error where Cadena and Illium could not wear the Xylophone Melody item.
    • Fixed an error where the Royal Von Leon Claw appeared differently while sitting on a chair.
    • Fixed an error where the Lion King’s Castle world map showed an incorrect pathway.
    • Fixed an error where the Minigame Master NPC showed an incorrect list of Omok sets that could be made.
    • Fixed an error where you could sit in a chair while harvesting or mining.
    • Fixed an error where certain maps’ portals and ladders could not be used normally.
    • Fixed an error where Cassandra’s image appeared when the character talked to themselves in the Adventurer quest line.
    • Fixed an error where certain weapons’ descriptions included Magic Gauntlet twice.
    • Fixed an error where the NPC for the Eos Tower’s Spider quest had an incorrect location marked in the quest description.
    • Fixed an error where the location of the collected goods for the Black Heaven Internal Request was incorrect.
    • Fixed an error where the party quest Moon Bunny’s Rice Cake’s pig monsters were labelled Ribbon Pigs.
    • Fixed an error in Monster Life where sometimes using a C Rank Monster Box would consume 1000 Waru.
    • Fixed an error in Monster Life where sometimes another monster would be released when releasing a monster.
    • Fixed an error where another outfit would appear when jumping with the Urus Gentle Suit.
    • Fixed an error where the Other World’s Collector medal had an incorrect icon.
    • Fixed an error where you could get the Yggdrasil’s Blessing Scroll in Reboot World.
    • Fixed an error where applying a Soul to an unequipped item would reset your equipped item’s Soul Gauge.
    • Fixed an error where the Soul Weapon UI would turn off if you died while it was off.
    • Fixed an error where when a Pendant slot expired, some item stats would still apply.
    • Fixed an error where choosing the Weekly Maple Star would sometimes choose a character with less fame.
    • You can no longer use chairs in Normal/Chaos Pierre.
    • Fixed an error where certain Mileage boss quests could not be completed.
    • Fixed an error where the etc. item Lombard’s Memory Card showed a different level from the actual level.
    • Fixed an error where certain achievements’ name tags and completion requirements were incorrect.
      • [Bounty Hunter] Too Dark
      • [Bounty Hunter] Getting Dark
      • [Bounty Hunter] It’s Dark

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog