KMST KMST ver. 1.2.086 – Job Balance Adjustments

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, May 16, 2019.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    This test server patch has the second half of the anniversary as well as some job balancing. One of the new minigames is even a collaboration between MapleStory and Crazy Arcade!

    Job Balance Adjustments

    The goal of these balance changes, in addition to basic power adjusting, are to increase the ease of use of skills.

    Skills that under performed, were inconvenient to use, or just had high drawbacks have been adjusted.

    All Jobs

    If you used skills that consumed HP right after using barrier skills, the barrier skill would look like it didn’t activate so we have changed barriers to be consumed only when hit.

    The concept of the Restraint Ring was that you would not be able to move while using it, but certain skills still allowed you to move. If all skills that cause movement cannot be used with it, there are cases where certain classes cannot use their main skills, so for now, we will block skills that are only movement skills.

    • Summon skills: fixed an error where there was no notification message when a summon disappeared
    • Armor reduction skills: fixed an error where they did not apply
    • Damage reduction skills: damage taken can no longer be reduced below 1
    • Barrier skills: when using HP consuming skills, the barriers will no longer be consumed
    • [​IMG] Dark Sight and invincibility skills: fixed an error in Vellum where if you were hit by stalactites while in the air, you would not take damage but you would still fall to the ground
    • [​IMG] Restraint Ring: while using this ring, you can no longer use Teleport skills, Blink skills, Bishop’s Mystic Door, or Mechanic’s Open Gate: GX-9
    • [​IMG] Decent Advanced Bless: you can no longer use this skill while you have Bishop’s Advanced Bless buff

    • [​IMG] Overload Mana: HP consumed by jobs without MP has been decreased from 1% to 0.5%
    • [​IMG] Ethereal Form: MP consumed has been increased from 5250 to 7750, cooldown has been increased from 54 seconds to 60 seconds

    • [​IMG] Guided Arrow: fixed an error where the effect would appear in Pollo and Fritto’s courting dance and eagle hunting

    • [​IMG] Loaded Dice: now consumes HP instead of MP, for classes without Loaded Dice they can use it by consuming 300 HP

    • [​IMG] Combo Instinct: fixed an error where if you didn’t move after using this skill, the damage would not be applied
    Dark Knight

    • [​IMG] Beholder: will now only attack if the character is in combat, using Beholder Shock and Beholder Impact will now put your character in combat
    Archmage (F/P)

    • [​IMG] Infinity: final damage boost has been increased from 65% to 70%
    Archmage (I/L)

    • [​IMG] Infinity: final damage boost has been increased from 65% to 70%
    • [​IMG] Lightning Sphere: cooldown will now apply immediately upon casting this skill

    • [​IMG] Mystic Door: other characters’ Mystic Doors will now have your skill effect transparency settings applied
    • [​IMG] Infinity: final damage boost has been increased from 65% to 70%
    • [​IMG] Genesis: fixed an error where if the character died then revived while this skill was on cooldown, using Big Bang would not be fully charged
    • [​IMG] Vengeance of Angel: you can now use Erda’s Will while using this skill
    • [​IMG] Unstable Memorize: if Big Bang is selected, it will be used at full charge regardless of Genesis’ cooldown

    We are greatly increasing Wind of Frey’s range to make their hunting better. For Arrow Rain, if there were many enemies in range, there were client loading problems which caused normal play to become difficult, so we would like to reduce the client load without hitting the skill’s performance. Therefore, we have increased their damage while decreasing the total number of possible hits.

    • [​IMG] Wind of Frey: attack range has been increased by 61%
    • [​IMG] Arrow Rain: attack frequency has been decreased from 0.5 seconds to 1 second, damage has been increased from 500% to 1200%, maximum number of enemies hit has been decreased from 15 to 10, the maximum number of areas that can be created at one time is now limited to 6, attack will now begin immediately after the area is created
    • [​IMG] Advanced Quiver: flame arrow’s damage has been increased from 1200% to 1500%, now increases attack by 17%

    • [​IMG] Piercing: fixed an error where you could exceed the maximum damage limit due to the increased final damage when piercing through enemies

    • [​IMG] Ancient Guidance: passive final damage boost has been removed
    • [​IMG] Obsidian Barrier: fixed an error where you would not take damage from certain % HP attacks
    Night Lord

    • [​IMG] Dark Lord’s Secret Scroll: now deals 30% bonus damage to boss monsters

    • [​IMG] Smokescreen: fixed an error where Advanced Dark Sight would be activated while inside other players’ Smokescreens, fixed an error where you would not take damage from certain % HP attacks
    • [​IMG] Sonic Blow: cooldown will now apply immediately upon casting this skill, cooldown has been decreased from 90 seconds to 80 seconds
    Dual Blade

    • [​IMG] Karma Fury: now ignores 30% of enemies’ defenses
    • [​IMG] Blade Tornado: fixed an error where the typhoon would not hit the same enemy multiple times

    After using Transform, most players would use the Energy Orb 3 times all at once so to make it more convenient, we have decreased the number of times you have to use it while increasing the damage.

    • [​IMG] Nautilus: additional attack will no longer charge energy
    • [​IMG] Transform: number of Energy Orbs has been decreased from 3 to 1, number of hits has been increased from 3 to 9

    • [​IMG] Wings: action delay has been decreased by 33%
    Soul Master

    When their equipment reached higher levels, their efficiency would be less than other classes so their damage boosts have been changed to final damage boosts.

    • [​IMG] Rising Sun: damage boost has been changed to 20% final damage boost
    • [​IMG] Speeding Sunset/Dance of Moon: fixed an error where if you used the Restraint Ring, you could use Elemental Shift while using this skill
    • [​IMG] Master of the Sword: damage boost has been changed to 35% final damage
    Flame Wizard

    Spirit of Flame’s UI had dedicated logic which caused it to not work in certain situations. We have changed the skill to more basic logic to reduce inconvenience.

    • [​IMG] Spirit of Flame: when used the UI to choose a flame spirit will no longer appear, if you use the skill without any directional keys the Fire Lion will be summoned, if you use the skill with the down arrow key the Flame Fox will be summoned
    • [​IMG] Inferno Rise: attack range has been increased by 14%
    Wind Breaker

    Pinpoint Pierce’s concept was to hit the same place multiple times to deal more damage to enemies but the basic damage buff did not match the expected effect. To improve the concept, it has been changed to apply to all skills.

    • [​IMG] Pinpoint Pierce: action delay has been decreased by 25%, damage buff to Pinpoint Pierce has been removed, now inflicts a debuff that causes all of Wind Breaker’s attacks to deal 15% increased damage and ignore an additional 15% defense for 30 seconds
    • [​IMG] Howling Gale: Wind Auras will no longer disappear when reviving after dying

    • [​IMG] Install Maha: fixed an error where using this skill while changing channels would sometimes cause the blizzard to not activate
    • [​IMG] Adrenaline Generator: no longer affected by cooldown resets, lockout time after Adrenaline Boost ends before you could use this skill has been removed

    • [​IMG] Legendary Spear: will now decrease magic defense as well
    • [​IMG] Legendary Spear – Reduce Armor: will now decrease magic defense as well

    • [​IMG] Rose Carte Finale: flower cards placed on the floor will no longer remove Dark Sight
    • [​IMG] Joker: half of the cards will now attack the highest boss monster in range with the highest maximum MP first, fixed an error where the Red Cross card’s HP/MP healing effect did not apply
    • [​IMG] Mark of Phantom: Marks of the Master Thief will no longer disappear when reviving after dying

    • [​IMG] Fox Spirit: fixed an error where sometimes the client would pause for a bit when this skill activated (a lot of testing is required for the new overall logic)

    Compared to other classes’ Double Jumps, Demon’s was inconvenient due to the shorter distance so it has been fixed.

    • [​IMG] Demon Jump: Double Jump’s distance moved has been increased
    Demon Slayer

    Enemies defeated by their 5th job skills did not restore Demon Force, so they have been changed to do so.

    • [​IMG] Jormungandr: Jormungandr’s attacks will now restore Force
    • [​IMG] Orthrus: Orthrus’ attacks will now restore Force
    Demon Avenger

    Because Demon Avengers use HP for their skills, they are disadvantaged in places where healing is restricted. To help improve this, Release Overload will be able to recover HP in certain situations. Blood Feast will now have a damage reduction feature and we have increased its action delay slightly to make it easier to make use of the new effect.

    • [​IMG] Exceed: fixed an error where the Exceed skill final stage effect would remain if you died while it was playing and then revived
    • [​IMG] Release Overload: now heals 20% of the total amount in special situations where recovery is blocked
    • [​IMG] Demon Frenzy: fixed an error where the recovery restriction did not apply to the Rune of Regeneration’s recovery effects
    • [​IMG] Blood Feast: now decreases damage taken by 30% while casting this skill, cast action delay has been increased by 27%

    Blaster is a very difficult class due to having to deal with Charging, so we have given it some improvements.

    • [​IMG] Advanced Charge Mastery: Charge time reduction has been increased from 25% to 40%
    Battle Mage

    • [​IMG] Shelter: fixed an error where you would not take damage from certain % HP attacks
    • [​IMG] Master of Death: duration has been decreased from 30 seconds to 20 seconds, Blow skills’ number of hits boost has been increased from 1 to 2, now increases Death’s final damage by 100% while active
    Wild Hunter

    Wild Hunter has some disadvantages since it hunts using a rapid fire skill. We have increased its attack range and improved its damage a bit.

    • [​IMG] Claw Cut: will now restore maximum HP instead of base HP
    • [​IMG] Wild Vulcan: while attacking on the Jaguar the attack range in the vertical direction has been increased by 30%
    • [​IMG] Drill Container: damage boost to Wild Vulcan while attacking on the Jaguar has been increased from 10% to 20%
    • [​IMG] Silent Rampage: cooldown has been decreased from 160 seconds to 120 seconds

    • [​IMG] Ring of Sum: has been changed to increase Xenon’s highest stat instead of just LUK, if STR/DEX/LUK are all the same it will increase LUK
    • [​IMG] Overload Mode: fixed an error where the recovery restriction did not apply to the Rune of Regeneration’s recovery effects

    Since getting on the Metal Armor increases their maximum HP, it was a disadvantage when reviving after dying, so we have changed it to a passive effect. For Homing Missiles, we would like to make it more exciting looking so we have added a smoke effect to make it look like you’re actually firing missiles.

    • [​IMG] Metal Armor: Human: HP/MP boost when riding the Metal Armor has been removed, now increases HP and MP by 1500 passively
    • [​IMG] Homing Missile: smoke effect has been added when firing missiles, you can right click on the skill icon to turn this effect on/off
    • [​IMG] Massive Fire: SPLASH-F: MP consumption has been decreased from 90 MP to 35 MP
    • [​IMG] Metal Armor Extreme: HP/MP boost when riding the Metal Armor has been removed
    • [​IMG] Metal Armor Alloy Research: now increases HP by 30% and MP by 600 passively

    To mitigate the differences between Final Figuration state and Nova state, we have changed the critical rate boost to affect both states. Since Final Figuration is so important to Kaiser, dying and losing the Morph Gauge was a much higher penalty than other jobs, so it has been improved.

    • [​IMG] Transfiguration: the Morph Gauge will now be saved when reviving after dying, however there are differences based on the situation at the time of resurrecting:
      • Nova Status: Morph Gauge is saved
      • Final Figuration state (without using Buff Freezer): Morph Gauge is reset
      • Final Trans activated Final Figuration state (without using Buff Freezer): Morph Gauge from before using Final Trans is saved
      • Regular and Final Trans activated Final Figuration state (using Buff Freezer): Morph Gauge will be maxed, will be reset after Final Figuration ends
    • [​IMG] Catalyze: now increases critical rate by 20%
    • [​IMG] Final Figuration: critical rate boost has been removed
    • [​IMG] Wing Beat: duration has been increased from 10 seconds to 15 seconds
    • [​IMG] Advanced Sword Mastery: critical damage boost has been increased from 8% to 15%, now increases critical rate by 20%
    • [​IMG] Will of Sword – Strike: explosion damage has been increased from 1400% to 2000%, manual explosion will apply 1400% damage

    Adding the reactivation cooldown for Weapon Variety’s additional attack could hurt the current play pattern, so we have tried to reduce its affect by decreasing the reactivation cooldown.

    • [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Weapon Variety: fixed an error where the additional attack’s reactivation cooldown did not apply, reactivation cooldown has been decreased from 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds
    • [​IMG] Chain Arts: Takedown: no longer affected by cooldown resets
    • [​IMG] Chain Arts: Tough Hustle: cooldown will now apply immediately upon casting this skill, cooldown has been increased from 45 seconds to 50 seconds
    • [​IMG] A.D. Ordnance: fixed an error where the energy collection time was shorter than intended
    Angelic Buster

    To increase convenience, Angelic Buster’s main skills’ cooldowns have been changed to be the same. Spotlight, which would be overpowered with the lowered cooldown, has had its power decreased as well. Finitura Fettucia’s final damage buff was quite large so it has been replaced with a different effect to make it less of a required Hyper Skill selection.

    • [​IMG] Power Transfer: fixed an error where the buff duration was displayed incorrectly
    • [​IMG] Energy Burst: cooldown has been increased from 100 seconds to 120 seconds, fixed an error where if the orb was charged past a certain number the explosion would cause the client to shut down (a lot of testing is required for the new overall logic)
    • [​IMG] Soul Exalt: cooldown has been increased from 90 seconds to 120 seconds
    • [​IMG] Mascot Familiar: cooldown has been decreased from 150 seconds to 120 seconds
    • [​IMG] Spotlight: cooldown has been decreased from 150 seconds to 120 seconds, final damage per stack has been decreased from 7% to 5%, attack frequency has been increased by 20%
    • REMOVED! [​IMG] Finitura Fettucia – Enhance
    • NEW! Finitura Fettucia – Reduce Armor: You will ignore 15% defense of enemies with the Finiture Fettucia debuff.

    • [​IMG] Throwing Weapon: fixed an error where this skill received the effects of summon duration boosts

    • [​IMG] Awakening: critical rate boost on Ultimate skills has been removed, now increases Ultimate skills’ critical damage by 20%
    • [​IMG] Ultimate – BPM: damage has been increased from 150% to 175%

    We have adjusted the effect of Glory Wings to not block buffs and UI. The Crystal will also not receive the effects of skill transparency to make it easier to see.

    • [​IMG][​IMG] Craft: Javelin: cast delay when linked with Craft: Orb has been decreased by 34%
    • [​IMG][​IMG] Craft: Orb: cast delay when linked with Craft: Javelin has been decreased by 23%
    • [​IMG] Crystal Charge: your Crystal will no longer receive the effects of skill transparency
    • [​IMG] Glory Wings: when used the screen effect will be displayed underneath the buff icons and UI
    Improvements and Bug Fixes (Boss Related)

    The boss Urus has been improved.

    • You will now receive a penalty if the amount of damage you dealt to Urus is lower than a certain amount. This is to reduce the number of players who join and still receive rewards without participating in the battle with their party members.
    • Bonus points for being eaten have been decreased.
    • The maximum limit of points for damage has been increased.
    • Fixed an error where sometimes the UI would show a different rank than your actual clear rank.
    • Fixed an error where the Cool Elf Face would not be seen after dying in Urus.

    Magnus (Easy) will now have a re-entry cooldown of 30 minutes.

    Fixed an error where after defeating Demian, you could not recover MP using potions.

    Improvements and Bug Fixes (Quests/Maps)

    The number of Poisoned Sprites in the party quest Forest of Poison Fog has been increased from 20 to 30.

    Fixed an error where characters could hang on invisible ropes in certain locations in Edelstein.

    Fixed an error where you would lose experience if you died in Pollo and Fritto’s Castle Walls, Storm Wings, Eagle Hunting, and Courting Dance.

    Fixed an error where you would receive the adventurer 4th job advancement quest “End of Strength” in maps that did not allow movement, like the Mu Lung Dojo training centre.

    For Angelic Buster and Kaiser, the theme dungeon Detective Rave’s Case Notes will now display the quest requirements for entering the area.

    Fixed an error where if you reached level 255 before completing all of the Labyrinth of Suffering’s quests, you would not be able to enter the Root of Suffering or proceed any further with the Labyrinth’s or Limen’s quests.

    Improvements and Bug Fixes (Other)

    Fixed an error where certain chairs and mounts would not show capes.

    Fixed an error where certain skills for classes that use Knuckles and Guns would not show your equipped Cash weapon.

    Fixed an error where the Absolabs Pointing Gun would appear awkwardly while standing.

    You can no longer register MP healing potions for your pets if you are a class without MP.

    Fixed an error where you could use certain skills while crafting with professions.

    Fixed an error where Pathfinder was not reflected in the “Legend of Legends” achievement.

    Fixed an error where in Monster Pyramid, your pieces would look like they could be placed even if it wasn’t your turn.

    If your skill macro settings have the macro name set to be shown, they will no longer be shown to other characters.

    The /pet command’s pet chat output will no longer be shown to other characters.

    In the chat window, the person you are whispering can now also use the right click menu.

    You can now include chair messages and minigame room messages when reporting.

    Fixed an error where if you were wearing the Spirit Pendant when the next day began, sometimes the equipped time would be shown incorrectly.

    If you login to the game with a different IP than the last time you logged in and receive a trade restriction, you can no longer enter the Maple Auction during the restriction.

    Fixed an error where when using the Maple Auction, certain beauty coupons’ names showed duplicated genders.

    Cash Shop


    Recently, megaphone items have been used for purposes other than their intended game use. To provide a more pleasant game environment, all existing megaphone items have been discontinued and the new Hyper Megaphone has been added.

    • The Hyper Megaphone will send a message to all channels in your world, and you can use the item link function with it.
    • The Hyper Megaphone can only be used by characters level 200 or higher.

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog