KMST KMST ver. 1.2.104 – 4th V Skill Changes

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    A new KMST patch has been released with changes to the new 4th V skills that were released a few weeks ago. Honestly they didn’t change as much as I expected haha. This patch also includes some data for the new Dimensional Library episode that will be released in the same patch but it’s not accessible in-game yet, so I’ll cover that in a later post.


    • V Matrix Slot Increase
      • The number of base slots has been increased with the addition of new skill cores.
    • New 5th Job Skills Adjustments
      • The new 5th job skills have been adjusted.
    5th Job

    V Matrix

    The number of base slots given when you first complete the 5th job advancement has been increased from 4 to 5.

    When you complete the 5th job advancement, you will now receive the new 5th job skill as well. Characters who have previously completed their advancement can receive the new skill through a quest that will be available from July 9 to August 19.

    New 5th Job Skill Adjustments

    NOTE: The patch notes only list the changes from the initial release of these skills. For fully updated skill descriptions/numbers, you will have to wait for when these skills are released to the official servers on July 23.


    • [​IMG] Sword Illusion:
      • Explosion damage has been increased from 400% to 500%.
      • Fixed an issue where the skill effect did not appear to other characters


    • [​IMG] Mighty Mjolnir:
      • Damage has been decreased from 2000% to 600%, number of hits has been increased from 1 to 6, hammer preparation time has been decreased from 20 seconds to 18 seconds, cast delay has been decreased, shockwave damage has been decreased from 800% to 500%, shockwave number of hits has been increased from 7 to 9, shockwave range has been adjusted.
      • Prepared hammers will no longer disappear when you die.
      • The effect when the hammer returns has been changed.
      • Fixed an issue where enemies’ images stuttered when hit by the shockwave, fixed an issue where the number of hits was incorrect when used in Torrent Zone.

    Dark Knight

    • [​IMG] Darkness Aura:
      • You can now reuse the skill to end it instantly.
      • This skill now has a final explosion that activates when the duration ends or you reuse the skill dealing 1000% damage 10 times on up to 8 enemies. The explosion will activate an additional 1 time per 3 life force you drained while the skill was active.
      • Now, while the skill is active, if you drain HP while your HP is full, it will create a shield equal to 75% of the drained HP.
      • Damage has been decreased from 900% to 750%, number of hits has been decreased from 7 to 5.
      • Fixed an issue where an attacking skill activated at the same time as this skill ending would have its damage not apply, fixed an issue where this skill could attack while on ropes, fixed an issue where Darkness Aura would appear twice in the buff window if Hyper Body was used

    Archmage (F/P)

    • [​IMG] Poison Chain:
      • Number of hits has been decreased from 6 to 4, explosion damage has been decreased from 350% to 300%, cooldown has been decreased from 45 seconds to 30 seconds.
      • The explosion can now only activate on a single enemy up to 9 times. The total number of explosions has been increased from 20 to 22.

    Archmage (I/L)

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Jupiter Thunder:
      • The shocked enemy will now release an electric currrent that attacks up to 2 nearby enemies, dealing 400% 4 times.
      • The cooldown will now be decreased by 1.8 seconds per remaining shock count when the orb disappears.
      • Damage has been increased from 400% to 500%. The overall effect has been changed.
      • Fixed an issue where you could use this skill on a rope, fixed an issue where if you crouched after using this skill it would not attack, fixed an issue where certain effects would remain after the skill ends, fixed an issue when attacking enemies that changed shapes, fixed an issue where certain effects were not affected by skill transparency, fixed an issue where it would attack less than the total number of shocks.


    • [​IMG] Divine Punishment:
      • Number of hits has been increased from 4 to 5, number of increased hits during Vengeance of Angel has been increased from +4 to +5, Divine Light preparation time has been increased from 7.5 seconds to 8.5 seconds.
      • Prepared Divine Lights will no longer disappear when you die.
      • Fixed an issue where you could use this skill in the air, fixed an issue where a useless buff icon would appear while using this skill, fixed an issue where other characters would see a different action, fixed an issue where the attack range and effect would appear differently if you were moved while using this skill.


    • [​IMG] Silhouette Mirage:
      • The number of illusions will now be shown in the buff window.
      • The illusions’ arrows’ damage has been increased from 750% to 800%, reactivation cooldown has been increased from 6.5 seconds to 7.5 seconds.
      • Fixed an issue where increasing the skill level would cause the damage reduction to be decreased, fixed an issue where Buff Freezers would only apply visually, fixed an issue where sometimes the illusion effects would get stuck.


    • [​IMG] Repeating Crossbow Cartridge:
      • Number of cartridges has been decreased from 10 to 6, cooldown has been decreased from 180 seconds to 120 seconds, Full Burst Shot’s MP consumption has been increased from 100 MP to 150 MP, Full Burst Shot’s damage has been decreased from 600% to 500%.
      • When using Full Burst Shot, Charged Arrow can now activate after all 4 of the arrows are fired.
      • Fixed an issue where the effect would appear abormally to other characters if used with Split Arrow, fixed an issue where Additional Bolt and Last Man Standing did not apply to this skill.


    • [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Relic Unbound:
      • Fixed an issue where Ancient Archery, Ancient Force – Boss Killer, Ancient Force – Ignore Guard, and Ancient Force – Enchant Enhance did not apply to this skill, fixed an issue where the Transition enhancement could not activate critical hits, fixed an issue where when the Transition enhancement disappeared a system message would output the number of Transition stacks, fixed an issue where Buff Freezers would only apply visually.

    Night Lord

    • [​IMG] Throw Blasting:
      • When your attacking skill hits an enemy that dies, the range to find an enemy to activate an explosion on has been increased.
      • Fixed an issue where your Throwing Stars attack did not apply to this skill.


    • [​IMG] Demon Slashing Shadow Formation:
      • Damage has been decreased from 1000% to 750%, number of hits has been increased from 6 to 8, boss’ damage has been decreased from 1400% to 1200%, number of hits has been increased from 12 to 14.
      • Fixed an issue where Shadow Partner applied to this skill.

    Dual Blade

    • [​IMG] Haunted Edge:
      • This skill has been changed to automatically activate when you use Blade Fury or Phantom Blow.
      • Hidden Blade will no longer apply to this skill. Haunted Edge – Sura’s damage has been decreased from 700% to 550%, Haunted Edge – Rakshasa’s damage has been decreased from 500% to 400%. Cooldown has been decreased from 16 seconds to 14 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Howling Fist:
      • Damage has been increased from 800% to 850%, shockwave damage has been increased from 1000% to 1050%. Energy collection time has been adjusted.
      • Fixed an issue where the punch would instantly be fired if your MP was less than 2x the consumed MP when casting the skill.


    • [​IMG] Death Trigger:
      • The skill end delay has been adjusted.
      • Fixed an issue where the skill would be cancelled if you were hit while using it, fixed an error where the damage would not be applied normally if you used this skill while using Unwavering Nectar.

    Cannon Shooter


    • [​IMG] Pool Maker:
      • Total number of shells has been changed to a fixed number of 22, damage has been increased from 1050% to 1200%.
      • The number of remaining shell activations will now be shown in the buff window. Supply Boxes can no longer be created near portals.
      • The shell effect has been changed.
      • If a Supply Box is on a platform that disappears, the Supply Box will also disappear.
      • Fixed an issue where the shells would not activate normally on certain enemies and platforms.


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Light of Courage:
      • When the swords of light hit an enemy, they will now be inflicted with the Light of Courage debuff (stacking up to 6 times) that activates an additional attack that deals 350% damage 2 times when you hit them. The debuff can only be active on up to 15 enemies at the same time.
      • You can now reuse the skill to end it instantly. When the skill ends or you reuse the skill, Pillars of Light will be created, dealing 750% damage 8 times. The number of pillars will be increased based on the number of Light of Courage debuffs.
      • The swords of light creation range has been adjusted.
      • Fixed an issue where an attacking skill activated at the same time as this skill ending would have its damage not apply, fixed an issue where this skill could attack while on ropes.

    Soul Master

    • [​IMG] Flare Slash:
      • Damage has been decreased from 1150% to 1000%. Reactivation cooldown has been decreased from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.
      • Cooldown reduction when switching stances in Soluna Time has been decreased from 0.45 seconds to 0.3 seconds. Cooldown reduction when Celestial Dance’s afterimage attacks has been changed from 1 second to 3x the reduction of switching stances.
      • Cooldown will now be decreased when Cross the Styx hits an enemy by 4x the reduction of switching stances.
      • The attack range when activated during Falling Moon or Rising Sun only has been adjusted.
      • Fixed an issue where it would be activated when an attacking skill didn’t hit an enemy, fixed an issue where the attack range changed based on the usage of Celestial Dance, fixed an issue where Falling Moon’s effects did not apply to this skill.

    Flame Wizard

    • [​IMG] Salamander Mischief: Summon a playful flame spirit Salamander to help you. (max level: 25)
      • MP consumption has been decreased from 1000 MP to 250 MP, duration has been increased from 45 seconds to 60 seconds, attack interval has been adjusted, maximum number of embers has been has been increased from 30 to 40, the buff when the Salamander disappears now gives base 5 magic attack, 100 MP will now be consumed when the Salamander attempts to attack.
      • This skill can no longer apply Ignite or explode it.
      • Fixed an issue where this skill would not begin attacking if Cataclysm or Flame Discharge hit an enemy, fixed an issue where the bounce effect would show more than 2 times, fixed an issue where the number of hits was decreased.

    Wind Breaker

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Vortex Sphere:
      • The sphere’s movement speed has been adjusted, damage has been increased from 700% to 800%, number of hits has been increased from 5 to 6, the gust activation rate has been adjusted.
      • The skill icon and effects have been changed.

    Night Walker

    • [​IMG] Rapid Throw:
      • This skill will now apply to the additional effects of other skills that activate when dark element skills hit an enemy.
      • Damage has been increased from 750% to 950%, throw duration has been decreased from 3 seconds to 2.7 seconds, extended throwing time has been decreased from 4.8 seconds to 4 seconds, star collision size has been adjusted.
      • Fixed an issue where using this skill in the air would sometimes cause the client to exit, fixed an issue where the character would not appear while throwing.


    • [​IMG] Spear Lightning Chain:
      • Damage has been increased from 700% to 750%, number of enemies hit has been decreased from 6 to 4, lightning strike’s damage has been increased from 850% to 950%, number of hits has been decreased from 8 to 4, number of enemies hit has been decreased from 8 to 3 final chain’s number of enemies hit has been decreased from 10 to 7, giant lightning strike’s damage has been increased from 1300% to 1450%, number of hits has been decreased from 12 to 6, number of enemies hit has been decreased from 12 to 8.
      • Lightning strikes will now also be activated when Spear Lightning Chain kills an enemy.
      • Fixed an issue where Lightning Unity’s lightning did not activate, fixed an issue where the lightning did not activate on certain monsters, fixed an issue where each attack consumed MP, fixed an issue where Buff Freezers applied to this skill, fixed an issue where this skill did not apply as linked attacks required to activate Lightning God Spear Strike.


    • [​IMG] Blizzard Tempest:
      • The Dire Wolf’s Curse can now only be activated by your own attacking skills, except for Storm of Fear.
      • Aura application range has been adjusted, number of enemies hit has been increased from 6 to 10, curse damage has been decreased from 1050% to 850%, number of enemies hit has been increased from 12 to 15. You can now reuse the skill to instantly end the aura, with a 1 second standby time to prevent mistakenly cancelling it.
      • Fixed an issue where the number of hits was less than the number shown.


    • [​IMG] Spiral of Mana:
      • When you use Circle of Mana while this skill is active, instead of the skill automatically disappearing, the number of hits will be decreased by 3 for 1 second.
      • MP consumption has been increased from 120 MP to 360 MP, duration has been decreased from 12 seconds to 7 seconds, attack interval has been adjusted, damage has been decreased from 395% to 260%, number of hits has been increased from 4 to 6, number of enemies hit has been decreased from 8 to 6, cooldown has been decreased from 4.5 seconds to 3.75 seconds.
      • The command input for Circle of Mana has been made more smooth.
      • Fixed an issue where Overload Mana did not apply to this skill, fixed an issue where the damage did not apply during Dragon Master.


    • [​IMG] Royal Knights:
      • Cast delay has been adjusted. If there are no boss monsters in range, the knights will now attack other enemies.
      • Fixed an issue where the background disappeared if you changed maps, fixed an issue where the effect would appear abnormally if you were inflicted with certain statuses.


    • [​IMG] Rift Break: In an instant, move to a gap that the enemy didn’t see. You can use this skill with the down arrow key to stay in your current position. If Rift Break hits an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. (max level: 25)
      • The command to use the attack in place has been changed to the command to attack with an instant teleport.
      • You can now reuse the skill while using one of the instant teleport attacks to remain your position and decrease the cooldown by 3.5 seconds per remaining instant teleport attack.
      • Instant teleport attack’s preparation delay has been adjusted, damage has been increased from 550% to 750%, number of enemies hit has been increased from 8 to 10. The hit effect has been changed.
      • Fixed an issue where you could not acquire Mark of Phantom’s marks, fixed an issue where the in-place attack did not consume MP, fixed an issue where the attack would continue if you died while using the instant teleport attack, fixed an issue where you could use other skills during the instnat teleport attack, fixed an issue where you could teleport to enemies that could not be hit.


    • [​IMG] Smashing Chain Punch:
      • Attack interval has been adjusted, damage has been decreased from 900% to 800%, number of hits has been decreased from 6 to 5, maximum keydown time has been decreased from 3.6 seconds to 2.7 seconds. Final attack’s number of hits has been increased from 14 to 15.
      • Fixed an issue where the damage reduction did not apply to certain attacks.


    • [​IMG] Liberation Orb:
      • Active effect’s activation effect has been changed.
      • The total number of acquirable magic has been decreased from 5 to 4, the passive effect’s attack range has been adjusted, the passive effect’s damage has been decreased from 1000% to 750%, the passive dark effect’s maximum number of monsters hit has been decreased from 10 to 7, the passive effect’s reactivation cooldown has been decreased from 8 seconds to 6 seconds.

    Demon Slayer

    • [​IMG] Demon Bane:
      • Attack interval has been adjusted, maximum keydown time has been decreased from 4.2 seconds to 3.9 seconds.
      • Fixed an issue where the skill would be cancelled if you were hit, fixed an issue where if you didn’t have enough DF the system message would say you didn’t have enough MP, fixed an error where the invincible attack effect would not appear to other characters.

    Demon Avenger

    • [​IMG] Revenant:
      • All damage taken will now be stored as rage. The consumed HP when this skill is cast will also be stored as rage.
      • The maximum rage has been increased from 100% of your maximum HP to 200%, stored rage reduction has been increased from 6% to 7%, the amount of rage required to decrease the reactivation cooldown has been adjusted, the amount of damage taken when the skill ends has been changed from the amount of stored rage to the amount of stored rage plus 25% of your maximum HP.
      • You will now be in combat state during this skill and when you are receiving damage equal to the stored rage.
      • Fixed an issue where the thorns would not activate if you changed maps, fixed an issue where if you changed maps after the skill ended you would not receive the damage, fixed an issue where the screen effect obscured some UI.


    • [​IMG] Afterimage Shock:
      • The afterimage effect has been changed. You can now reuse the skill to end it instantly.
      • The active effect’s duration has been increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds, the maximum number of afterimage activations has been increased from 40 to 99, the reactivation cooldown has been increased from 0.27 seconds to 0.33 seconds, cooldown has been increased from 100 seconds to 240 seconds.
      • The passive effect’s reactivation cooldown has been decreased from 8 seconds to 7 seconds.
      • Fixed an issue where if this skill was used with Aura Weapon the client would exit, fixed an issue where this skill would activate if a skill didn’t hit an enemy.

    Battle Mage

    • [​IMG] Abyssal Lightning:
      • While this skill is active, Teleport Ver. 2 will now activate Abyssal Lightning instead of Dark Lightning.
      • Black Lightning’s damage has been increased from 650% to 700%, number of hits has been increased from 4 to 5, passage duration has been increased from 10 seconds to 15 seconds. Black Lightning now consumes 75 MP.
      • The attack range when teleporting back and forth has been increased. The outputted effect will match the real attack range.
      • Fixed an issue where the invincibility when casting and ending the skill did not apply, fixed an issue where it was not affected by skill transparency, fixed an issue where the MP consumption was abnormal when used with Overload Mana.

    Wild Hunter

    • [​IMG] Wild Vulcan Type X:
      • Attack interval has been adjusted, damage has been increased from 850% to 950%, number of hits has been decreased from 7 to 4.
      • Fixed an issue where you could use other skills while using this skill.


    • [​IMG] Photon Ray:
      • Aiming Mode duration has been increased from 17 seconds to 25 seconds, damage has been increased from 600% to 650%, number of hits has been decreased from 6 to 5, number of initial aims has been increased from 10 to 12, maximum number of additional aims has been increased from 17 to 18, the aiming time has been adjusted, the aiming time when attacking enemies has been adjusted.
      • If you change maps while aiming, the Aiming Mode will end. After casting the skill, a 1 second cooldown has been added before you can fire.
      • You can now fire this skill without an action while using Mega Smasher.
      • Fixed an issue where if a shot was fired and the enemy was not there, the client would exit, fixed an issue where if an enemy became invisible after being aimed at the aiming effect would continue to show, fixed an issue where you could continue to fly, fixed an issue where the client would exit if you used other skills while flying, fixed an issue where the aiming time would not be decreased by Mega Smasher, fixed an error where you could aim at enemies that you could not hit.


    • [​IMG] Mecha Carrier:
      • Fixed an issue where this skill did not receive the effects of Robot Mastery, fixed an issue where if you moved away from Mecha Carrier it would not instantly move to you, fixed an error where the maximum amount of aircraft would instantly fire.


    • [​IMG] Dragon Blaze:
      • The Fire Aura’s number of hits has been increased from 4 to 5.
      • Fixed an issue where an attacking skill activated at the same time as this skill ending would have its damage not apply, fixed an issue where this skill could attack while on ropes.


    • [​IMG] Weapon Variety Finale:
      • Preparation time has been decreased from 15.5 seconds to 11 seconds. The preparation time will now be decreased by 2 seconds when Chain Arts: Tough Hustle/Chain Arts: Takedown/Chain Carts: Crush hit an enemy and by 1 second when Chain Arts: Fury hits an enemy.
      • Prepared Weapon Variety Finales will no longer disappear when you die.
      • Fixed an issue where Weapon Variety Finale was activated in Urus.

    Angelic Buster

    • [​IMG] Trinity Fusion:
      • Trinity’s buff effect when an enemy is hit will now apply to this skill.
      • Level 30 Trinity has been added as a pre-requisite skill.
      • Fixed an error where you could use this skill while untransformed.


    • [​IMG][​IMG] Ego Weapon:
      • Reactivation cooldown has been decreased from 18 seconds to 15 seconds.
      • Beta’s first shockwave activation time has been adjusted, number of enemies hit has been increased from 3 to 4.
      • Fixed an issue where this skill would be activated when there was no attackable enemy, fixed an issue where this skill would not activate when attacking certain enemies, fixed an issue where the client would exit if Transcendent Rhinne’s Prayer activated.


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Law of Gravity:
      • Damage has been increased from 600% to 800%, explosion’s number of hits has been increased from 12 to 15.
      • The effects of the objects pulled in when there are no enemies and the debuff effect have been changed.
      • Fixed an issue where the debuff duration was shortened, fixed an issue where the enemy with the highest maximum HP was not prioritized, fixed an issue where boss monsters stuttered, fixed an issue where you would take damage if it hit an enemy using Damage Reflect, fixed an issue where the effect was abnormal when used in Zakum, fixed an issue where sometimes the gravity orb did not appear, fixed an issue where if a monster became invisible the monster image would be visible, fixed an issue where the gravity orb did not appear to other characters, fixed an issue where the attack interval always applied the minimum amount.


    • [​IMG] Storm:
      • MP consumption has been decreased from 750 MP to 500 MP, damage has been increased from 450% to 500%, duration has been decreased from 15 seconds to 14 seconds, attack range has been adjusted.
      • Fixed an issue where Buff Freezers applied to this skill, fixed an issue where this skill could attack while on ropes.



    • [​IMG] Crystal Gate:
      • While the Crystal Gate buff is active, attacking will activate 5 explosions through the Crystal Gates, each dealing 900% damage on up to 3 enemies with a reactivation cooldown of 1.5 seconds.
      • Duration has been decreased from 150 seconds to 145 seconds, the Crystal Gate buff has been changed from 30% damage to 55 magic attack, the buff duration has been increased from 10 seconds to 20 seconds.
      • The Crystal Gate usage lockout has been increased from 4.5 seconds to 5 seconds.
      • Fixed an issue where you could sometimes install the skill in a place where it could not be used, fixed an issue where the effect would appear behind map objects.


    • [​IMG] Eternally Hungry Beast:
      • Attack activation time reduction when using Spectre skills has been decreased from 0.81 seconds to 0.6 seconds, the limit of 1 application per skill has been removed. However, continuous skills and certain skills will only apply 30% of the reduction.
      • Transparency will now apply to the passage that appears before the beast is summoned.
      • Fixed an error where certain skills cooldowns did not apply after using this skill, fixed an error where you could use this skill while you had no Spectra, fixed an error where the effect appeared abnormally to other characters.


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Sage Teachings: Heaven Earth Human Apparition:
      • The clone will now appear whenever your own attacking skills hit an enemy, instead of when you link attributes.
      • While the skill is active, if you achieve stage 3 link attributes, all Heaven/Earth/Human skills’ cooldowns will be reset.
      • The clone effects have been changed.
      • Fixed an issue where if the attacked enemy died, the clone would not appear but the reactivation cooldown would still apply.
    Improvements and Bug Fixes (Skills)

    Coming soon

    Improvements and Bug Fixes (Quests and Maps)

    Coming soon

    Improvements and Bug Fixes (Items)

    Coming soon

    Improvements and Bug Fixes (Etc)

    Coming soon

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog