KMST KMST ver. 1.2.109 – Urus Changes and Bug Fixes

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Oct 15, 2020.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    A new test server patch has been released with basically no content, the main parts are the events (Halloween, Haste, Return of the Legends). Like always, events will be covered when this patch is released to the official servers next week.


    • Haunted House
      • You receive a mysterious letter on Halloween. Try to escape from the secret-filled Haunted House!
    • Haste Plus
      • Accelerate your hunting with upgraded Haste Plus! Quick growth!
    • Fight! Return of the Legends
      • A fight between legendary heroes! Meet the newly joined Bounty Hunter Brothers on the battlefield!
    Destruction King Urus


    In Destruction King Urus, we have decreased the weight of team scores and increased the importance of individual scores. In addition, the points required for each rank have been changed and the amount of mesos acquired based on your level have been changed.

    Individual Score Weighting Increase

    The existing Urus content had excessive weighting on the team score so there was a small difference in compensation for those who participated fully and those who did not.

    We have reduced the weighting of the team score and increased the weighting of the individual score to encourage all users to participate and to provide sufficient rewards to those who contributed a lot.

    Points for Each Rank Changes

    With the change in individual score weighting, the number of points required for each rank will be changed as follows.

    • SSS rank: 153,450 points → 155,000 points
    • SS rank: 142,600 points → 140,000 points
    • S rank: 111,600 points → 60,000 points
    • A rank: 72,850 points → 40,000 points
    • B rank: 34,100 points → 30,000 points
    • C rank: 18,600 points → 20,000 points
    • D rank: 7,750 points → 5,000 points

    Mesos Rewarded to Characters Under Level 200

    The existing Urus content had a fixed amount of mesos rewarded per level for all levels. Due to this, the meso acquisition efficiency for lower levels was too high compared to other content, so it has been adjusted for characters below level 200.

    • Level 200 or higher: same as before
    • Level 180~199: 30% reduction
    • Under level 180: 50% reduction

    Final Damage Points Removal

    The additional points given to the player who dealt the final hit to Urus have been removed. This has been incorporated into the individual damage contribution points and wil not affect the maximum number of points that can be acquired.

    Improvements and Bug Fixes


    Fixed an issue where Erda Nova’s effect did not appear to other characters.

    Fixed an issue where using Rope Connect would show a strange moving location to other characters.

    Fixed an issue where if a monster was affected by a damage over time skill and died to it, it would not actually die until the DoT duration ended.

    [​IMG] While Sharp Eyes is active, Decent Sharp Eyes will no longer be applied.

    Fixed an issue where if you installed summons on a diagonal platform, sometimes they would fall below the platform.

    Fixed an issue where sometimes the corresponding skill would not appear in the skill window when equipping an item with Decent skill potential.

    Fixed an error where the following skills did not activation in locations where other characters’ installations already installed.

    • Bowmaster’s Arrow Rain
    • Night Walker’s Shadow Spear

    Fixed an issue in Erda Spectrum where you could not use Teleport while transmitting the Erda Orbs.

    Fixed an issue where certain skills’ visible damage and actual damage were different or did not apply correctly.

    • Dark Knight’s Piercing Through, Cadena’s Summon Shooting Shotgun, and Hoyoung’s Fan Smash: Human used on moving enemies
    • Marksman’s Distancing Sense applied on moving enemies
    • Adele’s Marker’s final damage boost when hitting a single enemy
    • Hoyoung’s Link Skill Self-Confidence’s damage boost

    Hero’s Enrage, Mikhail’s Soul Rage, and Battle Mag’s Battle Rage’s skill descriptions have been updated to match the current logic of the number of enemies hit restriction applying to all attacking skills except certain summons.

    Fixed an issue with Aura Weapon where if the aura wave activated, other characters would see multiple aura waves based on the number of enemies hit.

    Fixed an issue where after using the adventurer open job advancement, the previous job’s UI would remain.

    Fixed an issue where Dark Knight’s Beholder Impact’s hit effect did not appear to other characters.

    Archmage (F/P)’s Mana Burn’s skill description has been updated to match the current logic of ignoring the damage increase/decreased based on level difference.

    Fixed an issue with Archmage (F/P)’s Flame Haze where sometimes Poison Mist would not be created if used on enemies in the corner of a map.

    Fixed an issue with Archmage (F/P)’s Fury of Ifrit where sometimes other characters would hear Ifrit’s sound effects.

    Fixed an issue with Archmage (F/P) where after installing Poison Mist, if they used Poison Nova and Mist Eruption within 2 seconds, Poison Nova would disappear.

    [​IMG] Bishop’s Peacemaker’s divine light damage has been decreased from 1000% to 700%, number of hits has been increased from 8 to 12 (at level 25).

    Fixed an issue with Bowmaster’s Arrow Blow, Arrow Bomb and Flame Shot where other characters saw different actions being performed when they were used.

    [​IMG] Bowmaster’s Wind of Frey’s damage has been decreased from 500% to 335%, number of hits has been increased from 8 to 12.

    Fixed an issue with Bowmaster’s Silhouette Mirage where it would be decreased even if Holy Magic Shell blocked damage.

    Fixed an issue with Marksman’s Split Arrow where if the character changed directions after firing an arrow, sometimes the activated direction would change.

    Fixed an issue where Pathfinder’s Ultimate Blast’s final damage boost based on the Relic Gauge sometimes did not apply.

    [​IMG] Adventurer thieves’ Sudden Raid’s damage has been decreased from 1150% to 230%, number of hits has been increased from 3 to 15.

    Fixed an issue where if Dual Blade’s Maple Warrior was registered on the pet auto buff, it would be continuously used even if another character’s Maple Warrior was active.

    Fixed an issue with Viper’s Howling Fist where if they died at the same time as using it, Howling Fist would be activated while dead.

    Fixed an issue with Mikhail’s Royal Guard where if it was activated at the same time as a knockback attack, you would be knocked back. Fixed an issue where it would sometimes activate continuously. Fixed an issue where thee cooldown applied differently than the skill description.

    [​IMG] When Soul Master activates Soul Eclipse’s attack, they will now be in combat status.

    Fixed an issue with Flame Wizard’s Burning Region where if they used it, changed maps, then returned, Burning Region’s effect would appear on the character.

    [​IMG] When Flame Wizard’s Spirit of Flame – Fire Lion is active, Flame Discharge’s attack will now be activated faster.

    Fixed an issue with Wind Breaker’s Emerald Flower where if they used it then changed maps, the icon would not disappear from the buff window.

    Fixed an issue with Mercedes’ Sylphidia where if you used the rush attack in the air, the distance moved would change based on where you first activated it.

    Fixed an issue with Mercedes’ Sylphidia where if you were inflicted with Petrify while using it, died, then used a Buff Freezer and revived, Sylphidia would not be cancelled even after the duration ended.

    [​IMG] Demon Slayer’s Demon Trace now blocks Demon Force recovery for 0.7 seconds after being used.

    Fixed an issue where Demon Slayer’s Jormugandr’s hit effect did not appear to other characters.

    [​IMG][​IMG] When Demon Slayer uses Demon Bane while using Demon Awakening, Cerberus will now automatically activate due to Demon Awakening.

    Fixed an issue where Demon Avenger’s Blood Feast did not apply skill effect transparency.

    Fixed an issue with Blaster’s Charge Mastery where the damage reduction did not apply to certain attacks.

    Fixed an issue with Blaster where using Hurricane Mixer during Bunker Buster would cause Hurricane Mixer’s effect to not appear to other characters.

    Fixed an issue with Wild Hunter where gathering certain ores/herbs while riding the Jaguar would sometimes let you gather while moving.

    Fixed an issue with Mechanic’s Metal Armor: Tank where using Homing Missile would cause other characters to see Metal Armor: Human.

    Fixed an issue with Kaiser where using Rope Connect and Final Figuration at the same time would cause you not to move.

    Fixed an issue where Cadena’s Summon Striking Brick did not apply skill effect transparency.

    Fixed an issue with Cadena’s Chain Arts: Tough Hustle where if you changed directions while using it, other characters would see a fixed direction.

    Fixed an issue with Cadena’s Chain Arts: Takedown where other characters would not see the action.

    Fixed an issue with Cadena’s Chain Arts: Fury where if you used it then moved to a map where the skill could not be used, the background change would remain.

    Fixed an issue with Angelic Buster’s Energy Burst where it would sometimes disappear without exploding when the duration ended.

    Fixed an issue where if Angelic Buster attacked after using Energy Burst, the duration in the buff window would be continuously refreshed.

    Fixed an issue with Zero’s Joint Attack where sometimes other characters would see them attacking in the opposite direction.

    Fixed an issue with Kinesis’ Psychic Dragin where other characters would see certain actions repeated.

    [​IMG] Kinesis’ Psychic Move can now be used in maps that allow only movement skills.

    Fixed an issue where if Kinesis used Psychic Tornado during Psychic Move, sometimes the object would disappear.

    Fixed an issue whre if Adele used a portal while using Levitation, sometimes the airborne status would remain after changing maps.

    Fixed an issue where Adele’s Dike applied 2x the value of all skill cooldown reduction potential lines.

    Fixed an issue where Adele could use Dike while sealed or while using skills other than Trigger skills.

    [​IMG] Ark’s Crawling Fear’s Abyssal Guard’s damage has been decreased from 500% to 400%, number of hits has been increased from 12 to 15.

    [​IMG] Hoyoung’s Sage Teachings: Descent of the Superpowered God’s Descent of the Gods cast delay has been decreased.

    Boss Monsters

    Fixed an issue where the Elite Champion Killer Bees sometimes did not attack the Brilliant Flower.

    Fixed an issue when the bonus stage after an Elite Boss ended, any monsters summoned by the Rune of Treasures disappeared.

    Fixed an issue where if the bonus stage mimics after an Elite Boss were hit by Demon Slayer’s Demon Slash while using Demon Awakening, they would not drop rewards.

    Fixed an issue in certain boss maps where certain ridings, chairs, and lie detectors could be used.

    Fixed an issue in Urus where other character’s pet name tags were visible.

    Fixed an issue in Urus where if Dark Knight’s Reincarnation activated, the reactivation cooldown would not appear in the buff window.

    Fixed an issue where Kaiser’s Morph Gauge would be reset after exiting Urus.

    Fixed an issue in Urus matching where if a party member cancelled matching, you could not attempt matching again.

    Fixed an issue in Pierre where if it activated the hat pattern on an Ark in Spectre form, the hat would disappear if they cancelled Sepctre form.

    In Von Bon’s inner world, the damage over time can no longer be blocked by shield skills.

    Fixed an issue in Zakum where Flame Wizard’s Orbital Flame could not damage Zakum in certain locations.

    Fixed an issue in Suu phase 2 and 3 where if you died while the falling platform pattern was activated, the platforms would disappear after you revived.

    Fixed an issue in Demian where during his air rush pattern, sometimes Demian would attack in the opposite direction he was facing.

    Fixed an issue in Demian where if you entered in a party of 2 or more people, only the character being targeted by Demian could duck to avoid the rush attack in phase 2.

    Fixed an issue in Papulatus where the laser explosion would sometimes deal damage multiple times.

    Quests and Maps

    Fixed an issue with the Towards the Sky quest where the information stated that Flying skills consume mana continuously.

    Fixed an issue where using automatic flying from Sleepywood’s Cursed Temple to Sleepywood would move you to Balrog’s Grave.

    Fixed certain awkward images in Lion King’s Castle’s fourth tower.

    Fixed an issue in Kerning Tower where the character appearance in mirrors was awkward.

    You can no longer change your quickslot hotkeys in Aran’s tutorial map.

    Zero can now complete the theme dungeon Fairy Academy Ellinel.

    Fixed an issue where if Luminous completed story quests and talked to Vieren in Lania’s house, the Aurora’s Crystal quest completion menu would be outputted.

    Fixed an issue with the Big Tree’s Sugar quest where if you forfeited and reaccepted the quest, the monster would be summoned continuously.

    Fixed an issue in Root Abyss North Garden where certain backgrounds appeared awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue where you could enhance items in Nine Spirit’s Nest.

    Fixed an issue in the Quiet Garden map where your character could leave the screen.

    Fixed an issue where the Mechanical Grave Hill 1 and 2’s minimaps were awkward.

    Fixed an issue where Leafre’s Ito’s House portal location was awkward.

    vFixed an issue where Lacheln High Street’s minimap was awkward.

    Fixed an issue where stations’ clock displays were outputted awkwardly.

    Certain terrain in Meisterville has been changed.

    Certain terrain in Kerning City Back Ally has been changed.

    Certain terrain in the Alliance Hall has been changed.

    Fixed an issue where the Maple Union UI could not be opened in Nautilus.

    Fixed an issue with the Mechanical Grave: Liberate Modified Cowardly Android quest map showed awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue in Lion King’s Castle Entrance where you could use Teleport through the platform.

    Fixed an issue in Black Heaven’s Demolishizer related minigames where you could use movement skills to avoid it.

    Fixed an issue in Ravana’s Golden Altar where your character could leave the screen.

    Fixed an issue in Sage Forest where the character would fall under the bottom platform.

    Fixed an issue with the Robelia’s Proposal quest where it showed currently impossible quests.

    Fixed an issue in FriendStory’s old building dungeon where you could enter even if your entrance was refused.

    Fixed an issue in Road to the Top of the World Tree where the portal location was outputted awkwardly.


    Fixed an issue where if you used Rebirth Flames on certain untradeable equipment acquired from completing quests, a message that stated that scissor limits and ‘untradable upon equipping’ will be added would appear.

    Fixed an issue where certain untradeable equipment acquired from cpleting quests would appear in the list of items that Karma Scissors could be used on.

    Fixed an issue with the Owner of 17b Mesos Chair where chat bubbles would be outputted in an awkward location.

    The guide message outputted when using mastery books from before the skill reorganization has been changed.

    Fixed an issue with the Union Arena Season 1 Title where the text display location was incorrect.

    The Black Mage’s Remnant item description now includes related quest information.

    Certain Cash items’ action images have been changed.


    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Dual Blade and Angelic Buster’s character selection window illustrations have been changed.

    Fixed an issue in the V Matrix disassemble mode where selecting multiple cores would cause the client to slow down.

    In the V Matrix, when you select the Core Disassemble mode, any previously selected cores will now be deselected.

    Fixed an issue where Cross World Party Quest Points were sometimes reset late.

    Fixed an issue where if a following character changed maps through a quest or queue, the leading character’s follow feature would be disabled.

    Certain Damage Skins’ critical hit mark locations have been changed to be outputted in more appropriate locations.

    In Maple Auction, items whose transactions have ended will now show the storage expiration date.

    Fixed an issue in Reboot world where you could not use the Maple Guide in Sellas or the Pieaceful Submarine map to go to special content.

    The Random Mix Dye Coupon’s UI title has been changed to correct a typo.

    In Pollo and Fritto Bounty Hunting, Midnight Monster Hunting will no longer appear. All related achievements have been moved to the Memories section.

    Fixed an issue where you could not down jump on certain platforms with connected locations.

    In the Free Market, the Store Bank NPC Fredrick has been removed.

    The Mileage Claim alert that appears when you complete a quest in MapleStory M will no longer appear in Maple Auction. After exiting Maple Auction, you can check the alert or go to the Cash Shop to settle your Mileage.

    Fixed an issue in Maple Chat where Kaiser’s wings and ears, Angelic Buster’s wings, and Hoyoung’s ears and tail did not appear.

    Fixed an issue in minigame UIs such as Omok where Hoyoung’s ears and tail did not appear.

    Fixed an issue where if Angelic Buster had Cash items equipped on the Dress Up mode, they were not recognized as being equipped.

    Fixed an issue in the Guild UI where you could not use the Esc key to close it after using the BBS.

    In the Guild UI, characters and guild names that are longer than a certain number of characters will now be displayed with elipses.

    Fixed an issue in the Battle Analysis system where the experience drop value was outputted incorrectly.

    When you use a Monster Life Farm Reset Scroll, your Gem Tickets will no longer disappear.

    Fixed an issue in Monster Life where all monsters appeared to be combinable.

    Fixed an issue where the Maple World’s Goddess, Grandis’ Goddess, and Masteria’s Goddess NPCs’ click ranges were awkward.

    Fixed an issue in Maple Auction where the Sell/Buy slot information’s number image was hidden.

    Fixed an issue with the Premium Masterpiece UI where certain items in the inventory appeared to be useable.

    Fixed an issue in Reboot world where Dragon’s Forest 2 dropped items for classes other than your own.

    Fixed an issue where the ‘A new quest has arrived’ alert was outputted repeatedly.

    Fixed an issue in stores where other classes’ equipment appeared in the recommended tab.

    Fixed an issue in Spirit Saviour where if you collected all of your daily limit of coins, the Elite Rescuer achievement could not be completed.

    You can now close the Toad’s Hammer UI using the Esc key.

    Fixed an issue where the Intermediate Equipment Crafter achievement did not accumulate.

    Fixed an issue where the game menu could not be closed with the Esc key.

    Fixed an issue where saved Union presets were reset.

    Fixed an issue where the guild advertising megaphone could not be used in Meisterville and the Free Market.

    Fixed an issue where the Mu Lung Dojo timer showed up to 14:59 instead of the real end time. It will now show up to 15:00 correctly.

    In the party quest Hob King’s Resurrection, after defeating Rex, you will now acquire the Hob Warrior’s Token unconditionally.

    Pet tooltips have been updated to state that other users cannot see your pet’s words.

    Fixed an issue where in certain conditions, using a pet would force the game to exit.

    Fixed an error where the Night’s Sandeul and Night’s Yoonseul would appear in Maple Auction’s search bar.

    Fixed an issue where if you received a gift message from a blacklisted character, the guide message would be outputted continuously.

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog