KMST KMST ver. 1.2.110 – Updated UI

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Nov 12, 2020.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    A new test server patch has been released. This one contains a couple new events but no real content. However, the login screen, world select, character select, and character creation screens have all been updated!


    • Yeti Wants to Debut!
      • Make the ultimate cut to show off Yeti’s cool look.
      • Decorate the Yeti TV to complete its debut! You’ll receive gifts filled with Yeti’s coolness.
    • I Didn’t Do Anything But…
      • The weather is getting colder… what if you don’t want to do anything?
      • You don’t need to do anything but you can enjoy a special pouch that accumulates experience.
    • 2020 메.생.역.전
      • A gift of thanks to Maple warriors who enjoyed MapleStory this year!
      • Open boxes hiding enormous gifts, and become the master of 메.생.역.전!
    Improvements and Bug Fixes


    Fixed an issue where the client would exit if you used Riding skills and chairs at the same time.

    Fixed an issue where after using the Risktaker ring, the buff would not disappear if you were hit by certain attacks.

    The special core Quick Reload, which reduces skill cooldowns when you take a certain number of hits has been changed to Endurance 2.

    Haste and movement speed increasing consumable items will now be applied before Nimble Feet. Nimble Feet can no longer be used while Haste or movement speed increasing consumable items are applied.

    Fixed an issue where certain installation skills’ installation restrictions included other characters’ skills.

    Fixed an issue where if Magic Guard type skills were applied, the Pet Auto Pot settings would cause potions to be used higher than their set values.

    Fixed an issue with Hero’s Upper Charge where if it was used with a two handed weapon, the weapon image would disappear.

    [​IMG] Paladin’s Parashock Guard now has an on/off cooldown of 1 second.

    Fixed an issue where Dark Knight could use Lamancha Spear while on a roope.

    Fixed an issue where if Adventurer magicians used Infinity through Unstable Memorize then used Infinity again, the buff icon would flicker.

    Archmage (F/P)’s Element Amplification’s skill description has been updated to match the current logic of not applying to Fire Aura.

    Fixed an issue where if Archmage (F/P) used Mist Eruption through Unstable Memorize, Mist Eruption’s cooldown would be applied.

    Fixed an issue with Bowmaster’s Afterimage Shot where if the skill’s cooldown was reset while the passive effect was activating, you could not instantly use the skill.

    Adventurer thieves’ Dark Sight’s skill description has been updated to match the current logic of not being able to use other skills except for Flash Jump.

    [​IMG] Shadower’s Eviscerate when linked to Assassinate’s damage has been decreased from 3800% to 950%, number of hits has been increased from 1 to 4 (at level 25).

    Dual Blade’s Final Cut duration effect will no longer be displayed while moving in boat in the Lake of Oblivion.

    Dual Blade’s Asura enhancement core’s prefix has been changed from Asura to Sura.

    [​IMG] Fixed an issue where Viper’s Hedgehog Buster’s description did not show the number of hits. Hedgehog Buster’s damage has been increased from 400% to 450%.

    [​IMG] Cannon Shooter’s ICBM’s damage has been decreased from 2400% to 1600%, number of hits has been increased from 4 to 6 (at level 25). Fixed an issue where the invincibility duration of the prepare action was affected by attack speed. Fixed an issue where if you changed maps immediately after using it, the contaminated area would be created on the new map.

    Fixed an issue where Cygnus Phalanx’s ending effect was not affected by effect transparency.

    Fixed an issue with Mikhail where defending against certain attacks with Royal Guard would not activate the counterattack.

    Fixed an issue where Mikhail could not use potions when using Shining Cross – Install.

    Soul Master’s Cross the Styx’s hit effect has been changed.

    Fixed an issue with Flame Wizard’s Flame Discharge – Flame Fox where the recreation count applied 1 less time than the number. Fixed an issue where Orbital Flame’s maximum number increased while using this skill.

    Striker’s Vortex’s mouse over image has been changed.

    Fixed an issue where if Striker used Heaven and Earth then used Shark Wave, it would consume the Thunder buffs but the defense ignore number would not be changed.

    [​IMG] Aran’s Boost End – Hunter’s Targeting’s damage has been decreased from 1500% to 1070%, number of attack activations has been increased from 5 to 7. Fixed an issue where sometimes the client would exit if you changed maps while using this skill. Fixed an issue where the MP consumed was increased based on the number of attack activations. Fixed an issue where the polearm effect’s location appeared differently to other characters. Fixed an issue where the enemy with the highest maximum HP in range was not attacked.

    Fixed an issue where Mercedes could use Rolling Moonsault in maps that did not allow movement skills.

    Fixed an issue where the client would sometimes exit if Mercedes used Leap Tornado on a map with luminous clusters.

    Fixed an issue where Mercedes would sometimes jump in the opposite direction if they Double Jumped after hanging on a rope while using Sylphidia.

    Fixed an issue where if Phantom used Return of Phantom, returned to the map and died, they would be moved to a map that wasn’t the nearest town.

    Fixed an issue where if Phantom had targeted an enemy with Mark of Phantom, they could not use it if they did not have Marks of the Master Thief.

    Eunwol can no longer use Spirit Bond Maximum while on a rope. Fixed an issue where Spirit Bond Maximum’s summoned guardian spirit’s skill cooldowns were shared with other Eunwols in the same map.

    Eunwol’s Spirit Incarnation’s skill description has been updated to match the current logic of it continuing while the key is held down.

    Fixed an issue where if Luminous’ Liberation Orb’s duration ended due to using up all the attack activations, Liberation Orb’s passive effect would not activate for the remaining duration.

    Fixed an issue where if Demon Slayer attacked an enemy using damage reflect right after using Metamorphosis, the damage number would appear but they would not receive any damage.

    Fixed an issue where Battlemage’s Black Magic Altar, Grim Reaper, and Abyssal Lightning did not apply the darkness attribute.

    [​IMG] Mechanic can no longer set Homing Missile on a skill macro. All existing skill macros have been reset.

    Fixed an issue where Cadena could not use skills for a certain period of time after using Chain Arts: Takedown.

    Angelic Buster’s Soul Seeker’s skill description has been updated to match the current logic of its recreation count restriction and maximum hit restriction.

    [​IMG] Angelic Buster’s Energy Burst’s damage has been decreased from 1100% to 900%, number of hits has been increased from 12 to 15 (at level 25).

    Fixed an issue where Zero’s Time Distortion sometimes not apply the increased damage taken effect to enemies. Fixed an issue where enemies’ slow effects were removed.

    Adele’s Resonance’s skill description has been updated to match the current logic of the final damage stacking additively.

    Adele’s Dike’s skill description has been updated to match the current logic of not being able to use it while using Tread.

    Fixed an issue where Adele’s Dike – Persist did not apply.

    [​IMG] Adele’s Marker’s damage has been decreased from 1000% to 500%, number of hits has been increased from 3 to 6.

    Fixed an issue where certain images in Adele’s Infinite did not apply effect transparency.

    [​IMG] Illium’s Gram Holder’s damage has been decreased from 2000% to 1000%, number of hits has been increased from 6 to 12 (at level 25).

    Fixed an issue where Ark’s Blissful Restraint’s ending effect did not appear to other characters.

    Fixed an issue where Ark recovered HP before Endless Pain’s final hit.

    Fixed an issue where Hoyoung could use Flying Nimbus and Fan Smash: Human at the same time.

    [​IMG] Hoyoung’s Clone Attack’s damage has been decreased from 120% to 60%, number of hits has been increased from 2 to 4.

    [​IMG] Hoyoung’s Sage Teachings: Hyper Clone Rampage’s damage boost to Clone Attack has been decreased from 800%p to 400%p. Fixed an issue where hte image appeared abnormally when attacking Zakum or Urus.

    Fixed an issue where Hoyoung could not use experience coupons after Sage Teachings: Descent of the Superpowered Gods’ strike activated.


    Fixed an issue in Urus where other characters’s pet name tags were visible.

    Bloody Queen’s breath attack’s damage has been changed from fixed damage to a combination of % HP damage and regular damage.

    Bloody Queen’s charm pattern will now be removed after exiting.

    Fixed an issue where if you exited Suu/Demian/Lucid without clearing, you could not use Boss Matching to queue for other difficulties.

    Fixed an issue in Suu where if you entered alone, died right before the platforms fell for the electric floor pattern and revived, the platforms would not be created.

    In Suu phase 3, Suu’s hitbox has been increased in the downward direction.

    Fixed an issue where Demian’s arrow key entry pattern appeared on the character select window.

    Fixed an issue where if Demian’s stigma completed, you would not die if you were using certain skills.

    Fixed an issue with Dusk’s laser pattern where only certain characters in the attack range would be hit.

    Fixed an issue in Urus’ results window where incorrect scores were displayed then changed to the normal scores after a short time.

    Quests and Maps

    The daily quests lightbulb will now show the number of quests available.

    Fixed an issue in maps with individual monsters where Elite Monster’s levels were set to a different level than the level range of the monsters in the map.

    The Archon’s Blood quest’s category has been changed to Perion.

    Fixed an issue where the alert message for acquiring the Wiseman medal was outputted multiple times.

    Fixed an issue in Henesys Wardrobe map where you could fall below the platform in certain locations.

    Fixed an issue in Black Heaven Act 3’s dogfight minigame where the boss monster did not appear.

    Fixed an issue in Cross World Party Quests’ First Accompaniment’s 1st stage where you could not move to the next stage.

    Fixed an issue in Cross World Party Quests’ First Accompaniment’s 1st stage where the achievement rate did not accumulate.

    You can no longer use skills in the Cross World Party Quests’ Forest of Poison Fog’s 3rd stage.

    Fixed an issue in Cross World Party Quests’ Traces of the Goddess where sometimes it would not progress after beating Papa Pixie.

    The Find the Third Crystal quest’s completion NPC has been changed to JM in the Streets in Kerning City.

    Fixed an issue where the client would exit when you accepted the Secure Helisium’s Front Lines quest.

    Fixed an issue in Minar Forest where certain maps’ minimaps appeared awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue in Korean Folk Town where you could not Double Jump on certain terrain.

    Certain terrain in the Strange Aura! quest area has been changes.

    You can no longer use movement skills while using the Edelstein Android Research Lab 3.

    Fixed an issue in Kerning Tower Practice Room where characters’ appearances in the mirror appeared awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue where the Mechanics could not use the special content riding in the [Road of Vanishing] Defeat Arma quest.

    Fixed an issue in Esfera where the character’s location appeared awkwardly in the reflected floor.

    Fixed an issue in Moonbridge’s White Spear where other characters’ walking appeared awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue where Kaiser’s 3rd job quest could not be completed.

    Fixed an issue where Angelic Buster appeared awkwardly in the quest information window.

    Fixed an issue in Reboot where the Genesis Weapon quest information included information about scrolling.

    Fixed an issue in Reboot where the Ice Knight’s Curse party quest rewards showed scrolls.

    Fixed an issue in Maple Guide’s recommended quests where certain quests were sometimes duplicated.

    The Transparent Shield’s description has been updated to include Blades, Soul Rings, and Controllers.

    Items locked with Seal Locks can now be unlocked using the Green PC item unlock function in the in-game inventory instead of using the homepage.

    Arcane Catalysts can no longer be used on items that have been Green PC locked.

    Fixed an issue with certain androids where if you died, the android’s chat balloon location would appear awkwardly.

    If you have too many Cash items in your inventory, you can no longer receive Cash items from Cash item vouchers.

    Fixed an issue where certain items’ images appeared awkwardly on chairs and ridings when the character’s action changed.

    Certain Cash items’ images have been changed.

    Fixed an issue where if you failed to use the Halloween Ghost Riding item, the duration would be extended.

    When enhancing equipment, the maximum HP and MP has been expanded to 30,000.

    Fixed an issue where the Reboot Cosmos Ring Voucher’s tooltip information was not applied.

    Fixed an issue where the Sunday Monster Park Medal’s equipped effect did not apply.

    Fixed an issue where the Badge of Junna’s equipped effect did not apply.

    Fixed an issue in Reboot where certain equipment’s tooltips included information about scrolls.

    Fixed an issue where if Mechanic equipped a Genesis Pistol then rode the Metal Armor, the weapon effect was not outputted.

    Fixed an issue where the Warming Hot Pad item’s cold prevention effect did not apply.

    Fixed an issue where the Cape of Warmness’ cold prevention effect did not apply.

    Fixed an issue with the Magnus face where certain expressions appeared awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue where the Magnifying Glass item could not be used on items with unrevealed potential.



    The login, world select, character select, and character creation screens’ resolutions have been expanded to 1024×768.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Here are the new world select, character select, and character creation screens.

    Click to view slideshow.
    Here are all the new character creation screens!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Kritias Invasion is no longer available. You can no longer accept the Participate in the Kritias Invasion! quest and all related achievements have been moved to the Memories tab.

    Hekaton is no longer available. You can no longer accept the Final Battle! Hekaton quest and all related achievements have been moved to the Memories tab.

    Fixed an issue where if you tried to entry Maple Union’s raid while various enhancement-related UIs were open, a message that said you could not enter for an unknown reason would appear.

    Fixed an issue in Maple Union where if a character was placed in the raid and did not participate, Union Coins would not be accumulated.

    Fixed an issue in Flag Race where you could use the Rush skill to return to the beginning. Fixed an issue where you could use a skill multiple times.

    You can no longer enhance items in Flag Race.

    In Sharenian’s Underground Culvert, after Arcanus is summoned, the maximum summon stage will no longer be decreased if the number of players decreases.

    You can no longer enhance items in Sharenian’s Underground Culvert.

    In The SEED 34F, the monsters that appear can no longer move.

    Fixed an issue in The SEED where after exiting Practice Mode, the Repolished Hazy Stones were not given.

    Fixed an issue in Spirit Saviour and Union Raid where the exit button disappeared.

    Fixed an issue in Spirit Saviour where sometimes the Poison Spirit’s size did not increase. Fixed an issue where sometimes two Poison Spirits were summoned.

    Fixed an issue where the Red PC trade restrictions blocked the usage of profession skills.

    If you have used Green PC or one-time Green PC in the last 4 months. killing monsters on a Red PC will now be limited to increasing the Security Gauge to 99%.

    • When using Nexon OTP, the restrictions will apply to Green PCs used anywhere.
    • When Nexon OTP is removed, the restriction duration will be applied based on the first character connection date.

    A guide that recommends changing the registered PC names on the Security menu has been added.

    A guide that recommends removing old PCs registered on the Security menu has been added.

    The experience from experience orbs created after defeating level 101~150 Elite Champions has been increased.

    Fixed an issue where you could get the Maple Guide stamp for certain areas by killing monsters even before you reached the beginning level. If you have already began acquiring the stamp, you can continue.

    Fixed an issue where using double clicking items such as the Skin Care Coupon in the Cash Shop on Zero – Beta then clicking Remove All, the character appearance would be different than the actual character.

    Fixed an issue where if you entered the Maple Auction on a riding that did not show hats then exited, the hat would appear intermittently.

    In Maple Auction, if there are more items that meet the search criteria, a message to show the next list has been added.

    Fixed an issue in Maple Auction where in the search results, the sorting by price and price per item were different when searching non-bundled items.

    Fixed an issue where the character information window’s Today’s Personality Traits did not update.

    Fixed an issue in Lith Harbor where the NPC Jeff did not have any dialogue.

    Fixed an issue where non-existent NPCs were shown on the minimap.

    Fixed an issue in Amherst where you could not charge stars or bullets. Fixed an issue where you could not purchase arrows.

    Fixed an issue where the Game menu could not be closed by pressing the Esc key.

    Fixed an issue where the client would exit instead of moving you to the character select screen if you exited the game through the game settings menu.

    Fixed an issue where alert popups appeared at the top of the screen.

    Fixed an issue where if you registered the Capture Mode’s shortcut to Esc, pressing Esc would not end Capture Mode.

    Fixed an issue with the Craftsman’s Soul UI where if you used a Soul Enchanter on an item with a Recovery Shield, the UI would not close.

    The key entry guide image on herbs/veins when you have not learned any profession skills has been changed.

    In Monster Life, the Onyx Jaguar monster’s image has been changed.

    Fixed an issue in Mosnter Life where sometimes buildings could not be placed in empty spaces.

    Fixed an issue where the Soul charge effect did not appear when the Elite Boss’ curse was active.

    Fixed an issue in Reboot where Dragon equipment and Mechanic equipment did not drop.

    Fixed an issue where the World Select button sometimes duplicated and appeared to be clicked.

    In the Meso Market, the buy/sell amount selected mesos have been changed to be more visible.

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog