KMST KMST ver. 1.2.121 – Improvements and Error Fixes

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, May 13, 2021.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    This test server patch has a few different improvements and error fixes, some of which were mentioned before, like Lucid’s bomb pattern, and some new ones.


    • Events
      • Blooming Dance Party
    • Improvements
      • Skills
      • Boss Monsters
      • Ability
      • Reboot
      • Etc
    • Error Fixes
      • Skills
      • Boss Monsters
      • Monsters
      • Quests
      • Maps
      • Items
      • UI
      • Etc


    Certain jobs’ skills have had attack speed increasing effects added or their existing effects have been increased.

    • Hero: [​IMG] Weapon Mastery now increases attack speed by 1 stage.
    • Paladin: [​IMG] Weapon Mastery now increases attack speed by 1 stage.
    • Adventurer Magicians: [​IMG] MP Increase now increases attack speed by 1 stage.
    • Adventurer Archers: [​IMG] Archer Mastery now increases attack speed by 1 stage.
    • Cannon Shooter: [​IMG] Buck Shot now increases attack speed by 1 stage.
    • Flame Wizard: [​IMG] Book of Fire‘s attack speed boost has been increased from 1 stage to 2 stages. [​IMG] Spell Control now increases attack speed by 1 stage.
    • Luminous: [​IMG] Spell Mastery now increases attack speed by 1 stage.
    • Angelic Buster: [​IMG] Lyrical Cross‘ attack speed boost has been increased from 1 stage to 2 stages.
    • Kinesis: [​IMG] Pure Power now increases attack speed by 1 stage.

    The maximum limit for mastery has been increased from 95% to 99%.

    Developer Notes:

    Currently, only Kinesis applied mastery up to 99% while other classes were restricted to 95%. When Expert type skills had their skill levels increased by things like Combat Orders, the mastery would not be increased past this limit so we have increased it.


    • [​IMG] Bow Booster: This skill has been changed to a passive skill. The skill name has been changed to Bow Acceleration. This skill now increases DEX by 20 at max level.
    • [​IMG] Afterimage Shot: Cooldown has been increased from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.

    Developer Notes:

    For Afterimage Shot, it can be said that the main part is the passive effect that is applied when it is on cooldown and the active effect is just a skill used to make it go on cooldown. It was inconvenient to use it every 30 seconds, so we have alleviated this by increasing the cooldown.


    • When you die and resurrect, your Energy will now be maintained without having to use a Buff Freezer.

    Soul Master

    • [​IMG] Elysion: Duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 40 seconds. Cross the Styx will no longer consume MP while this skill is active.
    • [​IMG] Soul Eclipse: Duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 40 seconds.

    Wind Breaker

    • [​IMG] Pinpoint Pierce: Debuff duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Cane Booster: This skill has been changed to a passive skill. The skill name has been changed to Cane Acceleration. This skill now increases LUK by 20 at max level.
    • [​IMG] Misfortune Protection: This skill has been changed to a passive skill. The elemental resistance and status resistance have been increased from 40%/40 to 45%/45.
    • [​IMG] Pray of Aria: Damage boost and defense ignore have been changed to passive effects.
    • REMOVED! [​IMG] Misfortune Protection – Immunity Enhance, [​IMG] Misfortune Protection – Max Heart Points, [​IMG] Misfortune Protection – Max Magic Points
    • NEW! [​IMG] Talent of Phantom Thief – Reinforce: Stolen attacking skills’ damage is increased by 15%. [required level: 150]
    • NEW! [​IMG] Talent of Phantom Thief – Persist: Stolen buff skills’ durations are increased by 10%. [required level: 165]
    • NEW! [​IMG] Talent of Phantom Thief – Enhance: Increase Steal Skill’s number of 4th job skill slots by 1. [required level: 190]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    • [​IMG] Blackjack: Number of cards thrown when Blackjack is used has been increased from 1 to 3, bounce damage has been increased from 800% to 1200%, unseal damage has been increased from 1200% to 1600%, number of bounces has been decreased from 20 to 6 per card, cards’ movement speed has been decreased (at level 25). The Liberated Card effect has been added: after using Blackjack, if you re-use the skill when all 3 cards still remain, they will now all fly to the enemy with the highest maximum HP in range in front of you and disappear, liberate their power and deal 1450% damage 1 time on up to 10 enemies, activating 3 times. The number of attack activations will increase based on the thrown cards’ remaining attacks (including the unsealed attack), up to 21 attack activations. If you cast this skill by pressing the down arrow key with the skill, the Liberation attack will be activated as soon as the cards are thrown. The existing function to instantly unseal the cards when the skill is re-used has been changed to activate the liberation attack.

    Developer Notes:

    Since Talent of Phantom Thief is usually used for buff skills, the number of buffs that needed to be used was high so certain buffs were changed to passives to reduce inconvenience. In addition, to increase Blackjack’s effectiveness a bit, we increased the number of cards and added a new feature.


    • [​IMG] Dark Crescendo: Buff duration has been increased from 12 seconds to 20 seconds.


    • NEW! [​IMG] Crossroads of Destiny: You can choose between walking the path of light or path of darkness again. You can only use this skill in towns. You can press the ESC key to cancel the selection and close the UI. This skill is not affected by cooldown resets and cooldown decreasing effects. (max level: 1)
      • Level 1: Cooldown: 20 hours.

    Developer Notes:

    After the Dark Crescendo change, certain content showed different patterns than before so we have increased the duration a little more. In addition, since the choice between light and darkness happens shortly after character creation, we have added a new skill that lets you choose between them again after growing your character enough so that it doesn’t affect performance that much.

    Demon Slayer

    • [​IMG] Devil Cry: Action delay has been decreased by 23%.


    • [​IMG][​IMG] Possession/Possession II: Malice created every few seconds has been increased by 10.
    • [​IMG][​IMG] Sneaky Sniping/[Possess/Execute] Sneaky Sniping: First attack’s range has been increased by 11%.
    • [​IMG] Grip of Agony: MP consumed has been decreased from 1000 MP to 600 MP, duration has been decreased from 6 seconds to 5 seconds, maximum number of harvested Agony has been decreased from 15 to 5, maximum duration has been decreased from 20 seconds to 10 seconds, cooldown has been decreased from 180 seconds to 90 seconds, damage has been increased from 950% to 1200% (at level 25).

    Developer Notes:

    Grip of Agony’s duration and cooldown have been decreased so that it can be used more flexibly to match battle situations.


    • [​IMG][​IMG] Divine Force/Divine Swift: Buff Freezers will now apply to these skills.
    • [​IMG] Critical Bind: Critical Bind will no longer bind normal monsters. Monsters that are not bound by Critical Bind will now be debuffed, and Alpha’s critical rate and critical damage will be increased when hitting monsters with this debuff like when hitting bound enemies. The debuff has the same resistance time as the bind resistance.

    Developer Notes:

    Critical Bind was inconvenient because of the constant messages of bind resistance when attacking a large number of normal monsters, and Critical Bind’s critical damage boost effect did not apply to enemies that weren’t affected by the bind. Since there was little benefit to binding normal monsters, we have changed it so that it only affects boss monsters and the skill now debuffs enemies that are not bound, so that the critical damage boost effect would still be applied.
    Boss Monsters


    The boss monster exit portals have been changed to be translucent so they do not cover attack patterns.

    When the Damaged Black Heart, Absolabs Essence, and Arcane Shade Essence drop, they will now appear as large icons.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [Colour Blindness Support] Pierre (Normal/Chaos)’s hats have been changed to have different patterns to make them easier to distinguish.

    • Purple Pierre and Blue Pierre’s hat patterns have been changed.
    • Pierre’s Soul icon and the Chaos Pierre Clear Reset Ticket icon have been changed to match the updated hat patterns.
    • Pierre’s Soul Skills ‘Surprise Pierre’ and ‘Pierre’s Hat Gift’ have been changed to match the updated hat patterns.

    The resurrection logic in Zakum (Easy/Normal/Chaos), Von Bon (Normal/Chaos) and Vellum (Normal/Chaos) have beeh changed to a method where you resurrect without re-entering.

    • Alleviated an issue in Von Bon (Chaos) where if a character died then resurrected when the space time collapse pattern was activated, Von Bon would continuously stay in an invincible state.

    Developer Notes:

    The resurrection logic has been changed to fix issues caused by the re-entry logic such as continuous patterns’ images being invisible if you died then resurrected when soloing or casting 2 patterns at the same time which should not have been cast together.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    In Lucid (Easy/Normal), the Nightmare Golems and Nightmare Poison Mushrooms have been changed from taking fixed damage to having normal HP.

    Lucid’s bomb pattern’s difficulty has been eased.

    • Lucid will now cast the bomb debuff on all characters, and you will only be able to see your own bomb and its remaining explosion time.
    • When the bomb explodes, instead of the damage being distributed amongst nearby party members, the damage you take yourself will now be decreased based on the number of nearby party members.
    • When the pattern is activated, a dream containing Lucid’s memories will now appear at specific areas of the map. If you are near the dream when the bomb explodes, you will receive the same damage reduction effect as if you had 1 party member nearby. However, if there is even 1 other party member nearby, you will not receive the damage reduction effect from the dream.
    • When the bomb explodes, it will no longer spread to other characters.

    Developer Notes:

    We have reduced inconvenience by applying the remainig time and distance to party members more accurately, and have changed the pattern so that it can be overcome even when soloing.


    The Genesis weapon liberation quests’ difficulty have been eased.

    • When challenging Will, Lucid, or Jin Hilla, you can now perform the mission in a party of 2 or less if you are both on the same Liberation mission and have not already cleared it. If you enter as a party of 2, you will receive an additional penalty of 50% final damage reduction.


    The Ability rank up difficulty has been eased.

    • When resetting Ability, the rank can no longer go down.
    • Since ranks can no longer go down, the feature to lock Ability rank has been removed.
    • When resetting Ability, the chance to increase ranks from Epic to Unique has been changed from 1% to 2%.

    The Ability reset costs have been changed as follows.

    • You can no longer lock lines at Epic rank.


    Developer Notes:

    We are planning to improve the Ability system’s difficulty step-by-step, and the first one is to ease the difficulty of tiering up and reducing deviation. Resetting Ability will no longer decrease rank, and the overall reset costs when locking lines have been decreased. As a result, the expected amount of Honor required to go from Rare to Legendary has been decreased by about 15%.


    The Reboot passive’s damage boost efect has been changed to a final damage boost effect. There is a fixed final damage boost for specific level ranges.

    • Level 1~99: 30%
    • Level 100~149: 40%
    • Level 150~199: 50%
    • Level 200~249: 60%
    • Level 250~299: 65%
    • Level 300 or higher: 70%

    Developer Notes:

    We wanted to change the damage % effect of the Reboot Passive to final damage % so that it would have the same efficiency for all classes regardless of their base damage %. However, to avoid sharply increasing its effectiveness at higher level and making hunting regular monsters more difficult during the growth process, we changed the method from % damage per 2 levels to a final damage boost for specific level ranges and the base final damage was set to 30%.

    Due to this change, if you have 100% damage or more, you will deal more damage to normal monsters in most level ranges. Even when your damage % is lower than that, we have set it so that the hunting difficulty is not increased significantly until level 200, at which point you can acquire damage boosts from various routes.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Certain parts of the Blaster image in the Resistance character creation window illustration have been changed.

    Xenon and Zero’s character creation window illustrations have been changed to use spine effects.

    The item enhancement UI has been improved.

    • Fixed an error where if you were enhancing an equipped pendant, the damage boost when compared to another slot’s pendant would be displayed.
    • Equipment that cannot be equipped will no longer display the damage boost.
    • While enhancing items, you can no longer equip or unequip items.
    • While enhancing items, you can no longer move items in your inventory or use the item sort feature.

    Developer Notes:

    To avoid mistakes due to equipment locations changing while enhancing items, we have changed it so that they cannot be moved.


    The Wish Coin acquisition logic has been improved.

    • Pets can now pick up Wish Coins normally.
    • Wish Coins will now appear with a large icon when they drop.
    • When additional Wish Coins cannot be accumulated due to situations such as already having acquired 400 Wish Coins in a week, a message will now be displayed on the screen.


    The All Cure Potion‘s item description has been updated to include a list of statuses that it can remove.

    • Poison
    • Seal
    • Blind
    • Weakness
    • Curse
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Diligence and ‘Master of Enhancement’ guild skills‘ descriptions have been updated to include a list of scroll types that are not affected.

    • Potential Scrolls
    • Additional Potential Scrolls
    • Potential Stamps
    • Additional Potential Stamps
    • Chaos Scrolls
    • Clean Slate Scrolls
    • Innocent Scrolls
    • Equipment Enhancement Scrolls
    • Star Force Enhancement Scrolls
    • Lucky Item Scrolls
    • Gold Hammer
    • Yggdrasil’s Blessing
    • Certain Pet Equipment Enhancement Scrolls

    Certain pet equipment scrolls’ item descriptions have been updated to include that they are not affected by Diligence or the ‘Master of Enhancement’ guild skill.


    In the Cash Shop, you can now preview Hair Coupons or Face Coupons using your character’s current hair colour.

    The maximum number of Red Cube Fragments, Black Cube Fragments, and Additional Cube Fragments in a single slot has been changed to 9999.


    In the System Options, a new option has been added that lets you choose if Pet Auto HP should apply when your skills consume HP.


    In the Maple Union UI, when looking at other presets (even if they are not being edited), it will now show the difference in attackers and battle power from the currently applied preset.

    In Monster Park, if you try to enter while the profession window is open, a notice will now be outputted that tells you to close all related windows and try to enter again.

    The Lady Blair’s Dream Express event will now appear in the event list 7 days before it starts so you can confirm the event period.

    Error Fixes


    Fixed an issue where certain skills’ attack ranges would change based on the direction the character was facing.

    • [​IMG] Archmage (I/L)’s Frozen Orb
    • [​IMG] Cygnus Knights’ Cygnus Phalanx
    • [​IMG] Evan’s Dive of Thunder
    • [​IMG] Luminous’ Morning Starfall

    [​IMG] Blink related errors have been fixed.

    • An issue where Blink could be used during skill actions.
    • An issue where your movement speed would change if you used Blink immediately after cancelling a flying skill.
    • An issue where if you transformed with Transformation Potions while floating, the floating would continue.
    • An issue where cetain Command skills could be used while floating.

    Fixed an issue where skills that defended against attacks could not defend aginst Urus’ frenzy pattern or Jin Hilla’s soul thread pattern.

    • [​IMG] Mikhail’s Royal Guard
    • [​IMG] Adele’s Dike

    Fixed an issue in the V Matrix disassemble mode where if you selected a core then used that core as enhancement material for another core, it would be displayed as level 0 in the selection list.

    Fixed an issue where if you registered a buff skill that consumed HP in the Pet Auto Buff then followed someone, the buff would not be applied but HP would be consumed continuously.

    Fixed an issue where certain bind skills would cause enemies to stagger if used during the resist duration.

    • [​IMG] Paladin’s Smite
    • [​IMG] Wild Hunter’s Jaguar Soul

    Errors related to the Darkness status have been fixed.

    • Fixed an issue where if a character used a skill that moved a lot, the screen effect would shake.
    • Fixed an issue in beta resolution where the character’s image would not be visible.

    Fixed an issue where Soul Weapon skills could not be used in Mu Lung Dojo’s Practice Back Garden.

    Fixed an issue where if you used Double Jump after using Rope Connect and hit a wall, skills could not be activated until you landed on a platform.

    You can no longer use flying skills while following someone.

    When you have a Decent skill and other skills registered on a skill macro and you have a better version of that buff active, the macro will now only use the registered skills other than the Decent skills.

    Fixed an issue where if you were in Dark Sight and were hit by a meteor pattern at the same time that Dark Sight was cancelled, it would appear to be avoided but you would still take damage. You will no longer take damage in this case.

    Fixed an issue with Eunwol and Zero where if they used certain skills while on cooldown, an inconsistent sound effect would be outputted.

    Fixed an issue in certain content where Eunwol’s Soul Split’s soul and Wild Hunter’s Call of the Hunter’s summoned monsters were considered monsters that needed to be defeated.

    Fixed an issue with Paladin’s Holy Unity where if a party member died after being bonded to and you bound with another party member, you could not rebind to the first party member even if they resurrected.

    Fixed an issue with Dark Knight’s Darkness Aura where it could be used while hanging on a rope. Fixed an issue where if the Dark Strike was used while on a rope, the attack would not be activated and the skill would end.

    Adventurer Magician’s Unstable Memorize’s skill description has been changed from ‘random’ to ‘specific’.

    Developer Notes:

    Since only certain 1st~4th job skills are activated and the chance of activating later job advancement skills is higher, the chance is different for each skill so we have updated the wording to be more clear.

    After a Bishop learns Advanced Bless, if they use Bless, it will now activate Advanced Bless.

    Fixed an issue with Bowmaster and Marksman’s Archer Mastery where after they learned it, they could perform long range basic attacks without arrows.

    Fixed an issue with Bowmaster’s Arrow Platter where skill effect transparency was not applied.

    Dual Blade’s Final Cut’s skill description has been updated to match the current logic of consuming max HP.

    Fixed an issue with Viper’s Battleship Nautilus where the additional attacks while on cooldown sometimes did not activate.

    Fixed an issue with Mikhail’s Shining Cross – Install where the effect would not be visible if installed at the same location as Flame Wizard’s Burning Region.

    Fixed an issue with Soul Master’s Cross the Styx where you would sometimes be knocked back by enemy attacks during the charge start action.

    Fixed an issue with Flame Wizard’s Spirit of Flame where the defense ignore effect would not be applied if you died while it was summoned then used a Buff Freezer.

    Fixed an issue with Wind Breaker’s Dance of Freezing Wind and Song of Heaven where if you used them while crouching, it would activate the basic attack.

    Fixed an issue with Night Walker’s Shadow Spear where the effect would sometimes be outputted behind terrain.

    Fixed an issue with Aran’s Adrenaline Boost where even when it was not learned yet, the screen effect indicating Adrenaline Boost Activate could be used when reaching 1000 Combo would be outputted.

    Fixed an issue with Evan where the client would exit if you used a new job advancement’s skill immediately after job advancing and Mir’s appearance didn’t change.

    Fixed an issue with Evan where Mir would describe the removed skill Support Jump after reaching level 50.

    Fiexd an issue with Evan where in the skill UI, skill enhancement cores’ skill levels would be displayed in red unlike other characters.

    Fixed an issue with Mercedes’ Stylish Move where it could be used in maps that did not allow movement skills.

    Fixed an issue with Mercedes’ Spirit Escape where if you used it while using a rushing skill, the rush skill would not be activated for a short period of time.

    Fixed an issue with Mercedes’ Legendary Spear – Reduce Armor where the defense reduction was displayed as a negative number.

    Fixed an issue with Mercedes’ Sylphidia where if you used certain buff skills while hanging on a rope, there would be awkward actions.

    Fixed an issue with Phantom’s Return of Phantom where if you went to Crystal Garden then went to Meisterville and exited, you would be moved to Six Paths Crossway instead of your previous map.

    Fixed an issue with Phantom’s Phantom Shroud where if you used it then changed channels before the skill ended, the cooldown would not be applied.

    Fixed an issue with Phantom’s Talent of Phantom Thief IV where Marksman’s Piercing did not activate the arrow fragments.

    Fixed an issue with Phantom’s Tempest of Cards where you were not in combat state while using this skill.

    Eunwol’s Soul Split has been changed so that the separated soul will now be outputted behind the original monster. When the original monster pefroms certain actions, the soul will be visible in front again.

    Fixed an issue with Battlemage’s Teleport Ver. 2 where you could not use Blink immediately after using this skill in the upwards direction.

    Fixed an issue with Wild Hunter’s Jaguar Riding where the Jaguar action looked awkward while using crossbow skills when first moving.

    Wild Hunter’s Summon Jaguar has been changed so that if a Jaguar is summoned on a platform and the platform disappears, the Jaguar will no longer disappear.

    Fixed an issue with Mechanic’s Metal Armor where in certain story cutscenes, the colour would appear to be changed back to the base colour. Fixed an issue in the Union Raid where the placed attacker would output the base colour.

    Fixed an issue with Mechanic’s Metal Armor: Tank where if you died, your appearance would change to other characters.

    Kaiser’s Final Figuration has been changed so that the hit box for the left and right directions is the same as regular mode.

    Cadena’s Chain Arts: Takedown’s skill description has been updated to match the current logic of the level 20 Enhancement Core effect affecting the shockwave and the final attack’s number of mobs hit.

    Fixed an issue with Kain’s Shadow Step where if you were hit by a meteor pattern instantly after activating Shadow Step, it would not be avoided.

    Fixed an issue with Kain’s Fatal Blitz where in Cygnus, the skill would not end if you were hit by the Dark Tornado.

    Fixed an issue with Angelic Buster’s Soul Contract where the skill icon’s colour would become darker when hovering over it.

    Fixed an issue with Angelic Buster’s Spotlight where if you manually cancelled the buff, it would be maintained for the remaining duration.

    Fixed an issue with Angelic Buster’s Trinity Fusion where the damage reduction buff and the effect of not being knocked back by any atack’s durations did not match exactly.

    Alleviated an issue with Zero’s linked skills where if you used linked skills very quickly, sometimes Rapid Time was not applied. Alleviated an issue where certain skills did not activate.

    Zero’s Advanced Rolling Curve and Advanced Rolling Assaulters’ skill descriptions have been added to match the current logic that the number of sword slashes activated are increased based on the distance from the enemy.

    Fixed an issue with Zero’s Transcendent Rhinne’s Prayer where the client would exit if the additional attack activated on a monster that disappeared.

    Fixed an issue with Zero’s Shadow Flash where if it was used at the same time that the platform disappeared, the divine area would be created at a location different from where it was used. Fixed an issue where if the divine area was created on a platform that disappeared then reappeared, it could not be created on that platform again.

    Kinesis’ Psychic Ground’s skill description has been updated to match the current logic that enemies are pulled when it is first installed.

    Fixed an issue with Kinesis’ Ever Psychic where in the Union Raid, the screen effect was outputted awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue with Kinesis’ Ultimate – Moving Matter where the movement would stop when doing certain actions.

    Fixed an issue with Adele’s Levitation where if you died while using it then were resurrected by a Bishop’s Resurrection, it would continue.

    Fixed an issue with Adele’s Blossom where sometimes it did not activate. Fixed an issue where if you used Storm during Blossom, the Ether Swords used in Blossom would not disappear.

    Fixed an issue with Illium’s Reaction skills where if the cooldowns were reset due to things like Ability, the Reaction skills would attack at the same time as the previously activated skills.

    Ark’s Abyss Charge Drive’s skill description has been updated to match the current logic that you cannot be knocked back by any attack while casting this skill.

    Fixed an issue with Ark’s Blissful Restraint where if you changed maps after using it, the skill would end.

    Boss Monsters

    Fixed an issue with Elite Bosses where 2 Rare Treasure Boxes could be obtained even on maps with a 20 level or more difference. Fixed an issue in the Bonus Stage where if you entered Flame Wolf or Pollo and Fritto Bounty Hunting, your Combo Kills would be reset.

    Fixed an issue where dropped equipment’s aura effects appeared in awkward locations.

    For boss monsters that do not allow entry after being defeated, if a party member joins the party after you enter the content, they will not be treated as a party member who defeated the boss.

    Fixed an issue in Urus where the number of rescues did not apply normally when the Earth Sprinkle pattern activated while entering.

    Fixed an issue in Chaos Von Bon where Pet Auto Pot would consume 2 potions at the same time in the Inner World.

    Fixed an issue in Zakum where the arms would not be visible if they were not attacked after they respawned. Fixed an issue where certain arms did not attack after they respawned. Fixed an issue in phase 2 where the clap pattern sometimes continued longer than intended. Fixed an issue in phase 2 where after the clap pattern ended, sometimes the flames on the floor would not disappear.


    Papulatus can no longer be bound while in the Alarm Mode.

    Developer Notes:

    During the Alarm Mode, Papulatus does not use any patterns other than the map pattern, but if it was bound, it would begin to move freely after the bind ended, allowing it to use its own patterns along with the map pattern, which increased the difficulty. We have changed it so that it can no longer be bound while in Alarm Mode so that the difficulty does not change based on skill usage.

    Fixed an issue in Suu where if a party member died in Phase 1 then didn’t revive until the party members entered phase 3, they would not be able to move after being moved to phase 2. Fixed an issue where you would receive additional damage if you hit the ceiling after being hit by the gravity field pattern.

    Fixed an issue in Demian where if you used monster tracking skills while it was casting specific patterns, they would not find targets properly. Fixed an issue where if you became invincible at the same as receiving 7 Stigma stacks, you would not die even after the invincibility ended.

    Fixed an issue in Lucid where in phase 2, if a bind skill was used at the same time as when it was activating a powerful attack, sometimes Lucid would use 2 patterns at the same time. Fixed an issue where if a platform broke and disappeared, sometimes it would not be recreated. Fixed an issue where sometimes the blades would be fired from a different location than Lucid.

    Fixed an issue in Will where in the boss UI, the challenge blocked status was outputted in reverse between Normal and Hard. Fixed an issue in Phase 1 where you would be invincible for a short period of time after moving dimensions but still be knocked back by certain attacks.

    Fixed an issue in Dusk where in Fear mode, the warning attack would deal damage faster than the effect.

    Fixed an issue in Jin Hilla where if you defeated it in a party, the voice that was outputted would overlap several times. When there are party members who exited, the number of candles will now be decided based on the number of remaining party members. The number of candles will change after the next soul cut.

    In Black Mage phase 3, the powerful damage laser’s effect has been changed to be different from the regular laser. Fixed an issue in phase 3 where Mikhail’s Soul Link applied to party members.


    Fixed an issue where certain summons could hit monsters who would only take damage from basic attacks.

    Fixed an issue where if 2 or more installed patterns were activated at the same spot on certain platforms, only 1 would deal damage.

    In Pollo and Fritto’s Bounty Hunting, the Stormwing that appears can no longer be picked up by skills that pick up monsters.

    Fixed an issue with Crimsonwood’s Demon Illusionist where it could not be attacked during certain actions.

    Fixed an issue with Chew Chew Island’s Chief Bishark, Chief Crilla, and Crilla did not have their headbutt attack.


    Fixed an issue where there was an awkward notice when trying to enter the Resistance Headquarter’s Training Room Force.

    Fixed an issue where if you had the Sudden Mission to find a Burning map and you entered a Burning map at the same time as moving to another Burning map, the completion count would show 2 but it would not be completed.

    Fixed an issue in the ‘[Gold Beach] Strange Submarine’ quest’s cutscene’s background where the current map’s background was visible.

    Fixed an issue where the ‘Roly Poly’s Extension’ quest’s information and map had incorrect information.

    Fixed an issue where the ‘[Pink Bean] Beyond the Ruins’ quest could not be completed.

    In Morass’ ‘Last Component’ quest, if you fail it and try again, the cutscene will no longer play again.

    Fixed an issue in Jin Hilla’s Labyrinth of Suffering Depths where the mission could not be completed since the altar did not appear.

    Fixed an issue where the ‘Most Important Thing 2′ quest’s summoned boxes’ locations were awkward.

    Fixed an issue where if Bowmaster/Marksman job advanced to Pathfinder, they could not start Black Heaven Act 2.

    Fixed an issue with the ‘[Arkarium] Queen of Elves’ quest where if you accepted it and immediately forfeited it, you could continuously receive Afrien’s Essence.

    Fixed an issue in the Cross World Party Quest First Accompaniment <Last Gateway> where if there was one party member and the character died, an additional King Slime would be created.

    Fixed an issue in Reboot World where if you completed the ‘Who Am I’ quest, you would receive a 100% Gloves Attack Scroll.

    Fixed an issue in Reboot World where if you completed the ‘Scheherazade’s Third Problem’ quest, you would receive a 100% Overall STR Scroll.


    Fixed an issue in the Hidden Street – King’s Hideout where if the character moved to the left wall, the pet would jump without picking up items.

    Fixed an issue in Fairy Forest Elluel where the mountain image in the background was cut off.

    In Victoria Island’s world map, Kerning City has been changed to show the Transfer Zone area.

    Fixed an issue in the middle of the ocean in Riena Strait and Road of Vanishing’s Flame Zone cliffs where pets and androids were visible.

    Fixed an issue in Queens Road Small Bridge where you could not reset Ability in specific locations.

    Fixed an issue in the Tyrant’s Citadel 3F Office where the box in the background was hidden behind pillars and was outputted awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue in Ludibrium Castle Sky Terrace <5> where the placed card objects were outputted awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue in Twisted Temple of Time 2 where the background’s moon location was misaligned.

    Fixed an issue in Knight’s Fortress Hall of Honour where the Ereb BGM was played.

    Fixed an issue where if you stood on the bridge in the middle of Lacheln, the character’s name and medal image would be cut off.

    Fixed an issue in Cernium Square where there was an invisible platform below the NPCs Dragon Hunter Account and Lieutenant Poncho.

    Fixed an issue in Cernium Near the Lef Army Garrison where the terrain was misaligned.

    Fixed an issue in Burning Cernium East Castle Walls where the ladders were misaligned.

    Fixed an issue in Monster Park Knight’s Fortress Stage 1: Fortress Entrance where tree in the background was misaligned.

    Fixed an issue in Monster Park Road of Vanishing Stage 1 where the lower background image would be cut off if the character moved to the top of the map.

    Fixed an issue where the character could leave the screen if they used the skill Cannon Jump in certain maps.

    • Kerning City Subway Track
    • Kerning City Subway Transfer Zone
    • Kerning City Subway Line 1 Section 1
    • Kerning City Subway Line 1 Section 2
    • Kerning City Subway Line 1 Section 3
    • Kerning City Subway Line 2 Section 1
    • Kerning City Subway Line 2 Section 2
    • Kerning City Subway Line 2 Section 3
    • Lion King’s Castle First Tower
    • Lion King’s Castle Third Tower
    • Lion King’s Castle Fifth Tower

    Fixed an issue with certain item images.

    When you clear a boss and it drops equipment with Rare or higher potential, the size of the aura effect has been fixed.

    Fixed an issue where certain profession crafting recipes’ item names were awkward.

    When enhancing equipment, the maximum amount of speed and jump has been increased to 1000.

    Developer Notes:

    The maximum amount of speed and jump that an equipment could have was based on the low 40/23 set in the past. After that number was exceeded when enhancing items then the number of enhancements were reset, an error would occur where the speed and jump would be applied as negative numbers.

    We will correct this error by increasing the maximum limit of speed and jump to 100, and you can send inquiries to correct your equipment to the customer centre after the update on March 20.

    Fixed an issue where personality traing experience acquired from personality trait items was included in the daily limit.

    Android item descriptions have been unified to display the same information about the ‘Go to Store button in the Android equipment window’.

    Fixed an issue in Reboot World where if Xenons used the Arcane Shade Weapon Box, the choice for scrolls would be outputted.

    The Ice Knight’s Chain Snowshoes and Ice Knight’s Seeker Chain Snowshoes’ item tooltips have been updated to include that they stop you from slipping on snowy floors.

    Fixed an issue where if you sat in a chair placed on the map then changed your hair using a Mannequin, you couldn’t sit back on the chair.

    Fixed an issue where the Sticky Shoes and Rainbow Rice Cake on Top of your Head items’ increased experience effects did not apply to party quests. Fixed an issue where they gave more experience than displayed in Cross World Party Quests.

    The stats of equipment given when creating certain characters have been changed.

    • Pathfinder: Ruin Explorer’s Hood (defense decreased from 7 to 2, number of slots increased from 2 to 7)
    • Xenon: Atomic Boots (speed and jump removed)
    • Kaiser: Kaiser Training Shoes (defense decreased from 5 to 2, number of slots increased from 2 to 5)
    • Cadena: Agent Shoes (defense decreased from 5 to 2, number of slots increased from 2 to 5)
    • Angelic Buster: Nova Training Shoes (defense decreased from 5 to 2, number of slots increased from 2 to 5)

    Developer Notes:

    There was an issue where Innocent Scrolls could not be used for these equipment because their original stats were different than the ones given upon character creation. To fix this, we have adjusted the original stats to match the ones given later.

    Fixed an issue where the personality trait experience acquired today number did not appear normally in the Character Info and My Personality Traits UI.

    Fixed an issue where if you moved the Inventory to the location of the Quick Move button then went to a town and clicked the inventory, it would click the Quick Move button below the inventory.

    Fixed an issue where if you entered the Cash Shop while using skills with a macro feature, the character’s appearance in the preview would not be outputted properly.

    Fixed an issue where after exiting the Cash Shop, the Cash Shop’s UI would be outputted on the game screen.

    Fixed an issue in the Item Fusion UI where if you placed an item crafted by a Craftsman or Meister, the Craftsman or Meister mark would not be outputted in the item tooltip.

    Fixed an issue in the Guild UI where if you went to the next page of the guild search results then searched again, the client would exit.

    Fixed an issue with the minigame Omok Board UI where it could be moved off the screen and not be visible.

    Fixed an issue in the Maple Auction where the Maple M Mileage notification popup would be outputted.

    Fixed an issue where the client would stop when trying to do multiple Star Force enhancements in a row.

    Fixed an issue in the game exit popup where the outputted play time was different than the real playtime.

    Fixed an issue where if Zero was Star Force enhancing Lazuli, the results window would output Lapis’ icon.

    In the Equipment Transfer UI, the tooltip for the Equipment Trace has been changed to say ‘Failed when enhancing at 13 stars or higher’ to ‘Failed when enhancing at 12 stars or higher’.

    Developer Notes:

    We have changed the notice text in the UI to match the current logic since it was unclear that it was talking about trying to enhance from 12 to 13 stars.

    Fixed an issue where if you clicked an NPC at the same time as using a hidden portal, the client would exit.

    Fied an issue where if you moved to the character selection screen while an NPC shop was open, the client would exit.

    Fixed an issue in Meisterville where the NPC Thomson’s safe image was transparent and the background image was visible.

    Monster Life’s Yeti Pharaoh’s potential has been increased from +5 farm experience to +15 farm experience.

    Fixed an issue in the Seed 29F where if you dropped Red Sand Powder on the right sign after completing the mission, you would not be able to move to the next floor.

    In the Seed 49F, Robotoy, White Sand Rabbit, Cactus, and Evil Eye will no longer appear.

    Fixed an issue where if you exited the game through the task manager, your changed game options would not be saved.

    Fixed an issue where if items dropped while you were in a party then you moved to a different channel and came back, sometimes the dropped items would not be visible.

    Fixed an issue where the Lord of the Rings achievement did not include the Reboot Cosmos Ring.

    Fixed an issue where if the client exited abnormally then you reconnected, buffs effects that should have been saved were not.

    Fixed an issue in Flag Race where only the item acquisition cooldown would be applied if an item was acquired at the same time as it disappeared.

    Fixed an issue in Flag Race where completing it as 6th or lower gave the same 30 Ranking Points as 5th place.

    Fixed an issue where invitations above the characters head were not visible if the character became huge after using a Rune of Giants.

    Fixed an issue where defeating all of the Elite Champion Killer Bees were not reflected in related achievements.

    • [Elite Champion] Defeat Some Rare Guys
    • [Elite Champion] Defeat a Lot of Rare Guys
    • [Elite Champion] Defeat a Massive Amount of Rare Guys

    Fixed an issue in Root Abyss’ Crack of Time where pets would be outputted in front of the character even if the setting to have them behind the character was on.

    Fixed an issue where if you had a pet with the Item Pick Up Ignore skill and defeated a boss immediately after entering the map, the pet would not pick up dropped items.

    Fixed an issue in the equipment window’s pet tab where if you clicked and selected the potion registered in the slot then clicked the slot again, the potion selection would not be cancelled.

    Fixed an issue where if you removed an equipped Soul Weapon then re-equipped it, the maximum Soul Gauge would appear to be 0.

    When moving to certain content in the Maple Guide, you will now be taken to the maps where the monsters that you need to defeat to get the Content Map stamp appear.

    • Cursed Temple: Temple Entrance
    • Leben Mine: Raccoon Lair
    • Nihal Desert Burning Road: Outside Ariant East Gate

    The barrier sound effect outputted when you don’t have enough Arcane Force/Authentic Force has been changed from a skill sound effect to a regular sound effect.

    Fixed an issue in the Crossroads of Choice’s adventurer class preview where some of the skills used and sounds were awkward.

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog