KMST KMST ver. 1.2.123 – New Anima Mage, Lara!

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Jun 24, 2021.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    A new Inside MAPLE 2021 video was released, this time showing off the new job, the Anima mage Lara! The video is kind of long but they talk about how the designed her appearance, story, town, and skills, which I found pretty interesting! Right after they released the video, KMST opened up for testing.

    Lara will be coming to the official servers on July 15 so there will be 3 weeks of testing and changes.


    • New Job <Romantic Geomancer, Lara>
    New Job <Romantic Geomancer, Lara>


    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    A member of Grandis’ Anima race, Lara, accidentally awakens the power of the mysterious bell, a treasure of her village, and becomes able to use the power of the spirits of the earth. According to the legend passed down through generations, she will have to embark on an adventure to ring the bell.

    By communing with the spirits of the earth, Lara can read the locations of Dragon Veins, where the spirits are gathered. Based on the element of the spirits in the Dragon Vein, Lara can use its power in various ways.


    Lara is an Anima mage and uses the Wand. Her secondary weapon is the Norigae. Her Union effect gives 10/20/40/80/100 INT.


    Note: Like Hoyoung, Lara’s skill names all use more traditional Korean, which I’m not too familiar with. I’ll do my best to translate them accurately but if anyone sees any mistakes, please let me know!


    • [​IMG] Nature’s Friend: Become friends with the nature around you and receive its help. There is a greater effect on weak monsters which cannot withstand the mysterious power of nature. (Link Skill) (max level: 2)
      • Level 1: 3% damage.
        After defeating 20 regular monsters, activate Nature’s Help. For 30 seconds, damage to regular monsters is increased by 7%.
        Reactivation cooldown: 30 seconds.
      • Level 2: 5% damage.
        After defeating 20 regular monsters, activate Nature’s Help. For 30 seconds, damage to regular monsters is increased by 11%.
        Reactivation cooldown: 30 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Return to Narin: Return to Narin. (max level: 1)
      • Level 1: Consumes 5 MP. Move to Narin.
        Cooldown: 600 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Appearance Change: Hide your Anima’s characteristic horns. If you reuse the skill, they will appear again. In certain UIs, they will not be visible by default. (max level: 1)
      • Level 1: Hides your horns.
        Cooldown: 10 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Spirit Friendliness: The Anima’s characteristic friendliness increases summon duration time. (max level: 1)
      • Level 1: Summon duration time increased by 10%.
    • [​IMG] Exclusive Spell: Increases the attack and magic attack of all nearby characters. (max level: 1)
      • Level 1: Consumes 30 MP. For 40 minutes, increase attack and magic attack by 4%. Cooldown: 2 hours.

    1st Job


    • [​IMG] Spirit Sprinkle (정기 뿌리기): Attack enemies by drawing out the spirits flowing through the land. (max level: 20)
      • Level 20: Consumes 16 MP. Deals 80% damage 4 times on up to 5 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Jump (폴짝): Create a stepping board and jump once more while in the air. (max level: 5)
      • Level 5: Consumes 10 MP. Jump a certain range.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Upper Jump (위로 폴짝): Create a stepping board and jump upwards. You can activate this skill by pressing the up arrow key and jump key together. (max level: 1)
      • Level 1: Consumes 10 MP. Jump upwards a certain range.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Mountain Kid (산 꼬마): With the spirits of the land, guide the Mountain Earth Spirit and receive its help. If Mountain Kid attacks an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not receive damage. (max level: 15)
      • Level 15: When Spirit Sprinkle hits an enemy, there is a 40% chance for the Mountain Earth Spirit to appear. The Mountain Earth Spirit deals 85% damage 3 times on up to 4 enemies, increased to 105% damage when attacking boss monsters.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Mountain Guardian (산 무등): If you’re in danger, the Mountain Earth Spirit appears to protect you. If you use the skill, the effects will be activated and if you re-use it, the effects will be deactivated. On/off skill. (max level: 10)
      • Level 10: When hit, consumes 40 MP to reduce damage taken by 50%.
    • [​IMG] Divine Response (감응): Through deep communion with nature, draw out your latent abilities. (max level: 14)
      • Level 14: 20 speed, 15 maximum speed, 20 jump, 20% HP, 100 defense, 15% damage reduction.

    2nd Job

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Dragon Vein Reading (용맥 읽기): You can read the veins to discover the locations of the Dragon Veins where the spirits of the land gather. Dragon Veins hold the power of one of the elements of nature, River, Wind, and Sun. If you use Dragon Vein skills on a discovered Dragon Vein, it will be consumed. Dragon Veins cannot be discovered in towns. If you use the skill, the effects will be activated and if you re-use it, the effects will be deactivated. On/off skill. (max level: 1)
      • Level 1: Discover Dragon Veins near Lara. Up to 10 Dragon Veins can exist on the map. If you move a certain range away from them, the furthest Dragon Vein will be destroyed.
        Cooldown: 5 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Dragon Vein Eruption (용맥 분출): [Dragon Vein Skill] Consume a nearby Dragon Vein to erupt its latent power. Based on the element of the Dragon Vein, the corresponding Earth Spirits will erupt and stay in place. During an Eruption skill, if you activate another Eruption skill or Absorption skill with the same element, the Eruption skill will end. If an Eruption skill attacks an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not receive damage. During the cast action, you will have 100% stance. (max level: 1)
      • Level 1: Consumes 30 MP. Activate an Eruption skill matching the Dragon Vein’s element.
        Cooldown: 0.3 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Eruption: Swelling River (분출 : 너울이는 강): [Dragon Vein skill] [Eruption skill] Several River Earth Spirits combine their power to become huge, then swell at certain intervals to attack nearby enemies. (max level: 20)
      • Level 20: The River Earth Spirits will remain for 16 seconds. When they swell, they deal 205% damage 4 times on up to 6 enemies. They can swell up to 8 times.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Eruption: Whirlwind (분출 : 돌개바람): [Dragon Vein skill] [Eruption skill] The Wind Earth Spirit blows a large breath at certain times. The Wind Earth Spirit’s breaths create whirlwinds that continuously attack nearby enemies. (max level: 20)
      • Level 20: The Wind Earth Spirit will remain for 16 seconds. The Wind Earth Spirit’s breaths create whirlwinds which deal 65% damage 5 times on up to 6 enemies continuously. Up to 5 whirlwinds can be created.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Eruption: Sunrise Well (분출 : 해돋이 우물): [Dragon Vein skill] [Eruption skill] Several Sun Earth Spirits combine their power to become a terrifying giant, then scatter to create areas where lava rises. At certain intervals, volcanic bombs are created at these areas, attacking enemies above them. (max level: 20)
      • Level 20: The Sun Earth Spirits will rise and deal 110% damage 6 times on up to 6 enemies. After the attack, lava areas will be created for 16 seconds, dealing 82% damage 1 time on up to 10 enemies every second. At certain intervals, 4 volcanic bombs are created, each dealing 72% damage 3 times. The volcanic bombs can be created up to 5 times. If multiple bombs hit a single enemy, the second and later bombs wil have their final damage decreased by 10%. Enemies hit by the bombs will take 110% DoT damage for 8 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Mountain’s Seeds (산의 씨앗): Plant the seeds from which the Mountain Earth Spirits grow. At the place where the seeds are planted, Mountain Earth Spirits will grow and attack nearby enemies. If there are any elemental Eruption skills active within a certain range, they will push enemies towards the Eruption skill. If Mountain’s Seeds attack an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not receive damage. If you use Mountain’s Seeds while casting a Dragon Vein Eruption skill, you will plant seeds with no cast action. In Auto Use Mode, if you have a seed prepared, when you use an Eruption skill, the Mountain’s Seeds will be planted at the location of the Dragon Vein. Auto Use Mode on/off: mouse right click. (max level: 10)
      • Level 10: Consumes 20 MP. The grown Mountain Earth Spirits will remain for 10 seconds. At certain intervals, they will attack, dealing 55% damage 1 time on up to 6 enemies.
        Up to 4 Mountain Earth Spirits can exist on the map.
        Prepare 1 Mountain’s Seed every 7 seconds, you can hold up to 5.


    • [​IMG] Wand Booster (지팡이 가속): Consume MP to increase your Wand’s attack speed by 2 stages for a certain period of time. (required skill: level 5 Wand Mastery) (Can be registered to the Pet Auto Buff) (max level: 9)
      • Level 9: Consumes 24 MP. For 180 seconds, increases your Wand’s attack speed.
    • [​IMG] Wand Mastery (지팡이 숙련): Increase your Wand mastery and magic attack. (level 10 is required for the 4th job skill Advanced Wand Mastery) (max level: 10)
      • Level 10: Wand mastery is increased to 50%. 35 magic attack.
    • [​IMG] Physical Training (신체 단련): Through physical training, increase your intelligence. (max level: 5)
      • Level 5: 40 INT.

    3rd Job


    • [​IMG] Expression: Where the River Flows (발현 : 강줄기 흐르는 곳): [Dragon Vein skill] [Expression skill] Express the River’s power contained in a Dragon Vein to ride and move on a flowing river. After using the skill, you can re-use it within a certain amount of time to set the arrival point of the river. When the arrival point is set, a river will flow continuously between the beginning point and arrival point. Lara can press the up arrow key at the beginning point to ride and move on the river. The arrival point cannot be set at portals or certain locations. This skill cannot be used non-hunting maps and certain maps. During the cast action, you will have 100% stance. (max level: 20)
      • Level 20: Consumes 20 MP. After using the skill, you can set the arrival point for 10 seconds. After the arrival point is set, a flowing river is created between the beginning point and arrival point for 90 seconds. You can press the up arrow key at the beginning point to ride and move on the river.
        Cooldown: 60 seconds.
        [Passive Effect: Swelling River’s damage is increased by 105%p.]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Expression: Wind Swing (발현 : 바람 그네): [Dragon Vein skill] [Expression skill] Express the Wind’s power contained in a Dragon Vein to create an area with a continuous updraft. You will receive a buff that increases your attack speed, movement speed, and jump for a certain period of time. If you press the up arrow key in the middle of the pillar of light, you can ride the swing being pushed by the Wind and float within the area. During the cast action, you will have 100% stance. (max level: 20)
      • Level 20: Consumes 80 MP. Install the Wind Swing for 20 seconds.
        If you enter the area, receive a buff that gives 1 attack speed, 20 speed, and 20 jump. The buff will last 60 seconds for yourself and 20 seconds for party members.
        If you press the up arrow key in the middle of the pillar of light, you can rise into the air and float for up to 4.5 seconds.
        Cooldown: 60 seconds:
        [Passive Effect: Whirlwind’s damage is increased by 34%p.]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Expression: Sunlight Filled Ground (발현 : 햇살 가득 안은 터): [Dragon Vein skill] [Expression skill] Express the Sun’s power contained in a Dragon Vein to create an area where the warm sunlight shines. You will receive a buff that increases your damage for a certain period of time. If you are within the area, your HP will be restored at certain times with the power of the sun’s life force. During the cast action, you will have 100% stance. (max level: 20)
      • Level 20: Consumes 80 MP. Install the sunlight shining area for 20 seconds.
        If you enter the area, receive a buff that gives 15% damage. The buff will last 60 seconds for yourself and 20 seconds for party members.
        If you are within the area, restore 5% maximum HP every 2 seconds.
        Cooldown: 60 seconds.
        [Passive Effect: Sunrise Well’s damage is increased by 72%p.]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Slumber Awakening (잠 깨우기): [Dragon Vein skill] When the slumbering Dragon Veins’ powers are awakened in an unrefined way, they are turned into intangible energy and track nearby enemies. If Slumber Awakening attacks an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not receive damage. During the cast action, you will have 100% stance. (max level: 20)
      • Level 20: Consumes 30 MP. Intangible energy is created based on the number of enemies in range, with a minimum of 7 to a maximum of 10. Each energy deals 105% damage 4 times.
        If multiple energies hit a single enemy, the second and later energies wil have their final damage decreased by 40%.
        Cooldown: 11 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Dragon Vein’s Traces (용맥의 자취): Follow the traces of Dragon Veins to instantly teleport to a nearby Dragon Vein and attack nearby enemies. If the skill is used with an arrow key, it will prioritize finding a Dragon Vein in that direction. Free Dragon Veins within range are given priority, and if not, you will move to the nearest Dragon Vein. (max level: 5)
      • Level 5: Consumes 65 MP. Deals 500% damage 2 times on up to 5 enemies.
        Cooldown: 6 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Dragon Vein’s Echo (용맥의 메아리): When a Dragon Vein is consumed, receive the remaining spirits to restore your HP and MP, and increase your final damage for a certain period of time. (max level: 10)
      • Level 10: When a Dragon Vein is consumed, restore 3% maximum HP and MP and increase your final damage by 5% for 20 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Purity (무구): Train your mind to be clear and pure. (max level: 20)
      • Level 20: 20% damage, 20% critical rate, 30% max MP.
    • [​IMG] Geomancy (풍수지리): Study geomancy to increase the power of your skills. (max level: 9)
      • Level 9: Mountain Kid’s damage is increased by 35%p.
        Mountain Kid’s boss damage is increased by 45%p.
        Mountain’s Seeds’ damage is increased by 75%p.

    4th Job

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Dragon Vein Absorption (용맥 흡수): [Dragon Vein Skill] Consume nearby Dragon Veins to absorb their latent power. Based on the elements of the Dragon Veins absorbed by Lara, the corresponding Earth Spirits will appear and help Lara attack when Spirit Sprinkle hits an enemy. During an Absorption skill, if you activate another Eruption skill or Absorption skill with the same element, the Absorption skill will end. If an Absorption skill attacks an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not receive damage. During the cast action, you will have 100% stance. (max level: 1)
      • Level 1: Consumes 30 MP. Activate an Absorption skill matching the Dragon Vein’s element.
        Cooldown: 0.3 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Absorption: River Puddle Drench (흡수 : 강 웅덩이 물벼락): [Dragon Vein skill] [Absorption skill] When Spirit Sprinkle hits an enemy, the mischievious River Earth Spirit appears with a river puddle and drenches enemies to attack them. (max level: 30)
      • Level 30: For 45 seconds, when Spirit Sprinkle hits an enemy, the River Earth Spirit will appear and deal 450% damage 6 times on up to 6 enemies.
        Reactivation cooldown: 2.5 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Absorption: Desolate Winds (흡수 : 소소리 바람): [Dragon Vein skill] [Absorption skill] When Spirit Sprinkle hits an enemy, the Wind Earth Spirit appears quietly and creates desolate winds to continuously attack enemies. (max level: 30)
      • Level 30: For 45 seconds, when Spirit Sprinkle hits an enemy, desolate winds are activated at one of the hit enemies’ locations. The winds deal 195% damage 2 times on up to 6 enemies.
        Reactivation cooldown: 2.5 seconds.
    • [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] Absorption: Sunlight Sprout (흡수 : 햇빛 맹아리): [Dragon Vein skill] [Absorption skill] When Spirit Sprinkle hits an enemy, the Sun Earth Spirit gathers and emits fireballs of condensed hot sunlight that track enemies. (max level: 30)
      • Level 30: For 45 seconds, when Spirit Sprinkle hits an enemy, the Sun Earth Spirit appears and emits 5 fireballs. The fireballs will track nearby enemies and deal 180% damage 6 times.
        Reactivation cooldown: 2.5 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Dragon Vein Conversion (용맥 변환): [Dragon Vein Skill] Change the element of a Dragon Vein. You cannot select the element which the Dragon Vein already has. During the cast action, you will have 100% stance. (max level: 1)
      • Level 1: Consumes 80 MP. After using the skill, enter an arrow key within 3 seconds to convert the Dragon Vein’s element to another.
        Cooldown: 3 seconds. If you successfully change an element, the cooldown is increased by 7 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Nature Master (풍월주인): Enjoy nature and become one with it, allowing you to better handle its power. When you use Eruption skills, you can draw out more latent power from Dragon Veins, increasing the power of your Eruption skills. (max level: 10)
      • Level 10: Eruption skills’ durations are increased to 18 seconds.
        Swelling River
        The swell’s damage is increased to 450%. At certain intervals, a large swell will be activated, dealing 530% damage 8 times on up to 10 enemies. The regular swell and large swell can be activated a combined total of 9 times.
        The whirlwind’s range is increased and damage is increased to 265% damage.
        Sunrise Well
        The giant’s damage is increased to 320%. The lava area creation range is increased, the lava area’s damage is increased to 220%, and the volcanic bomb’s damage is increased to 300%. The volcanic bombs are created more frequently and 5 are created at the same time, up to 5 times.


    • [​IMG][​IMG] Best Friends (지음): Become a true friend of the earth, allowing you to draw out more of the spirits flowing through the land. (max level: 10)
      • Level 10: Spirit Sprinkle’s range and power are enhanced.
        The enhanced Spirit Sprinkle consumes 25 MP and deals 250% damage 4 times on up to 6 enemies.


    • [​IMG] Mountain Enclosure (산 에움): Surround your body with the power of the Mountain that embraces all life to reduce damage taken. While casting Mountain Enclosure, you are not affected by critical status effects. (max level: 20)
      • Level 20: Consumes 150 MP. You can hold the key down for up to 8 seconds. While the key is held down, decrease damage taken from attacks (including % HP attacks) by 55%.
        When the skill ends, for each remaining second of keydown time, the cooldown is decreased by 3.5 seconds.
        Cooldown: 60 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Anima’s Warrior: Increases the stats of all party members by a certain percentage. This skill does not stack with Maple Warrior, Cygnus Knights, Nova’s Warrior, Lef’s Warrior, Another World’s Warrior, Anima’s Warrior, or Rhinne’s Prayer. (Can be registered to the Pet Auto Buff) (max level: 30)
      • Level 30: Consumes 70 MP. For 900 seconds, increase all stats of directly invested AP by 15%.


    • [​IMG] Anima Hero’s Will: Concentrate your mind to break free from status effects. After this skill is used, you are immune to status effects for 3 seconds. However, it does not apply to certain status effects. (max level: 5)
      • Level 5: Consumes 30 MP. Cooldown: 360 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Advanced Wand Mastery (고급 지팡이 숙련): You can handle the Wand better, increasing your final damage and magic attack. (required skill: level 10 Wand Mastery) (max level: 30)
      • Level 30: Wand mastery is increased to 70%.
        30% final damage, 50 magic attack.
    • [​IMG] Intensive Geomancy (풍수지리 심화): Master geomancy to increase your skills’ power. (max level: 20)
      • Level 20: Mountain Kid’s appearance rate is increased to 70% and its attack range is increased.
        Mountain Kid’s damage is increased by 128%p, its damage to boss monsters is increased by 160%p.
        Mountain’s Seeds’ damage is increased by 170%p, Mountain’s Seeds’ duration is increased to 20 seconds.
        Slumber Awakening’s damage is increased by 160%p.
        Dragon Vein’s Traces’ damage is increased by 55%p.
    • [​IMG] Insight (혜안): Gain the insight to see through the essence of things. (max level: 20)
      • Level 20: 20% critical rate, 20% critical damage, 30% final damage, 40% defense ignore.
    • [​IMG] Relaxation (유유): By always having a relaxed and positive mind, your abilities are increased. (max level: 20)
      • Level 20: 50 magic attack, 30 status resistance, 30% elemental resistance.


    • [​IMG] Eruption/Absorption – Ignore Guard: Eruption and Absorption skills’ defense ignored is increased by 15%. (required level: 140)
    • [​IMG] Eruption/Absorption – Reinforce: Eruption and Absorption skills’ damage is increased by 10%. (required level: 150)
    • [​IMG] Eruption/Absorption – Boss Killer: Eruption and Absorption skills’ damage to bosses is increased by 15%. (required level: 180)
    • [​IMG] Spirit Sprinkle – Boss Killer: Spirit Sprinkle’s damage to bosses is increased by 15%. (required level: 140)
    • [​IMG] Slumber Awakening – Cooltime Reduce: Slumber Awakening’s cooldown is decreased by 20%. (required level: 165)
    • [​IMG] Mountain’s Seeds – Reinforce: Mountain’s Seeds’ damage is increased by 10%. (required level: 180)
    • [​IMG] Dragon Vein’s Echo – Enhance: When Dragon Vein’s Echo is active, increase your speed by 30 and jump by 20. (required level: 150)
    • [​IMG] Mountain Enclosure – Extra Shield: During Mountain Enclosure, create a shield equal to 50% of your maximum HP. The shield will disappear 1 second after Mountain Enclosure ends. (required level: 165)
    • [​IMG] Dragon Vein – Enhance: When you cast a skill that consumes a Dragon Vein, you cannot be knocked back by any attack during the skill cast action. (required level: 190)
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Vine Coil (넝쿨 타래): Weave vines and rocks together to make enemies unable to move. (required level: 140)
      • Level 1: Consumes 300 MP. Deals 700% damage 6 times on up to 6 enemies.
        Enemies hit are bound for 10 seconds. Based on the damage Vine Coil deals, the bind duration is increased by up to 100%.
        Cooldown: 180 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Free Dragon Vein (자유로운 용맥): Create a free Dragon Vein that can hold any power. If you use an Eruption, Absorption, or Expression skill on a created free Dragon Vein, you can choose any element and draw out its power. You can only use Free Dragon Vein when Dragon Vein Reading is activated. During the cast action, you will have 100% stance. (required level: 160)
      • Level 1: Consumes 500 MP. Create a free Dragon Vein in front of you.
        If you use an Eruption or Absorption skill on a free Dragon Vein, you can choose an element for 2 seconds.
        Up to 3 free Dragon Veins can exist on the map.
        Prepare 1 Free Dragon Vein every 10 seconds, you can hold up to 3.
        Cooldown: 1.5 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Breathtakingly Large Tree (아름드리 나무): Grow a giant tree where the Earth Spirits can frolic to their hearts’ content. (required level: 190)
      • Level 1: Consumes 500 MP. Summon a giant tree for 30 seconds.
        Monsters that enter the giant tree’s area will have their defenses decreased by 15% for as long as the tree exists. If you are within the area, Lara’s stance is increased by 100%, boss damage by 50%, and critical damage by 10%.
        Every 2 seconds, Lara’s status effects are cleansed.
        Cooldown: 180 seconds.

    5th Job (Lara)

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Large Stretch (큰 기지개): [Dragon Vein Skill] Awaken the power of multiple slumbering Dragon Veins around you all at once. When the slumbering Dragon Veins’ powers are awakened in an unrefined way, they are turned into intangible energy and track nearby enemies. The intangible energies will prioritize boss monsters within range, and if there are multiple, the monster with the highest maximum HP will be prioritized. If there are no boss monsters when the Dragon Veins are awakened, they will track enemies around each Dragon Vein. If Large Stretch attacks an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not receive damage. During the cast action, you will have 100% stance. (max level: 25)
      • Level 25: Consumes 500 MP. Awaken 5 Dragon Veins within a certain range all at once.
        7 intangible energies are created per awakened Dragon Vein, each dealing 800% damage 5 times.
        If multiple energies hit a single enemy, the second and later energies wil have their final damage decreased by 30%.
        Cooldown: 60 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Sun River Mountain Wind (해 강 산 바람): Summon all kinds of Earth Spirits that exist in Mother Nature and play with them. If Sun River Mountain Wind attacks an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not receive damage. (max level: 25)
      • Level 25: Consumes 1200 MP. The Mountain, River, Wind, and Sun Earth Spirits will appear in order, creating 3 shockwaves that each deal 1350% damage 10 times on up to 10 enemies. Afterwards, an explosion that deals 1500% damage 15 times on up to 10 enemies is activated 7 times.
        Cooldown: 180 seconds.


    • [​IMG] Surging Spirits (용솟음치는 정기): Fill the spirits flowing through the land with magic to make them bloom, causing the more powerful Mountain Earth Spirit to rise. (max level: 25)
      • Level 25: Consumes 80 MP. Activate 5 shockwaves that each deal 850% damage 8 times on up to 10 enemies.
        Cooldown: 20 seconds.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Winding Ridges (산등성이 굽이굽이): Call peculiar Mountain Earth Spirits that love to run. Excited about being called, the Mountain Earth Spirits will run around and attack whatever they runs into. If there is a boss monster nearby, they will rise up from around the boss monster. If Winding Ridge attacks an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not receive damage. (max level: 25)
      • Level 25: Consumes 500 MP. Summon 3 groups of Mountain Earth Spirits within a certain range for 30 seconds. They will run toward nearby enemies and deal 650% damage 4 times on up to 6 enemies at certain intervals. Their running speed will be decreased if they collide with enemies. All groups can attack a combined total of 60 times.
        Cooldown: 60 seconds.

    5th Job (Common Anima)

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • [​IMG] Lotus Flower (화중군자): Summon a lotus flower with auspicious power. If you receive a deadly attack within a certain range of the lotus flower, you will receive the Lotus Flower’s Blessing instead of dying and be reborn. This skill cannot be used if the Heaven’s Door buff is active. If the Heaven’s Door buff is received while Lotus Flower is summoned, the lotus flower will disappear. (max level: 25)
      • Level 25: Consumes 15% maximum MP. Summon an auspicious lotus flower for 1175 seconds.
        After reviving, you will be invincible for 3.5 seconds.
        Cooldown: 400 seconds. If you successfully revive, the cooldown is increased by 825 seconds.
    • [​IMG] Grandis Goddess’ Blessing: This skill now increases Lara’s final damage boost when Dragon Vein’s Echo is activated to 10% (at level 25).

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog