KMST KMST ver. 1.2.124 – Lara Changes & Improvements

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Jul 8, 2021.

  1. Orange Mushroom

    Active Member

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    Another test server patch has been released, with some tweaks to Lara and her hometown as well as improvements and bug fixes.

    For some reason, the patch notes for Lara were a little less detailed and did not include the number changes, and I’m honestly kinda lazy right now so I’m not gonna be adding them in lol. You can still get a rough idea of what was changed/buffed but I’ll have the fully updated skills for next week when it comes to the official server since I’m sure there will be some more last minute changes. This also includes stuff like the new maps and illustrations.


    • New Job <Romantic Geomancer, Lara>
    • <Lara Adventure Cheering> Event
    • Maple LIVE
      • Maple LIVE <Creator Step Up>
      • Maple E-SPORTS <Arbiters of the Sky>
      • Maple Variety <Puzzle Master>
      • Maple ON AIR <Gift Show! Show! Show!>
    • Improvements
      • Skills
      • Guilds
      • Monster Life
      • Quests
      • Items
      • Maple Auction
      • Etc.
    • Error Fixes
      • Skills
      • Boss Monsters
      • Monsters
      • Quests
      • Maps
      • Items
      • Etc.
    New Job <Romantic Geomancer, Lara>

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Between Alley

    Life is Full of Happiness

    One Day at the Atelier

    Wonderful Moments in Narin

    Lara’s tutorial story and her beginning town, Narin, have been added.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The following NPCs have been added.

    • Gree
    • Hena
    • Lamy
    • Eokse
    • Granny Dume
    • Naru
    • Arasol
    • Mesak
    • Shaggy Guard Soldier
    • Shaved Guard Soldier
    • Tough Looking Hyuk
    • Swaying Myung
    • Tongue Clicking Yeol
    • Peona
    • Eden
    • Deva
    • Lord Deokgwang
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The following monsters have been added.

    • Sunshine Searching Round Balls (Lv. 28)
    • Shade Searching Round Balls (Lv. 28)
    • Lime Leaf Fly (Lv. 29)
    • Sticky Leaf Fly (Lv. 29)
    • Sprout Silkworm (Lv. 10)
    • Flower Wings (Lv. 20)
    • Flower Ocean Rabbit (Lv. 13)
    • Flower Blizzard Rabbit (Lv. 26)

    Lara’s wand weapon multiplier has been increased from 1.0 to 1.2.

    1st Job

    • [​IMG] Jump: Jump distance has been increased.
    • [​IMG] Upper Jump: Jump distance has been decreased. The time you can input the command has been increased. Command lock related descriptions have been added to the skill description.
    • [​IMG] Spirit Sprinkle: Attack range in the downwards direction has been increased.
    • [​IMG] Mountain Kids: Attack range has been changed to be the same as Spirit Sprinkle. Fixed an issue where Overload Mana applied to this skill.

    2nd Job

    • [​IMG] Dragon Vein Reading: Dragon Veins are no longer affected by skill effect transparency. In hunting maps, Dragon Veins will now appear more frequently above and below you. Fixed an issue where Dragon Veins were created in the air. Fixed an issue where they were visible in situations where they shouldn’t have been such as story cutscenes. Fixed an issue where they would stay if the platforms they were on disappeared.
    • [​IMG] Dragon Vein Eruption: Dragon Vein consumption range has been increased in the downwards and backwards directions. The skill description has been updated to state that Eruption skills are not affected by summon duration increasing effects, but Eruption skills’ damage is increased based on your summon duration increasing effects. If you use a Buff Freezer and revive in the same map, Eruption skills will now be maintained.
    • [​IMG] Eruption: Swelling River: Damage has been increased.
    • [​IMG] Eruption: Whirlwind: Damage has been decreased.
    • [​IMG] Eruption: Sunrise Well: Giant’s damage has been increased. Lava areas’ damage has been increased. Volcanic bombs’ damage has been increased. DoT damage has been decreased. Fixed an error where the lava area effect was outputted awkwardly in certain terrain.
    • [​IMG] Wand Booster: Fixed an issue where you could learn this skill without having the pre-requisite skill.
    • [​IMG] Mountain Seeds: The maximum number of seeds you can carry has been decreased. A feature that lets you use all prepared seeds at the same time with a command has been added.

    3rd Job

    • [​IMG] Expression: Wind Swing: A pre-requisite skill has been added. Dragon Vein consumption range has been increased in the downwards and backwards directions. The area that you can float has been decreased. Eruption: Whirlwind’s damage boost has been increased. The buff that applies to yourself will now be affected by buff duration. You can no longer right click to cancel the float. Fixed an issue where hte buff would not be applied immediately even if you were in the area. Fixed an issue where the skill could be used in maps that blocked movement skills. Fixed an issue where it was not visible to party members on certain boss monster maps. Fixed an issue where sometimes the effect would disappear immediately after installing it. Fixed an issue where the float time was not applied accurately.
    • [​IMG] Expression: Where the River Flows: A pre-requisite skill has been added. Dragon Vein consumption range has been increased in the downwards and backwards directions. Eruption: Swelling River’s damage boost has been increased. The range where the arrival point can be set has been increased. The time to set the arrival point has been increased, it will now be shown in the buff window. The duration will now be affected by buff duration increasing effects. You can now use 1 skill that consumes Dragon Veins while moving. Based on the distance moved, the number of uses will be increased. Dragon Vein consumption range is wider while moving.
    • [​IMG] Expression: Sunlight Filled Ground: A pre-requisite skill has been added. Dragon Vein consumption range has been increased in the downwards and backwards directions. Eruption: Sunrise Well’s damage boost has been increased. The buff that applies to yourself will now be affected by buff duration. The heal amount has been increased. The damage boost has been increased. Fixed an issue where sometimes the skill would be installed in awkward locations. You can no longer right click the buff to cancel it.
    • [​IMG] Slumber Awakening: The intangible energies’ monster tracking range has been decreased. Dragon Vein consumption range has been increased in the downwards and backwards directions. Fixed an issue where this skill could be used during the cast action of other skills.
    • [​IMG] Dragon Vein’s Traces: You will now acquire Earth Energy every few seconds, and can hold up to 3 at a time. You must now consume Earth Energy to use this skill. The Dragon Vein search range has been increased. The cooldown has been decreased. You will no longer move to Dragon Veins that are too close.
    • [​IMG] Dragon Vein’s Echo: HP and MP recovered has been decreased. The skill description has been updated to state that this skill is not affected by buff duration increasing effects.
    • [​IMG] Purity: This skill now increases damage to boss monsters.
    • [​IMG] Geomancy: A pre-requisite skill has been added. This skill now increases Spirit Sprinkle’s damage.

    4th Job

    • [​IMG] Dragon Vein Absorption: Dragon Vein consumption range has been increased in the downwards and backwards directions. The skill description has been updated to state that this skill is not affected by buff duration increasing effects. Fixed an issue where if you moved away after using an Eruption skill, sometimes the Eruption skill would not disappear if you used Dragon Vein Absorption with the same element.
    • [​IMG] Absorption: River Puddle Drench: Duration has been increased. Activation range has been increased.
    • [​IMG] Absorption: Desolate Winds: Duration has been increased. Activation range and attack range have been increased.
    • [​IMG] Absorption: Sunlight Sprout: Duration has been increased. The fireballs’ monster tracking range has been decreased. Fixed an issue where the image would be awkward when a fireball failed to find a monster and disappeared. Fireballs will now prioritize the boss monster with the highest maximum HP in range.
    • [​IMG] Dragon Vein Conversion: Fixed an issue where the cooldown was displayed awkwardly in the quick slots.
    • [​IMG] Nature Master: A pre-requisite skill has been added. The skill description’s damage display method has been changed. The increased number of monsters hit has been added to the skill description. Eruption: Swelling River’s regular swell damage boost has been increased, the large swell’s damage has been increased. Eruption: Whirlwind’s damage boost has been decreased. Eruption: Sunrise Well’s giant and lava area’s damage boosts have been increased, the volcanic bombs’ damage boost has been decreased. This skill now increases the volcanic bombs’ DoT damage.
    • [​IMG] Best Friends: A pre-requisite skill has been added. The skill description’s damage display method has been changed. The increased number of monsters hit has been added to the skill description. Enhanced Spirit Sprinkle’s attack range in the downwards direction has been increased.
    • [​IMG] Mountain Enclosure: The skill description has been updated to state that this skill is not affected by cooldown resets.
    • [​IMG] Intensive Geomancy: Mountain Kids’ attack activation range has been decreased.
    • [​IMG] Relaxation: Final damage boost has been increased.


    • [​IMG] Mountain Seeds – Reinforce: Damage boost has been increased.
    • [​IMG] Mountain Enclosure – Extra Shield: The shield creation method has been changed to be created every few seconds.
    • [​IMG] Dragon Vein’s Echo – Enhance: This skill now heals your maximum HP by a certain percentage every few seconds while Dragon Vein’s Echo is active.
    • [​IMG] Free Dragon Vein: This skill has been improved so that it can be used in towns if Dragon Vein Reading is activated. Fixed an issue where Free Dragon Veins could not be created at places where Dragon Veins erupted. The skill description has been updated to state that this skill is not affected by cooldown resets.
    • [​IMG] Breathtakingly Large Tree: Boss monster damage boost while in the tree’s area has been decreased. The skill description has been updated to state that this skill is not affected by cooldown resets. This skill will now play Lara’s theme BGM while in the tree’s area.

    5th Job

    • [​IMG] Large Stretch: Intangible energy’s damage has been increased. Fixed an issue where cooldown reset effects applied to this skill. Fixed an issue where this skill could be used during the cast action of other skills.
    • [​IMG] Sun River Mountain Wind: Damage has been increased.
    • [​IMG] Winding Ridges: Damage has been decreased. The skill description has been changed to state that the number of attacks restriction is per group, and the number of attacks per group has been decreased. Fixed an issue where the number of attacks was applied as 1 when attacking. Fixed an issue where multiple groups would be summoned at the same place. Fixed an issue in Dusk where they could only appear on the lowest platform. Fixed an issue where MP was not consumed. Fixed an issue where the skill could not be used on certain maps.
    • [​IMG] Lotus Flower: Duration has been increased. Additional cooldown when you successfully revive has been increased.


    Archmage (I/L)

    • [​IMG] Freezing Breath: This skill will now continuously attack an enemy after being used. Damage has been decreased from 450% to 80%.

    Developer Notes:

    The current Freezing Breath could only attack enemies 1 time, and it would not attack enemies that were already hit again. Therefore, if you used Freezing Breath right before an enemy’s bind resistance ended, the attack would hit during the bind resistance and you would not be able to bind them.

    To improve its usability, Freezing Breath has been changed to a skill that continuously attacks enemies regardless of if they have been attacked before or not so that you can bind properly.

    Wind Breaker

    • [​IMG] Trifling Whim: Trifling Whim arrows will now remain in place for 2 seconds and search for another enemy if the targeted enemy disappears after they are activated.
    • [​IMG] Vortex Sphere: Cooldown has been decreased from 35 seconds to 30 seconds. Vortex Sphere’s movement speed will now be decreased by 50% for 1 second when it hits a boss monster.


    • Evan’s staff and wand weapon multipliers have been increased from 1.0 to 1.2.


    • Staff weapon multiplier has been increased from 1.0 to 1.2.
    • [​IMG] Drain Aura: Drain Aura now recovers your MP based on 0.1% of the damage dealt. You can only recover up to 10% of your maximum MP at a time. The recovery block time is shared with the HP recovery.


    • [​IMG] Efficiency Pipeline: This skill has been changed to a passive skill. The 1000 maximum HP and MP boost has been moved to Xenon Booster.
    • [​IMG] Xenon Booster: This skill has been changed to a passive skill. The skill name has been changed to Xenon Boost. This skill now increases maximum HP and MP by 1000 at max level.
    • [​IMG] Minority Support: All stats boost has been increased from 20 to 25.
    • [​IMG] Dual Breed Defensive: This skill has been changed to a passive skill. The additional avoid rate will no longer change based on the number of remaining avoids and is fixed at 45% at max level. Damage reduction has been increased from 5% to 10%.
    • [​IMG] Ooparts Code: Duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 40 seconds. Final damage boost has been increased from 25% to 30%.
    • [​IMG] Meltdown Explosion: Damage has been increased from 900% to 1500%.


    • [​IMG] Grinding II: Phantom Blade’s damage boost has been increased from 35%p to 115%p, Tearing Knife’s damage boost has been increased from 95%p to 115%p.
    • [​IMG] Advanced Death Blessing: Merit buff’s final damage boost to Death Blessing/Execute skills has been increased from 5%p to 10%p.
    • [​IMG] Chasing Shot: Cooldown has been decreased from 30 seconds to 25 seconds, number of monsters hit has been increased from 7 to 8.

    Flag Race has been changed to be open every hour at XX:30.

    Characters must now have 1 or more Weekly Guild Mission Points to participate in Flag Race.

    Sharenian’s Underground Culvert has been changed so that you cannot use Noblesse guild skills.

    Developer Notes:

    After Flag Race’s reorganization, an issue occured where if a large number of people participated together at specific times, it was difficult to play smoothly. To solve this, we have changed Flag Race to be more frequent and have made it so that you must have 1 or more Weekly Guild Mission Points to participate.

    In addition, to prevent the competition to acquire Noblesse skills from being affected by the Noblesse skills from the week before, we have changed Sharenian’s Underground Culvert so they cannot be used.

    You can now see the previous week’s guild member participation in the guild UI.

    Monster Life

    You can now see a record of the monsters you have released.

    • You can see a record of the monsters you have released in the Monster Encyclopedia.
    • The release record can be sorted by release time, rank, name, level, monster, and category.
    • Monster release records will be saved for the last 60 days.

    When you complete Arcane River daily quests, the selection results for whether you want to receive the experience or not will now be displayed in the chat window.

    The ‘Black Wings’ Behaviour’ quest has been improved so that you can complete it even if you do not have the ‘Black Wings’ Medal’ item. The quest has been changed so that it cannot be forfeited.

    You can now check the party quest schedule and the next Party Points reset date by talking to Spiegella in the party quest entrance map.


    When Zero characters use Custom Mix Dye Coupons, they can now choose the characters to change from Alpha, Beta, or Alpha + Beta.

    Fixed an issue with the Pink Bean and Popcorn Chair where the character would not move.

    Maple Auction

    In the equipment items’ detailed search options, you can now search for items with no scissor limit and items that are untradeable after being equipped.

    • Basic Option: No scissor limit – includes items that you can use scissors on but do not have a scissor limit and items that cannot be traded after being equipped.
    • Basic option: Untradeable after being equipped – includes items that are untradeable after being equipped.

    When the character death penalty is applied, the reduced experience will now be displayed.

    Error Fixes


    Fixed an issue where the debuff that activated after failing Rune inputs would appear to remain even after it ended.

    Fixed an issue where if you stayed connected for 24 days or more without exiting the client, summons’ images would not be outputted.

    Fixed an issue where if you had buffs that disappeared due to things like entering skill restricted content then logged out and reconnected, they would be applied again.

    You can no longer change your weapon while Weapon Puff Rings’ skill durations are active.

    Fixed an issue where you could use Rope Connect type skills while using certain Rush skills.

    Fixed an issue where if you used Blink after using certain float skills, the movement speed would change.

    Fixed an issue where if you hit an enemy with a bind skill when they had less than 1 second left on their bind resistance, the informatio nmessage would be outputted awkwardly.

    Fixed an issue with Link Skills where sometimes the daily transfer limit could be exceeded. Fixed an issue where sometimes unlinked Link Skills would still be applied. Fixed an issue where sometimes transferred Link Skills would be automatically unlinked. Fixed an issue where sometimes after transferring a Link Skill, you would have to reconnect to have them apply.

    Fixed an issue where Paladin’s Elemental Charge’s damage reduction did not apply to attacks that dealt more than 100% maximum HP damage.

    Fixed an issue where Bowmaster’s Afterimage Shot’s passive activated in Urus.

    Fixed an issue with Dual Blade where if you had the skill cooldown skip Ability and used Chains of Hell, sometimes the skill icon would appear to be reset.

    Dual Blade’s Blade Tornado’s activated tornado will no longer remove Dark Sight.

    Fixed an issue with Soul Master where you could not use Soluna Slash while using Dance of Moon in the air.

    Fixed an issue with Blaze Wizard where you could not use Blazing Extinction on the right tentacle in Dusk.

    Fixed an issue with Night Walker where if you had Cash stars equipped and used Triple Throw, Quadruple Throw, or Quintuple Throw, the last attack would not appear as Cash stars to other characters.

    When Strikers right click to cancel the Lightning buff, Element: Lightning will now also be cancelled.

    Fixed an issue with Evan’s Mir Riding skill where the character motions were awkward while climbing ropes and ladders.

    Luminous’ Spell Mastery and Magic Mastery’s skill descriptions have been updated to match their current stat boosts.

    Fixed an issue with Phantom where if you were transformed while using Phantom Shroud, it would continue.

    Fixed an issue with Phantom where skills registered in Talent of Phantom Thief were reset when you reset your Hyper Skills.

    Fixed an issue with Phantom where Blackjack’s attack would not activate if you used Phantom Charge after using Blackjack with the down arrow key.

    Fixed an issue with Blaster where if you did not learn Release Pile Bunker – Bonus Guard and activated the guard from Charge Mastery, it would not apply to some of Zakum’s patterns.

    Fixed an issue where if Wild Hunter was riding on a jaguar, they could not attack enemies that can only be hit by basic attacks.

    Fixed an issue where Xenons could not float using Blink while charging Mega Smasher.

    Zero’s Critical Bind will no longer activate from skills that bind enemies.

    Fixed an issue with Kinesis where Psychic Grab’s effect was outputted between the face and hair layers.

    Fixed an issue with Kinesis where Everpsychic’s effect was outputted between the face and hair layers.

    Fixed an issue with Adele where if you used Tread at the same time as Levitation, Levitation would be activated after landing on a platform.

    Fixed an issue with Adele where if you used Order, Gathering, and Blossom in a specific order, some Ether Swords would not activate Blossom.

    Fixed an issue with Adele where if you used Blossom at the same time as an Ether Sword’s duration ended and you used Storm again, the number of attacks for Storm would be increased even with the Ether Sword whose duration ended.

    Boss Monsters

    Fixed an issue in Chaos Pink Bean where if the expel pattern activated, sometimes Pink Bean’s Matryoshka’s buff icon would appear.

    Fixed an issue in Chaos Bloody Queen where if you used a skill that ignored deadly status effects while on fire then were hit by the fire breath attack, the fire would not be removed.

    Fixed an issue in Suu where the falling objects’ hit boxes were bigger than the images.

    Fixed an issue in Demian where if you touched Demian right after his charge attack ended, you would be pushed back as if you were hit by the rush.

    Fixed an issue in Lucid where sometimes the illusion barrage would be activated even if you blew the trumpet to remove the butterflies.

    When Lucid’s powerful summon pattern activates, the notice will now also be displayed as a system message.

    Fixed an issue in Will where if you used the moonlight gauge while using certain Rush skills, the Rush skills would end.

    Fixed an issue in Will where if you used certain skills in phase 1, the screen would move left and right.

    Fixed an issue in Dusk where if you turned off V-Sync while using the beta resolution, the client would continuously freeze during the fear pattern.

    Fixed an issue in Dusk where certain skills that tracked enemies would not attack Dusk if they were used in specific locations on the map.

    Fixed an issue in Seren phase 2’s Noon form where the summoned wisps did not halve physical damage.


    Fixed an issue where the Powerful Ascension, Powerful Embrion, and Powerful Foreverion’s sounds were not outputted.

    Fixed an issue with Hotel Arcs’ Sand Blade Marauder where it could sometimes not be hit.

    Fixed an issue in Hungry Muto and Monster Park where the Birsharks, Chief Birsharks, Crillas, and Chief Crillas did not have their headbutt attack.

    Fixed an issue in Elite Boss bonus stages and Rune of Treasures’ flying mimics where sometimes they did not drop items.


    Fixed an issue with Ark’s story quests where Albaire’s appearance action played continuously.

    Certain Cernium story quests have been changed so that they cannot be forfeited.

    The Cernium story’s second half’s quest categories have been changed from ‘Cernium’ to ‘Cernium (After)’.

    Cernium and Hotel Arcs’ daily quests have been changed so that they cannot be forfeited.

    Fixed an issue with the ‘Doctor’s Request’ quest where if your character moved and acquired an acorn, the client would exit.

    Fixed an issue where if you tried to enter cross world party quests, only certain party members would enter.

    The Temple of Time ‘Magician who Sells Emotions’ quest has been changed so that if you die in the Sorcerer’s room, your buffs will not disappear. The Sorcerer’s Potion has been changed so that it can only be used in that room.

    Luminous’ ‘Finding the Third Crystal’ quest has been changed so that characters can complete it directly.

    Fixed an issue with the Dream Breaker ranker NPCs where their NPC images were outputted in an awkward location when talking to them.

    Fixed an issue with the Genesis weapon liberation missions where if you entered as a 2 person party, sometimes certain party members’ mission progress would not be given.


    Fixed an issue with Demon Balrog’s equipment item drops where the item icons’ sizes were different than other bosses.

    Fixed an issue in certain situations where the effects of items that float in the air would disappear.

    • Fixed an issue where floating effects would disappear after using certain chairs and ridings.
    • Fixed an issue where floating effects would disappear after crafting.
    • Fixed an issue where floating effects would disappear after using a Rune of Giants.
    • Fixed an issue where floating effects would disappear after riding the Metal Armor and Jaguars.

    The Fighter’s Ring’s description has been updated to state that it cannot be given potential.

    Fixed an issue where if you sat in the Symbol of Honor or Brilliant Symbol of Honor chairs after equipping certain floating decorative Cash items, their motions would appear.

    Fixed an issue where after using a Pendant Slot Expansion Coupon, the outputted information message had the incorrect extended duration.

    Fixed an issue where if Dual Blade and Xenon characters equipped the Time Together with Maple item and used specific skills, the images would be awkward.

    Fixed issues with certain items’ awkward images.


    Fixed certain awkward terrain in Korean Folk Town Deep Mountain.

    Fixed an issue where you could not move down at specific locations in the overpass at Shinsoo International School’s City Centre overpass.

    The Edelstein prison map’s BGM has been changed to be the same as the Resistance secret base BGM.

    Fixed an issue in That Day in Trueffet 4 where you could not move up to certain platforms when using floating skills underneath specific platforms.

    Fixed an issue in certain bosses where if you used skills that changed the map’s background, the changed backgrounds would not be applied.

    Fixed an issue where if more than a certain number of released Monster Life monsters appeared on a map, normal monsters would not appear.

    Fixed an issue in The Seed 17F where the left part of the screen would not be darkened.

    Fixedan issue in the Front of Arkarium’s Altar map where the background stone statue’s effect was outputted in front of the character.

    In Spiegelmann’s Guest House, it has been changed so that you cannot enter the cross world channel if you have any party members that do not have their main weapon equipped.

    Fixed an issue in Spiegelmann’s Guest House where if you entered the cross world channel whlie in a party, your party members would not receive arrows, bullets, or stars.

    Fixed an issue in maps where your character’s appearance was reflected on the ground where your character’s appearance would be outputted awkwardly if you were using a chair.

    Fixed an issue in Monster Park Arcana Stage 1: Forest of Water and Sunlight where there was an invisible rope.

    Fixed an issue where you could use Return to Nearest Town Scrolls and Meisterville’s teleport feature in the Forest of Tenacity, Forest of Patience, Kerning City B1, Kerning City B2, and Kerning City B3.

    Fixed certain awkward terrain in El Nath Mountains Beware of Ice 1.

    Fixed an issue where Mercedes could not jump while pressing the up arrow key together with the left or right arrow keys while on a rope on maps which restricted movement skills.

    Fixed an issue where if you entered a map with a dead character, the falling tombstone sound effect would be outputted.

    Fixed an issue in The Seed 10F, 20F, 30F, and 40F where if you died at the same time as defeating the monster, the stage would not be recorded as cleared.

    Fixed an issue in Flag Race’s Midday’s SNowfield where if you used spefific jumps, you could break through terrain.


    When there are no buffs that can be protected by Buff Freezers, the resurrection UI will no longer save the Buff Freezer usage check.

    Fixed an issue where the Basic Damage Skin (Unit)’s preview image was the same as the Basic Damage Skin.

    Fixed an issue where if you tried to apply for a guild again while already having applied, an incorrect message would be outputted.

    Fixed an issue where if you logged in as offline then switched to online, your online buddies’ connection information would not be reflected.

    When using the Item Disassemble button in the item inventory, the number of disassembly slots will now appear based on your learned profession.

    When you have used up all of your profession fatigue, the crafting status will now display ‘Your fatigue has been used up’.

    Fixed an issue where the Daily Gift pop-up would not appear even after meeting the Daily Gift requirements.

    Fixed an issue where Guild Marks looked different.

    Fixed an issue where if you checked the ‘Send an alert when the guild post is edited’ option, alerts would not be activated.

    Fixed an issue where alerts would be outputted even if you didn’t check the ‘Send an alert when the guild post is edited’ option.

    Fixed an issue where guilds that reached the maximum number of members would be displayed on the recommended guilds list.

    Fixed an issue with the guild UI where the guild skill icons would not appear and clicking them would cause the client to exit.

    Fixed an issue with the guild UI where if a person joined the guild while you were editing guild member ranks in bulk, checkboxes would not appear for the newly joined guild member.

    Fixed an issue with the guild UI where if you were editing guild member ranks in bulk and a guild member’s connection status changed, the checkbox would be cleared.

    Fixed an issue where you could not use the Guild Advertising Megahpone while using a chair or riding.

    You can no longer complet the Guild Attendance Check while dead.

    You will no longer acquire guild contribution or honor if you are dead when the boss is defeated.

    Fixed an issue where quest alerts and the Sudden Mission UI would be outputted in the upper left corner.

    Fixed an issue where you would receive Rest Experience Coupons after connecting to the game even if you did not meet the requirements.

    Fixed an issue with the inventory UI where if you moved your cursor over the item in the rightmost column after moving it outside to the right side of the inventory UI, the tooltip would not be displayed.

    Fixed an issue in Monster Life where the online/offline status of buddies and farm profiles was not updated.

    The Friends Story area has been changed to be displayed in the Hensys area on the Maple World map.

    The PrintScreen key will no longer work while the game is running. However, you can use Alt+PrintScreen to take a screenshot.

    In the Maple Guide, Sellas will now display Primal Droplet Stones in its list of rewards.

    Fixed an issue with the Mega Burning level 130 reward where the Growth Support Box’s description showed the wrong number of items.

    Fixed an issue in Flag Race where other guilds’ members’ clear messages were outputted.

    In Flag Race, the Rush skill will now apply the maximum attack speed regardless of what weapon you have equipped.

    When you job change from an Adventurer Pathfinder to Bowmaster or Marksman, the Beginner Adventurer/Junior Adventurer/Veteran Adventurer/Master Adventurer medal quests will now instantly completed.

    Fixed an issue where if you linked a pet in the chat window, the Pet Trainig skill would not appear in the tooltip.

    Fixed an issue in the Cash Shop where if your character had a mix colour hair and previewed a regular dye hair then removed it, the mix colour’s base colour would appear.

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog