KMST KMST ver. 1.2.125 – New Boss, Guardian Angel Slime

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Aug 5, 2021.

  1. Orange Mushroom

    Active Member

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    A pretty big test server patch was released tonight along with a new Inside MAPLE video! The video talks about the stuff added in this patch, such as the new boss, the boss rewards reorganization, and other improvements. They also talk about their development direction for the future, and they included some stuff that will be added in the next few months and the winter update!

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    They talked about how the new boss, the Guardian Angel Slime, has two difficulties and was designed to fit into different difficulty ranges: Normal (between Normal Demian and Easy Lucid) and Chaos (between Hard Will and Chaos Dusk). There was also some stuff about meso inflation, including a graph showing that the majority of mesos created in-game are through selling Intense Power Crystals, which is why they added a new system to combat it.


    Improvements they have planned for September include:

    • Applying the 64-Bit client
    • The Seed reorganization
    • Introducing the Probability Real Time Monitoring system


    Improvements they have planned for 2021 include:

    • Character growth experience and convenience improvements
    • Maple Guide reorganization
    • Zero creation restriction removal
    • Add the ability to show off your Achievements


    Improvements they have planned to work on at all times include:

    • Setting up a team dedicated to the story
    • Increase the supply of Rebirth Flames
    • Increasing the manpower of the team dedicated to convenience/bug improvements
    • Continuing to improve boss rewards
    • Combat meso inflation
    • Work to improve the probability experience
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    For the 2021 winter update, they split up the things they have planned into four sections:

    • Base Job Improvements
      • Improvements starting with the Adventurer jobs
      • Combat convenience improvements
      • Skill effect improvements
      • Enhancing the fun of each job’s characteristics
    • Story Content Renewal
      • Improving dialogue to match the world view and character settings
      • Improving the flow and cutscenes of story content
      • Expanding the per account skip feature (a system to let you complete story content faster)
    • Boss Content Diversification
      • Add new boss difficulties (Easy Will, Normal Jin Hilla, Normal Seren)
      • Plan to continuously expand boss content
    • Character Growth and Content Usage Experience Improvements
      • Improving character growth speed
      • Greatly improve the Maple Guide
      • Relieve the inconvenience of Union growth

    • <New Boss> Guardian Angel Slime
    • Boss Rewards Reorganization
    • Spring! Spring! Project
    • <New Daily Content> Enheim Defense
    • <New Daily Content> Protect Esfera
    • Achievements
    • Improvements
      • Skills
      • Monsters
      • Items
      • Potential
      • Quests
      • UI
      • Monster Life
    • Error Fixes
      • Skills
      • Monsters
      • Items
      • Maps
      • Quests
      • UI
      • Etc
    • Maple LIVE
      • Maple LIVE <Creator Step Up>
      • Maple E-SPORTS <Maple Soccer>
      • Maple Variety <Train Master>
      • Maple ON AIR <Special Dance Chemistry>
    <New Boss> Guardian Angel Slime

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Following a mysterious invitation, you arrive at Ramuramu Valley where cute slimes live. Test your strength by confronting the cute and powerful Guardian Angel Slime, who has been crowned by the God of Slimes!


    Participation Requirements:

    • Characters level 210 or higher who have completed the 5h job advancement can accept the “[Ramuramu] Who is Really, Really, Really the Cutest?” quest.
    • You can talk to the Mysterious Stone Statue at the Guardian Angel Slime’s Altar to enter.


    There are two difficulties: Normal (level 220) and Chaos (level 250). I’m not sure if there are any differences in the modes other than HP and damage as I’ve only tried Normal so far.

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    When you enter, you’ll be in the Ramuramu Temple. Here you’ll see the boss as well as four different coloured gates in the corners of the maps. You can attack the Guardian Angel Slime at this point but you deal reduced damage.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Magma Slimes will spawn around the map and you can use the special skill Mascot Slime’s Help – Energy Shot to push the Magma Slimes into the gates. When a gate is covered by 3 slimes, it is closed.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    After a few minutes, the second phase will start. The Guardian Wave will start moving from the top of the map, along the platforms. You can use the Mascot Familiar’s Help – Crystal skill to install crystals that block and change the direction of the wave. The point of this phase is to lead the Guardian Wave of slimes into one of the gates that you blocked in the first phase (if you blocked all four, then you can just wait for them to enter any gate).


    If you successfully lead the Guardian Wave into one of the gates you blocked, you can return to the top of the map and attack the Guardian Angel Slime with full damage for a short period of time as it is self-bound. And then you repeat this process until it’s dead!


    The Guardian Angel Slime drops a new item, the Guardian Angel Ring (Lv. 160 ring, gives 5 all stats, 200 HP/MP, 2 attack/magic attack with 2 slots). It is part of the Boss Accessory set and is tradeable until equipped.

    Developer Notes:

    We want to provide a new goal by adding a boss, the ‘Guardian Angel Slime’ to the range where the desire to challenge new bosses was decreased because the hurdles to reach the next stage were too high.

    By adding the Guardian Angel Slime, we wanted to provide new fun by providing a mid-step boss and by breaking away from the ‘ignore mechanics and just DPS’ pattern. We expect that the newly added challenge experience will have a positive effect on players with the fun elements of games you used to enjoy in arcades.

    The main reward is a new part of the Boss Accessory set, the level 160 ‘Guardian Angel Ring’. Currently, a character can equip a total of 4 rings, so we wanted to provde more diverse ring combinations to players.

    Here’s a video of the boss!

    Boss Rewards Reorganization


    The selling prices of Intense Power Crystals will now change at regular intervals.

    • Intense Power Crystal prices for daily and weekly bosses will change every Thursday at 12:00 AM. The prices for monthly bosses will change every 1st day of the month at 12:00 AM.
    • Intense power Crystals can be sold for the prices that they had at the time they were acquired.
    • You can check the prices of currently dropped Crystals by talking to the Collector NPC and clicking the ‘Check Prices’ button.

    ※ In the test server, for function testing, the Intense Power Crystal prices will change every day at 12:00 AM, and can either increase, drop, or stay the same within 3%. Starting from August 12 at 12:00 AM, the prices will remain the same as before the patch. ※

    ※ In the official server, the Intense Power Crystal prices will change starting from August 19 at 12:00 AM for daily and weekly bosses and from September 1 at 12:00 AM for monthly bosses. ※

    Developer Notes:

    Currently, the route that creates the most amount of mesos in MapleStory is the selling of Intense Power Crystals obtained from bosses. The difficulty of growing characters to be strong enough to defeat bosses has gradually decreased while the prices of the Crystals stayed the same. As a result, it was expected that the mesos created would gradually increase and we decided that it would be difficult to properly control meso inflation. Therefore, we have applied a system where the selling prices of Intense Power Crystals changes dynamically by looking at the percentage of boss clears and difficulty indicators from a certain period of time. In order to minimize the impact on the market, the changes in Intense Power Crystal selling prices have been set to be within 3% per week.
    Boss Rewards Reorganization Details

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    New rewards have been added to Normal Suu and Normal Demian.

    • Powerful Rebirth Flame (tradeable, expires in 7 days)
    • Additional Experience 50% Coupon Voucher (untradeable, expires in 7 days)
    • Sparkling Blue Star Potion (tradeable)
    • Sparkling Red Star Potion (tradeable)
    • Small Experience Accumulation Potion (tradeable) – 10% additional experience for 30 minutes
    • Large Boss Medal of Honor (tradeable, expires in 30 days) – gives 5,000 Honor


    New rewards have been added to Easy Lucid, Normal Lucid, and Normal Will (including the items above).

    • Eternal Rebirth Flame (tradeable, expires in 7 days)


    New rewards have been added to Normal Dusk and Normal Dunkel (including the items above).

    • Black Rebirth Flame (tradeable, expires in 7 days)
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    New rewards have been added to Hard Suu, Hard Demian, Hard Lucid, and Hard Will (including the items above).

    • Unrelenting Flame (tradeable, not in Reboot)
    • Forever Unrelenting Flame (tradeable, not in Reboot)
    • Forever Unrelenting Black Flame (tradeable, not in Reboot)
    • 60% Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness (tradeable, expires in 30 days, not in Reboot)
    • Accessory Scroll Voucher (untradeable, expires in 7 days, not in Reboot)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    New rewards have been added to Chaos Dusk, Hard Dunkel, Jin Hilla, Black Mage, and Chosen Seren (including the items above, except for the Accessory Scroll Voucher).

    • Premium Accessory Scroll Voucher (untradeable, expires in 7 days, not in Reboot)
    • Premium Pet Equipment Scroll Voucher (untradeable, expires in 7 days, not in Reboot)
    • Magical Weapon Scroll Voucher (untradeable, expires in 7 days, not in Reboot)
    • Primal Essence (tradeable)

    Bosses that drop Strange Additional Cubes will no longer drop Strange Cubes. Bosses that drop Large Boss Medals of Honor will no longer drop Boss Medals of Honor.

    ※ The type, rate, and maximum number of dropped items are different based on the boss. ※

    ※ Item drop rate increasing effects do not apply to these items. ※

    ※ The drop rates of these items are planned to be changed with updates for a certain period of time. ※

    ※ The Additional Experience 50% Coupon Voucher can be used to acquire an Additional Experience 50% Coupon which is tradeable and expires in 7 days. ※

    ※ The Premium Accessory Scroll Voucher, Premium Pet Equipment Scroll Voucher, Magical Weapon Scroll Voucher, and Accessory Scroll Voucher can be used to acquire scrolls which are tradeable and expire in 30 days. ※

    Developer Notes:

    The existing boss rewards were not provided in proportion to their difficulty, and so a reverse phenomenon occured in certain ranges. With this reorganization, various tradeable consumable items and rare crafting materials have been added to boss rewards, and you can acquire more rewards as you face higher tier bosses.

    However, if a large number of tradeable items were released at once, it could have a significant impact on the in-game economy, so the drop rate will be adjusted every update for a certain period of time. If the drop rates are changed, we will notify you through the release notes at the time of the update.
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    Absolabs and Arcane Shade equipment items have been changed to drop as vouchers. The following items will now be dropped instead of the previous Absolabs/Arcane Shade equipment.

    • Absolabs Armor Box (untradeable, expires in 7 days)
    • Absolabs Weapon Box (untradeable, expires in 7 days)
    • Arcane Shade Armor Box (untradeable, expires in 7 days)
    • Arcane Shade Weapon Box (untradeable, expires in 7 days)

    ※ In Reboot World, you can only select one of the items that your current character can equip. ※

    ※ Like before the update, item drop rate increasing effects do not apply to these items. ※

    The drop rate of Absolabs and Arcane Shade Equipment Boxes has been adjusted.

    • In regular worlds, the Armor Box drop rate has been increased to higher than the existing armor drop rate, and the Weapon Box drop rate has been decreased to lower than the existing weapon drop rate.
    • In Reboot World, the Armor Box drop rate has been increased to higher than the existing drop rate.
    • The drop rate of the Equipment Boxes will be higher for higher tier bosses.

    Developer Notes:

    Absolabs and Arcane Shade equipment items had a large variation in the acquisition experience based on what armor pieces and weapon types dropped. Through this reorganization, we expect that the reward experience will be equalized by changing it so that you can exchange for any equipment and supply items based on market demand.

    In addition, for the existing weapon and armor drop rates, they were not set based on value or demand, so for armor, we have changed them to drop more than before and for weapons, we have changed them to drop less than before.
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    The Absolabs and Arcane Shade equipment’s set effects have been changed. The Absolabs set effects have been changed as shown below.


    The Arcane Shade set effects have been changed as shown below.


    Developer Notes:

    The existing Absolabs equipment and Arcane Shade equipment’s set effects were concentrated in the 5 set, so when changing from Absolabs to Arcane Shade, you had to change a lot of them at the same time to be able to change sets without losing damage.

    With the goal of making it easier to move from Absolabs equipment to Arcane Shade equipment, the 5 set effects of Absolabs and Arcane Shade equipment have been distributed to the 2~5 set effects and the order of Arcane Shade set effects has been adjusted.
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    The Cursed Spellbook and Mitra’s Rage items have been improved to be dropped as vouchers. The following items will now be dropped instead of the previous Cursed Spellbooks/Mitra’s Rage.

    • Selective Cursed Spellbook Box (untradeable, expires in 7 days)
    • Selective Mitra’s Rage Box (untradeable, expires in 7 days)

    The completion requirements for the achievements when acquiring these items has been changed to acquiring the box.

    ※ In Reboot World, you can only select the Mitra’s Rage that matches your character’s job. ※

    ※ Like before the update, Reboot World’s increased boss equipment drop rate effect applies to these items. ※

    ※ Like before the update, item drop rate increasing effects do apply to these items. ※

    Developer Notes:

    The Cursed Spellbook and Mitra’s Rage items included in the Pitched Boss Accessory set had different jobs or main stats.

    Therefore, even if you acquired the items which had a very low drop rate, the reward experience was not good if you acquired one that you could not use. For Reboot World, this problem was even worse since it could not be traded. To solve these problems, we have changed Cursed Spellbooks and Mitra’s Rage to be dropped as boxes that let you choose what you want.


    The ‘Item Acquisition Permission setting’ feature has been added to the party settings.

    • You can set the item acquisition permission to ‘All’ or ‘Party Leader’ in the party UI’s party settings.
    • When set to ‘Party Leader’, only the party leader can loot items which were dropped as shared rewards.

    ※ You can check the party’s current permission setting at the bottom right of the party UI. ※

    ※ When the party’s permission setting is changed, a notification will be outputted as a system message. ※

    ※ Items dropped as individual rewards can be acquired regardless of the party setting. ※

    Developer Notes:

    When playing boss content, there were a lot of problems between players in the process of acquiring and distributing items dropped as shared rewards. We hope that adding the ability to change the setting of who can acquire items will minimize any disputes.

    In Reboot World, the selling prices of Intense Power Crystals has been changed to 5x the prices of regular worlds.

    The weekly limit of Intense Power Crystals sold to the Collector has been changed from 60 per character to 180 per world.

    Developer Notes:

    The existing 60 per character limit did not function practically as a reward acquisition limit. Since we are increasing boss rewards, we will set a new upper limit and proceed with the boss rewards reorganization. As a result of checking the accounts which recently sold Intense Power Crystals, we confirmed that only about 2.68% of them sold more than 180 per week, so we expect that most players’ experiences will not change.

    Existing boss rewards have been changed as shown below.

    • The following boss rewards have been removed.
      • 60% Chaos Scroll
      • Potential Scroll
      • Advanced Potential Scroll
      • Chaos Fragment
      • Twisted Time Essence
      • Basic Additional Potential Stamp
      • Intermediate Additional Potential Stamp
      • Advanced Additional Potential Stamp
      • Basic Soul Enchanter
      • Regular weapons and armor
      • Pet Equipment Movement Speed Scrolls
      • Pet Equipment Jump Scrolls
      • Patience Potion
      • Awakening Potion
      • Invincibility Potion
      • Experience Accumulation Potion
      • Wealth Acquisition Potion
      • Silver Potential Stamp (Reboot)
    • The following boss rewards have been changed from individual rewards to shared rewards.
      • Strange Cube
      • Rebirth Flame Level 110/120/130/140/150
      • Enhanced Soul Enchanter
    • The following boss rewards have been changed from shared rewards to individual rewards.
      • Medal of Honor
      • Boss Medal of Honor
      • Zakum’s Soul Fragment
      • Hilla’s Soul Fragment
      • Papulatus’ Soul Fragment
      • Zakum’s Arm Voucher
    • The Zakum Certificate, Papulatus Certificate, and Pianus Certificate will no longer drop.

    Developer Notes:

    For boss rewards, we want to keep the total amount of rewards as equal as possible regardless of the method of fighting the boss or the number of party members.

    Therefore, we want to keep certain rewards like Soul Fragments, equipment exchange materials, skill Core Gemstones, and cosmetic items as individual rewards and change the rest to shared rewards.

    For items that were dropped as shared rewards, if it was more appropriate to have them be individual rewards like Honor, we have changed them accordingly.

    The experience of acquiring Mileage after defeating bosses has been improved. The amount of Milage acquired has been changed based on the clear limits (daily/weekly/monthly).

    • Daily bosses: 30 Mileage
    • Weekly bosses: 200 Mileage
    • Monthly bosses: 1000 Mileage

    Together with the changes in Mileage acquired, the daily limit on Mileage that can be acquired through gameplay in Maple World has been increased from 5,000 to 10,000.

    The following quests have been added so that you can acquire Mileage when defeating all weekly/monthly bosses.

    • [Mileage] Defeat Normal Suu
    • [Mileage] Defeat Normal Demian
    • [Mileage] Defeat Easy Lucid
    • [Mileage] Defeat Normal Guardian Angel Slime
    • [Mileage] Defeat Normal Lucid
    • [Mileage] Defeat Normal Will
    • [Mileage] Defeat Normal Dusk
    • [Mileage] Defeat Normal Dunkel
    • [Mileage] Defeat Hard Demian
    • [Mileage] Defeat Hard Suu
    • [Mileage] Defeat Hard Lucid
    • [Mileage] Defeat Hard Will
    • [Mileage] Defeat Chaos Guardian Angel Slime
    • [Mileage] Defeat Chaos Dusk
    • [Mileage] Defeat Hard Dunkel
    • [Mileage] Defeat Jin Hilla
    • [Mileage] Defeat Chosen Seren
    • [Mileage] Defeat Black Mage

    The quests to defeat Theme Dungeon bosses can no longer be completed.

    • [Mileage] Theme Dungeon: Defeat Mole King
    • [Mileage] Theme Dungeon: Defeat Captain Black Slime
    • [Mileage] Theme Dungeon: Defeat Demolishizer
    • [Mileage] Theme Dungeon: Defeat Prison Guard Ani
    • [Mileage] Theme Dungeon: Defeat Ephinia
    • [Mileage] Theme Dungeon: Defeat Ravana
    • [Mileage] Theme Dungeon: Defeat Targa, Scarlion
    • [Mileage] Theme Dungeon: Defeat Tarantulus

    The boss Mileage quests have been changed so that they can be completed starting at the minimum entry level for each boss.

    Spring! Spring! Project


    The Monster Park: Road of Vanishing, City of Dreams Lacheln, and Mysterious Forest Arcana areas’ paths have been improved.

    Monster Park’s monsters will now be displayed on the minimap.


    Pets that have the Auto Buff skill have been improved so that they can use 2 buff skills.

    The Burning stage maintain/fall time has been changed from 10:00 PM ~ 8:00 AM the next day to 2:00 AM ~ 10:00 AM.


    A new Hyper Stat for regular damage (damage to regular monsters) has been added.

    The Hyper Stat Preset system has been added.

    • A total of 3 preset slots are provided.
    • You must pay 2m mesos to change to another preset.
    • When you reset your Hyper Stats, only your currently selected preset will be reset.


    The medal requirements for certain areas in Monster Collection have been changed.

    • Around Victoria Island: 50 -> 45
    • Aqua Road: 50 -> 20
    • Nihal Desert: 50 -> 40
    • Mu Lung Dojo: 50 -> 35

    The Monster Collection Expedition Box and the following expedition rewards have been changed to be storeageable.

    • Gold Potential Stamp
    • 50% Epic Potential Scroll
    • 50% Additional Potential Scroll

    The Expedition Cancel feature has been to Monster Collection. If you cancel an expedition that is in progress, you will not receive any rewards.

    An automatic screenshot feature when registering a monster in Monster Collection has been added. If you set the Automatic Screenshot feature in options to be off, it will not work.

    When registering monsters in Monster Collection with Monster Eggs (other than Mysterious Monster Eggs), the “A new monster has been added to Monster Collection” message will now appear.

    Cross world party quests’ monsters can now be registered in Monster Collection.

    In Maple Auction, if you have items that can be relisted, you can now relist them all at once.


    You can now use up to 5 Chair Bags and up to 5 Title Wallets.


    You can now lock items’ locations in your inventory when sorting them.


    In the World Map, a Bookmarks feature has been added. You can register maps as bookmarks and if you click on them, their location will be displayed directly on the world map. You can register up to 30 bookmarks.


    During Grandis’ Arcane Stone quest, you can now move to fight Magnus by talking to the Grandis Goddess.

    ※ The quest will not be completed if you defeat any other difficulty Magnus. ※


    You can now see the chairs that other characters are sitting on. You can find information about the chair in the Character Info window > Items > bottom of the list.

    You can now register Return to Nearest Town Scrolls on hotkey slots.


    The Dream Key has been removed from the Cygnus entry requirements.


    After you defeat a boss, you can now use the exit portals by pressing the up-arrow key.


    The penalty duration after a character dies has been decreased. For characters below level 200, it is fixed at 5 minutes. For characters level 200 or higher, it will be a minimum of 10 minutes to a maximum of 60 minutes depending on your level.

    New Daily Content <Enheim Defense>


    A new daily content <Enheim Defense> has been added to Arcane River’s Morass area. Prevent Hekaton’s resurrection with the power of the light magic pillar ‘Enheim Rod’!


    Participation Requirements:

    • Characters level 230 or higher who have completed the ‘[Morass] The Swamp Will not Disappear’ quest.
    • Talk to the ‘Mysterious Researcher’ NPC in Morass’ Trueffet Square to enter.
    • ※ You can enter <Enheim Defense> up to 3 times a day. If you fail the mission, your number of entries will not be decreased. ※
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    When the game begins, a boss monster will appear on both sides of the map and attack the central pillar Enheim Rod. By defeating nearby monsters, you can charge Light Magic Energy, and when it’s full, you can use the Light Magic Launcher.

    You can defeat the boss monster by pressing the NPC Chat/Gather key on the Light Magic Launchers that are located in front of them. After defeating the boss monster 9 times, the last boss monster ‘Hekaton’s Fragment’ will be created and the mission is cleared after defeating it.

    If the ‘Enheim Rod’s health reaches 0 or you run out of time, you will fail the mission.

    ※ The boss’s attacks will only deal damage to the Enheim Rod. Players can only defeat the boss by using the Light Magic Launcher. ※

    ※ The last boss ‘Hekaton’s Fragment’ can only be defeated after attacking it multiple times. ※


    After you complete the mission, you can acquire 2 Arcane Symbols: Morass by talking to the Mysterious Researcher NPC at the exit map. You can acquire up to 6 per day.

    Here’s a video of me playing it. This dailly’s actually pretty simple and relatively fast to finish.

    New Daily Content <Protect Esfera>


    A new daily content <Protect Esfera> has been added to Arcane River’s Esfera area. Destroy the ‘Twisted Dimensional Gates’ that have appeared in Esfera using the ‘Shubert Special Turret’!


    Participation Requirements:

    • Characters level 235 or higher who have completed the ‘[Esfera] Thing Dropped by Will’ quest.
    • Talk to Shubert in Esfera’s Base Camp to enter.
    • ※ You can enter <Protect Esfera> up to 3 times a day. If you fail the mission, your number of entries will not be decreased. ※
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    When the game begins, 10 Twisted Dimensional Gates will appear on the right side of the map. You can acquire Erda by defeating the summoned Mirror World monsters on the left side of the map.


    You can use the Shubert Special Turret by consuming Erda to destroy the gates. 3 minutes after the game starts, Shubert’s Support Shot will drop and be used immediately after you acquire it, destroying 2 Twisted Dimensional Gates.

    You must destroy all the Dimensional Gates within the time limit to clear the mission. If you run out of time, you will fail the mission.

    ※ The Twisted Dimensional Gates can only be destroyed using the Shumet Special Turret’s attacks. ※


    After you complete the mission, you can acquire 2 Arcane Symbols: Esfera by talking to Shubert at the exit map. You can acquire up to 6 per day.

    Here’s a video of me playing it. This one is really annoying lol, you have to kill the mobs to collect Erda then shoot the gates on the right. It takes longer than the other Arcane dailies so I hope they make it a bit easier.


    Certain achievements’ names have been changed.

    New achievements have been added.

    • [Dusk] Giant Fear, You’re Mine!
    • [Dunkel] Commander Force Earrings, You’re Mine!


    [​IMG] If a Pathfinder uses Cardinal Transition in the opposite direction of the way they are facing while using certain skills, it has been improved so that they are moved in the opposite direction instead of it being used in place.

    [​IMG] Flame Wizard’s Flame Discharge – Fire Lion‘s explosion attack has been improved so that it hits all at once without any delay intervals.

    [​IMG] Adele’s Aether Crystals have been improved so that they are not affected by skill effect transparency.

    Certain Lara skills have been improved.

    • [​IMG] Expression: Where the River Flows has been improved so that when you use it, you will properly arrive at the platform it is placed on.
    • [​IMG] Free Dragon Vein‘s level requirement has been changed to level 140.
    • [​IMG] Vine Coil‘s level requirement has been changed to level 160.

    The Link Skill UI’s list of Link Skills has been improved so that they are sorted and outputted in alphabetical order.



    In Will, when the Dimension Collapse pattern activates, if you are soloing the boss, it has been improved so that you can attack the Watching Eye in the same dimension you are in to cause the Moonlight Orbs and Black Orbs to fall.

    Developer Notes:

    In Will’s Dimension Collapse pattern, we received an inquiry about Night Lord and Shadower’s Dark Flare being installed in one dimension but it would disappear and the orbs would not fall in the other dimension. We confirmed that this issue was not a skill disappearing issue. When both Will and the Watching Eye were in Dark Flare’s range, it could only attack one enemy so it appeared to be of no use since it was hitting Will instead of the Eye.

    This wasn’t a problem with Dark Flare itself, but we determined that a pattern that could not be defeated without having certain types of skills was somewhat unreasonable, so we wanted to improve Will’s pattern.

    The Dimension Collapse pattern was intended as a gimmick to take advantage of party play, and you can still use this advantage of cooperating with your party members to find the safe dimensional before the first Collapse pattern is activated, so we want to slightly lower the hurdles experienced from the second Collapse when soloing the boss.


    In Hard Lucid, it has been improved so that when entering phase 3, any patterns that were about to activate will now disappear.


    In Hungry Muto, the monsters’ ingredient drop rates have been changed to be the same.



    Luna Petite pets’ range to acquire items below them has been increased to be 200px wider than it was before.


    The All Jobs Transparent Weapon has been added to the Cash Shop.

    • You can buy this item and equip it over all weapons (except Blades) to make them transparent.
    • The Transparent Claw/Knuckle/Gauntlet Revolver have been removed from sale in the Cash Shop.
    Potential Stats

    The rates of certain potential stats have been changed.

    Developer Notes:

    Now that the Cube rates have been revealed, we would like to adjust Cube’s stats like we talked about at the last conference. This adjustment had the goal of removing certain less useful stats or limiting the number of lines to make useful options appear more.

    In this improvement, to avoid significantly changing the value of existing items, we have selected stats that only appear in one equipment type and have limited the changes to be within 10%.

    In the future, we will continue to make further improvements while observing the change in values of items through changes in potential stats.

    Detailed rates will be posted on the homepage at the time of the official server update.

    In the set rates for each stat, the critical damage +% stat was displayed as two, but they have been combined into one.

    Developer Notes:

    In the past, the ‘minimum/maximum critical damage +%” stat was changed to ‘critical damage +%’, resulting in two stats with the same name. This time, we have added up the rates of each line and combined them into one.

    The appearance rates of the following stats have been changed. These rates do not affect items that you already have, and will only be reflected when items first have potential revealed or when reset through Cubes.

    • The following stats will no longer appear when using Red Cubes, Black Cubes, Craftsman’s Cubes, or Meister Cubes.
      • (Unique) Damage when attacking boss monsters: +20%
      • (Unique) All skill levels +1 (except for 5th job and certain skills, only increases up to the skill’s max level)
      • (Unique) All skill levels +2 (except for 5th job and certain skills, only increases up to the skill’s max level)
      • (Legendary) All skill levels +2 (except for 5th job and certain skills, only increases up to the skill’s max level)
      • (Legendary) All skill levels +3 (except for 5th job and certain skills, only increases up to the skill’s max level)
      • (Legendary) Elemental resistance: +10% (based on level 120 or higher equipment)
      • (Legendary) Status resistance +10 (based on level 120 or higher equipment)
    • The following stats’ rates have been increased when using Red Cubes, Black Cubes, Craftsman’s Cubes, or Meister Cubes.
      • (Unique) Damage when attacking boss monsters: +20%
    • The following stats will no longer appear when using Additional Cubes or Srange Additional Cubes.
      • (Unique) Elemental resistance: +4% (based on level 120 or higher equipment)
      • (Legendary) Elemental resistance: +5% (based on level 120 or higher equipment)
      • (Legendary) All skill levels +2 (except for 5th job and certain skills, only increases up to the skill’s max level)
      • (Legendary) Status resistance +5 (based on level 120 or higher equipment)

    Developer Notes:

    In this improvement, less useful stats which were mentioned at the conference such as + all skill levels have been removed. Instead of removing the 20% damage when attacking boss monsters line, we have moved a certain portion of the rate assigned to it to the 30% damage when attacking boss monsters line. As a result, the rate of getting 30% damage when attacking boss monsters has been increased by 2.5%p based on Unique weapons.

    All ‘Decent skill’ lines have been grouped, and a limit has been set that you can only get one ‘Decent skill’ line from the group. These rates do not affect items that you already have, and will only be reflected when items first have potential revealed or when reset through Cubes.


    City of Dreams Lacheln’s daily quests’ Symbol rewards have been increased from 4 to 8.

    In the [Daily Quest] Tenebris Investigation quest, the mission to clear the Labyrinth dungeon will no longer appear. You can now replace the assigned mission.

    ※ If you accepted the daily quest before the update and received the mission to clear the Labyrinth dungeon, you can continue normally and the mission will be excluded from the daily quests the next day. ※

    When entering Cross World Party Quests, a message has been added that states arrows, stars, and bullet items are provided.



    When reviving and deciding whether to use a Buff Freezer or not, the checkbox click area has been changed to a button to reduce confusion.

    When transferring items with the Zero weapon growth process, the checkbox’s description has been updated to include that Star Force is also transferred.


    In Coin Shops, you can now purchase multiple items at once by entering the purchase quantity.


    The profession UI’s size has been changed so that the names of craftable items and the number of items that can be crafted are outputted normally.

    In the Guild Introduction and Guild BBS, if you include any inappropriate words when writing a post, a pop-up window will now be outputted that shows you which content was detected as inappropriate.

    Monster Life

    In regular maps, Monster Life invitation monsters will no longer appear.

    The Monster Life achievement ‘If We Can Meet Again’ can no longer be completed.

    When using Monster Life, certain notices will no longer be displayed.

    • When you visit your farm with a different character than your main, the pop-up window for setting it as your main character will no longer appear.
    • When you visit another player’s farm, the pop-up window for changing your farm background will no longer appear.
    • When you visit a friend’s farm, the pop-up window for requesting them as a MapleStory buddy will no longer appear.
    • When you use Monster Life Gem Exchange Tickets or Monster Incubators, the pop-up window asking if you want to go to your farm will no longer appear.
    Error Fixes


    Fixed an issue where if you cast a skill with a screen shake effect then changed maps, the screen shake effect would be maintained.

    Buff Freezers will no longer be consumed if you use a Buff Freezer when any saved summons or install type skills’ durations have ended while resurrecting.

    In Urus, you can no longer use Noblesse skills set to hotkeys.

    Fixed an issue where the client would exit if you received the Come to Me skill request while entering a character name to use the I’ll Go to You skill.

    [​IMG] Crest of the Solar’s Flame Emblem will no longer disappear even after changing maps.

    Certain skill descriptions have been changed to be clearer.

    • Freezing Breath’s defense has been corrected to defense rate, the reduction value has been corrected to be displayed as a positive number.
    • True Sight and True Sight – Ignore Guard’s defense has been corrected to defense rate.
    • Legendary Spear’s defense has been corrected to defense rate.
    • Asura’s defense has been corrected to defense rate.
    • Element: Lightning’s defense has been corrected to defense rate.

    Fixed an issue where if Archmage (I/L) used Ice Age after using Teleport, the frozen ground was installed in awkward locations.

    Fixed an issue where if Bishop died while using Pray and did not save their buffs, party members would continue to see the Pray effect after they revived.

    Fixed an issue with Dual Blade’s Haunted Edge – Sura where sometimes the sword slashes did not deal damage even when hitting enemies.

    Fixed an issue where if Captain used Continual Aiming, the debuff effect would be outputted before the monster was hit.

    Fixed an issue with Wind Breaker’s Trifling Whim where it incorrectly searched for certain monsters’ locations.

    Fixed an issue with Wind Breaker where Elemental Shift could not be used immediately after using Wind Walk.

    Fixed an issue with Night Walker’s Shadow Servant Extend where they could be hit while using it.

    Fixed an issue with Night Walker’s Shadow Servant Extend where the shadows would not swap places even if you re-used the skill.

    Night Walker’s Shadow Jump’s Dark Sight will no longer be activated while using Dark Sight.

    Mikhail can now use Shining Chase’s command activation feature while in the Confusion status.

    Fixed an issue with Mercedes’ Sylphidia where the character’s face would not be outputted while using Rope Connect.

    Fixed an issue with Phantom’s Blackjack where sometimes the effect would not disappear and Blackjack would not be re-used.

    Fixed an issue with Phantom’s Pray of Aria where the effect was not visible to other characters.

    Fixed an issue with Phantom where if they were in combat for a long time, sometimes the client would exit.

    Battlemage’s Drain Aura’s skill description has been updated to match the current logic of the maximumk HP recovered.

    Fixed an issue with Mechanic’s Metal Armor: Tank where if you received the effects of a skill that affected the character’s appearance, the client would exit.

    Fixed an issue where if Kain used Chain Sickle immediately after using certain skills, they would be frozen in the air for a little bit.

    Fixed an issue where if Cadena used Summon Cutting Scimitar at Zakum’s Altar, the rush would not activate.

    Fixed an issue with Angelic Buster where Soul Seeker would not activate when hitting Dusk in certain locations.

    Fixed an issue with Angelic Buster where if you used a Dress Up skill immediately after using a skill while wearing an item that made you float, the skill used before the Dress Up skill would be activated.

    Fixed an issue with Illium where if you used Crystal Ignition in Glory Wings mode, Reaction Spectrum’s number of hits were not consistent.

    Developer Notes:

    When using Crystal Ignition in Glory Wings mode, sometimes Reaction: Spectrum’s number of hits displayed on the client would vary based on the network status. In the existing specifications, it was only the number displayed on the client that was higher than the real number of hits, so the actual specifications have not changed.

    Fixed an issue with Lara’s Mountain Enclosure where it applied cooldown reduction effects 2 times.

    Fixed an issue with Lara where if she was placed in the Union Raid, her skill effects were not affected by skill effect transparency.


    Fixed the awkward movement when certain monsters moved.

    • Corrupter Barrel
    • Dinoram

    Fixed an issue where if you used a skill that bound flying enemies, the monster would fall to the floor.

    Fixed an issue in Demian where if you died to stacking stigma stacks, sometimes 2 swords would be summoned.

    Fixed an issue in Lucid where during certain patterns, she would sometimes split into two.

    Fixed an issue in Lucid where she would not use certain attack patterns when using certain skills.

    After clearing a Root Abyss boss, if you try to re-enter, the time required before you can re-enter will no longer be displayed.


    Fixed an issue where the duration of the Union Ranking Riding skill could be extended using Cloto’s Magic Reel.

    Fixed an error where if you had a gun equipped and the Darkness Chaser Breath Shooter equipped, the effect when jumping did not appear.

    Fixed an issue where if you used the Afterimage effect in Dark Sight state or used Dark Sight while you had the Afterimage effect on, the character would become clear.

    Fixed an issue where certain Desperado weapons’ icon images were outputted in awkward locations.

    Fixed an issue where certain belt items’ icon images were awkward.

    • Tough Brown Buckle Belt
    • Wise Brown Buckle Belt
    • Sharp Brown Buckle Belt
    • Lucky Brown Buckle Belt

    Fixed an issue where if you sat in a chair after equipping the 천지선, the weapon image would be outputted in an awkward location.

    Fixed an issue where if you used the Urus Mukbang Chair in certain areas, the client would exit.

    Fixed an issue where certain Innocent Scroll items’ tooltips did not have a detailed description that additional options would not be reset.


    Fixed an issue where if you entered Fritto’s Treasure Hunt map while Sword of Soul Light was active, the basket would not be displayed.

    Fixed an issue where the Mugong’s Guaranteed Nourishing Tonic would be used in the LIVE Studio map.

    Certain changes have been made to Horntail’s boss maps Cave of Tests 1 and 2.

    You can now open the Union UI in Arkarium’s boss entry maps.

    • Temple of Twisted Time 1
    • Temple of Twisted Time 2
    • In Front of Arkarium’s Altar

    Fixed an issue in Black Mage’s boss maps where if you died and the remaining party members entered the next stage, you would be forcibly resurrected and could not use Buff Freezers.

    Fixed an issue in the Dead Mine’s Cave of Trials 1, 2, and 3 where herbs/ores could appear in ungatherable locations.

    Fixed an issue in Gelimer’s Lab Passage where characters could leave the screen.

    Fixed an issue in Hard Lucid where the Arcane Force requirement would be displayed incorrectly during the cutscene when changing phases.

    Fixed an issue in Ludus Lake’s Roswell Field 4 where herbs/ores could appear in ungatherable locations.

    Fixed an issue in Black Heaven ACT.4 where the Mechanical Grave transfer device’s password input device range was smaller than the actual image.

    Fixed an issue in Temple of Time Road of Memories 3 where Illium’s Crystal Gates did not work properly.

    Fixed an issue in Traces of the Goddess <Square> where characters could fall below the platform at the bottom.

    Fixed an issue in Broken Cernium Square where the Dragon Hunter Ms. Account and Lieutenant Mr. Poncho NPCs were on transparent platforms.

    Fixed an issue in Monster Park: Mysterious Forest Arcana where in certain stages, monsters could fall below the platforms due to character’s skills and could not be cleared.

    Fixed an issue where if you used ridings or skills with a floating effect at the end of a map, there would be awkward movement when descending.

    Fixed an issue in Pointy Earred Fox Village’s End of the Fox Forest where the lower background was awkward.

    Fixed an issue in Lion King’s Castle’s Fourth Tower where the minimap was awkward.

    You can no longer use the Follow feature in Flag Race.


    Fixed an issue in certain Temple of Time quests where Lara and Hoyoung’s Anima characteristics were not visible.

    Fixed an issue where the progress UI during NPC following quests appeared in an awkward location.

    Fixed an issue in Rose Garden daily quests where your score would continue to increase even after reaching the required score.

    When a Sudden Mission appears, it will no longer have missions related to Polo & Fritto or Flame Wolf portals if you have already used up your daily limit on them.

    Fixed an issue where the Maple Achievement’s growth category’s level up related acheivements outputted the progress of the most recently levelled up character.

    Fixed an issue during the Master of Crafting Maru quest’s cutscene where invisible pets’ teleport effect would be outputted.

    Fixed an issue where in-game animations were not outputted normally during the Conspiracy quest.

    Fixed an issue in Sharenian’s Knight Eternal Oath quest’s cutscene where certain cutscene effects were outputted awkwardkly.

    Fixed an issue in Mikhail’s tutorial General Shop Cleaning quest where the snail sound effects were outputted from the dust piles.

    Fixed an issue in Mikhail’s tutorial Strange Man quest where the cutscene did not end.

    Fixed an issue where the [Labyrinth of Suffering] Operation Meeting quest’s beginning level was level 200.

    Fixed an issue with the <Lara Adventure Cheering>’s 8th quest incorrectly showed the Experience Core Gemstone reward as Core Gemstone.

    Fixed an issue in Reboot World where Lara could not receive the Reboot Gift Box.

    Fixed an issue in Hoyoung’s Monster Seal quests where if you died during them, you could not increase your Monster Seal skill level normally.


    Fixed an issue where the Monster Park clear effect appeared to overlap.

    Fixed an issue where if a party member entered the auction house then exited, their HP would be outputted outside the UI.

    Fixed an issue when using the Maple Auction where you could not enter minimum values unless a detailed option was selected in the detailed search section.

    Fixed an issue where if you opened the Arcane River Quick Pass using the NPC chat/Gathering key, sometimes it would output an awkward image.

    Fixed an issue where if a Guild Mark image exceeded the maximum size and could not be registered, an incorrect information message would be displayed.

    Fixed an issue where if you set other characters’ skill effects to be transparent, other characters’ installed skill effects would still be displayed clearly.

    Fixed an issue where after World Leaping, talking to Ms. Account would not output your Union rank information correctly.

    Fixed an issue in the Medal UI where the Shaved Ice Honorary Doctor medal was outputted twice.

    Fixed an issue in the Seed ranking board where non-buddies would appear on the buddy ranking.

    Fixed an issue in Flag Race where the Programmer Simon NPC had incorrect information about Flag Race entry times.

    Fixed an issue where after Flag Race ended, sometimes the points would not be reflected.

    Fixed an issue where party members’ HP guages would exceed the UI output range.

    Fixed an issue where if you tried to disassemble time limited items through a Disassembler, the same warning message would be outputted 2 times.

    Fixed an issue where right after completing the 5th job advancement, the Maple Guide would recommend the Mushroom Song’s Forest.

    Fixed an issue in Reboot World where after purchasing the Master Label Hair Coupon, the Cash Shop beauty preview’s partial border would disappear.

    Fixed an issue with Teleport Rocks where registered map names would exceed the UI output range.


    Fixed an issue where in Monster Life, Julian’s release record incorrectly showed 3 months.

    Fixed an error in Burning world where the Union Coins are full message would be outputted.

    When you reconnect by changing to a different character, you will now connect to the channel that you last disconnected from.

    Fixed an issue where if you defeated Chosen Seren in a party, pets would automatically loot shared items.

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog