Hey Guys, I've searched far and wide but I haven't really found any "relevant" information on the best way to progress on the upcoming LAB server. Below is a list of things I've gathered but I'd like any information on the meta-game of progressing in LAB. Buy level 10 boots and scroll them for HP to survive the initial levels. Boots cap HP at 10k. It's a min/maxer's dream. 255 scroll slots per item. There are 2 black potions that allow you to get really powerful (max level 100 each) Each potion has a unique 10 second cool down, buy at least 2 potions to prevent death. Safe route will be playing Dark Knight or Paladin (although I personally will be playing I/L)
This is about what I gathered when I played LAB in TMS. The boots cheese and those black potions are the key to playing LAB.