Magic Wagon Update | MapleStory

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jan 21, 2021.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    The Magic Wagon sale will resume with a brief Cash Shop Maintenance at 4:00 PM PST today, and will now run until the February 3 maintenance. We initially closed the Magic Wagon because the system failed to notify players when there were sold out items, and we felt that the lack of notice required immediate action.

    After closely reviewing the issue and discussing internally, we were able to finalize our compensation plan and as a result of our close review, we have made the following changes to the current iteration of the Magic Wagon:

    1. Removed Purchase Limits per Region from all items.
    2. Restock Coupons will again be discounted at a 50% rate to become purchasable for 500 NX.

    Additionally, for those who purchased and/or used Restock Coupons prior to the Magic Wagon getting disabled, you will be compensated in the following manner:

    • For each Restock Coupon used after the first items being sold out (which occurred on January 13 at 9:41 PM UTC), those players will be refunded 1,000 NX Prepaid.
    • For each Restock Coupon used prior to the first items being sold out (which occurred on January 13 at 9:41 PM UTC), those players will be refunded 500 NX Prepaid.
    • For each Restock Coupon that was purchased but not used, those players will be refunded 500 NX Prepaid to match the current price of the Restock Coupons.
    • All Restock Coupons that have not been used can once again be used on the restarted Magic Wagon.

    This compensation will be delivered within the next week. We will continue to review the Magic Wagon for future iterations of it to provide players a better experience, and will work to keep you better appraised of any changes to the sales event going forward. Thank you for your patience, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue.

    - The MapleStory Team

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