Maintenance Update - September 7, 2018

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Sep 7, 2018.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Hello Maplers,

    During yesterday’s September 6 maintenance, we intended to provide Maple Points (MP) to all players equivalent to the NX that was spent in the Lab Server. However, we discovered an error in which we mistakenly provided MP to players who received gifts in the Lab Server rather than the players who spent NX on that gift.

    As of September 7, 2018 at 7:00 PM PDT (10:00 PM EDT / 4:00 AM CEST September 8 / 12:00 PM AEST September 8), the following actions were taken:

    • Players who used NX to gift items on Lab Server were granted the equivalent MP
    • Players who had mistakenly received Maple Points as a result of being gifted items in Lab server had the equivalent MP removed from their account.
      • If the affected player’s MP balance is below the amount they were mistakenly granted, and they already accepted the erroneous MP reward, all MP was removed.
      • If the affected player’s MP balance is below the amount they were mistakenly granted, but they had not already accepted the erroneous MP reward, the MP gift was removed from the Reward System
      • If the affected player’s MP balance is 0, no action was taken.

    We sincerely apologize for this error and the inconvenience it may have caused. If after these actions you feel there are still some discrepancies with the MP that was granted to you, please contact Customer Support and we will continue to investigate.

    Thank you,

    Dennis "SavageAce" Bernardo

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